2015-04-07 09:35:12 +01:00
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
namespace System.ServiceModel.Channels
using System ;
using System.Collections.Generic ;
using System.Globalization ;
using System.IO ;
using System.Runtime ;
using System.Runtime.Diagnostics ;
using System.ServiceModel ;
using System.ServiceModel.Diagnostics.Application ;
using System.Threading ;
/// <summary>
/// BufferedOutputAsyncStream is used for writing streamed response.
/// For performance reasons, the behavior we want is chunk, chunk, chunk,.. terminating chunk without a delay.
/// We call BeginWrite,BeginWrite,BeginWrite and Close()(close sends the terminating chunk) without
/// waiting for all outstanding BeginWrites to complete.
/// BufferedOutputAsyncStream is not a general-purpose stream wrapper, it requires that the base stream
/// 1. allow concurrent IO (for multiple BeginWrite calls)
/// 2. support the BeginWrite,BeginWrite,BeginWrite,.. Close() calling pattern.
/// Currently BufferedOutputAsyncStream only used to wrap the System.Net.HttpResponseStream, which satisfy both requirements.
/// BufferedOutputAsyncStream can also be used when doing asynchronous operations. [....] operations are not allowed when an async
/// operation is in-flight. If a [....] operation is in progress (i.e., data exists in our CurrentBuffer) and we issue an async operation,
/// we flush everything in the buffers (and block while doing so) before the async operation is allowed to proceed.
/// </summary>
class BufferedOutputAsyncStream : Stream
readonly Stream stream ;
readonly int bufferSize ;
readonly int bufferLimit ;
readonly BufferQueue buffers ;
ByteBuffer currentByteBuffer ;
int availableBufferCount ;
static AsyncEventArgsCallback onFlushComplete = new AsyncEventArgsCallback ( OnFlushComplete ) ;
int asyncWriteCount ;
WriteAsyncState writeState ;
WriteAsyncArgs writeArgs ;
static AsyncEventArgsCallback onAsyncFlushComplete ;
static AsyncEventArgsCallback onWriteCallback ;
EventTraceActivity activity ;
bool closed ;
internal BufferedOutputAsyncStream ( Stream stream , int bufferSize , int bufferLimit )
this . stream = stream ;
this . bufferSize = bufferSize ;
this . bufferLimit = bufferLimit ;
this . buffers = new BufferQueue ( this . bufferLimit ) ;
this . buffers . Add ( new ByteBuffer ( this , this . bufferSize , stream ) ) ;
this . availableBufferCount = 1 ;
public override bool CanRead
get { return false ; }
public override bool CanSeek
get { return false ; }
public override bool CanWrite
get { return stream . CanWrite & & ( ! this . closed ) ; }
public override long Length
#pragma warning suppress 56503 // [....], required by the Stream.Length contract
throw DiagnosticUtility . ExceptionUtility . ThrowHelperError ( new NotSupportedException ( SR . GetString ( SR . ReadNotSupported ) ) ) ;
public override long Position
#pragma warning suppress 56503 // [....], required by the Stream.Position contract
throw DiagnosticUtility . ExceptionUtility . ThrowHelperError ( new NotSupportedException ( SR . GetString ( SR . SeekNotSupported ) ) ) ;
throw DiagnosticUtility . ExceptionUtility . ThrowHelperError ( new NotSupportedException ( SR . GetString ( SR . SeekNotSupported ) ) ) ;
internal EventTraceActivity EventTraceActivity
if ( TD . BufferedAsyncWriteStartIsEnabled ( ) )
if ( this . activity = = null )
this . activity = EventTraceActivity . GetFromThreadOrCreate ( ) ;
return this . activity ;
ByteBuffer GetCurrentBuffer ( )
// Dequeue will null out the buffer
this . ThrowOnException ( ) ;
if ( this . currentByteBuffer = = null )
this . currentByteBuffer = this . buffers . CurrentBuffer ( ) ;
return this . currentByteBuffer ;
public override void Close ( )
2016-02-22 11:00:01 -05:00
if ( ! this . closed )
this . FlushPendingBuffer ( ) ;
stream . Close ( ) ;
