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// Copyright (C) 2004 Novell, Inc (http://www.novell.com)
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
// a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
// "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
// without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
// distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
// permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
// the following conditions:
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
// included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
// System.Reflection.Emit/ILGenerator.cs
// Author:
// Paolo Molaro (lupus@ximian.com)
// (C) 2001 Ximian, Inc. http://www.ximian.com
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace System.Reflection.Emit {
internal struct ILExceptionBlock {
public const int CATCH = 0;
public const int FILTER = 1;
public const int FINALLY = 2;
public const int FAULT = 4;
public const int FILTER_START = -1;
internal Type extype;
internal int type;
internal int start;
internal int len;
internal int filter_offset;
internal void Debug () {
#if NO
System.Console.Write ("\ttype="+type.ToString()+" start="+start.ToString()+" len="+len.ToString());
if (extype != null)
System.Console.WriteLine (" extype="+extype.ToString());
System.Console.WriteLine (String.Empty);
internal struct ILExceptionInfo {
#pragma warning disable 169
#pragma warning disable 414
ILExceptionBlock[] handlers;
internal int start;
int len;
internal Label end;
#pragma warning restore 169
#pragma warning restore 414
internal int NumHandlers ()
return handlers.Length;
internal void AddCatch (Type extype, int offset)
int i;
End (offset);
add_block (offset);
i = handlers.Length - 1;
handlers [i].type = ILExceptionBlock.CATCH;
handlers [i].start = offset;
handlers [i].extype = extype;
internal void AddFinally (int offset)
int i;
End (offset);
add_block (offset);
i = handlers.Length - 1;
handlers [i].type = ILExceptionBlock.FINALLY;
handlers [i].start = offset;
handlers [i].extype = null;
internal void AddFault (int offset)
int i;
End (offset);
add_block (offset);
i = handlers.Length - 1;
handlers [i].type = ILExceptionBlock.FAULT;
handlers [i].start = offset;
handlers [i].extype = null;
internal void AddFilter (int offset)
int i;
End (offset);
add_block (offset);
i = handlers.Length - 1;
handlers [i].type = ILExceptionBlock.FILTER_START;
handlers [i].extype = null;
handlers [i].filter_offset = offset;
internal void End (int offset)
if (handlers == null)
int i = handlers.Length - 1;
if (i >= 0)
handlers [i].len = offset - handlers [i].start;
internal int LastClauseType ()
if (handlers != null)
return handlers [handlers.Length-1].type;
return ILExceptionBlock.CATCH;
internal void PatchFilterClause (int start)
if (handlers != null && handlers.Length > 0) {
handlers [handlers.Length - 1].start = start;
handlers [handlers.Length - 1].type = ILExceptionBlock.FILTER;
internal void Debug (int b)
#if NO
System.Console.WriteLine ("Handler {0} at {1}, len: {2}", b, start, len);
for (int i = 0; i < handlers.Length; ++i)
handlers [i].Debug ();
void add_block (int offset)
if (handlers != null) {
int i = handlers.Length;
ILExceptionBlock[] new_b = new ILExceptionBlock [i + 1];
System.Array.Copy (handlers, new_b, i);
handlers = new_b;
handlers [i].len = offset - handlers [i].start;
} else {
handlers = new ILExceptionBlock [1];
len = offset - start;
internal struct ILTokenInfo {
public MemberInfo member;
public int code_pos;
internal interface TokenGenerator {
int GetToken (string str);
int GetToken (MemberInfo member, bool create_open_instance);
int GetToken (MethodBase method, Type[] opt_param_types);
int GetToken (SignatureHelper helper);
[ComVisible (true)]
[ComDefaultInterface (typeof (_ILGenerator))]
[ClassInterface (ClassInterfaceType.None)]
[StructLayout (LayoutKind.Sequential)]
public class ILGenerator: _ILGenerator {
