//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace System.ServiceModel.Dispatcher { using System; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Globalization; using System.Runtime; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; using System.Runtime.Diagnostics; using System.ServiceModel; using System.ServiceModel.Activation; using System.ServiceModel.Channels; using System.ServiceModel.Description; using System.ServiceModel.Diagnostics; using System.ServiceModel.Diagnostics.Application; using System.Threading; using System.Transactions; using System.Xml; using SessionIdleManager = System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannel.SessionIdleManager; class ChannelHandler { public static readonly TimeSpan CloseAfterFaultTimeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10); public const string MessageBufferPropertyName = "_RequestMessageBuffer_"; readonly IChannelBinder binder; readonly DuplexChannelBinder duplexBinder; readonly ServiceHostBase host; readonly bool incrementedActivityCountInConstructor; readonly bool isCallback; readonly ListenerHandler listener; readonly ServiceThrottle throttle; readonly bool wasChannelThrottled; readonly SessionIdleManager idleManager; readonly bool sendAsynchronously; static AsyncCallback onAsyncReplyComplete = Fx.ThunkCallback(new AsyncCallback(ChannelHandler.OnAsyncReplyComplete)); static AsyncCallback onAsyncReceiveComplete = Fx.ThunkCallback(new AsyncCallback(ChannelHandler.OnAsyncReceiveComplete)); static Action<object> onContinueAsyncReceive = new Action<object>(ChannelHandler.OnContinueAsyncReceive); static Action<object> onStartSyncMessagePump = new Action<object>(ChannelHandler.OnStartSyncMessagePump); static Action<object> onStartAsyncMessagePump = new Action<object>(ChannelHandler.OnStartAsyncMessagePump); static Action<object> onStartSingleTransactedBatch = new Action<object>(ChannelHandler.OnStartSingleTransactedBatch); static Action<object> openAndEnsurePump = new Action<object>(ChannelHandler.OpenAndEnsurePump); RequestInfo requestInfo; ServiceChannel channel; bool doneReceiving; bool hasRegisterBeenCalled; bool hasSession; int isPumpAcquired; bool isChannelTerminated; bool isConcurrent; bool isManualAddressing; MessageVersion messageVersion; ErrorHandlingReceiver receiver; bool receiveSynchronously; bool receiveWithTransaction; RequestContext replied; RequestContext requestWaitingForThrottle; WrappedTransaction acceptTransaction; ServiceThrottle instanceContextThrottle; SharedTransactedBatchContext sharedTransactedBatchContext; TransactedBatchContext transactedBatchContext; bool isMainTransactedBatchHandler; EventTraceActivity eventTraceActivity; SessionOpenNotification sessionOpenNotification; bool needToCreateSessionOpenNotificationMessage; bool shouldRejectMessageWithOnOpenActionHeader; internal ChannelHandler(MessageVersion messageVersion, IChannelBinder binder, ServiceChannel channel) { ClientRuntime clientRuntime = channel.ClientRuntime; this.messageVersion = messageVersion; this.isManualAddressing = clientRuntime.ManualAddressing; this.binder = binder; this.channel = channel; this.isConcurrent = true; this.duplexBinder = binder as DuplexChannelBinder; this.hasSession = binder.HasSession; this.isCallback = true; DispatchRuntime dispatchRuntime = clientRuntime.DispatchRuntime; if (dispatchRuntime == null) { this.receiver = new ErrorHandlingReceiver(binder, null); } else { this.receiver = new ErrorHandlingReceiver(binder, dispatchRuntime.ChannelDispatcher); } this.requestInfo = new RequestInfo(this); } internal ChannelHandler(MessageVersion messageVersion, IChannelBinder binder, ServiceThrottle throttle, ListenerHandler listener, bool wasChannelThrottled, WrappedTransaction acceptTransaction, SessionIdleManager idleManager) { ChannelDispatcher channelDispatcher = listener.ChannelDispatcher; this.messageVersion = messageVersion; this.isManualAddressing = channelDispatcher.ManualAddressing; this.binder = binder; this.throttle = throttle; this.listener = listener; this.wasChannelThrottled = wasChannelThrottled; this.host = listener.Host; this.receiveSynchronously = channelDispatcher.ReceiveSynchronously; this.sendAsynchronously = channelDispatcher.SendAsynchronously; this.duplexBinder = binder as DuplexChannelBinder; this.hasSession = binder.HasSession; this.isConcurrent = ConcurrencyBehavior.IsConcurrent(channelDispatcher, this.hasSession); if (channelDispatcher.MaxPendingReceives > 1) { // We need to preserve order if the ChannelHandler is not concurrent. this.binder = new MultipleReceiveBinder( this.binder, channelDispatcher.MaxPendingReceives, !this.isConcurrent); } if (channelDispatcher.BufferedReceiveEnabled) { this.binder = new BufferedReceiveBinder(this.binder); } this.receiver = new ErrorHandlingReceiver(this.binder, channelDispatcher); this.idleManager = idleManager; Fx.Assert((this.idleManager != null) == (this.binder.HasSession && this.listener.ChannelDispatcher.DefaultCommunicationTimeouts.ReceiveTimeout != TimeSpan.MaxValue), "idle manager is present only when there is a session with a finite receive timeout"); if (channelDispatcher.IsTransactedReceive && !channelDispatcher.ReceiveContextEnabled) { receiveSynchronously = true; receiveWithTransaction = true; if (channelDispatcher.MaxTransactedBatchSize > 0) { int maxConcurrentBatches = 1; if (null != throttle && throttle.MaxConcurrentCalls > 1) { maxConcurrentBatches = throttle.MaxConcurrentCalls; foreach (EndpointDispatcher endpointDispatcher in channelDispatcher.Endpoints) { if (ConcurrencyMode.Multiple != endpointDispatcher.DispatchRuntime.ConcurrencyMode) { maxConcurrentBatches = 1; break; } } } this.sharedTransactedBatchContext = new SharedTransactedBatchContext(this, channelDispatcher, maxConcurrentBatches); this.isMainTransactedBatchHandler = true; this.throttle = null; } } else if (channelDispatcher.IsTransactedReceive && channelDispatcher.ReceiveContextEnabled && channelDispatcher.MaxTransactedBatchSize > 0) { throw