2016-08-03 10:59:49 +00:00
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
namespace System.ServiceModel.Description
using System.Collections ;
using System.Collections.Generic ;
using System.Globalization ;
using System.IO ;
using System.Runtime ;
using System.ServiceModel ;
using System.ServiceModel.Channels ;
using System.Xml ;
using System.Xml.Schema ;
using System.Xml.Serialization ;
using WsdlNS = System . Web . Services . Description ;
public class WsdlExporter : MetadataExporter
static XmlDocument xmlDocument ;
bool isFaulted = false ;
WsdlNS . ServiceDescriptionCollection wsdlDocuments = new WsdlNS . ServiceDescriptionCollection ( ) ;
XmlSchemaSet xmlSchemas = WsdlExporter . GetEmptySchemaSet ( ) ;
Dictionary < ContractDescription , WsdlContractConversionContext > exportedContracts
= new Dictionary < ContractDescription , WsdlContractConversionContext > ( ) ;
Dictionary < BindingDictionaryKey , WsdlEndpointConversionContext > exportedBindings = new Dictionary < BindingDictionaryKey , WsdlEndpointConversionContext > ( ) ;
Dictionary < EndpointDictionaryKey , ServiceEndpoint > exportedEndpoints = new Dictionary < EndpointDictionaryKey , ServiceEndpoint > ( ) ;
public override void ExportContract ( ContractDescription contract )
if ( this . isFaulted )
throw DiagnosticUtility . ExceptionUtility . ThrowHelperError ( new InvalidOperationException ( SR . GetString ( SR . WsdlExporterIsFaulted ) ) ) ;
if ( contract = = null )
throw DiagnosticUtility . ExceptionUtility . ThrowHelperArgumentNull ( "contract" ) ;
if ( ! this . exportedContracts . ContainsKey ( contract ) )
WsdlNS . PortType wsdlPortType = CreateWsdlPortType ( contract ) ;
WsdlContractConversionContext contractContext ;
contractContext = new WsdlContractConversionContext ( contract , wsdlPortType ) ;
foreach ( OperationDescription operation in contract . Operations )
bool isWildcardAction ;
if ( ! OperationIsExportable ( operation , out isWildcardAction ) )
string warningMsg = isWildcardAction ? SR . GetString ( SR . WarnSkippingOpertationWithWildcardAction , contract . Name , contract . Namespace , operation . Name )
: SR . GetString ( SR . WarnSkippingOpertationWithSessionOpenNotificationEnabled , "Action" , OperationDescription . SessionOpenedAction , contract . Name , contract . Namespace , operation . Name ) ;
LogExportWarning ( warningMsg ) ;
continue ;
WsdlNS . Operation wsdlOperation = CreateWsdlOperation ( operation , contract ) ;
wsdlPortType . Operations . Add ( wsdlOperation ) ;
contractContext . AddOperation ( operation , wsdlOperation ) ;
foreach ( MessageDescription message in operation . Messages )
//Create Operation Message
WsdlNS . OperationMessage wsdlOperationMessage = CreateWsdlOperationMessage ( message ) ;
wsdlOperation . Messages . Add ( wsdlOperationMessage ) ;
contractContext . AddMessage ( message , wsdlOperationMessage ) ;
foreach ( FaultDescription fault in operation . Faults )
//Create Operation Fault
WsdlNS . OperationFault wsdlOperationFault = CreateWsdlOperationFault ( fault ) ;
wsdlOperation . Faults . Add ( wsdlOperationFault ) ;
contractContext . AddFault ( fault , wsdlOperationFault ) ;
CallExportContract ( contractContext ) ;
exportedContracts . Add ( contract , contractContext ) ;
isFaulted = true ;
throw ;
public override void ExportEndpoint ( ServiceEndpoint endpoint )
if ( this . isFaulted )
throw DiagnosticUtility . ExceptionUtility . ThrowHelperError ( new InvalidOperationException ( SR . GetString ( SR . WsdlExporterIsFaulted ) ) ) ;
if ( endpoint = = null )
throw DiagnosticUtility . ExceptionUtility . ThrowHelperArgumentNull ( "endpoint" ) ;
ExportEndpoint ( endpoint , new XmlQualifiedName ( NamingHelper . DefaultServiceName , NamingHelper . DefaultNamespace ) , null ) ;
public void ExportEndpoints ( IEnumerable < ServiceEndpoint > endpoints , XmlQualifiedName wsdlServiceQName )
this . ExportEndpoints ( endpoints , wsdlServiceQName , null ) ;
internal void ExportEndpoints ( IEnumerable < ServiceEndpoint > endpoints , XmlQualifiedName wsdlServiceQName , BindingParameterCollection bindingParameters )
if ( this . isFaulted )
throw DiagnosticUtility . ExceptionUtility . ThrowHelperError ( new InvalidOperationException ( SR . GetString ( SR . WsdlExporterIsFaulted ) ) ) ;
if ( endpoints = = null )
throw DiagnosticUtility . ExceptionUtility . ThrowHelperArgumentNull ( "endpoints" ) ;
if ( wsdlServiceQName = = null )
throw DiagnosticUtility . ExceptionUtility . ThrowHelperArgumentNull ( "wsdlServiceQName" ) ;
foreach ( ServiceEndpoint endpoint in endpoints )
ExportEndpoint ( endpoint , wsdlServiceQName , bindingParameters ) ;
public override MetadataSet GetGeneratedMetadata ( )
MetadataSet set = new MetadataSet ( ) ;
foreach ( WsdlNS . ServiceDescription wsdl in wsdlDocuments )
set . MetadataSections . Add ( MetadataSection . CreateFromServiceDescription ( wsdl ) ) ;
foreach ( XmlSchema schema in xmlSchemas . Schemas ( ) )
set . MetadataSections . Add ( MetadataSection . CreateFromSchema ( schema ) ) ;
return set ;
public WsdlNS . ServiceDescriptionCollection GeneratedWsdlDocuments { get { return wsdlDocuments ; } }
public XmlSchemaSet GeneratedXmlSchemas { get { return xmlSchemas ; } }
void ExportEndpoint ( ServiceEndpoint endpoint , XmlQualifiedName wsdlServiceQName , BindingParameterCollection bindingParameters )
if ( endpoint . Binding = = null )
throw DiagnosticUtility . ExceptionUtility . ThrowHelperError ( new ArgumentException ( SR . GetString ( SR . EndpointsMustHaveAValidBinding1 , endpoint . Name ) ) ) ;
EndpointDictionaryKey endpointKey = new EndpointDictionaryKey ( endpoint , wsdlServiceQName ) ;
if ( exportedEndpoints . ContainsKey ( endpointKey ) )
return ;
this . ExportContract ( endpoint . Contract ) ;
// Retreive Conversion Context for Contract;
// Note: Contract must have already been exported at this point.
