2016-08-03 10:59:49 +00:00
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
namespace System.ServiceModel.Configuration
using System ;
using System.Collections.Generic ;
using System.ComponentModel ;
using System.Configuration ;
using System.Runtime ;
using System.ServiceModel ;
using System.ServiceModel.Description ;
using System.ServiceModel.Security ;
public sealed partial class IssuedTokenClientElement : ConfigurationElement
public IssuedTokenClientElement ( )
public IssuedTokenParametersEndpointAddressElement LocalIssuer
get { return ( IssuedTokenParametersEndpointAddressElement ) base [ ConfigurationStrings . LocalIssuer ] ; }
[ConfigurationProperty(ConfigurationStrings.LocalIssuerChannelBehaviors, DefaultValue = "")]
[StringValidator(MinLength = 0)]
public string LocalIssuerChannelBehaviors
get { return ( string ) base [ ConfigurationStrings . LocalIssuerChannelBehaviors ] ; }
if ( String . IsNullOrEmpty ( value ) )
value = String . Empty ;
base [ ConfigurationStrings . LocalIssuerChannelBehaviors ] = value ;
public IssuedTokenClientBehaviorsElementCollection IssuerChannelBehaviors
get { return ( IssuedTokenClientBehaviorsElementCollection ) base [ ConfigurationStrings . IssuerChannelBehaviors ] ; }
[ConfigurationProperty(ConfigurationStrings.CacheIssuedTokens, DefaultValue = SpnegoTokenProvider.defaultClientCacheTokens)]
public bool CacheIssuedTokens
get { return ( bool ) base [ ConfigurationStrings . CacheIssuedTokens ] ; }
set { base [ ConfigurationStrings . CacheIssuedTokens ] = value ; }
[ConfigurationProperty(ConfigurationStrings.MaxIssuedTokenCachingTime, DefaultValue = SpnegoTokenProvider.defaultClientMaxTokenCachingTimeString)]
[ServiceModelTimeSpanValidator(MinValueString = ConfigurationStrings.TimeSpanZero)]
public TimeSpan MaxIssuedTokenCachingTime
get { return ( TimeSpan ) base [ ConfigurationStrings . MaxIssuedTokenCachingTime ] ; }
set { base [ ConfigurationStrings . MaxIssuedTokenCachingTime ] = value ; }
[ConfigurationProperty(ConfigurationStrings.DefaultKeyEntropyMode, DefaultValue = System.ServiceModel.Security.AcceleratedTokenProvider.defaultKeyEntropyMode)]
public SecurityKeyEntropyMode DefaultKeyEntropyMode
get { return ( SecurityKeyEntropyMode ) base [ ConfigurationStrings . DefaultKeyEntropyMode ] ; }
set { base [ ConfigurationStrings . DefaultKeyEntropyMode ] = value ; }
[ConfigurationProperty(ConfigurationStrings.IssuedTokenRenewalThresholdPercentage, DefaultValue = SpnegoTokenProvider.defaultServiceTokenValidityThresholdPercentage)]
[IntegerValidator(MinValue = 0, MaxValue = 100)]
public int IssuedTokenRenewalThresholdPercentage
get { return ( int ) base [ ConfigurationStrings . IssuedTokenRenewalThresholdPercentage ] ; }
set { base [ ConfigurationStrings . IssuedTokenRenewalThresholdPercentage ] = value ; }
public void Copy ( IssuedTokenClientElement from )
if ( this . IsReadOnly ( ) )
throw DiagnosticUtility . ExceptionUtility . ThrowHelperError ( new ConfigurationErrorsException ( SR . GetString ( SR . ConfigReadOnly ) ) ) ;
if ( null = = from )
throw DiagnosticUtility . ExceptionUtility . ThrowHelperArgumentNull ( "from" ) ;
this . DefaultKeyEntropyMode = from . DefaultKeyEntropyMode ;
this . CacheIssuedTokens = from . CacheIssuedTokens ;
this . MaxIssuedTokenCachingTime = from . MaxIssuedTokenCachingTime ;
this . IssuedTokenRenewalThresholdPercentage = from . IssuedTokenRenewalThresholdPercentage ;
