//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /* * Ordered String/String[] collection of name/value pairs with support for null key * Wraps NameObject collection * * Copyright (c) 2000 Microsoft Corporation */ namespace System.Collections.Specialized { using Microsoft.Win32; using System.Collections; using System.Runtime.Serialization; using System.Text; using System.Globalization; /// /// Represents a sorted collection of associated keys and values that /// can be accessed either with the hash code of the key or with the index. /// [Serializable()] public class NameValueCollection : NameObjectCollectionBase { private String[] _all; private String[] _allKeys; // // Constructors // /// /// Creates an empty with the default initial capacity /// and using the default case-insensitive hash code provider and the default /// case-insensitive comparer. /// public NameValueCollection() : base() { } /// /// Copies the entries from the specified to a new with the same initial capacity as /// the number of entries copied and using the default case-insensitive hash code /// provider and the default case-insensitive comparer. /// public NameValueCollection(NameValueCollection col) : base( col != null? col.Comparer : null) { Add(col); } /// /// Creates an empty with the default initial capacity /// and using the specified case-insensitive hash code provider and the specified /// case-insensitive comparer. /// #pragma warning disable 618 [Obsolete("Please use NameValueCollection(IEqualityComparer) instead.")] public NameValueCollection(IHashCodeProvider hashProvider, IComparer comparer) : base(hashProvider, comparer) { } #pragma warning restore 618 /// /// Creates an empty with /// the specified initial capacity and using the default case-insensitive hash code /// provider and the default case-insensitive comparer. /// public NameValueCollection(int capacity) : base(capacity) { } public NameValueCollection(IEqualityComparer equalityComparer) : base( equalityComparer) { } public NameValueCollection(Int32 capacity, IEqualityComparer equalityComparer) : base(capacity, equalityComparer) { } /// /// Copies the entries from the specified to a new with the specified initial capacity or the /// same initial capacity as the number of entries copied, whichever is greater, and /// using the default case-insensitive hash code provider and the default /// case-insensitive comparer. /// public NameValueCollection(int capacity, NameValueCollection col) : base(capacity, (col != null ? col.Comparer : null)) { if( col == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("col"); } this.Comparer = col.Comparer; Add(col); } /// /// Creates an empty with the specified initial capacity and /// using the specified case-insensitive hash code provider and the specified /// case-insensitive comparer. /// #pragma warning disable 618 [Obsolete("Please use NameValueCollection(Int32, IEqualityComparer) instead.")] public NameValueCollection(int capacity, IHashCodeProvider hashProvider, IComparer comparer) : base(capacity, hashProvider, comparer) { } #pragma warning restore 618 // Allow internal extenders to avoid creating the hashtable/arraylist. internal NameValueCollection(DBNull dummy) : base(dummy) { } // // Serialization support // /// /// [To be supplied.] /// protected NameValueCollection(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) : base(info, context) { } // // Helper methods // /// /// Resets the cached arrays of the collection to . /// protected void InvalidateCachedArrays() { _all = null; _allKeys = null; } private static String GetAsOneString(ArrayList list) { int n = (list != null) ? list.Count : 0; if (n == 1) { return (String)list[0]; } else if (n > 1) { StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder((String)list[0]); for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) { s.Append(','); s.Append((String)list[i]); } return s.ToString(); } else { return null; } } private static String[] GetAsStringArray(ArrayList list) { int n = (list != null) ? list.Count : 0; if (n == 0) return null; String [] array = new String[n]; list.CopyTo(0, array, 0, n); return array; } // // Misc public APIs // /// /// Copies the entries in the specified to the current . /// public void Add(NameValueCollection c) { if( c == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("c"); } InvalidateCachedArrays(); int n = c.Count; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { String key = c.GetKey(i); String[] values = c.GetValues(i); if (values != null) { for (int j = 0; j < values.Length; j++) Add(key, values[j]); } else { Add(key, null); } } } /// /// Invalidates the cached arrays and removes all entries /// from the . /// public virtual void Clear() { if (IsReadOnly) throw new NotSupportedException(SR.GetString(SR.CollectionReadOnly)); InvalidateCachedArrays(); BaseClear(); } public void CopyTo(Array dest, int index) { if (dest==null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("dest"); } if (dest.Rank != 1) { throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString(SR.Arg_MultiRank)); } if (index < 0) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("index",SR.GetString(SR.IndexOutOfRange, index.ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture)) ); } if (dest.Length - index < Count) { throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString(SR.Arg_InsufficientSpace)); } int n = Count; if (_all == null) { String[] all = new String[n]; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { all[i] = Get(i); dest.SetValue( all[i], i + index); } _all = all; // wait until end of loop to set _all reference in case Get throws } else { for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { dest.SetValue( _all[i], i + index); } } } /// /// Gets a value indicating whether the contains entries whose keys are not . /// public bool HasKeys() { return InternalHasKeys(); } /// /// Allows derived classes to alter HasKeys(). /// internal virtual bool InternalHasKeys() { return BaseHasKeys(); } // // Access by name // /// /// Adds an entry with the specified name and value into the /// . /// public virtual void Add(String name, String value) { if (IsReadOnly) throw new NotSupportedException(SR.GetString(SR.CollectionReadOnly)); InvalidateCachedArrays(); ArrayList values = (ArrayList)BaseGet(name); if (values == null) { // new key - add new key with single value values = new ArrayList(1); if (value != null) values.Add(value); BaseAdd(name, values); } else { // old key -- append value to the list of values if (value != null) values.Add(value); } } /// /// Gets the values associated with the specified key from the combined into one comma-separated list. /// public virtual String Get(String name) { ArrayList values = (ArrayList)BaseGet(name); return GetAsOneString(values); } /// /// Gets the values associated with the specified key from the . /// public virtual String[] GetValues(String name) { ArrayList values = (ArrayList)BaseGet(name); return GetAsStringArray(values); } /// /// Adds a value to an entry in the . /// public virtual void Set(String name, String value) { if (IsReadOnly) throw new NotSupportedException(SR.GetString(SR.CollectionReadOnly)); InvalidateCachedArrays(); ArrayList values = new ArrayList(1); values.Add(value); BaseSet(name, values); } /// /// Removes the entries with the specified key from the instance. /// public virtual void Remove(String name) { InvalidateCachedArrays(); BaseRemove(name); } /// /// Represents the entry with the specified key in the /// . /// public String this[String name] { get { return Get(name); } set { Set(name, value); } } // // Indexed access // /// /// /// Gets the values at the specified index of the combined into one /// comma-separated list. /// public virtual String Get(int index) { ArrayList values = (ArrayList)BaseGet(index); return GetAsOneString(values); } /// /// Gets the values at the specified index of the . /// public virtual String[] GetValues(int index) { ArrayList values = (ArrayList)BaseGet(index); return GetAsStringArray(values); } /// /// Gets the key at the specified index of the . /// public virtual String GetKey(int index) { return BaseGetKey(index); } /// /// Represents the entry at the specified index of the . /// public String this[int index] { get { return Get(index); } } // // Access to keys and values as arrays // /// /// Gets all the keys in the . /// public virtual String[] AllKeys { get { if (_allKeys == null) _allKeys = BaseGetAllKeys(); return _allKeys; } } } }