WsdlContractConversionContext contractContext = this . exportedContracts [ endpoint . Contract ] ;
bool newWsdlBinding , bindingNameWasUniquified ;
WsdlNS . Port wsdlPort ;
WsdlNS . Binding wsdlBinding ;
wsdlBinding = CreateWsdlBindingAndPort ( endpoint , wsdlServiceQName , out wsdlPort , out newWsdlBinding , out bindingNameWasUniquified ) ;
if ( ! newWsdlBinding & & wsdlPort = = null )
return ;
// Create an Endpoint conversion context based on
// the contract's conversion context (reuse contract correlation information)
WsdlEndpointConversionContext endpointContext ;
if ( newWsdlBinding )
endpointContext = new WsdlEndpointConversionContext ( contractContext , endpoint , wsdlBinding , wsdlPort ) ;
foreach ( OperationDescription operation in endpoint . Contract . Operations )
if ( ! WsdlExporter . OperationIsExportable ( operation ) )
continue ;
WsdlNS . OperationBinding wsdlOperationBinding = CreateWsdlOperationBinding ( endpoint . Contract , operation ) ;
wsdlBinding . Operations . Add ( wsdlOperationBinding ) ;
endpointContext . AddOperationBinding ( operation , wsdlOperationBinding ) ;
foreach ( MessageDescription message in operation . Messages )
WsdlNS . MessageBinding wsdlMessageBinding = CreateWsdlMessageBinding ( message , endpoint . Binding , wsdlOperationBinding ) ;
endpointContext . AddMessageBinding ( message , wsdlMessageBinding ) ;
foreach ( FaultDescription fault in operation . Faults )
WsdlNS . FaultBinding wsdlFaultBinding = CreateWsdlFaultBinding ( fault , endpoint . Binding , wsdlOperationBinding ) ;
endpointContext . AddFaultBinding ( fault , wsdlFaultBinding ) ;
// CSDMain 180381: Added internal functionality for passing BindingParameters into the ExportPolicy process via PolicyConversionContext.
// However, in order to not change existing behavior, we only call the internal ExportPolicy method which accepts BindingParameters if they are not null
// (non-null binding parameters can only be passed in via internal code paths). Otherwise, we call the existing ExportPolicy method, just like before.
PolicyConversionContext policyContext ;
if ( bindingParameters = = null )
policyContext = this . ExportPolicy ( endpoint ) ;
policyContext = this . ExportPolicy ( endpoint , bindingParameters ) ;
// consider factoring this out of wsdl exporter
new WSPolicyAttachmentHelper ( this . PolicyVersion ) . AttachPolicy ( endpoint , endpointContext , policyContext ) ;
exportedBindings . Add ( new BindingDictionaryKey ( endpoint . Contract , endpoint . Binding ) , endpointContext ) ;
endpointContext = new WsdlEndpointConversionContext ( exportedBindings [ new BindingDictionaryKey ( endpoint . Contract , endpoint . Binding ) ] , endpoint , wsdlPort ) ;
CallExportEndpoint ( endpointContext ) ;
exportedEndpoints . Add ( endpointKey , endpoint ) ;
if ( bindingNameWasUniquified )
Errors . Add ( new MetadataConversionError ( SR . GetString ( SR . WarnDuplicateBindingQNameNameOnExport , endpoint . Binding . Name , endpoint . Binding . Namespace , endpoint . Contract . Name ) , true /*isWarning*/ ) ) ;
isFaulted = true ;
throw ;
void CallExportEndpoint ( WsdlEndpointConversionContext endpointContext )
foreach ( IWsdlExportExtension extension in endpointContext . ExportExtensions )
CallExtension ( endpointContext , extension ) ;
void CallExportContract ( WsdlContractConversionContext contractContext )
foreach ( IWsdlExportExtension extension in contractContext . ExportExtensions )
CallExtension ( contractContext , extension ) ;
WsdlNS . PortType CreateWsdlPortType ( ContractDescription contract )
XmlQualifiedName wsdlPortTypeQName = WsdlNamingHelper . GetPortTypeQName ( contract ) ;
WsdlNS . ServiceDescription wsdl = GetOrCreateWsdl ( wsdlPortTypeQName . Namespace ) ;
WsdlNS . PortType wsdlPortType = new WsdlNS . PortType ( ) ;
wsdlPortType . Name = wsdlPortTypeQName . Name ;
if ( wsdl . PortTypes [ wsdlPortType . Name ] ! = null )
throw DiagnosticUtility . ExceptionUtility . ThrowHelperError ( new ArgumentException ( SR . GetString ( SR . DuplicateContractQNameNameOnExport , contract . Name , contract . Namespace ) ) ) ;
NetSessionHelper . AddUsingSessionAttributeIfNeeded ( wsdlPortType , contract ) ;
wsdl . PortTypes . Add ( wsdlPortType ) ;
return wsdlPortType ;
WsdlNS . Operation CreateWsdlOperation ( OperationDescription operation , ContractDescription contract )
WsdlNS . Operation wsdlOperation = new WsdlNS . Operation ( ) ;
wsdlOperation . Name = WsdlNamingHelper . GetWsdlOperationName ( operation , contract ) ;
NetSessionHelper . AddInitiatingTerminatingAttributesIfNeeded ( wsdlOperation , operation , contract ) ;
return wsdlOperation ;
WsdlNS . OperationMessage CreateWsdlOperationMessage ( MessageDescription message )
WsdlNS . OperationMessage wsdlOperationMessage ;
if ( message . Direction = = MessageDirection . Input )
wsdlOperationMessage = new WsdlNS . OperationInput ( ) ;
wsdlOperationMessage = new WsdlNS . OperationOutput ( ) ;
if ( ! XmlName . IsNullOrEmpty ( message . MessageName ) )
wsdlOperationMessage . Name = message . MessageName . EncodedName ;
// consider factoring this out of wslExporter
WSAddressingHelper . AddActionAttribute ( message . Action , wsdlOperationMessage , this . PolicyVersion ) ;
return wsdlOperationMessage ;
WsdlNS . OperationFault CreateWsdlOperationFault ( FaultDescription fault )
WsdlNS . OperationFault wsdlOperationFault ;
wsdlOperationFault = new WsdlNS . OperationFault ( ) ;
// operation fault name must not be empty (FaultDescription checks this)
wsdlOperationFault . Name = fault . Name ;
// consider factoring this out of wslExporter
WSAddressingHelper . AddActionAttribute ( fault . Action , wsdlOperationFault , this . PolicyVersion ) ;
return wsdlOperationFault ;
WsdlNS . Binding CreateWsdlBindingAndPort ( ServiceEndpoint endpoint , XmlQualifiedName wsdlServiceQName , out WsdlNS . Port wsdlPort , out bool newBinding , out bool bindingNameWasUniquified )