this . WaitForAllWritesToComplete ( ) ;
this . closed = true ;
2015-04-07 09:35:12 +01:00
public override void Flush ( )
FlushPendingBuffer ( ) ;
stream . Flush ( ) ;
void FlushPendingBuffer ( )
ByteBuffer asyncBuffer = this . buffers . CurrentBuffer ( ) ;
if ( asyncBuffer ! = null )
this . DequeueAndFlush ( asyncBuffer , onFlushComplete ) ;
void IncrementAsyncWriteCount ( )
if ( Interlocked . Increment ( ref this . asyncWriteCount ) > 1 )
throw FxTrace . Exception . AsError ( new InvalidOperationException ( SR . GetString ( SR . WriterAsyncWritePending ) ) ) ;
void DecrementAsyncWriteCount ( )
if ( Interlocked . Decrement ( ref this . asyncWriteCount ) ! = 0 )
throw FxTrace . Exception . AsError ( new InvalidOperationException ( SR . GetString ( SR . NoAsyncWritePending ) ) ) ;
void EnsureNoAsyncWritePending ( )
if ( this . asyncWriteCount ! = 0 )
throw DiagnosticUtility . ExceptionUtility . ThrowHelperError ( new InvalidOperationException ( SR . GetString ( SR . WriterAsyncWritePending ) ) ) ;
void EnsureOpened ( )
if ( this . closed )
throw DiagnosticUtility . ExceptionUtility . ThrowHelperError ( new InvalidOperationException ( SR . GetString ( SR . StreamClosed ) ) ) ;
ByteBuffer NextBuffer ( )
if ( ! this . AdjustBufferSize ( ) )
this . buffers . WaitForAny ( ) ;
return this . GetCurrentBuffer ( ) ;
bool AdjustBufferSize ( )
if ( this . availableBufferCount < this . bufferLimit )
buffers . Add ( new ByteBuffer ( this , bufferSize , stream ) ) ;
this . availableBufferCount + + ;
return true ;
return false ;
public override int Read ( byte [ ] buffer , int offset , int count )
throw DiagnosticUtility . ExceptionUtility . ThrowHelperError ( new NotSupportedException ( SR . GetString ( SR . ReadNotSupported ) ) ) ;
public override int ReadByte ( )
throw DiagnosticUtility . ExceptionUtility . ThrowHelperError ( new NotSupportedException ( SR . GetString ( SR . ReadNotSupported ) ) ) ;
public override long Seek ( long offset , SeekOrigin origin )
throw DiagnosticUtility . ExceptionUtility . ThrowHelperError ( new NotSupportedException ( SR . GetString ( SR . SeekNotSupported ) ) ) ;
public override void SetLength ( long value )
throw DiagnosticUtility . ExceptionUtility . ThrowHelperError ( new NotSupportedException ( SR . GetString ( SR . SeekNotSupported ) ) ) ;
void WaitForAllWritesToComplete ( )
// Complete all outstanding writes
this . buffers . WaitForAllWritesToComplete ( ) ;
public override void Write ( byte [ ] buffer , int offset , int count )
this . EnsureOpened ( ) ;
this . EnsureNoAsyncWritePending ( ) ;
while ( count > 0 )
ByteBuffer currentBuffer = this . GetCurrentBuffer ( ) ;
if ( currentBuffer = = null )
currentBuffer = this . NextBuffer ( ) ;
int freeBytes = currentBuffer . FreeBytes ; // space left in the CurrentBuffer
if ( freeBytes > 0 )
if ( freeBytes > count )
freeBytes = count ;
currentBuffer . CopyData ( buffer , offset , freeBytes ) ;
offset + = freeBytes ;
count - = freeBytes ;
if ( currentBuffer . FreeBytes = = 0 )
this . DequeueAndFlush ( currentBuffer , onFlushComplete ) ;
public override IAsyncResult BeginWrite ( byte [ ] buffer , int offset , int count , AsyncCallback callback , object state )
this . EnsureOpened ( ) ;
this . IncrementAsyncWriteCount ( ) ;
Fx . Assert ( this . writeState = = null | |
this . writeState . Arguments = = null | |
this . writeState . Arguments . Count < = 0 ,
"All data has not been written yet." ) ;
if ( onWriteCallback = = null )
onWriteCallback = new AsyncEventArgsCallback ( OnWriteCallback ) ;
onAsyncFlushComplete = new AsyncEventArgsCallback ( OnAsyncFlushComplete ) ;
if ( this . writeState = = null )
this . writeState = new WriteAsyncState ( ) ;
this . writeArgs = new WriteAsyncArgs ( ) ;
// Since writeState!= null, check if the stream has an
// exception as the async path has already been invoked.
