//------------------------------------------------------------ // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. //------------------------------------------------------------ using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections.ObjectModel; using System.Globalization; using System.IdentityModel.Policy; using System.IdentityModel.Selectors; using System.IdentityModel.Tokens; using System.Reflection; using System.ServiceModel; using System.ServiceModel.Security.Tokens; using SysClaim = System.IdentityModel.Claims.Claim; using SystemAuthorizationContext = System.IdentityModel.Policy.AuthorizationContext; using System.Security.Claims; namespace System.ServiceModel.Security { /// <summary> /// Wraps a SessionSecurityTokenHandler. Delegates the token authentication call to /// this wrapped tokenAuthenticator. Wraps the returned ClaimsIdentities into /// an IAuthorizationPolicy. This class is wired into WCF and actually receives /// SecurityContextSecurityTokens which are then wrapped into SessionSecurityTokens for /// validation. /// </summary> internal class WrappedSessionSecurityTokenAuthenticator : SecurityTokenAuthenticator, IIssuanceSecurityTokenAuthenticator, ICommunicationObject { SessionSecurityTokenHandler _sessionTokenHandler; IIssuanceSecurityTokenAuthenticator _issuanceSecurityTokenAuthenticator; ICommunicationObject _communicationObject; SctClaimsHandler _sctClaimsHandler; ExceptionMapper _exceptionMapper; /// <summary> /// Initializes an instance of <see cref="WrappedRsaSecurityTokenAuthenticator"/> /// </summary> /// <param name="sessionTokenHandler">The sessionTokenHandler to wrap</param> /// <param name="wcfSessionAuthenticator">The wcf SessionTokenAuthenticator.</param> /// <param name="sctClaimsHandler">Handler that converts WCF generated IAuthorizationPolicy to <see cref="AuthorizationPolicy"/></param> /// <param name="exceptionMapper">Converts token validation exception to SOAP faults.</param> public WrappedSessionSecurityTokenAuthenticator( SessionSecurityTokenHandler sessionTokenHandler, SecurityTokenAuthenticator wcfSessionAuthenticator, SctClaimsHandler sctClaimsHandler, ExceptionMapper exceptionMapper ) : base() { if ( sessionTokenHandler == null ) { throw DiagnosticUtility.ExceptionUtility.ThrowHelperArgumentNull( "sessionTokenHandler" ); } if ( wcfSessionAuthenticator == null ) { throw DiagnosticUtility.ExceptionUtility.ThrowHelperArgumentNull( "wcfSessionAuthenticator" ); } if ( sctClaimsHandler == null ) { throw DiagnosticUtility.ExceptionUtility.ThrowHelperArgumentNull( "sctClaimsHandler" ); } if ( exceptionMapper == null ) { throw DiagnosticUtility.ExceptionUtility.ThrowHelperArgumentNull( "exceptionMapper" ); } _issuanceSecurityTokenAuthenticator = wcfSessionAuthenticator as IIssuanceSecurityTokenAuthenticator; if ( _issuanceSecurityTokenAuthenticator == null ) { throw DiagnosticUtility.ExceptionUtility.ThrowHelperInvalidOperation( SR.GetString( SR.ID4244 ) ); } _communicationObject = wcfSessionAuthenticator as ICommunicationObject; if ( _communicationObject == null ) { throw DiagnosticUtility.ExceptionUtility.ThrowHelperInvalidOperation( SR.GetString( SR.ID4245 ) ); } _sessionTokenHandler = sessionTokenHandler; _sctClaimsHandler = sctClaimsHandler; _exceptionMapper = exceptionMapper; } /// <summary> /// Validates the token using the wrapped token handler and generates IAuthorizationPolicy /// wrapping the returned ClaimsIdentities. /// </summary> /// <param name="token">Token to be validated. This is always a SecurityContextSecurityToken.