WsdlNS . ServiceDescription bindingWsdl ;
WsdlNS . Binding wsdlBinding ;
WsdlEndpointConversionContext bindingConversionContext ;
XmlQualifiedName wsdlBindingQName ;
XmlQualifiedName wsdlPortTypeQName ;
bool printWsdlDeclaration = IsWsdlExportable ( endpoint . Binding ) ;
if ( ! exportedBindings . TryGetValue ( new BindingDictionaryKey ( endpoint . Contract , endpoint . Binding ) , out bindingConversionContext ) )
wsdlBindingQName = WsdlNamingHelper . GetBindingQName ( endpoint , this , out bindingNameWasUniquified ) ;
bindingWsdl = GetOrCreateWsdl ( wsdlBindingQName . Namespace ) ;
wsdlBinding = new WsdlNS . Binding ( ) ;
wsdlBinding . Name = wsdlBindingQName . Name ;
newBinding = true ;
WsdlNS . PortType wsdlPortType = exportedContracts [ endpoint . Contract ] . WsdlPortType ;
wsdlPortTypeQName = new XmlQualifiedName ( wsdlPortType . Name , wsdlPortType . ServiceDescription . TargetNamespace ) ;
wsdlBinding . Type = wsdlPortTypeQName ;
if ( printWsdlDeclaration )
bindingWsdl . Bindings . Add ( wsdlBinding ) ;
WsdlExporter . EnsureWsdlContainsImport ( bindingWsdl , wsdlPortTypeQName . Namespace ) ;
wsdlBindingQName = new XmlQualifiedName ( bindingConversionContext . WsdlBinding . Name , bindingConversionContext . WsdlBinding . ServiceDescription . TargetNamespace ) ;
bindingNameWasUniquified = false ;
bindingWsdl = wsdlDocuments [ wsdlBindingQName . Namespace ] ;
wsdlBinding = bindingWsdl . Bindings [ wsdlBindingQName . Name ] ;
wsdlPortTypeQName = wsdlBinding . Type ;
newBinding = false ;
//We can only create a Port if there is an address
if ( endpoint . Address ! = null )
WsdlNS . Service wsdlService = GetOrCreateWsdlService ( wsdlServiceQName ) ;
wsdlPort = new WsdlNS . Port ( ) ;
string wsdlPortName = WsdlNamingHelper . GetPortName ( endpoint , wsdlService ) ;
wsdlPort . Name = wsdlPortName ;
wsdlPort . Binding = wsdlBindingQName ;
WsdlNS . SoapAddressBinding addressBinding = SoapHelper . GetOrCreateSoapAddressBinding ( wsdlBinding , wsdlPort , this ) ;
if ( addressBinding ! = null )
addressBinding . Location = endpoint . Address . Uri . AbsoluteUri ;
WsdlExporter . EnsureWsdlContainsImport ( wsdlService . ServiceDescription , wsdlBindingQName . Namespace ) ;
if ( printWsdlDeclaration )
wsdlService . Ports . Add ( wsdlPort ) ;
wsdlPort = null ;
return wsdlBinding ;
WsdlNS . OperationBinding CreateWsdlOperationBinding ( ContractDescription contract , OperationDescription operation )
WsdlNS . OperationBinding wsdlOperationBinding = new WsdlNS . OperationBinding ( ) ;
wsdlOperationBinding . Name = WsdlNamingHelper . GetWsdlOperationName ( operation , contract ) ;
return wsdlOperationBinding ;
WsdlNS . MessageBinding CreateWsdlMessageBinding ( MessageDescription messageDescription , Binding binding , WsdlNS . OperationBinding wsdlOperationBinding )
WsdlNS . MessageBinding wsdlMessageBinding ;
if ( messageDescription . Direction = = MessageDirection . Input )
wsdlOperationBinding . Input = new WsdlNS . InputBinding ( ) ;
wsdlMessageBinding = wsdlOperationBinding . Input ;
wsdlOperationBinding . Output = new WsdlNS . OutputBinding ( ) ;
wsdlMessageBinding = wsdlOperationBinding . Output ;
if ( ! XmlName . IsNullOrEmpty ( messageDescription . MessageName ) )
wsdlMessageBinding . Name = messageDescription . MessageName . EncodedName ;
return wsdlMessageBinding ;
WsdlNS . FaultBinding CreateWsdlFaultBinding ( FaultDescription faultDescription , Binding binding , WsdlNS . OperationBinding wsdlOperationBinding )
WsdlNS . FaultBinding wsdlFaultBinding = new WsdlNS . FaultBinding ( ) ;
wsdlOperationBinding . Faults . Add ( wsdlFaultBinding ) ;
if ( faultDescription . Name ! = null )
wsdlFaultBinding . Name = faultDescription . Name ;
return wsdlFaultBinding ;
internal static bool OperationIsExportable ( OperationDescription operation )
bool isWildcardAction ;
return OperationIsExportable ( operation , out isWildcardAction ) ;
internal static bool OperationIsExportable ( OperationDescription operation , out bool isWildcardAction )
isWildcardAction = false ;
if ( operation . IsSessionOpenNotificationEnabled )
return false ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < operation . Messages . Count ; i + + )
if ( operation . Messages [ i ] . Action = = MessageHeaders . WildcardAction )
isWildcardAction = true ;
return false ;
return true ;
internal static bool IsBuiltInOperationBehavior ( IWsdlExportExtension extension )
DataContractSerializerOperationBehavior dcsob = extension as DataContractSerializerOperationBehavior ;
if ( dcsob ! = null )
return dcsob . IsBuiltInOperationBehavior ;
XmlSerializerOperationBehavior xsob = extension as XmlSerializerOperationBehavior ;
if ( xsob ! = null )
return xsob . IsBuiltInOperationBehavior ;
return false ;
static XmlDocument XmlDoc
if ( xmlDocument = = null )
NameTable nameTable = new NameTable ( ) ;
nameTable . Add ( MetadataStrings . WSPolicy . Elements . Policy ) ;
nameTable . Add ( MetadataStrings . WSPolicy . Elements . All ) ;
nameTable . Add ( MetadataStrings . WSPolicy . Elements . ExactlyOne ) ;
nameTable . Add ( MetadataStrings . WSPolicy . Attributes . PolicyURIs ) ;
nameTable . Add ( MetadataStrings . Wsu . Attributes . Id ) ;
nameTable . Add ( MetadataStrings . Addressing200408 . Policy . UsingAddressing ) ;
nameTable . Add ( MetadataStrings . Addressing10 . WsdlBindingPolicy . UsingAddressing ) ;
nameTable . Add ( MetadataStrings . Addressing10 . MetadataPolicy . Addressing ) ;
nameTable . Add ( MetadataStrings . Addressing10 . MetadataPolicy . AnonymousResponses ) ;
nameTable . Add ( MetadataStrings . Addressing10 . MetadataPolicy . NonAnonymousResponses ) ;
xmlDocument = new XmlDocument ( nameTable ) ;
return xmlDocument ;