this . ThrowOnException ( ) ;
this . writeArgs . Set ( buffer , offset , count , callback , state ) ;
this . writeState . Set ( onWriteCallback , this . writeArgs , this ) ;
if ( this . WriteAsync ( this . writeState ) = = AsyncCompletionResult . Completed )
this . writeState . Complete ( true ) ;
if ( callback ! = null )
callback ( this . writeState . CompletedSynchronouslyAsyncResult ) ;
return this . writeState . CompletedSynchronouslyAsyncResult ;
return this . writeState . PendingAsyncResult ;
public override void EndWrite ( IAsyncResult asyncResult )
this . DecrementAsyncWriteCount ( ) ;
this . ThrowOnException ( ) ;
public override void WriteByte ( byte value )
this . EnsureNoAsyncWritePending ( ) ;
ByteBuffer currentBuffer = this . GetCurrentBuffer ( ) ;
if ( currentBuffer = = null )
currentBuffer = NextBuffer ( ) ;
currentBuffer . CopyData ( value ) ;
if ( currentBuffer . FreeBytes = = 0 )
this . DequeueAndFlush ( currentBuffer , onFlushComplete ) ;
void DequeueAndFlush ( ByteBuffer currentBuffer , AsyncEventArgsCallback callback )
// Dequeue does a checkout of the buffer from its slot.
// the callback for the [....] path only enqueues the buffer.
// The WriteAsync callback needs to enqueue and also complete.
this . currentByteBuffer = null ;
ByteBuffer dequeued = this . buffers . Dequeue ( ) ;
Fx . Assert ( dequeued = = currentBuffer , "Buffer queue in an inconsistent state." ) ;
WriteFlushAsyncEventArgs writeflushState = ( WriteFlushAsyncEventArgs ) currentBuffer . FlushAsyncArgs ;
if ( writeflushState = = null )
writeflushState = new WriteFlushAsyncEventArgs ( ) ;
currentBuffer . FlushAsyncArgs = writeflushState ;
writeflushState . Set ( callback , null , this ) ;
if ( currentBuffer . FlushAsync ( ) = = AsyncCompletionResult . Completed )
this . buffers . Enqueue ( currentBuffer ) ;
writeflushState . Complete ( true ) ;
static void OnFlushComplete ( IAsyncEventArgs state )
BufferedOutputAsyncStream thisPtr = ( BufferedOutputAsyncStream ) state . AsyncState ;
WriteFlushAsyncEventArgs flushState = ( WriteFlushAsyncEventArgs ) state ;
ByteBuffer byteBuffer = flushState . Result ;
thisPtr . buffers . Enqueue ( byteBuffer ) ;
AsyncCompletionResult WriteAsync ( WriteAsyncState state )
Fx . Assert ( state ! = null & & state . Arguments ! = null , "Invalid WriteAsyncState parameter." ) ;
if ( state . Arguments . Count = = 0 )
return AsyncCompletionResult . Completed ;
byte [ ] buffer = state . Arguments . Buffer ;
int offset = state . Arguments . Offset ;
int count = state . Arguments . Count ;
ByteBuffer currentBuffer = this . GetCurrentBuffer ( ) ;
while ( count > 0 )
if ( currentBuffer = = null )
throw FxTrace . Exception . AsError ( new InvalidOperationException ( SR . GetString ( SR . WriteAsyncWithoutFreeBuffer ) ) ) ;
int freeBytes = currentBuffer . FreeBytes ; // space left in the CurrentBuffer
if ( freeBytes > 0 )
if ( freeBytes > count )
freeBytes = count ;
currentBuffer . CopyData ( buffer , offset , freeBytes ) ;
offset + = freeBytes ;
count - = freeBytes ;
if ( currentBuffer . FreeBytes = = 0 )
this . DequeueAndFlush ( currentBuffer , onAsyncFlushComplete ) ;
// We might need to increase the number of buffers available
// if there is more data to be written or no buffer is available.
if ( count > 0 | | this . buffers . Count = = 0 )
this . AdjustBufferSize ( ) ;
//Update state for any pending writes.
state . Arguments . Offset = offset ;
state . Arguments . Count = count ;
// We can complete synchronously only
// if there a buffer available for writes.
