1015 lines
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1015 lines
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// <copyright file="BuildResultCache.cs" company="Microsoft">
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// </copyright>
namespace System.Web.Compilation {
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Collections;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Security.Permissions;
using System.Web.Hosting;
using System.Web.Util;
using System.Web.Caching;
using System.Web.UI;
internal abstract class BuildResultCache {
internal BuildResult GetBuildResult(string cacheKey) {
return GetBuildResult(cacheKey, null /*virtualPath*/, 0 /*hashCode*/);
internal abstract BuildResult GetBuildResult(string cacheKey, VirtualPath virtualPath, long hashCode, bool ensureIsUpToDate=true);
internal void CacheBuildResult(string cacheKey, BuildResult result, DateTime utcStart) {
CacheBuildResult(cacheKey, result, 0 /*hashCode*/, utcStart);
internal abstract void CacheBuildResult(string cacheKey, BuildResult result,
long hashCode, DateTime utcStart);
internal static string GetAssemblyCacheKey(string assemblyPath) {
string assemblyName = Util.GetAssemblyNameFromFileName(Path.GetFileName(assemblyPath));
return GetAssemblyCacheKeyFromName(assemblyName);
internal static string GetAssemblyCacheKey(Assembly assembly) {
return GetAssemblyCacheKeyFromName(assembly.GetName().Name);
internal static string GetAssemblyCacheKeyFromName(string assemblyName) {
Debug.Assert(StringUtil.StringStartsWith(assemblyName, BuildManager.AssemblyNamePrefix));
return CacheInternal.PrefixAssemblyPath + assemblyName.ToLowerInvariant();
internal class MemoryBuildResultCache: BuildResultCache {
private CacheInternal _cache;
private CacheItemRemovedCallback _onRemoveCallback;
// The keys are simple assembly names
// The values are ArrayLists containing the simple names of assemblies that depend on it
private Hashtable _dependentAssemblies = new Hashtable();
internal MemoryBuildResultCache(CacheInternal cache) {
_cache = cache;
// Register an AssemblyLoad event
AppDomain.CurrentDomain.AssemblyLoad += new AssemblyLoadEventHandler(OnAssemblyLoad);
[PermissionSet(SecurityAction.Assert, Unrestricted = true)]
private void OnAssemblyLoad(object sender, AssemblyLoadEventArgs args) {
Assembly a = args.LoadedAssembly;
// Ignore GAC assemblies
if (a.GlobalAssemblyCache)
// Ignore assemblies that don't start with our prefix
string name = a.GetName().Name;
if (!StringUtil.StringStartsWith(name, BuildManager.AssemblyNamePrefix))
// Go through all the assemblies it references
foreach (AssemblyName assemblyName in a.GetReferencedAssemblies()) {
// Ignore references that don't start with our prefix
if (!StringUtil.StringStartsWith(assemblyName.Name, BuildManager.AssemblyNamePrefix))
lock (_dependentAssemblies) {
// Check whether we already have an ArrayList for this reference
ArrayList dependentList = _dependentAssemblies[assemblyName.Name] as ArrayList;
if (dependentList == null) {
// If not, create one and add it to the hashtable
dependentList = new ArrayList();
_dependentAssemblies[assemblyName.Name] = dependentList;
// Add the assembly that just got loaded as a dependent
internal override BuildResult GetBuildResult(string cacheKey, VirtualPath virtualPath, long hashCode, bool ensureIsUpToDate) {
Debug.Trace("BuildResultCache", "Looking for '" + cacheKey + "' in the memory cache");
string key = GetMemoryCacheKey(cacheKey);
BuildResult result = (BuildResult) _cache.Get(key);
// Not found in the cache
if (result == null) {
Debug.Trace("BuildResultCache", "'" + cacheKey + "' was not found in the memory cache");
return null;
// We found it in the cache, but is it up to date. First, if it uses a CacheDependency,
// it must be up to date (this is the default case when using MapPathBasedVirtualPathProvider).