// Generate WSDL Document if it doesn't already exist otherwise, return the appropriate WSDL document
internal WsdlNS . ServiceDescription GetOrCreateWsdl ( string ns )
// NOTE: this method is not thread safe
WsdlNS . ServiceDescriptionCollection wsdlCollection = this . wsdlDocuments ;
WsdlNS . ServiceDescription wsdl = wsdlCollection [ ns ] ;
// Look for wsdl in service descriptions that have been created. If we cannot find it then we create it
if ( wsdl = = null )
wsdl = new WsdlNS . ServiceDescription ( ) ;
wsdl . TargetNamespace = ns ;
XmlSerializerNamespaces namespaces = new XmlSerializerNamespaces ( new WsdlNamespaceHelper ( this . PolicyVersion ) . SerializerNamespaces ) ;
if ( ! string . IsNullOrEmpty ( wsdl . TargetNamespace ) )
namespaces . Add ( "tns" , wsdl . TargetNamespace ) ;
wsdl . Namespaces = namespaces ;
wsdlCollection . Add ( wsdl ) ;
return wsdl ;
WsdlNS . Service GetOrCreateWsdlService ( XmlQualifiedName wsdlServiceQName )
// NOTE: this method is not thread safe
WsdlNS . ServiceDescription wsdl = GetOrCreateWsdl ( wsdlServiceQName . Namespace ) ;
WsdlNS . Service wsdlService = wsdl . Services [ wsdlServiceQName . Name ] ;
if ( wsdlService = = null )
//Service not found. Create service.
wsdlService = new WsdlNS . Service ( ) ;
wsdlService . Name = wsdlServiceQName . Name ;
if ( string . IsNullOrEmpty ( wsdl . Name ) )
wsdl . Name = wsdlService . Name ;
wsdl . Services . Add ( wsdlService ) ;
return wsdlService ;
static void EnsureWsdlContainsImport ( WsdlNS . ServiceDescription srcWsdl , string target )
if ( srcWsdl . TargetNamespace = = target )
return ;
// FindImport
foreach ( WsdlNS . Import import in srcWsdl . Imports )
if ( import . Namespace = = target )
return ;
WsdlNS . Import import = new WsdlNS . Import ( ) ;
import . Location = null ;
import . Namespace = target ;
srcWsdl . Imports . Add ( import ) ;
WsdlNamespaceHelper . FindOrCreatePrefix ( "i" , target , srcWsdl ) ;
return ;
void LogExportWarning ( string warningMessage )
this . Errors . Add ( new MetadataConversionError ( warningMessage , true ) ) ;
static internal XmlSchemaSet GetEmptySchemaSet ( )
XmlSchemaSet schemaSet = new XmlSchemaSet ( ) ;
schemaSet . XmlResolver = null ;
return schemaSet ;
static bool IsWsdlExportable ( Binding binding )
BindingElementCollection bindingElements = binding . CreateBindingElements ( ) ;
if ( bindingElements = = null )
return true ;
foreach ( BindingElement bindingElement in bindingElements )
MessageEncodingBindingElement messageEncodingBindingElement = bindingElement as MessageEncodingBindingElement ;
if ( messageEncodingBindingElement ! = null & & ! messageEncodingBindingElement . IsWsdlExportable )
return false ;
return true ;
internal static class WSAddressingHelper
internal static void AddActionAttribute ( string actionUri , WsdlNS . OperationMessage wsdlOperationMessage , PolicyVersion policyVersion )
XmlAttribute attribute ;
if ( policyVersion = = PolicyVersion . Policy12 )
attribute = WsdlExporter . XmlDoc . CreateAttribute ( MetadataStrings . AddressingWsdl . Prefix ,
MetadataStrings . AddressingWsdl . Action ,
MetadataStrings . AddressingWsdl . NamespaceUri ) ;
attribute = WsdlExporter . XmlDoc . CreateAttribute ( MetadataStrings . AddressingMetadata . Prefix ,
MetadataStrings . AddressingMetadata . Action ,
MetadataStrings . AddressingMetadata . NamespaceUri ) ;
attribute . Value = actionUri ;
wsdlOperationMessage . ExtensibleAttributes = new XmlAttribute [ ] { attribute } ;
internal static void AddAddressToWsdlPort ( WsdlNS . Port wsdlPort , EndpointAddress addr , AddressingVersion addressing )
if ( addressing = = AddressingVersion . None )
return ;
MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream ( ) ;
XmlWriter xw = XmlWriter . Create ( stream ) ;
xw . WriteStartElement ( "temp" ) ;
if ( addressing = = AddressingVersion . WSAddressing10 )
xw . WriteAttributeString ( "xmlns" , MetadataStrings . Addressing10 . Prefix , null , MetadataStrings . Addressing10 . NamespaceUri ) ;
else if ( addressing = = AddressingVersion . WSAddressingAugust2004 )
xw . WriteAttributeString ( "xmlns" , MetadataStrings . Addressing200408 . Prefix , null , MetadataStrings . Addressing200408 . NamespaceUri ) ;
throw DiagnosticUtility . ExceptionUtility . ThrowHelperError (
new InvalidOperationException ( SR . GetString ( SR . AddressingVersionNotSupported , addressing ) ) ) ;
addr . WriteTo ( addressing , xw ) ;
xw . WriteEndElement ( ) ;
xw . Flush ( ) ;
stream . Seek ( 0 , SeekOrigin . Begin ) ;
XmlReader xr = XmlReader . Create ( stream ) ;
xr . MoveToContent ( ) ;
XmlElement endpointRef = ( XmlElement ) XmlDoc . ReadNode ( xr ) . ChildNodes [ 0 ] ;
wsdlPort . Extensions . Add ( endpointRef ) ;
internal static void AddWSAddressingAssertion ( MetadataExporter exporter , PolicyConversionContext context , AddressingVersion addressVersion )
XmlElement addressingAssertion ;
if ( addressVersion = = AddressingVersion . WSAddressingAugust2004 )
addressingAssertion = XmlDoc . CreateElement ( MetadataStrings . Addressing200408 . Policy . Prefix ,
MetadataStrings . Addressing200408 . Policy . UsingAddressing ,
MetadataStrings . Addressing200408 . Policy . NamespaceUri ) ;
else if ( addressVersion = = AddressingVersion . WSAddressing10 )
if ( exporter . PolicyVersion = = PolicyVersion . Policy12 )
addressingAssertion = XmlDoc . CreateElement ( MetadataStrings . Addressing10 . WsdlBindingPolicy . Prefix ,
MetadataStrings . Addressing10 . WsdlBindingPolicy . UsingAddressing ,
MetadataStrings . Addressing10 . WsdlBindingPolicy . NamespaceUri ) ;
addressingAssertion = XmlDoc . CreateElement ( MetadataStrings . Addressing10 . MetadataPolicy . Prefix ,
MetadataStrings . Addressing10 . MetadataPolicy . Addressing ,
MetadataStrings . Addressing10 . MetadataPolicy . NamespaceUri ) ;
// All of our existing transports are anonymous, so default to it.
