//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // <copyright file="StandardCommands.cs" company="Microsoft"> // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // </copyright> //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /* */ namespace System.ComponentModel.Design { using System; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Runtime.Remoting; using System.Security.Permissions; using System.Threading; /// <devdoc> /// <para>Specifies indentifiers for the standard set of commands that are available to /// most applications.</para> /// </devdoc> [HostProtection(SharedState = true)] [System.Security.Permissions.PermissionSetAttribute(System.Security.Permissions.SecurityAction.InheritanceDemand, Name = "FullTrust")] [System.Security.Permissions.PermissionSetAttribute(System.Security.Permissions.SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Name="FullTrust")] [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Security", "CA2112:SecuredTypesShouldNotExposeFields")] // ReadOnly fields - already shipped. public class StandardCommands { // Note: // // This class contains command ID's and GUIDS that correspond to the // Visual Studio Command Bar menu layout. The data in this file is // DEPENDENT upon constants in the following files: // // %VSROOT%\src\common\inc\stdidcmd.h - for standard shell defined icmds // %VSROOT%\src\common\inc\vsshlids.h - for standard shell defined guids // /// <devdoc> /// This guid corresponds to the standard set of commands for the shell and office. /// </devdoc> private static readonly Guid standardCommandSet = ShellGuids.VSStandardCommandSet97; /// <devdoc> /// This guid corresponds to the Microsoft .NET Framework command set. This is used for Verbs. While these are not /// "standard" to VS and Office, they are to the Microsoft .NET Framework. /// </devdoc> private static readonly Guid ndpCommandSet = new Guid("{74D21313-2AEE-11d1-8BFB-00A0C90F26F7}"); private const int cmdidDesignerVerbFirst = 0x2000; private const int cmdidDesignerVerbLast = 0x2100; // Component Tray Menu commands... /// <devdoc> /// <para>Gets the integer value of the arrange icons command. Read only.</para> /// </devdoc> private const int cmdidArrangeIcons = 0x300a; /// <devdoc> /// <para>Gets the integer value of the line up icons command. Read only.</para> /// </devdoc> private const int cmdidLineupIcons = 0x300b; /// <devdoc> /// <para>Gets the integer value of the show large icons command. Read only.</para> /// </devdoc> private const int cmdidShowLargeIcons = 0x300c; /// <devdoc> /// <para> /// Gets the GUID/integer value pair for the AlignBottom command. Read only. /// </para> /// </devdoc> public static readonly CommandID AlignBottom = new CommandID(standardCommandSet, VSStandardCommands.cmdidAlignBottom); /// <devdoc> /// <para> /// Gets the GUID/integer value pair for the AlignHorizontalCenters command. Read /// only. /// </para> /// </devdoc> public static readonly CommandID AlignHorizontalCenters = new CommandID(standardCommandSet, VSStandardCommands.cmdidAlignHorizontalCenters); /// <devdoc> /// <para> /// Gets the GUID/integer value pair for the AlignLeft command. Read only. /// </para> /// </devdoc> public static readonly CommandID AlignLeft = new CommandID(standardCommandSet, VSStandardCommands.cmdidAlignLeft); /// <devdoc> /// <para> /// Gets the GUID/integer value pair for the AlignRight command. Read only. /// </para> /// </devdoc> public static readonly CommandID AlignRight = new CommandID(standardCommandSet, VSStandardCommands.cmdidAlignRight); /// <devdoc> /// <para> /// Gets the GUID/integer value pair for the AlignToGrid command. Read only. /// </para> /// </devdoc> public static readonly CommandID AlignToGrid = new CommandID(standardCommandSet, VSStandardCommands.cmdidAlignToGrid); /// <devdoc> /// <para> /// Gets the GUID/integer value pair for the AlignTop command. Read only. /// </para> /// </devdoc> public static readonly CommandID AlignTop = new CommandID(standardCommandSet, VSStandardCommands.cmdidAlignTop); /// <devdoc> /// <para> /// Gets the GUID/integer value pair for the AlignVerticalCenters command. Read /// only. /// </para> /// </devdoc> public static readonly CommandID AlignVerticalCenters = new CommandID(standardCommandSet, VSStandardCommands.cmdidAlignVerticalCenters); /// <devdoc> /// <para> /// Gets the GUID/integer value pair for the ArrangeBottom command. Read /// only. /// </para> /// </devdoc> public static readonly CommandID ArrangeBottom = new CommandID(standardCommandSet, VSStandardCommands.cmdidArrangeBottom); /// <devdoc> /// <para> /// Gets the GUID/integer value pair for the ArrangeRight command. Read only. /// </para> /// </devdoc> public static readonly CommandID ArrangeRight = new CommandID(standardCommandSet, VSStandardCommands.cmdidArrangeRight); /// <devdoc> /// <para> /// Gets the GUID/integer value pair for the BringForward command. Read only. /// </para> /// </devdoc> public static readonly CommandID BringForward = new CommandID(standardCommandSet, VSStandardCommands.cmdidBringForward); /// <devdoc> /// <para> /// Gets the GUID/integer value pair for the BringToFront command. Read only. /// </para> /// </devdoc> public static readonly CommandID BringToFront = new CommandID(standardCommandSet, VSStandardCommands.cmdidBringToFront); /// <devdoc> /// <para> /// Gets the GUID/integer value pair for the CenterHorizontally command. Read /// only. /// </para> /// </devdoc> public static readonly CommandID CenterHorizontally = new CommandID(standardCommandSet, VSStandardCommands.cmdidCenterHorizontally); /// <devdoc> /// <para> /// Gets the GUID/integer value pair for the CenterVertically command. Read /// only. /// </para> /// </devdoc> public static readonly CommandID CenterVertically = new CommandID(standardCommandSet, VSStandardCommands.cmdidCenterVertically); /// <devdoc> /// <para> /// Gets the GUID/integer value pair for the Code command. Read only. /// </para> /// </devdoc> public static readonly CommandID ViewCode = new CommandID(standardCommandSet, VSStandardCommands.cmdidViewCode); /// <devdoc> /// <para> /// Gets the GUID/integer value pair for the DocumentOutline command. Read only. /// </para> /// </devdoc> public static readonly CommandID DocumentOutline = new CommandID(standardCommandSet, VSStandardCommands.cmdidDocOutlineWindow); /// <devdoc> /// <para> /// Gets the GUID/integer value pair for the Copy command. Read only. /// </para> /// </devdoc> public static readonly CommandID Copy = new CommandID(standardCommandSet, VSStandardCommands.cmdidCopy); /// <devdoc> /// <para> /// Gets the GUID/integer value pair for the Cut command. Read only. /// </para> /// </devdoc> public static readonly CommandID Cut = new CommandID(standardCommandSet, VSStandardCommands.cmdidCut); /// <devdoc> /// <para> /// Gets the GUID/integer value pair for the Delete command. Read only. /// </para> /// </devdoc> public static readonly CommandID Delete = new CommandID(standardCommandSet, VSStandardCommands.cmdidDelete); /// <devdoc> /// <para> /// Gets the GUID/integer value pair for the Group command. Read only. /// </para> /// </devdoc> public static readonly CommandID Group = new CommandID(standardCommandSet, VSStandardCommands.cmdidGroup); /// <devdoc> /// <para> /// Gets the GUID/integer value pair for the HorizSpaceConcatenate command. Read /// only. /// </para> /// </devdoc> public static readonly CommandID