//------------------------------------------------------------ // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. //------------------------------------------------------------ namespace System.ServiceModel.Dispatcher { using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Runtime; using System.Threading; using System.Xml; using System.Xml.XPath; /// <summary> /// A navigator is a cursor over the nodes in a DOM, where each node is assigned a unique position. /// A node is a (navigator, position) pair. /// </summary> internal struct QueryNode { SeekableXPathNavigator node; long nodePosition; /// <summary> /// Create a query node from the given navigator and its current position /// </summary> /// <param name="node"></param> internal QueryNode(SeekableXPathNavigator node) { this.node = node; this.nodePosition = node.CurrentPosition; } /// <summary> /// Initialize using the given (node, position) pair /// </summary> #if NO internal QueryNode(SeekableXPathNavigator node, long nodePosition) { this.node = node; this.nodePosition = nodePosition; } #endif internal string LocalName { get { return this.node.GetLocalName(this.nodePosition); } } /// <summary> /// Return the node's name /// </summary> internal string Name { get { return this.node.GetName(this.nodePosition); } } /// <summary> /// Return the node's namespace /// </summary> internal string Namespace { get { return this.node.GetNamespace(this.nodePosition); } } /// <summary> /// Return this query node's underlying Node /// </summary> internal SeekableXPathNavigator Node { get { return this.node; } } /// <summary> /// /// </summary> internal long Position { get { return this.nodePosition; } } #if NO /// <summary> /// This node's type /// </summary> internal QueryNodeType Type { get { return QueryDataModel.GetNodeType(this.node.GetNodeType(this.nodePosition)); } } #endif /// <summary> /// This node's string value /// </summary> internal string Value { get { return this.node.GetValue(this.nodePosition); } } #if NO /// <summary> /// Raw xpath node type /// </summary> internal XPathNodeType XPathNodeType { get { return this.node.GetNodeType(this.nodePosition); } } #endif /// <summary> /// Move this node's navigator to its position /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> internal SeekableXPathNavigator MoveTo() { this.node.CurrentPosition = this.nodePosition; return this.node; } } internal enum NodeSequenceItemFlags : byte { None = 0x00, NodesetLast = 0x01, } // PERF, Microsoft, Remove when generic sort works // Used to sort in document order #if NO internal class NodeSequenceItemObjectComparer : IComparer { internal NodeSequenceItemObjectComparer() { } public int Compare(object obj1, object obj2) { NodeSequenceItem item1 = (NodeSequenceItem)obj1; NodeSequenceItem item2 = (NodeSequenceItem)obj2; XmlNodeOrder order = item1.Node.Node.ComparePosition(item1.Node.Position, item2.Node.Position); int ret; switch(order) { case XmlNodeOrder.Before: ret = -1; break; case XmlNodeOrder.Same: ret = 0; break; case XmlNodeOrder.After: ret = 1; break; case XmlNodeOrder.Unknown: default: throw DiagnosticUtility.ExceptionUtility.ThrowHelperError(new XPathException(SR.GetString(SR.QueryNotSortable)), TraceEventType.Critical); } return ret; } } // Used to sort in document order internal class NodeSequenceItemComparer : IComparer<NodeSequenceItem> { internal NodeSequenceItemComparer() { } public int Compare(NodeSequenceItem item1, NodeSequenceItem item2) { XmlNodeOrder order = item1.Node.Node.ComparePosition(item1.Node.Position, item2.Node.Position); int ret; switch(order) { case XmlNodeOrder.Before: ret = -1; break; case XmlNodeOrder.Same: ret = 0; break; case XmlNodeOrder.After: ret = 1; break; case XmlNodeOrder.Unknown: default: throw DiagnosticUtility.ExceptionUtility.ThrowHelperError(new