285 lines
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285 lines
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// <copyright file="DesigntimeLicenseContext.cs" company="Microsoft">
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// </copyright>
namespace System.ComponentModel.Design {
using System.Runtime.Remoting;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System;
using Microsoft.Win32;
using System.Net;
using System.IO;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Collections;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Security;
using System.Security.Permissions;
/// <devdoc>
/// <para>
/// Provides design-time support for licensing.
/// </para>
/// </devdoc>
[HostProtection(SharedState = true)]
[System.Security.Permissions.PermissionSetAttribute(System.Security.Permissions.SecurityAction.InheritanceDemand, Name = "FullTrust")]
[System.Security.Permissions.PermissionSetAttribute(System.Security.Permissions.SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Name="FullTrust")]
public class DesigntimeLicenseContext : LicenseContext {
internal Hashtable savedLicenseKeys = new Hashtable();
/// <devdoc>
/// <para>
/// Gets or sets the license usage mode.
/// </para>
/// </devdoc>
public override LicenseUsageMode UsageMode {
get {
return LicenseUsageMode.Designtime;
/// <devdoc>
/// <para>
/// Gets a saved license key.
/// </para>
/// </devdoc>
public override string GetSavedLicenseKey(Type type, Assembly resourceAssembly) {
return null;
/// <devdoc>
/// <para>
/// Sets a saved license key.
/// </para>
/// </devdoc>
public override void SetSavedLicenseKey(Type type, string key) {
savedLicenseKeys[type.AssemblyQualifiedName] = key;
[HostProtection(SharedState = true)]
internal class RuntimeLicenseContext : LicenseContext
private static TraceSwitch RuntimeLicenseContextSwitch = new TraceSwitch("RuntimeLicenseContextTrace", "RuntimeLicenseContext tracing");
const int ReadBlock = 400;
internal Hashtable savedLicenseKeys;
/// <devdoc>
/// This method takes a file URL and converts it to a local path. The trick here is that
/// if there is a '#' in the path, everything after this is treated as a fragment. So
/// we need to append the fragment to the end of the path.
/// </devdoc>
private string GetLocalPath(string fileName) {
System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(fileName != null && fileName.Length > 0, "Cannot get local path, fileName is not valid");
Uri uri = new Uri(fileName);
return uri.LocalPath + uri.Fragment;
public override string GetSavedLicenseKey(Type type, Assembly resourceAssembly) {
if (savedLicenseKeys == null || savedLicenseKeys[type.AssemblyQualifiedName]==null) {
Debug.WriteLineIf(RuntimeLicenseContextSwitch.TraceVerbose, "savedLicenseKey is null or doesnt contain our type");
if (savedLicenseKeys == null) {
savedLicenseKeys = new Hashtable();
Uri licenseFile = null;
if (resourceAssembly == null) {
Debug.WriteLineIf(RuntimeLicenseContextSwitch.TraceVerbose,"resourceAssembly is null");
string rawFile = (string)AppDomain.CurrentDomain.SetupInformation.LicenseFile;
Debug.WriteLineIf(RuntimeLicenseContextSwitch.TraceVerbose,"rawfile: " + rawFile);
string codeBase;
// FileIOPermission is required for ApplicationBase in URL-hosted domains
FileIOPermission perm = new FileIOPermission(PermissionState.Unrestricted);
try {
codeBase = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.SetupInformation.ApplicationBase;
finally {
codeBase = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.SetupInformation.ApplicationBase;
if (rawFile != null && codeBase != null) {
licenseFile = new Uri(new Uri(codeBase), rawFile);
if (licenseFile == null) {
if(resourceAssembly == null) {
resourceAssembly = Assembly.GetEntryAssembly();
if (resourceAssembly == null) {
Debug.WriteLineIf(RuntimeLicenseContextSwitch.TraceVerbose,"resourceAssembly is null");
// If Assembly.EntryAssembly returns null, then we will
// try everything!
foreach (Assembly asm in AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies()) {
// Though, I could not repro this, we seem to be hitting an AssemblyBuilder
// when walking through all the assemblies in the current app domain. This throws an
// exception on Assembly.CodeBase and we bail out. Catching exceptions here is not a
// bad thing.
