// Mono.ILASM.Driver
//    Main Command line interface for Mono ILasm Compiler
// Author(s):
//  Jackson Harper (Jackson@LatitudeGeo.com)
// (C) 2003 Jackson Harper, All rights reserved
// Copyright (C) 2004 Novell, Inc (http://www.novell.com)

using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Collections;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using Mono.Security;

namespace Mono.ILASM {

        public class Driver {

                enum Target {

                public static int Main (string[] args)
                        // Do everything in Invariant
			System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture;

                        DriverMain driver = new DriverMain (args);
                        if (!driver.Run ())
                                return 1;
                        Report.Message ("Operation completed successfully");
                        return 0;

                private class DriverMain {

                        private ArrayList il_file_list;
                        private string output_file;
                        private Target target = Target.Exe;
                        private string target_string = "exe";
                        private bool show_tokens = false;
                        private bool show_method_def = false;
                        private bool show_method_ref = false;
                        private bool show_parser = false;
                        private bool scan_only = false;
			private bool debugging_info = false;
                        private CodeGen codegen;
			private bool keycontainer = false;
			private string keyname;
			private StrongName sn;

                        public DriverMain (string[] args)
                                il_file_list = new ArrayList ();
                                ParseArgs (args);

                        public bool Run ()
                                if (il_file_list.Count == 0)
                                        Usage ();
                                if (output_file == null)
                                        output_file = CreateOutputFilename ();
                                try {
                                        codegen = new CodeGen (output_file, target == Target.Dll, debugging_info);
                                        foreach (string file_path in il_file_list) {
                                                Report.FilePath = file_path;
                                                ProcessFile (file_path);
                                        if (scan_only)
                                                return true;

                                        if (Report.ErrorCount > 0)
                                                return false;

                                        if (target != Target.Dll && !codegen.HasEntryPoint)
                                                Report.Error ("No entry point found.");

					// if we have a key and aren't assembling a netmodule
					if ((keyname != null) && !codegen.IsThisAssembly (null)) {
						LoadKey ();
						// this overrides any attribute or .publickey directive in the source
						codegen.ThisAssembly.SetPublicKey (sn.PublicKey);

                                        try {
                                                codegen.Write ();
                                        } catch {
                                                File.Delete (output_file);
                                } catch (ILAsmException e) {
                                        Error (e.ToString ());
                                        return false;
                                } catch (PEAPI.PEFileException pe) {
                                        Error ("Error : " + pe.Message);
                                        return false;

                                try {
					if (sn != null) {
						Report.Message ("Signing assembly with the specified strongname keypair");
						return Sign (output_file);
                                } catch {
                                        return false;

                                return true;

                        private void Error (string message)
                                Console.WriteLine (message + "\n");
                                Console.WriteLine ("***** FAILURE *****\n");

			private void LoadKey ()
				if (keycontainer) {
					CspParameters csp = new CspParameters ();
					csp.KeyContainerName = keyname;
					RSACryptoServiceProvider rsa = new RSACryptoServiceProvider (csp);
					sn = new StrongName (rsa);
				} else {
					byte[] data = null;
					using (FileStream fs = File.OpenRead (keyname)) {
						data = new byte [fs.Length];
						fs.Read (data, 0, data.Length);
						fs.Close ();
					sn = new StrongName (data);

			private bool Sign (string filename)
				// note: if the file cannot be signed (no public key in it) then
				// we do not show an error, or a warning, if the key file doesn't 
				// exists
				return sn.Sign (filename);

                        private void ProcessFile (string file_path)
                                if (!File.Exists (file_path)) {
                                        Console.WriteLine ("File does not exist: {0}",
                                        Environment.Exit (2);
                                Report.AssembleFile (file_path, null,
                                                target_string, output_file);
                                StreamReader reader = File.OpenText (file_path);
                                ILTokenizer scanner = new ILTokenizer (reader);

                                if (show_tokens)
                                        scanner.NewTokenEvent += new NewTokenEvent (ShowToken);
                                //if (show_method_def)
                                //        MethodTable.MethodDefinedEvent += new MethodDefinedEvent (ShowMethodDef);
                                //if (show_method_ref)
                                //       MethodTable.MethodReferencedEvent += new MethodReferencedEvent (ShowMethodRef);

                                if (scan_only) {
                                        ILToken tok;
                                        while ((tok = scanner.NextToken) != ILToken.EOF) {
                                                Console.WriteLine (tok);

                                ILParser parser = new ILParser (codegen, scanner);
				codegen.BeginSourceFile (file_path);
                                try {
                                        if (show_parser)
                                                parser.yyparse (new ScannerAdapter (scanner),
                                                                new yydebug.yyDebugSimple ());
                                                parser.yyparse (new ScannerAdapter (scanner),  null);
                                } catch (ILTokenizingException ilte) {
                                        Report.Error (ilte.Location, "syntax error at token '" + ilte.Token + "'");
                                } catch (Mono.ILASM.yyParser.yyException ye) {
                                        Report.Error (scanner.Reader.Location, ye.Message);
                                } catch (ILAsmException ie) {
                                        ie.FilePath = file_path;
                                        ie.Location = scanner.Reader.Location;
                                } catch (Exception e){
                                        Console.Write ("{0} ({1}, {2}): ",file_path, scanner.Reader.Location.line, scanner.Reader.Location.column);
                                } finally {
					codegen.EndSourceFile ();

