2016-08-03 10:59:49 +00:00
// <copyright file="DbLambda.cs" company="Microsoft">
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// </copyright>
2017-08-21 15:34:15 +00:00
// @owner Microsoft
// @backupOwner Microsoft
2016-08-03 10:59:49 +00:00
using System ;
using System.Collections.Generic ;
using System.Diagnostics ;
using System.Data.Common.CommandTrees.ExpressionBuilder.Internal ;
using ReadOnlyVariables = System . Collections . ObjectModel . ReadOnlyCollection < System . Data . Common . CommandTrees . DbVariableReferenceExpression > ;
using System.Data.Common.CommandTrees.ExpressionBuilder ;
using System.Data.Metadata.Edm ;
using System.Reflection ;
namespace System.Data.Common.CommandTrees
/// <summary>
/// Represents a Lambda function that can be invoked to produce a <see cref="DbLambdaExpression"/>.
/// </summary>
[System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Naming", "CA1709:IdentifiersShouldBeCasedCorrectly", MessageId = "Db")]
public sealed class DbLambda
private readonly ReadOnlyVariables _variables ;
private readonly DbExpression _body ;
internal DbLambda ( ReadOnlyVariables variables , DbExpression bodyExp )
Debug . Assert ( variables ! = null , "DbLambda.Variables cannot be null" ) ;
Debug . Assert ( bodyExp ! = null , "DbLambda.Body cannot be null" ) ;
this . _variables = variables ;
this . _body = bodyExp ;
/// <summary>
/// Gets the <see cref="DbExpression"/> that provides the definition of the Lambda function
/// </summary>
public DbExpression Body { get { return this . _body ; } }
/// <summary>
/// Gets the <see cref="DbVariableReferenceExpression"/>s that represent the parameters to the Lambda function and are in scope within <see cref="Body"/>.
/// </summary>
public IList < DbVariableReferenceExpression > Variables { get { return this . _variables ; } }
/// <summary>
/// Creates a <see cref="DbLambda"/> with the specified inline Lambda function implementation and formal parameters.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="body">An expression that defines the logic of the Lambda function</param>
/// <param name="variables">
/// A <see cref="DbVariableReferenceExpression"/> collection that represents the formal parameters to the Lambda function.
/// These variables are valid for use in the <paramref name="body"/> expression.
/// </param>
/// <returns>A new DbLambda that describes an inline Lambda function with the specified body and formal parameters</returns>
/// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">
/// <paramref name="variables"/> is null or contains null, or <paramref name="body"/> is null
/// </exception>.
/// <exception cref="ArgumentException">
/// <paramref name="variables"/> contains more than one element with the same variable name.
/// </exception>
public static DbLambda Create ( DbExpression body , IEnumerable < DbVariableReferenceExpression > variables )
return DbExpressionBuilder . Lambda ( body , variables ) ;
/// <summary>
/// Creates a <see cref="DbLambda"/> with the specified inline Lambda function implementation and formal parameters.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="body">An expression that defines the logic of the Lambda function</param>
/// <param name="variables">
/// A <see cref="DbVariableReferenceExpression"/> collection that represents the formal parameters to the Lambda function.
/// These variables are valid for use in the <paramref name="body"/> expression.
/// </param>
/// <returns>A new DbLambda that describes an inline Lambda function with the specified body and formal parameters</returns>
/// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">
/// <paramref name="variables"/> is null or contains null, or <paramref name="body"/> is null
/// </exception>.
/// <exception cref="ArgumentException">
/// <paramref name="variables"/> contains more than one element with the same variable name.
/// </exception>
public static DbLambda Create ( DbExpression body , params DbVariableReferenceExpression [ ] variables )
return DbExpressionBuilder . Lambda ( body , variables ) ;
/// <summary>
/// Creates a new <see cref="DbLambda"/> with a single argument of the specified type, as defined by the specified function.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="argument1Type">A <see cref="TypeUsage"/> that defines the EDM type of the argument to the Lambda function</param>
/// <param name="lambdaFunction">A function that defines the logic of the Lambda function as a <see cref="DbExpression"/></param>
/// <returns>A new DbLambda that describes an inline Lambda function with the specified body and single formal parameter.</returns>
/// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">
/// <paramref name="argument1Type"/> is null, or <paramref name="lambdaFunction"/> is null or produces a result of null.
/// </exception>
public static DbLambda Create ( TypeUsage argument1Type , Func < DbExpression , DbExpression > lambdaFunction )
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( argument1Type , "argument1Type" ) ;
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( lambdaFunction , "lambdaFunction" ) ;
DbVariableReferenceExpression [ ] variables = CreateVariables ( lambdaFunction . Method , argument1Type ) ;
DbExpression body = lambdaFunction ( variables [ 0 ] ) ;
return DbExpressionBuilder . Lambda ( body , variables ) ;
/// <summary>
/// Creates a new <see cref="DbLambda"/> with arguments of the specified types, as defined by the specified function.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="argument1Type">A <see cref="TypeUsage"/> that defines the EDM type of the first argument to the Lambda function</param>
/// <param name="argument2Type">A <see cref="TypeUsage"/> that defines the EDM type of the second argument to the Lambda function</param>
/// <param name="lambdaFunction">A function that defines the logic of the Lambda function as a <see cref="DbExpression"/></param>
/// <returns>A new DbLambda that describes an inline Lambda function with the specified body and formal parameters.</returns>
/// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">
/// <paramref name="argument1Type"/> is null, <paramref name="argument2Type"/> is null,
/// or <paramref name="lambdaFunction"/> is null or produces a result of null.
/// </exception>
public static DbLambda Create ( TypeUsage argument1Type , TypeUsage argument2Type , Func < DbExpression , DbExpression , DbExpression > lambdaFunction )
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( argument1Type , "argument1Type" ) ;
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( argument2Type , "argument2Type" ) ;
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( lambdaFunction , "lambdaFunction" ) ;
DbVariableReferenceExpression [ ] variables = CreateVariables ( lambdaFunction . Method , argument1Type , argument2Type ) ;
DbExpression body = lambdaFunction ( variables [ 0 ] , variables [ 1 ] ) ;
return DbExpressionBuilder . Lambda ( body , variables ) ;
/// <summary>
/// Creates a new <see cref="DbLambda"/> with arguments of the specified types, as defined by the specified function.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="argument1Type">A <see cref="TypeUsage"/> that defines the EDM type of the first argument to the Lambda function</param>
/// <param name="argument2Type">A <see cref="TypeUsage"/> that defines the EDM type of the second argument to the Lambda function</param>
/// <param name="argument3Type">A <see cref="TypeUsage"/> that defines the EDM type of the third argument to the Lambda function</param>
/// <param name="lambdaFunction">A function that defines the logic of the Lambda function as a <see cref="DbExpression"/></param>
/// <returns>A new DbLambda that describes an inline Lambda function with the specified body and formal parameters.</returns>
/// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">
/// <paramref name="argument1Type"/> is null, <paramref name="argument2Type"/> is null, <paramref name="argument3Type"/> is null
/// or <paramref name="lambdaFunction"/> is null or produces a result of null.
