:: -------------------------------------------------- :: Run full LLVM build using msvc toolchain and available cmake generator. :: Script needs to be run from within a matching build environment, x86|x64. :: When executed from withing Visual Studio build environment current :: build environment will be inherited by script. :: :: %1 LLVM source root directory. :: %2 LLVM build root directory. :: %3 LLVM install root directory. :: %4 Mono distribution root directory. :: %5 VS CFLAGS. :: %6 Additional CMake arguments. :: %7 VS platform (Win32/x64). :: %8 VS configuration (Debug/Release). :: %9 VS target. :: %10 MsBuild bin path, if used. :: %11 Force MSBuild (true/false), if used. :: -------------------------------------------------- @echo off setlocal set TEMP_PATH=%PATH% set BUILD_RESULT=1 set CL_BIN_NAME=cl.exe set LINK_BIN_NAME=link.exe set GIT_BIN_NAME=git.exe set CMAKE_BIN_NAME=cmake.exe set NINJA_BIN_NAME=ninja.exe set PYTHON_BIN_NAME=python.exe set LLVM_DIR=%~1 shift set LLVM_BUILD_DIR=%~1 shift set LLVM_INSTALL_DIR=%~1 shift set MONO_DIST_DIR=%~1 shift set VS_CFLAGS=%~1 shift set LLVM_ADDITIONAL_CMAKE_ARGS=%~1 shift set VS_PLATFORM=%~1 shift set VS_CONFIGURATION=%~1 shift set VS_TARGET=%~1 shift set MSBUILD_BIN_PATH=%~1 shift set FORCE_MSBUILD=%~1 :: Setup toolchain. :: set GIT= :: set CMAKE= :: set NINJA= set MSBUILD=%MSBUILD_BIN_PATH%msbuild.exe if "%LLVM_DIR%" == "" ( echo Missing LLVM source directory argument. goto ECHO_USAGE ) if "%LLVM_BUILD_DIR%" == "" ( echo Missing LLVM build directory argument. goto ECHO_USAGE ) if "%LLVM_INSTALL_DIR%" == "" ( echo Missing LLVM install directory argument. goto ECHO_USAGE ) if "%MONO_DIST_DIR%" == "" ( echo Missing Mono dist directory argument. goto ECHO_USAGE ) if "%VS_CFLAGS%" == "" ( echo Missing CFLAGS argument. goto ECHO_USAGE ) if "%VS_PLATFORM%" == "" ( set VS_PLATFORM=x64 ) if "%VS_CONFIGURATION%" == "" ( set VS_CONFIGURATION=Release ) if "%VS_TARGET%" == "" ( set VS_TARGET=Build ) if "%FORCE_MSBUILD%" == "" ( set FORCE_MSBUILD=false ) if not exist "%LLVM_DIR%" ( echo Could not find "%LLVM_DIR%". goto ON_ERROR ) set LLVM_CFLAGS=%VS_CFLAGS% set LLVM_ARCH=x86_64 if /i "%VS_PLATFORM%" == "win32" ( set LLVM_ARCH=i386 ) :: Check if executed from VS2015/VS2017 build environment. if "%VisualStudioVersion%" == "14.0" ( goto ON_ENV_OK ) if "%VisualStudioVersion%" == "15.0" ( goto ON_ENV_OK ) :: Executed outside VS2015/VS2017 build environment, try to locate Visual Studio C/C++ compiler and linker. call :FIND_PROGRAM "" "%CL_BIN_NAME%" CL_PATH if "%CL_PATH%" == "" ( goto ON_ENV_WARNING ) call :FIND_PROGRAM "" "%LINK_BIN_NAME%" LINK_PATH if "%LINK_PATH%" == "" ( goto ON_ENV_WARNING ) goto ON_ENV_OK :ON_ENV_WARNING :: VS 2015. set VC_VARS_ALL_FILE=%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\vcvarsall.bat IF EXIST "%VC_VARS_ALL_FILE%" ( echo For VS2015 builds, make sure to run this from within Visual Studio build or using "VS2015 x86|x64 Native Tools Command Prompt" command prompt. echo Setup a "VS2015 x86|x64 Native Tools Command Prompt" command prompt by using "%VC_VARS_ALL_FILE% x86|amd64". ) :: VS 2017. set VSWHERE_TOOLS_BIN=%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Visual Studio\Installer\vswhere.exe if exist "%VSWHERE_TOOLS_BIN%" ( echo For VS2017 builds, make sure to run this from within Visual Studio build or using "x86|x64 Native Tools Command Prompt for VS2017" command prompt. for /f "tokens=*" %%a IN ('"%VSWHERE_TOOLS_BIN%" -latest -property installationPath') do ( echo Setup a "x86|x64 Native