599 lines
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599 lines
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// <copyright file="TraceHandler.cs" company="Microsoft">
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// </copyright>
* Trace Handler
* Copyright (c) 1998-1999, Microsoft Corporation
namespace System.Web.Handlers {
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Web;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Web.Configuration;
using System.Web.Hosting;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;
using System.Web.Util;
using System.Web.SessionState;
using System.Data;
using System.Text;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Security.Permissions;
/// <devdoc>
/// <para>[To be supplied.]</para>
/// </devdoc>
public class TraceHandler : IHttpHandler {
private const string _style =
"<style type=\"text/css\">\r\n" +
"span.tracecontent b { color:white }\r\n" +
"span.tracecontent { background-color:white; color:black;font: 10pt verdana, arial; }\r\n" +
"span.tracecontent table { clear:left; font: 10pt verdana, arial; cellspacing:0; cellpadding:0; margin-bottom:25}\r\n" +
"span.tracecontent tr.subhead { background-color:#cccccc;}\r\n" +
"span.tracecontent th { padding:0,3,0,3 }\r\n" +
"span.tracecontent th.alt { background-color:black; color:white; padding:3,3,2,3; }\r\n" +
"span.tracecontent td { color: black; padding:0,3,0,3; text-align: left }\r\n" +
"span.tracecontent td.err { color: red; }\r\n" +
"span.tracecontent tr.alt { background-color:#eeeeee }\r\n" +
"span.tracecontent h1 { font: 24pt verdana, arial; margin:0,0,0,0}\r\n" +
"span.tracecontent h2 { font: 18pt verdana, arial; margin:0,0,0,0}\r\n" +
"span.tracecontent h3 { font: 12pt verdana, arial; margin:0,0,0,0}\r\n" +
"span.tracecontent th a { color:darkblue; font: 8pt verdana, arial; }\r\n" +
"span.tracecontent a { color:darkblue;text-decoration:none }\r\n" +
"span.tracecontent a:hover { color:darkblue;text-decoration:underline; }\r\n" +
"span.tracecontent div.outer { width:90%; margin:15,15,15,15}\r\n" +
"span.tracecontent table.viewmenu td { background-color:#006699; color:white; padding:0,5,0,5; }\r\n" +
"span.tracecontent table.viewmenu td.end { padding:0,0,0,0; }\r\n" +
"span.tracecontent table.viewmenu a {color:white; font: 8pt verdana, arial; }\r\n" +
"span.tracecontent table.viewmenu a:hover {color:white; font: 8pt verdana, arial; }\r\n" +
"span.tracecontent a.tinylink {color:darkblue; background-color:black; font: 8pt verdana, arial;text-decoration:underline;}\r\n" +
"span.tracecontent a.link {color:darkblue; text-decoration:underline;}\r\n" +
"span.tracecontent div.buffer {padding-top:7; padding-bottom:17;}\r\n" +
"span.tracecontent .small { font: 8pt verdana, arial }\r\n" +
"span.tracecontent table td { padding-right:20 }\r\n" +
"span.tracecontent table td.nopad { padding-right:5 }\r\n" +
private HttpContext _context;
private HttpResponse _response;
private HttpRequest _request;
private HtmlTextWriter _writer;
[SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.Demand, Unrestricted=true)]
public TraceHandler() {
// IHttpMethods exposed to derived classes
protected void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) {
protected bool IsReusable {
get {
return ((IHttpHandler)this).IsReusable;
void IHttpHandler.ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) {
// VSWhidbey 448844: Disable handler if retail is set to true
if (DeploymentSection.RetailInternal ||
(!context.Request.IsLocal && HttpRuntime.Profile.LocalOnly)) {
HttpException e = new HttpException(403, null);
e.SetFormatter(new TraceHandlerErrorFormatter(!DeploymentSection.RetailInternal));
throw e;
_context = context;
_response = _context.Response;
_request = _context.Request;
_writer = Page.CreateHtmlTextWriterInternal(_response.Output, _request);
// if we're in integrated mode, we need to set the content type explicitly
if (context.WorkerRequest is IIS7WorkerRequest) {
_response.ContentType = _request.Browser.PreferredRenderingMime;
if (_writer == null) {
// Can't create a writer, horked at this point, just return
_context.Trace.IsEnabled = false;
// Validate the input to prevent XSS attacks.