/// </exception>
public static DbLambda Create ( TypeUsage argument1Type , TypeUsage argument2Type , TypeUsage argument3Type , Func < DbExpression , DbExpression , DbExpression , DbExpression > lambdaFunction )
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( argument1Type , "argument1Type" ) ;
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( argument2Type , "argument2Type" ) ;
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( argument3Type , "argument3Type" ) ;
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( lambdaFunction , "lambdaFunction" ) ;
DbVariableReferenceExpression [ ] variables = CreateVariables ( lambdaFunction . Method , argument1Type , argument2Type , argument3Type ) ;
DbExpression body = lambdaFunction ( variables [ 0 ] , variables [ 1 ] , variables [ 2 ] ) ;
return DbExpressionBuilder . Lambda ( body , variables ) ;
/// <summary>
/// Creates a new <see cref="DbLambda"/> with arguments of the specified types, as defined by the specified function.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="argument1Type">A <see cref="TypeUsage"/> that defines the EDM type of the first argument to the Lambda function</param>
/// <param name="argument2Type">A <see cref="TypeUsage"/> that defines the EDM type of the second argument to the Lambda function</param>
/// <param name="argument3Type">A <see cref="TypeUsage"/> that defines the EDM type of the third argument to the Lambda function</param>
/// <param name="argument4Type">A <see cref="TypeUsage"/> that defines the EDM type of the fourth argument to the Lambda function</param>
/// <param name="lambdaFunction">A function that defines the logic of the Lambda function as a <see cref="DbExpression"/></param>
/// <returns>A new DbLambda that describes an inline Lambda function with the specified body and formal parameters.</returns>
/// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">
/// <paramref name="argument1Type"/> is null, <paramref name="argument2Type"/> is null, <paramref name="argument3Type"/> is null,
/// <paramref name="argument4Type"/> is null, or <paramref name="lambdaFunction"/> is null or produces a result of null.
/// </exception>
public static DbLambda Create ( TypeUsage argument1Type , TypeUsage argument2Type , TypeUsage argument3Type , TypeUsage argument4Type , Func < DbExpression , DbExpression , DbExpression , DbExpression , DbExpression > lambdaFunction )
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( argument1Type , "argument1Type" ) ;
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( argument2Type , "argument2Type" ) ;
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( argument3Type , "argument3Type" ) ;
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( argument4Type , "argument4Type" ) ;
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( lambdaFunction , "lambdaFunction" ) ;
DbVariableReferenceExpression [ ] variables = CreateVariables ( lambdaFunction . Method , argument1Type , argument2Type , argument3Type , argument4Type ) ;
DbExpression body = lambdaFunction ( variables [ 0 ] , variables [ 1 ] , variables [ 2 ] , variables [ 3 ] ) ;
return DbExpressionBuilder . Lambda ( body , variables ) ;
/// <summary>
/// Creates a new <see cref="DbLambda"/> with arguments of the specified types, as defined by the specified function.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="argument1Type">A <see cref="TypeUsage"/> that defines the EDM type of the first argument to the Lambda function</param>
/// <param name="argument2Type">A <see cref="TypeUsage"/> that defines the EDM type of the second argument to the Lambda function</param>
/// <param name="argument3Type">A <see cref="TypeUsage"/> that defines the EDM type of the third argument to the Lambda function</param>
/// <param name="argument4Type">A <see cref="TypeUsage"/> that defines the EDM type of the fourth argument to the Lambda function</param>
/// <param name="argument5Type">A <see cref="TypeUsage"/> that defines the EDM type of the fifth argument to the Lambda function</param>
/// <param name="lambdaFunction">A function that defines the logic of the Lambda function as a <see cref="DbExpression"/></param>
/// <returns>A new DbLambda that describes an inline Lambda function with the specified body and formal parameters.</returns>
/// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">
/// <paramref name="argument1Type"/> is null, <paramref name="argument2Type"/> is null, <paramref name="argument3Type"/> is null,
/// <paramref name="argument4Type"/> is null, <paramref name="argument5Type"/> is null, or <paramref name="lambdaFunction"/> is null or produces a result of null.
/// </exception>
public static DbLambda Create ( TypeUsage argument1Type , TypeUsage argument2Type , TypeUsage argument3Type , TypeUsage argument4Type , TypeUsage argument5Type , Func < DbExpression , DbExpression , DbExpression , DbExpression , DbExpression , DbExpression > lambdaFunction )
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( argument1Type , "argument1Type" ) ;
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( argument2Type , "argument2Type" ) ;
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( argument3Type , "argument3Type" ) ;
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( argument4Type , "argument4Type" ) ;
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( argument5Type , "argument5Type" ) ;
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( lambdaFunction , "lambdaFunction" ) ;
DbVariableReferenceExpression [ ] variables = CreateVariables ( lambdaFunction . Method , argument1Type , argument2Type , argument3Type , argument4Type , argument5Type ) ;
DbExpression body = lambdaFunction ( variables [ 0 ] , variables [ 1 ] , variables [ 2 ] , variables [ 3 ] , variables [ 4 ] ) ;
return DbExpressionBuilder . Lambda ( body , variables ) ;
/// <summary>
/// Creates a new <see cref="DbLambda"/> with arguments of the specified types, as defined by the specified function.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="argument1Type">A <see cref="TypeUsage"/> that defines the EDM type of the first argument to the Lambda function</param>
/// <param name="argument2Type">A <see cref="TypeUsage"/> that defines the EDM type of the second argument to the Lambda function</param>
/// <param name="argument3Type">A <see cref="TypeUsage"/> that defines the EDM type of the third argument to the Lambda function</param>
/// <param name="argument4Type">A <see cref="TypeUsage"/> that defines the EDM type of the fourth argument to the Lambda function</param>
/// <param name="argument5Type">A <see cref="TypeUsage"/> that defines the EDM type of the fifth argument to the Lambda function</param>
/// <param name="argument6Type">A <see cref="TypeUsage"/> that defines the EDM type of the sixth argument to the Lambda function</param>
/// <param name="lambdaFunction">A function that defines the logic of the Lambda function as a <see cref="DbExpression"/></param>
/// <returns>A new DbLambda that describes an inline Lambda function with the specified body and formal parameters.</returns>
/// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">
/// <paramref name="argument1Type"/> is null, <paramref name="argument2Type"/> is null, <paramref name="argument3Type"/> is null,
/// <paramref name="argument4Type"/> is null, <paramref name="argument5Type"/> is null, <paramref name="argument6Type"/> is null,
/// or <paramref name="lambdaFunction"/> is null or produces a result of null.