HorizSpaceConcatenate = new CommandID(standardCommandSet, VSStandardCommands.cmdidHorizSpaceConcatenate); /// <devdoc> /// <para> /// Gets the GUID/integer value pair for the HorizSpaceDecrease command. Read /// only. /// </para> /// </devdoc> public static readonly CommandID HorizSpaceDecrease = new CommandID(standardCommandSet, VSStandardCommands.cmdidHorizSpaceDecrease); /// <devdoc> /// <para> /// Gets the GUID/integer value pair for the HorizSpaceIncrease command. Read /// only. /// </para> /// </devdoc> public static readonly CommandID HorizSpaceIncrease = new CommandID(standardCommandSet, VSStandardCommands.cmdidHorizSpaceIncrease); /// <devdoc> /// <para> /// Gets the GUID/integer value pair for the HorizSpaceMakeEqual command. Read /// only. /// </para> /// </devdoc> public static readonly CommandID HorizSpaceMakeEqual = new CommandID(standardCommandSet, VSStandardCommands.cmdidHorizSpaceMakeEqual); /// <devdoc> /// <para> /// Gets the GUID/integer value pair for the Paste command. Read only. /// </para> /// </devdoc> public static readonly CommandID Paste = new CommandID(standardCommandSet, VSStandardCommands.cmdidPaste); /// <devdoc> /// <para> /// Gets the GUID/integer value pair for the Properties command. Read only. /// </para> /// </devdoc> public static readonly CommandID Properties = new CommandID(standardCommandSet, VSStandardCommands.cmdidProperties); /// <devdoc> /// <para> /// Gets the GUID/integer value pair for the Redo command. Read only. /// </para> /// </devdoc> public static readonly CommandID Redo = new CommandID(standardCommandSet, VSStandardCommands.cmdidRedo); /// <devdoc> /// <para> /// Gets the GUID/integer value pair for the MultiLevelRedo command. Read /// only. /// </para> /// </devdoc> public static readonly CommandID MultiLevelRedo = new CommandID(standardCommandSet, VSStandardCommands.cmdidMultiLevelRedo); /// <devdoc> /// <para> /// Gets the GUID/integer value pair for the SelectAll command. Read only. /// </para> /// </devdoc> public static readonly CommandID SelectAll = new CommandID(standardCommandSet, VSStandardCommands.cmdidSelectAll); /// <devdoc> /// <para> /// Gets the GUID/integer value pair for the SendBackward command. Read only. /// </para> /// </devdoc> public static readonly CommandID SendBackward = new CommandID(standardCommandSet, VSStandardCommands.cmdidSendBackward); /// <devdoc> /// <para> /// Gets the GUID/integer value pair for the SendToBack command. Read only. /// </para> /// </devdoc> public static readonly CommandID SendToBack = new CommandID(standardCommandSet, VSStandardCommands.cmdidSendToBack); /// <devdoc> /// <para> /// Gets the GUID/integer value pair for the SizeToControl command. Read /// only. /// </para> /// </devdoc> public static readonly CommandID SizeToControl = new CommandID(standardCommandSet, VSStandardCommands.cmdidSizeToControl); /// <devdoc> /// <para> /// Gets the GUID/integer value pair for the SizeToControlHeight command. Read /// only. /// </para> /// </devdoc> public static readonly CommandID SizeToControlHeight = new CommandID(standardCommandSet, VSStandardCommands.cmdidSizeToControlHeight); /// <devdoc> /// <para> /// Gets the GUID/integer value pair for the SizeToControlWidth command. Read /// only. /// </para> /// </devdoc> public static readonly CommandID SizeToControlWidth = new CommandID(standardCommandSet, VSStandardCommands.cmdidSizeToControlWidth); /// <devdoc> /// <para> /// Gets the GUID/integer value pair for the SizeToFit command. Read only. /// </para> /// </devdoc> public static readonly CommandID SizeToFit = new CommandID(standardCommandSet, VSStandardCommands.cmdidSizeToFit); /// <devdoc> /// <para> /// Gets the GUID/integer value pair for the SizeToGrid command. Read only. /// </para> /// </devdoc> public static readonly CommandID SizeToGrid = new CommandID(standardCommandSet, VSStandardCommands.cmdidSizeToGrid); /// <devdoc> /// <para> /// Gets the GUID/integer value pair for the SnapToGrid command. Read only. /// </para> /// </devdoc> public static readonly CommandID SnapToGrid = new CommandID(standardCommandSet, VSStandardCommands.cmdidSnapToGrid); /// <devdoc> /// <para> /// Gets the GUID/integer value pair for the TabOrder command. Read only. /// </para> /// </devdoc> public static readonly CommandID TabOrder = new CommandID(standardCommandSet, VSStandardCommands.cmdidTabOrder); /// <devdoc> /// <para> /// Gets the GUID/integer value pair for the Undo command. Read only. /// </para> /// </devdoc> public static readonly CommandID Undo = new CommandID(standardCommandSet, VSStandardCommands.cmdidUndo); /// <devdoc> /// <para> /// Gets the GUID/integer value pair for the MultiLevelUndo command. Read /// only. /// </para> /// </devdoc> public static readonly CommandID MultiLevelUndo = new CommandID(standardCommandSet, VSStandardCommands.cmdidMultiLevelUndo); /// <devdoc> /// <para> /// Gets the GUID/integer value pair for the Ungroup command. Read only. /// </para> /// </devdoc> public static readonly CommandID Ungroup = new CommandID(standardCommandSet, VSStandardCommands.cmdidUngroup); /// <devdoc> /// <para> /// Gets the GUID/integer value pair for the VertSpaceConcatenate command. Read /// only. /// </para> /// </devdoc> public static readonly CommandID VertSpaceConcatenate = new CommandID(standardCommandSet, VSStandardCommands.cmdidVertSpaceConcatenate); /// <devdoc> /// <para> /// Gets the GUID/integer value pair for the VertSpaceDecrease command. Read /// only. /// </para> /// </devdoc> public static readonly CommandID VertSpaceDecrease = new CommandID(standardCommandSet, VSStandardCommands.cmdidVertSpaceDecrease); /// <devdoc> /// <para> /// Gets the GUID/integer value pair for the VertSpaceIncrease command. Read /// only. /// </para> /// </devdoc> public static readonly CommandID VertSpaceIncrease = new CommandID(standardCommandSet, VSStandardCommands.cmdidVertSpaceIncrease); /// <devdoc> /// <para> /// Gets the GUID/integer value pair for the VertSpaceMakeEqual command. Read /// only. /// </para> /// </devdoc> public static readonly CommandID VertSpaceMakeEqual = new CommandID(standardCommandSet, VSStandardCommands.cmdidVertSpaceMakeEqual); /// <devdoc> /// <para> /// Gets the GUID/integer value pair for the ShowGrid command. Read only. /// </para> /// </devdoc> public static readonly CommandID ShowGrid = new CommandID(standardCommandSet, VSStandardCommands.cmdidShowGrid); /// <devdoc> /// <para> /// Gets the GUID/integer value pair for the ViewGrid command. Read only. /// </para> /// </devdoc> public static readonly CommandID ViewGrid = new CommandID(standardCommandSet, VSStandardCommands.cmdidViewGrid); /// <devdoc> /// <para> /// Gets the GUID/integer value pair for the Replace command. Read only. /// </para> /// </devdoc> public static readonly CommandID Replace = new CommandID(standardCommandSet, VSStandardCommands.cmdidReplace); /// <devdoc> /// <para> /// Gets the GUID/integer value pair for the PropertiesWindow command. Read /// only. /// </para> /// </devdoc> public static readonly CommandID PropertiesWindow = new CommandID(standardCommandSet, VSStandardCommands.cmdidPropertiesWindow); /// <devdoc> /// <para> /// Gets the GUID/integer value pair for the LockControls command. Read only. /// </para> /// </devdoc> public static readonly CommandID LockControls = new CommandID(standardCommandSet, VSStandardCommands.cmdidLockControls); /// <devdoc> /// <para> /// Gets the GUID/integer value pair for the F1Help command. Read only. /// </para> /// </devdoc> public static readonly CommandID F1Help = new CommandID(standardCommandSet, VSStandardCommands.cmdidF1Help); // Component Tray Menu commands... /// <devdoc> /// <para> /// Gets the GUID/integer value pair for the ArrangeIcons command. Read only. /// </para> /// </devdoc> public static readonly CommandID ArrangeIcons = new CommandID(ndpCommandSet, cmdidArrangeIcons); /// <devdoc> /// <para> /// Gets the GUID/integer value pair for the LineupIcons command. Read only. /// </para> /// </devdoc> public static readonly CommandID LineupIcons = new CommandID(ndpCommandSet, cmdidLineupIcons); /// <devdoc> /// <para> /// Gets the GUID/integer value pair for the ShowLargeIcons command. Read /// only. /// </para> /// </devdoc> public static readonly CommandID ShowLargeIcons = new CommandID(ndpCommandSet, cmdidShowLargeIcons); /// <devdoc> /// <para> Gets the first of a set of verbs. /// Read only.