// If not, then we need to explicitely check that it's up to date (more expensive)
if (!result.UsesCacheDependency && !result.IsUpToDate(virtualPath, ensureIsUpToDate)) {
Debug.Trace("BuildResultCache", "'" + cacheKey + "' was found but is out of date");
// Remove it from the cache
Debug.Assert(_cache.Get(key) == null);
return null;
Debug.Trace("BuildResultCache", "'" + cacheKey + "' was found in the memory cache");
// It's up to date: return it
return result;
internal override void CacheBuildResult(string cacheKey, BuildResult result,
long hashCode, DateTime utcStart) {
ICollection virtualDependencies = result.VirtualPathDependencies;
Debug.Trace("BuildResultCache", "Adding cache " + cacheKey + " in the memory cache");
CacheDependency cacheDependency = null;
if (virtualDependencies != null) {
cacheDependency = result.VirtualPath.GetCacheDependency(virtualDependencies, utcStart);
// If we got a cache dependency, remember that in the BuildResult
if (cacheDependency != null)
result.UsesCacheDependency = true;
// If it should not be cached to memory, leave it alone
if (!result.CacheToMemory) {
if (BuildResultCompiledType.UsesDelayLoadType(result)) {
// If the result is delaying loading of assembly, then don't cache
// to avoid having to load the assembly.
BuildResultCompiledAssemblyBase compiledResult = result as BuildResultCompiledAssemblyBase;
if (compiledResult != null && compiledResult.ResultAssembly != null && !compiledResult.UsesExistingAssembly) {
// Insert a new cache entry using the assembly path as the key
string assemblyKey = GetAssemblyCacheKey(compiledResult.ResultAssembly);
Assembly a = (Assembly)_cache.Get(assemblyKey);
if (a == null) {
Debug.Trace("BuildResultCache", "Adding marker cache entry " + compiledResult.ResultAssembly);
// VSWhidbey 500049 - add as NotRemovable to prevent the assembly from being prematurely deleted
_cache.UtcInsert(assemblyKey, compiledResult.ResultAssembly,
else {
Debug.Assert(a == compiledResult.ResultAssembly);
// Now create a dependency based on that key. This way, by removing that key, we are able to
// remove all the pages that live in that assembly from the cache.
CacheDependency assemblyCacheDependency = new CacheDependency(0, null, new string[] { assemblyKey });
if (cacheDependency != null) {
// We can't share the same CacheDependency, since we don't want the UtcStart
// behavior for the assembly. Use an Aggregate to put the two together.
AggregateCacheDependency tmpDependency = new AggregateCacheDependency();
tmpDependency.Add(new CacheDependency[] { cacheDependency, assemblyCacheDependency });
cacheDependency = tmpDependency;
else {
cacheDependency = assemblyCacheDependency;
string key = GetMemoryCacheKey(cacheKey);
// Only allow the cache item to expire if the result can be unloaded. Otherwise,
// we may as well cache it forever (e.g. for Assemblies and Types).
CacheItemPriority cachePriority;
if (result.IsUnloadable)
cachePriority = CacheItemPriority.Default;
cachePriority = CacheItemPriority.NotRemovable;
CacheItemRemovedCallback onRemoveCallback = null;
// If the appdomain needs to be shut down when the item becomes invalid, register
// a callback to do the shutdown.
if (result.ShutdownAppDomainOnChange || result is BuildResultCompiledAssemblyBase) {
// Create the delegate on demand
if (_onRemoveCallback == null)
_onRemoveCallback = new CacheItemRemovedCallback(OnCacheItemRemoved);
onRemoveCallback = _onRemoveCallback;
_cache.UtcInsert(key, result, cacheDependency,
// OnCacheItemRemoved can be invoked with user code on the stack, for example if someone
// implements VirtualPathProvider.GetCacheDependency to return a custom CacheDependency.
// This callback needs PathDiscovery, Read, and Write permission.
