// // ParameterInfoTest - NUnit Test Cases for the ParameterInfo class // // Zoltan Varga (vargaz@freemail.hu) // // (C) Ximian, Inc. http://www.ximian.com // Copyright 2011 Xamarin Inc (http://www.xamarin.com). // // using System; using System.Threading; using System.Reflection; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using NUnit.Framework; namespace MonoTests.System.Reflection { public class Marshal1 : ICustomMarshaler { public static ICustomMarshaler GetInstance (string s) { return new Marshal1 (); } public void CleanUpManagedData (object managedObj) { } public void CleanUpNativeData (IntPtr pNativeData) { } public int GetNativeDataSize () { return 4; } public IntPtr MarshalManagedToNative (object managedObj) { return IntPtr.Zero; } public object MarshalNativeToManaged (IntPtr pNativeData) { return null; } } [TestFixture] public class ParameterInfoTest { [Test] public void IsDefined_AttributeType_Null () { MethodInfo mi = typeof (object).GetMethod ("Equals", new Type [1] { typeof (object) }); ParameterInfo pi = mi.GetParameters () [0]; try { pi.IsDefined ((Type) null, false); Assert.Fail ("#1"); } catch (ArgumentNullException ex) { Assert.AreEqual (typeof (ArgumentNullException), ex.GetType (), "#2"); Assert.IsNull (ex.InnerException, "#3"); Assert.IsNotNull (ex.Message, "#4"); Assert.IsNotNull (ex.ParamName, "#5"); Assert.AreEqual ("attributeType", ex.ParamName, "#6"); } } #if !MOBILE public enum ParamEnum { None = 0, Foo = 1, Bar = 2 }; public static void paramMethod (int i, [In] int j, [Out] int k, [Optional] int l, [In,Out] int m, ParamEnum n = ParamEnum.Foo) { } [DllImport ("foo")] public extern static void marshalAsMethod ( [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)]int p0, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray, ArraySubType=UnmanagedType.LPStr)] string [] p1, [MarshalAs( UnmanagedType.CustomMarshaler, MarshalTypeRef = typeof (Marshal1), MarshalCookie = "5")] object p2); [Test] public void DefaultValueEnum () { ParameterInfo[] info = typeof (ParameterInfoTest).GetMethod ("paramMethod").GetParameters (); Assert.AreEqual (typeof (ParamEnum), info [5].DefaultValue.GetType (), "#1"); Assert.AreEqual (ParamEnum.Foo, info [5].DefaultValue, "#2"); } [Test] public void HasDefaultValueEnum () { ParameterInfo[] info = typeof (ParameterInfoTest).GetMethod ("paramMethod").GetParameters (); Assert.IsTrue (info [5].HasDefaultValue); } public static void Sample2 ([DecimalConstantAttribute(2,2,2,2,2)] decimal a, [DateTimeConstantAttribute(123456)] DateTime b) {} [Test] public void DefaultValuesFromCustomAttr () { ParameterInfo[] info = typeof (ParameterInfoTest).GetMethod ("Sample2").GetParameters (); Assert.AreEqual (typeof (Decimal), info [0].DefaultValue.GetType (), "#1"); Assert.AreEqual (typeof (DateTime), info [1].DefaultValue.GetType (), "#2"); } [Test] // bug #339013 public void TestDefaultValues () { ParameterInfo [] pi = typeof (ParameterInfoTest).GetMethod ("Sample").GetParameters (); Assert.AreEqual (pi [0].DefaultValue.GetType (), typeof (DBNull), "#1"); Assert.AreEqual (pi [1].DefaultValue.GetType (), typeof (Missing), "#2"); } [Test] public void TestHasDefaultValues () { ParameterInfo [] pi = typeof (ParameterInfoTest).GetMethod ("Sample").GetParameters (); Assert.IsFalse (pi [0].HasDefaultValue, "#1"); Assert.IsFalse (pi [1].HasDefaultValue, "#2"); Assert.IsTrue (pi [2].HasDefaultValue, "#3"); } public void Sample (int a, [Optional] int b, object c = null) { } [Test] public void PseudoCustomAttributes () { ParameterInfo[] info = typeof (ParameterInfoTest).GetMethod ("paramMethod").GetParameters (); Assert.AreEqual (0, info[0].GetCustomAttributes (true).Length, "#A1"); Assert.AreEqual (1, info[1].GetCustomAttributes (typeof (InAttribute), true).Length, "#A2"); Assert.AreEqual (1, info[2].GetCustomAttributes (typeof (OutAttribute), true).Length, "#A3"); Assert.AreEqual (1, info[3].GetCustomAttributes (typeof (OptionalAttribute), true).Length, "#A4"); Assert.AreEqual (2, info[4].GetCustomAttributes (true).Length, "#A5"); ParameterInfo[] pi = typeof (ParameterInfoTest).GetMethod ("marshalAsMethod").GetParameters (); MarshalAsAttribute attr; attr = (MarshalAsAttribute)(pi [0].GetCustomAttributes (true) [0]); Assert.AreEqual (UnmanagedType.Bool, attr.Value, "#B"); attr = (MarshalAsAttribute)(pi [1].GetCustomAttributes (true) [0]); Assert.AreEqual (UnmanagedType.LPArray, attr.Value, "#C1"); Assert.AreEqual (UnmanagedType.LPStr, attr.ArraySubType, "#C2"); attr = (MarshalAsAttribute)(pi [2].GetCustomAttributes (true) [0]); Assert.AreEqual (UnmanagedType.CustomMarshaler, attr.Value, "#D1"); Assert.AreEqual ("5", attr.MarshalCookie, "#D2"); Assert.AreEqual (typeof (Marshal1), Type.GetType (attr.MarshalType), "#D3"); } [Test] // bug #342536 public void Generics_Name () { MethodInfo mi; Type type; ParameterInfo [] info; type = typeof (BaseType); mi = type.GetMethod ("GetItems"); Assert.IsNotNull (mi, "#A1"); info = mi.GetParameters (); Assert.AreEqual (1, info.Length, "#A2"); Assert.AreEqual ("count", info [0].Name, "#A3"); mi = type.GetMethod ("Add"); Assert.IsNotNull (mi, "#B1"); info = mi.GetParameters (); Assert.AreEqual (2, info.Length, "#B2"); Assert.AreEqual ("item", info [0].Name, "#B3"); Assert.AreEqual ("index", info [1].Name, "#B4"); mi = type.GetMethod ("Create"); Assert.IsNotNull (mi, "#C1"); info = mi.GetParameters (); Assert.AreEqual (2, info.Length, "#C2"); Assert.AreEqual ("x", info [0].Name, "#C3"); Assert.AreEqual ("item", info [1].Name, "#C4"); } public class BaseType { public void GetItems (int count) { } public void Add (T item, int index) { } public V Create (int x, T item) { return default (V); } } #endif [Test] public void Member () { ParameterInfo parm = typeof (Derived).GetMethod ("SomeMethod").GetParameters()[0]; Assert.AreEqual (typeof (Derived), parm.Member.ReflectedType); Assert.AreEqual (typeof (Base), parm.Member.DeclaringType); } [Test] public void ArrayMethodParameters () { var matrix_int_get = typeof (int[,,]).GetMethod ("Get"); var parameters = matrix_int_get.GetParameters (); Assert.AreEqual (3, parameters.Length); Assert.AreEqual (0, parameters [0].GetCustomAttributes (false).Length); Assert.AreEqual (0, parameters [1].GetCustomAttributes (false).Length); Assert.AreEqual (0, parameters [2].GetCustomAttributes (false).Length); } class Base { public void SomeMethod( int x ) { } } class Derived : Base { } public static void TestC (decimal u = decimal.MaxValue) { } [Test] public void DefaultValueDecimal () { var info = typeof (ParameterInfoTest).GetMethod ("TestC").GetParameters (); Assert.AreEqual (decimal.MaxValue, info [0].DefaultValue); } [Test] public void HasDefaultValueDecimal () { var info = typeof (ParameterInfoTest).GetMethod ("TestC").GetParameters (); Assert.IsTrue (info [0].HasDefaultValue); } class TestParamAttribute : Attribute { } public static int TestCustomAttribute_Method ([TestParamAttribute] string arg) { return arg.Length; } [Test] public void TestCustomAttribute () { var metInfo = GetType ().GetMethod ("TestCustomAttribute_Method", new Type[] { typeof(string) }); var