/// </exception>
public static DbLambda Create ( TypeUsage argument1Type , TypeUsage argument2Type , TypeUsage argument3Type , TypeUsage argument4Type , TypeUsage argument5Type , TypeUsage argument6Type , Func < DbExpression , DbExpression , DbExpression , DbExpression , DbExpression , DbExpression , DbExpression > lambdaFunction )
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( argument1Type , "argument1Type" ) ;
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( argument2Type , "argument2Type" ) ;
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( argument3Type , "argument3Type" ) ;
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( argument4Type , "argument4Type" ) ;
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( argument5Type , "argument5Type" ) ;
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( argument6Type , "argument6Type" ) ;
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( lambdaFunction , "lambdaFunction" ) ;
DbVariableReferenceExpression [ ] variables = CreateVariables ( lambdaFunction . Method , argument1Type , argument2Type , argument3Type , argument4Type , argument5Type , argument6Type ) ;
DbExpression body = lambdaFunction ( variables [ 0 ] , variables [ 1 ] , variables [ 2 ] , variables [ 3 ] , variables [ 4 ] , variables [ 5 ] ) ;
return DbExpressionBuilder . Lambda ( body , variables ) ;
/// <summary>
/// Creates a new <see cref="DbLambda"/> with arguments of the specified types, as defined by the specified function.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="argument1Type">A <see cref="TypeUsage"/> that defines the EDM type of the first argument to the Lambda function</param>
/// <param name="argument2Type">A <see cref="TypeUsage"/> that defines the EDM type of the second argument to the Lambda function</param>
/// <param name="argument3Type">A <see cref="TypeUsage"/> that defines the EDM type of the third argument to the Lambda function</param>
/// <param name="argument4Type">A <see cref="TypeUsage"/> that defines the EDM type of the fourth argument to the Lambda function</param>
/// <param name="argument5Type">A <see cref="TypeUsage"/> that defines the EDM type of the fifth argument to the Lambda function</param>
/// <param name="argument6Type">A <see cref="TypeUsage"/> that defines the EDM type of the sixth argument to the Lambda function</param>
/// <param name="argument7Type">A <see cref="TypeUsage"/> that defines the EDM type of the seventh argument to the Lambda function</param>
/// <param name="lambdaFunction">A function that defines the logic of the Lambda function as a <see cref="DbExpression"/></param>
/// <returns>A new DbLambda that describes an inline Lambda function with the specified body and formal parameters.</returns>
/// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">
/// <paramref name="argument1Type"/> is null, <paramref name="argument2Type"/> is null, <paramref name="argument3Type"/> is null,
/// <paramref name="argument4Type"/> is null, <paramref name="argument5Type"/> is null, <paramref name="argument6Type"/> is null,
/// <paramref name="argument7Type"/> is null, or <paramref name="lambdaFunction"/> is null or produces a result of null.
/// </exception>
public static DbLambda Create ( TypeUsage argument1Type , TypeUsage argument2Type , TypeUsage argument3Type , TypeUsage argument4Type , TypeUsage argument5Type , TypeUsage argument6Type , TypeUsage argument7Type , Func < DbExpression , DbExpression , DbExpression , DbExpression , DbExpression , DbExpression , DbExpression , DbExpression > lambdaFunction )
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( argument1Type , "argument1Type" ) ;
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( argument2Type , "argument2Type" ) ;
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( argument3Type , "argument3Type" ) ;
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( argument4Type , "argument4Type" ) ;
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( argument5Type , "argument5Type" ) ;
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( argument6Type , "argument6Type" ) ;
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( argument7Type , "argument7Type" ) ;
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( lambdaFunction , "lambdaFunction" ) ;
DbVariableReferenceExpression [ ] variables = CreateVariables ( lambdaFunction . Method , argument1Type , argument2Type , argument3Type , argument4Type , argument5Type , argument6Type , argument7Type ) ;
DbExpression body = lambdaFunction ( variables [ 0 ] , variables [ 1 ] , variables [ 2 ] , variables [ 3 ] , variables [ 4 ] , variables [ 5 ] , variables [ 6 ] ) ;
return DbExpressionBuilder . Lambda ( body , variables ) ;
/// <summary>
/// Creates a new <see cref="DbLambda"/> with arguments of the specified types, as defined by the specified function.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="argument1Type">A <see cref="TypeUsage"/> that defines the EDM type of the first argument to the Lambda function</param>
/// <param name="argument2Type">A <see cref="TypeUsage"/> that defines the EDM type of the second argument to the Lambda function</param>
/// <param name="argument3Type">A <see cref="TypeUsage"/> that defines the EDM type of the third argument to the Lambda function</param>
/// <param name="argument4Type">A <see cref="TypeUsage"/> that defines the EDM type of the fourth argument to the Lambda function</param>
/// <param name="argument5Type">A <see cref="TypeUsage"/> that defines the EDM type of the fifth argument to the Lambda function</param>
/// <param name="argument6Type">A <see cref="TypeUsage"/> that defines the EDM type of the sixth argument to the Lambda function</param>
/// <param name="argument7Type">A <see cref="TypeUsage"/> that defines the EDM type of the seventh argument to the Lambda function</param>
/// <param name="argument8Type">A <see cref="TypeUsage"/> that defines the EDM type of the eighth argument to the Lambda function</param>
/// <param name="lambdaFunction">A function that defines the logic of the Lambda function as a <see cref="DbExpression"/></param>
/// <returns>A new DbLambda that describes an inline Lambda function with the specified body and formal parameters.</returns>
/// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">
/// <paramref name="argument1Type"/> is null, <paramref name="argument2Type"/> is null, <paramref name="argument3Type"/> is null,
/// <paramref name="argument4Type"/> is null, <paramref name="argument5Type"/> is null, <paramref name="argument6Type"/> is null,
/// <paramref name="argument7Type"/> is null, <paramref name="argument8Type"/> is null, or <paramref name="lambdaFunction"/> is null or produces a result of null.
/// </exception>
public static DbLambda Create ( TypeUsage argument1Type , TypeUsage argument2Type , TypeUsage argument3Type , TypeUsage argument4Type , TypeUsage argument5Type , TypeUsage argument6Type , TypeUsage argument7Type , TypeUsage argument8Type , Func < DbExpression , DbExpression , DbExpression , DbExpression , DbExpression , DbExpression , DbExpression , DbExpression , DbExpression > lambdaFunction )
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( argument1Type , "argument1Type" ) ;
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( argument2Type , "argument2Type" ) ;
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( argument3Type , "argument3Type" ) ;
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( argument4Type , "argument4Type" ) ;
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( argument5Type , "argument5Type" ) ;
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( argument6Type , "argument6Type" ) ;
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( argument7Type , "argument7Type" ) ;
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( argument8Type , "argument8Type" ) ;
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( lambdaFunction , "lambdaFunction" ) ;
DbVariableReferenceExpression [ ] variables = CreateVariables ( lambdaFunction . Method , argument1Type , argument2Type , argument3Type , argument4Type , argument5Type , argument6Type , argument7Type , argument8Type ) ;
DbExpression body = lambdaFunction ( variables [ 0 ] , variables [ 1 ] , variables [ 2 ] , variables [ 3 ] , variables [ 4 ] , variables [ 5 ] , variables [ 6 ] , variables [ 7 ] ) ;
return DbExpressionBuilder . Lambda ( body , variables ) ;
/// <summary>
/// Creates a new <see cref="DbLambda"/> with arguments of the specified types, as defined by the specified function.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="argument1Type">A <see cref="TypeUsage"/> that defines the EDM type of the first argument to the Lambda function</param>
/// <param name="argument2Type">A <see cref="TypeUsage"/> that defines the EDM type of the second argument to the Lambda function</param>
/// <param name="argument3Type">A <see cref="TypeUsage"/> that defines the EDM type of the third argument to the Lambda function</param>
/// <param name="argument4Type">A <see cref="TypeUsage"/> that defines the EDM type of the fourth argument to the Lambda function</param>
/// <param name="argument5Type">A <see cref="TypeUsage"/> that defines the EDM type of the fifth argument to the Lambda function</param>
/// <param name="argument6Type">A <see cref="TypeUsage"/> that defines the EDM type of the sixth argument to the Lambda function</param>
/// <param name="argument7Type">A <see cref="TypeUsage"/> that defines the EDM type of the seventh argument to the Lambda function</param>
/// <param name="argument8Type">A <see cref="TypeUsage"/> that defines the EDM type of the eighth argument to the Lambda function</param>
/// <param name="argument9Type">A <see cref="TypeUsage"/> that defines the EDM type of the ninth argument to the Lambda function</param>
/// <param name="lambdaFunction">A function that defines the logic of the Lambda function as a <see cref="DbExpression"/></param>
/// <returns>A new DbLambda that describes an inline Lambda function with the specified body and formal parameters.</returns>
/// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">
/// <paramref name="argument1Type"/> is null, <paramref name="argument2Type"/> is null, <paramref name="argument3Type"/> is null,
/// <paramref name="argument4Type"/> is null, <paramref name="argument5Type"/> is null, <paramref name="argument6Type"/> is null,
/// <paramref name="argument7Type"/> is null, <paramref name="argument8Type"/> is null, <paramref name="argument9Type"/> is null,
/// or <paramref name="lambdaFunction"/> is null or produces a result of null.