[FileIOPermission(SecurityAction.Assert, Unrestricted = true)]
private void OnCacheItemRemoved(string key, object value, CacheItemRemovedReason reason) {
// Only handle case when the dependency is removed.
if (reason == CacheItemRemovedReason.DependencyChanged) {
Debug.Trace("BuildResultCache", "OnCacheItemRemoved Key=" + key);
// Remove the assembly if a buildresult becomes obsolete
if (HostingEnvironment.ShutdownInitiated) {
// VSWhidbey 564168
// We still need to mark the affected files and dependencies for later deletion so that we do not build up unused assemblies.
RemoveAssemblyAndCleanupDependenciesShuttingDown(value as BuildResultCompiledAssembly);
else {
RemoveAssemblyAndCleanupDependencies(value as BuildResultCompiledAssemblyBase);
// Shutdown the appdomain if the buildresult requires it.
if (((BuildResult)value).ShutdownAppDomainOnChange) {
// Dev10 823114
// At this point in code, it is possible that the current thread have acquired the CompilationMutex, and calling
// InitiateShutdownWithoutDemand will result in an acquisition of the lock on LockableAppDomainContext.
// A deadlock would happen if another thread were starting up, having acquired the lock on LockableAppDomainContext
// and going on to perform some compilation thus waiting on the CompilationMutex.
// In order to avoid the deadlock, we perform the call to InitiateShutdownWithoutDemand on a separate thread,
// so that it is possible for the current thread to continue without blocking or waiting on any lock, and
// to release the CompilationMutex later on.
ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(new WaitCallback(MemoryBuildResultCache.ShutdownCallBack), "BuildResult change, cache key=" + key);
static private void ShutdownCallBack(Object state) {
string message = state as string;
if (message != null) {
HttpRuntime.SetShutdownReason(ApplicationShutdownReason.BuildManagerChange, message);
// Since we are shutting down, we will just create the .delete files to mark the files for deletion,
// and not try to get the compilation lock.
internal void RemoveAssemblyAndCleanupDependenciesShuttingDown(BuildResultCompiledAssemblyBase compiledResult) {
if (compiledResult == null)
if (compiledResult != null && compiledResult.ResultAssembly != null && !compiledResult.UsesExistingAssembly) {
string assemblyName = compiledResult.ResultAssembly.GetName().Name;
lock (_dependentAssemblies) {
internal void RemoveAssemblyAndCleanupDependencies(BuildResultCompiledAssemblyBase compiledResult) {
if (compiledResult == null)
if (compiledResult != null && compiledResult.ResultAssembly != null && !compiledResult.UsesExistingAssembly) {
private void RemoveAssemblyAndCleanupDependencies(string assemblyName) {
bool gotLock = false;
try {
// Grab the compilation mutex, since we will remove cached build result
CompilationLock.GetLock(ref gotLock);
// Protect the dependent assemblies table, as it's accessed/modified in the recursion
lock (_dependentAssemblies) {
finally {
// Always release the mutex if we had taken it
if (gotLock) {
private void RemoveAssemblyAndCleanupDependenciesNoLock(string assemblyName) {
// If we have no cache entry for this assembly, there is nothing to do
string cacheKey = GetAssemblyCacheKeyFromName(assemblyName);
Assembly assembly = (Assembly)_cache[cacheKey];
if (assembly == null)
// Get the physical path to the assembly
String assemblyPath = Util.GetAssemblyCodeBase(assembly);
Debug.Trace("BuildResultCache", "removing cacheKey for assembly " + assemblyPath + " because of dependency change");
// Remove the cache entry in order to kick out all the pages that are in that batch
// Now call recursively on all the dependent assemblies (VSWhidbey 577593)
ICollection dependentAssemblies = _dependentAssemblies[assemblyName] as ICollection;
if (dependentAssemblies != null) {
foreach (string dependentAssemblyName in dependentAssemblies) {
// We can now remove this assembly from the hashtable
// Remove (or rename) the DLL
private static void RemoveAssembly(string path) {
var f = new FileInfo(path);
// Delete the associated pdb file as well, since it is possible to
// run into a situation where the dependency has changed just
// when the cache item is about to get inserted, resulting in