_writer.Write("<span class=\"tracecontent\">\r\n");
if (!HttpRuntime.Profile.IsConfigEnabled) {
HttpException e = new HttpException();
e.SetFormatter(new TraceHandlerErrorFormatter(false));
throw e;
IList datasets = HttpRuntime.Profile.GetData();
// first check if we should clear data
if (_request.QueryString["clear"] != null) {
string url = _request.RawUrl;
_response.Redirect(url.Substring(0, url.IndexOf("?", StringComparison.Ordinal)));
// then check if we are drilling down
string strid = _request.QueryString["id"];
if (strid != null) {
int index = Int32.Parse(strid, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
if (index >=0 && index < datasets.Count) {
ShowDetails((DataSet) datasets[index]);
// if we get here, its just generic request
bool IHttpHandler.IsReusable {
get { return false; }
protected void ShowDetails(DataSet data) {
if (data == null) return;
Table table;
_writer.Write("<h1>" + SR.GetString(SR.Trace_Request_Details) + "</h1><br>");
table = CreateDetailsTable(data.Tables[SR.Trace_Request]);
if (table != null)
table = CreateTraceTable(data.Tables[SR.Trace_Trace_Information]);
if (table != null)
table = CreateControlTable(data.Tables[SR.Trace_Control_Tree]);
if (table != null)
table = CreateTable(data.Tables[SR.Trace_Session_State], true /*encodeSpaces*/);
if (table != null)
table = CreateTable(data.Tables[SR.Trace_Application_State], true /*encodeSpaces*/);
if (table != null)
table = CreateTable(data.Tables[SR.Trace_Request_Cookies_Collection], true /*encodeSpaces*/);
if (table != null)
table = CreateTable(data.Tables[SR.Trace_Response_Cookies_Collection], true /*encodeSpaces*/);
if (table != null)
table = CreateTable(data.Tables[SR.Trace_Headers_Collection], true /*encodeSpaces*/);
if (table != null)
table = CreateTable(data.Tables[SR.Trace_Form_Collection]);
if (table != null)
table = CreateTable(data.Tables[SR.Trace_Querystring_Collection]);
if (table != null)
table = CreateTable(data.Tables[SR.Trace_Server_Variables], true /*encodeSpaces*/);
if (table != null)
protected void ShowVersionDetails() {
_writer.Write("<hr width=100% size=1 color=silver>\r\n\r\n");
_writer.Write(SR.GetString(SR.Error_Formatter_CLR_Build) + VersionInfo.ClrVersion +
SR.GetString(SR.Error_Formatter_ASPNET_Build) + VersionInfo.EngineVersion + "\r\n\r\n");
protected void ShowRequests(IList data) {
// add the title, application name, physical path, etc.
Table table = new Table();
table.CellPadding = 0;
table.CellSpacing = 0;
table.Width = Unit.Percentage(100);
TableRow trow = AddRow(table);
TableCell tcell;
AddCell(trow, SR.GetString(SR.Trace_Application_Trace));
string vroot = _request.ApplicationPath;
int vrootLen = vroot.Length;
trow = AddRow(table);
AddCell(trow, "<h2>" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(vroot.Substring(1)) + "<h2><p>");
trow = AddRow(table);
AddCell(trow, "[ <a href=\"Trace.axd?clear=1\" class=\"link\">" + SR.GetString(SR.Trace_Clear_Current) + "</a> ]");
// check if we have permission to show the physical path. If not, don't show anything.
