//---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace System.ServiceModel.Activation { using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.ServiceModel; using System.ServiceModel.Channels; using System.ServiceModel.Diagnostics; class HostedNamedPipeTransportManager : NamedPipeTransportManager { // Double-checked locking pattern requires volatile for read/write synchronization volatile bool settingsApplied; Action<Uri> onViaCallback; SharedConnectionListener listener; ConnectionDemuxer connectionDemuxer; int queueId; Guid token; Func<Uri, int> onDuplicatedViaCallback; // Double-checked locking pattern requires volatile for read/write synchronization volatile bool demuxerCreated; public HostedNamedPipeTransportManager(BaseUriWithWildcard baseAddress) : base(baseAddress.BaseAddress) { this.HostNameComparisonMode = baseAddress.HostNameComparisonMode; this.onViaCallback = new Action<Uri>(OnVia); this.onDuplicatedViaCallback = new Func<Uri, int>(OnDuplicatedVia); } protected override bool IsCompatible(NamedPipeChannelListener channelListener) { if (channelListener.HostedVirtualPath == null) { return false; } return base.IsCompatible(channelListener); } internal void Start(int queueId, Guid token, Action messageReceivedCallback) { SetMessageReceivedCallback(messageReceivedCallback); OnOpenInternal(queueId, token); } internal override void OnOpen() { // This is intentionally empty. } internal override void OnAbort() { } internal void Stop(TimeSpan timeout) { Cleanup(false, timeout); } void Cleanup(bool aborting, TimeSpan timeout) { lock (ThisLock) { if (listener != null) { if (!aborting) { listener.Stop(timeout); } else { listener.Abort(); } // The listener will be closed by the demuxer. listener = null; } if (connectionDemuxer != null) { connectionDemuxer.Dispose(); } demuxerCreated = false; settingsApplied = false; } } void CreateConnectionDemuxer() { IConnectionListener connectionListener = new BufferedConnectionListener(listener, MaxOutputDelay, ConnectionBufferSize); if (DiagnosticUtility.ShouldUseActivity) { connectionListener = new TracingConnectionListener(connectionListener, this.ListenUri); } connectionDemuxer = new ConnectionDemuxer(connectionListener, MaxPendingAccepts, MaxPendingConnections, ChannelInitializationTimeout, IdleTimeout, MaxPooledConnections, OnGetTransportFactorySettings, OnGetSingletonMessageHandler, OnHandleServerSessionPreamble, OnDemuxerError); connectionDemuxer.StartDemuxing(onViaCallback); } void OnOpenInternal(int queueId, Guid token) { lock (ThisLock) { this.queueId = queueId; this.token = token; BaseUriWithWildcard path = new BaseUriWithWildcard(this.ListenUri, this.HostNameComparisonMode); listener = new SharedConnectionListener(path, queueId, token, this.onDuplicatedViaCallback); } } internal override void OnClose(TimeSpan timeout) { } void OnVia(Uri address) { Debug.Print("HostedNamedPipeTransportManager.OnVia() address: " + address + " calling EnsureServiceAvailable()"); ServiceHostingEnvironment.EnsureServiceAvailable(address.LocalPath); } protected override void OnSelecting(NamedPipeChannelListener channelListener) { if (settingsApplied) { return; } lock (ThisLock) { if (settingsApplied) { // Use the setting for the first one. return; } this.ApplyListenerSettings(channelListener); settingsApplied = true; } } // This method is called only for the first via of the current proxy. int OnDuplicatedVia(Uri via) { OnVia(via); if (!demuxerCreated) { lock (ThisLock) { if (listener == null) { // The listener has been stopped. throw FxTrace.Exception.AsError(new CommunicationObjectAbortedException(SR.PipeListenerProxyStopped)); } if (!demuxerCreated) { CreateConnectionDemuxer(); demuxerCreated = true; } } } return this.ConnectionBufferSize; } } }