DiagnosticUtility.ExceptionUtility.ThrowHelperError(new InvalidOperationException(SR.GetString(SR.IncompatibleBehaviors))); } if (this.binder.HasSession) { this.sessionOpenNotification = this.binder.Channel.GetProperty<SessionOpenNotification>(); this.needToCreateSessionOpenNotificationMessage = this.sessionOpenNotification != null && this.sessionOpenNotification.IsEnabled; } this.acceptTransaction = acceptTransaction; this.requestInfo = new RequestInfo(this); if (this.listener.State == CommunicationState.Opened) { this.listener.ChannelDispatcher.Channels.IncrementActivityCount(); this.incrementedActivityCountInConstructor = true; } } internal ChannelHandler(ChannelHandler handler, TransactedBatchContext context) { this.messageVersion = handler.messageVersion; this.isManualAddressing = handler.isManualAddressing; this.binder = handler.binder; this.listener = handler.listener; this.wasChannelThrottled = handler.wasChannelThrottled; this.host = handler.host; this.receiveSynchronously = true; this.receiveWithTransaction = true; this.duplexBinder = handler.duplexBinder; this.hasSession = handler.hasSession; this.isConcurrent = handler.isConcurrent; this.receiver = handler.receiver; this.sharedTransactedBatchContext = context.Shared; this.transactedBatchContext = context; this.requestInfo = new RequestInfo(this); this.sendAsynchronously = handler.sendAsynchronously; this.sessionOpenNotification = handler.sessionOpenNotification; this.needToCreateSessionOpenNotificationMessage = handler.needToCreateSessionOpenNotificationMessage; this.shouldRejectMessageWithOnOpenActionHeader = handler.shouldRejectMessageWithOnOpenActionHeader; } internal IChannelBinder Binder { get { return this.binder; } } internal ServiceChannel Channel { get { return this.channel; } } internal bool HasRegisterBeenCalled { get { return this.hasRegisterBeenCalled; } } internal InstanceContext InstanceContext { get { return (this.channel != null) ? this.channel.InstanceContext : null; } } internal ServiceThrottle InstanceContextServiceThrottle { get { return this.instanceContextThrottle; } set { this.instanceContextThrottle = value; } } bool IsOpen { get { return this.binder.Channel.State == CommunicationState.Opened; } } EndpointAddress LocalAddress { get { if (this.binder != null) { IInputChannel input = this.binder.Channel as IInputChannel; if (input != null) { return input.LocalAddress; } IReplyChannel reply = this.binder.Channel as IReplyChannel; if (reply != null) { return reply.LocalAddress; } } return null; } } object ThisLock { get { return this; } } EventTraceActivity EventTraceActivity { get { if (this.eventTraceActivity == null) { this.eventTraceActivity = new EventTraceActivity(); } return this.eventTraceActivity; } } internal static void Register(ChannelHandler handler) { handler.Register(); } internal static void Register(ChannelHandler handler, RequestContext request) { BufferedReceiveBinder bufferedBinder = handler.Binder as BufferedReceiveBinder; Fx.Assert(bufferedBinder != null, "ChannelHandler.Binder is not a BufferedReceiveBinder"); bufferedBinder.InjectRequest(request); handler.Register(); } void Register() { this.hasRegisterBeenCalled = true; if (this.binder.Channel.State == CommunicationState.Created) { ActionItem.Schedule(openAndEnsurePump, this); } else { this.EnsurePump(); } } void AsyncMessagePump() { IAsyncResult result = this.BeginTryReceive(); if ((result != null) && result.CompletedSynchronously) { this.AsyncMessagePump(result); } } void AsyncMessagePump(IAsyncResult result) { if (TD.ChannelReceiveStopIsEnabled()) { TD.ChannelReceiveStop(this.EventTraceActivity, this.GetHashCode()); } for (;;) { RequestContext request; while (!this.EndTryReceive(result, out request)) { result = this.BeginTryReceive(); if ((result == null) || !result.CompletedSynchronously) { return; } } if (!HandleRequest(request, null)) { break; } if (!TryAcquirePump()) { break; } result = this.BeginTryReceive(); if (result == null || !result.CompletedSynchronously) { break; } } } IAsyncResult BeginTryReceive() { this.requestInfo.Cleanup(); if (TD.ChannelReceiveStartIsEnabled()) { TD.ChannelReceiveStart(this.EventTraceActivity, this.GetHashCode()); } this.shouldRejectMessageWithOnOpenActionHeader = !this.needToCreateSessionOpenNotificationMessage; if (this.needToCreateSessionOpenNotificationMessage) { return new CompletedAsyncResult(ChannelHandler.onAsyncReceiveComplete, this); } return this.receiver.BeginTryReceive(TimeSpan.MaxValue, ChannelHandler.onAsyncReceiveComplete, this); } bool DispatchAndReleasePump(RequestContext request, bool cleanThread, OperationContext currentOperationContext) { ServiceChannel channel = this.requestInfo.Channel; EndpointDispatcher endpoint = this.requestInfo.Endpoint; bool releasedPump = false; try { DispatchRuntime dispatchBehavior = this.requestInfo.DispatchRuntime; if (channel == null || dispatchBehavior == null) { Fx.Assert("System.ServiceModel.Dispatcher.ChannelHandler.Dispatch(): (channel == null || dispatchBehavior == null)"); return true; } MessageBuffer buffer = null; Message message; EventTraceActivity eventTraceActivity = TraceDispatchMessageStart(request.RequestMessage); AspNetEnvironment.Current.PrepareMessageForDispatch(request.RequestMessage); if (dispatchBehavior.PreserveMessage) { object previousBuffer = null; if (request.RequestMessage.Properties.TryGetValue(MessageBufferPropertyName, out previousBuffer)) { buffer = (MessageBuffer)previousBuffer; message = buffer.CreateMessage(); } else { // buffer = request.RequestMessage.CreateBufferedCopy(int.MaxValue); message = buffer.CreateMessage(); } } else { message = request.RequestMessage; } DispatchOperationRuntime operation = dispatchBehavior.GetOperation(ref message); if (operation == null) { Fx.Assert("ChannelHandler.Dispatch (operation == null)"); throw DiagnosticUtility.ExceptionUtility.ThrowHelperError(new InvalidOperationException(String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "No DispatchOperationRuntime found to process message."))); } if (this.shouldRejectMessageWithOnOpenActionHeader && message.Headers.Action == OperationDescription.SessionOpenedAction) { throw DiagnosticUtility.ExceptionUtility.ThrowHelperError(new InvalidOperationException(SR.GetString(SR.SFxNoEndpointMatchingAddressForConnectionOpeningMessage, message.Headers.Action, "Open"))); } if (MessageLogger.LoggingEnabled) { MessageLogger.LogMessage(ref message, (operation.IsOneWay ? MessageLoggingSource.ServiceLevelReceiveDatagram : MessageLoggingSource.ServiceLevelReceiveRequest) | MessageLoggingSource.LastChance); } if (operation.IsTerminating && this.hasSession) { this.isChannelTerminated = true; } bool hasOperationContextBeenSet; if (currentOperationContext != null) { hasOperationContextBeenSet = true; currentOperationContext.ReInit(request, message, channel); } else { hasOperationContextBeenSet = false; currentOperationContext = new OperationContext(request, message, channel, this.host); } if (dispatchBehavior.PreserveMessage) { currentOperationContext.IncomingMessageProperties.Add(MessageBufferPropertyName, buffer); } if (currentOperationContext.EndpointDispatcher == null && this.listener != null) { currentOperationContext.EndpointDispatcher = endpoint; } MessageRpc rpc = new MessageRpc(request, message, operation, channel, this.host, this, cleanThread, currentOperationContext, this.requestInfo.ExistingInstanceContext, eventTraceActivity); TraceUtility.MessageFlowAtMessageReceived(message, currentOperationContext, eventTraceActivity, true); rpc.TransactedBatchContext = this.transactedBatchContext; // passing responsibility for call throttle to MessageRpc // (MessageRpc implicitly owns this throttle once it's created) this.requestInfo.ChannelHandlerOwnsCallThrottle = false; // explicitly passing responsibility for instance throttle to MessageRpc rpc.MessageRpcOwnsInstanceContextThrottle = this.requestInfo.ChannelHandlerOwnsInstanceContextThrottle; this.requestInfo.ChannelHandlerOwnsInstanceContextThrottle = false; // These need to happen before Dispatch but after accessing any ChannelHandler // state, because we go multi-threaded after this until we reacquire pump mutex. this.ReleasePump(); releasedPump = true; return operation.Parent.Dispatch(ref rpc, hasOperationContextBeenSet); } catch (Exception e) { if (Fx.IsFatal(e)) { throw; } return this.HandleError(e, request, channel); } finally { if (!releasedPump) { this.ReleasePump(); } } } internal void DispatchDone() { if (this.throttle != null) { this.throttle.DeactivateCall(); } } RequestContext GetSessionOpenNotificationRequestContext() { Fx.Assert(this.sessionOpenNotification != null, "this.sessionOpenNotification should not be null."); Message message = Message.CreateMessage(this.Binder.Channel.GetProperty<MessageVersion>(), OperationDescription.SessionOpenedAction); Fx.Assert(this.LocalAddress != null, "this.LocalAddress should not be null."); message.Headers.To = this.LocalAddress.Uri; this.sessionOpenNotification.UpdateMessageProperties(message.Properties); return this.Binder.CreateRequestContext(message); } bool EndTryReceive(IAsyncResult result, out RequestContext requestContext) { bool valid; if (this.needToCreateSessionOpenNotificationMessage) { this.needToCreateSessionOpenNotificationMessage = false; Fx.Assert(result is CompletedAsyncResult, "result must be CompletedAsyncResult"); CompletedAsyncResult.End(result); requestContext = this.GetSessionOpenNotificationRequestContext(); valid = true; } else { valid = this.receiver.EndTryReceive(result, out requestContext); } if (valid) { this.HandleReceiveComplete(requestContext); } return valid; } void EnsureChannelAndEndpoint(RequestContext request) { this.requestInfo.Channel = this.channel; if (this.requestInfo.Channel == null) { bool addressMatched; if (this.hasSession) { this.requestInfo.Channel = this.GetSessionChannel(request.RequestMessage, out this.requestInfo.Endpoint, out addressMatched); } else { this.requestInfo.Channel = this.GetDatagramChannel(request.RequestMessage, out this.requestInfo.Endpoint, out addressMatched); } if (this.requestInfo.Channel == null) { this.host.RaiseUnknownMessageReceived(request.RequestMessage); if (addressMatched) { this.ReplyContractFilterDidNotMatch(request); } else { this.ReplyAddressFilterDidNotMatch(request); } } } else { this.requestInfo.Endpoint = this.requestInfo.Channel.EndpointDispatcher; //For sessionful contracts, the InstanceContext throttle is not copied over to the channel //as we create the channel before acquiring the lock if (this.InstanceContextServiceThrottle != null && this.requestInfo.Channel.InstanceContextServiceThrottle == null) { this.requestInfo.Channel.InstanceContextServiceThrottle = this.InstanceContextServiceThrottle; } } this.requestInfo.EndpointLookupDone = true; if (this.requestInfo.Channel == null) { // SFx drops a message here TraceUtility.TraceDroppedMessage(request.RequestMessage, this.requestInfo.Endpoint); request.Close(); return; } if (this.requestInfo.Channel.HasSession || this.isCallback) { this.requestInfo.DispatchRuntime = this.requestInfo.Channel.DispatchRuntime; } else { this.requestInfo.DispatchRuntime = this.requestInfo.Endpoint.DispatchRuntime; } } void EnsurePump() { if (null == this.sharedTransactedBatchContext || this.isMainTransactedBatchHandler) { if (TryAcquirePump()) { if (this.receiveSynchronously) { ActionItem.Schedule(ChannelHandler.onStartSyncMessagePump, this); } else { if (Thread.CurrentThread.IsThreadPoolThread) { IAsyncResult result = this.BeginTryReceive(); if ((result != null) && result.CompletedSynchronously) { ActionItem.Schedule(ChannelHandler.onContinueAsyncReceive, result); } } else { // Since this is not a threadpool thread, we don't know if this thread will exit // while the IO is still pending (which would cancel the IO), so we have to get // over to a threadpool thread which we know will not exit while there is pending IO. ActionItem.Schedule(ChannelHandler.onStartAsyncMessagePump, this); } } } } else { ActionItem.Schedule(ChannelHandler.onStartSingleTransactedBatch, this); } } ServiceChannel GetDatagramChannel(Message message, out EndpointDispatcher endpoint, out bool addressMatched) { addressMatched = false; endpoint = this.GetEndpointDispatcher(message, out addressMatched); if (endpoint == null) { return null; } if (endpoint.DatagramChannel == null) { lock (this.listener.ThisLock) { if (endpoint.DatagramChannel == null) { endpoint.DatagramChannel = new ServiceChannel(this.binder, endpoint, this.listener.ChannelDispatcher, this.idleManager); this.InitializeServiceChannel(endpoint.DatagramChannel); } } } return endpoint.DatagramChannel; } EndpointDispatcher GetEndpointDispatcher(Message message, out bool addressMatched) { return this.listener.Endpoints.Lookup(message, out addressMatched); } ServiceChannel GetSessionChannel(Message message, out EndpointDispatcher endpoint, out bool addressMatched) { addressMatched = false; if (this.channel == null) { lock (this.ThisLock) { if (this.channel == null) { endpoint = this.GetEndpointDispatcher(message, out addressMatched); if (endpoint != null) { this.channel = new ServiceChannel(this.binder, endpoint, this.listener.ChannelDispatcher, this.idleManager); this.InitializeServiceChannel(this.channel); } } } } if (this.channel == null) { endpoint = null; } else { endpoint = this.channel.EndpointDispatcher; } return this.channel; } void InitializeServiceChannel(ServiceChannel channel) { if (this.wasChannelThrottled) { // TFS#500703, when the idle timeout was hit, the constructor of ServiceChannel will abort itself directly. So // the session throttle will not be released and thus lead to a service unavailablity. // Note that if the channel is already aborted, the next line "channel.ServiceThrottle = this.throttle;" will throw an exception, // so we are not going to do any more work inside this method. // Ideally we should do a thorough refactoring work for this throttling issue. However, it's too risky as a QFE. We should consider // this in a whole release. // Note that the "wasChannelThrottled" boolean will only be true if we aquired the session throttle. So we don't have to check HasSession // again here. if (channel.Aborted && this.throttle != null) { // This line will release the "session" throttle. this.throttle.DeactivateChannel(); } channel.ServiceThrottle = this.throttle; } if (this.InstanceContextServiceThrottle != null) { channel.InstanceContextServiceThrottle = this.InstanceContextServiceThrottle; } ClientRuntime clientRuntime = channel.ClientRuntime; if (clientRuntime != null) { Type contractType = clientRuntime.ContractClientType; Type callbackType = clientRuntime.CallbackClientType; if (contractType != null) { channel.Proxy = ServiceChannelFactory.CreateProxy(contractType, callbackType, MessageDirection.Output, channel); } } if (this.listener != null) { this.listener.ChannelDispatcher.InitializeChannel((IClientChannel)channel.Proxy); } ((IChannel)channel).Open(); } void ProvideFault(Exception e, ref ErrorHandlerFaultInfo faultInfo) { if (this.listener != null) { this.listener.ChannelDispatcher.ProvideFault(e, this.requestInfo.Channel == null ? this.binder.Channel.GetProperty<FaultConverter>() : this.requestInfo.Channel.GetProperty<FaultConverter>(), ref faultInfo); } else if (this.channel != null) { DispatchRuntime dispatchBehavior = this.channel.ClientRuntime.CallbackDispatchRuntime; dispatchBehavior.ChannelDispatcher.ProvideFault(e, this.channel.GetProperty<FaultConverter>(), ref faultInfo); } } internal bool HandleError(Exception e) { ErrorHandlerFaultInfo dummy = new ErrorHandlerFaultInfo(); return this.HandleError(e, ref dummy); } bool HandleError(Exception e, ref ErrorHandlerFaultInfo faultInfo) { if (e == null) { Fx.Assert(SR.GetString(SR.GetString(SR.SFxNonExceptionThrown))); throw DiagnosticUtility.ExceptionUtility.ThrowHelperError(new InvalidOperationException(SR.GetString(SR.GetString(SR.SFxNonExceptionThrown)))); } if (this.listener != null) { return listener.ChannelDispatcher.HandleError(e, ref faultInfo); } else if (this.channel != null) { return this.channel.ClientRuntime.CallbackDispatchRuntime.ChannelDispatcher.HandleError(e, ref faultInfo); } else { return false; } } bool HandleError(Exception e, RequestContext request, ServiceChannel channel) { ErrorHandlerFaultInfo faultInfo = new ErrorHandlerFaultInfo(this.messageVersion.Addressing.DefaultFaultAction); bool replied, replySentAsync; ProvideFaultAndReplyFailure(request, e, ref faultInfo, out replied, out replySentAsync); if (!replySentAsync) { return this.HandleErrorContinuation(e, request, channel, ref faultInfo, replied); } else { return false; } } bool HandleErrorContinuation(Exception e, RequestContext request, ServiceChannel channel, ref ErrorHandlerFaultInfo faultInfo, bool replied) { if (replied) { try { request.Close(); } catch (Exception e1) { if (Fx.IsFatal(e1)) { throw; } this.HandleError(e1); } } else { request.Abort(); } if (!this.HandleError(e, ref faultInfo) && this.hasSession) { if (channel != null) { if (replied) { TimeoutHelper timeoutHelper = new TimeoutHelper(CloseAfterFaultTimeout); try { channel.Close(timeoutHelper.RemainingTime()); } catch (Exception e2) { if (Fx.IsFatal(e2)) { throw; } this.HandleError(e2); } try { this.binder.CloseAfterFault(timeoutHelper.RemainingTime()); } catch (Exception e3) { if (Fx.IsFatal(e3)) { throw; } this.HandleError(e3); } } else { channel.Abort(); this.binder.Abort(); } } else { if (replied) { try { this.binder.CloseAfterFault(CloseAfterFaultTimeout); } catch (Exception e4) { if (Fx.IsFatal(e4)) { throw; } this.HandleError(e4); } } else { this.binder.Abort(); } } } return true; } void HandleReceiveComplete(RequestContext context) { try { if (this.channel != null) { this.channel.HandleReceiveComplete(context); } else { if (context == null && this.hasSession) { bool close; lock (this.ThisLock) { close = !this.doneReceiving; this.doneReceiving = true; } if (close) { this.receiver.Close(); if (this.idleManager != null) { this.idleManager.CancelTimer(); } ServiceThrottle