/// </exception>
public static DbLambda Create ( TypeUsage argument1Type , TypeUsage argument2Type , TypeUsage argument3Type , TypeUsage argument4Type , TypeUsage argument5Type , TypeUsage argument6Type , TypeUsage argument7Type , TypeUsage argument8Type , TypeUsage argument9Type , Func < DbExpression , DbExpression , DbExpression , DbExpression , DbExpression , DbExpression , DbExpression , DbExpression , DbExpression , DbExpression > lambdaFunction )
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( argument1Type , "argument1Type" ) ;
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( argument2Type , "argument2Type" ) ;
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( argument3Type , "argument3Type" ) ;
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( argument4Type , "argument4Type" ) ;
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( argument5Type , "argument5Type" ) ;
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( argument6Type , "argument6Type" ) ;
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( argument7Type , "argument7Type" ) ;
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( argument8Type , "argument8Type" ) ;
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( argument9Type , "argument9Type" ) ;
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( lambdaFunction , "lambdaFunction" ) ;
DbVariableReferenceExpression [ ] variables = CreateVariables ( lambdaFunction . Method , argument1Type , argument2Type , argument3Type , argument4Type , argument5Type , argument6Type , argument7Type , argument8Type , argument9Type ) ;
DbExpression body = lambdaFunction ( variables [ 0 ] , variables [ 1 ] , variables [ 2 ] , variables [ 3 ] , variables [ 4 ] , variables [ 5 ] , variables [ 6 ] , variables [ 7 ] , variables [ 8 ] ) ;
return DbExpressionBuilder . Lambda ( body , variables ) ;
/// <summary>
/// Creates a new <see cref="DbLambda"/> with arguments of the specified types, as defined by the specified function.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="argument1Type">A <see cref="TypeUsage"/> that defines the EDM type of the first argument to the Lambda function</param>
/// <param name="argument2Type">A <see cref="TypeUsage"/> that defines the EDM type of the second argument to the Lambda function</param>
/// <param name="argument3Type">A <see cref="TypeUsage"/> that defines the EDM type of the third argument to the Lambda function</param>
/// <param name="argument4Type">A <see cref="TypeUsage"/> that defines the EDM type of the fourth argument to the Lambda function</param>
/// <param name="argument5Type">A <see cref="TypeUsage"/> that defines the EDM type of the fifth argument to the Lambda function</param>
/// <param name="argument6Type">A <see cref="TypeUsage"/> that defines the EDM type of the sixth argument to the Lambda function</param>
/// <param name="argument7Type">A <see cref="TypeUsage"/> that defines the EDM type of the seventh argument to the Lambda function</param>
/// <param name="argument8Type">A <see cref="TypeUsage"/> that defines the EDM type of the eighth argument to the Lambda function</param>
/// <param name="argument9Type">A <see cref="TypeUsage"/> that defines the EDM type of the ninth argument to the Lambda function</param>
/// <param name="argument10Type">A <see cref="TypeUsage"/> that defines the EDM type of the tenth argument to the Lambda function</param>
/// <param name="lambdaFunction">A function that defines the logic of the Lambda function as a <see cref="DbExpression"/></param>
/// <returns>A new DbLambda that describes an inline Lambda function with the specified body and formal parameters.</returns>
/// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">
/// <paramref name="argument1Type"/> is null, <paramref name="argument2Type"/> is null, <paramref name="argument3Type"/> is null,
/// <paramref name="argument4Type"/> is null, <paramref name="argument5Type"/> is null, <paramref name="argument6Type"/> is null,
/// <paramref name="argument7Type"/> is null, <paramref name="argument8Type"/> is null, <paramref name="argument9Type"/> is null,
/// <paramref name="argument10Type"/> is null, or <paramref name="lambdaFunction"/> is null or produces a result of null.
/// </exception>
public static DbLambda Create ( TypeUsage argument1Type , TypeUsage argument2Type , TypeUsage argument3Type , TypeUsage argument4Type , TypeUsage argument5Type , TypeUsage argument6Type , TypeUsage argument7Type , TypeUsage argument8Type , TypeUsage argument9Type , TypeUsage argument10Type , Func < DbExpression , DbExpression , DbExpression , DbExpression , DbExpression , DbExpression , DbExpression , DbExpression , DbExpression , DbExpression , DbExpression > lambdaFunction )
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( argument1Type , "argument1Type" ) ;
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( argument2Type , "argument2Type" ) ;
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( argument3Type , "argument3Type" ) ;
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( argument4Type , "argument4Type" ) ;
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( argument5Type , "argument5Type" ) ;
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( argument6Type , "argument6Type" ) ;
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( argument7Type , "argument7Type" ) ;
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( argument8Type , "argument8Type" ) ;
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( argument9Type , "argument9Type" ) ;
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( argument10Type , "argument10Type" ) ;
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( lambdaFunction , "lambdaFunction" ) ;
DbVariableReferenceExpression [ ] variables = CreateVariables ( lambdaFunction . Method , argument1Type , argument2Type , argument3Type , argument4Type , argument5Type , argument6Type , argument7Type , argument8Type , argument9Type , argument10Type ) ;
DbExpression body = lambdaFunction ( variables [ 0 ] , variables [ 1 ] , variables [ 2 ] , variables [ 3 ] , variables [ 4 ] , variables [ 5 ] , variables [ 6 ] , variables [ 7 ] , variables [ 8 ] , variables [ 9 ] ) ;
return DbExpressionBuilder . Lambda ( body , variables ) ;
/// <summary>
/// Creates a new <see cref="DbLambda"/> with arguments of the specified types, as defined by the specified function.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="argument1Type">A <see cref="TypeUsage"/> that defines the EDM type of the first argument to the Lambda function</param>
/// <param name="argument2Type">A <see cref="TypeUsage"/> that defines the EDM type of the second argument to the Lambda function</param>
/// <param name="argument3Type">A <see cref="TypeUsage"/> that defines the EDM type of the third argument to the Lambda function</param>
/// <param name="argument4Type">A <see cref="TypeUsage"/> that defines the EDM type of the fourth argument to the Lambda function</param>
/// <param name="argument5Type">A <see cref="TypeUsage"/> that defines the EDM type of the fifth argument to the Lambda function</param>
/// <param name="argument6Type">A <see cref="TypeUsage"/> that defines the EDM type of the sixth argument to the Lambda function</param>
/// <param name="argument7Type">A <see cref="TypeUsage"/> that defines the EDM type of the seventh argument to the Lambda function</param>
/// <param name="argument8Type">A <see cref="TypeUsage"/> that defines the EDM type of the eighth argument to the Lambda function</param>
/// <param name="argument9Type">A <see cref="TypeUsage"/> that defines the EDM type of the ninth argument to the Lambda function</param>
/// <param name="argument10Type">A <see cref="TypeUsage"/> that defines the EDM type of the tenth argument to the Lambda function</param>
/// <param name="argument11Type">A <see cref="TypeUsage"/> that defines the EDM type of the eleventh argument to the Lambda function</param>
/// <param name="lambdaFunction">A function that defines the logic of the Lambda function as a <see cref="DbExpression"/></param>
/// <returns>A new DbLambda that describes an inline Lambda function with the specified body and formal parameters.</returns>
/// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">
/// <paramref name="argument1Type"/> is null, <paramref name="argument2Type"/> is null, <paramref name="argument3Type"/> is null,
/// <paramref name="argument4Type"/> is null, <paramref name="argument5Type"/> is null, <paramref name="argument6Type"/> is null,
/// <paramref name="argument7Type"/> is null, <paramref name="argument8Type"/> is null, <paramref name="argument9Type"/> is null,
/// <paramref name="argument10Type"/> is null, <paramref name="argument11Type"/> is null, or <paramref name="lambdaFunction"/> is null or produces a result of null.