</para> /// </devdoc> public static readonly CommandID VerbFirst = new CommandID(ndpCommandSet, cmdidDesignerVerbFirst); /// <devdoc> /// <para> Gets the last of a set of verbs. /// Read only.</para> /// </devdoc> public static readonly CommandID VerbLast = new CommandID(ndpCommandSet, cmdidDesignerVerbLast); private static class VSStandardCommands { internal const int cmdidAlignBottom = 1; internal const int cmdidAlignHorizontalCenters = 2; internal const int cmdidAlignLeft = 3; internal const int cmdidAlignRight = 4; internal const int cmdidAlignToGrid = 5; internal const int cmdidAlignTop = 6; internal const int cmdidAlignVerticalCenters = 7; internal const int cmdidArrangeBottom = 8; internal const int cmdidArrangeRight = 9; internal const int cmdidBringForward = 10; internal const int cmdidBringToFront = 11; internal const int cmdidCenterHorizontally = 12; internal const int cmdidCenterVertically = 13; internal const int cmdidCode = 14; internal const int cmdidCopy = 15; internal const int cmdidCut = 16; internal const int cmdidDelete = 17; internal const int cmdidFontName = 18; internal const int cmdidFontSize = 19; internal const int cmdidGroup = 20; internal const int cmdidHorizSpaceConcatenate = 21; internal const int cmdidHorizSpaceDecrease = 22; internal const int cmdidHorizSpaceIncrease = 23; internal const int cmdidHorizSpaceMakeEqual = 24; internal const int cmdidLockControls = 369; internal const int cmdidInsertObject = 25; internal const int cmdidPaste = 26; internal const int cmdidPrint = 27; internal const int cmdidProperties = 28; internal const int cmdidRedo = 29; internal const int cmdidMultiLevelRedo = 30; internal const int cmdidSelectAll = 31; internal const int cmdidSendBackward = 32; internal const int cmdidSendToBack = 33; internal const int cmdidShowTable = 34; internal const int cmdidSizeToControl = 35; internal const int cmdidSizeToControlHeight = 36; internal const int cmdidSizeToControlWidth = 37; internal const int cmdidSizeToFit = 38; internal const int cmdidSizeToGrid = 39; internal const int cmdidSnapToGrid = 40; internal const int cmdidTabOrder = 41; internal const int cmdidToolbox = 42; internal const int cmdidUndo = 43; internal const int cmdidMultiLevelUndo = 44; internal const int cmdidUngroup = 45; internal const int cmdidVertSpaceConcatenate = 46; internal const int cmdidVertSpaceDecrease = 47; internal const int cmdidVertSpaceIncrease = 48; internal const int cmdidVertSpaceMakeEqual = 49; internal const int cmdidZoomPercent = 50; internal const int cmdidBackColor = 51; internal const int cmdidBold = 52; internal const int cmdidBorderColor = 53; internal const int cmdidBorderDashDot = 54; internal const int cmdidBorderDashDotDot = 55; internal const int cmdidBorderDashes = 56; internal const int cmdidBorderDots = 57; internal const int cmdidBorderShortDashes = 58; internal const int cmdidBorderSolid = 59; internal const int cmdidBorderSparseDots = 60; internal const int cmdidBorderWidth1 = 61; internal const int cmdidBorderWidth2 = 62; internal const int cmdidBorderWidth3 = 63; internal const int cmdidBorderWidth4 = 64; internal const int cmdidBorderWidth5 = 65; internal const int cmdidBorderWidth6 = 66; internal const int cmdidBorderWidthHairline = 67; internal const int cmdidFlat = 68; internal const int cmdidForeColor = 69; internal const int cmdidItalic = 70; internal const int cmdidJustifyCenter = 71; internal const int cmdidJustifyGeneral = 72; internal const int cmdidJustifyLeft = 73; internal const int cmdidJustifyRight = 74; internal const int cmdidRaised = 75; internal const int cmdidSunken = 76; internal const int cmdidUnderline = 77; internal const int cmdidChiseled = 78; internal const int cmdidEtched = 79; internal const int cmdidShadowed = 80; internal const int cmdidCompDebug1 = 81; internal const int cmdidCompDebug2 = 82; internal const int cmdidCompDebug3 = 83; internal const int cmdidCompDebug4 = 84; internal const int cmdidCompDebug5 = 85; internal const int cmdidCompDebug6 = 86; internal const int cmdidCompDebug7 = 87; internal const int cmdidCompDebug8 = 88; internal const int cmdidCompDebug9 = 89; internal const int cmdidCompDebug10 = 90; internal const int cmdidCompDebug11 = 91; internal const int cmdidCompDebug12 = 92; internal const int cmdidCompDebug13 = 93; internal const int cmdidCompDebug14 = 94; internal const int cmdidCompDebug15 = 95; internal const int cmdidExistingSchemaEdit = 96; internal const int cmdidFind = 97; internal const int cmdidGetZoom = 98; internal const int cmdidQueryOpenDesign = 99; internal const int cmdidQueryOpenNew = 100; internal const int cmdidSingleTableDesign = 101; internal const int cmdidSingleTableNew = 102; internal const int cmdidShowGrid = 103; internal const int cmdidNewTable = 104; internal const int cmdidCollapsedView = 105; internal const int cmdidFieldView = 106; internal const int cmdidVerifySQL = 107; internal const int cmdidHideTable = 108; internal const int cmdidPrimaryKey = 109; internal const int cmdidSave = 110; internal const int cmdidSaveAs = 111; internal const int cmdidSortAscending = 112; internal const int cmdidSortDescending = 113; internal const int cmdidAppendQuery = 114; internal const int cmdidCrosstabQuery = 115; internal const int cmdidDeleteQuery = 116; internal const int cmdidMakeTableQuery = 117; internal const int cmdidSelectQuery = 118; internal const int cmdidUpdateQuery = 119; internal const int cmdidParameters = 120; internal const int cmdidTotals = 121; internal const int cmdidViewCollapsed = 122; internal const int cmdidViewFieldList = 123; internal const int cmdidViewKeys = 124; internal const int cmdidViewGrid = 125; internal const int cmdidInnerJoin = 126; internal const int cmdidRightOuterJoin = 127; internal const int cmdidLeftOuterJoin = 128; internal const int cmdidFullOuterJoin = 129; internal const int cmdidUnionJoin = 130; internal const int cmdidShowSQLPane = 131; internal const int cmdidShowGraphicalPane = 132; internal const int cmdidShowDataPane = 133; internal const int cmdidShowQBEPane = 134; internal const int cmdidSelectAllFields = 135; internal const int cmdidOLEObjectMenuButton = 136; // ids on the ole verbs menu - these must be sequential ie verblist0-verblist9 internal const int cmdidObjectVerbList0 = 137; internal const int cmdidObjectVerbList1 = 138; internal const int cmdidObjectVerbList2 = 139; internal const int cmdidObjectVerbList3 = 140; internal const int cmdidObjectVerbList4 = 141; internal const int cmdidObjectVerbList5 = 142; internal const int cmdidObjectVerbList6 = 143; internal const int cmdidObjectVerbList7 = 144; internal const int cmdidObjectVerbList8 = 145; internal const int cmdidObjectVerbList9 = 146;// Unused on purpose! internal const int cmdidConvertObject = 147; internal const int cmdidCustomControl = 148; internal const int cmdidCustomizeItem = 149; internal const int cmdidRename = 150; internal const int cmdidImport = 151; internal const int cmdidNewPage = 152; internal const int cmdidMove = 153; internal const int cmdidCancel = 154; internal const int cmdidFont = 155; internal const int cmdidExpandLinks = 156; internal const int cmdidExpandImages = 157; internal const int cmdidExpandPages = 158; internal const int cmdidRefocusDiagram = 159; internal const int cmdidTransitiveClosure = 160; internal const int cmdidCenterDiagram = 161; internal const int cmdidZoomIn = 162; internal const int cmdidZoomOut = 163; internal const int cmdidRemoveFilter = 164; internal const int cmdidHidePane = 165; internal const int cmdidDeleteTable = 166; internal const int cmdidDeleteRelationship = 167; internal const int cmdidRemove = 168; internal const int cmdidJoinLeftAll = 169; internal const int cmdidJoinRightAll = 170; internal const int cmdidAddToOutput = 171;// Add selected fields to query output internal const int cmdidOtherQuery = 172;// change query type to 'other' internal const int cmdidGenerateChangeScript = 173; internal const int cmdidSaveSelection = 174;// Save current selection internal const int cmdidAutojoinCurrent = 175;// Autojoin current tables internal const int cmdidAutojoinAlways = 176;// Toggle Autojoin state internal const int cmdidEditPage = 177;// Launch editor for url internal const int cmdidViewLinks = 178;// Launch new webscope for url internal const int cmdidStop = 179;// Stope webscope rendering internal const int cmdidPause = 180;// Pause webscope rendering internal const int cmdidResume = 181;// Resume webscope rendering internal const int cmdidFilterDiagram = 182;// Filter webscope diagram internal const int cmdidShowAllObjects = 183;// Show All objects in webscope diagram internal const int cmdidShowApplications = 184;// Show Application objects in webscope diagram internal const int cmdidShowOtherObjects = 185;// Show other objects in webscope diagram internal const int cmdidShowPrimRelationships = 186;// Show primary relationships internal const int cmdidExpand = 187;// Expand links internal const int cmdidCollapse = 188;// Collapse links internal const int cmdidRefresh = 189;// Refresh Webscope diagram internal const int cmdidLayout = 190;// Layout websope diagram internal const int cmdidShowResources = 191;// Show resouce objects in webscope diagram internal const int cmdidInsertHTMLWizard = 192;// Insert HTML using a Wizard internal const int cmdidShowDownloads = 193;// Show download objects in webscope diagram internal const int cmdidShowExternals = 194;// Show external objects in webscope diagram internal const int cmdidShowInBoundLinks = 195;// Show inbound links in webscope diagram internal const int cmdidShowOutBoundLinks = 196;// Show out bound links in webscope diagram internal const int cmdidShowInAndOutBoundLinks = 197;// Show in and out bound links in webscope diagram internal const int cmdidPreview = 198;// Preview page internal const int cmdidOpen = 261;// Open internal const int cmdidOpenWith = 199;// Open with internal const int cmdidShowPages = 200;// Show HTML pages internal const int cmdidRunQuery = 201;// Runs a query internal const int cmdidClearQuery = 202;// Clears the query's associated cursor internal const int cmdidRecordFirst = 203;// Go to first record in set internal const int cmdidRecordLast = 204;// Go to last record in set internal const int cmdidRecordNext = 205;// Go to next record in set internal const int cmdidRecordPrevious = 206;// Go to previous record in set internal const int cmdidRecordGoto = 207;// Go to record via dialog internal const int cmdidRecordNew = 208;// Add a record to set internal const int cmdidInsertNewMenu = 209;// menu designer internal const int cmdidInsertSeparator = 210;// menu designer internal const int cmdidEditMenuNames = 211;// menu designer internal const int cmdidDebugExplorer = 212; internal const int cmdidDebugProcesses = 213; internal const int cmdidViewThreadsWindow = 214; internal const int cmdidWindowUIList = 215; // ids on the file menu internal const int cmdidNewProject = 216; internal const int cmdidOpenProject = 217; internal const int cmdidOpenSolution = 218; internal const int cmdidCloseSolution = 219; internal const int cmdidFileNew = 221; internal const int cmdidFileOpen = 222; internal const int cmdidFileClose = 223; internal const int cmdidSaveSolution = 224; internal const int cmdidSaveSolutionAs = 225; internal const int cmdidSaveProjectItemAs = 226; internal const int cmdidPageSetup = 227; internal const int cmdidPrintPreview = 228; internal const int cmdidExit = 229; // ids on the edit menu internal const int cmdidReplace = 230; internal const int cmdidGoto = 231; // ids on the view menu internal const int cmdidPropertyPages = 232; internal const int cmdidFullScreen = 233; internal const int cmdidProjectExplorer = 234; internal const int cmdidPropertiesWindow = 235; internal const int cmdidTaskListWindow = 236; internal const int cmdidOutputWindow = 237; internal const int cmdidObjectBrowser = 238; internal const int cmdidDocOutlineWindow = 239; internal const int cmdidImmediateWindow = 240; internal const int cmdidWatchWindow = 241; internal const int cmdidLocalsWindow = 242; internal const int cmdidCallStack = 243; internal const int cmdidAutosWindow = cmdidDebugReserved1; internal const int cmdidThisWindow = cmdidDebugReserved2; // ids on project menu internal const int cmdidAddNewItem = 220; internal const int cmdidAddExistingItem = 244; internal const int cmdidNewFolder = 245; internal const int cmdidSetStartupProject = 246; internal const int cmdidProjectSettings = 247; internal const int cmdidProjectReferences = 367; // ids on the debug menu internal const int cmdidStepInto = 248; internal const int cmdidStepOver = 249; internal const int cmdidStepOut = 250; internal const int cmdidRunToCursor = 251; internal const int cmdidAddWatch = 252; internal const int cmdidEditWatch = 253; internal const int cmdidQuickWatch = 254; internal const int cmdidToggleBreakpoint = 255; internal const int cmdidClearBreakpoints = 256; internal const int cmdidShowBreakpoints = 257; internal const int cmdidSetNextStatement = 258; internal const int cmdidShowNextStatement = 259; internal const int cmdidEditBreakpoint = 260; internal const int cmdidDetachDebugger = 262; // ids on the tools menu internal const int cmdidCustomizeKeyboard = 263; internal const int cmdidToolsOptions = 264; // ids on the windows menu internal const int cmdidNewWindow = 265; internal const int cmdidSplit = 266; internal const int cmdidCascade = 267; internal const int cmdidTileHorz = 268; internal const int cmdidTileVert = 269; // ids on the help menu internal const int cmdidTechSupport = 270; // NOTE cmdidAbout and cmdidDebugOptions must be consecutive // cmd after cmdidDebugOptions (ie 273) must not be used internal const int cmdidAbout = 271; internal const int cmdidDebugOptions = 272; // ids on the watch context menu // CollapseWatch appears as 'Collapse Parent', on any // non-top-level item internal const int cmdidDeleteWatch = 274; internal const int cmdidCollapseWatch = 275; // ids on the properties window context menu internal const int cmdidPbrsToggleStatus = 282; internal const int cmdidPropbrsHide = 283; // ids on the docking context menu internal const int cmdidDockingView = 284; internal const int cmdidHideActivePane = 285; // ids for window selection via keyboard //internal const int cmdidPaneNextPane = 316;(listed below in order) //internal const int cmdidPanePrevPane = 317;(listed below in order) internal const int cmdidPaneNextTab = 286; internal const int cmdidPanePrevTab = 287; internal const int cmdidPaneCloseToolWindow = 288; internal const int cmdidPaneActivateDocWindow = 289; #if DCR27419 internal const int cmdidDockingViewMDI = 290; #endif internal const int cmdidDockingViewFloater = 291; internal const int cmdidAutoHideWindow = 292; internal const int cmdidMoveToDropdownBar = 293; internal const int cmdidFindCmd = 294;// internal Find commands internal const int cmdidStart = 295; internal const int cmdidRestart = 296; internal const int cmdidAddinManager = 297; internal const int cmdidMultiLevelUndoList = 298; internal const int cmdidMultiLevelRedoList = 299; internal const int cmdidToolboxAddTab = 300; internal const int cmdidToolboxDeleteTab = 301; internal const int cmdidToolboxRenameTab = 302; internal const int cmdidToolboxTabMoveUp = 303; internal const int cmdidToolboxTabMoveDown = 304; internal const int cmdidToolboxRenameItem = 305; internal const int cmdidToolboxListView = 306; //(below) cmdidSearchSetCombo = 307; internal const int cmdidWindowUIGetList = 308; internal const int cmdidInsertValuesQuery = 309; internal const int cmdidShowProperties = 310; internal const int cmdidThreadSuspend = 311; internal const int cmdidThreadResume = 312; internal const int cmdidThreadSetFocus = 313; internal const int cmdidDisplayRadix = 314; internal const int cmdidOpenProjectItem = 315; internal const int cmdidPaneNextPane = 316; internal const int cmdidPanePrevPane = 317; internal const int cmdidClearPane = 318; internal const int cmdidGotoErrorTag = 319; internal const int cmdidTaskListSortByCategory = 320; internal const int cmdidTaskListSortByFileLine = 321; internal const int cmdidTaskListSortByPriority = 322; internal const int cmdidTaskListSortByDefaultSort = 323; internal const int cmdidTaskListFilterByNothing = 325; internal const int cmdidTaskListFilterByCategoryCodeSense = 326; internal const int cmdidTaskListFilterByCategoryCompiler = 327; internal const int cmdidTaskListFilterByCategoryComment = 328; internal const int cmdidToolboxAddItem = 329; internal const int cmdidToolboxReset = 330; internal const int cmdidSaveProjectItem = 331; internal const int cmdidViewForm = 332; internal const int cmdidViewCode = 333; internal const int cmdidPreviewInBrowser = 334; internal const int cmdidBrowseWith = 336; internal const int cmdidSearchSetCombo = 307; internal const int cmdidSearchCombo = 337; internal const int cmdidEditLabel = 338; internal const int cmdidExceptions = 339; internal const int cmdidToggleSelMode = 341; internal const int cmdidToggleInsMode = 342; internal const int cmdidLoadUnloadedProject = 343; internal const int cmdidUnloadLoadedProject = 344; // ids on the treegrids (watch/local/threads/stack) internal const int cmdidElasticColumn = 345; internal const int cmdidHideColumn = 346; internal const int cmdidTaskListPreviousView = 347; internal const int cmdidZoomDialog = 348; // find/replace options internal const int cmdidFindNew = 349; internal const int cmdidFindMatchCase = 350; internal const int cmdidFindWholeWord = 351; internal const int cmdidFindSimplePattern = 276; internal const int cmdidFindRegularExpression = 352; internal const int cmdidFindBackwards = 353; internal const int cmdidFindInSelection = 354; internal const int cmdidFindStop = 355; internal const int cmdidFindHelp = 356; internal const int cmdidFindInFiles = 277; internal const int cmdidReplaceInFiles = 278; internal const int cmdidNextLocation = 279;// next item in task list, find in files results, etc. internal const int cmdidPreviousLocation = 280;// prev item " internal const int cmdidTaskListNextError = 357; internal const int cmdidTaskListPrevError = 358; internal const int cmdidTaskListFilterByCategoryUser = 359; internal const int cmdidTaskListFilterByCategoryShortcut = 360; internal const int cmdidTaskListFilterByCategoryHTML = 361; internal const int cmdidTaskListFilterByCurrentFile = 362; internal const int cmdidTaskListFilterByChecked = 363; internal const int cmdidTaskListFilterByUnchecked = 364; internal const int cmdidTaskListSortByDescription = 365; internal const int cmdidTaskListSortByChecked = 366; // = 367;is used above in cmdidProjectReferences internal const int cmdidStartNoDebug = 368; // = 369;is used above in cmdidLockControls internal const int cmdidFindNext = 370; internal const int cmdidFindPrev = 371; internal const int cmdidFindSelectedNext = 372; internal const int cmdidFindSelectedPrev = 373; internal const int cmdidSearchGetList = 374; internal const int cmdidInsertBreakpoint = 375; internal const int cmdidEnableBreakpoint = 376; internal const int cmdidF1Help = 377; internal const int cmdidPropSheetOrProperties = 397; // NOTE - the next items are debug only !! internal const int cmdidTshellStep = 398; internal const int cmdidTshellRun = 399; // marker commands on the codewin menu internal const int cmdidMarkerCmd0 = 400; internal const int cmdidMarkerCmd1 = 401; internal const int cmdidMarkerCmd2 = 402; internal const int cmdidMarkerCmd3 = 403; internal const int cmdidMarkerCmd4 = 404; internal const int cmdidMarkerCmd5 = 405; internal const int cmdidMarkerCmd6 = 406; internal const int cmdidMarkerCmd7 = 407; internal const int cmdidMarkerCmd8 = 408; internal const int cmdidMarkerCmd9 = 409; internal const int cmdidMarkerLast = 409; internal const int cmdidMarkerEnd = 410;// list terminator reserved // user-invoked project reload and unload internal const int cmdidReloadProject = 412; internal const int cmdidUnloadProject = 413; // document outline commands internal const int cmdidDetachAttachOutline = 420; internal const int cmdidShowHideOutline = 421; internal const int cmdidSyncOutline = 422; internal const int cmdidRunToCallstCursor = 423; internal const int cmdidNoCmdsAvailable = 424; internal const int cmdidContextWindow = 427; internal const int cmdidAlias = 428; internal const int cmdidGotoCommandLine = 429; internal const int cmdidEvaluateExpression = 430; internal const int cmdidImmediateMode = 431; internal const int cmdidEvaluateStatement = 432; internal const int cmdidFindResultWindow1 = 433; internal const int cmdidFindResultWindow2 = 434; // ids on the window menu - these must be sequential ie window1-morewind internal const int cmdidWindow1 = 570; internal const int cmdidWindow2 = 571; internal const int cmdidWindow3 = 572; internal const int cmdidWindow4 = 573; internal const int cmdidWindow5 = 574; internal const int cmdidWindow6 = 575; internal const int cmdidWindow7 = 576; internal const int cmdidWindow8 = 577; internal const int cmdidWindow9 = 578; internal const int cmdidWindow10 = 579; internal const int cmdidWindow11 = 580; internal const int cmdidWindow12 = 581; internal const int cmdidWindow13 = 582; internal const int cmdidWindow14 = 583; internal const int cmdidWindow15 = 584; internal const