436 lines
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436 lines
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// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
namespace Microsoft.VisualBasic.Activities.XamlIntegration
using System;
using System.Activities.Expressions;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Xml.Linq;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Xaml;
using System.Windows.Markup;
using System.Security;
using System.Security.Permissions;
using System.Runtime;
using System.Threading;
static class VisualBasicExpressionConverter
static readonly Regex assemblyQualifiedNamespaceRegex = new Regex(
"clr-namespace:(?<namespace>[^;]*);assembly=(?<assembly>.*)", RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
public static VisualBasicSettings CollectXmlNamespacesAndAssemblies(ITypeDescriptorContext context)
// access XamlSchemaContext.ReferenceAssemblies
// for the Compiled Xaml scenario
IList<Assembly> xsCtxReferenceAssemblies = null;
IXamlSchemaContextProvider xamlSchemaContextProvider = context.GetService(typeof(IXamlSchemaContextProvider)) as IXamlSchemaContextProvider;
if (xamlSchemaContextProvider != null && xamlSchemaContextProvider.SchemaContext != null)
xsCtxReferenceAssemblies = xamlSchemaContextProvider.SchemaContext.ReferenceAssemblies;
if (xsCtxReferenceAssemblies != null && xsCtxReferenceAssemblies.Count == 0)
xsCtxReferenceAssemblies = null;
VisualBasicSettings settings = null;
IXamlNamespaceResolver namespaceResolver = (IXamlNamespaceResolver)context.GetService(typeof(IXamlNamespaceResolver));
if (namespaceResolver == null)
return null;
lock (AssemblyCache.XmlnsMappingsLockObject)
// Fetch xmlnsMappings for the prefixes returned by the namespaceResolver service
foreach (NamespaceDeclaration prefix in namespaceResolver.GetNamespacePrefixes())
ReadOnlyXmlnsMapping mapping;
WrapCachedMapping(prefix, out mapping);
if (!mapping.IsEmpty)
if (settings == null)
settings = new VisualBasicSettings();
if (!mapping.IsEmpty)
foreach (ReadOnlyVisualBasicImportReference importReference in mapping.ImportReferences)
if (xsCtxReferenceAssemblies != null)
// this is "compiled Xaml"
VisualBasicImportReference newImportReference;
if (importReference.EarlyBoundAssembly != null)
if (xsCtxReferenceAssemblies.Contains(importReference.EarlyBoundAssembly))
newImportReference = importReference.Clone();
newImportReference.EarlyBoundAssembly = importReference.EarlyBoundAssembly;
for (int i = 0; i < xsCtxReferenceAssemblies.Count; i++)
AssemblyName xsCtxAssemblyName = VisualBasicHelper.GetFastAssemblyName(xsCtxReferenceAssemblies[i]);
if (importReference.AssemblySatisfiesReference(xsCtxAssemblyName))
// bind this assembly early to the importReference
// so later AssemblyName resolution can be skipped
newImportReference = importReference.Clone();
newImportReference.EarlyBoundAssembly = xsCtxReferenceAssemblies[i];
// this is "loose Xaml"
VisualBasicImportReference newImportReference = importReference.Clone();
if (importReference.EarlyBoundAssembly != null)
// VBImportReference.Clone() method deliberately doesn't copy
// its EarlyBoundAssembly to the cloned instance.
// we need to explicitly copy the original's EarlyBoundAssembly
newImportReference.EarlyBoundAssembly = importReference.EarlyBoundAssembly;
return settings;
[Fx.Tag.SecurityNote(Critical = "Critical because we are accessing critical member AssemblyCache.XmlnsMappings.",
Safe = "Safe because we prevent partial trusted code from manipulating the cache directly by creating a read-only wrapper around the cached XmlnsMapping.")]