paramInfos = metInfo.GetParameters (); var argParamInfo = paramInfos[0]; var custAttrs = argParamInfo.GetCustomAttributes (); Assert.AreEqual (1, custAttrs.Count ()); } class MyParameterInfo2 : ParameterInfo { public ParameterAttributes MyAttrsImpl; public override ParameterAttributes Attributes { get {return MyAttrsImpl;} } public IList myList = new List (); public override IList GetCustomAttributesData () { return myList; } } class MyParameterInfo : ParameterInfo { public void SetClassImpl (Type t) { ClassImpl = t; } public void SetDefaultValueImpl (object o) { DefaultValueImpl = o; } public void SetMemberImpl (MemberInfo o) { MemberImpl = o; } public void SetNameImpl (string s) { NameImpl = s; } public void SetPositionImpl (int i) { PositionImpl = i; } public void SetAttrsImpl (ParameterAttributes a) { AttrsImpl = a; } public void TestMethod (int a) {} public int this[int x, int y] { get { return 0; } set { } } } [Test] public void SubClassWithNoOverrides () { var p = new MyParameterInfo (); Assert.IsFalse (p.IsDefined (typeof (FlagsAttribute), false), "#1"); Assert.AreEqual (0, p.GetCustomAttributes (false).Length, "#2"); Assert.AreEqual (0, p.GetCustomAttributes (typeof (FlagsAttribute), false).Length, "#3"); Assert.AreEqual (0, p.GetOptionalCustomModifiers ().Length, "#4"); Assert.AreEqual (0, p.GetRequiredCustomModifiers ().Length, "#5"); try { var ign = p.HasDefaultValue; Assert.Fail ("#6"); } catch (NotImplementedException) { } Assert.IsFalse (p.IsIn, "#7"); #if FEATURE_USE_LCID Assert.IsFalse (p.IsLcid, "#8"); #endif Assert.IsFalse (p.IsOptional, "#9"); Assert.IsFalse (p.IsOut, "#10"); Assert.IsFalse (p.IsRetval, "#10"); try { var ign = p.CustomAttributes; Assert.Fail ("#11"); } catch (NotImplementedException) { } try { p.GetCustomAttributesData (); Assert.Fail ("#12"); } catch (NotImplementedException) { } Assert.AreEqual (0x8000000, p.MetadataToken, "#13"); Assert.AreEqual (0, p.Position, "#14"); try { var ign = p.DefaultValue; Assert.Fail ("#15"); } catch (NotImplementedException) { } try { var ign = p.RawDefaultValue; Assert.Fail ("#16"); } catch (NotImplementedException) { } Assert.IsNull (p.Member, "#17"); Assert.AreEqual (ParameterAttributes.None, p.Attributes, "#18"); Assert.IsNull (p.Name, "#19"); Assert.IsNull (p.ParameterType, "#20"); } [Test] public void SubClassWithValuesSet () { var p = new MyParameterInfo (); p.SetClassImpl (typeof (Decimal)); Assert.AreEqual (typeof (Decimal), p.ParameterType, "#1"); p.SetClassImpl (null); p.SetDefaultValueImpl ("foo"); try { var ign = p.DefaultValue; Assert.Fail ("#2"); } catch (NotImplementedException) { } p.SetDefaultValueImpl (null); var obj = typeof (object); p.SetMemberImpl (obj); Assert.AreEqual (obj, p.Member, "#3"); Assert.AreEqual (0x8000000, p.MetadataToken, "#4"); p.SetMemberImpl (null); var method = typeof (MyParameterInfo).GetMethod ("TestMethod"); p.SetMemberImpl (method); Assert.IsNotNull (method, "#5"); Assert.AreEqual (method, p.Member, "#6"); Assert.AreEqual (0x8000000, p.MetadataToken, "#7"); p.SetMemberImpl (null); var property = typeof (MyParameterInfo).GetProperty ("Item"); p.SetMemberImpl (property); Assert.IsNotNull (property, "#8"); Assert.AreEqual (property, p.Member, "#9"); Assert.AreEqual (0x8000000, p.MetadataToken, "#10"); p.SetMemberImpl (null); p.SetNameImpl ("foo"); Assert.AreEqual ("foo", p.Name, "#11"); p.SetNameImpl (null); p.SetPositionImpl (99); Assert.AreEqual (p.Position, 99, "#12"); Assert.AreEqual (p.MetadataToken, 0x8000000, "#13"); p.SetPositionImpl (0); Assert.IsFalse (p.IsIn, "#14"); p.SetAttrsImpl (ParameterAttributes.In); Assert.IsTrue (p.IsIn, "#15"); } [Test] public void SubClassWithOverrides () { var p2 = new MyParameterInfo2 (); Assert.IsFalse (p2.IsIn, "#1"); p2.MyAttrsImpl = ParameterAttributes.In; Assert.IsTrue (p2.IsIn, "#2"); Assert.AreEqual (p2.myList, p2.CustomAttributes, "#3"); } [Test] public void ParameterInfoToString () { var method = typeof (TestNestedClass).GetTypeInfo ().GetMethod ("TestMethod"); var sb = new StringBuilder (); foreach (var parameter in method.GetParameters ()) { sb.Append (parameter + "\n"); } string actual = sb.ToString (); string expected = "Int32 a0\n" + "System.String a1\n" + "TestNestedClass a2\n" + "System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32] a3\n" + "System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Text.StringBuilder] a4\n" + "System.Collections.Generic.List`1[MonoTests.System.Reflection.ParameterInfoTest+TestNestedClass] a5\n" + "System.Text.StringBuilder a6\n" + "System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.Int32,System.String] a7\n" + "Int32& a8\n" + "Int32& a9\n" + "TestNestedClass& a10\n" + "System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32]& a11\n"; Assert.AreEqual (expected, actual, "#1"); } public class TestNestedClass { public static void TestMethod (int a0, string a1, TestNestedClass a2, List a3, List a4, List a5, StringBuilder a6, Dictionary a7, out int a8, ref int a9, out TestNestedClass a10, out List a11) { a8 = 0; a9 = 0; a10 = null; a11 = null; } } [Test] // https://github.com/mono/mono/issues/8312 // The linker removes the SkipWhile methods [Category ("MobileNotWorking")] public void ParameterInfoToStringForQueryableSkipWhile () { var sb = new StringBuilder (); var methods = typeof (Queryable).GetTypeInfo ().GetMethods ().Where (m => m.Name == "SkipWhile"); foreach (var methodInfo in methods) { foreach (var parameter in methodInfo.GetParameters ()) { sb.Append (parameter + "\n"); } } string actual = sb.ToString (); string expected = "System.Linq.IQueryable`1[TSource] source\n" + "System.Linq.Expressions.Expression`1[System.Func`2[TSource,System.Boolean]] predicate\n" + "System.Linq.IQueryable`1[TSource] source\n" + "System.Linq.Expressions.Expression`1[System.Func`3[TSource,System.Int32,System.Boolean]] predicate\n"; Assert.AreEqual (expected, actual, "#1"); } public class Dummy { public void M1 (decimal? arg = 12.345M) { } public void M2 ([Optional, DecimalConstant (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)] decimal? arg) { } public void M3 (decimal? arg = null) { } public void M4 ([Optional, DateTimeConstant (1L)] DateTime? arg) { } public void M5 (DateTime? arg = null) { } } [Test] // https://github.com/mono/mono/issues/11303 public void RawDefaultValue_Nullable () { var type = typeof (Dummy); Assert.AreEqual (12.345M, type.GetMethod("M1").GetParameters () [0].RawDefaultValue); Assert.AreEqual (new DecimalConstantAttribute (1, 2, 3, 4, 5).Value, type.GetMethod ("M2").GetParameters () [0].RawDefaultValue); Assert.AreEqual (null, type.GetMethod ("M3").GetParameters () [0].RawDefaultValue); Assert.AreEqual (new DateTime (1), type.GetMethod ("M4").GetParameters () [0].RawDefaultValue); Assert.AreEqual (null, type.GetMethod ("M5").GetParameters () [0].RawDefaultValue); } [Test] public void ReturnParameter_IsDefined_False () { Type type = typeof (object); MethodInfo method = type.GetMethod ("ToString"); ParameterInfo paramInfo = method.ReturnParameter; Assert.IsFalse (paramInfo.IsDefined (typeof (Attribute))); } } }