// the callback deleting only the dll file and leaving behind the
// pdb file. (Dev10 bug 846606)
var pdbPath = Path.ChangeExtension(f.FullName, ".pdb");
if (File.Exists(pdbPath)) {
DiskBuildResultCache.TryDeleteFile(new FileInfo(pdbPath));
private static string GetMemoryCacheKey(string cacheKey) {
// Prepend something to it to avoid conflicts with other cache users
return CacheInternal.PrefixMemoryBuildResult + cacheKey;
internal abstract class DiskBuildResultCache: BuildResultCache {
protected const string preservationFileExtension = ".compiled";
protected string _cacheDir;
private static int s_recompilations;
private static int s_maxRecompilations = -1;
private static bool s_inUseAssemblyWasDeleted;
protected const string dotDelete = ".delete";
private static int s_shutdownStatus;
private const int SHUTDOWN_NEEDED = 1;
private const int SHUTDOWN_STARTED = 2;
internal DiskBuildResultCache(string cacheDir) {
_cacheDir = cacheDir;
// Find out how many recompilations we allow before restarting the appdomain
if (s_maxRecompilations < 0)
s_maxRecompilations = CompilationUtil.GetRecompilationsBeforeAppRestarts();
protected void EnsureDiskCacheDirectoryCreated() {
// Create the disk cache directory if it's not already there
if (!FileUtil.DirectoryExists(_cacheDir)) {
try {
catch (IOException e) {
throw new HttpException(SR.GetString(SR.Failed_to_create_temp_dir, HttpRuntime.GetSafePath(_cacheDir)), e);
internal override BuildResult GetBuildResult(string cacheKey, VirtualPath virtualPath, long hashCode, bool ensureIsUpToDate) {
Debug.Trace("BuildResultCache", "Looking for '" + cacheKey + "' in the disk cache");
string preservationFile = GetPreservedDataFileName(cacheKey);
PreservationFileReader pfr = new PreservationFileReader(this, PrecompilationMode);
// Create the BuildResult from the preservation file
BuildResult result = pfr.ReadBuildResultFromFile(virtualPath, preservationFile, hashCode, ensureIsUpToDate);
if (result != null)
Debug.Trace("BuildResultCache", "'" + cacheKey + "' was found in the disk cache");
Debug.Trace("BuildResultCache", "'" + cacheKey + "' was not found in the disk cache");
return result;
internal override void CacheBuildResult(string cacheKey, BuildResult result,
long hashCode, DateTime utcStart) {
// If it should not be cached to disk, leave it alone
if (!result.CacheToDisk)
// VSWhidbey 564168 don't save to disk if already shutting down, otherwise we might
// be persisting assembly that was compiled with obsolete references.
// Since we are shutting down and not creating any cache, delete the compiled result
// as it will not be used in future.
if (HostingEnvironment.ShutdownInitiated) {
BuildResultCompiledAssemblyBase compiledResult = result as BuildResultCompiledAssemblyBase;
if (compiledResult != null)
string preservationFile = GetPreservedDataFileName(cacheKey);
PreservationFileWriter pfw = new PreservationFileWriter(PrecompilationMode);
pfw.SaveBuildResultToFile(preservationFile, result, hashCode);
private void MarkAssemblyAndRelatedFilesForDeletion(string assemblyName) {
DirectoryInfo directory = new DirectoryInfo(_cacheDir);
// Get rid of the prefix "App_web", since related files don't have it
string baseName = assemblyName.Substring(BuildManager.WebAssemblyNamePrefix.Length);
FileInfo[] files = directory.GetFiles("*" + baseName + ".*");
foreach (FileInfo f in files)
* Return the physical full path to the preservation data file
private string GetPreservedDataFileName(string cacheKey) {
// Make sure the key doesn't contain any invalid file name chars (VSWhidbey 263142)
cacheKey = Util.MakeValidFileName(cacheKey);
cacheKey = Path.Combine(_cacheDir, cacheKey);
cacheKey = FileUtil.TruncatePathIfNeeded(cacheKey, 9 /*length of ".compiled"*/);
// Use a ".compiled" extension for the preservation file
return cacheKey + preservationFileExtension;
protected virtual bool PrecompilationMode { get { return false; } }
internal static bool InUseAssemblyWasDeleted { get { return s_inUseAssemblyWasDeleted; } }
internal static void ResetAssemblyDeleted() { s_inUseAssemblyWasDeleted = false; }
* Delete an assembly and all its related files. The assembly is typically named
* something like ASPNET.jnw_y10n.dll, while related files are simply jnw_y10n.*.