int cmdidWindow16 = 585; internal const int cmdidWindow17 = 586; internal const int cmdidWindow18 = 587; internal const int cmdidWindow19 = 588; internal const int cmdidWindow20 = 589; internal const int cmdidWindow21 = 590; internal const int cmdidWindow22 = 591; internal const int cmdidWindow23 = 592; internal const int cmdidWindow24 = 593; internal const int cmdidWindow25 = 594;// note cmdidWindow25 is unused on purpose! internal const int cmdidMoreWindows = 595; //internal const int = 597;//UNUSED internal const int cmdidTaskListTaskHelp = 598; internal const int cmdidClassView = 599; internal const int cmdidMRUProj1 = 600; internal const int cmdidMRUProj2 = 601; internal const int cmdidMRUProj3 = 602; internal const int cmdidMRUProj4 = 603; internal const int cmdidMRUProj5 = 604; internal const int cmdidMRUProj6 = 605; internal const int cmdidMRUProj7 = 606; internal const int cmdidMRUProj8 = 607; internal const int cmdidMRUProj9 = 608; internal const int cmdidMRUProj10 = 609; internal const int cmdidMRUProj11 = 610; internal const int cmdidMRUProj12 = 611; internal const int cmdidMRUProj13 = 612; internal const int cmdidMRUProj14 = 613; internal const int cmdidMRUProj15 = 614; internal const int cmdidMRUProj16 = 615; internal const int cmdidMRUProj17 = 616; internal const int cmdidMRUProj18 = 617; internal const int cmdidMRUProj19 = 618; internal const int cmdidMRUProj20 = 619; internal const int cmdidMRUProj21 = 620; internal const int cmdidMRUProj22 = 621; internal const int cmdidMRUProj23 = 622; internal const int cmdidMRUProj24 = 623; internal const int cmdidMRUProj25 = 624;// note cmdidMRUProj25 is unused on purpose! internal const int cmdidSplitNext = 625; internal const int cmdidSplitPrev = 626; internal const int cmdidCloseAllDocuments = 627; internal const int cmdidNextDocument = 628; internal const int cmdidPrevDocument = 629; internal const int cmdidTool1 = 630;// note cmdidTool1 - cmdidTool24 must be internal const int cmdidTool2 = 631;// consecutive internal const int cmdidTool3 = 632; internal const int cmdidTool4 = 633; internal const int cmdidTool5 = 634; internal const int cmdidTool6 = 635; internal const int cmdidTool7 = 636; internal const int cmdidTool8 = 637; internal const int cmdidTool9 = 638; internal const int cmdidTool10 = 639; internal const int cmdidTool11 = 640; internal const int cmdidTool12 = 641; internal const int cmdidTool13 = 642; internal const int cmdidTool14 = 643; internal const int cmdidTool15 = 644; internal const int cmdidTool16 = 645; internal const int cmdidTool17 = 646; internal const int cmdidTool18 = 647; internal const int cmdidTool19 = 648; internal const int cmdidTool20 = 649; internal const int cmdidTool21 = 650; internal const int cmdidTool22 = 651; internal const int cmdidTool23 = 652; internal const int cmdidTool24 = 653; internal const int cmdidExternalCommands = 654; internal const int cmdidPasteNextTBXCBItem = 655; internal const int cmdidToolboxShowAllTabs = 656; internal const int cmdidProjectDependencies = 657; internal const int cmdidCloseDocument = 658; internal const int cmdidToolboxSortItems = 659; internal const int cmdidViewBarView1 = 660;//UNUSED internal const int cmdidViewBarView2 = 661;//UNUSED internal const int cmdidViewBarView3 = 662;//UNUSED internal const int cmdidViewBarView4 = 663;//UNUSED internal const int cmdidViewBarView5 = 664;//UNUSED internal const int cmdidViewBarView6 = 665;//UNUSED internal const int cmdidViewBarView7 = 666;//UNUSED internal const int cmdidViewBarView8 = 667;//UNUSED internal const int cmdidViewBarView9 = 668;//UNUSED internal const int cmdidViewBarView10 = 669;//UNUSED internal const int cmdidViewBarView11 = 670;//UNUSED internal const int cmdidViewBarView12 = 671;//UNUSED internal const int cmdidViewBarView13 = 672;//UNUSED internal const int cmdidViewBarView14 = 673;//UNUSED internal const int cmdidViewBarView15 = 674;//UNUSED internal const int cmdidViewBarView16 = 675;//UNUSED internal const int cmdidViewBarView17 = 676;//UNUSED internal const int cmdidViewBarView18 = 677;//UNUSED internal const int cmdidViewBarView19 = 678;//UNUSED internal const int cmdidViewBarView20 = 679;//UNUSED internal const int cmdidViewBarView21 = 680;//UNUSED internal const int cmdidViewBarView22 = 681;//UNUSED internal const int cmdidViewBarView23 = 682;//UNUSED internal const int cmdidViewBarView24 = 683;//UNUSED internal const int cmdidSolutionCfg = 684; internal const int cmdidSolutionCfgGetList = 685; // // Schema table commands: // All invoke table property dialog and select appropriate page. // internal const int cmdidManageIndexes = 675; internal const int cmdidManageRelationships = 676; internal const int cmdidManageConstraints = 677; internal const int cmdidTaskListCustomView1 = 678; internal const int cmdidTaskListCustomView2 = 679; internal const int cmdidTaskListCustomView3 = 680; internal const int cmdidTaskListCustomView4 = 681; internal const int cmdidTaskListCustomView5 = 682; internal const int cmdidTaskListCustomView6 = 683; internal const int cmdidTaskListCustomView7 = 684; internal const int cmdidTaskListCustomView8 = 685; internal const int cmdidTaskListCustomView9 = 686; internal const int cmdidTaskListCustomView10 = 687; internal const int cmdidTaskListCustomView11 = 688; internal const int cmdidTaskListCustomView12 = 689; internal const int cmdidTaskListCustomView13 = 690; internal const int cmdidTaskListCustomView14 = 691; internal const int cmdidTaskListCustomView15 = 692; internal const int cmdidTaskListCustomView16 = 693; internal const int cmdidTaskListCustomView17 = 694; internal const int cmdidTaskListCustomView18 = 695; internal const int cmdidTaskListCustomView19 = 696; internal const int cmdidTaskListCustomView20 = 697; internal const int cmdidTaskListCustomView21 = 698; internal const int cmdidTaskListCustomView22 = 699; internal const int cmdidTaskListCustomView23 = 700; internal const int cmdidTaskListCustomView24 = 701; internal const int cmdidTaskListCustomView25 = 702; internal const int cmdidTaskListCustomView26 = 703; internal const int cmdidTaskListCustomView27 = 704; internal const int cmdidTaskListCustomView28 = 705; internal const int cmdidTaskListCustomView29 = 706; internal const int cmdidTaskListCustomView30 = 707; internal const int cmdidTaskListCustomView31 = 708; internal const int cmdidTaskListCustomView32 = 709; internal const int cmdidTaskListCustomView33 = 710; internal const int cmdidTaskListCustomView34 = 711; internal const int cmdidTaskListCustomView35 = 712; internal const int cmdidTaskListCustomView36 = 713; internal const int cmdidTaskListCustomView37 = 714; internal const int cmdidTaskListCustomView38 = 715; internal const int cmdidTaskListCustomView39 = 716; internal const int cmdidTaskListCustomView40 = 717; internal const int cmdidTaskListCustomView41 = 718; internal const int cmdidTaskListCustomView42 = 719; internal const int cmdidTaskListCustomView43 = 720; internal const int cmdidTaskListCustomView44 = 721; internal const int cmdidTaskListCustomView45 = 722; internal const int cmdidTaskListCustomView46 = 723; internal const int cmdidTaskListCustomView47 = 724; internal const int cmdidTaskListCustomView48 = 725; internal const int cmdidTaskListCustomView49 = 726; internal const int cmdidTaskListCustomView50 = 727;//not used on purpose, ends the list internal const int cmdidObjectSearch = 728; internal const int cmdidCommandWindow = 