private struct LabelFixup {
public int offset; // The number of bytes between pos and the
// offset of the jump
public int pos; // Where offset of the label is placed
public int label_idx; // The label to jump to
struct LabelData {
public LabelData (int addr, int maxStack)
this.addr = addr;
this.maxStack = maxStack;
public int addr;
public int maxStack;
#region Sync with reflection.h
private byte[] code;
private int code_len;
private int max_stack;
private int cur_stack;
private LocalBuilder[] locals;
private ILExceptionInfo[] ex_handlers;
private int num_token_fixups;
private ILTokenInfo[] token_fixups;
private LabelData [] labels;
private int num_labels;
private LabelFixup[] fixups;
private int num_fixups;
internal Module module;
private int cur_block;
private Stack open_blocks;
private TokenGenerator token_gen;
const int defaultFixupSize = 4;
const int defaultLabelsSize = 4;
const int defaultExceptionStackSize = 2;
ArrayList sequencePointLists;
SequencePointList currentSequence;
internal ILGenerator (Module m, TokenGenerator token_gen, int size)
if (size < 0)
size = 128;
code = new byte [size];
token_fixups = new ILTokenInfo [8];
module = m;
this.token_gen = token_gen;
private void add_token_fixup (MemberInfo mi)
if (num_token_fixups == token_fixups.Length) {
ILTokenInfo[] ntf = new ILTokenInfo [num_token_fixups * 2];
token_fixups.CopyTo (ntf, 0);
token_fixups = ntf;
token_fixups [num_token_fixups].member = mi;
token_fixups [num_token_fixups++].code_pos = code_len;
private void make_room (int nbytes)
if (code_len + nbytes < code.Length)
byte[] new_code = new byte [(code_len + nbytes) * 2 + 128];
System.Array.Copy (code, 0, new_code, 0, code.Length);
code = new_code;
private void emit_int (int val)
code [code_len++] = (byte) (val & 0xFF);
code [code_len++] = (byte) ((val >> 8) & 0xFF);
code [code_len++] = (byte) ((val >> 16) & 0xFF);
code [code_len++] = (byte) ((val >> 24) & 0xFF);
/* change to pass by ref to avoid copy */
private void ll_emit (OpCode opcode)
* there is already enough room allocated in code.
// access op1 and op2 directly since the Value property is useless
if (opcode.Size == 2)
code [code_len++] = opcode.op1;
code [code_len++] = opcode.op2;
* We should probably keep track of stack needs here.
* Or we may want to run the verifier on the code before saving it
* (this may be needed anyway when the ILGenerator is not used...).
switch (opcode.StackBehaviourPush) {
case StackBehaviour.Push1:
case StackBehaviour.Pushi:
case StackBehaviour.Pushi8:
case StackBehaviour.Pushr4:
case StackBehaviour.Pushr8:
case StackBehaviour.Pushref:
case StackBehaviour.Varpush: /* again we are conservative and assume it pushes 1 */
cur_stack ++;
case StackBehaviour.Push1_push1:
cur_stack += 2;
if (max_stack < cur_stack)
max_stack = cur_stack;
* Note that we adjust for the pop behaviour _after_ setting max_stack.
switch (opcode.StackBehaviourPop) {
case StackBehaviour.Varpop:
break; /* we are conservative and assume it doesn't decrease the stack needs */
case StackBehaviour.Pop1:
case StackBehaviour.Popi:
case StackBehaviour.Popref:
cur_stack --;
case StackBehaviour.Pop1_pop1:
case StackBehaviour.Popi_pop1:
case StackBehaviour.Popi_popi:
case StackBehaviour.Popi_popi8:
case StackBehaviour.Popi_popr4:
case StackBehaviour.Popi_popr8:
case StackBehaviour.Popref_pop1:
case StackBehaviour.Popref_popi:
cur_stack -= 2;
case StackBehaviour.Popi_popi_popi:
case StackBehaviour.Popref_popi_popi:
case StackBehaviour.Popref_popi_popi8:
case StackBehaviour.Popref_popi_popr4:
case StackBehaviour.Popref_popi_popr8:
case StackBehaviour.Popref_popi_popref:
cur_stack -= 3;
private static int target_len (OpCode opcode)
if (opcode.OperandType == OperandType.InlineBrTarget)
return 4;
return 1;
private void InternalEndClause ()
switch (ex_handlers [cur_block].LastClauseType ()) {
case ILExceptionBlock.CATCH:
case ILExceptionBlock.FILTER:
case ILExceptionBlock.FILTER_START:
// how could we optimize code size here?
