// ==++== // // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // // ==--== // =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ // // ConcurrentBag.cs // // <OWNER>[....]</OWNER> // // //An unordered collection that allows duplicates and that provides add and get operations. // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections.Concurrent; using System.Runtime.Serialization; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Security.Permissions; using System.Threading; using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis; using System.Diagnostics.Contracts; namespace System.Collections.Concurrent { /// <summary> /// Represents an thread-safe, unordered collection of objects. /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="T">Specifies the type of elements in the bag.</typeparam> /// <remarks> /// <para> /// Bags are useful for storing objects when ordering doesn't matter, and unlike sets, bags support /// duplicates. <see cref="ConcurrentBag{T}"/> is a thread-safe bag implementation, optimized for /// scenarios where the same thread will be both producing and consuming data stored in the bag. /// </para> /// <para> /// <see cref="ConcurrentBag{T}"/> accepts null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) as a valid /// value for reference types. /// </para> /// <para> /// All public and protected members of <see cref="ConcurrentBag{T}"/> are thread-safe and may be used /// concurrently from multiple threads. /// </para> /// </remarks> #if !SILVERLIGHT [Serializable] #endif [ComVisible(false)] [DebuggerTypeProxy(typeof(SystemThreadingCollection_IProducerConsumerCollectionDebugView<>))] [DebuggerDisplay("Count = {Count}")] #if !FEATURE_NETCORE [HostProtection(Synchronization = true, ExternalThreading = true)] #endif public class ConcurrentBag<T> : IProducerConsumerCollection<T>, IReadOnlyCollection<T> { // ThreadLocalList object that contains the data per thread #if !SILVERLIGHT [NonSerialized] #endif ThreadLocal<ThreadLocalList> m_locals; // This head and tail pointers points to the first and last local lists, to allow enumeration on the thread locals objects #if !SILVERLIGHT [NonSerialized] #endif volatile ThreadLocalList m_headList, m_tailList; // A flag used to tell the operations thread that it must synchronize the operation, this flag is set/unset within // GlobalListsLock lock #if !SILVERLIGHT [NonSerialized] #endif bool m_needSync; #if !SILVERLIGHT // Used for custom serialization. private T[] m_serializationArray; #endif /// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ConcurrentBag{T}"/> /// class. /// </summary> public ConcurrentBag() { Initialize(null); } /// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ConcurrentBag{T}"/> /// class that contains elements copied from the specified collection. /// </summary> /// <param name="collection">The collection whose elements are copied to the new <see /// cref="ConcurrentBag{T}"/>.</param> /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="collection"/> is a null reference /// (Nothing in Visual Basic).</exception> public ConcurrentBag(IEnumerable<T> collection) { if (collection == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("collection", SR.GetString(SR.ConcurrentBag_Ctor_ArgumentNullException)); } Initialize(collection); } /// <summary> /// Local helper function to initalize a new bag object /// </summary> /// <param name="collection">An enumeration containing items with which to initialize this bag.</param> private void Initialize(IEnumerable<T> collection) { m_locals = new ThreadLocal<ThreadLocalList>(); // Copy the collection to the bag if (collection != null) { ThreadLocalList list = GetThreadList(true); foreach (T item in collection) { list.Add(item, false); } } } /// <summary> /// Adds an object to the <see cref="ConcurrentBag{T}"/>. /// </summary> /// <param name="item">The object to be added to the /// <see cref="ConcurrentBag{T}"/>. The value can be a null reference /// (Nothing in Visual Basic) for reference types.</param> public void Add(T item) { // Get the local list for that thread, create a new list if this thread doesn't exist //(first time to call add) ThreadLocalList list = GetThreadList(true); AddInternal(list, item); } /// <summary> /// </summary> /// <param name="list"></param> /// <param name="item"></param> private void AddInternal(ThreadLocalList list, T item) { bool lockTaken = false; try { #pragma warning disable 0420 Interlocked.Exchange(ref list.m_currentOp, (int)ListOperation.Add); #pragma warning restore 0420 //Synchronization cases: // if the list count is less than two to avoid conflict with any stealing thread // if m_needSync is set, this means there is a thread that needs to freeze the bag if (list.Count < 2 || m_needSync) { // reset it back to zero to avoid deadlock with stealing thread list.m_currentOp = (int)ListOperation.None; Monitor.Enter(list, ref lockTaken); } list.Add(item, lockTaken); } finally { list.m_currentOp = (int)ListOperation.None; if (lockTaken) { Monitor.Exit(list); } } } /// <summary> /// Attempts to add an object to the <see cref="ConcurrentBag{T}"/>. /// </summary> /// <param name="item">The object to be added to the /// <see cref="ConcurrentBag{T}"/>. The value can be a null reference /// (Nothing in Visual Basic) for reference types.