Tools Command Prompt for VS2017" command prompt by using "%%a\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvars32.bat|vcvars64.bat". ) ) echo Could not detect Visual Studio build environment. You may experience build problems if wrong toolchain is auto detected. :ON_ENV_OK :: Setup all cmake related generator, tools and variables. call :SETUP_CMAKE_ENVIRONMENT if "%CMAKE%" == "" ( echo Failed to located working %CMAKE_BIN_NAME%, needs to be accessible in PATH or set using CMAKE environment variable. goto ON_ERROR ) if "%CMAKE_GENERATOR%" == "" ( echo Failed to setup cmake generator. goto ON_ERROR ) :: Check target. if /i "%VS_TARGET%" == "build" ( goto ON_BUILD_LLVM ) if /i "%VS_TARGET%" == "install" ( goto ON_INSTALL_LLVM ) if /i "%VS_TARGET%" == "clean" ( goto ON_CLEAN_LLVM ) :ON_BUILD_LLVM :: If not set by caller, check environment for working git.exe. call :FIND_PROGRAM "%GIT%" "%GIT_BIN_NAME%" GIT if "%GIT%" == "" ( echo Failed to located working %GIT_BIN_NAME%, needs to be accessible in PATH or set using GIT environment variable. goto ON_ERROR ) :: Make sure llvm submodule is up to date. pushd cd "%LLVM_DIR%" "%GIT%" submodule update --init if not ERRORLEVEL == 0 ( "%GIT%" submodule init "%GIT%" submodule update if not ERRORLEVEL == 0 ( echo Git llvm submodules failed to updated. You may experience compilation problems if some submodules are out of date. ) ) popd if not exist "%LLVM_BUILD_DIR%" ( mkdir "%LLVM_BUILD_DIR%" ) cd "%LLVM_BUILD_DIR%" :: Make sure cmake pick up msvc toolchain regardless of selected generator (Visual Studio|Ninja) set CC=%CL_BIN_NAME% set CXX=%CL_BIN_NAME% set CMAKE_GENERATOR_ARGS= if /i "%CMAKE_GENERATOR%" == "ninja" ( set CMAKE_GENERATOR_ARGS=-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=%VS_CONFIGURATION% ) else ( set CMAKE_GENERATOR_ARGS=-Thost=x64 ) :: Run cmake. "%CMAKE%" ^ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="%LLVM_INSTALL_DIR%" ^ -DLLVM_TARGETS_TO_BUILD="X86;ARM;AArch64" ^ -DLLVM_BUILD_TESTS=Off ^ -DLLVM_INCLUDE_TESTS=Off ^ -DLLVM_BUILD_EXAMPLES=Off ^ -DLLVM_INCLUDE_EXAMPLES=Off ^ -DLLVM_TOOLS_TO_BUILD="opt;llc;llvm-config;llvm-dis;llvm-mc;llvm-as" ^ -DLLVM_ENABLE_LIBXML2=Off ^ -DCMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR="%LLVM_ARCH%" ^ %LLVM_ADDITIONAL_CMAKE_ARGS% ^ %CMAKE_GENERATOR_ARGS% ^ -G "%CMAKE_GENERATOR%" ^ "%LLVM_DIR%" if not ERRORLEVEL == 0 ( goto ON_ERROR ) if /i "%CMAKE_GENERATOR%" == "ninja" ( :: Build LLVM using ninja build system. call "%NINJA%" -j4 || ( goto ON_ERROR ) ) else ( :: Build LLVM using msbuild build system. call "%MSBUILD%" llvm.sln /p:Configuration=%VS_CONFIGURATION% /p:Platform=%VS_PLATFORM% /t:%VS_TARGET% /v:m /nologo || ( goto ON_ERROR ) ) :ON_INSTALL_LLVM :: Make sure build install folder exists. if not exist "%LLVM_INSTALL_DIR%" ( echo Could not find "%LLVM_INSTALL_DIR%", creating folder for build output. mkdir "%LLVM_INSTALL_DIR%" ) :: Make sure Mono dist folder exists. if not exist "%MONO_DIST_DIR%" ( echo Could not find "%MONO_DIST_DIR%", creating folder for build output. mkdir "%MONO_DIST_DIR%" ) if exist "%LLVM_BUILD_DIR%\build.ninja" ( pushd cd "%LLVM_BUILD_DIR%" call "%NINJA%" install popd ) if exist "%LLVM_BUILD_DIR%\install.vcxproj" ( "%MSBUILD%" "%LLVM_BUILD_DIR%\install.vcxproj" /p:Configuration=%VS_CONFIGURATION% /p:Platform=%VS_PLATFORM% /v:m /nologo ) if not exist "%LLVM_INSTALL_DIR%\bin\opt.exe" ( echo Missing LLVM build output, "%LLVM_INSTALL_DIR%\bin\opt.exe" goto ON_ERROR ) if not exist "%LLVM_INSTALL_DIR%\bin\llc.exe" ( echo Missing