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@Library('dotnet-ci') _
// Incoming parameters. Access with "params.<param name>".
// Note that the parameters will be set as env variables so we cannot use names that conflict
// with the engineering system parameter names.
// CGroup - Build configuration.
// TestOuter - If true, runs outerloop, if false runs just innerloop
def submittedHelixJson = null
simpleDockerNode('microsoft/dotnet-buildtools-prereqs:rhel7_prereqs_2') {
stage ('Checkout source') {
def logFolder = getLogFolder()
stage ('Initialize tools') {
// Init tools
sh './init-tools.sh'
stage ('Generate version assets') {
// Generate the version assets. Do we need to even do this for non-official builds?
sh "./build-managed.sh -- /t:GenerateVersionSourceFile /p:GenerateVersionSourceFile=true"
stage ('Sync') {
sh "./sync.sh -p -- /p:ArchGroup=x64"
stage ('Build Product') {
sh "./build.sh -buildArch=x64 -${params.CGroup}"
stage ('Build Tests') {
def additionalArgs = ''
if (params.TestOuter) {
additionalArgs = '-Outerloop'
sh "./build-tests.sh -buildArch=x64 -${params.CGroup} -SkipTests ${additionalArgs} -- /p:ArchiveTests=true /p:EnableDumpling=true"
stage ('Submit To Helix For Testing') {
// Bind the credentials
withCredentials([string(credentialsId: 'CloudDropAccessToken', variable: 'CloudDropAccessToken'),
string(credentialsId: 'OutputCloudResultsAccessToken', variable: 'OutputCloudResultsAccessToken')]) {
// Ask the CI SDK for a Helix source that makes sense. This ensures that this pipeline works for both PR and non-PR cases
def helixSource = getHelixSource()
// Ask the CI SDK for a Build that makes sense. We currently use the hash for the build
def helixBuild = getCommit()
// Get the user that should be associated with the submission
def helixCreator = getUser()
// Target queues
def targetHelixQueues = ['Centos.74.Amd64.Open',
if (params.TestOuter) {
targetHelixQueues += ['Debian.9.Amd64.Open',
sh "./Tools/msbuild.sh src/upload-tests.proj /p:ArchGroup=x64 /p:ConfigurationGroup=${params.CGroup} /p:TestProduct=corefx /p:TimeoutInSeconds=1200 /p:TargetOS=Linux /p:HelixJobType=test/functional/cli/ /p:HelixSource=${helixSource} /p:BuildMoniker=${helixBuild} /p:HelixCreator=${helixCreator} /p:CloudDropAccountName=dotnetbuilddrops /p:CloudResultsAccountName=dotnetjobresults /p:CloudDropAccessToken=\$CloudDropAccessToken /p:CloudResultsAccessToken=\$OutputCloudResultsAccessToken /p:HelixApiEndpoint=https://helix.dot.net/api/2017-04-14/jobs /p:TargetQueues=${targetHelixQueues.join('+')} /p:HelixLogFolder=${WORKSPACE}/${logFolder}/ /p:HelixCorrelationInfoFileName=SubmittedHelixRuns.txt"
submittedHelixJson = readJSON file: "${logFolder}/SubmittedHelixRuns.txt"
stage ('Execute Tests') {
def contextBase
if (params.TestOuter) {
contextBase = "Linux x64 Tests w/outer - ${params.CGroup}"
else {
contextBase = "Linux x64 Tests - ${params.CGroup}"
waitForHelixRuns(submittedHelixJson, contextBase)