</param> /// <returns>Always returns true</returns> bool IProducerConsumerCollection<T>.TryAdd(T item) { Add(item); return true; } /// <summary> /// Attempts to remove and return an object from the <see /// cref="ConcurrentBag{T}"/>. /// </summary> /// <param name="result">When this method returns, <paramref name="result"/> contains the object /// removed from the <see cref="ConcurrentBag{T}"/> or the default value /// of <typeparamref name="T"/> if the operation failed.</param> /// <returns>true if an object was removed successfully; otherwise, false.</returns> public bool TryTake(out T result) { return TryTakeOrPeek(out result, true); } /// <summary> /// Attempts to return an object from the <see cref="ConcurrentBag{T}"/> /// without removing it. /// </summary> /// <param name="result">When this method returns, <paramref name="result"/> contains an object from /// the <see cref="ConcurrentBag{T}"/> or the default value of /// <typeparamref name="T"/> if the operation failed.</param> /// <returns>true if and object was returned successfully; otherwise, false.</returns> public bool TryPeek(out T result) { return TryTakeOrPeek(out result, false); } /// <summary> /// Local helper function to Take or Peek an item from the bag /// </summary> /// <param name="result">To receive the item retrieved from the bag</param> /// <param name="take">True means Take operation, false means Peek operation</param> /// <returns>True if succeeded, false otherwise</returns> private bool TryTakeOrPeek(out T result, bool take) { // Get the local list for that thread, return null if the thread doesn't exit //(this thread never add before) ThreadLocalList list = GetThreadList(false); if (list == null || list.Count == 0) { return Steal(out result, take); } bool lockTaken = false; try { if (take) // Take operation { #pragma warning disable 0420 Interlocked.Exchange(ref list.m_currentOp, (int)ListOperation.Take); #pragma warning restore 0420 //Synchronization cases: // if the list count is less than or equal two to avoid conflict with any stealing thread // if m_needSync is set, this means there is a thread that needs to freeze the bag if (list.Count <= 2 || m_needSync) { // reset it back to zero to avoid deadlock with stealing thread list.m_currentOp = (int)ListOperation.None; Monitor.Enter(list, ref lockTaken); // Double check the count and steal if it became empty if (list.Count == 0) { // Release the lock before stealing if (lockTaken) { try { } finally { lockTaken = false; // reset lockTaken to avoid calling Monitor.Exit again in the finally block Monitor.Exit(list); } } return Steal(out result, true); } } list.Remove(out result); } else { if (!list.Peek(out result)) { return Steal(out result, false); } } } finally { list.m_currentOp = (int)ListOperation.None; if (lockTaken) { Monitor.Exit(list); } } return true; } /// <summary> /// Local helper function to retrieve a thread local list by a thread object /// </summary> /// <param name="forceCreate">Create a new list if the thread does ot exist</param> /// <returns>The local list object</returns> private ThreadLocalList GetThreadList(bool forceCreate) { ThreadLocalList list = m_locals.Value; if (list != null) { return list; } else if (forceCreate) { // Acquire the lock to update the m_tailList pointer lock (GlobalListsLock) { if (m_headList == null) { list = new ThreadLocalList(Thread.CurrentThread); m_headList = list; m_tailList = list; } else { list = GetUnownedList(); if (list == null) { list = new ThreadLocalList(Thread.CurrentThread); m_tailList.m_nextList = list; m_tailList = list; } } m_locals.Value = list; } } else { return null; } Debug.Assert(list != null); return list; } /// <summary> /// Try to reuse an unowned list if exist /// unowned lists are the lists that their owner threads are aborted or terminated /// this is workaround to avoid memory leaks. /// </summary> /// <returns>The list object, null if all lists are owned</returns> private ThreadLocalList GetUnownedList() { //the global lock must be held at this point Contract.Assert(Monitor.IsEntered(GlobalListsLock)); ThreadLocalList currentList = m_headList; while (currentList != null) { if (currentList.m_ownerThread.ThreadState == System.Threading.ThreadState.Stopped) { currentList.m_ownerThread = Thread.CurrentThread; // the caller should acquire a lock to make this line thread safe return currentList; } currentList = currentList.m_nextList; } return null; } /// <summary> /// Local helper method to steal an item from any other non empty thread /// It enumerate all other threads in two passes first pass acquire the lock with TryEnter if succeeded /// it steals the item, otherwise it enumerate them again in 2nd pass and acquire the lock using Enter /// </summary> /// <param name="result">To receive the item retrieved from the bag</param> /// <param name="take">Whether to remove or peek.</param> /// <returns>True if succeeded, false otherwise.</returns> private bool Steal(out T result, bool take) { #if !FEATURE_PAL && !SILVERLIGHT // PAL doesn't support eventing if (take) CDSCollectionETWBCLProvider.Log.ConcurrentBag_TryTakeSteals(); else CDSCollectionETWBCLProvider.Log.ConcurrentBag_TryPeekSteals(); #endif bool loop; List<int> versionsList = new List<int>(); // save the lists version do { versionsList.Clear(); //clear the list from the previous iteration loop = false; ThreadLocalList currentList = m_headList; while (currentList != null) { versionsList.Add(currentList.m_version); if (currentList.m_head != null && TrySteal(currentList, out result, take)) { return true; } currentList = currentList.m_nextList; } // verify versioning, if other items are added to this list since we last visit it, we should retry currentList = m_headList; foreach (int version in versionsList) { if (version != currentList.m_version) //oops state changed { loop = true; if (currentList.m_head != null && TrySteal(currentList, out result, take)) return true; } currentList = currentList.m_nextList; } } while (loop); result = default(T); return false; } /// <summary> /// local helper function tries to steal an item from given local list /// </summary> private bool TrySteal(ThreadLocalList list, out T result, bool take) { lock (list) { if (CanSteal(list)) { list.Steal(out result, take); return true; } result = default(T); return false; } } /// <summary> /// Local helper function to check the list if it became empty after acquiring the lock /// and wait if there is unsynchronized Add/Take operation in the list to be done /// </summary> /// <param name="list">The list to steal</param> /// <returns>True if can steal, false otherwise</returns> private bool CanSteal(ThreadLocalList list) { if (list.Count <= 2 && list.m_currentOp != (int)ListOperation.None) { SpinWait spinner = new SpinWait(); while (list.m_currentOp != (int)ListOperation.None) { spinner.SpinOnce(); } } if (list.Count > 0) { return true; } return false; } /// <summary> /// Copies the <see cref="ConcurrentBag{T}"/> elements to an existing /// one-dimensional <see cref="T:System.Array">Array</see>, starting at the specified array /// index. /// </summary> /// <param name="array">The one-dimensional <see cref="T:System.Array">Array</see> that is the /// destination of the elements copied from the /// <see cref="ConcurrentBag{T}"/>. The <see /// cref="T:System.Array">Array</see> must have zero-based indexing.</param> /// <param name="index">The zero-based index in <paramref name="array"/> at which copying /// begins.</param> /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="array"/> is a null reference (Nothing in /// Visual Basic).</exception> /// <exception cref="ArgumentOutOfRangeException"><paramref name="index"/> is less than /// zero.</exception> /// <exception cref="ArgumentException"><paramref name="index"/> is equal to or greater than the /// length of the <paramref name="array"/> /// -or- the number of elements in the source <see /// cref="ConcurrentBag{T}"/> is greater than the available space from /// <paramref name="index"/> to the end of the destination <paramref name="array"/>.</exception> public void CopyTo(T[] array, int index) { if (array == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("array", SR.GetString(SR.ConcurrentBag_CopyTo_ArgumentNullException)); } if (index < 0) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("index", SR.GetString(SR.ConcurrentBag_CopyTo_ArgumentOutOfRangeException)); } // Short path if the bag is empty if (m_headList == null) return; bool lockTaken = false; try { FreezeBag(ref lockTaken); ToList().CopyTo(array, index); } finally { UnfreezeBag(lockTaken); } } /// <summary> /// Copies the elements of the <see cref="T:System.Collections.ICollection"/> to an <see /// cref="T:System.Array"/>, starting at a particular /// <see cref="T:System.Array"/> index. /// </summary> /// <param name="array">The one-dimensional <see cref="T:System.Array">Array</see> that is the /// destination of the elements copied from the /// <see cref="ConcurrentBag{T}"/>. The <see /// cref="T:System.Array">Array</see> must have zero-based indexing.