LLVM build output, "%LLVM_INSTALL_DIR%\bin\llc.exe" goto ON_ERROR ) if not exist "%LLVM_INSTALL_DIR%\bin\llvm-dis.exe" ( echo Missing LLVM build output, "%LLVM_INSTALL_DIR%\bin\llvm-dis.exe" goto ON_ERROR ) if not exist "%LLVM_INSTALL_DIR%\bin\llvm-mc.exe" ( echo Missing LLVM build output, "%LLVM_INSTALL_DIR%\bin\llvm-mc.exe" goto ON_ERROR ) if not exist "%LLVM_INSTALL_DIR%\bin\llvm-as.exe" ( echo Missing LLVM build output, "%LLVM_INSTALL_DIR%\bin\llvm-as.exe" goto ON_ERROR ) copy /Y "%LLVM_INSTALL_DIR%\bin\opt.exe" "%MONO_DIST_DIR%" >nul 2>&1 copy /Y "%LLVM_INSTALL_DIR%\bin\llc.exe" "%MONO_DIST_DIR%" >nul 2>&1 copy /Y "%LLVM_INSTALL_DIR%\bin\llvm-dis.exe" "%MONO_DIST_DIR%" >nul 2>&1 copy /Y "%LLVM_INSTALL_DIR%\bin\llvm-mc.exe" "%MONO_DIST_DIR%" >nul 2>&1 copy /Y "%LLVM_INSTALL_DIR%\bin\llvm-as.exe" "%MONO_DIST_DIR%" >nul 2>&1 goto ON_SUCCESS :ON_CLEAN_LLVM if exist "%LLVM_BUILD_DIR%\build.ninja" ( pushd cd "%LLVM_BUILD_DIR%" call "%NINJA%" clean popd ) if exist "%LLVM_BUILD_DIR%\llvm.sln" ( "%MSBUILD%" "%LLVM_BUILD_DIR%\llvm.sln" /p:Configuration=%VS_CONFIGURATION% /p:Platform=%VS_PLATFORM% /t:Clean /v:m /nologo ) goto ON_SUCCESS :ON_SUCCESS set BUILD_RESULT=0 goto ON_EXIT :ECHO_USAGE: ECHO Usage: build-external-llvm.bat [llvm_src_dir] [llvm_build_dir] [llvm_install_dir] [mono_dist_dir] [vs_cflags] [vs_plaform] [vs_configuration]. :ON_ERROR echo Failed to build LLVM. goto ON_EXIT :ON_EXIT set PATH=%TEMP_PATH% exit /b %BUILD_RESULT% :: ############################################################################################################################## :: Functions :: -------------------------------------------------- :: Finds a program using environment. :: :: %1 Existing program to check for. :: %2 Name of binary to locate. :: %3 Output, variable to set if found requested program. :: -------------------------------------------------- :FIND_PROGRAM :: If not set by caller, check environment for program. if exist "%~1" ( goto :EOF ) call where /q "%~2" && ( for /f "delims=" %%a in ('where "%~2"') do ( set "%~3=%%a" ) ) || ( set "%~3=" ) goto :EOF :: -------------------------------------------------- :: Setup up cmake build environment, including generator, build tools and variables. :: -------------------------------------------------- :SETUP_CMAKE_ENVIRONMENT :: If not set by caller, check environment for working cmake.exe. call :FIND_PROGRAM "%CMAKE%" "%CMAKE_BIN_NAME%" CMAKE if "%CMAKE%" == "" ( goto _SETUP_CMAKE_ENVIRONMENT_EXIT ) if /i "%VS_TARGET%" == "build" ( echo Found CMake: "%CMAKE%" ) if /i "%FORCE_MSBUILD%" == "true" ( goto _SETUP_CMAKE_ENVIRONMENT_VS_GENERATOR ) :: Check for optional cmake generate and build tools. call :FIND_PROGRAM "%NINJA%" "%NINJA_BIN_NAME%" NINJA if not "%NINJA%" == "" ( goto _SETUP_CMAKE_ENVIRONMENT_NINJA_GENERATOR ) :_SETUP_CMAKE_ENVIRONMENT_VS_GENERATOR if /i "%VS_TARGET%" == "build" ( echo Using Visual Studio build generator. ) :: Detect VS version to use right cmake generator. set CMAKE_GENERATOR=Visual Studio 14 2015 if "%VisualStudioVersion%" == "15.0" ( set CMAKE_GENERATOR=Visual Studio 15 2017 ) if /i "%VS_PLATFORM%" == "x64" ( set CMAKE_GENERATOR=%CMAKE_GENERATOR% Win64 ) set LLVM_BUILD_OUTPUT_DIR=%LLVM_BUILD_DIR%\%VS_CONFIGURATION% goto _SETUP_CMAKE_ENVIRONMENT_EXIT :_SETUP_CMAKE_ENVIRONMENT_NINJA_GENERATOR if /i "%VS_TARGET%" == "build" ( echo Found Ninja: "%NINJA%" echo Using Ninja build generator. ) set CMAKE_GENERATOR=Ninja set LLVM_BUILD_OUTPUT_DIR=%LLVM_BUILD_DIR% :_SETUP_CMAKE_ENVIRONMENT_EXIT goto :EOF @echo on