Emit (OpCodes.Leave, ex_handlers [cur_block].end);
case ILExceptionBlock.FAULT:
case ILExceptionBlock.FINALLY:
Emit (OpCodes.Endfinally);
public virtual void BeginCatchBlock (Type exceptionType)
if (open_blocks == null)
open_blocks = new Stack (defaultExceptionStackSize);
if (open_blocks.Count <= 0)
throw new NotSupportedException ("Not in an exception block");
if (exceptionType != null && exceptionType.IsUserType)
throw new NotSupportedException ("User defined subclasses of System.Type are not yet supported.");
if (ex_handlers [cur_block].LastClauseType () == ILExceptionBlock.FILTER_START) {
if (exceptionType != null)
throw new ArgumentException ("Do not supply an exception type for filter clause");
Emit (OpCodes.Endfilter);
ex_handlers [cur_block].PatchFilterClause (code_len);
} else {
InternalEndClause ();
ex_handlers [cur_block].AddCatch (exceptionType, code_len);
cur_stack = 1; // the exception object is on the stack by default
if (max_stack < cur_stack)
max_stack = cur_stack;
//System.Console.WriteLine ("Begin catch Block: {0} {1}",exceptionType.ToString(), max_stack);
public virtual void BeginExceptFilterBlock ()
if (open_blocks == null)
open_blocks = new Stack (defaultExceptionStackSize);
if (open_blocks.Count <= 0)
throw new NotSupportedException ("Not in an exception block");
InternalEndClause ();
ex_handlers [cur_block].AddFilter (code_len);
public virtual Label BeginExceptionBlock ()
//System.Console.WriteLine ("Begin Block");
if (open_blocks == null)
open_blocks = new Stack (defaultExceptionStackSize);
if (ex_handlers != null) {
cur_block = ex_handlers.Length;
ILExceptionInfo[] new_ex = new ILExceptionInfo [cur_block + 1];
System.Array.Copy (ex_handlers, new_ex, cur_block);
ex_handlers = new_ex;
} else {
ex_handlers = new ILExceptionInfo [1];
cur_block = 0;
open_blocks.Push (cur_block);
ex_handlers [cur_block].start = code_len;
return ex_handlers [cur_block].end = DefineLabel ();
public virtual void BeginFaultBlock()
if (open_blocks == null)
open_blocks = new Stack (defaultExceptionStackSize);
if (open_blocks.Count <= 0)
throw new NotSupportedException ("Not in an exception block");
if (ex_handlers [cur_block].LastClauseType () == ILExceptionBlock.FILTER_START) {
Emit (OpCodes.Leave, ex_handlers [cur_block].end);
ex_handlers [cur_block].PatchFilterClause (code_len);
InternalEndClause ();
//System.Console.WriteLine ("Begin fault Block");
ex_handlers [cur_block].AddFault (code_len);
public virtual void BeginFinallyBlock()
if (open_blocks == null)
open_blocks = new Stack (defaultExceptionStackSize);
if (open_blocks.Count <= 0)
throw new NotSupportedException ("Not in an exception block");
InternalEndClause ();
if (ex_handlers [cur_block].LastClauseType () == ILExceptionBlock.FILTER_START) {
Emit (OpCodes.Leave, ex_handlers [cur_block].end);
ex_handlers [cur_block].PatchFilterClause (code_len);
//System.Console.WriteLine ("Begin finally Block");
ex_handlers [cur_block].AddFinally (code_len);
public virtual void BeginScope ()
{ }
public virtual LocalBuilder DeclareLocal (Type localType)
return DeclareLocal (localType, false);
public virtual LocalBuilder DeclareLocal (Type localType, bool pinned)
if (localType == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException ("localType");
if (localType.IsUserType)
throw new NotSupportedException ("User defined subclasses of System.Type are not yet supported.");
LocalBuilder res = new LocalBuilder (localType, this);
res.is_pinned = pinned;
if (locals != null) {
LocalBuilder[] new_l = new LocalBuilder [locals.Length + 1];
System.Array.Copy (locals, new_l, locals.Length);
new_l [locals.Length] = res;
locals = new_l;
} else {
locals = new LocalBuilder [1];
locals [0] = res;
res.position = (ushort)(locals.Length - 1);
return res;
public virtual Label DefineLabel ()
if (labels == null)
