2014-08-13 10:39:27 +01:00
@echo off
cd ..
2015-01-13 10:44:36 +00:00
if exist config.h if not exist cygconfig.h copy config.h cygconfig.h
if exist eglib\config.h if not exist eglib\cygconfig.h copy eglib\config.h eglib\cygconfig.h
2014-08-13 10:39:27 +01:00
copy winconfig.h config.h
2015-01-13 10:44:36 +00:00
copy eglib\winconfig.h eglib\config.h
2016-03-16 12:38:19 -04:00
%windir%\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -Command "(Get-Content config.h) -replace '#MONO_VERSION#', (Select-String -path configure.ac -pattern 'AC_INIT\(mono, \[(.*)\]').Matches[0].Groups[1].Value | Set-Content config.h"
2014-08-13 10:39:27 +01:00
goto end
echo fatal error: the VSDepenancies directory was not found in the "mono" directory
echo error: you must download and unzip that file
exit /b 100
goto end
echo OK
exit /b 0