internal virtual void RemoveAssemblyAndRelatedFiles(string assemblyName) {
Debug.Trace("DiskBuildResultCache", "RemoveAssemblyAndRelatedFiles(" + assemblyName + ")");
// If the name doesn't start with the prefix, the cleanup code doesn't apply
if (!assemblyName.StartsWith(BuildManager.WebAssemblyNamePrefix, StringComparison.Ordinal)) {
// Get rid of the prefix, since related files don't have it
string baseName = assemblyName.Substring(BuildManager.WebAssemblyNamePrefix.Length);
bool gotLock = false;
try {
// Grab the compilation mutex, since we will remove generated assembly
CompilationLock.GetLock(ref gotLock);
DirectoryInfo directory = new DirectoryInfo(_cacheDir);
// Find all the files that contain the base name
FileInfo[] files = directory.GetFiles("*" + baseName + ".*");
foreach (FileInfo f in files) {
if (f.Extension == ".dll") {
// Notify existing buildresults that result assembly will be removed.
// This is required otherwise new components can be compiled
// with obsolete build results whose assembly has been removed.
string assemblyKey = GetAssemblyCacheKey(f.FullName);
// Remove the assembly
// Also, remove satellite assemblies that may be associated with it
else if (f.Extension == dotDelete) {
else {
// Remove the file, or if not possible, rename it, so it'll get
// cleaned up next time by RemoveOldTempFiles()
finally {
// Always release the mutex if we had taken it
if (gotLock) {
internal static void RemoveAssembly(FileInfo f) {
// If we are shutting down, just create the .delete file and exit quickly.
if (HostingEnvironment.ShutdownInitiated) {
// VSWhidbey 564168 / Visual Studio QFE 4710
// The assembly could still be referenced and needed for compilation in some cases.
// Thus, if we cannot delete it, we create an empty .delete file,
// so that both will be later removed by RemoveOldTempFiles.
// If the file is already marked for deletion, we simply return, so that
// we do not double count it in s_recompilations.
if (HasDotDeleteFile(f.FullName))
if (TryDeleteFile(f))
// It had to be renamed, so increment the recompilations count,
// and restart the appdomain if it reaches the limit
Debug.Trace("DiskBuildResultCache", "RemoveAssembly: " + f.Name + " was renamed");
if (++s_recompilations == s_maxRecompilations) {
s_shutdownStatus = SHUTDOWN_NEEDED;
// Remember the fact that we just invalidated an assembly, which can cause
// other BuildResults to become invalid as a side effect (VSWhidbey 269297)
s_inUseAssemblyWasDeleted = true;
static internal void ShutDownAppDomainIfRequired() {
// VSWhidbey 610631 Stress Failure: Worker process throws exceptions while unloading app domain and re-tries over and over
// It is possible for a deadlock to happen when locks on ApplicationManager and the CompilationMutex
// are acquired in different orders in multiple threads.
// Thus, since ShutdownAppDomain acquires a lock on ApplicationManager, we always release the CompilationMutex
// before calling ShutdownAppDomain, in case another thread has acquired the lock on ApplicationManager and
// is waiting on the CompilationMutex.
if (s_shutdownStatus == SHUTDOWN_NEEDED && (Interlocked.Exchange(ref s_shutdownStatus, SHUTDOWN_STARTED) == SHUTDOWN_NEEDED)) {
// Perform the actual shutdown on another thread, so that
// this thread can proceed and release any compilation mutex it is
// holding and not have to block if another thread has acquired a
// lock on ApplicationManager.