/// </exception>
public static DbLambda Create ( TypeUsage argument1Type , TypeUsage argument2Type , TypeUsage argument3Type , TypeUsage argument4Type , TypeUsage argument5Type , TypeUsage argument6Type , TypeUsage argument7Type , TypeUsage argument8Type , TypeUsage argument9Type , TypeUsage argument10Type , TypeUsage argument11Type , Func < DbExpression , DbExpression , DbExpression , DbExpression , DbExpression , DbExpression , DbExpression , DbExpression , DbExpression , DbExpression , DbExpression , DbExpression > lambdaFunction )
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( argument1Type , "argument1Type" ) ;
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( argument2Type , "argument2Type" ) ;
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( argument3Type , "argument3Type" ) ;
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( argument4Type , "argument4Type" ) ;
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( argument5Type , "argument5Type" ) ;
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( argument6Type , "argument6Type" ) ;
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( argument7Type , "argument7Type" ) ;
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( argument8Type , "argument8Type" ) ;
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( argument9Type , "argument9Type" ) ;
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( argument10Type , "argument10Type" ) ;
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( argument11Type , "argument11Type" ) ;
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( lambdaFunction , "lambdaFunction" ) ;
DbVariableReferenceExpression [ ] variables = CreateVariables ( lambdaFunction . Method , argument1Type , argument2Type , argument3Type , argument4Type , argument5Type , argument6Type , argument7Type , argument8Type , argument9Type , argument10Type , argument11Type ) ;
DbExpression body = lambdaFunction ( variables [ 0 ] , variables [ 1 ] , variables [ 2 ] , variables [ 3 ] , variables [ 4 ] , variables [ 5 ] , variables [ 6 ] , variables [ 7 ] , variables [ 8 ] , variables [ 9 ] , variables [ 10 ] ) ;
return DbExpressionBuilder . Lambda ( body , variables ) ;
/// <summary>
/// Creates a new <see cref="DbLambda"/> with arguments of the specified types, as defined by the specified function.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="argument1Type">A <see cref="TypeUsage"/> that defines the EDM type of the first argument to the Lambda function</param>
/// <param name="argument2Type">A <see cref="TypeUsage"/> that defines the EDM type of the second argument to the Lambda function</param>
/// <param name="argument3Type">A <see cref="TypeUsage"/> that defines the EDM type of the third argument to the Lambda function</param>
/// <param name="argument4Type">A <see cref="TypeUsage"/> that defines the EDM type of the fourth argument to the Lambda function</param>
/// <param name="argument5Type">A <see cref="TypeUsage"/> that defines the EDM type of the fifth argument to the Lambda function</param>
/// <param name="argument6Type">A <see cref="TypeUsage"/> that defines the EDM type of the sixth argument to the Lambda function</param>
/// <param name="argument7Type">A <see cref="TypeUsage"/> that defines the EDM type of the seventh argument to the Lambda function</param>
/// <param name="argument8Type">A <see cref="TypeUsage"/> that defines the EDM type of the eighth argument to the Lambda function</param>
/// <param name="argument9Type">A <see cref="TypeUsage"/> that defines the EDM type of the ninth argument to the Lambda function</param>
/// <param name="argument10Type">A <see cref="TypeUsage"/> that defines the EDM type of the tenth argument to the Lambda function</param>
/// <param name="argument11Type">A <see cref="TypeUsage"/> that defines the EDM type of the eleventh argument to the Lambda function</param>
/// <param name="argument12Type">A <see cref="TypeUsage"/> that defines the EDM type of the twelfth argument to the Lambda function</param>
/// <param name="lambdaFunction">A function that defines the logic of the Lambda function as a <see cref="DbExpression"/></param>
/// <returns>A new DbLambda that describes an inline Lambda function with the specified body and formal parameters.</returns>
/// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">
/// <paramref name="argument1Type"/> is null, <paramref name="argument2Type"/> is null, <paramref name="argument3Type"/> is null,
/// <paramref name="argument4Type"/> is null, <paramref name="argument5Type"/> is null, <paramref name="argument6Type"/> is null,
/// <paramref name="argument7Type"/> is null, <paramref name="argument8Type"/> is null, <paramref name="argument9Type"/> is null,
/// <paramref name="argument10Type"/> is null, <paramref name="argument11Type"/> is null, <paramref name="argument12Type"/> is null,
/// or <paramref name="lambdaFunction"/> is null or produces a result of null.
