publicconststringCannotAddTwoItemsWithTheSameKeyToSynchronizedKeyedCollection0="Cannot add two items with the same key to SynchronizedKeyedCollection.";
publicconststringDuplicateBehavior1="The value could not be added to the collection, as the collection already contains an item of the same type: '{0}'. This collection only supports one instance of each type.";
publicconststringItemDoesNotExistInSynchronizedKeyedCollection0="Item does not exist in SynchronizedKeyedCollection.";
publicconststringSFxCollectionReadOnly="This operation is not supported because the collection is read-only.";
publicconststringSFxCollectionWrongType2="The collection of type {0} does not support values of type {1}.";
publicconststringSFxCopyToRequiresICollection="SynchronizedReadOnlyCollection's CopyTo only works if the underlying list implements ICollection.";
publicconststringSynchronizedCollectionWrongType1="A value of type '{0}' cannot be added to the generic collection, because the collection has been parameterized with a different type.";
publicconststringSynchronizedCollectionWrongTypeNull="A null value cannot be added to the generic collection, because the collection has been parameterized with a value type.";
publicconststringValueMustBeInRange="The value of this argument must fall within the range {0} to {1}.";