SupportedAddressingMode mode = SupportedAddressingMode . Anonymous ;
string key = typeof ( SupportedAddressingMode ) . Name ;
if ( exporter . State . ContainsKey ( key ) & & exporter . State [ key ] is SupportedAddressingMode )
mode = ( SupportedAddressingMode ) exporter . State [ key ] ;
if ( ! SupportedAddressingModeHelper . IsDefined ( mode ) )
throw DiagnosticUtility . ExceptionUtility . ThrowHelperError ( new InvalidOperationException ( SR . GetString ( SR . SupportedAddressingModeNotSupported , mode ) ) ) ;
if ( mode ! = SupportedAddressingMode . Mixed )
string responsesAssertionLocalName ;
if ( mode = = SupportedAddressingMode . Anonymous )
responsesAssertionLocalName = MetadataStrings . Addressing10 . MetadataPolicy . AnonymousResponses ;
responsesAssertionLocalName = MetadataStrings . Addressing10 . MetadataPolicy . NonAnonymousResponses ;
XmlElement innerPolicyElement = XmlDoc . CreateElement ( MetadataStrings . WSPolicy . Prefix ,
MetadataStrings . WSPolicy . Elements . Policy ,
MetadataStrings . WSPolicy . NamespaceUri15 ) ;
XmlElement responsesAssertion = XmlDoc . CreateElement ( MetadataStrings . Addressing10 . MetadataPolicy . Prefix ,
responsesAssertionLocalName ,
MetadataStrings . Addressing10 . MetadataPolicy . NamespaceUri ) ;
innerPolicyElement . AppendChild ( responsesAssertion ) ;
addressingAssertion . AppendChild ( innerPolicyElement ) ;
else if ( addressVersion = = AddressingVersion . None )
// do nothing
addressingAssertion = null ;
throw DiagnosticUtility . ExceptionUtility . ThrowHelperError (
new InvalidOperationException ( SR . GetString ( SR . AddressingVersionNotSupported , addressVersion ) ) ) ;
if ( addressingAssertion ! = null )
context . GetBindingAssertions ( ) . Add ( addressingAssertion ) ;
class WSPolicyAttachmentHelper
PolicyVersion policyVersion ;
internal WSPolicyAttachmentHelper ( PolicyVersion policyVersion )
this . policyVersion = policyVersion ;
internal void AttachPolicy ( ServiceEndpoint endpoint , WsdlEndpointConversionContext endpointContext , PolicyConversionContext policyContext )
SortedList < string , string > policyKeys = new SortedList < string , string > ( ) ;
NamingHelper . DoesNameExist policyKeyIsUnique
= delegate ( string name , object nameCollection )
return policyKeys . ContainsKey ( name ) ;
} ;
string key , keyBase ;
ICollection < XmlElement > assertions ;
WsdlNS . ServiceDescription policyWsdl = endpointContext . WsdlBinding . ServiceDescription ;
assertions = policyContext . GetBindingAssertions ( ) ;
// Add [wsdl:Binding] level Policy
WsdlNS . Binding wsdlBinding = endpointContext . WsdlBinding ;
if ( assertions . Count > 0 )
keyBase = CreateBindingPolicyKey ( wsdlBinding ) ;
key = NamingHelper . GetUniqueName ( keyBase , policyKeyIsUnique , null ) ;
policyKeys . Add ( key , key ) ;
AttachItemPolicy ( assertions , key , policyWsdl , wsdlBinding ) ;
foreach ( OperationDescription operation in endpoint . Contract . Operations )
if ( ! WsdlExporter . OperationIsExportable ( operation ) )
continue ;
assertions = policyContext . GetOperationBindingAssertions ( operation ) ;
// Add [wsdl:Binding/wsdl:operation] policy
if ( assertions . Count > 0 )
WsdlNS . OperationBinding wsdlOperationBinding = endpointContext . GetOperationBinding ( operation ) ;
keyBase = CreateOperationBindingPolicyKey ( wsdlOperationBinding ) ;
key = NamingHelper . GetUniqueName ( keyBase , policyKeyIsUnique , null ) ;
policyKeys . Add ( key , key ) ;
AttachItemPolicy ( assertions , key , policyWsdl , wsdlOperationBinding ) ;
// Add [wsdl:Binding/wsdl:operation] child policy
foreach ( MessageDescription message in operation . Messages )
assertions = policyContext . GetMessageBindingAssertions ( message ) ;
// Add [wsdl:Binding/wsdl:operation/wsdl:(input, output, message)] policy
if ( assertions . Count > 0 )
WsdlNS . MessageBinding wsdlMessageBinding = endpointContext . GetMessageBinding ( message ) ;
keyBase = CreateMessageBindingPolicyKey ( wsdlMessageBinding , message . Direction ) ;
key = NamingHelper . GetUniqueName ( keyBase , policyKeyIsUnique , null ) ;
policyKeys . Add ( key , key ) ;
AttachItemPolicy ( assertions , key , policyWsdl , wsdlMessageBinding ) ;
foreach ( FaultDescription fault in operation . Faults )
assertions = policyContext . GetFaultBindingAssertions ( fault ) ;
// Add [wsdl:Binding/wsdl:operation/wsdl:fault] policy
if ( assertions . Count > 0 )
WsdlNS . FaultBinding wsdlFaultBinding = endpointContext . GetFaultBinding ( fault ) ;
keyBase = CreateFaultBindingPolicyKey ( wsdlFaultBinding ) ;
key = NamingHelper . GetUniqueName ( keyBase , policyKeyIsUnique , null ) ;
policyKeys . Add ( key , key ) ;