if (asm.IsDynamic)
// file://fullpath/foo.exe
string fileName;
FileIOPermission perm = new FileIOPermission(PermissionState.Unrestricted);
fileName = GetLocalPath(asm.EscapedCodeBase);
fileName = new FileInfo(fileName).Name;
fileName = GetLocalPath(asm.EscapedCodeBase);
fileName = new FileInfo(fileName).Name;
Stream s = asm.GetManifestResourceStream(fileName + ".licenses");
if (s == null) {
//Since the casing may be different depending on how the assembly was loaded,
//we'll do a case insensitive lookup for this manifest resource stream...
s = CaseInsensitiveManifestResourceStreamLookup(asm, fileName + ".licenses");
if (s != null) {
DesigntimeLicenseContextSerializer.Deserialize(s, fileName.ToUpper(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), this);
else if(!resourceAssembly.IsDynamic) { // EscapedCodeBase won't be supported by emitted assemblies anyway
Debug.WriteLineIf(RuntimeLicenseContextSwitch.TraceVerbose,"resourceAssembly is not null");
string fileName;
FileIOPermission perm = new FileIOPermission(PermissionState.Unrestricted);
fileName = GetLocalPath(resourceAssembly.EscapedCodeBase);
fileName = Path.GetFileName(fileName); // we don't want to use FileInfo here... it requests FileIOPermission that we
// might now have... see VSWhidbey 527758
string licResourceName = fileName + ".licenses";
// first try the filename
Stream s = resourceAssembly.GetManifestResourceStream(licResourceName);
if (s == null) {
string resolvedName = null;
CompareInfo comparer = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.CompareInfo;
string shortAssemblyName = resourceAssembly.GetName().Name;
// if the assembly has been renamed, we try our best to find a good match in the available resources
// by looking at the assembly name (which doesn't change even after a file rename) + ".exe.licenses" or + ".dll.licenses"
foreach(String existingName in resourceAssembly.GetManifestResourceNames()) {
if (comparer.Compare(existingName, licResourceName, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase) == 0 ||
comparer.Compare(existingName, shortAssemblyName + ".exe.licenses", CompareOptions.IgnoreCase) == 0 ||
comparer.Compare(existingName, shortAssemblyName + ".dll.licenses", CompareOptions.IgnoreCase) == 0) {
resolvedName = existingName;
if (resolvedName != null) {
s = resourceAssembly.GetManifestResourceStream(resolvedName);
if (s != null) {
DesigntimeLicenseContextSerializer.Deserialize(s, fileName.ToUpper(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), this);
if (licenseFile != null) {
Debug.WriteLineIf(RuntimeLicenseContextSwitch.TraceVerbose,"licenseFile: " + licenseFile.ToString());
Debug.WriteLineIf(RuntimeLicenseContextSwitch.TraceVerbose,"opening licenses file over URI " + licenseFile.ToString());
Stream s = OpenRead(licenseFile);
if (s != null) {
string[] segments = licenseFile.Segments;
string licFileName = segments[segments.Length - 1];
string key = licFileName.Substring(0, licFileName.LastIndexOf("."));
DesigntimeLicenseContextSerializer.Deserialize(s, key.ToUpper(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), this);
Debug.WriteLineIf(RuntimeLicenseContextSwitch.TraceVerbose,"returning : " + (string)savedLicenseKeys[type.AssemblyQualifiedName]);
* Looks up a .licenses file in the assembly manifest using
* case-insensitive lookup rules. We do this because the name
* we are attempting to locate could have different casing
* depending on how the assembly was loaded.
private Stream CaseInsensitiveManifestResourceStreamLookup(Assembly satellite, string name)
CompareInfo comparer = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.CompareInfo;
//loop through the resource names in the assembly
// we try to handle the case where the assembly file name has been renamed
// by trying to guess the original file name based on the assembly name...
string assemblyShortName = satellite.GetName().Name;
foreach(string existingName in satellite.GetManifestResourceNames()) {
if (comparer.Compare(existingName, name, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase) == 0 ||
comparer.Compare(existingName, assemblyShortName + ".exe.licenses") == 0 ||
comparer.Compare(existingName, assemblyShortName + ".dll.licenses") == 0) {
name = existingName;
//finally, attempt to return our stream based on the
//case insensitive match we found
return satellite.GetManifestResourceStream(name);
static Stream OpenRead(Uri resourceUri) {
Stream result = null;
PermissionSet perms = new PermissionSet(PermissionState.Unrestricted);
try {
WebClient webClient = new WebClient();
webClient.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;
result = webClient.OpenRead(resourceUri.ToString());
catch (Exception e) {
finally {
return result;