string physicalPath = " ";
if (HttpRuntime.HasAppPathDiscoveryPermission())
physicalPath = SR.GetString(SR.Trace_Physical_Directory) + _request.PhysicalApplicationPath;
trow = AddRow(table);
tcell = AddCell(trow, physicalPath);
//////// add the table of requests ///////
table = new Table();
table.CellPadding = 0;
table.CellSpacing = 0;
table.Width = Unit.Percentage(100);
trow = AddRow(table);
// title for the table
tcell = AddHeaderCell(trow, "<h3><b>" + SR.GetString(SR.Trace_Requests_This) + "</b></h3>");
tcell.ColumnSpan = 5;
tcell.CssClass = "alt";
tcell.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Left;
tcell = AddHeaderCell(trow, SR.GetString(SR.Trace_Remaining) + " " + HttpRuntime.Profile.RequestsRemaining.ToString(NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo));
tcell.CssClass = "alt";
tcell.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Right;
// add headers for the columns
trow = AddRow(table);
trow.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Left;
trow.CssClass = "subhead";
AddHeaderCell(trow, SR.GetString(SR.Trace_No));
AddHeaderCell(trow, SR.GetString(SR.Trace_Time_of_Request));
AddHeaderCell(trow, SR.GetString(SR.Trace_File));
AddHeaderCell(trow, SR.GetString(SR.Trace_Status_Code));
AddHeaderCell(trow, SR.GetString(SR.Trace_Verb));
AddHeaderCell(trow, " ");
// now fill the table with requests
bool isAlt = true;
for (int i = 0; i < data.Count; i++) {
// for each request
DataSet current = (DataSet)data[i];
trow = AddRow(table);
if (isAlt)
trow.CssClass = "alt";
AddCell(trow, (i + 1).ToString(NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo));
AddCell(trow, (string) current.Tables[SR.Trace_Request].Rows[0][SR.Trace_Time_of_Request]);
AddCell(trow, HttpUtility.HtmlEncode((string) current.Tables[SR.Trace_Request].Rows[0][SR.Trace_Url]).Substring(vrootLen));
AddCell(trow, current.Tables[SR.Trace_Request].Rows[0][SR.Trace_Status_Code].ToString());
AddCell(trow, (string) current.Tables[SR.Trace_Request].Rows[0][SR.Trace_Request_Type]);
TableCell linkcell = AddCell(trow, String.Empty);
HtmlAnchor a = new HtmlAnchor();
a.HRef = "Trace.axd?id=" + i;
a.InnerHtml = "<nobr>" + SR.GetString(SR.Trace_View_Details);
a.Attributes["class"] = "link";
isAlt = !isAlt;
////// Static methods for creating tables //////////
static private TableRow AddRow(Table t) {
TableRow trow = new TableRow();
return trow;
static private TableCell AddHeaderCell(TableRow trow, string text) {
TableHeaderCell tcell = new TableHeaderCell();
tcell.Text = text;
return tcell;
static private TableCell AddCell(TableRow trow, string text) {
TableCell tcell = new TableCell();
tcell.Text = text;
return tcell;
static internal string StyleSheet {
get { return _style;}
static internal Table CreateControlTable(DataTable datatable) {
Table table = new Table();
if (datatable == null) return table;
TableRow trow;
TableCell tcell;
IEnumerator en;
string parent;
string control;
Hashtable indentLevels = new Hashtable();
int indent;
bool isAlt = false;
table.Width = Unit.Percentage(100);
table.CellPadding = 0;
table.CellSpacing = 0;
// add a title for the table - same as table name
trow = AddRow(table);
tcell = AddHeaderCell(trow, "<h3><b>" + SR.GetString(datatable.TableName) + "</b></h3>");
tcell.CssClass = "alt";
tcell.ColumnSpan = 5;
tcell.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Left;
// add the header information
trow = AddRow(table);
trow.CssClass = "subhead";
trow.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Left;
AddHeaderCell(trow, SR.GetString(SR.Trace_Control_Id));
AddHeaderCell(trow, SR.GetString(SR.Trace_Type));
AddHeaderCell(trow, SR.GetString(SR.Trace_Render_Size_children));
AddHeaderCell(trow, SR.GetString(SR.Trace_Viewstate_Size_Nochildren));
AddHeaderCell(trow, SR.GetString(SR.Trace_Controlstate_Size_Nochildren));
// prime the indentLevels hashtable with an initial value
indentLevels["ROOT"] = 0;
// now show the tree
en = datatable.Rows.GetEnumerator();
while (en.MoveNext()) {
// DevDivBugs 173345: Error when enabling trace in an ASPX page
// We also need to HtmlEncode parentId, as we HtmlEncode the controlId.