AttachItemPolicy ( assertions , key , policyWsdl , wsdlFaultBinding ) ;
void AttachItemPolicy ( ICollection < XmlElement > assertions , string key , WsdlNS . ServiceDescription policyWsdl , WsdlNS . DocumentableItem item )
string policyKey = InsertPolicy ( key , policyWsdl , assertions ) ;
InsertPolicyReference ( policyKey , item ) ;
void InsertPolicyReference ( string policyKey , WsdlNS . DocumentableItem item )
//Create wsp:PolicyReference Element On DocumentableItem
XmlElement policyReferenceElement = XmlDoc . CreateElement ( MetadataStrings . WSPolicy . Prefix ,
MetadataStrings . WSPolicy . Elements . PolicyReference ,
policyVersion . Namespace ) ;
//Create wsp:PolicyURIs Attribute On DocumentableItem
XmlAttribute uriAttribute = XmlDoc . CreateAttribute ( MetadataStrings . WSPolicy . Attributes . URI ) ;
uriAttribute . Value = policyKey ;
policyReferenceElement . Attributes . Append ( uriAttribute ) ;
item . Extensions . Add ( policyReferenceElement ) ;
string InsertPolicy ( string key , WsdlNS . ServiceDescription policyWsdl , ICollection < XmlElement > assertions )
// Create [wsp:Policy]
XmlElement policyElement = CreatePolicyElement ( assertions ) ;
//Create [wsp:Policy/@wsu:Id]
XmlAttribute idAttribute = XmlDoc . CreateAttribute ( MetadataStrings . Wsu . Prefix ,
MetadataStrings . Wsu . Attributes . Id ,
MetadataStrings . Wsu . NamespaceUri ) ;
idAttribute . Value = key ;
policyElement . SetAttributeNode ( idAttribute ) ;
// Add wsp:Policy To WSDL
if ( policyWsdl ! = null )
policyWsdl . Extensions . Add ( policyElement ) ;
return string . Format ( CultureInfo . InvariantCulture , "#{0}" , key ) ;
XmlElement CreatePolicyElement ( ICollection < XmlElement > assertions )
// Create [wsp:Policy]
XmlElement policyElement = XmlDoc . CreateElement ( MetadataStrings . WSPolicy . Prefix ,
MetadataStrings . WSPolicy . Elements . Policy ,
policyVersion . Namespace ) ;
// Create [wsp:Policy/wsp:ExactlyOne]
XmlElement exactlyOneElement = XmlDoc . CreateElement ( MetadataStrings . WSPolicy . Prefix ,
MetadataStrings . WSPolicy . Elements . ExactlyOne ,
policyVersion . Namespace ) ;
policyElement . AppendChild ( exactlyOneElement ) ;
// Create [wsp:Policy/wsp:ExactlyOne/wsp:All]
XmlElement allElement = XmlDoc . CreateElement ( MetadataStrings . WSPolicy . Prefix ,
MetadataStrings . WSPolicy . Elements . All ,
policyVersion . Namespace ) ;
exactlyOneElement . AppendChild ( allElement ) ;
// Add [wsp:Policy/wsp:ExactlyOne/wsp:All/*]
foreach ( XmlElement assertion in assertions )
XmlNode iNode = XmlDoc . ImportNode ( assertion , true ) ;
allElement . AppendChild ( iNode ) ;
return policyElement ;
static string CreateBindingPolicyKey ( WsdlNS . Binding wsdlBinding )
return string . Format ( CultureInfo . InvariantCulture , "{0}_policy" , wsdlBinding . Name ) ;
static string CreateOperationBindingPolicyKey ( WsdlNS . OperationBinding wsdlOperationBinding )
return string . Format ( CultureInfo . InvariantCulture , "{0}_{1}_policy" ,
wsdlOperationBinding . Binding . Name ,
wsdlOperationBinding . Name ) ;
static string CreateMessageBindingPolicyKey ( WsdlNS . MessageBinding wsdlMessageBinding , MessageDirection direction )
WsdlNS . OperationBinding wsdlOperationBinding = wsdlMessageBinding . OperationBinding ;
WsdlNS . Binding wsdlBinding = wsdlOperationBinding . Binding ;
if ( direction = = MessageDirection . Input )
return string . Format ( CultureInfo . InvariantCulture , "{0}_{1}_Input_policy" , wsdlBinding . Name , wsdlOperationBinding . Name ) ;
return string . Format ( CultureInfo . InvariantCulture , "{0}_{1}_output_policy" , wsdlBinding . Name , wsdlOperationBinding . Name ) ;
static string CreateFaultBindingPolicyKey ( WsdlNS . FaultBinding wsdlFaultBinding )
WsdlNS . OperationBinding wsdlOperationBinding = wsdlFaultBinding . OperationBinding ;
WsdlNS . Binding wsdlBinding = wsdlOperationBinding . Binding ;
if ( string . IsNullOrEmpty ( wsdlFaultBinding . Name ) )
return string . Format ( CultureInfo . InvariantCulture , "{0}_{1}_Fault" , wsdlBinding . Name , wsdlOperationBinding . Name ) ;
return string . Format ( CultureInfo . InvariantCulture , "{0}_{1}_{2}_Fault" , wsdlBinding . Name , wsdlOperationBinding . Name , wsdlFaultBinding . Name ) ;
class WsdlNamespaceHelper
XmlSerializerNamespaces xmlSerializerNamespaces ;
PolicyVersion policyVersion ;
internal XmlSerializerNamespaces SerializerNamespaces
if ( xmlSerializerNamespaces = = null )
XmlSerializerNamespaceWrapper namespaces = new XmlSerializerNamespaceWrapper ( ) ;
namespaces . Add ( "wsdl" , WsdlNS . ServiceDescription . Namespace ) ;
namespaces . Add ( "xsd" , XmlSchema . Namespace ) ;