/// </exception>
public static DbLambda Create ( TypeUsage argument1Type , TypeUsage argument2Type , TypeUsage argument3Type , TypeUsage argument4Type , TypeUsage argument5Type , TypeUsage argument6Type , TypeUsage argument7Type , TypeUsage argument8Type , TypeUsage argument9Type , TypeUsage argument10Type , TypeUsage argument11Type , TypeUsage argument12Type , Func < DbExpression , DbExpression , DbExpression , DbExpression , DbExpression , DbExpression , DbExpression , DbExpression , DbExpression , DbExpression , DbExpression , DbExpression , DbExpression > lambdaFunction )
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( argument1Type , "argument1Type" ) ;
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( argument2Type , "argument2Type" ) ;
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( argument3Type , "argument3Type" ) ;
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( argument4Type , "argument4Type" ) ;
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( argument5Type , "argument5Type" ) ;
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( argument6Type , "argument6Type" ) ;
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( argument7Type , "argument7Type" ) ;
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( argument8Type , "argument8Type" ) ;
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( argument9Type , "argument9Type" ) ;
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( argument10Type , "argument10Type" ) ;
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( argument11Type , "argument11Type" ) ;
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( argument12Type , "argument12Type" ) ;
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( lambdaFunction , "lambdaFunction" ) ;
DbVariableReferenceExpression [ ] variables = CreateVariables ( lambdaFunction . Method , argument1Type , argument2Type , argument3Type , argument4Type , argument5Type , argument6Type , argument7Type , argument8Type , argument9Type , argument10Type , argument11Type , argument12Type ) ;
DbExpression body = lambdaFunction ( variables [ 0 ] , variables [ 1 ] , variables [ 2 ] , variables [ 3 ] , variables [ 4 ] , variables [ 5 ] , variables [ 6 ] , variables [ 7 ] , variables [ 8 ] , variables [ 9 ] , variables [ 10 ] , variables [ 11 ] ) ;
return DbExpressionBuilder . Lambda ( body , variables ) ;
/// <summary>
/// Creates a new <see cref="DbLambda"/> with arguments of the specified types, as defined by the specified function.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="argument1Type">A <see cref="TypeUsage"/> that defines the EDM type of the first argument to the Lambda function</param>
/// <param name="argument2Type">A <see cref="TypeUsage"/> that defines the EDM type of the second argument to the Lambda function</param>
/// <param name="argument3Type">A <see cref="TypeUsage"/> that defines the EDM type of the third argument to the Lambda function</param>
/// <param name="argument4Type">A <see cref="TypeUsage"/> that defines the EDM type of the fourth argument to the Lambda function</param>
/// <param name="argument5Type">A <see cref="TypeUsage"/> that defines the EDM type of the fifth argument to the Lambda function</param>
/// <param name="argument6Type">A <see cref="TypeUsage"/> that defines the EDM type of the sixth argument to the Lambda function</param>
/// <param name="argument7Type">A <see cref="TypeUsage"/> that defines the EDM type of the seventh argument to the Lambda function</param>
/// <param name="argument8Type">A <see cref="TypeUsage"/> that defines the EDM type of the eighth argument to the Lambda function</param>
/// <param name="argument9Type">A <see cref="TypeUsage"/> that defines the EDM type of the ninth argument to the Lambda function</param>
/// <param name="argument10Type">A <see cref="TypeUsage"/> that defines the EDM type of the tenth argument to the Lambda function</param>
/// <param name="argument11Type">A <see cref="TypeUsage"/> that defines the EDM type of the eleventh argument to the Lambda function</param>
/// <param name="argument12Type">A <see cref="TypeUsage"/> that defines the EDM type of the twelfth argument to the Lambda function</param>
/// <param name="argument13Type">A <see cref="TypeUsage"/> that defines the EDM type of the thirteenth argument to the Lambda function</param>
/// <param name="lambdaFunction">A function that defines the logic of the Lambda function as a <see cref="DbExpression"/></param>
/// <returns>A new DbLambda that describes an inline Lambda function with the specified body and formal parameters.</returns>
/// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">
/// <paramref name="argument1Type"/> is null, <paramref name="argument2Type"/> is null, <paramref name="argument3Type"/> is null,
/// <paramref name="argument4Type"/> is null, <paramref name="argument5Type"/> is null, <paramref name="argument6Type"/> is null,
/// <paramref name="argument7Type"/> is null, <paramref name="argument8Type"/> is null, <paramref name="argument9Type"/> is null,
/// <paramref name="argument10Type"/> is null, <paramref name="argument11Type"/> is null, <paramref name="argument12Type"/> is null,
/// <paramref name="argument13Type"/> is null, or <paramref name="lambdaFunction"/> is null or produces a result of null.
/// </exception>
public static DbLambda Create ( TypeUsage argument1Type , TypeUsage argument2Type , TypeUsage argument3Type , TypeUsage argument4Type , TypeUsage argument5Type , TypeUsage argument6Type , TypeUsage argument7Type , TypeUsage argument8Type , TypeUsage argument9Type , TypeUsage argument10Type , TypeUsage argument11Type , TypeUsage argument12Type , TypeUsage argument13Type , Func < DbExpression , DbExpression , DbExpression , DbExpression , DbExpression , DbExpression , DbExpression , DbExpression , DbExpression , DbExpression , DbExpression , DbExpression , DbExpression , DbExpression > lambdaFunction )
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( argument1Type , "argument1Type" ) ;
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( argument2Type , "argument2Type" ) ;
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( argument3Type , "argument3Type" ) ;
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( argument4Type , "argument4Type" ) ;
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( argument5Type , "argument5Type" ) ;
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( argument6Type , "argument6Type" ) ;
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( argument7Type , "argument7Type" ) ;
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( argument8Type , "argument8Type" ) ;
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( argument9Type , "argument9Type" ) ;
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( argument10Type , "argument10Type" ) ;
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( argument11Type , "argument11Type" ) ;
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( argument12Type , "argument12Type" ) ;
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( argument13Type , "argument13Type" ) ;
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( lambdaFunction , "lambdaFunction" ) ;
DbVariableReferenceExpression [ ] variables = CreateVariables ( lambdaFunction . Method , argument1Type , argument2Type , argument3Type , argument4Type , argument5Type , argument6Type , argument7Type , argument8Type , argument9Type , argument10Type , argument11Type , argument12Type , argument13Type ) ;
DbExpression body = lambdaFunction ( variables [ 0 ] , variables [ 1 ] , variables [ 2 ] , variables [ 3 ] , variables [ 4 ] , variables [ 5 ] , variables [ 6 ] , variables [ 7 ] , variables [ 8 ] , variables [ 9 ] , variables [ 10 ] , variables [ 11 ] , variables [ 12 ] ) ;
return DbExpressionBuilder . Lambda ( body , variables ) ;
/// <summary>
/// Creates a new <see cref="DbLambda"/> with arguments of the specified types, as defined by the specified function.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="argument1Type">A <see cref="TypeUsage"/> that defines the EDM type of the first argument to the Lambda function</param>
/// <param name="argument2Type">A <see cref="TypeUsage"/> that defines the EDM type of the second argument to the Lambda function</param>
/// <param name="argument3Type">A <see cref="TypeUsage"/> that defines the EDM type of the third argument to the Lambda function</param>
/// <param name="argument4Type">A <see cref="TypeUsage"/> that defines the EDM type of the fourth argument to the Lambda function</param>
/// <param name="argument5Type">A <see cref="TypeUsage"/> that defines the EDM type of the fifth argument to the Lambda function</param>
/// <param name="argument6Type">A <see cref="TypeUsage"/> that defines the EDM type of the sixth argument to the Lambda function</param>
/// <param name="argument7Type">A <see cref="TypeUsage"/> that defines the EDM type of the seventh argument to the Lambda function</param>
/// <param name="argument8Type">A <see cref="TypeUsage"/> that defines the EDM type of the eighth argument to the Lambda function</param>
/// <param name="argument9Type">A <see cref="TypeUsage"/> that defines the EDM type of the ninth argument to the Lambda function</param>
/// <param name="argument10Type">A <see cref="TypeUsage"/> that defines the EDM type of the tenth argument to the Lambda function</param>
/// <param name="argument11Type">A <see cref="TypeUsage"/> that defines the EDM type of the eleventh argument to the Lambda function</param>
/// <param name="argument12Type">A <see cref="TypeUsage"/> that defines the EDM type of the twelfth argument to the Lambda function</param>
/// <param name="argument13Type">A <see cref="TypeUsage"/> that defines the EDM type of the thirteenth argument to the Lambda function</param>
/// <param name="argument14Type">A <see cref="TypeUsage"/> that defines the EDM type of the fourteenth argument to the Lambda function</param>
/// <param name="lambdaFunction">A function that defines the logic of the Lambda function as a <see cref="DbExpression"/></param>
/// <returns>A new DbLambda that describes an inline Lambda function with the specified body and formal parameters.</returns>
/// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">
/// <paramref name="argument1Type"/> is null, <paramref name="argument2Type"/> is null, <paramref name="argument3Type"/> is null,
/// <paramref name="argument4Type"/> is null, <paramref name="argument5Type"/> is null, <paramref name="argument6Type"/> is null,
/// <paramref name="argument7Type"/> is null, <paramref name="argument8Type"/> is null, <paramref name="argument9Type"/> is null,
/// <paramref name="argument10Type"/> is null, <paramref name="argument11Type"/> is null, <paramref name="argument12Type"/> is null,
/// <paramref name="argument13Type"/> is null, <paramref name="argument14Type"/> is null, or <paramref name="lambdaFunction"/> is null or produces a result of null.