parent = HttpUtility.HtmlEncode ((string) ((DataRow) en.Current)[SR.Trace_Parent_Id]);
control = HttpUtility.HtmlEncode((string) ((DataRow) en.Current)[SR.Trace_Control_Id]);
// this lets us determine how far to indent each control
indent = (int) indentLevels[parent];
indentLevels[control] = indent + 1;
// do the indent
StringBuilder indentedControl = new StringBuilder();
// Don't want the ID's to break across lines
for (int i=0; i<indent; i++)
indentedControl.Append(" ");
// page has a blank ID, so we'll fill in something nice for it
if (control.Length == 0)
trow = AddRow(table);
AddCell(trow, indentedControl.ToString());
AddCell(trow, (string) ((DataRow) en.Current)[SR.Trace_Type]);
object size = ((DataRow) en.Current)[SR.Trace_Render_Size];
if (size != null)
AddCell(trow, ((int) size).ToString(NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo));
AddCell(trow, "---");
size = ((DataRow) en.Current)[SR.Trace_Viewstate_Size];
if (size != null)
AddCell(trow, ((int) size).ToString(NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo));
AddCell(trow, "---");
size = ((DataRow) en.Current)[SR.Trace_Controlstate_Size];
if (size != null)
AddCell(trow, ((int) size).ToString(NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo));
AddCell(trow, "---");
// alternate colors
if (isAlt)
trow.CssClass = "alt";
isAlt = !isAlt;
return table;
static internal Table CreateTraceTable(DataTable datatable) {
Table table = new Table();
table.Width = Unit.Percentage(100);
table.CellPadding = 0;
table.CellSpacing = 0;
if (datatable == null) return table;
IEnumerator en;
bool isAlt = false;
TableRow trow;
TableCell tcell;
DataRow datarow;
// add a title for the table - same as table name
trow = AddRow(table);
tcell = AddHeaderCell(trow, "<h3><b>" + SR.GetString(datatable.TableName) + "</b></h3>");
tcell.CssClass = "alt";
tcell.ColumnSpan = 10;
tcell.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Left;
// add the header information - same as column names
trow = AddRow(table);
trow.CssClass = "subhead";
trow.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Left;
AddHeaderCell(trow, SR.GetString(SR.Trace_Category));
AddHeaderCell(trow, SR.GetString(SR.Trace_Message));
AddHeaderCell(trow, SR.GetString(SR.Trace_From_First));
AddHeaderCell(trow, SR.GetString(SR.Trace_From_Last));
// now fill in the values, but don't display null values
en = datatable.DefaultView.GetEnumerator();
while (en.MoveNext()) {
trow = AddRow(table);
datarow = ((DataRowView) en.Current).Row;
bool isErr = datarow[SR.Trace_Warning].Equals("yes");
// FormatPlainTextAsHtml the values first
tcell = AddCell(trow, HttpUtility.FormatPlainTextAsHtml((string) datarow[SR.Trace_Category]));
if (isErr) tcell.CssClass = "err";
StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder(HttpUtility.FormatPlainTextAsHtml((string) datarow[SR.Trace_Message]));
object errormessage = datarow["ErrorInfoMessage"];
object errorstack = datarow["ErrorInfoStack"];
if (!(errormessage is System.DBNull))
message.Append("<br>" + HttpUtility.FormatPlainTextAsHtml((string) errormessage));
if (!(errorstack is System.DBNull))
message.Append("<br>" + HttpUtility.FormatPlainTextAsHtml((string) errorstack));
tcell = AddCell(trow, message.ToString());
if (isErr) tcell.CssClass = "err";
tcell = AddCell(trow, FormatPotentialDouble(datarow[SR.Trace_From_First]));
if (isErr) tcell.CssClass = "err";
tcell = AddCell(trow, FormatPotentialDouble(datarow[SR.Trace_From_Last]));
if (isErr) tcell.CssClass = "err";