namespaces . Add ( MetadataStrings . WSPolicy . Prefix , policyVersion . Namespace ) ;
namespaces . Add ( MetadataStrings . Wsu . Prefix , MetadataStrings . Wsu . NamespaceUri ) ;
namespaces . Add ( MetadataStrings . Addressing200408 . Prefix , MetadataStrings . Addressing200408 . NamespaceUri ) ;
namespaces . Add ( MetadataStrings . Addressing200408 . Policy . Prefix , MetadataStrings . Addressing200408 . Policy . NamespaceUri ) ;
namespaces . Add ( MetadataStrings . Addressing10 . Prefix , MetadataStrings . Addressing10 . NamespaceUri ) ;
namespaces . Add ( MetadataStrings . Addressing10 . WsdlBindingPolicy . Prefix , MetadataStrings . Addressing10 . WsdlBindingPolicy . NamespaceUri ) ;
namespaces . Add ( MetadataStrings . Addressing10 . MetadataPolicy . Prefix , MetadataStrings . Addressing10 . MetadataPolicy . NamespaceUri ) ;
namespaces . Add ( MetadataStrings . MetadataExchangeStrings . Prefix , MetadataStrings . MetadataExchangeStrings . Namespace ) ;
namespaces . Add ( NetSessionHelper . Prefix , NetSessionHelper . NamespaceUri ) ;
namespaces . Add ( "soapenc" , "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/" ) ;
namespaces . Add ( "soap12" , "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/soap12/" ) ;
namespaces . Add ( "soap" , "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/soap/" ) ;
xmlSerializerNamespaces = namespaces . GetNamespaces ( ) ;
return xmlSerializerNamespaces ;
internal WsdlNamespaceHelper ( PolicyVersion policyVersion )
this . policyVersion = policyVersion ;
// doesn't care if you add a duplicate prefix
class XmlSerializerNamespaceWrapper
readonly XmlSerializerNamespaces namespaces = new XmlSerializerNamespaces ( ) ;
readonly Dictionary < string , string > lookup = new Dictionary < string , string > ( ) ;
internal void Add ( string prefix , string namespaceUri )
if ( ! lookup . ContainsKey ( prefix ) )
namespaces . Add ( prefix , namespaceUri ) ;
lookup . Add ( prefix , namespaceUri ) ;
internal XmlSerializerNamespaces GetNamespaces ( )
return namespaces ;
internal static string FindOrCreatePrefix ( string prefixBase , string ns , params WsdlNS . DocumentableItem [ ] scopes )
if ( ! ( scopes . Length > 0 ) )
Fx . Assert ( "You must pass at least one namespaceScope" ) ;
throw DiagnosticUtility . ExceptionUtility . ThrowHelperError ( new InvalidOperationException ( String . Format ( CultureInfo . InvariantCulture , "You must pass at least one namespaceScope" ) ) ) ;
string prefix = null ;
if ( string . IsNullOrEmpty ( ns ) )
prefix = string . Empty ;
//See if a prefix for the namespace has already been defined at one of the scopes
for ( int j = 0 ; j < scopes . Length ; j + + )
if ( TryMatchNamespace ( scopes [ j ] . Namespaces . ToArray ( ) , ns , out prefix ) )
return prefix ;
// Create prefix definition at the nearest scope.
int i = 0 ;
prefix = prefixBase + i . ToString ( CultureInfo . InvariantCulture ) ;
2017-08-21 15:34:15 +00:00
//Microsoft, consider do we need to check at higher scopes as well?
2016-08-03 10:59:49 +00:00
while ( PrefixExists ( scopes [ 0 ] . Namespaces . ToArray ( ) , prefix ) )
prefix = prefixBase + ( + + i ) . ToString ( CultureInfo . InvariantCulture ) ;
scopes [ 0 ] . Namespaces . Add ( prefix , ns ) ;
return prefix ;
static bool PrefixExists ( XmlQualifiedName [ ] prefixDefinitions , string prefix )
return Array . Exists < XmlQualifiedName > ( prefixDefinitions ,
delegate ( XmlQualifiedName prefixDef )
if ( prefixDef . Name = = prefix )
return true ;
return false ;
} ) ;
static bool TryMatchNamespace ( XmlQualifiedName [ ] prefixDefinitions , string ns , out string prefix )
string foundPrefix = null ;
Array . Find < XmlQualifiedName > ( prefixDefinitions ,
delegate ( XmlQualifiedName prefixDef )
if ( prefixDef . Namespace = = ns )
foundPrefix = prefixDef . Name ;
return true ;
return false ;
} ) ;
prefix = foundPrefix ;
return foundPrefix ! = null ;
internal static class WsdlNamingHelper
internal static XmlQualifiedName GetPortTypeQName ( ContractDescription contract )
return new XmlQualifiedName ( contract . Name , contract . Namespace ) ;
internal static XmlQualifiedName GetBindingQName ( ServiceEndpoint endpoint , WsdlExporter exporter , out bool wasUniquified )
// due to problems in Sysytem.Web.Services.Descriprion.ServiceDescription.Write() (double encoding) method we cannot use encoded names for
// wsdl:binding item: we need to make sure that XmlConvert.EncodeLocalName will not find any problems with the name, and leave it unchanged.
// consider changing the name here to something that will not be encoded by XmlSerializer (GenerateSimpleXmlName()?)