labels = new LabelData [defaultLabelsSize];
else if (num_labels >= labels.Length) {
LabelData [] t = new LabelData [labels.Length * 2];
Array.Copy (labels, t, labels.Length);
labels = t;
labels [num_labels] = new LabelData (-1, 0);
return new Label (num_labels++);
public virtual void Emit (OpCode opcode)
make_room (2);
ll_emit (opcode);
public virtual void Emit (OpCode opcode, Byte arg)
make_room (3);
ll_emit (opcode);
code [code_len++] = arg;
[ComVisible (true)]
public virtual void Emit (OpCode opcode, ConstructorInfo con)
int token = token_gen.GetToken (con, true);
make_room (6);
ll_emit (opcode);
if (con.DeclaringType.Module == module)
add_token_fixup (con);
emit_int (token);
if (opcode.StackBehaviourPop == StackBehaviour.Varpop)
cur_stack -= con.GetParametersCount ();
public virtual void Emit (OpCode opcode, double arg)
byte[] s = System.BitConverter.GetBytes (arg);
make_room (10);
ll_emit (opcode);
if (BitConverter.IsLittleEndian){
System.Array.Copy (s, 0, code, code_len, 8);
code_len += 8;
} else {
code [code_len++] = s [7];
code [code_len++] = s [6];
code [code_len++] = s [5];
code [code_len++] = s [4];
code [code_len++] = s [3];
code [code_len++] = s [2];
code [code_len++] = s [1];
code [code_len++] = s [0];
public virtual void Emit (OpCode opcode, FieldInfo field)
int token = token_gen.GetToken (field, true);
make_room (6);
ll_emit (opcode);
if (field.DeclaringType.Module == module)
add_token_fixup (field);
emit_int (token);
public virtual void Emit (OpCode opcode, Int16 arg)
make_room (4);
ll_emit (opcode);
code [code_len++] = (byte) (arg & 0xFF);
code [code_len++] = (byte) ((arg >> 8) & 0xFF);
public virtual void Emit (OpCode opcode, int arg)
make_room (6);
ll_emit (opcode);
emit_int (arg);
public virtual void Emit (OpCode opcode, long arg)
make_room (10);
ll_emit (opcode);
code [code_len++] = (byte) (arg & 0xFF);
code [code_len++] = (byte) ((arg >> 8) & 0xFF);
code [code_len++] = (byte) ((arg >> 16) & 0xFF);
code [code_len++] = (byte) ((arg >> 24) & 0xFF);
code [code_len++] = (byte) ((arg >> 32) & 0xFF);
code [code_len++] = (byte) ((arg >> 40) & 0xFF);
code [code_len++] = (byte) ((arg >> 48) & 0xFF);
code [code_len++] = (byte) ((arg >> 56) & 0xFF);
public virtual void Emit (OpCode opcode, Label label)
int tlen = target_len (opcode);
make_room (6);
ll_emit (opcode);
if (cur_stack > labels [label.label].maxStack)
labels [label.label].maxStack = cur_stack;
if (fixups == null)
fixups = new LabelFixup [defaultFixupSize];
else if (num_fixups >= fixups.Length) {
LabelFixup[] newf = new LabelFixup [fixups.Length * 2];
System.Array.Copy (fixups, newf, fixups.Length);
fixups = newf;
fixups [num_fixups].offset = tlen;
fixups [num_fixups].pos = code_len;
fixups [num_fixups].label_idx = label.label;
code_len += tlen;
public virtual void Emit (OpCode opcode, Label[] labels)
if (labels == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException ("labels");
/* opcode needs to be switch. */
int count = labels.Length;
make_room (6 + count * 4);
ll_emit (opcode);
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
if (cur_stack > this.labels [labels [i].label].maxStack)
this.labels [labels [i].label].maxStack = cur_stack;
emit_int (count);
if (fixups == null)
fixups = new LabelFixup [defaultFixupSize + count];
else if (num_fixups + count >= fixups.Length) {
LabelFixup[] newf = new LabelFixup [count + fixups.Length * 2];
System.Array.Copy (fixups, newf, fixups.Length);
fixups = newf;
// ECMA 335, Partition III, p94 (7-10)
// The switch instruction implements a jump table. The format of
// the instruction is an unsigned int32 representing the number of targets N,
// followed by N int32 values specifying jump targets: these targets are
// represented as offsets (positive or negative) from the beginning of the
// instruction following this switch instruction.
