$ mono commands.exe Use `commands help` for usage. $ mono commands.exe --help usage: commands COMMAND [OPTIONS] Mono.Options.CommandSet sample app. Global options: -v[=VALUE] Output verbosity. Available commands: echo Echo arguments to the screen equinox Does something with the equinox? requires-args Class-based Command subclass Commands with spaces are supported: has spaces spaces?! Nested CommandSets are also supported. They're invoked similarly to commands with spaces. set file type Does something or other. set output Sets output location completions Show CommandSet completions $ mono commands.exe help usage: commands COMMAND [OPTIONS] Mono.Options.CommandSet sample app. Global options: -v[=VALUE] Output verbosity. Available commands: echo Echo arguments to the screen equinox Does something with the equinox? requires-args Class-based Command subclass Commands with spaces are supported: has spaces spaces?! Nested CommandSets are also supported. They're invoked similarly to commands with spaces. set file type Does something or other. set output Sets output location completions Show CommandSet completions $ mono commands.exe help --help Usage: commands COMMAND [OPTIONS] Use `commands help COMMAND` for help on a specific command. Available commands: completions Show CommandSet completions echo Echo arguments to the screen equinox Does something with the equinox? has spaces spaces?! requires-args Class-based Command subclass set file type Does something or other. set output Sets output location help Show this message and exit $ mono commands.exe help echo --help $ mono commands.exe echo --help --help $ mono commands.exe echo hello, world hello, world $ mono commands.exe requires-args commands: Missing required argument `--name=NAME`. commands: Use `commands help requires-args` for details. $ mono commands.exe help requires-args usage: commands requires-args [OPTIONS] Class-based Command subclass example. --name, -n=name name of person to greet. --help, -h, -? Show this message and exit. $ mono commands.exe requires-args --help usage: commands requires-args [OPTIONS] Class-based Command subclass example. --name, -n=name name of person to greet. --help, -h, -? Show this message and exit. $ mono commands.exe requires-args -n World Hello, World! $ mono commands.exe invalid-command commands: Unknown command: invalid-command commands: Use `commands help` for usage. $ mono commands.exe help invalid-command commands: Unknown command: invalid-command commands: Use `commands help` for usage. $ mono commands.exe has spaces spaces, yo! $ mono commands.exe set file type whatever File type set to: whatever $ mono commands.exe completions Showing CommandSet completions for prefix '': completion: echo completion: equinox completion: requires-args completion: has spaces completion: completions completion: help completion: set file type completion: set output $ mono commands.exe completions e Showing CommandSet completions for prefix 'e': completion: echo completion: equinox $ mono commands.exe completions s Showing CommandSet completions for prefix 's': completion: set file type completion: set output $ mono commands.exe completions s o Showing CommandSet completions for prefix 's o': completion: set output