currentBuffer = this . GetCurrentBuffer ( ) ;
if ( currentBuffer = = null )
if ( this . buffers . TryUnlock ( ) )
return AsyncCompletionResult . Queued ;
currentBuffer = this . GetCurrentBuffer ( ) ;
return AsyncCompletionResult . Completed ;
static void OnAsyncFlushComplete ( IAsyncEventArgs state )
BufferedOutputAsyncStream thisPtr = ( BufferedOutputAsyncStream ) state . AsyncState ;
Exception completionException = null ;
bool completeSelf = false ;
OnFlushComplete ( state ) ;
if ( thisPtr . buffers . TryAcquireLock ( ) )
WriteFlushAsyncEventArgs flushState = ( WriteFlushAsyncEventArgs ) state ;
if ( flushState . Exception ! = null )
completeSelf = true ;
completionException = flushState . Exception ;
if ( thisPtr . WriteAsync ( thisPtr . writeState ) = = AsyncCompletionResult . Completed )
completeSelf = true ;
catch ( Exception exception )
if ( Fx . IsFatal ( exception ) )
throw ;
if ( completionException = = null )
completionException = exception ;
completeSelf = true ;
if ( completeSelf )
thisPtr . writeState . Complete ( false , completionException ) ;
static void OnWriteCallback ( IAsyncEventArgs state )
BufferedOutputAsyncStream thisPtr = ( BufferedOutputAsyncStream ) state . AsyncState ;
IAsyncResult returnResult = thisPtr . writeState . PendingAsyncResult ;
AsyncCallback callback = thisPtr . writeState . Arguments . Callback ;
thisPtr . writeState . Arguments . Callback = null ;
if ( callback ! = null )
callback ( returnResult ) ;
void ThrowOnException ( )
// if any of the buffers or the write state has an
// exception the stream is not usable anymore.
this . buffers . ThrowOnException ( ) ;
if ( this . writeState ! = null )
this . writeState . ThrowOnException ( ) ;
class BufferQueue
readonly List < ByteBuffer > refBufferList ;
readonly int size ;
readonly Slot [ ] buffers ;
Exception completionException ;
int head ;
int count ;
bool waiting ;
bool pendingCompletion ;
internal BufferQueue ( int queueSize )
this . head = 0 ;
this . count = 0 ;
this . size = queueSize ;
this . buffers = new Slot [ size ] ;
this . refBufferList = new List < ByteBuffer > ( ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < queueSize ; i + + )
Slot s = new Slot ( ) ;
s . checkedOut = true ; //Start with all buffers checkedout.
this . buffers [ i ] = s ;
object ThisLock
return this . buffers ;
internal int Count
lock ( ThisLock )
return count ;
internal ByteBuffer Dequeue ( )
Fx . Assert ( ! this . pendingCompletion , "Dequeue cannot be invoked when there is a pending completion" ) ;
lock ( ThisLock )
if ( count = = 0 )
return null ;
Slot s = buffers [ head ] ;
Fx . Assert ( ! s . checkedOut , "This buffer is already in use." ) ;
this . head = ( this . head + 1 ) % size ;
this . count - - ;
ByteBuffer buffer = s . buffer ;
s . buffer = null ;
s . checkedOut = true ;
return buffer ;
internal void Add ( ByteBuffer buffer )
lock ( ThisLock )
Fx . Assert ( this . refBufferList . Count < size , "Bufferlist is already full." ) ;
if ( this . refBufferList . Count < this . size )
this . refBufferList . Add ( buffer ) ;
this . Enqueue ( buffer ) ;
internal void Enqueue ( ByteBuffer buffer )
lock ( ThisLock )
this . completionException = this . completionException ? ? buffer . CompletionException ;
Fx . Assert ( count < size , "The queue is already full." ) ;
int tail = ( this . head + this . count ) % size ;
Slot s = this . buffers [ tail ] ;
this . count + + ;
Fx . Assert ( s . checkedOut , "Current buffer is still free." ) ;
s . checkedOut = false ;
s . buffer = buffer ;
if ( this . waiting )
Monitor . Pulse ( this . ThisLock ) ;
internal ByteBuffer CurrentBuffer ( )
lock ( ThisLock )
ThrowOnException ( ) ;
Slot s = this . buffers [ head ] ;
return s . buffer ;
internal void WaitForAllWritesToComplete ( )
for ( int i = 0 ; i < this . refBufferList . Count ; i + + )
this . refBufferList [ i ] . WaitForWriteComplete ( ) ;
internal void WaitForAny ( )
lock ( ThisLock )
if ( this . count = = 0 )
this . waiting = true ;
Monitor . Wait ( ThisLock ) ;
this . waiting = false ;
this . ThrowOnException ( ) ;
internal void ThrowOnException ( )
if ( this . completionException ! = null )
throw FxTrace . Exception . AsError ( this . completionException ) ;
internal bool TryUnlock ( )
// The main thread tries to indicate a pending completion
// if there aren't any free buffers for the next write.