</param> /// <returns>Read-only collection of IAuthorizationPolicy</returns> protected override ReadOnlyCollection<IAuthorizationPolicy> ValidateTokenCore( SecurityToken token ) { SecurityContextSecurityToken sct = token as SecurityContextSecurityToken; SessionSecurityToken sessionToken = SecurityContextSecurityTokenHelper.ConvertSctToSessionToken( sct ); IEnumerable<ClaimsIdentity> identities = null; try { identities = _sessionTokenHandler.ValidateToken(sessionToken, _sctClaimsHandler.EndpointId); } catch (Exception ex) { if (!_exceptionMapper.HandleSecurityTokenProcessingException(ex)) { throw; } } return new List<IAuthorizationPolicy>(new AuthorizationPolicy[] { new AuthorizationPolicy(identities) }).AsReadOnly(); } protected override bool CanValidateTokenCore( SecurityToken token ) { return ( token is SecurityContextSecurityToken ); } #region IIssuanceSecurityTokenAuthenticator Members public IssuedSecurityTokenHandler IssuedSecurityTokenHandler { get { return _issuanceSecurityTokenAuthenticator.IssuedSecurityTokenHandler; } set { _issuanceSecurityTokenAuthenticator.IssuedSecurityTokenHandler = value; } } public RenewedSecurityTokenHandler RenewedSecurityTokenHandler { get { return _issuanceSecurityTokenAuthenticator.RenewedSecurityTokenHandler; } set { _issuanceSecurityTokenAuthenticator.RenewedSecurityTokenHandler = value; } } #endregion #region ICommunicationObject Members // all these methods are passthroughs public void Abort() { _communicationObject.Abort(); } public System.IAsyncResult BeginClose( System.TimeSpan timeout, System.AsyncCallback callback, object state ) { return _communicationObject.BeginClose( timeout, callback, state ); } public System.IAsyncResult BeginClose( System.AsyncCallback callback, object state ) { return _communicationObject.BeginClose( callback, state ); } public System.IAsyncResult BeginOpen( System.TimeSpan timeout, System.AsyncCallback callback, object state ) { return _communicationObject.BeginOpen( timeout, callback, state ); } public System.IAsyncResult BeginOpen( System.AsyncCallback callback, object state ) { return _communicationObject.BeginOpen( callback, state ); } public void Close( System.TimeSpan timeout ) { _communicationObject.Close( timeout ); } public void Close() { _communicationObject.Close(); } public event System.EventHandler Closed { add { _communicationObject.Closed += value; } remove { _communicationObject.Closed -= value; } } public event System.EventHandler Closing { add { _communicationObject.Closing += value; } remove { _communicationObject.Closing -= value; } } public void EndClose( System.IAsyncResult result ) { _communicationObject.EndClose( result ); } public void EndOpen( System.IAsyncResult result ) { _communicationObject.EndOpen( result ); } public event System.EventHandler Faulted { add { _communicationObject.Faulted += value; } remove { _communicationObject.Faulted -= value; } } public void Open( System.TimeSpan timeout ) { _communicationObject.Open( timeout ); } public void Open() { _communicationObject.Open(); } public event System.EventHandler Opened { add { _communicationObject.Opened += value; } remove { _communicationObject.Opened -= value; } } public event System.EventHandler Opening { add { _communicationObject.Opening += value; } remove { _communicationObject.Opening -= value; } } public CommunicationState State { get { return _communicationObject.State; } } #endregion } /// <summary> /// Defines a SecurityStateEncoder whose Encode and Decode operations are /// a no-op. This class is used to null WCF SecurityContextToken creation /// code to skip any encryption and decryption cost. When SessionSecurityTokenHandler /// is being used we will use our own EncryptionTransform and ignore the WCF /// generated cookie. /// </summary> internal class NoOpSecurityStateEncoder : SecurityStateEncoder { protected internal override byte[] EncodeSecurityState( byte[] data ) { return data; } protected internal override byte[] DecodeSecurityState( byte[] data ) { return data; } } }