XPathException(SR.GetString(SR.QueryNotSortable)), TraceEventType.Critical); } return ret; } public bool Equals(NodeSequenceItem item1, NodeSequenceItem item2) { return Compare(item1, item2) == 0; } public int GetHashCode(NodeSequenceItem item) { return item.GetHashCode(); } } #endif // Used to sort in document order internal class QueryNodeComparer : IComparer<QueryNode> { public QueryNodeComparer() { } public int Compare(QueryNode item1, QueryNode item2) { XmlNodeOrder order = item1.Node.ComparePosition(item1.Position, item2.Position); int ret; switch (order) { case XmlNodeOrder.Before: ret = -1; break; case XmlNodeOrder.Same: ret = 0; break; case XmlNodeOrder.After: ret = 1; break; case XmlNodeOrder.Unknown: default: throw DiagnosticUtility.ExceptionUtility.ThrowHelperCritical(new XPathException(SR.GetString(SR.QueryNotSortable))); } return ret; } public bool Equals(QueryNode item1, QueryNode item2) { return Compare(item1, item2) == 0; } public int GetHashCode(QueryNode item) { return item.GetHashCode(); } } internal struct NodeSequenceItem { NodeSequenceItemFlags flags; QueryNode node; int position; int size; internal NodeSequenceItemFlags Flags { get { return this.flags; } set { this.flags = value; } } internal bool Last { get { return (0 != (NodeSequenceItemFlags.NodesetLast & this.flags)); } set { if (value) { this.flags |= NodeSequenceItemFlags.NodesetLast; } else { this.flags &= ~(NodeSequenceItemFlags.NodesetLast); } } } internal string LocalName { get { return this.node.LocalName; } } internal string Name { get { return this.node.Name; } } internal string Namespace { get { return this.node.Namespace; } } internal QueryNode Node { get { return this.node; } #if NO set { this.node = value; } #endif } internal int Position { get { return this.position; } #if NO set { this.position = value; } #endif } internal int Size { get { return this.size; } set { this.size = value; } } internal bool Compare(double dblVal, RelationOperator op) { return QueryValueModel.Compare(this.NumberValue(), dblVal, op); } internal bool Compare(string strVal, RelationOperator op) { return QueryValueModel.Compare(this.StringValue(), strVal, op); } internal bool Compare(ref NodeSequenceItem item, RelationOperator op) { return QueryValueModel.Compare(this.StringValue(), item.StringValue(), op); } internal bool Equals(string literal) { return QueryValueModel.Equals(this.StringValue(), literal); } internal bool Equals(double literal) { return (this.NumberValue() == literal); } internal SeekableXPathNavigator GetNavigator() { return this.node.MoveTo(); } internal long GetNavigatorPosition() { return this.node.Position; } internal double NumberValue() { return QueryValueModel.Double(this.StringValue()); } internal void Set(SeekableXPathNavigator node, int position, int size) { Fx.Assert(position > 0, ""); Fx.Assert(null != node, ""); this.node = new QueryNode(node); this.position = position; this.size = size; this.flags = NodeSequenceItemFlags.None; } internal void Set(QueryNode node, int position, int size) { Fx.Assert(position > 0, ""); this.node = node; this.position = position; this.size = size; this.flags = NodeSequenceItemFlags.None; } internal void Set(ref NodeSequenceItem item, int position, int size) { Fx.Assert(position > 0, ""); this.node = item.node; this.position = position; this.size = size; this.flags = item.flags; } internal void SetPositionAndSize(int position, int size) { this.position = position; this.size = size; this.flags &= ~NodeSequenceItemFlags.NodesetLast; } internal void SetSizeAndLast() { this.size = 1; this.flags |= NodeSequenceItemFlags.NodesetLast; } // This is not optimized right now // We may want to CACHE string values once they are computed internal string StringValue() { return this.node.Value; } } internal class NodeSequence { #if DEBUG // debugging aid. Because C# references do not have displayble numeric