string localName = endpoint . Name ;
string bindingWsdlNamespace = endpoint . Binding . Namespace ;
string uniquifiedLocalName = NamingHelper . GetUniqueName ( localName , WsdlBindingQNameExists ( exporter , bindingWsdlNamespace ) , null ) ;
wasUniquified = localName ! = uniquifiedLocalName ;
return new XmlQualifiedName ( uniquifiedLocalName , bindingWsdlNamespace ) ;
static NamingHelper . DoesNameExist WsdlBindingQNameExists ( WsdlExporter exporter , string bindingWsdlNamespace )
return delegate ( string localName , object nameCollection )
XmlQualifiedName wsdlBindingQName = new XmlQualifiedName ( localName , bindingWsdlNamespace ) ;
WsdlNS . ServiceDescription wsdl = exporter . wsdlDocuments [ bindingWsdlNamespace ] ;
if ( wsdl ! = null & & wsdl . Bindings [ localName ] ! = null )
return true ;
return false ;
} ;
internal static string GetPortName ( ServiceEndpoint endpoint , WsdlNS . Service wsdlService )
return NamingHelper . GetUniqueName ( endpoint . Name , ServiceContainsPort ( wsdlService ) , null ) ;
static NamingHelper . DoesNameExist ServiceContainsPort ( WsdlNS . Service service )
return delegate ( string portName , object nameCollection )
foreach ( WsdlNS . Port port in service . Ports )
if ( port . Name = = portName )
return true ;
return false ;
} ;
internal static string GetWsdlOperationName ( OperationDescription operationDescription , ContractDescription parentContractDescription )
return operationDescription . Name ;
internal static class NetSessionHelper
internal const string NamespaceUri = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/ws/2005/12/wsdl/contract" ;
internal const string Prefix = "msc" ;
internal const string UsingSession = "usingSession" ;
internal const string IsInitiating = "isInitiating" ;
internal const string IsTerminating = "isTerminating" ;
internal const string True = "true" ;
internal const string False = "false" ;
internal static void AddUsingSessionAttributeIfNeeded ( WsdlNS . PortType wsdlPortType , ContractDescription contract )
bool sessionValue ;
if ( contract . SessionMode = = SessionMode . Required )
sessionValue = true ;
else if ( contract . SessionMode = = SessionMode . NotAllowed )
sessionValue = false ;
return ;
wsdlPortType . ExtensibleAttributes = CloneAndAddToAttributes ( wsdlPortType . ExtensibleAttributes , NetSessionHelper . Prefix ,
NetSessionHelper . UsingSession , NetSessionHelper . NamespaceUri , ToValue ( sessionValue ) ) ;
internal static void AddInitiatingTerminatingAttributesIfNeeded ( WsdlNS . Operation wsdlOperation ,
OperationDescription operation , ContractDescription contract )
if ( contract . SessionMode = = SessionMode . Required )
AddInitiatingAttribute ( wsdlOperation , operation . IsInitiating ) ;
AddTerminatingAttribute ( wsdlOperation , operation . IsTerminating ) ;
static void AddInitiatingAttribute ( System . Web . Services . Description . Operation wsdlOperation , bool isInitiating )
wsdlOperation . ExtensibleAttributes = CloneAndAddToAttributes ( wsdlOperation . ExtensibleAttributes , NetSessionHelper . Prefix ,
NetSessionHelper . IsInitiating , NetSessionHelper . NamespaceUri , ToValue ( isInitiating ) ) ;
static void AddTerminatingAttribute ( System . Web . Services . Description . Operation wsdlOperation , bool isTerminating )
wsdlOperation . ExtensibleAttributes = CloneAndAddToAttributes ( wsdlOperation . ExtensibleAttributes , NetSessionHelper . Prefix ,
NetSessionHelper . IsTerminating , NetSessionHelper . NamespaceUri , ToValue ( isTerminating ) ) ;
static XmlAttribute [ ] CloneAndAddToAttributes ( XmlAttribute [ ] originalAttributes , string prefix , string localName , string ns , string value )
XmlAttribute newAttribute = XmlDoc . CreateAttribute ( prefix , localName , ns ) ;
newAttribute . Value = value ;
int originalAttributeCount = 0 ;
if ( originalAttributes ! = null )
originalAttributeCount = originalAttributes . Length ;
XmlAttribute [ ] attributes = new XmlAttribute [ originalAttributeCount + 1 ] ;
if ( originalAttributes ! = null )
originalAttributes . CopyTo ( attributes , 0 ) ;
attributes [ attributes . Length - 1 ] = newAttribute ;
return attributes ;
static string ToValue ( bool b )
return b ? NetSessionHelper . True : NetSessionHelper . False ;
void CallExtension ( WsdlContractConversionContext contractContext , IWsdlExportExtension extension )
extension . ExportContract ( this , contractContext ) ;
#pragma warning suppress 56500 // covered by FxCOP
catch ( Exception e )
if ( Fx . IsFatal ( e ) )
throw ;
throw DiagnosticUtility . ExceptionUtility . ThrowHelperError ( ThrowExtensionException ( contractContext . Contract , extension , e ) ) ;
void CallExtension ( WsdlEndpointConversionContext endpointContext , IWsdlExportExtension extension )
extension . ExportEndpoint ( this , endpointContext ) ;
#pragma warning suppress 56500 // covered by FxCOP
catch ( Exception e )
if ( Fx . IsFatal ( e ) )
throw ;
throw DiagnosticUtility . ExceptionUtility . ThrowHelperError ( ThrowExtensionException ( endpointContext . Endpoint , extension , e ) ) ;
Exception ThrowExtensionException ( ContractDescription contract , IWsdlExportExtension exporter , Exception e )
string contractIdentifier = new XmlQualifiedName ( contract . Name , contract . Namespace ) . ToString ( ) ;
string errorMessage = SR . GetString ( SR . WsdlExtensionContractExportError , exporter . GetType ( ) , contractIdentifier ) ;
return new InvalidOperationException ( errorMessage , e ) ;
Exception ThrowExtensionException ( ServiceEndpoint endpoint , IWsdlExportExtension exporter , Exception e )
string endpointIdentifier ;
if ( endpoint . Address ! = null & & endpoint . Address . Uri ! = null )
endpointIdentifier = endpoint . Address . Uri . ToString ( ) ;
endpointIdentifier = String . Format ( CultureInfo . InvariantCulture ,
"Contract={1}:{0} ,Binding={3}:{2}" ,
endpoint . Contract . Name ,
endpoint . Contract . Namespace ,
endpoint . Binding . Name ,
endpoint . Binding . Namespace ) ;
string errorMessage = SR . GetString ( SR . WsdlExtensionEndpointExportError , exporter . GetType ( ) , endpointIdentifier ) ;
return new InvalidOperationException ( errorMessage , e ) ;
sealed class BindingDictionaryKey
public readonly ContractDescription Contract ;
public readonly Binding Binding ;
public BindingDictionaryKey ( ContractDescription contract , Binding binding )
this . Contract = contract ;
this . Binding = binding ;
public override bool Equals ( object obj )
BindingDictionaryKey key = obj as BindingDictionaryKey ;
if ( key ! = null & & key . Binding = = this . Binding & & key . Contract = = this . Contract )
return true ;
return false ;
public override int GetHashCode ( )
return this . Contract . GetHashCode ( ) ^ this . Binding . GetHashCode ( ) ;
sealed class EndpointDictionaryKey
public readonly ServiceEndpoint Endpoint ;
public readonly XmlQualifiedName ServiceQName ;
public EndpointDictionaryKey ( ServiceEndpoint endpoint , XmlQualifiedName serviceQName )
this . Endpoint = endpoint ;
this . ServiceQName = serviceQName ;
public override bool Equals ( object obj )
EndpointDictionaryKey key = obj as EndpointDictionaryKey ;
if ( key ! = null & & key . Endpoint = = this . Endpoint & & key . ServiceQName = = this . ServiceQName )
return true ;
return false ;
public override int GetHashCode ( )
return this . Endpoint . GetHashCode ( ) ^ this . ServiceQName . GetHashCode ( ) ;