private static void WrapCachedMapping(NamespaceDeclaration prefix, out ReadOnlyXmlnsMapping readOnlyMapping)
XmlnsMapping mapping = new XmlnsMapping();
XNamespace xmlns = XNamespace.Get(prefix.Namespace);
if (!AssemblyCache.XmlnsMappings.TryGetValue(xmlns, out mapping))
// Match a namespace of the form "clr-namespace:<namespace-name>;assembly=<assembly-name>"
Match match = assemblyQualifiedNamespaceRegex.Match(prefix.Namespace);
if (match.Success)
mapping.ImportReferences = new HashSet<VisualBasicImportReference>();
new VisualBasicImportReference
Assembly = match.Groups["assembly"].Value,
Import = match.Groups["namespace"].Value,
Xmlns = xmlns
mapping.ImportReferences = new HashSet<VisualBasicImportReference>();
AssemblyCache.XmlnsMappings[xmlns] = mapping;
// ReadOnlyXmlnsMapping constructor tolerates an empty mapping being passed in.
readOnlyMapping = new ReadOnlyXmlnsMapping(mapping);
/// <summary>
/// Static class used to cache assembly metadata.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// <list type="bullet">
/// <item><description>
/// XmlnsMappings for static assemblies are not GC'd. In v4.0 we can assume that all static assemblies
/// containing XmlnsDefinition attributes are non-collectible. The CLR will provide no public mechanism
/// for unloading a static assembly or specifying that a static assembly is collectible. While there
/// may be some small number of assemblies identified by the CLR as collectible, none will contain
/// XmlnsDefinition attributes. Should the CLR provide a public mechanism for unloading a static assembly
/// or specifying that a static assembly is collectible, we should revisit this decision based on scenarios
/// that flow from these mechanisms.
/// </description></item>
/// <item><description>
/// XmlnsMappings for dynamic assemblies are not created. This is because the hosted Visual Basic compiler
/// does not support dynamic assembly references. Should support for dynamic assembly references be
/// added to the Visual Basic compiler, we should strip away Assembly.IsDynamic checks from this class and
/// update the code ensure that VisualBasicImportReference instances are removed in a timely manner.
/// </description></item>
/// </list>
/// </remarks>
static class AssemblyCache
static bool initialized = false;
// This is here so that obtaining the lock is not required to be SecurityCritical.
public static object XmlnsMappingsLockObject = new object();
[Fx.Tag.SecurityNote(Critical = "Critical because we are storing assembly references and if we alloed PT access, they could mess with that.")]
static Dictionary<XNamespace, XmlnsMapping> xmlnsMappings;
public static Dictionary<XNamespace, XmlnsMapping> XmlnsMappings
[Fx.Tag.SecurityNote(Critical = "Critical because providing access to the critical xmlnsMappings dictionary.")]
return xmlnsMappings;
[Fx.Tag.SecurityNote(Critical = "Critical because we are accessing critical member xmlnsMappings and CacheLoadedAssembly. Only called from CLR.")]
static void OnAssemblyLoaded(object sender, AssemblyLoadEventArgs args)
Assembly assembly = args.LoadedAssembly;
if (assembly.IsDefined(typeof(XmlnsDefinitionAttribute), false) && !assembly.IsDynamic)
lock (XmlnsMappingsLockObject)
[Fx.Tag.SecurityNote(Critical = "Critical because we are accessing AppDomain.AssemblyLoaded and we are accessing critical member xmlnsMappings.")]
static void EnsureInitialized()
if (initialized)
if (xmlnsMappings == null)
Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref xmlnsMappings,
new Dictionary<XNamespace, XmlnsMapping>(new XNamespaceEqualityComparer()),
lock (XmlnsMappingsLockObject)
if (AssemblyCache.initialized)
AppDomain.CurrentDomain.AssemblyLoad += OnAssemblyLoaded;
Assembly[] assemblies = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies();
for (int i = 0; i < assemblies.Length; ++i)
Assembly assembly = assemblies[i];
if (assembly.IsDefined(typeof(XmlnsDefinitionAttribute), false) && ! assembly.IsDynamic)
initialized = true;
[Fx.Tag.SecurityNote(Critical = "Critical because we are accessing critical member xmlnsMappings.")]
static void CacheLoadedAssembly(Assembly assembly)
// this VBImportReference is only used as an entry to the xmlnsMappings cache
// and is never meant to be Xaml serialized.
// those VBImportReferences that are to be Xaml serialized are created by Clone() method.