values, hard to deduce the // graph structure to see what opcode is connected to what static long nextUniqueId = 0; internal long uniqueID; #endif int count; internal static NodeSequence Empty = new NodeSequence(0); NodeSequenceItem[] items; NodeSequence next; ProcessingContext ownerContext; int position; internal int refCount; int sizePosition; static readonly QueryNodeComparer staticQueryNodeComparerInstance = new QueryNodeComparer(); internal NodeSequence() : this(8, null) { } internal NodeSequence(int capacity) : this(capacity, null) { } internal NodeSequence(int capacity, ProcessingContext ownerContext) { this.items = new NodeSequenceItem[capacity]; this.ownerContext = ownerContext; #if DEBUG this.uniqueID = Interlocked.Increment(ref NodeSequence.nextUniqueId); #endif } #if NO internal NodeSequence(int capacity, ProcessingContext ownerContext, XPathNodeIterator iter) : this(capacity, ownerContext) { while(iter.MoveNext()) { SeekableXPathNavigator nav = iter.Current as SeekableXPathNavigator; if(nav != null) { Add(nav); } else { throw DiagnosticUtility.ExceptionUtility.ThrowHelperError(new QueryProcessingException(QueryProcessingError.Unexpected, SR.GetString(SR.QueryMustBeSeekable)), TraceEventType.Critical); } } } #endif internal int Count { get { return this.count; } #if NO set { Fx.Assert(value >= 0 && value <= this.count, ""); this.count = value; } #endif } internal NodeSequenceItem this[int index] { get { return this.items[index]; } } internal NodeSequenceItem[] Items { get { return this.items; } } internal bool IsNotEmpty { get { return (this.count > 0); } } internal string LocalName { get { if (this.count > 0) { return this.items[0].LocalName; } return string.Empty; } } internal string Name { get { if (this.count > 0) { return this.items[0].Name; } return string.Empty; } } internal string Namespace { get { if (this.count > 0) { return this.items[0].Namespace; } return string.Empty; } } internal NodeSequence Next { get { return this.next; } set { this.next = value; } } internal ProcessingContext OwnerContext { get { return this.ownerContext; } set { this.ownerContext = value; } } #if NO internal int NodesetStartAt { get { return -this.sizePosition; } } #endif internal void Add(XPathNodeIterator iter) { while (iter.MoveNext()) { SeekableXPathNavigator nav = iter.Current as SeekableXPathNavigator; if (nav != null) { this.Add(nav); } else { throw DiagnosticUtility.ExceptionUtility.ThrowHelperCritical(new QueryProcessingException(QueryProcessingError.Unexpected, SR.GetString(SR.QueryMustBeSeekable))); } } } internal void Add(SeekableXPathNavigator node) { Fx.Assert(this.items.Length > 0, ""); if (this.count == this.items.Length) { this.Grow(this.items.Length * 2); } this.position++; this.items[this.count++].Set(node, this.position, this.sizePosition); } internal void Add(QueryNode node) { Fx.Assert(this.items.Length > 0, ""); if (this.count == this.items.Length) { this.Grow(this.items.Length * 2); } this.position++; this.items[this.count++].Set(node, this.position, this.sizePosition); } internal void Add(ref NodeSequenceItem item) { Fx.Assert(this.items.Length > 0, ""); if (this.count == this.items.Length) { this.Grow(this.items.Length * 2); } this.position++; this.items[this.count++].Set(ref item, this.position, this.sizePosition); } internal void AddCopy(ref NodeSequenceItem item, int size) { Fx.Assert(this.items.Length > 0, ""); if (this.count == this.items.Length) { this.Grow(this.items.Length * 2); } this.items[this.count] = item; this.items[this.count++].Size = size; } internal void AddCopy(ref NodeSequenceItem item) { Fx.Assert(this.items.Length > 0, ""); if (this.count == this.items.Length) { this.Grow(this.items.Length * 2); } this.items[this.count++] = item; } #if NO internal void Add(NodeSequence seq) { int newCount = this.count + seq.count; if (newCount > this.items.Length) { // We are going to need room. Grow the array int growTo = this.items.Length * 2; this.Grow(newCount > growTo ? newCount : growTo); } Array.Copy(seq.items, 0, this.items, this.count, seq.count); this.count += seq.count; } #endif internal bool CanReuse(ProcessingContext context) { return (this.count == 1 && this.ownerContext == context && this.refCount == 1); } internal void Clear() { this.count = 0; } internal void Reset(NodeSequence nextSeq) { this.count = 0; this.refCount = 0; this.next = nextSeq; } internal bool Compare(double val, RelationOperator op) { for (int i = 0; i < this.count; ++i) { if (this.items[i].Compare(val, op)) { return true; } } return false; } internal bool Compare(string val, RelationOperator op) { Fx.Assert(null != val, ""); for (int i = 0; i < this.count; ++i) { if (this.items[i].Compare(val, op)) { return true; } } return false; } internal bool Compare(ref NodeSequenceItem item, RelationOperator op) { for (int i = 0; i < this.count; ++i) { if (this.items[i].Compare(ref item, op)) { return true; } } return false; } internal bool Compare(NodeSequence sequence, RelationOperator op) { Fx.Assert(null != sequence, ""); for (int i = 0; i < sequence.count; ++i) { if (this.Compare(ref sequence.items[i], op)) { return true; } } return false; } #if NO void EnsureCapacity() { if (this.count == this.items.Length) { this.Grow(this.items.Length * 2); } } void EnsureCapacity(int capacity) { if (capacity > this.items.Length) { int newSize = this.items.Length * 2; this.Grow(newSize > capacity ? newSize : capacity); } } #endif internal bool Equals(string val) { Fx.Assert(null != val, ""); for (int i = 0; i < this.count; ++i) { if (this.items[i].Equals(val)) { return true; } } return false; } internal bool Equals(double val) { for (int i = 0; i < this.count; ++i) { if (this.items[i].Equals(val)) { return true; } } return false; } internal static int GetContextSize(NodeSequence sequence, int itemIndex) { Fx.Assert(null != sequence, ""); int size = sequence.items[itemIndex].Size; if (size <= 0) { return sequence.items[-size].Size; } return size; } void Grow(int newSize) { NodeSequenceItem[] newItems = new NodeSequenceItem[newSize]; if (this.items != null) { Array.Copy(this.items, newItems, this.items.Length); } this.items = newItems; } /// <summary> /// Merge all nodesets in this sequence... turning it into a sequence with a single nodeset /// This is done by simply renumbering all positions.. and clearing the nodeset flag /// </summary> internal void Merge() { Merge(true); } internal void Merge(bool renumber) { if (this.count == 0) { return; } if (renumber) { RenumberItems(); } } #if NO // Assumes list is flat and sorted internal void RemoveDuplicates() { if(this.count < 2) { return; } int last = 0; for(int next = 1; next < this.count; ++next) { if(Comparer.Compare(this.items[last], this.items[next]) != 0) { ++last; if(last != next) { this.items[last] = this.items[next]; } } } this.count = last + 1; RenumberItems(); } #endif void RenumberItems() { if (this.count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < this.count; ++i) { this.items[i].SetPositionAndSize(i + 1, this.count); } this.items[this.count - 1].Flags |= NodeSequenceItemFlags.NodesetLast; } } #if NO internal void SortNodes() { this.Merge(false); // PERF, Microsoft, make this work //Array.Sort<NodeSequenceItem>(this.items, 0, this.count, NodeSequence.Comparer); Array.Sort(this.items, 0, this.count, NodeSequence.ObjectComparer); RenumberItems(); } #endif internal void StartNodeset() { this.position = 0; this.sizePosition = -this.count; } internal void StopNodeset() { switch (this.position) { default: int sizePos = -this.sizePosition; this.items[sizePos].Size = this.position; this.items[sizePos + this.position - 1].Last = true; break; case 0: break; case 1: this.items[-this.sizePosition].SetSizeAndLast(); break; } } internal