// We must make sure it gets an offset from the *end* of the last label
// (eg, the beginning of the instruction following this).
// remaining is the number of bytes from the current instruction to the
// instruction that will be emitted.
for (int i = 0, remaining = count * 4; i < count; ++i, remaining -= 4) {
fixups [num_fixups].offset = remaining;
fixups [num_fixups].pos = code_len;
fixups [num_fixups].label_idx = labels [i].label;
code_len += 4;
public virtual void Emit (OpCode opcode, LocalBuilder local)
if (local == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException ("local");
if (local.ilgen != this)
throw new ArgumentException ("Trying to emit a local from a different ILGenerator.");
uint pos = local.position;
bool load_addr = false;
bool is_store = false;
bool is_load = false;
make_room (6);
/* inline the code from ll_emit () to optimize il code size */
if (opcode.StackBehaviourPop == StackBehaviour.Pop1) {
cur_stack --;
is_store = true;
} else if (opcode.StackBehaviourPush == StackBehaviour.Push1 || opcode.StackBehaviourPush == StackBehaviour.Pushi) {
is_load = true;
if (cur_stack > max_stack)
max_stack = cur_stack;
load_addr = opcode.StackBehaviourPush == StackBehaviour.Pushi;
if (load_addr) {
if (pos < 256) {
code [code_len++] = (byte)0x12;
code [code_len++] = (byte)pos;
} else {
code [code_len++] = (byte)0xfe;
code [code_len++] = (byte)0x0d;
code [code_len++] = (byte)(pos & 0xff);
code [code_len++] = (byte)((pos >> 8) & 0xff);
} else {
if (is_store) {
if (pos < 4) {
code [code_len++] = (byte)(0x0a + pos);
} else if (pos < 256) {
code [code_len++] = (byte)0x13;
code [code_len++] = (byte)pos;
} else {
code [code_len++] = (byte)0xfe;
code [code_len++] = (byte)0x0e;
code [code_len++] = (byte)(pos & 0xff);
code [code_len++] = (byte)((pos >> 8) & 0xff);
} else if (is_load) {
if (pos < 4) {
code [code_len++] = (byte)(0x06 + pos);
} else if (pos < 256) {
code [code_len++] = (byte)0x11;
code [code_len++] = (byte)pos;
} else {
code [code_len++] = (byte)0xfe;
code [code_len++] = (byte)0x0c;
code [code_len++] = (byte)(pos & 0xff);
code [code_len++] = (byte)((pos >> 8) & 0xff);
} else {
ll_emit (opcode);
public virtual void Emit (OpCode opcode, MethodInfo meth)
if (meth == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException ("meth");
// For compatibility with MS
if ((meth is DynamicMethod) && ((opcode == OpCodes.Ldftn) || (opcode == OpCodes.Ldvirtftn) || (opcode == OpCodes.Ldtoken)))
throw new ArgumentException ("Ldtoken, Ldftn and Ldvirtftn OpCodes cannot target DynamicMethods.");
int token = token_gen.GetToken (meth, true);
make_room (6);
ll_emit (opcode);
Type declaringType = meth.DeclaringType;
// Might be a DynamicMethod with no declaring type
if (declaringType != null) {
if (declaringType.Module == module)
add_token_fixup (meth);
emit_int (token);
if (meth.ReturnType != typeof (void))
cur_stack ++;
if (opcode.StackBehaviourPop == StackBehaviour.Varpop)
cur_stack -= meth.GetParametersCount ();
private void Emit (OpCode opcode, MethodInfo method, int token)
make_room (6);
ll_emit (opcode);
// Might be a DynamicMethod with no declaring type
Type declaringType = method.DeclaringType;
if (declaringType != null) {
if (declaringType.Module == module)
add_token_fixup (method);
emit_int (token);
if (method.ReturnType != typeof (void))
cur_stack ++;
if (opcode.StackBehaviourPop == StackBehaviour.Varpop)
cur_stack -= method.GetParametersCount ();
public void Emit (OpCode opcode, sbyte arg)