                        public void ShowToken (object sender, NewTokenEventArgs args)
                                Console.WriteLine ("token: '{0}'", args.Token);
                        public void ShowMethodDef (object sender, MethodDefinedEventArgs args)
                                Console.WriteLine ("***** Method defined *****");
                                Console.WriteLine ("-- signature:   {0}", args.Signature);
                                Console.WriteLine ("-- name:        {0}", args.Name);
                                Console.WriteLine ("-- return type: {0}", args.ReturnType);
                                Console.WriteLine ("-- is in table: {0}", args.IsInTable);
                                Console.WriteLine ("-- method atts: {0}", args.MethodAttributes);
                                Console.WriteLine ("-- impl atts:   {0}", args.ImplAttributes);
                                Console.WriteLine ("-- call conv:   {0}", args.CallConv);

                        public void ShowMethodRef (object sender, MethodReferencedEventArgs args)
                                Console.WriteLine ("***** Method referenced *****");
                                Console.WriteLine ("-- signature:   {0}", args.Signature);
                                Console.WriteLine ("-- name:        {0}", args.Name);
                                Console.WriteLine ("-- return type: {0}", args.ReturnType);
                                Console.WriteLine ("-- is in table: {0}", args.IsInTable);
                        private void ParseArgs (string[] args)
                                string command_arg;
                                foreach (string str in args) {
                                        if ((str[0] != '-') && (str[0] != '/')) {
                                                il_file_list.Add (str);
                                        switch (GetCommand (str, out command_arg)) {
                                        case "out":
                                        case "output":
                                                output_file = command_arg;
                                        case "exe":
                                                target = Target.Exe;
                                                target_string = "exe";
                                        case "dll":
                                                target = Target.Dll;
                                                target_string = "dll";
                                        case "quiet":
                                                Report.Quiet = true;
                                        case "debug":
                                        case "deb":
						debugging_info = true;
                                        // Stubs to stay commandline compatible with MS 
                                        case "listing":
                                        case "nologo":
                                        case "clock":
                                        case "error":
                                        case "subsystem":
                                        case "flags":
                                        case "alignment":
                                        case "base":
                                        case "resource":
                                        case "key":
						if (command_arg.Length > 0)
							keycontainer = (command_arg [0] == '@');
						if (keycontainer)
							keyname = command_arg.Substring (1);
							keyname = command_arg;
                                        case "scan_only":
                                                scan_only = true;
                                        case "show_tokens":
                                                show_tokens = true;
                                        case "show_method_def":
                                                show_method_def = true;
                                        case "show_method_ref":
                                                show_method_ref = true;
                                        case "show_parser":
                                                show_parser = true;
                                        case "-about":
                                                if (str[0] != '-')
                                                About ();
                                        case "-version":
                                                if (str[0] != '-')
                                                Version ();
                                                if (str [0] == '-')
                                                il_file_list.Add (str);

                        private string GetCommand (string str, out string command_arg)
                                int end_index = str.IndexOfAny (new char[] {':', '='}, 1);
                                string command = str.Substring (1,
                                        end_index == -1 ? str.Length - 1 : end_index - 1);

                                if (end_index != -1) {
                                        command_arg = str.Substring (end_index+1);
                                } else {
                                        command_arg = null;

                                return command.ToLower ();

                        /// <summary>
                        ///   Get the first file name and makes it into an output file name
                        /// </summary>
                        private string CreateOutputFilename ()
                                string file_name = (string)il_file_list[0];
                                int ext_index = file_name.LastIndexOf ('.');

                                if (ext_index == -1)
                                        ext_index = file_name.Length;

                                return String.Format ("{0}.{1}", file_name.Substring (0, ext_index),

                        private void Usage ()
                                Console.WriteLine ("Mono ILasm compiler\n" +
                                        "ilasm [options] source-files\n" +
                                        "   --about            About the Mono ILasm compiler\n" +
                                        "   --version          Print the version number of the Mono ILasm compiler\n" +
                                        "   /output:file_name  Specifies output file.\n" +
                                        "   /exe               Compile to executable.\n" +
                                        "   /dll               Compile to library.\n" +
                                        "   /debug             Include debug information.\n" +
					"   /key:keyfile       Strongname using the specified key file\n" +
					"   /key:@container    Strongname using the specified key container\n" +
                                        "Options can be of the form -option or /option\n");
                                Environment.Exit (1);

                        private void About ()
                                Console.WriteLine (
                                        "For more information on Mono, visit the project Web site\n" +
                                        "   http://www.go-mono.com\n\n");
                                Environment.Exit (0);

                        private void Version ()
                                string version = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly ().GetName ().Version.ToString ();
                                Console.WriteLine ("Mono ILasm compiler version {0}", version);
                                Environment.Exit (0);