/// </exception>
public static DbLambda Create ( TypeUsage argument1Type , TypeUsage argument2Type , TypeUsage argument3Type , TypeUsage argument4Type , TypeUsage argument5Type , TypeUsage argument6Type , TypeUsage argument7Type , TypeUsage argument8Type , TypeUsage argument9Type , TypeUsage argument10Type , TypeUsage argument11Type , TypeUsage argument12Type , TypeUsage argument13Type , TypeUsage argument14Type , Func < DbExpression , DbExpression , DbExpression , DbExpression , DbExpression , DbExpression , DbExpression , DbExpression , DbExpression , DbExpression , DbExpression , DbExpression , DbExpression , DbExpression , DbExpression > lambdaFunction )
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( argument1Type , "argument1Type" ) ;
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( argument2Type , "argument2Type" ) ;
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( argument3Type , "argument3Type" ) ;
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( argument4Type , "argument4Type" ) ;
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( argument5Type , "argument5Type" ) ;
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( argument6Type , "argument6Type" ) ;
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( argument7Type , "argument7Type" ) ;
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( argument8Type , "argument8Type" ) ;
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( argument9Type , "argument9Type" ) ;
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( argument10Type , "argument10Type" ) ;
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( argument11Type , "argument11Type" ) ;
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( argument12Type , "argument12Type" ) ;
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( argument13Type , "argument13Type" ) ;
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( argument14Type , "argument14Type" ) ;
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( lambdaFunction , "lambdaFunction" ) ;
DbVariableReferenceExpression [ ] variables = CreateVariables ( lambdaFunction . Method , argument1Type , argument2Type , argument3Type , argument4Type , argument5Type , argument6Type , argument7Type , argument8Type , argument9Type , argument10Type , argument11Type , argument12Type , argument13Type , argument14Type ) ;
DbExpression body = lambdaFunction ( variables [ 0 ] , variables [ 1 ] , variables [ 2 ] , variables [ 3 ] , variables [ 4 ] , variables [ 5 ] , variables [ 6 ] , variables [ 7 ] , variables [ 8 ] , variables [ 9 ] , variables [ 10 ] , variables [ 11 ] , variables [ 12 ] , variables [ 13 ] ) ;
return DbExpressionBuilder . Lambda ( body , variables ) ;
/// <summary>
/// Creates a new <see cref="DbLambda"/> with arguments of the specified types, as defined by the specified function.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="argument1Type">A <see cref="TypeUsage"/> that defines the EDM type of the first argument to the Lambda function</param>
/// <param name="argument2Type">A <see cref="TypeUsage"/> that defines the EDM type of the second argument to the Lambda function</param>
/// <param name="argument3Type">A <see cref="TypeUsage"/> that defines the EDM type of the third argument to the Lambda function</param>
/// <param name="argument4Type">A <see cref="TypeUsage"/> that defines the EDM type of the fourth argument to the Lambda function</param>
/// <param name="argument5Type">A <see cref="TypeUsage"/> that defines the EDM type of the fifth argument to the Lambda function</param>
/// <param name="argument6Type">A <see cref="TypeUsage"/> that defines the EDM type of the sixth argument to the Lambda function</param>
/// <param name="argument7Type">A <see cref="TypeUsage"/> that defines the EDM type of the seventh argument to the Lambda function</param>
/// <param name="argument8Type">A <see cref="TypeUsage"/> that defines the EDM type of the eighth argument to the Lambda function</param>
/// <param name="argument9Type">A <see cref="TypeUsage"/> that defines the EDM type of the ninth argument to the Lambda function</param>
/// <param name="argument10Type">A <see cref="TypeUsage"/> that defines the EDM type of the tenth argument to the Lambda function</param>
/// <param name="argument11Type">A <see cref="TypeUsage"/> that defines the EDM type of the eleventh argument to the Lambda function</param>
/// <param name="argument12Type">A <see cref="TypeUsage"/> that defines the EDM type of the twelfth argument to the Lambda function</param>
/// <param name="argument13Type">A <see cref="TypeUsage"/> that defines the EDM type of the thirteenth argument to the Lambda function</param>
/// <param name="argument14Type">A <see cref="TypeUsage"/> that defines the EDM type of the fourteenth argument to the Lambda function</param>
/// <param name="argument15Type">A <see cref="TypeUsage"/> that defines the EDM type of the fifteenth argument to the Lambda function</param>
/// <param name="lambdaFunction">A function that defines the logic of the Lambda function as a <see cref="DbExpression"/></param>
/// <returns>A new DbLambda that describes an inline Lambda function with the specified body and formal parameters.</returns>
/// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">
/// <paramref name="argument1Type"/> is null, <paramref name="argument2Type"/> is null, <paramref name="argument3Type"/> is null,
/// <paramref name="argument4Type"/> is null, <paramref name="argument5Type"/> is null, <paramref name="argument6Type"/> is null,
/// <paramref name="argument7Type"/> is null, <paramref name="argument8Type"/> is null, <paramref name="argument9Type"/> is null,
/// <paramref name="argument10Type"/> is null, <paramref name="argument11Type"/> is null, <paramref name="argument12Type"/> is null,
/// <paramref name="argument13Type"/> is null, <paramref name="argument14Type"/> is null, <paramref name="argument15Type"/> is null,
/// or <paramref name="lambdaFunction"/> is null or produces a result of null.