</param> /// <param name="index">The zero-based index in <paramref name="array"/> at which copying /// begins.</param> /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="array"/> is a null reference (Nothing in /// Visual Basic).</exception> /// <exception cref="ArgumentOutOfRangeException"><paramref name="index"/> is less than /// zero.</exception> /// <exception cref="ArgumentException"> /// <paramref name="array"/> is multidimensional. -or- /// <paramref name="array"/> does not have zero-based indexing. -or- /// <paramref name="index"/> is equal to or greater than the length of the <paramref name="array"/> /// -or- The number of elements in the source <see cref="T:System.Collections.ICollection"/> is /// greater than the available space from <paramref name="index"/> to the end of the destination /// <paramref name="array"/>. -or- The type of the source <see /// cref="T:System.Collections.ICollection"/> cannot be cast automatically to the type of the /// destination <paramref name="array"/>. /// </exception> void ICollection.CopyTo(Array array, int index) { if (array == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("array", SR.GetString(SR.ConcurrentBag_CopyTo_ArgumentNullException)); } bool lockTaken = false; try { FreezeBag(ref lockTaken); ((ICollection)ToList()).CopyTo(array, index); } finally { UnfreezeBag(lockTaken); } } /// <summary> /// Copies the <see cref="ConcurrentBag{T}"/> elements to a new array. /// </summary> /// <returns>A new array containing a snapshot of elements copied from the <see /// cref="ConcurrentBag{T}"/>.</returns> public T[] ToArray() { // Short path if the bag is empty if (m_headList == null) return new T[0]; bool lockTaken = false; try { FreezeBag(ref lockTaken); return ToList().ToArray(); } finally { UnfreezeBag(lockTaken); } } /// <summary> /// Returns an enumerator that iterates through the <see /// cref="ConcurrentBag{T}"/>. /// </summary> /// <returns>An enumerator for the contents of the <see /// cref="ConcurrentBag{T}"/>.</returns> /// <remarks> /// The enumeration represents a moment-in-time snapshot of the contents /// of the bag. It does not reflect any updates to the collection after /// <see cref="GetEnumerator"/> was called. The enumerator is safe to use /// concurrently with reads from and writes to the bag. /// </remarks> public IEnumerator<T> GetEnumerator() { // Short path if the bag is empty if (m_headList == null) return new List<T>().GetEnumerator(); // empty list bool lockTaken = false; try { FreezeBag(ref lockTaken); return ToList().GetEnumerator(); } finally { UnfreezeBag(lockTaken); } } /// <summary> /// Returns an enumerator that iterates through the <see /// cref="ConcurrentBag{T}"/>. /// </summary> /// <returns>An enumerator for the contents of the <see /// cref="ConcurrentBag{T}"/>.</returns> /// <remarks> /// The items enumerated represent a moment-in-time snapshot of the contents /// of the bag. It does not reflect any update to the collection after /// <see cref="GetEnumerator"/> was called. /// </remarks> IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() { return ((ConcurrentBag<T>)this).GetEnumerator(); } #if !SILVERLIGHT /// <summary> /// Get the data array to be serialized /// </summary> [OnSerializing] private void OnSerializing(StreamingContext context) { // save the data into the serialization array to be saved m_serializationArray = ToArray(); } /// <summary> /// Construct the stack from a previously seiralized one /// </summary> [OnDeserialized] private void OnDeserialized(StreamingContext context) { m_locals = new ThreadLocal<ThreadLocalList>(); ThreadLocalList list = GetThreadList(true); foreach (T item in m_serializationArray) { list.Add(item, false); } m_headList = list; m_tailList = list; m_serializationArray = null; } #endif /// <summary> /// Gets the number of elements contained in the <see cref="ConcurrentBag{T}"/>. /// </summary> /// <value>The number of elements contained in the <see cref="ConcurrentBag{T}"/>.</value> /// <remarks> /// The count returned represents a moment-in-time snapshot of the contents /// of the bag. It does not reflect any updates to the collection after /// <see cref="GetEnumerator"/> was called. /// </remarks> public int Count { get { // Short path if the bag is empty if (m_headList == null) return 0; bool lockTaken = false; try { FreezeBag(ref lockTaken); return GetCountInternal(); } finally { UnfreezeBag(lockTaken); } } } /// <summary> /// Gets a value that indicates whether the <see cref="ConcurrentBag{T}"/> is empty. /// </summary> /// <value>true if the <see cref="ConcurrentBag{T}"/> is empty; otherwise, false.