120 lines
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120 lines
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// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
namespace System.Activities.Expressions
using System.Activities;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime;
using System.Runtime.Collections;
using System.Windows.Markup;
using System.Linq.Expressions;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Activities.Validation;
using System.Threading;
[SuppressMessage(FxCop.Category.Naming, FxCop.Rule.IdentifiersShouldNotMatchKeywords,
Justification = "Optimizing for XAML naming. VB imperative users will [] qualify (e.g. New [New])")]
[SuppressMessage(FxCop.Category.Naming, FxCop.Rule.IdentifiersShouldNotHaveIncorrectSuffix,
Justification = "Optimizing for XAML naming.")]
public sealed class New<TResult> : CodeActivity<TResult>
Collection<Argument> arguments;
Func<object[], TResult> function;
ConstructorInfo constructorInfo;
static MruCache<ConstructorInfo, Func<object[], TResult>> funcCache =
new MruCache<ConstructorInfo, Func<object[], TResult>>(MethodCallExpressionHelper.FuncCacheCapacity);
static ReaderWriterLockSlim locker = new ReaderWriterLockSlim();
[SuppressMessage(FxCop.Category.Naming, FxCop.Rule.PropertyNamesShouldNotMatchGetMethods,
Justification = "Optimizing for XAML naming.")]
public Collection<Argument> Arguments
if (this.arguments == null)
this.arguments = new ValidatingCollection<Argument>
// disallow null values
OnAddValidationCallback = item =>
if (item == null)
throw FxTrace.Exception.ArgumentNull("item");
return this.arguments;
protected override void CacheMetadata(CodeActivityMetadata metadata)
bool foundError = false;
ConstructorInfo oldConstructorInfo = this.constructorInfo;
// Loop through each argument, validate it, and if validation
// passed expose it to the metadata
Type[] types = new Type[this.Arguments.Count];
for (int i = 0; i < this.Arguments.Count; i++)
Argument argument = this.Arguments[i];
if (argument == null || argument.Expression == null)
metadata.AddValidationError(SR.ArgumentRequired("Arguments", typeof(New<TResult>)));
foundError = true;
RuntimeArgument runtimeArgument = new RuntimeArgument("Argument" + i, this.arguments[i].ArgumentType, this.arguments[i].Direction, true);
metadata.Bind(this.arguments[i], runtimeArgument);
types[i] = this.Arguments[i].Direction == ArgumentDirection.In ? this.Arguments[i].ArgumentType : this.Arguments[i].ArgumentType.MakeByRefType();
// If we didn't find any errors in the arguments then
// we can look for an appropriate constructor.
if (!foundError)
constructorInfo = typeof(TResult).GetConstructor(types);
if (constructorInfo == null && (!typeof(TResult).IsValueType || types.Length > 0))
else if ((this.constructorInfo != oldConstructorInfo) || (this.function == null))
this.function = MethodCallExpressionHelper.GetFunc<TResult>(metadata, constructorInfo, funcCache, locker);
protected override TResult Execute(CodeActivityContext context)
object[] objects = new object[this.Arguments.Count];
for (int i = 0; i < this.Arguments.Count; i++)
objects[i] = this.Arguments[i].Get(context);
TResult result = this.function(objects);
for (int i = 0; i < this.Arguments.Count; i++)
Argument argument = this.Arguments[i];
if (argument.Direction == ArgumentDirection.InOut || argument.Direction == ArgumentDirection.Out)
argument.Set(context, objects[i]);
return result;