/// </exception>
public static DbLambda Create ( TypeUsage argument1Type , TypeUsage argument2Type , TypeUsage argument3Type , TypeUsage argument4Type , TypeUsage argument5Type , TypeUsage argument6Type , TypeUsage argument7Type , TypeUsage argument8Type , TypeUsage argument9Type , TypeUsage argument10Type , TypeUsage argument11Type , TypeUsage argument12Type , TypeUsage argument13Type , TypeUsage argument14Type , TypeUsage argument15Type , Func < DbExpression , DbExpression , DbExpression , DbExpression , DbExpression , DbExpression , DbExpression , DbExpression , DbExpression , DbExpression , DbExpression , DbExpression , DbExpression , DbExpression , DbExpression , DbExpression > lambdaFunction )
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( argument1Type , "argument1Type" ) ;
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( argument2Type , "argument2Type" ) ;
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( argument3Type , "argument3Type" ) ;
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( argument4Type , "argument4Type" ) ;
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( argument5Type , "argument5Type" ) ;
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( argument6Type , "argument6Type" ) ;
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( argument7Type , "argument7Type" ) ;
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( argument8Type , "argument8Type" ) ;
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( argument9Type , "argument9Type" ) ;
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( argument10Type , "argument10Type" ) ;
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( argument11Type , "argument11Type" ) ;
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( argument12Type , "argument12Type" ) ;
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( argument13Type , "argument13Type" ) ;
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( argument14Type , "argument14Type" ) ;
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( argument15Type , "argument15Type" ) ;
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( lambdaFunction , "lambdaFunction" ) ;
DbVariableReferenceExpression [ ] variables = CreateVariables ( lambdaFunction . Method , argument1Type , argument2Type , argument3Type , argument4Type , argument5Type , argument6Type , argument7Type , argument8Type , argument9Type , argument10Type , argument11Type , argument12Type , argument13Type , argument14Type , argument15Type ) ;
DbExpression body = lambdaFunction ( variables [ 0 ] , variables [ 1 ] , variables [ 2 ] , variables [ 3 ] , variables [ 4 ] , variables [ 5 ] , variables [ 6 ] , variables [ 7 ] , variables [ 8 ] , variables [ 9 ] , variables [ 10 ] , variables [ 11 ] , variables [ 12 ] , variables [ 13 ] , variables [ 14 ] ) ;
return DbExpressionBuilder . Lambda ( body , variables ) ;
/// <summary>
/// Creates a new <see cref="DbLambda"/> with arguments of the specified types, as defined by the specified function.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="argument1Type">A <see cref="TypeUsage"/> that defines the EDM type of the first argument to the Lambda function</param>
/// <param name="argument2Type">A <see cref="TypeUsage"/> that defines the EDM type of the second argument to the Lambda function</param>
/// <param name="argument3Type">A <see cref="TypeUsage"/> that defines the EDM type of the third argument to the Lambda function</param>
/// <param name="argument4Type">A <see cref="TypeUsage"/> that defines the EDM type of the fourth argument to the Lambda function</param>
/// <param name="argument5Type">A <see cref="TypeUsage"/> that defines the EDM type of the fifth argument to the Lambda function</param>
/// <param name="argument6Type">A <see cref="TypeUsage"/> that defines the EDM type of the sixth argument to the Lambda function</param>
/// <param name="argument7Type">A <see cref="TypeUsage"/> that defines the EDM type of the seventh argument to the Lambda function</param>
/// <param name="argument8Type">A <see cref="TypeUsage"/> that defines the EDM type of the eighth argument to the Lambda function</param>
/// <param name="argument9Type">A <see cref="TypeUsage"/> that defines the EDM type of the ninth argument to the Lambda function</param>
/// <param name="argument10Type">A <see cref="TypeUsage"/> that defines the EDM type of the tenth argument to the Lambda function</param>
/// <param name="argument11Type">A <see cref="TypeUsage"/> that defines the EDM type of the eleventh argument to the Lambda function</param>
/// <param name="argument12Type">A <see cref="TypeUsage"/> that defines the EDM type of the twelfth argument to the Lambda function</param>
/// <param name="argument13Type">A <see cref="TypeUsage"/> that defines the EDM type of the thirteenth argument to the Lambda function</param>
/// <param name="argument14Type">A <see cref="TypeUsage"/> that defines the EDM type of the fourteenth argument to the Lambda function</param>
/// <param name="argument15Type">A <see cref="TypeUsage"/> that defines the EDM type of the fifteenth argument to the Lambda function</param>
/// <param name="argument16Type">A <see cref="TypeUsage"/> that defines the EDM type of the sixteenth argument to the Lambda function</param>
/// <param name="lambdaFunction">A function that defines the logic of the Lambda function as a <see cref="DbExpression"/></param>
/// <returns>A new DbLambda that describes an inline Lambda function with the specified body and formal parameters.</returns>
/// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">
/// <paramref name="argument1Type"/> is null, <paramref name="argument2Type"/> is null, <paramref name="argument3Type"/> is null,
/// <paramref name="argument4Type"/> is null, <paramref name="argument5Type"/> is null, <paramref name="argument6Type"/> is null,
/// <paramref name="argument7Type"/> is null, <paramref name="argument8Type"/> is null, <paramref name="argument9Type"/> is null,
/// <paramref name="argument10Type"/> is null, <paramref name="argument11Type"/> is null, <paramref name="argument12Type"/> is null,
/// <paramref name="argument13Type"/> is null, <paramref name="argument14Type"/> is null, <paramref name="argument15Type"/> is null,
/// <paramref name="argument16Type"/> is null, or <paramref name="lambdaFunction"/> is null or produces a result of null.
/// </exception>
public static DbLambda Create ( TypeUsage argument1Type , TypeUsage argument2Type , TypeUsage argument3Type , TypeUsage argument4Type , TypeUsage argument5Type , TypeUsage argument6Type , TypeUsage argument7Type , TypeUsage argument8Type , TypeUsage argument9Type , TypeUsage argument10Type , TypeUsage argument11Type , TypeUsage argument12Type , TypeUsage argument13Type , TypeUsage argument14Type , TypeUsage argument15Type , TypeUsage argument16Type , Func < DbExpression , DbExpression , DbExpression , DbExpression , DbExpression , DbExpression , DbExpression , DbExpression , DbExpression , DbExpression , DbExpression , DbExpression , DbExpression , DbExpression , DbExpression , DbExpression , DbExpression > lambdaFunction )
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( argument1Type , "argument1Type" ) ;
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( argument2Type , "argument2Type" ) ;
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( argument3Type , "argument3Type" ) ;
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( argument4Type , "argument4Type" ) ;
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( argument5Type , "argument5Type" ) ;
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( argument6Type , "argument6Type" ) ;
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( argument7Type , "argument7Type" ) ;
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( argument8Type , "argument8Type" ) ;
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( argument9Type , "argument9Type" ) ;
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( argument10Type , "argument10Type" ) ;
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( argument11Type , "argument11Type" ) ;
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( argument12Type , "argument12Type" ) ;
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( argument13Type , "argument13Type" ) ;
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( argument14Type , "argument14Type" ) ;
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( argument15Type , "argument15Type" ) ;
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( argument16Type , "argument16Type" ) ;
EntityUtil . CheckArgumentNull ( lambdaFunction , "lambdaFunction" ) ;
DbVariableReferenceExpression [ ] variables = CreateVariables ( lambdaFunction . Method , argument1Type , argument2Type , argument3Type , argument4Type , argument5Type , argument6Type , argument7Type , argument8Type , argument9Type , argument10Type , argument11Type , argument12Type , argument13Type , argument14Type , argument15Type , argument16Type ) ;
DbExpression body = lambdaFunction ( variables [ 0 ] , variables [ 1 ] , variables [ 2 ] , variables [ 3 ] , variables [ 4 ] , variables [ 5 ] , variables [ 6 ] , variables [ 7 ] , variables [ 8 ] , variables [ 9 ] , variables [ 10 ] , variables [ 11 ] , variables [ 12 ] , variables [ 13 ] , variables [ 14 ] , variables [ 15 ] ) ;
return DbExpressionBuilder . Lambda ( body , variables ) ;
private static DbVariableReferenceExpression [ ] CreateVariables ( MethodInfo lambdaMethod , params TypeUsage [ ] argumentTypes )
Debug . Assert ( lambdaMethod ! = null , "Lambda function method must not be null" ) ;
string [ ] paramNames = DbExpressionBuilder . ExtractAliases ( lambdaMethod ) ;
Debug . Assert ( paramNames . Length = = argumentTypes . Length , "Lambda function method parameter count does not match argument count" ) ;
DbVariableReferenceExpression [ ] result = new DbVariableReferenceExpression [ argumentTypes . Length ] ;
for ( int idx = 0 ; idx < paramNames . Length ; idx + + )
Debug . Assert ( argumentTypes [ idx ] ! = null , "DbLambda.Create allowed null type argument" ) ;
result [ idx ] = argumentTypes [ idx ] . Variable ( paramNames [ idx ] ) ;
return result ;