729; internal const int cmdidCommandWindowMarkMode = 730; internal const int cmdidLogCommandWindow = 731; internal const int cmdidShell = 732; internal const int cmdidSingleChar = 733; internal const int cmdidZeroOrMore = 734; internal const int cmdidOneOrMore = 735; internal const int cmdidBeginLine = 736; internal const int cmdidEndLine = 737; internal const int cmdidBeginWord = 738; internal const int cmdidEndWord = 739; internal const int cmdidCharInSet = 740; internal const int cmdidCharNotInSet = 741; internal const int cmdidOr = 742; internal const int cmdidEscape = 743; internal const int cmdidTagExp = 744; // Regex builder context help menu commands internal const int cmdidPatternMatchHelp = 745; internal const int cmdidRegExList = 746; internal const int cmdidDebugReserved1 = 747; internal const int cmdidDebugReserved2 = 748; internal const int cmdidDebugReserved3 = 749; //USED ABOVE = 750; //USED ABOVE = 751; //USED ABOVE = 752; //USED ABOVE = 753; //Regex builder wildcard menu commands internal const int cmdidWildZeroOrMore = 754; internal const int cmdidWildSingleChar = 755; internal const int cmdidWildSingleDigit = 756; internal const int cmdidWildCharInSet = 757; internal const int cmdidWildCharNotInSet = 758; internal const int cmdidFindWhatText = 759; internal const int cmdidTaggedExp1 = 760; internal const int cmdidTaggedExp2 = 761; internal const int cmdidTaggedExp3 = 762; internal const int cmdidTaggedExp4 = 763; internal const int cmdidTaggedExp5 = 764; internal const int cmdidTaggedExp6 = 765; internal const int cmdidTaggedExp7 = 766; internal const int cmdidTaggedExp8 = 767; internal const int cmdidTaggedExp9 = 768; internal const int cmdidEditorWidgetClick = 769;// param = 0;is the moniker as VT_BSTR, param = 1;is the buffer line as VT_I4, and param = 2;is the buffer index as VT_I4 internal const int cmdidCmdWinUpdateAC = 770; internal const int cmdidSlnCfgMgr = 771; internal const int cmdidAddNewProject = 772; internal const int cmdidAddExistingProject = 773; internal const int cmdidAddNewSolutionItem = 774; internal const int cmdidAddExistingSolutionItem = 775; internal const int cmdidAutoHideContext1 = 776; internal const int cmdidAutoHideContext2 = 777; internal const int cmdidAutoHideContext3 = 778; internal const int cmdidAutoHideContext4 = 779; internal const int cmdidAutoHideContext5 = 780; internal const int cmdidAutoHideContext6 = 781; internal const int cmdidAutoHideContext7 = 782; internal const int cmdidAutoHideContext8 = 783; internal const int cmdidAutoHideContext9 = 784; internal const int cmdidAutoHideContext10 = 785; internal const int cmdidAutoHideContext11 = 786; internal const int cmdidAutoHideContext12 = 787; internal const int cmdidAutoHideContext13 = 788; internal const int cmdidAutoHideContext14 = 789; internal const int cmdidAutoHideContext15 = 790; internal const int cmdidAutoHideContext16 = 791; internal const int cmdidAutoHideContext17 = 792; internal const int cmdidAutoHideContext18 = 793; internal const int cmdidAutoHideContext19 = 794; internal const int cmdidAutoHideContext20 = 795; internal const int cmdidAutoHideContext21 = 796; internal const int cmdidAutoHideContext22 = 797; internal const int cmdidAutoHideContext23 = 798; internal const int cmdidAutoHideContext24 = 799; internal const int cmdidAutoHideContext25 = 800; internal const int cmdidAutoHideContext26 = 801; internal const int cmdidAutoHideContext27 = 802; internal const int cmdidAutoHideContext28 = 803; internal const int cmdidAutoHideContext29 = 804; internal const int cmdidAutoHideContext30 = 805; internal const int cmdidAutoHideContext31 = 806; internal const int cmdidAutoHideContext32 = 807; internal const int cmdidAutoHideContext33 = 808;// must remain unused internal const int cmdidShellNavBackward = 809; internal const int cmdidShellNavForward = 810; internal const int cmdidShellNavigate1 = 811; internal const int cmdidShellNavigate2 = 812; internal const int cmdidShellNavigate3 = 813; internal const int cmdidShellNavigate4 = 814; internal const int cmdidShellNavigate5 = 815; internal const int cmdidShellNavigate6 = 816; internal const int cmdidShellNavigate7 = 817; internal const int cmdidShellNavigate8 = 818; internal const int cmdidShellNavigate9 = 819; internal const int cmdidShellNavigate10 = 820; internal const int cmdidShellNavigate11 = 821; internal const int cmdidShellNavigate12 = 822; internal const int cmdidShellNavigate13 = 823; internal const int cmdidShellNavigate14 = 824; internal const int cmdidShellNavigate15 = 825; internal const int cmdidShellNavigate16 = 826; internal const int cmdidShellNavigate17 = 827; internal const int cmdidShellNavigate18 = 828; internal const int cmdidShellNavigate19 = 829; internal const int cmdidShellNavigate20 = 830; internal const int cmdidShellNavigate21 = 831; internal const int cmdidShellNavigate22 = 832; internal const int cmdidShellNavigate23 = 833; internal const int cmdidShellNavigate24 = 834; internal const int cmdidShellNavigate25 = 835; internal const int cmdidShellNavigate26 = 836; internal const int cmdidShellNavigate27 = 837; internal const int cmdidShellNavigate28 = 838; internal const int cmdidShellNavigate29 = 839; internal const int cmdidShellNavigate30 = 840; internal const int cmdidShellNavigate31 = 841; internal const int cmdidShellNavigate32 = 842; internal const int cmdidShellNavigate33 = 843;// must remain unused internal const int cmdidShellWindowNavigate1 = 844; internal const int cmdidShellWindowNavigate2 = 845; internal const int cmdidShellWindowNavigate3 = 846; internal const int cmdidShellWindowNavigate4 = 847; internal const int cmdidShellWindowNavigate5 = 848; internal const int cmdidShellWindowNavigate6 = 849; internal const int cmdidShellWindowNavigate7 = 850; internal const int cmdidShellWindowNavigate8 = 851; internal const int cmdidShellWindowNavigate9 = 852; internal const int cmdidShellWindowNavigate10 = 853; internal const int cmdidShellWindowNavigate11 = 854; internal const int cmdidShellWindowNavigate12 = 855; internal const int cmdidShellWindowNavigate13 = 856; internal const int cmdidShellWindowNavigate14 = 857; internal const int cmdidShellWindowNavigate15 = 858; internal const int cmdidShellWindowNavigate16 = 859; internal const int cmdidShellWindowNavigate17 = 860; internal const int cmdidShellWindowNavigate18 = 861; internal const int cmdidShellWindowNavigate19 = 862; internal const int cmdidShellWindowNavigate20 = 863; internal const int cmdidShellWindowNavigate21 = 864; internal const int cmdidShellWindowNavigate22 = 865; internal const int cmdidShellWindowNavigate23 = 866; internal const int cmdidShellWindowNavigate24 = 867; internal const int cmdidShellWindowNavigate25 = 868; internal const int cmdidShellWindowNavigate26 = 869; internal const int cmdidShellWindowNavigate27 = 870; internal const int cmdidShellWindowNavigate28 = 871; internal const int cmdidShellWindowNavigate29 = 872; internal const int cmdidShellWindowNavigate30 = 873; internal const int cmdidShellWindowNavigate31 = 874; internal const int cmdidShellWindowNavigate32 = 875; internal const int cmdidShellWindowNavigate33 = 876;// must remain unused // ObjectSearch cmds internal const int cmdidOBSDoFind = 877; internal const int cmdidOBSMatchCase = 878; internal const int cmdidOBSMatchSubString = 879; internal const int cmdidOBSMatchWholeWord = 880; internal const int cmdidOBSMatchPrefix = 881; // build cmds internal