make_room (3);
ll_emit (opcode);
code [code_len++] = (byte)arg;
public virtual void Emit (OpCode opcode, SignatureHelper signature)
int token = token_gen.GetToken (signature);
make_room (6);
ll_emit (opcode);
emit_int (token);
public virtual void Emit (OpCode opcode, float arg)
byte[] s = System.BitConverter.GetBytes (arg);
make_room (6);
ll_emit (opcode);
if (BitConverter.IsLittleEndian){
System.Array.Copy (s, 0, code, code_len, 4);
code_len += 4;
} else {
code [code_len++] = s [3];
code [code_len++] = s [2];
code [code_len++] = s [1];
code [code_len++] = s [0];
public virtual void Emit (OpCode opcode, string str)
int token = token_gen.GetToken (str);
make_room (6);
ll_emit (opcode);
emit_int (token);
public virtual void Emit (OpCode opcode, Type cls)
if (cls != null && cls.IsByRef)
throw new ArgumentException ("Cannot get TypeToken for a ByRef type.");
make_room (6);
ll_emit (opcode);
emit_int (token_gen.GetToken (cls, opcode != OpCodes.Ldtoken));
[MonoLimitation ("vararg methods are not supported")]
public virtual void EmitCall (OpCode opcode, MethodInfo methodInfo, Type[] optionalParameterTypes)
if (methodInfo == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException ("methodInfo");
short value = opcode.Value;
if (!(value == OpCodes.Call.Value || value == OpCodes.Callvirt.Value))
throw new NotSupportedException ("Only Call and CallVirt are allowed");
if ((methodInfo.CallingConvention & CallingConventions.VarArgs) == 0)
optionalParameterTypes = null;
if (optionalParameterTypes != null){
if ((methodInfo.CallingConvention & CallingConventions.VarArgs) == 0){
throw new InvalidOperationException ("Method is not VarArgs method and optional types were passed");
int token = token_gen.GetToken (methodInfo, optionalParameterTypes);
Emit (opcode, methodInfo, token);
Emit (opcode, methodInfo);
public virtual void EmitCalli (OpCode opcode, CallingConvention unmanagedCallConv, Type returnType, Type[] parameterTypes)
// GetMethodSigHelper expects a ModuleBuilder or null, and module might be
// a normal module when using dynamic methods.
SignatureHelper helper = SignatureHelper.GetMethodSigHelper (module as ModuleBuilder, 0, unmanagedCallConv, returnType, parameterTypes);
Emit (opcode, helper);
public virtual void EmitCalli (OpCode opcode, CallingConventions callingConvention, Type returnType, Type[] parameterTypes, Type[] optionalParameterTypes)
if (optionalParameterTypes != null)
throw new NotImplementedException ();
SignatureHelper helper = SignatureHelper.GetMethodSigHelper (module as ModuleBuilder, callingConvention, 0, returnType, parameterTypes);
Emit (opcode, helper);
public virtual void EmitWriteLine (FieldInfo fld)
if (fld == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException ("fld");
// The MS implementation does not check for valuetypes here but it
// should. Also, it should check that if the field is not static,
// then it is a member of this type.
if (fld.IsStatic)
Emit (OpCodes.Ldsfld, fld);
else {
Emit (OpCodes.Ldarg_0);
Emit (OpCodes.Ldfld, fld);
Emit (OpCodes.Call, typeof (Console).GetMethod ("WriteLine", new Type[1] { fld.FieldType }));
public virtual void EmitWriteLine (LocalBuilder localBuilder)
if (localBuilder == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException ("localBuilder");
if (localBuilder.LocalType is TypeBuilder)
throw new ArgumentException ("Output streams do not support TypeBuilders.");
// The MS implementation does not check for valuetypes here but it
// should.