// (DevDiv 158814)
ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(new WaitCallback(DiskBuildResultCache.ShutdownCallBack));
static private void ShutdownCallBack(Object state /*not used*/) {
"Recompilation limit of " + s_maxRecompilations + " reached");
internal static bool TryDeleteFile(string s) {
return TryDeleteFile(new FileInfo(s));
// Returns true if we are able to delete the file. Otherwise, creates a .delete file and returns false.
internal static bool TryDeleteFile(FileInfo f) {
if (f.Extension == dotDelete)
return CheckAndRemoveDotDeleteFile(f);
try {
Debug.Trace("DiskBuildResultCache", "TryDeleteFile removed " + f.Name);
return true;
catch { }
return false;
// Checks if the file is .delete. If it is, check if the associated base file is still around.
// If associated base file is around, try to delete it. If success, delete the .delete.
// Returns true only if both base file and .delete are removed.
internal static bool CheckAndRemoveDotDeleteFile(FileInfo f) {
if (f.Extension != dotDelete)
return false;
string baseName = Path.GetDirectoryName(f.FullName) + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(f.FullName);
if (FileUtil.FileExists(baseName)) {
try {
Debug.Trace("DiskBuildResultCache", "CheckAndRemoveDotDeleteFile deleted " + baseName);
catch {
return false;
try {
Debug.Trace("DiskBuildResultCache", "CheckAndRemoveDotDeleteFile deleted " + f.Name);
catch { }
return true;
internal static bool HasDotDeleteFile(string s) {
return File.Exists(s + dotDelete);
private static void CreateDotDeleteFile(FileInfo f) {
if (f.Extension == dotDelete)
string newName = f.FullName + dotDelete;
if (!File.Exists(newName)) {
try {
(new StreamWriter(newName)).Close();
Debug.Trace("DiskBuildResultCache", "CreateDotDeleteFile succeeded: " + newName);
catch {
Debug.Trace("DiskBuildResultCache", "CreateDotDeleteFile failed: " + newName);
} // If we fail the .delete probably just got created by another process.
internal class StandardDiskBuildResultCache: DiskBuildResultCache {
private const string fusionCacheDirectoryName = "assembly";
private const string webHashDirectoryName = "hash";
private static ArrayList _satelliteDirectories;
internal StandardDiskBuildResultCache(string cacheDir)
: base(cacheDir) {
Debug.Assert(cacheDir == HttpRuntime.CodegenDirInternal);
private string GetSpecialFilesCombinedHashFileName() {
return BuildManager.WebHashFilePath;
internal Tuple<long, long> GetPreservedSpecialFilesCombinedHash() {
string fileName = GetSpecialFilesCombinedHashFileName();
return GetPreservedSpecialFilesCombinedHash(fileName);
* Return the combined hash that was preserved to file. Return 0 if not valid.
internal static Tuple<long, long> GetPreservedSpecialFilesCombinedHash(string fileName) {
if (!FileUtil.FileExists(fileName)) {
return Tuple.Create<long, long>(0, 0);
try {
string[] hashTokens = Util.StringFromFile(fileName).Split(new[] { ';' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
long value1, value2;
if ((hashTokens.Length == 2) &&
Int64.TryParse(hashTokens[0], NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out value1) &&
Int64.TryParse(hashTokens[1], NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out value2)) {
return Tuple.Create(value1, value2);
catch {
// If anything went wrong (file not found, or bad format), return 0
return Tuple.Create<long, long>(0, 0);
internal void SavePreservedSpecialFilesCombinedHash(Tuple<long, long> hash) {
string fileName = GetSpecialFilesCombinedHashFileName();
SavePreservedSpecialFilesCombinedHash(fileName, hash);
* Preserve the combined hash of the special files to a file.