</value> public bool IsEmpty { get { if (m_headList == null) return true; bool lockTaken = false; try { FreezeBag(ref lockTaken); ThreadLocalList currentList = m_headList; while (currentList != null) { if (currentList.m_head != null) //at least this list is not empty, we return false { return false; } currentList = currentList.m_nextList; } return true; } finally { UnfreezeBag(lockTaken); } } } /// <summary> /// Gets a value indicating whether access to the <see cref="T:System.Collections.ICollection"/> is /// synchronized with the SyncRoot. /// </summary> /// <value>true if access to the <see cref="T:System.Collections.ICollection"/> is synchronized /// with the SyncRoot; otherwise, false. For <see cref="ConcurrentBag{T}"/>, this property always /// returns false.</value> bool ICollection.IsSynchronized { get { return false; } } /// <summary> /// Gets an object that can be used to synchronize access to the <see /// cref="T:System.Collections.ICollection"/>. This property is not supported. /// </summary> /// <exception cref="T:System.NotSupportedException">The SyncRoot property is not supported.</exception> object ICollection.SyncRoot { get { throw new NotSupportedException(SR.GetString(SR.ConcurrentCollection_SyncRoot_NotSupported)); } } /// <summary> /// A global lock object, used in two cases: /// 1- To maintain the m_tailList pointer for each new list addition process ( first time a thread called Add ) /// 2- To freeze the bag in GetEnumerator, CopyTo, ToArray and Count members /// </summary> private object GlobalListsLock { get { Contract.Assert(m_locals != null); return m_locals; } } #region Freeze bag helper methods /// <summary> /// Local helper method to freeze all bag operations, it /// 1- Acquire the global lock to prevent any other thread to freeze the bag, and also new new thread can be added /// to the dictionary /// 2- Then Acquire all local lists locks to prevent steal and synchronized operations /// 3- Wait for all un-synchronized operations to be done /// </summary> /// <param name="lockTaken">Retrieve the lock taken result for the global lock, to be passed to Unfreeze method</param> private void FreezeBag(ref bool lockTaken) { Contract.Assert(!Monitor.IsEntered(GlobalListsLock)); // global lock to be safe against multi threads calls count and corrupt m_needSync Monitor.Enter(GlobalListsLock, ref lockTaken); // This will force any future add/take operation to be synchronized m_needSync = true; //Acquire all local lists locks AcquireAllLocks(); // Wait for all un-synchronized operation to be done WaitAllOperations(); } /// <summary> /// Local helper method to unfreeze the bag from a frozen state /// </summary> /// <param name="lockTaken">The lock taken result from the Freeze method</param> private void UnfreezeBag(bool lockTaken) { ReleaseAllLocks(); m_needSync = false; if (lockTaken) { Monitor.Exit(GlobalListsLock); } } /// <summary> /// local helper method to acquire all local lists locks /// </summary> private void AcquireAllLocks() { Contract.Assert(Monitor.IsEntered(GlobalListsLock)); bool lockTaken = false; ThreadLocalList currentList = m_headList; while (currentList != null) { // Try/Finally bllock to avoid thread aport between acquiring the lock and setting the taken flag try { Monitor.Enter(currentList, ref lockTaken); } finally { if (lockTaken) { currentList.m_lockTaken = true; lockTaken = false; } } currentList = currentList.m_nextList; } } /// <summary> /// Local helper method to release all local lists locks /// </summary> private void ReleaseAllLocks() { ThreadLocalList currentList = m_headList; while (currentList != null) { if (currentList.m_lockTaken) { currentList.m_lockTaken = false; Monitor.Exit(currentList); } currentList = currentList.m_nextList; } } /// <summary> /// Local helper function to wait all unsynchronized operations /// </summary> private void WaitAllOperations() { Contract.Assert(Monitor.IsEntered(GlobalListsLock)); ThreadLocalList currentList = m_headList; while (currentList != null) { if (currentList.m_currentOp != (int)ListOperation.None) { SpinWait spinner = new SpinWait(); while (currentList.m_currentOp != (int)ListOperation.None) { spinner.SpinOnce(); } } currentList = currentList.m_nextList; } } /// <summary> /// Local helper function to get the bag count, the caller should call it from Freeze/Unfreeze block /// </summary> /// <returns>The current bag count</returns> private int GetCountInternal() { Contract.Assert(Monitor.IsEntered(GlobalListsLock)); int count = 0; ThreadLocalList currentList = m_headList; while (currentList != null) { checked { count += currentList.Count; } currentList = currentList.m_nextList; } return count; } /// <summary> /// Local helper function to return the bag item in a list, this is mainly used by CopyTo and ToArray /// This is not thread safe, should be called in Freeze/UnFreeze bag block /// </summary> /// <returns>List the contains the bag items</returns> private List<T> ToList() { Contract.Assert(Monitor.IsEntered(GlobalListsLock)); List<T> list = new List<T>(); ThreadLocalList currentList = m_headList; while (currentList != null) { Node currentNode = currentList.m_head; while (currentNode != null) { list.Add(currentNode.m_value); currentNode = currentNode.m_next; } currentList = currentList.m_nextList; } return list; } #endregion #region Inner Classes /// <summary> /// A class that represents a node in the lock thread list /// </summary> #if !SILVERLIGHT [Serializable] #endif internal class Node { public Node(T value) { m_value = value; } public readonly T m_value; public Node m_next; public Node m_prev; } /// <summary> /// A class that represents the lock thread list /// </summary> internal class ThreadLocalList { // Tead node in the list, null means the list is empty internal volatile Node m_head; // Tail node for the list private volatile Node m_tail; // The current list operation internal volatile int m_currentOp; // The list count from the Add/Take prespective private int m_count; // The stealing count internal int m_stealCount; // Next list in the dictionary values internal volatile ThreadLocalList m_nextList; // Set if the locl lock is taken internal bool m_lockTaken; // The owner thread for this list internal Thread m_ownerThread; // the version of the list, incremented only when the list changed from empty to non empty state internal volatile int m_version; /// <summary> /// ThreadLocalList constructor /// </summary> /// <param name="ownerThread">The owner thread for this list</param> internal ThreadLocalList(Thread ownerThread) { m_ownerThread = ownerThread; } /// <summary> /// Add new item to head of the list /// </summary> /// <param name="item">The item to add.</param> /// <param name="updateCount">Whether to update the count.</param> internal void Add(T item, bool updateCount) { checked { m_count++; } Node node = new Node(item); if (m_head == null) { Debug.Assert(m_tail == null); m_head = node; m_tail = node; m_version++; // changing from empty state to non empty state } else { node.m_next = m_head; m_head.m_prev = node; m_head = node; } if (updateCount) // update the count to avoid overflow if this add is synchronized { m_count = m_count - m_stealCount; m_stealCount = 0; } } /// <summary> /// Remove an item from the head of the list /// </summary> /// <param name="result">The removed item</param> internal void Remove(out T result) { Debug.Assert(m_head != null); Node head = m_head; m_head = m_head.m_next; if (m_head != null) { m_head.m_prev = null; } else { m_tail = null; } m_count--; result = head.m_value; } /// <summary> /// Peek an item from the head of the list /// </summary> /// <param name="result">the peeked item</param> /// <returns>True if succeeded, false otherwise</returns> internal bool Peek(out T result) { Node head = m_head; if (head != null) { result = head.m_value; return true; } result = default(T); return false; } /// <summary> /// Steal an item from the tail of the list /// </summary> /// <param name="result">the removed item</param> /// <param name="remove">remove or peek flag</param> internal void Steal(out T result, bool remove) { Node tail = m_tail; Debug.Assert(tail != null); if (remove) // Take operation { m_tail = m_tail.m_prev; if (m_tail != null) { m_tail.m_next = null; } else { m_head = null; } // Increment the steal count m_stealCount++; } result = tail.m_value; } /// <summary> /// Gets the total list count, it's not thread safe, may provide incorrect count if it is called concurrently /// </summary> internal int Count { get { return m_count - m_stealCount; } } } /// <summary> /// List operations /// </summary> internal enum ListOperation { None, Add, Take }; #endregion } #region Internal Types /// <summary> /// A simple class for the debugger view window /// </summary> internal sealed class SystemThreadingCollection_IProducerConsumerCollectionDebugView<T> { IProducerConsumerCollection<T> m_collection; public SystemThreadingCollection_IProducerConsumerCollectionDebugView(IProducerConsumerCollection<T> collection) { if (collection == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("collection"); } m_collection = collection; } /// <summary> /// Returns a snapshot of the underlying collection's elements. /// </summary> [DebuggerBrowsable(DebuggerBrowsableState.RootHidden)] public T[] Items { get { return m_collection.ToArray(); } } } #endregion }