throttle = this.throttle; if (throttle != null) { throttle.DeactivateChannel(); } } } } } finally { if ((context == null) && this.incrementedActivityCountInConstructor) { this.listener.ChannelDispatcher.Channels.DecrementActivityCount(); } } } bool HandleRequest(RequestContext request, OperationContext currentOperationContext) { if (request == null) { // channel EOF, stop receiving return false; } ServiceModelActivity activity = DiagnosticUtility.ShouldUseActivity ? TraceUtility.ExtractActivity(request) : null; using (ServiceModelActivity.BoundOperation(activity)) { if (this.HandleRequestAsReply(request)) { this.ReleasePump(); return true; } if (this.isChannelTerminated) { this.ReleasePump(); this.ReplyChannelTerminated(request); return true; } if (this.requestInfo.RequestContext != null) { Fx.Assert("ChannelHandler.HandleRequest: this.requestInfo.RequestContext != null"); } this.requestInfo.RequestContext = request; if (!this.TryAcquireCallThrottle(request)) { // this.ThrottleAcquiredForCall will be called to continue return false; } // NOTE: from here on down, ensure that this code is the same as ThrottleAcquiredForCall (see 55460) if (this.requestInfo.ChannelHandlerOwnsCallThrottle) { Fx.Assert("ChannelHandler.HandleRequest: this.requestInfo.ChannelHandlerOwnsCallThrottle"); } this.requestInfo.ChannelHandlerOwnsCallThrottle = true; if (!this.TryRetrievingInstanceContext(request)) { //Would have replied and close the request. return true; } this.requestInfo.Channel.CompletedIOOperation(); //Only acquire InstanceContext throttle if one doesnt already exist. if (!this.TryAcquireThrottle(request, (this.requestInfo.ExistingInstanceContext == null))) { // this.ThrottleAcquired will be called to continue return false; } if (this.requestInfo.ChannelHandlerOwnsInstanceContextThrottle) { Fx.Assert("ChannelHandler.HandleRequest: this.requestInfo.ChannelHandlerOwnsInstanceContextThrottle"); } this.requestInfo.ChannelHandlerOwnsInstanceContextThrottle = (this.requestInfo.ExistingInstanceContext == null); if (!this.DispatchAndReleasePump(request, true, currentOperationContext)) { // this.DispatchDone will be called to continue return false; } } return true; } bool HandleRequestAsReply(RequestContext request) { if (this.duplexBinder != null) { if (this.duplexBinder.HandleRequestAsReply(request.RequestMessage)) { return true; } } return false; } static void OnStartAsyncMessagePump(object state) { ((ChannelHandler)state).AsyncMessagePump(); } static void OnStartSyncMessagePump(object state) { ChannelHandler handler = state as ChannelHandler; if (TD.ChannelReceiveStopIsEnabled()) { TD.ChannelReceiveStop(handler.EventTraceActivity, state.GetHashCode()); } if (handler.receiveWithTransaction) { handler.SyncTransactionalMessagePump(); } else { handler.SyncMessagePump(); } } static void OnStartSingleTransactedBatch(object state) { ChannelHandler handler = state as ChannelHandler; handler.TransactedBatchLoop(); } static void OnAsyncReceiveComplete(IAsyncResult result) { if (!result.CompletedSynchronously) { ((ChannelHandler)result.AsyncState).AsyncMessagePump(result); } } static void OnContinueAsyncReceive(object state) { IAsyncResult result = (IAsyncResult)state; ((ChannelHandler)result.AsyncState).AsyncMessagePump(result); } static void OpenAndEnsurePump(object state) { ((ChannelHandler)state).OpenAndEnsurePump(); } void OpenAndEnsurePump() { Exception exception = null; try { this.binder.Channel.Open(); } catch (Exception e) { if (Fx.IsFatal(e)) { throw; } exception = e; } if (exception != null) { if (DiagnosticUtility.ShouldTraceWarning) { TraceUtility.TraceEvent(System.Diagnostics.TraceEventType.Warning, TraceCode.FailedToOpenIncomingChannel, SR.GetString(SR.TraceCodeFailedToOpenIncomingChannel)); } SessionIdleManager idleManager = this.idleManager; if (idleManager != null) { idleManager.CancelTimer(); } if ((this.throttle != null) && this.hasSession) { this.throttle.DeactivateChannel(); } bool errorHandled = this.HandleError(exception); if (this.incrementedActivityCountInConstructor) { this.listener.ChannelDispatcher.Channels.DecrementActivityCount(); } if (!errorHandled) { this.binder.Channel.Abort(); } } else { this.EnsurePump(); } } bool TryReceive(TimeSpan timeout, out RequestContext requestContext) { this.shouldRejectMessageWithOnOpenActionHeader = !this.needToCreateSessionOpenNotificationMessage; bool valid; if (this.needToCreateSessionOpenNotificationMessage) { this.needToCreateSessionOpenNotificationMessage = false; requestContext = this.GetSessionOpenNotificationRequestContext(); valid = true; } else { valid = this.receiver.TryReceive(timeout, out requestContext); } if (valid) { this.HandleReceiveComplete(requestContext); } return valid; } void ReplyAddressFilterDidNotMatch(RequestContext request) { FaultCode code = FaultCode.CreateSenderFaultCode(AddressingStrings.DestinationUnreachable, this.messageVersion.Addressing.Namespace); string reason = SR.GetString(SR.SFxNoEndpointMatchingAddress, request.RequestMessage.Headers.To); ReplyFailure(request, code, reason); } void ReplyContractFilterDidNotMatch(RequestContext request) { // By default, the contract filter is just a filter over the set of initiating actions in // the contract, so we do error messages accordingly AddressingVersion addressingVersion = this.messageVersion.Addressing; if (addressingVersion != AddressingVersion.None && request.RequestMessage.Headers.Action == null) { throw DiagnosticUtility.ExceptionUtility.ThrowHelperError( new MessageHeaderException( SR.GetString(SR.SFxMissingActionHeader, addressingVersion.Namespace), AddressingStrings.Action, addressingVersion.Namespace)); } else { // some of this code is duplicated in DispatchRuntime.UnhandledActionInvoker // ideally both places would use FaultConverter and ActionNotSupportedException FaultCode code = FaultCode.CreateSenderFaultCode(AddressingStrings.ActionNotSupported, this.messageVersion.Addressing.Namespace); string reason = SR.GetString(SR.SFxNoEndpointMatchingContract, request.RequestMessage.Headers.Action); ReplyFailure(request, code, reason, this.messageVersion.Addressing.FaultAction); } } void ReplyChannelTerminated(RequestContext request) { FaultCode code = FaultCode.CreateSenderFaultCode(FaultCodeConstants.Codes.SessionTerminated, FaultCodeConstants.Namespaces.NetDispatch); string reason = SR.GetString(SR.SFxChannelTerminated0); string action = FaultCodeConstants.Actions.NetDispatcher; Message fault = Message.CreateMessage(this.messageVersion, code, reason, action); ReplyFailure(request, fault, action, reason, code); } void ReplyFailure(RequestContext request, FaultCode code, string reason) { string action = this.messageVersion.Addressing.DefaultFaultAction; ReplyFailure(request, code, reason, action); } void ReplyFailure(RequestContext request, FaultCode code, string reason, string action) { Message fault = Message.CreateMessage(this.messageVersion, code, reason, action); ReplyFailure(request, fault, action, reason, code); } void ReplyFailure(RequestContext request, Message fault, string action, string reason, FaultCode code) { FaultException exception = new FaultException(reason, code); ErrorBehavior.ThrowAndCatch(exception); ErrorHandlerFaultInfo faultInfo = new ErrorHandlerFaultInfo(action); faultInfo.Fault = fault; bool replied, replySentAsync; ProvideFaultAndReplyFailure(request, exception, ref faultInfo, out replied, out replySentAsync); this.HandleError(exception, ref faultInfo); } void ProvideFaultAndReplyFailure(RequestContext request, Exception exception, ref ErrorHandlerFaultInfo faultInfo, out bool replied, out bool replySentAsync) { replied = false; replySentAsync = false; bool requestMessageIsFault = false; try { requestMessageIsFault = request.RequestMessage.IsFault; } #pragma warning suppress 56500 // covered by FxCOP catch (Exception e) { if (Fx.IsFatal(e)) { throw; } // ---- it } bool enableFaults = false; if (this.listener != null) { enableFaults = this.listener.ChannelDispatcher.EnableFaults; } else if (this.channel != null && this.channel.IsClient) { enableFaults = this.channel.ClientRuntime.EnableFaults; } if ((!requestMessageIsFault) && enableFaults) { this.ProvideFault(exception, ref faultInfo); if (faultInfo.Fault != null) { Message reply = faultInfo.Fault; try { try { if (this.PrepareReply(request, reply)) { if (this.sendAsynchronously) { var state = new ContinuationState { ChannelHandler = this, Channel = channel, Exception = exception, FaultInfo = faultInfo, Request = request, Reply = reply }; var result = request.BeginReply(reply, ChannelHandler.onAsyncReplyComplete, state); if (result.CompletedSynchronously) { ChannelHandler.AsyncReplyComplete(result, state); replied = true; } else { replySentAsync = true; } } else { request.Reply(reply); replied = true; } } } finally { if (!replySentAsync) { reply.Close(); } } } #pragma warning suppress 56500 // covered by FxCOP catch (Exception e) { if (Fx.IsFatal(e)) { throw; } this.HandleError(e); } } } } /// <summary> /// Prepares a reply that can either be sent asynchronously or synchronously depending on the value of /// sendAsynchronously /// </summary> /// <param name="request">The request context to prepare</param> /// <param name="reply">The reply to prepare</param> /// <returns>True if channel is open and prepared reply should be sent; otherwise false.</returns> bool PrepareReply(RequestContext request, Message reply) { // Ensure we only reply once (we may hit the same error multiple times) if (this.replied == request) { return false; } this.replied = request; bool canSendReply = true; Message requestMessage = null; try { requestMessage = request.RequestMessage; } #pragma warning suppress 56500 // covered by FxCOP catch (Exception e) { if (Fx.IsFatal(e)) { throw; } // ---- it } if (!object.ReferenceEquals(requestMessage, null)) { UniqueId requestID = null; try { requestID = requestMessage.Headers.MessageId; } catch (MessageHeaderException) { // ---- it - we don't need to correlate the reply if the MessageId header is bad } if (!object.ReferenceEquals(requestID, null) && !this.isManualAddressing) { System.ServiceModel.Channels.RequestReplyCorrelator.PrepareReply(reply, requestID); } if (!this.hasSession && !this.isManualAddressing) { try { canSendReply = System.ServiceModel.Channels.RequestReplyCorrelator.AddressReply(reply, requestMessage); } catch (MessageHeaderException) { // ---- it - we don't need to address the reply if the FaultTo header is bad } } } // ObjectDisposeException can happen // if the channel is closed in a different // thread. 99% this check will avoid false // exceptions. return this.IsOpen && canSendReply; } static void AsyncReplyComplete(IAsyncResult result, ContinuationState state) { try { state.Request.EndReply(result); } catch (Exception e) { DiagnosticUtility.TraceHandledException(e, System.Diagnostics.TraceEventType.Error); if (Fx.IsFatal(e)) { throw; } state.ChannelHandler.HandleError(e); } try { state.Reply.Close(); } catch (Exception e) { DiagnosticUtility.TraceHandledException(e, System.Diagnostics.TraceEventType.Error); if (Fx.IsFatal(e)) { throw; } state.ChannelHandler.HandleError(e); } try { state.ChannelHandler.HandleErrorContinuation(state.Exception, state.Request, state.Channel, ref state.FaultInfo, true); } catch (Exception e) { DiagnosticUtility.TraceHandledException(e, System.Diagnostics.TraceEventType.Error); if (Fx.IsFatal(e)) { throw; } state.ChannelHandler.HandleError(e); } state.ChannelHandler.EnsurePump(); } static void OnAsyncReplyComplete(IAsyncResult result) { if (result.CompletedSynchronously) { return; } try { var state = (ContinuationState)result.AsyncState; ChannelHandler.AsyncReplyComplete(result, state); } catch (Exception e) { DiagnosticUtility.TraceHandledException(e, System.Diagnostics.TraceEventType.Error); if (Fx.IsFatal(e)) { throw; } } } void ReleasePump() { if (this.isConcurrent) { Interlocked.Exchange(ref this.isPumpAcquired, 0); } } void SyncMessagePump() { OperationContext existingOperationContext = OperationContext.Current; try { OperationContext currentOperationContext = new OperationContext(this.host); OperationContext.Current = currentOperationContext; for (;;) { RequestContext request; this.requestInfo.Cleanup(); while (!TryReceive(TimeSpan.MaxValue, out request)) { } if (!HandleRequest(request, currentOperationContext)) { break; } if (!TryAcquirePump()) { break; } currentOperationContext.Recycle(); } } finally { OperationContext.Current = existingOperationContext; } } [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.NoInlining)] void SyncTransactionalMessagePump() { for (;;) { bool completedSynchronously; if (null == sharedTransactedBatchContext) { completedSynchronously = TransactedLoop(); } else { completedSynchronously = TransactedBatchLoop(); } if (!completedSynchronously) { return; } } } bool TransactedLoop() { try { this.receiver.WaitForMessage(); } catch (Exception ex) { if (Fx.IsFatal(ex)) { throw; } if (!this.HandleError(ex)) { throw; } } RequestContext request; Transaction tx = CreateOrGetAttachedTransaction(); OperationContext existingOperationContext = OperationContext.Current; try { OperationContext currentOperationContext = new OperationContext(this.host); OperationContext.Current = currentOperationContext; for (;;) { this.requestInfo.Cleanup(); bool received = TryTransactionalReceive(tx, out request); if (!received) { return IsOpen; } if (null == request) { return false; } TransactionMessageProperty.Set(tx, request.RequestMessage); if (!HandleRequest(request, currentOperationContext)) { return false; } if (!TryAcquirePump()) { return false; } tx = CreateOrGetAttachedTransaction(); currentOperationContext.Recycle(); } } finally { OperationContext.Current = existingOperationContext; } } bool TransactedBatchLoop() { if (null != this.transactedBatchContext) { if (this.transactedBatchContext.InDispatch) { this.transactedBatchContext.ForceRollback(); this.transactedBatchContext.InDispatch = false; } if (!this.transactedBatchContext.IsActive) { if (!this.isMainTransactedBatchHandler) { return false; } this.transactedBatchContext = null; } } if (null == this.transactedBatchContext) { try { this.receiver.WaitForMessage(); } catch (Exception ex) { if (Fx.IsFatal(ex)) { throw; } if (!this.HandleError(ex)) { throw; } } this.transactedBatchContext = this.sharedTransactedBatchContext.CreateTransactedBatchContext(); } OperationContext existingOperationContext = OperationContext.Current; try { OperationContext currentOperationContext = new OperationContext(this.host); OperationContext.Current = currentOperationContext; RequestContext request; while (this.transactedBatchContext.IsActive) { this.requestInfo.Cleanup(); bool valid = TryTransactionalReceive(this.transactedBatchContext.Transaction, out request); if (!valid) { if (this.IsOpen) { this.transactedBatchContext.ForceCommit(); return true; } else { this.transactedBatchContext.ForceRollback(); return false; } } if (null == request) { this.transactedBatchContext.ForceRollback(); return false; } TransactionMessageProperty.Set(this.transactedBatchContext.Transaction, request.RequestMessage); this.transactedBatchContext.InDispatch = true; if (!HandleRequest(request, currentOperationContext)) { return false; } if (this.transactedBatchContext.InDispatch) { this.transactedBatchContext.ForceRollback(); this.transactedBatchContext.InDispatch = false; return true; } if (!TryAcquirePump()) { Fx.Assert("System.ServiceModel.Dispatcher.ChannelHandler.TransactedBatchLoop(): (TryAcquiredPump returned false)"); return false; } currentOperationContext.Recycle(); } } finally { OperationContext.Current = existingOperationContext; } return true; } Transaction CreateOrGetAttachedTransaction() { if (null != this.acceptTransaction) { lock (ThisLock) { if (null != this.acceptTransaction) { Transaction tx = this.acceptTransaction.Transaction; this.acceptTransaction = null; return tx; } } } if (null != this.InstanceContext && this.InstanceContext.HasTransaction) { return InstanceContext.Transaction.Attached; } else { return TransactionBehavior.CreateTransaction( this.listener.ChannelDispatcher.TransactionIsolationLevel, TransactionBehavior.NormalizeTimeout(this.listener.ChannelDispatcher.TransactionTimeout)); } } // calls receive on the channel; returns false if no message during the "short timeout" bool TryTransactionalReceive(Transaction tx, out RequestContext request) { request = null; bool received = false; try { using (TransactionScope scope = new TransactionScope(tx)) { if (null != this.sharedTransactedBatchContext) { lock (this.sharedTransactedBatchContext.ReceiveLock) { if (this.transactedBatchContext.AboutToExpire) { return false; } received = this.receiver.TryReceive(TimeSpan.Zero, out request); } } else { TimeSpan receiveTimeout = TimeoutHelper.Min(this.listener.ChannelDispatcher.TransactionTimeout, this.listener.ChannelDispatcher.DefaultCommunicationTimeouts.ReceiveTimeout); received = this.receiver.TryReceive(TransactionBehavior.NormalizeTimeout(receiveTimeout), out request); } scope.Complete(); } if (received) { this.HandleReceiveComplete(request); } } catch (ObjectDisposedException ex) // thrown from the transaction { this.HandleError(ex); request = null; return false; } catch (TransactionException ex) { this.HandleError(ex); request = null; return false; } catch (Exception ex) { if (Fx.IsFatal(ex)) { throw; } if (!this.HandleError(ex)) { throw; } } return received; } // This callback always occurs async and always on a dirty thread internal void ThrottleAcquiredForCall() { RequestContext request = this.requestWaitingForThrottle; this.requestWaitingForThrottle = null; if (this.requestInfo.ChannelHandlerOwnsCallThrottle) { Fx.Assert("ChannelHandler.ThrottleAcquiredForCall: this.requestInfo.ChannelHandlerOwnsCallThrottle"); } this.requestInfo.ChannelHandlerOwnsCallThrottle = true; if (!this.TryRetrievingInstanceContext(request)) { //Should reply/close request and also close the pump this.EnsurePump(); return; } this.requestInfo.Channel.CompletedIOOperation(); if (this.TryAcquireThrottle(request, (this.requestInfo.ExistingInstanceContext == null))) { if (this.requestInfo.ChannelHandlerOwnsInstanceContextThrottle) { Fx.Assert("ChannelHandler.ThrottleAcquiredForCall: this.requestInfo.ChannelHandlerOwnsInstanceContextThrottle"); } this.requestInfo.ChannelHandlerOwnsInstanceContextThrottle = (this.requestInfo.ExistingInstanceContext == null); if (this.DispatchAndReleasePump(request, false, null)) { this.EnsurePump(); } } } bool TryRetrievingInstanceContext(RequestContext request) { try { return TryRetrievingInstanceContextCore(request); } catch (Exception ex) { if (Fx.IsFatal(ex)) { throw; } DiagnosticUtility.TraceHandledException(ex, TraceEventType.Error); try { request.Close(); } catch (Exception e) { if (Fx.IsFatal(e)) { throw; } request.Abort(); } return false; } } //Return: False denotes failure, Caller should discard the request. // : True denotes operation is sucessful. bool TryRetrievingInstanceContextCore(RequestContext request) { bool releasePump = true; try { if (!this.requestInfo.EndpointLookupDone) { this.EnsureChannelAndEndpoint(request); } if (this.requestInfo.Channel == null) { return false; } if (this.requestInfo.DispatchRuntime != null) { IContextChannel transparentProxy = this.requestInfo.Channel.Proxy as IContextChannel; try { this.requestInfo.ExistingInstanceContext = this.requestInfo.DispatchRuntime.InstanceContextProvider.GetExistingInstanceContext(request.RequestMessage, transparentProxy); releasePump = false; } catch (Exception e) { if (Fx.IsFatal(e)) { throw; } this.requestInfo.Channel = null; this.HandleError(e, request, channel); return false; } } else { // This can happen if we are pumping for an async client, // and we receive a bogus reply. In that case, there is no // DispatchRuntime, because we are only expecting replies. // // One possible fix for this would be in DuplexChannelBinder // to drop all messages with a RelatesTo that do not match a // pending request. // // However, that would not fix: // (a) we could get a valid request message with a // RelatesTo that we should try to process. // (b) we could get a reply message that does not have // a RelatesTo. // // So we do the null check here. // // SFx drops a message here TraceUtility.TraceDroppedMessage(request.RequestMessage, this.requestInfo.Endpoint); request.Close(); return false; } } catch (Exception e) { if (Fx.IsFatal(e)) { throw; } this.HandleError(e, request, channel); return false; } finally { if (releasePump) { this.ReleasePump(); } } return true; } // This callback always occurs async and always on a dirty thread internal void ThrottleAcquired() { RequestContext request = this.requestWaitingForThrottle; this.requestWaitingForThrottle = null; if (this.requestInfo.ChannelHandlerOwnsInstanceContextThrottle) { Fx.Assert("ChannelHandler.ThrottleAcquired: this.requestInfo.ChannelHandlerOwnsInstanceContextThrottle"); } this.requestInfo.ChannelHandlerOwnsInstanceContextThrottle = (this.requestInfo.ExistingInstanceContext == null); if (this.DispatchAndReleasePump(request, false, null)) { this.EnsurePump(); } } bool TryAcquireThrottle(RequestContext request, bool acquireInstanceContextThrottle) { ServiceThrottle throttle = this.throttle; if ((throttle != null) && (throttle.IsActive)) { this.requestWaitingForThrottle = request; if (throttle.AcquireInstanceContextAndDynamic(this, acquireInstanceContextThrottle)) { this.requestWaitingForThrottle = null; return true; } else { return false; } } else { return true; } } bool TryAcquireCallThrottle(RequestContext request) { ServiceThrottle throttle = this.throttle; if ((throttle != null) && (throttle.IsActive)) { this.requestWaitingForThrottle = request; if (throttle.AcquireCall(this)) { this.requestWaitingForThrottle = null; return true; } else { return false; } } else { return true; } } bool TryAcquirePump() { if (this.isConcurrent) { return Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref this.isPumpAcquired, 1, 0) == 0; } return true; } struct RequestInfo { public EndpointDispatcher Endpoint; public InstanceContext ExistingInstanceContext; public ServiceChannel Channel; public bool EndpointLookupDone; public DispatchRuntime DispatchRuntime; public RequestContext RequestContext; public ChannelHandler ChannelHandler; public bool ChannelHandlerOwnsCallThrottle; // if true, we are responsible for call throttle public bool ChannelHandlerOwnsInstanceContextThrottle; // if true, we are responsible for instance/dynamic throttle public RequestInfo(ChannelHandler channelHandler) { this.Endpoint = null; this.ExistingInstanceContext = null; this.Channel = null; this.EndpointLookupDone = false; this.DispatchRuntime = null; this.RequestContext = null; this.ChannelHandler = channelHandler; this.ChannelHandlerOwnsCallThrottle = false; this.ChannelHandlerOwnsInstanceContextThrottle = false; } public void Cleanup() { if (this.ChannelHandlerOwnsInstanceContextThrottle) { this.ChannelHandler.throttle.DeactivateInstanceContext(); this.ChannelHandlerOwnsInstanceContextThrottle = false; } this.Endpoint = null; this.ExistingInstanceContext = null; this.Channel = null; this.EndpointLookupDone = false; this.RequestContext = null; if (this.ChannelHandlerOwnsCallThrottle) { this.ChannelHandler.DispatchDone(); this.ChannelHandlerOwnsCallThrottle = false; } } } EventTraceActivity TraceDispatchMessageStart(Message message) { if (FxTrace.Trace.IsEnd2EndActivityTracingEnabled && message != null) { EventTraceActivity eventTraceActivity = EventTraceActivityHelper.TryExtractActivity(message); if (TD.DispatchMessageStartIsEnabled()) { TD.DispatchMessageStart(eventTraceActivity); } return eventTraceActivity; } return null; } /// <summary> /// Data structure used to carry state for asynchronous replies /// </summary> struct ContinuationState { public ChannelHandler ChannelHandler; public Exception Exception; public RequestContext Request; public Message Reply; public ServiceChannel Channel; public ErrorHandlerFaultInfo FaultInfo; } } }