// The callback should try to complete() through TryAcquireLock.
lock ( ThisLock )
Fx . Assert ( ! this . pendingCompletion , "There is already a completion pending." ) ;
if ( this . count = = 0 )
this . pendingCompletion = true ;
return true ;
return false ;
internal bool TryAcquireLock ( )
// The callback tries to acquire the lock if there is a pending completion and a free buffer.
// Buffers might get dequeued by the main writing thread as soon as they are enqueued.
lock ( ThisLock )
if ( this . pendingCompletion & & this . count > 0 )
this . pendingCompletion = false ;
return true ;
return false ;
class Slot
internal bool checkedOut ;
internal ByteBuffer buffer ;
/// <summary>
/// AsyncEventArgs used to invoke the FlushAsync() on the ByteBuffer.
/// </summary>
class WriteFlushAsyncEventArgs : AsyncEventArgs < object , ByteBuffer >
class ByteBuffer
byte [ ] bytes ;
int position ;
Stream stream ;
bool writePending ;
bool waiting ;
Exception completionException ;
BufferedOutputAsyncStream parent ;
static AsyncCallback writeCallback = Fx . ThunkCallback ( new AsyncCallback ( WriteCallback ) ) ;
static AsyncCallback flushCallback ;
internal ByteBuffer ( BufferedOutputAsyncStream parent , int bufferSize , Stream stream )
this . waiting = false ;
this . writePending = false ;
this . position = 0 ;
this . bytes = DiagnosticUtility . Utility . AllocateByteArray ( bufferSize ) ;
this . stream = stream ;
this . parent = parent ;
object ThisLock
get { return this ; }
internal Exception CompletionException
get { return this . completionException ; }
internal int FreeBytes
return this . bytes . Length - this . position ;
internal AsyncEventArgs < object , ByteBuffer > FlushAsyncArgs
get ;
set ;
static void WriteCallback ( IAsyncResult result )
if ( result . CompletedSynchronously )
return ;
// Fetch our state information: ByteBuffer
ByteBuffer buffer = ( ByteBuffer ) result . AsyncState ;
if ( TD . BufferedAsyncWriteStopIsEnabled ( ) )
TD . BufferedAsyncWriteStop ( buffer . parent . EventTraceActivity ) ;
buffer . stream . EndWrite ( result ) ;
#pragma warning suppress 56500 // [....], transferring exception to another thread
catch ( Exception e )
if ( Fx . IsFatal ( e ) )
throw ;
buffer . completionException = e ;
// Tell the main thread we've finished.
lock ( buffer . ThisLock )
buffer . writePending = false ;
// Do not Pulse if no one is waiting, to avoid the overhead of Pulse
if ( ! buffer . waiting )
return ;
Monitor . Pulse ( buffer . ThisLock ) ;
internal void WaitForWriteComplete ( )
lock ( ThisLock )
if ( this . writePending )
// Wait until the async write of this buffer is finished.