const int cmdidBuildSln = 882; internal const int cmdidRebuildSln = 883; internal const int cmdidDeploySln = 884; internal const int cmdidCleanSln = 885; internal const int cmdidBuildSel = 886; internal const int cmdidRebuildSel = 887; internal const int cmdidDeploySel = 888; internal const int cmdidCleanSel = 889; internal const int cmdidCancelBuild = 890; internal const int cmdidBatchBuildDlg = 891; internal const int cmdidBuildCtx = 892; internal const int cmdidRebuildCtx = 893; internal const int cmdidDeployCtx = 894; internal const int cmdidCleanCtx = 895; // cmdid range 896-899 empty internal const int cmdidMRUFile1 = 900; internal const int cmdidMRUFile2 = 901; internal const int cmdidMRUFile3 = 902; internal const int cmdidMRUFile4 = 903; internal const int cmdidMRUFile5 = 904; internal const int cmdidMRUFile6 = 905; internal const int cmdidMRUFile7 = 906; internal const int cmdidMRUFile8 = 907; internal const int cmdidMRUFile9 = 908; internal const int cmdidMRUFile10 = 909; internal const int cmdidMRUFile11 = 910; internal const int cmdidMRUFile12 = 911; internal const int cmdidMRUFile13 = 912; internal const int cmdidMRUFile14 = 913; internal const int cmdidMRUFile15 = 914; internal const int cmdidMRUFile16 = 915; internal const int cmdidMRUFile17 = 916; internal const int cmdidMRUFile18 = 917; internal const int cmdidMRUFile19 = 918; internal const int cmdidMRUFile20 = 919; internal const int cmdidMRUFile21 = 920; internal const int cmdidMRUFile22 = 921; internal const int cmdidMRUFile23 = 922; internal const int cmdidMRUFile24 = 923; internal const int cmdidMRUFile25 = 924;// note cmdidMRUFile25 is unused on purpose! // Object Browsing & ClassView cmds // Shared shell cmds (for accessing Object Browsing functionality) internal const int cmdidGotoDefn = 925; internal const int cmdidGotoDecl = 926; internal const int cmdidBrowseDefn = 927; internal const int cmdidShowMembers = 928; internal const int cmdidShowBases = 929; internal const int cmdidShowDerived = 930; internal const int cmdidShowDefns = 931; internal const int cmdidShowRefs = 932; internal const int cmdidShowCallers = 933; internal const int cmdidShowCallees = 934; internal const int cmdidDefineSubset = 935; internal const int cmdidSetSubset = 936; // ClassView Tool Specific cmds internal const int cmdidCVGroupingNone = 950; internal const int cmdidCVGroupingSortOnly = 951; internal const int cmdidCVGroupingGrouped = 952; internal const int cmdidCVShowPackages = 953; internal const int cmdidQryManageIndexes = 954; internal const int cmdidBrowseComponent = 955; internal const int cmdidPrintDefault = 956;// quick print internal const int cmdidBrowseDoc = 957; internal const int cmdidStandardMax = 1000; /////////////////////////////////////////// // DON'T go beyond the cmdidStandardMax // if you are adding shell commands. // // If you are not adding shell commands, // you shouldn't be doing it in this file! // /////////////////////////////////////////// internal const int cmdidFormsFirst = 0x00006000; internal const int cmdidFormsLast = 0x00006FFF; internal const int cmdidVBEFirst = 0x00008000; internal const int msotcidBookmarkWellMenu = 0x00008001; internal const int cmdidZoom200 = 0x00008002; internal const int cmdidZoom150 = 0x00008003; internal const int cmdidZoom100 = 0x00008004; internal const int cmdidZoom75 = 0x00008005; internal const int cmdidZoom50 = 0x00008006; internal const int cmdidZoom25 = 0x00008007; internal const int cmdidZoom10 = 0x00008010; internal const int msotcidZoomWellMenu = 0x00008011; internal const int msotcidDebugPopWellMenu = 0x00008012; internal const int msotcidAlignWellMenu = 0x00008013; internal const int msotcidArrangeWellMenu = 0x00008014; internal const int msotcidCenterWellMenu = 0x00008015; internal const int msotcidSizeWellMenu = 0x00008016; internal const int msotcidHorizontalSpaceWellMenu = 0x00008017; internal const int msotcidVerticalSpaceWellMenu = 0x00008020; internal const int msotcidDebugWellMenu = 0x00008021; internal const int msotcidDebugMenuVB = 0x00008022; internal const int msotcidStatementBuilderWellMenu = 0x00008023; internal const int msotcidProjWinInsertMenu = 0x00008024; internal const int msotcidToggleMenu = 0x00008025; internal const int msotcidNewObjInsertWellMenu = 0x00008026; internal const int msotcidSizeToWellMenu = 0x00008027; internal const int msotcidCommandBars = 0x00008028; internal const int msotcidVBOrderMenu = 0x00008029; internal const int msotcidMSOnTheWeb =0x0000802A; internal const int msotcidVBDesignerMenu = 0x00008030; internal const int msotcidNewProjectWellMenu = 0x00008031; internal const int msotcidProjectWellMenu = 0x00008032; internal const int msotcidVBCode1ContextMenu = 0x00008033; internal const int msotcidVBCode2ContextMenu = 0x00008034; internal const int msotcidVBWatchContextMenu = 0x00008035; internal const int msotcidVBImmediateContextMenu = 0x00008036; internal const int msotcidVBLocalsContextMenu = 0x00008037; internal const int msotcidVBFormContextMenu = 0x00008038; internal const int msotcidVBControlContextMenu = 0x00008039; internal const int msotcidVBProjWinContextMenu =0x0000803A; internal const int msotcidVBProjWinContextBreakMenu = 0x0000803B; internal const int msotcidVBPreviewWinContextMenu =0x0000803C ; internal const int msotcidVBOBContextMenu = 0x0000803D ; internal const int msotcidVBForms3ContextMenu = 0x0000803E ; internal const int msotcidVBForms3ControlCMenu = 0x0000803F; internal const int msotcidVBForms3ControlCMenuGroup = 0x00008040; internal const int msotcidVBForms3ControlPalette = 0x00008041; internal const int msotcidVBForms3ToolboxCMenu = 0x00008042; internal const int msotcidVBForms3MPCCMenu = 0x00008043; internal const int msotcidVBForms3DragDropCMenu = 0x00008044; internal const int msotcidVBToolBoxContextMenu = 0x00008045; internal const int msotcidVBToolBoxGroupContextMenu = 0x00008046; internal const int msotcidVBPropBrsHostContextMenu = 0x00008047; internal const int msotcidVBPropBrsContextMenu = 0x00008048; internal const int msotcidVBPalContextMenu = 0x00008049; internal const int msotcidVBProjWinProjectContextMenu =0x0000804A ; internal const int msotcidVBProjWinFormContextMenu = 0x0000804B; internal const int msotcidVBProjWinModClassContextMenu =0x0000804C ; internal const int msotcidVBProjWinRelDocContextMenu = 0x0000804D; internal const int msotcidVBDockedWindowContextMenu = 0x0000804E; internal const int msotcidVBShortCutForms =0x0000804F; internal const int msotcidVBShortCutCodeWindows = 0x00008050; internal const int msotcidVBShortCutMisc = 0x00008051; internal const int msotcidVBBuiltInMenus = 0x00008052; internal const int msotcidPreviewWinFormPos = 0x00008053; internal const int msotcidVBAddinFirst = 0x00008200; } private static class ShellGuids { internal static readonly Guid VSStandardCommandSet97 = new Guid("{5efc7975-14bc-11cf-9b2b-00aa00573819}"); internal static readonly Guid guidDsdCmdId = new Guid("{1F0FD094-8e53-11d2-8f9c-0060089fc486}"); internal static readonly Guid SID_SOleComponentUIManager = new Guid("{5efc7974-14bc-11cf-9b2b-00aa00573819}"); internal static readonly Guid GUID_VSTASKCATEGORY_DATADESIGNER = new Guid("{6B32EAED-13BB-11d3-A64F-00C04F683820}"); internal static readonly Guid GUID_PropertyBrowserToolWindow = new Guid(unchecked((int)0xeefa5220), unchecked((short)0xe298), unchecked((short)0x11d0), new byte[]{ 0x8f, 0x78, 0x0, 0xa0, 0xc9, 0x11, 0x0, 0x57}); } } }