Emit (OpCodes.Ldloc, localBuilder);
Emit (OpCodes.Call, typeof (Console).GetMethod ("WriteLine", new Type[1] { localBuilder.LocalType }));
public virtual void EmitWriteLine (string value)
Emit (OpCodes.Ldstr, value);
Emit (OpCodes.Call, typeof (Console).GetMethod ("WriteLine", new Type[1] { typeof(string)}));
public virtual void EndExceptionBlock ()
if (open_blocks == null)
open_blocks = new Stack (defaultExceptionStackSize);
if (open_blocks.Count <= 0)
throw new NotSupportedException ("Not in an exception block");
if (ex_handlers [cur_block].LastClauseType () == ILExceptionBlock.FILTER_START)
throw new InvalidOperationException ("Incorrect code generation for exception block.");
InternalEndClause ();
MarkLabel (ex_handlers [cur_block].end);
ex_handlers [cur_block].End (code_len);
ex_handlers [cur_block].Debug (cur_block);
//System.Console.WriteLine ("End Block {0} (handlers: {1})", cur_block, ex_handlers [cur_block].NumHandlers ());
open_blocks.Pop ();
if (open_blocks.Count > 0)
cur_block = (int)open_blocks.Peek ();
//Console.WriteLine ("curblock restored to {0}", cur_block);
//throw new NotImplementedException ();
public virtual void EndScope ()
{ }
public virtual void MarkLabel (Label loc)
if (loc.label < 0 || loc.label >= num_labels)
throw new System.ArgumentException ("The label is not valid");
if (labels [loc.label].addr >= 0)
throw new System.ArgumentException ("The label was already defined");
labels [loc.label].addr = code_len;
if (labels [loc.label].maxStack > cur_stack)
cur_stack = labels [loc.label].maxStack;
public virtual void MarkSequencePoint (ISymbolDocumentWriter document, int startLine,
int startColumn, int endLine, int endColumn)
if (currentSequence == null || currentSequence.Document != document) {
if (sequencePointLists == null)
sequencePointLists = new ArrayList ();
currentSequence = new SequencePointList (document);
sequencePointLists.Add (currentSequence);
currentSequence.AddSequencePoint (code_len, startLine, startColumn, endLine, endColumn);
internal void GenerateDebugInfo (ISymbolWriter symbolWriter)
if (sequencePointLists != null) {
SequencePointList first = (SequencePointList) sequencePointLists [0];
SequencePointList last = (SequencePointList) sequencePointLists [sequencePointLists.Count - 1];
symbolWriter.SetMethodSourceRange (first.Document, first.StartLine, first.StartColumn, last.Document, last.EndLine, last.EndColumn);
foreach (SequencePointList list in sequencePointLists)
symbolWriter.DefineSequencePoints (list.Document, list.GetOffsets(), list.GetLines(), list.GetColumns(), list.GetEndLines(), list.GetEndColumns());
if (locals != null) {
foreach (LocalBuilder local in locals) {
if (local.Name != null && local.Name.Length > 0) {
SignatureHelper sighelper = SignatureHelper.GetLocalVarSigHelper (module as ModuleBuilder);
sighelper.AddArgument (local.LocalType);
byte[] signature = sighelper.GetSignature ();
symbolWriter.DefineLocalVariable (local.Name, FieldAttributes.Public, signature, SymAddressKind.ILOffset, local.position, 0, 0, local.StartOffset, local.EndOffset);
sequencePointLists = null;
internal bool HasDebugInfo
get { return sequencePointLists != null; }
public virtual void ThrowException (Type excType)
if (excType == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException ("excType");
if (! ((excType == typeof (Exception)) ||
excType.IsSubclassOf (typeof (Exception))))
throw new ArgumentException ("Type should be an exception type", "excType");
ConstructorInfo ctor = excType.GetConstructor (Type.EmptyTypes);
if (ctor == null)
throw new ArgumentException ("Type should have a default constructor", "excType");
Emit (OpCodes.Newobj, ctor);
Emit (OpCodes.Throw);
[MonoTODO("Not implemented")]
