201 lines
5.7 KiB
Raw Normal View History

"settings": {
"OSGroup": {
"description": "OS Group for result binaries.",
"valueType": "property",
"values": ["AnyOS", "Windows_NT", "Linux", "OSX", "FreeBSD", "NetBSD"],
"defaultValue": "AnyOS"
"RestoreDuringBuild": {
"description": "Enables/Disables the restoration of packages.",
"valueType": "property",
"values": ["True", "False"],
"defaultValue": true
"Platform": {
"description": "Sets the value of the platform.",
"valueType": "property",
"values": ["AnyCPU", "x86", "arm", "x64", "amd64"],
"defaultValue": "AnyCPU"
"ConfigurationGroup": {
"description": "Sets the configuration group as Release or Debug.",
"valueType": "property",
"values": ["Release", "Debug"],
"defaultValue": "Debug"
"MsBuildLogging": {
"description": "MsBuild logging options.",
"valueType": "passThrough",
"values": [],
"defaultValue": "/flp:v=normal"
"Project": {
"description": "Project where the commands are going to be applied.",
"valueType": "passThrough",
"values": [],
"defaultValue": ""
"ExtraParameters": {
"description": "Extra parameters will be passed to the selected command.",
"valueType": "passThrough",
"values": [],
"defaultValue": ""
"BatchRestorePackages": {
"description": "MsBuild target that restores the packages.",
"valueType": "target",
"values": [],
"defaultValue": ""
"CleanAllProjects": {
"description": "MsBuild target that deletes the binary output directory.",
"valueType": "target",
"values": [],
"defaultValue": ""
"CleanPackages": {
"description": "MsBuild target that deletes the repo-local nuget package directory.",
"valueType": "target",
"values": [],
"defaultValue": ""
"CleanPackagesCache": {
"description": "MsBuild target that deletes the user-local nuget package cache.",
"valueType": "target",
"values": [],
"defaultValue": ""
"commands": {
"description": "Restores all NuGet packages for repository.",
"RestoreDuringBuild": true,
"BatchRestorePackages": "default"
"description": "Passes /flp:v=diag to the msbuild command or the value passed by the user.",
"MsBuildLogging": "/flp:v=diag;LogFile=sync.log"
"toolName": "msbuild",
"settings": {
"description": "Only builds binaries. It doesn't restore packages.",
"RestoreDuringBuild": false
"description": "Builds the NuGet packages.",
"Project": "src/packages.builds"
"description": "Sets ConfigurationGroup=Debug or the value passed by the user.",
"ConfigurationGroup": "Debug"
"description": "Sets ConfigurationGroup=Release or the value passed by the user.",
"ConfigurationGroup": "Release"
"description": "Passes /flp:v=diag to the msbuild command or the value passed by the user.",
"MsBuildLogging": "/flp:v=diag"
"description": "Sets OSGroup=AnyOS or the value passed by the user.",
"OSGroup": "default"
"toolName": "msbuild",
"settings": {
"ConfigurationGroup": "default",
"description": "Deletes the binary output directory.",
"CleanAllProjects": "default"
"description": "Deletes the repo-local nuget package directory.",
"CleanPackages": "default"
"description": "Deletes the user-local nuget package cache.",
"CleanPackagesCache": "default"
"toolName": "msbuild",
"settings": {
"tools": {
"msbuild": {
"windows": {
"defaultParameters": "/nologo /verbosity:minimal /clp:Summary /maxcpucount /nodeReuse:false /l:BinClashLogger,Tools\\net45\\Microsoft.DotNet.Build.Tasks.dll;LogFile=binclash.log",
"path": "Tools/msbuild.cmd"
"defaultParameters": "/nologo /verbosity:minimal /clp:Summary /maxcpucount /l:BinClashLogger,Tools/Microsoft.DotNet.Build.Tasks.dll;LogFile=binclash.log",
"path": "Tools/msbuild.sh"
"valueTypes": {
"property": "/p:{name}={value}",
"target": "/t:{name}",
"internal": "/{name}"
"script": {
"windows": {
"filesExtension": "cmd"
"filesExtension": "sh"
"valueTypes": {}