string StringValue() { if (this.count > 0) { return this.items[0].StringValue(); } return string.Empty; } /// <summary> /// Union algorithm: /// 1. Add both sequences of items to a newly created sequence /// 2. Sort the items based on document position /// 3. Renumber positions in this new unionized sequence /// </summary> internal NodeSequence Union(ProcessingContext context, NodeSequence otherSeq) { NodeSequence seq = context.CreateSequence(); SortedBuffer<QueryNode, QueryNodeComparer> buff = new SortedBuffer<QueryNode, QueryNodeComparer>(staticQueryNodeComparerInstance); for (int i = 0; i < this.count; ++i) buff.Add(this.items[i].Node); for (int i = 0; i < otherSeq.count; ++i) buff.Add(otherSeq.items[i].Node); for (int i = 0; i < buff.Count; ++i) seq.Add(buff[i]); seq.RenumberItems(); return seq; /* // PERF, Microsoft, I think we can do the merge ourselves and avoid the sort. // Need to verify that the sequences are always in document order. for(int i = 0; i < this.count; ++i) { seq.AddCopy(ref this.items[i]); } for(int i = 0; i < otherSeq.count; ++i) { seq.AddCopy(ref otherSeq.items[i]); } seq.SortNodes(); seq.RemoveDuplicates(); return seq; */ } #region IQueryBufferPool Members #if NO public void Reset() { this.count = 0; this.Trim(); } public void Trim() { if (this.count == 0) { this.items = null; } else if (this.count < this.items.Length) { NodeSequenceItem[] newItems = new NodeSequenceItem[this.count]; Array.Copy(this.items, newItems, this.count); this.items = newItems; } } #endif #endregion } internal class NodeSequenceIterator : XPathNodeIterator { // Shared NodeSequence seq; // Instance NodeSequenceIterator data; int index; SeekableXPathNavigator nav; // the navigator that will be used by this iterator internal NodeSequenceIterator(NodeSequence seq) : base() { this.data = this; this.seq = seq; } internal NodeSequenceIterator(NodeSequenceIterator iter) { this.data = iter.data; this.index = iter.index; } public override int Count { get { return this.data.seq.Count; } } public override XPathNavigator Current { get { if (this.index == 0) { #pragma warning suppress 56503 // Microsoft, postponing the public change throw DiagnosticUtility.ExceptionUtility.ThrowHelperError(new QueryProcessingException(QueryProcessingError.Unexpected, SR.GetString(SR.QueryContextNotSupportedInSequences))); } if (this.index > this.data.seq.Count) { #pragma warning suppress 56503 // Microsoft, postponing the public change throw DiagnosticUtility.ExceptionUtility.ThrowHelperError(new InvalidOperationException(SR.GetString(SR.QueryAfterNodes))); } // // From MSDN - the public contract of .Current // You can use the properties of the XPathNavigator to return information on the current node. // However, the XPathNavigator cannot be used to move away from the selected node set. // Doing so could invalidate the state of the navigator. Alternatively, you can clone the XPathNavigator. // The cloned XPathNavigator can then be moved away from the selected node set. This is an application level decision. // Providing this functionality may effect the performance of the XPath query. // // Return the navigator as is - where it is positioned. If the user moved the navigator, then the user is // hosed. We will make no guarantees - and are not required to. Doing so would force cloning, which is expensive. // // NOTE: .Current can get called repeatedly, so its activity should be relative CHEAP. // No cloning, copying etc. All that work should be done in MoveNext() return this.nav; } } public override int CurrentPosition { get { return this.index; } } internal void Clear() { this.data.seq = null; this.nav = null; } public override XPathNodeIterator Clone() { return new NodeSequenceIterator(this); } public override IEnumerator GetEnumerator() { return new NodeSequenceEnumerator(this); } public