this . waiting = true ;
Monitor . Wait ( ThisLock ) ;
this . waiting = false ;
// Raise exception if necessary
if ( this . completionException ! = null )
throw DiagnosticUtility . ExceptionUtility . ThrowHelperError ( completionException ) ;
internal void CopyData ( byte [ ] buffer , int offset , int count )
Fx . Assert ( this . position + count < = this . bytes . Length , string . Format ( CultureInfo . InvariantCulture , "Chunk is too big to fit in this buffer. Chunk size={0}, free space={1}" , count , this . bytes . Length - this . position ) ) ;
Fx . Assert ( ! this . writePending , string . Format ( CultureInfo . InvariantCulture , "The buffer is in use, position={0}" , this . position ) ) ;
Buffer . BlockCopy ( buffer , offset , this . bytes , this . position , count ) ;
this . position + = count ;
internal void CopyData ( byte value )
Fx . Assert ( this . position < this . bytes . Length , "Buffer is full" ) ;
Fx . Assert ( ! this . writePending , string . Format ( CultureInfo . InvariantCulture , "The buffer is in use, position={0}" , this . position ) ) ;
this . bytes [ this . position + + ] = value ;
/// <summary>
/// Set the ByteBuffer's FlushAsyncArgs to invoke FlushAsync()
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
internal AsyncCompletionResult FlushAsync ( )
if ( this . position < = 0 )
return AsyncCompletionResult . Completed ;
Fx . Assert ( this . FlushAsyncArgs ! = null , "FlushAsyncArgs not set." ) ;
if ( flushCallback = = null )
flushCallback = new AsyncCallback ( OnAsyncFlush ) ;
int bytesToWrite = this . position ;
this . SetWritePending ( ) ;
this . position = 0 ;
if ( TD . BufferedAsyncWriteStartIsEnabled ( ) )
TD . BufferedAsyncWriteStart ( this . parent . EventTraceActivity , this . GetHashCode ( ) , bytesToWrite ) ;
IAsyncResult asyncResult = this . stream . BeginWrite ( this . bytes , 0 , bytesToWrite , flushCallback , this ) ;
if ( asyncResult . CompletedSynchronously )
if ( TD . BufferedAsyncWriteStopIsEnabled ( ) )
TD . BufferedAsyncWriteStop ( this . parent . EventTraceActivity ) ;
this . stream . EndWrite ( asyncResult ) ;
this . ResetWritePending ( ) ;
return AsyncCompletionResult . Completed ;
return AsyncCompletionResult . Queued ;
static void OnAsyncFlush ( IAsyncResult result )
if ( result . CompletedSynchronously )
return ;
ByteBuffer thisPtr = ( ByteBuffer ) result . AsyncState ;
AsyncEventArgs < object , ByteBuffer > asyncEventArgs = thisPtr . FlushAsyncArgs ;
ByteBuffer . WriteCallback ( result ) ;
asyncEventArgs . Result = thisPtr ;
catch ( Exception exception )
if ( Fx . IsFatal ( exception ) )
throw ;
if ( thisPtr . completionException = = null )
thisPtr . completionException = exception ;
asyncEventArgs . Complete ( false , thisPtr . completionException ) ;
void ResetWritePending ( )
lock ( ThisLock )
this . writePending = false ;
void SetWritePending ( )
lock ( ThisLock )
if ( this . writePending )
throw FxTrace . Exception . AsError ( new InvalidOperationException ( SR . GetString ( SR . FlushBufferAlreadyInUse ) ) ) ;
this . writePending = true ;
/// <summary>
/// Used to hold the users callback and state and arguments when BeginWrite is invoked.
/// </summary>
class WriteAsyncArgs
internal byte [ ] Buffer { get ; set ; }
internal int Offset { get ; set ; }
internal int Count { get ; set ; }
internal AsyncCallback Callback { get ; set ; }
internal object AsyncState { get ; set ; }
internal void Set ( byte [ ] buffer , int offset , int count , AsyncCallback callback , object state )
this . Buffer = buffer ;
this . Offset = offset ;
this . Count = count ;
this . Callback = callback ;
this . AsyncState = state ;
class WriteAsyncState : AsyncEventArgs < WriteAsyncArgs , BufferedOutputAsyncStream >
PooledAsyncResult pooledAsyncResult ;
PooledAsyncResult completedSynchronouslyResult ;
internal IAsyncResult PendingAsyncResult
if ( this . pooledAsyncResult = = null )
this . pooledAsyncResult = new PooledAsyncResult ( this , false ) ;
return this . pooledAsyncResult ;
internal IAsyncResult CompletedSynchronouslyAsyncResult
if ( this . completedSynchronouslyResult = = null )
this . completedSynchronouslyResult = new PooledAsyncResult ( this , true ) ;
return completedSynchronouslyResult ;
internal void ThrowOnException ( )
if ( this . Exception ! = null )
throw FxTrace . Exception . AsError ( this . Exception ) ;
class PooledAsyncResult : IAsyncResult
readonly WriteAsyncState writeState ;
readonly bool completedSynchronously ;
internal PooledAsyncResult ( WriteAsyncState parentState , bool completedSynchronously )
this . writeState = parentState ;
this . completedSynchronously = completedSynchronously ;
public object AsyncState
return this . writeState . Arguments ! = null ? this . writeState . Arguments . AsyncState : null ;
public WaitHandle AsyncWaitHandle
get { throw FxTrace . Exception . AsError ( new NotImplementedException ( ) ) ; }
public bool CompletedSynchronously
get { return this . completedSynchronously ; }
public bool IsCompleted
get { throw FxTrace . Exception . AsError ( new NotImplementedException ( ) ) ; }