internal static void SavePreservedSpecialFilesCombinedHash(string hashFilePath, Tuple<long, long> hash) {
Debug.Assert(hash != null && hash.Item1 != 0 && hash.Item2 != 0, "SavePreservedSpecialFilesCombinedHash: hash0 != 0, hash1 != 0");
String hashDirPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(hashFilePath);
// Create the hashweb directory if needed
if (!FileUtil.DirectoryExists(hashDirPath)) {
using (var writer = new StreamWriter(hashFilePath, false, Encoding.UTF8)) {
writer.Write(hash.Item1.ToString("x", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
writer.Write(hash.Item2.ToString("x", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
private void FindSatelliteDirectories() {
Debug.Assert(_satelliteDirectories == null);
// Look for all the subdirectories of the codegen dir that look like
// satellite assemblies dirs, and keep track of them
string[] subDirs = Directory.GetDirectories(_cacheDir);
foreach (string subDir in subDirs) {
string subDirName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(subDir);
// Skip the fusion cache, since it's definitely not a culture (VSWhidbey 327716)
if (subDirName == fusionCacheDirectoryName)
// Skip the "hash" folder
if (subDirName == webHashDirectoryName)
if (Util.IsCultureName(subDirName)) {
if (_satelliteDirectories == null)
_satelliteDirectories = new ArrayList();
_satelliteDirectories.Add(Path.Combine(_cacheDir, subDir));
internal static void RemoveSatelliteAssemblies(string baseAssemblyName) {
if (_satelliteDirectories == null)
// If any satellite directory contains a satellite assembly that's
// for the passed in assembly name, delete it.
string satelliteAssemblyName = baseAssemblyName + ".resources";
foreach (string satelliteDir in _satelliteDirectories) {
string fullAssemblyPath = Path.Combine(satelliteDir, satelliteAssemblyName);
// Delete the DLL and PDB
Util.DeleteFileIfExistsNoException(fullAssemblyPath + ".dll");
Util.DeleteFileIfExistsNoException(fullAssemblyPath + ".pdb");
* Delete all temporary files from the codegen directory (e.g. source files, ...)
internal void RemoveOldTempFiles() {
Debug.Trace("BuildResultCache", "Deleting old temporary files from " + _cacheDir);
string codegen = _cacheDir + "\\";
// Go through all the files in the codegen dir
foreach (FileData fileData in FileEnumerator.Create(codegen)) {
// Skip directories
if (fileData.IsDirectory) continue;
// If it has a known extension, skip it
string ext = Path.GetExtension(fileData.Name);
if (ext == ".dll" || ext == ".pdb" || ext == ".web" || ext == ".ccu" || ext == ".prof" || ext == preservationFileExtension) {
// .delete files need to be removed.
if (ext != dotDelete) {
// Don't delete the temp file if it's named after a dll that's still around
// since it could still be useful for debugging.
// Note that we can't use GetFileNameWithoutExtension here because
// some of the files are named 5hvoxl6v.0.cs, and it would return
// 5hvoxl6v.0 instead of just 5hvoxl6v
int periodIndex = fileData.Name.LastIndexOf('.');
if (periodIndex > 0) {
string baseName = fileData.Name.Substring(0, periodIndex);
int secondPeriodIndex = baseName.LastIndexOf('.');
if (secondPeriodIndex > 0) {
baseName = baseName.Substring(0, secondPeriodIndex);
// Generated source files uses assemblyname as prefix so we should keep them.
if (FileUtil.FileExists(codegen + baseName + ".dll"))
// other generated files, such as .cmdline, .err and .out need to add the
// WebAssemblyNamePrefix, since they do not use the assembly name as prefix.
if (FileUtil.FileExists(codegen + BuildManager.WebAssemblyNamePrefix + baseName + ".dll"))
else {
// Additional logic for VSWhidbey 564168 / Visual Studio QFE 4710.