public virtual void UsingNamespace (String usingNamespace)
throw new NotImplementedException ();
internal void label_fixup (MethodBase mb)
for (int i = 0; i < num_fixups; ++i) {
if (labels [fixups [i].label_idx].addr < 0)
throw new ArgumentException (string.Format ("Label #{0} is not marked in method `{1}'", fixups [i].label_idx + 1, mb.Name));
// Diff is the offset from the end of the jump instruction to the address of the label
int diff = labels [fixups [i].label_idx].addr - (fixups [i].pos + fixups [i].offset);
if (fixups [i].offset == 1) {
code [fixups [i].pos] = (byte)((sbyte) diff);
} else {
int old_cl = code_len;
code_len = fixups [i].pos;
emit_int (diff);
code_len = old_cl;
// Used by DynamicILGenerator
internal void SetCode (byte[] code, int max_stack) {
// Make a copy to avoid possible security problems
this.code = (byte[])code.Clone ();
this.code_len = code.Length;
this.max_stack = max_stack;
this.cur_stack = 0;
internal unsafe void SetCode (byte *code, int code_size, int max_stack) {
// Make a copy to avoid possible security problems
this.code = new byte [code_size];
for (int i = 0; i < code_size; ++i)
this.code [i] = code [i];
this.code_len = code_size;
this.max_stack = max_stack;
this.cur_stack = 0;
internal TokenGenerator TokenGenerator {
get {
return token_gen;
// Still used by symbolwriter
[Obsolete ("Use ILOffset", true)]
internal static int Mono_GetCurrentOffset (ILGenerator ig)
return ig.code_len;
virtual int ILOffset {
get { return code_len; }
void _ILGenerator.GetIDsOfNames ([In] ref Guid riid, IntPtr rgszNames, uint cNames, uint lcid, IntPtr rgDispId)
throw new NotImplementedException ();
void _ILGenerator.GetTypeInfo (uint iTInfo, uint lcid, IntPtr ppTInfo)
throw new NotImplementedException ();
void _ILGenerator.GetTypeInfoCount (out uint pcTInfo)
throw new NotImplementedException ();
void _ILGenerator.Invoke (uint dispIdMember, [In] ref Guid riid, uint lcid, short wFlags, IntPtr pDispParams, IntPtr pVarResult, IntPtr pExcepInfo, IntPtr puArgErr)
throw new NotImplementedException ();
internal class SequencePointList
ISymbolDocumentWriter doc;
SequencePoint[] points;
int count;
const int arrayGrow = 10;
public SequencePointList (ISymbolDocumentWriter doc)
this.doc = doc;
public ISymbolDocumentWriter Document {
get { return doc; }
public int[] GetOffsets()
int[] data = new int [count];
for (int n=0; n<count; n++) data [n] = points[n].Offset;
return data;
public int[] GetLines()
int[] data = new int [count];
for (int n=0; n<count; n++) data [n] = points[n].Line;
return data;
public int[] GetColumns()
int[] data = new int [count];
for (int n=0; n<count; n++) data [n] = points[n].Col;
return data;
public int[] GetEndLines()
int[] data = new int [count];
for (int n=0; n<count; n++) data [n] = points[n].EndLine;
return data;
public int[] GetEndColumns()
int[] data = new int [count];
for (int n=0; n<count; n++) data [n] = points[n].EndCol;
return data;
public int StartLine {
get { return points[0].Line; }
public int EndLine {
get { return points[count - 1].Line; }
public int StartColumn {
get { return points[0].Col; }
public int EndColumn {
get { return points[count - 1].Col; }
public void AddSequencePoint (int offset, int line, int col, int endLine, int endCol)
SequencePoint s = new SequencePoint ();
s.Offset = offset;
s.Line = line;
s.Col = col;
s.EndLine = endLine;
s.EndCol = endCol;
if (points == null) {
points = new SequencePoint [arrayGrow];
} else if (count >= points.Length) {
SequencePoint[] temp = new SequencePoint [count + arrayGrow];
Array.Copy (points, temp, points.Length);
points = temp;
points [count] = s;
struct SequencePoint {
public int Offset;
public int Line;
public int Col;
public int EndLine;
public int EndCol;