// alternate colors
if (isAlt)
trow.CssClass = "alt";
isAlt = !isAlt;
return table;
private static string FormatPotentialDouble(object o) {
// pretty-prints double values (no scientific notation)
return (o is double) ? ((double)o).ToString("F6", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture) : o.ToString();
static internal Table CreateTable(DataTable datatable) {
return CreateTable(datatable, false);
static internal Table CreateTable(DataTable datatable, bool encodeSpaces) {
Table table = new Table();
table.Width = Unit.Percentage(100);
table.CellPadding = 0;
table.CellSpacing = 0;
if (datatable == null) return table;
IEnumerator en;
bool isAlt = false;
Object[] cells;
TableRow trow;
TableCell tcell;
// add a title for the table - same as table name
trow = AddRow(table);
tcell = AddHeaderCell(trow, "<h3><b>" + SR.GetString(datatable.TableName) + "</b></h3>");
tcell.CssClass = "alt";
tcell.ColumnSpan = 10;
tcell.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Left;
// add the header information - same as column names
trow = AddRow(table);
trow.CssClass = "subhead";
trow.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Left;
en = datatable.Columns.GetEnumerator();
while (en.MoveNext())
AddHeaderCell(trow, SR.GetString(((DataColumn) en.Current).ColumnName));
// now fill in the values, but don't display null values
en = datatable.Rows.GetEnumerator();
while (en.MoveNext()) {
cells = ((DataRow) en.Current).ItemArray;
trow = AddRow(table);
for (int i=0; i<cells.Length; i++) {
string temp;
temp = HttpUtility.FormatPlainTextSpacesAsHtml(HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(cells[i].ToString()));
temp = HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(cells[i].ToString());
AddCell(trow, (temp.Length != 0) ? temp : " ");
// alternate colors
if (isAlt)
trow.CssClass = "alt";
isAlt = !isAlt;
return table;
static internal Table CreateDetailsTable(DataTable datatable) {
Table table = new Table();
table.Width = Unit.Percentage(100);
table.CellPadding = 0;
table.CellSpacing = 0;
if (datatable == null) return table;
TableRow trow = AddRow(table);
TableCell tcell = AddHeaderCell(trow, "<h3><b>" + SR.GetString(SR.Trace_Request_Details) + "</b></h3>");
tcell.ColumnSpan = 10;
tcell.CssClass = "alt";
tcell.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Left;
trow = AddRow(table);
trow.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Left;
AddHeaderCell(trow, SR.GetString(SR.Trace_Session_Id) + ":");
AddCell(trow, HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(datatable.Rows[0][SR.Trace_Session_Id].ToString()));
AddHeaderCell(trow, SR.GetString(SR.Trace_Request_Type) + ":");
AddCell(trow, datatable.Rows[0][SR.Trace_Request_Type].ToString());
trow = AddRow(table);
trow.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Left;
AddHeaderCell(trow, SR.GetString(SR.Trace_Time_of_Request) + ":");
AddCell(trow, datatable.Rows[0][SR.Trace_Time_of_Request].ToString());
AddHeaderCell(trow, SR.GetString(SR.Trace_Status_Code) + ":");
AddCell(trow, datatable.Rows[0][SR.Trace_Status_Code].ToString());
trow = AddRow(table);
trow.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Left;
AddHeaderCell(trow, SR.GetString(SR.Trace_Request_Encoding) + ":");
AddCell(trow, datatable.Rows[0][SR.Trace_Request_Encoding].ToString());
AddHeaderCell(trow, SR.GetString(SR.Trace_Response_Encoding) + ":");
AddCell(trow, datatable.Rows[0][SR.Trace_Response_Encoding].ToString());
return table;