override bool MoveNext() { if (null == this.data.seq) { // User is trying to use an iterator that is out of scope. throw DiagnosticUtility.ExceptionUtility.ThrowHelperError(new InvalidOperationException(SR.GetString(SR.QueryIteratorOutOfScope))); } if (this.index < this.data.seq.Count) { if (null == this.nav) { // We haven't aquired the navigator we will use for this iterator yet. this.nav = (SeekableXPathNavigator)this.data.seq[this.index].GetNavigator().Clone(); } else { this.nav.CurrentPosition = this.data.seq[this.index].GetNavigatorPosition(); } this.index++; return true; } this.index++; this.nav = null; return false; } public void Reset() { this.nav = null; this.index = 0; } } internal class NodeSequenceEnumerator : IEnumerator { NodeSequenceIterator iter; internal NodeSequenceEnumerator(NodeSequenceIterator iter) { this.iter = new NodeSequenceIterator(iter); Reset(); } public object Current { get { if (this.iter.CurrentPosition == 0) { #pragma warning suppress 56503 // Microsoft, postponing the public change throw DiagnosticUtility.ExceptionUtility.ThrowHelperError(new InvalidOperationException(SR.GetString(SR.QueryBeforeNodes))); } if (this.iter.CurrentPosition > this.iter.Count) { #pragma warning suppress 56503 // Microsoft, postponing the public change throw DiagnosticUtility.ExceptionUtility.ThrowHelperError(new InvalidOperationException(SR.GetString(SR.QueryAfterNodes))); } return this.iter.Current; } } public bool MoveNext() { return iter.MoveNext(); } public void Reset() { this.iter.Reset(); } } internal class SafeNodeSequenceIterator : NodeSequenceIterator, IDisposable { ProcessingContext context; int disposed; NodeSequence seq; public SafeNodeSequenceIterator(NodeSequence seq, ProcessingContext context) : base(seq) { this.context = context; this.seq = seq; Interlocked.Increment(ref this.seq.refCount); this.context.Processor.AddRef(); } public override XPathNodeIterator Clone() { return new SafeNodeSequenceIterator(this.seq, this.context); } public void Dispose() { if (Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref this.disposed, 1, 0) == 0) { QueryProcessor processor = this.context.Processor; this.context.ReleaseSequence(this.seq); this.context.Processor.Matcher.ReleaseProcessor(processor); } } } internal struct NodesetIterator { int index; int indexStart; NodeSequence sequence; NodeSequenceItem[] items; internal NodesetIterator(NodeSequence sequence) { Fx.Assert(null != sequence, ""); this.sequence = sequence; this.items = sequence.Items; this.index = -1; this.indexStart = -1; } internal int Index { get { return this.index; } } internal bool NextItem() { if (-1 == this.index) { this.index = this.indexStart; return true; } if (this.items[this.index].Last) { return false; } this.index++; return true; } internal bool NextNodeset() { this.indexStart = this.index + 1; this.index = -1; return (this.indexStart < this.sequence.Count); } } internal struct NodeSequenceBuilder { ProcessingContext context; NodeSequence sequence; internal NodeSequenceBuilder(ProcessingContext context, NodeSequence sequence) { this.context = context; this.sequence = sequence; } internal NodeSequenceBuilder(ProcessingContext context) : this(context, null) { } #if NO internal NodeSequenceBuilder(NodeSequence sequence) : this(sequence.OwnerContext, sequence) { } #endif internal NodeSequence Sequence { get { return (null != this.sequence) ? this.sequence : NodeSequence.Empty; } set { this.sequence = value; } } internal void Add(ref NodeSequenceItem item) { if (null == this.sequence) { this.sequence = this.context.CreateSequence(); this.sequence.StartNodeset(); } this.sequence.Add(ref item); } internal void EndNodeset() { if (null != this.sequence) { this.sequence.StopNodeset(); } } internal void StartNodeset() { if (null != this.sequence) { this.sequence.StartNodeset(); } } } }