2017-08-21 15:34:15 +00:00
#pragma warning suppress 56506 //Microsoft; from.ElementInformation.Properties[ConfigurationStrings.LocalIssuerIssuedTokenParameters] can never be null (underlying configuration system guarantees)
2016-08-03 10:59:49 +00:00
if ( PropertyValueOrigin . Default ! = from . ElementInformation . Properties [ ConfigurationStrings . LocalIssuer ] . ValueOrigin )
this . LocalIssuer . Copy ( from . LocalIssuer ) ;
2017-08-21 15:34:15 +00:00
#pragma warning suppress 56506 //Microsoft; from.ElementInformation.Properties[ConfigurationStrings.LocalIssuerChannelBehaviors] can never be null (underlying configuration system guarantees)
2016-08-03 10:59:49 +00:00
if ( PropertyValueOrigin . Default ! = from . ElementInformation . Properties [ ConfigurationStrings . LocalIssuerChannelBehaviors ] . ValueOrigin )
this . LocalIssuerChannelBehaviors = from . LocalIssuerChannelBehaviors ;
2017-08-21 15:34:15 +00:00
#pragma warning suppress 56506 //Microsoft; from.ElementInformation.Properties[ConfigurationStrings.IssuerChannelBehaviors] can never be null (underlying configuration system guarantees)
2016-08-03 10:59:49 +00:00
if ( PropertyValueOrigin . Default ! = from . ElementInformation . Properties [ ConfigurationStrings . IssuerChannelBehaviors ] . ValueOrigin )
foreach ( IssuedTokenClientBehaviorsElement element in from . IssuerChannelBehaviors )
this . IssuerChannelBehaviors . Add ( element ) ;
internal void ApplyConfiguration ( IssuedTokenClientCredential issuedToken )
if ( issuedToken = = null )
throw DiagnosticUtility . ExceptionUtility . ThrowHelperArgumentNull ( "issuedToken" ) ;
issuedToken . CacheIssuedTokens = this . CacheIssuedTokens ;
issuedToken . DefaultKeyEntropyMode = this . DefaultKeyEntropyMode ;
issuedToken . MaxIssuedTokenCachingTime = this . MaxIssuedTokenCachingTime ;
issuedToken . IssuedTokenRenewalThresholdPercentage = this . IssuedTokenRenewalThresholdPercentage ;
if ( PropertyValueOrigin . Default ! = this . ElementInformation . Properties [ ConfigurationStrings . LocalIssuer ] . ValueOrigin )
this . LocalIssuer . Validate ( ) ;
issuedToken . LocalIssuerAddress = ConfigLoader . LoadEndpointAddress ( this . LocalIssuer ) ;
if ( ! string . IsNullOrEmpty ( this . LocalIssuer . Binding ) )
issuedToken . LocalIssuerBinding = ConfigLoader . LookupBinding ( this . LocalIssuer . Binding , this . LocalIssuer . BindingConfiguration , this . EvaluationContext ) ;
if ( ! string . IsNullOrEmpty ( this . LocalIssuerChannelBehaviors ) )
ConfigLoader . LoadChannelBehaviors ( this . LocalIssuerChannelBehaviors , this . EvaluationContext , issuedToken . LocalIssuerChannelBehaviors ) ;
if ( PropertyValueOrigin . Default ! = this . ElementInformation . Properties [ ConfigurationStrings . IssuerChannelBehaviors ] . ValueOrigin )
foreach ( IssuedTokenClientBehaviorsElement issuerBehaviorElement in this . IssuerChannelBehaviors )
if ( ! string . IsNullOrEmpty ( issuerBehaviorElement . BehaviorConfiguration ) )
KeyedByTypeCollection < IEndpointBehavior > issuerBehaviors = new KeyedByTypeCollection < IEndpointBehavior > ( ) ;
ConfigLoader . LoadChannelBehaviors ( issuerBehaviorElement . BehaviorConfiguration , this . EvaluationContext , issuerBehaviors ) ;
issuedToken . IssuerChannelBehaviors . Add ( new Uri ( issuerBehaviorElement . IssuerAddress ) , issuerBehaviors ) ;