using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Linq.Expressions; using System.Text; using System.Web.UI; using System.Web.UI.WebControls; using System.Collections.Specialized; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Web.Resources; using System.Globalization; using System.Web.Caching; using System.Web.Hosting; namespace System.Web.DynamicData { delegate void FileChangedCallback(string path); class FileChangeNotifier { private static VirtualPathProvider _vpp; internal static VirtualPathProvider VirtualPathProvider { private get { if (_vpp == null) { _vpp = HostingEnvironment.VirtualPathProvider; } return _vpp; } // For unit test purpose set { _vpp = value; } } [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Usage", "CA1806:DoNotIgnoreMethodResults", MessageId = "System.Web.DynamicData.FileChangeNotifier", Justification="The object deals with file change notifications and we don't need to hold on to it")] internal static void Register(string virtualPath, FileChangedCallback onFileChanged) { new FileChangeNotifier(virtualPath, onFileChanged); } private FileChangedCallback _onFileChanged; private FileChangeNotifier(string virtualPath, FileChangedCallback onFileChanged) { _onFileChanged = onFileChanged; RegisterForNextNotification(virtualPath); } private void RegisterForNextNotification(string virtualPath) { // Get a CacheDependency from the BuildProvider, so that we know anytime something changes var virtualPathDependencies = new List<string>(); virtualPathDependencies.Add(virtualPath); CacheDependency cacheDependency = VirtualPathProvider.GetCacheDependency( virtualPath, virtualPathDependencies, DateTime.UtcNow); // Rely on the ASP.NET cache for file change notifications, since FileSystemWatcher // doesn't work in medium trust HttpRuntime.Cache.Insert(virtualPath /*key*/, virtualPath /*value*/, cacheDependency, Cache.NoAbsoluteExpiration, Cache.NoSlidingExpiration, CacheItemPriority.NotRemovable, new CacheItemRemovedCallback(OnCacheItemRemoved)); } private void OnCacheItemRemoved(string key, object value, CacheItemRemovedReason reason) { // We only care about dependency changes if (reason != CacheItemRemovedReason.DependencyChanged) return; _onFileChanged(key); // We need to register again to get the next notification RegisterForNextNotification(key); } } }