XmlnsDefinitionAttribute[] attributes = (XmlnsDefinitionAttribute[])assembly.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(XmlnsDefinitionAttribute), false);
string assemblyName = assembly.FullName;
XmlnsMapping mapping;
for (int i = 0; i < attributes.Length; ++i)
XNamespace xmlns = XNamespace.Get(attributes[i].XmlNamespace);
if (!xmlnsMappings.TryGetValue(xmlns, out mapping))
mapping.ImportReferences = new HashSet<VisualBasicImportReference>();
xmlnsMappings[xmlns] = mapping;
VisualBasicImportReference newImportReference = new VisualBasicImportReference
Assembly = assemblyName,
Import = attributes[i].ClrNamespace,
Xmlns = xmlns,
// early binding the assembly
// this leads to the short-cut, skipping the normal assembly resolution routine
newImportReference.EarlyBoundAssembly = assembly;
class XNamespaceEqualityComparer : IEqualityComparer<XNamespace>
public XNamespaceEqualityComparer()
{ }
bool IEqualityComparer<XNamespace>.Equals(XNamespace x, XNamespace y)
return x == y;
int IEqualityComparer<XNamespace>.GetHashCode(XNamespace x)
return x.GetHashCode();
/// <summary>
/// Struct used to cache XML Namespace mappings.
/// </summary>
struct XmlnsMapping
public HashSet<VisualBasicImportReference> ImportReferences;
public bool IsEmpty
return this.ImportReferences == null || this.ImportReferences.Count == 0;
[Fx.Tag.SecurityNote(Critical = "Critical because we are accessing a XmlnsMapping that is stored in the XmlnsMappings cache, which is SecurityCritical.",
Safe = "Safe because we are wrapping the XmlnsMapping and not allowing unsafe code to modify it.")]
struct ReadOnlyXmlnsMapping
XmlnsMapping wrappedMapping;
internal ReadOnlyXmlnsMapping(XmlnsMapping mapping)
this.wrappedMapping = mapping;
internal bool IsEmpty
return this.wrappedMapping.IsEmpty;
internal IEnumerable<ReadOnlyVisualBasicImportReference> ImportReferences
foreach (VisualBasicImportReference wrappedReference in this.wrappedMapping.ImportReferences)
yield return new ReadOnlyVisualBasicImportReference(wrappedReference);
[Fx.Tag.SecurityNote(Critical = "Critical because we are accessing a VisualBasicImportReference that is stored in the XmlnsMappings cache, which is SecurityCritical.",
Safe = "Safe because we are wrapping the VisualBasicImportReference and not allowing unsafe code to modify it.")]
struct ReadOnlyVisualBasicImportReference
readonly VisualBasicImportReference wrappedReference;
internal ReadOnlyVisualBasicImportReference(VisualBasicImportReference referenceToWrap)
this.wrappedReference = referenceToWrap;
// If this is ever needed, uncomment this. It is commented out now to avoid FxCop violation because it is not called.
//internal string Assembly
// get
// {
// return this.wrappedReference.Assembly;
// }
// If this is ever needed, uncomment this. It is commented out now to avoid FxCop violation because it is not called.
//internal string Import
// get
// {
// return this.wrappedReference.Import;
// }
internal Assembly EarlyBoundAssembly
get { return this.wrappedReference.EarlyBoundAssembly; }
internal VisualBasicImportReference Clone()
return this.wrappedReference.Clone();
// this code is borrowed from XamlSchemaContext
internal bool AssemblySatisfiesReference(AssemblyName assemblyName)
if (this.wrappedReference.AssemblyName.Name != assemblyName.Name)
return false;
if (this.wrappedReference.AssemblyName.Version != null && !this.wrappedReference.AssemblyName.Version.Equals(assemblyName.Version))
return false;
if (this.wrappedReference.AssemblyName.CultureInfo != null && !this.wrappedReference.AssemblyName.CultureInfo.Equals(assemblyName.CultureInfo))
return false;
byte[] requiredToken = this.wrappedReference.AssemblyName.GetPublicKeyToken();
if (requiredToken != null)
byte[] actualToken = assemblyName.GetPublicKeyToken();
if (!AssemblyNameEqualityComparer.IsSameKeyToken(requiredToken, actualToken))
return false;
return true;
public override int GetHashCode()
return this.wrappedReference.GetHashCode();
// If this is ever needed, uncomment this. It is commented out now to avoid FxCop violation because it is not called.
//public bool Equals(VisualBasicImportReference other)
// return this.wrappedReference.Equals(other);