// Delete both original .dll and .delete if possible
DiskBuildResultCache.CheckAndRemoveDotDeleteFile(new FileInfo(fileData.FullName));
Debug.Trace("BuildResultCache", "Deleting old temporary files: " + fileData.FullName);
try {
} catch { }
private void RemoveCodegenResourceDir() {
string path = BuildManager.CodegenResourceDir;
Debug.Trace("BuildResultCache", "Deleting codegen temporary resource directory: " + path);
if (Directory.Exists(path)){
try {
Directory.Delete(path, recursive:true);
catch { }
* Delete all the files in the codegen directory
[SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Usage","CA1806:DoNotIgnoreMethodResults", MessageId="System.Web.UnsafeNativeMethods.DeleteShadowCache(System.String,System.String)",
Justification="Reviewed - we are just trying to clean up the codegen folder as much as possible, so it is ok to ignore any errors.")]
internal void RemoveAllCodegenFiles() {
Debug.Trace("BuildResultCache", "Deleting all files from " + _cacheDir);
// Remove everything in the codegen directory, as well as all the subdirectories
// used for culture assemblies
// Go through all the files in the codegen dir. Delete everything, except
// for the fusion cache, which is in the "assembly" subdirectory
foreach (FileData fileData in FileEnumerator.Create(_cacheDir)) {
// If it's a directories
if (fileData.IsDirectory) {
// Skip the fusion cache
if (fileData.Name == fusionCacheDirectoryName)
// Skip the "hash" folder
if (fileData.Name == webHashDirectoryName)
// Skip the source files generated for the designer (VSWhidbey 138194)
if (StringUtil.StringStartsWith(fileData.Name, CodeDirectoryCompiler.sourcesDirectoryPrefix))
try {
// If it is a directory, only remove the files inside and not the directory itself
// VSWhidbey 596757
catch { } // Ignore all exceptions
// VSWhidbey 564168 Do not delete files that cannot be deleted, these files are still
// referenced by other appdomains that are in the process of shutting down.
// We also do not rename as renaming can cause an assembly not to be found if another
// appdomain tries to compile against it.
// Clean up the fusion shadow copy cache
AppDomainSetup appDomainSetup = Thread.GetDomain().SetupInformation;
// Deletes all files in the directory, but leaves the directory there
internal void DeleteFilesInDirectory(string path) {
foreach (FileData fileData in FileEnumerator.Create(path)) {
if (fileData.IsDirectory) {
Directory.Delete(fileData.FullName, true /*recursive*/);
internal abstract class PrecompBaseDiskBuildResultCache: DiskBuildResultCache {
// In precompilation, the preservation files go in the bin directory
internal PrecompBaseDiskBuildResultCache(string cacheDir) : base(cacheDir) { }
// Used when precompiling a site
internal class PrecompilerDiskBuildResultCache: PrecompBaseDiskBuildResultCache {
internal PrecompilerDiskBuildResultCache(string cacheDir) : base(cacheDir) {
// Used when precompiling a site using updatable precompilation
internal class UpdatablePrecompilerDiskBuildResultCache: PrecompilerDiskBuildResultCache {
internal UpdatablePrecompilerDiskBuildResultCache(string cacheDir) : base(cacheDir) { }
internal override void CacheBuildResult(string cacheKey, BuildResult result,
long hashCode, DateTime utcStart) {
// Don't create preservation files in bin for pages in the updatable model,
// because we turn them into a v1 style code behind, which works as a result of
// having the aspx file point to the bin class via an inherits attribute.
if (result is BuildResultCompiledTemplateType)
base.CacheBuildResult(cacheKey, result, hashCode, utcStart);
// Used when a site is already precompiled
internal class PrecompiledSiteDiskBuildResultCache: PrecompBaseDiskBuildResultCache {
internal PrecompiledSiteDiskBuildResultCache(string cacheDir) : base(cacheDir) {}
protected override bool PrecompilationMode { get { return true; } }
internal override void CacheBuildResult(string cacheKey, BuildResult result,
long hashCode, DateTime utcStart) {
// Nothing to cache to disk if the app is already precompiled
internal override void RemoveAssemblyAndRelatedFiles(string baseName) {
// Never remove precompiled files (we couldn't anyways since they're
// in the app dir)