2015-04-07 09:35:12 +01:00
// <copyright file="EdmConstants.cs" company="Microsoft">
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// </copyright>
// @owner [....]
// @backupOwner [....]
namespace System.Data.Metadata.Edm
internal static class EdmConstants
// Namespace for all the system types
internal const string EdmNamespace = "Edm";
internal const string ClrPrimitiveTypeNamespace = "System";
internal const string TransientNamespace = "Transient";
// max number of primitive types
internal const int NumPrimitiveTypes = (int)System.Data.Metadata.Edm.PrimitiveTypeKind.GeographyCollection + 1;
// max number of primitive types
internal const int NumBuiltInTypes = (int)BuiltInTypeKind.TypeUsage + 1;
// MaxLength for the string types: Name, Namespace, Version
internal const int MaxLength = 256;
// Name of the built in types
internal const string AssociationEnd = "AssociationEnd";
internal const string AssociationSetType = "AssocationSetType";
internal const string AssociationSetEndType = "AssociationSetEndType";
internal const string AssociationType = "AssociationType";
internal const string BaseEntitySetType = "BaseEntitySetType";
internal const string CollectionType = "CollectionType";
internal const string ComplexType = "ComplexType";
internal const string DeleteAction = "DeleteAction";
internal const string DeleteBehavior = "DeleteBehavior";
internal const string Documentation = "Documentation";
internal const string EdmType = "EdmType";
internal const string ElementType = "ElementType";
internal const string EntityContainerType = "EntityContainerType";
internal const string EntitySetType = "EntitySetType";
internal const string EntityType = "EntityType";
internal const string EnumerationMember = "EnumMember";
internal const string EnumerationType = "EnumType";
internal const string Facet = "Facet";
internal const string Function = "EdmFunction";
internal const string FunctionParameter = "FunctionParameter";
internal const string GlobalItem = "GlobalItem";
internal const string ItemAttribute = "MetadataProperty";
internal const string ItemType = "ItemType";
internal const string Member = "EdmMember";
internal const string NavigationProperty = "NavigationProperty";
internal const string OperationBehavior = "OperationBehavior";
internal const string OperationBehaviors = "OperationBehaviors";
internal const string ParameterMode = "ParameterMode";
internal const string PrimitiveType = "PrimitiveType";
internal const string PrimitiveTypeKind = "PrimitiveTypeKind";
internal const string Property = "EdmProperty";
internal const string ProviderManifest = "ProviderManifest";
internal const string ReferentialConstraint = "ReferentialConstraint";
internal const string RefType = "RefType";
internal const string RelationshipEnd = "RelationshipEnd";
internal const string RelationshipMultiplicity = "RelationshipMultiplicity";
internal const string RelationshipSet = "RelationshipSet";
internal const string RelationshipType = "RelationshipType";
internal const string ReturnParameter = "ReturnParameter";
internal const string Role = "Role";
internal const string RowType = "RowType";
internal const string SimpleType = "SimpleType";
internal const string StructuralType = "StructuralType";
internal const string TypeUsage = "TypeUsage";
//Enum value of date time kind
internal const string Utc = "Utc";
internal const string Unspecified = "Unspecified";
internal const string Local = "Local";
//Enum value of multiplicity kind
internal const string One = "One";
internal const string ZeroToOne = "ZeroToOne";
internal const string Many = "Many";
//Enum value of Parameter Mode
internal const string In = "In";
internal const string Out = "Out";
internal const string InOut = "InOut";
//Enum value of DeleteAction Mode
internal const string None = "None";
internal const string Cascade = "Cascade";
internal const string Restrict = "Restrict";
//Enum Value of CollectionKind
internal const string NoneCollectionKind = "None";
internal const string ListCollectionKind = "List";
internal const string BagCollectionKind = "Bag";
//Enum Value of MaxLength (max length can be a single enum value, or a positive integer)
internal const string MaxMaxLength = "Max";
//Enum Value of SRID (srid can be a single enum value, or a positive integer)
internal const string VariableSrid = "Variable";
// Members of the built in types
internal const string AssociationSetEnds = "AssociationSetEnds";
internal const string Child = "Child";
internal const string DefaultValue = "DefaultValue";
internal const string Ends = "Ends";
internal const string EntitySet = "EntitySet";
internal const string AssociationSet = "AssociationSet";
internal const string EntitySets = "EntitySets";
internal const string Facets = "Facets";
internal const string FromProperties = "FromProperties";
internal const string FromRole = "FromRole";
internal const string IsParent = "IsParent";
internal const string KeyMembers = "KeyMembers";
internal const string Members = "Members";
internal const string Mode = "Mode";
internal const string Nullable = "Nullable";
internal const string Parameters = "Parameters";
internal const string Parent = "Parent";
internal const string Properties = "Properties";
internal const string ToProperties = "ToProperties";
internal const string ToRole = "ToRole";
internal const string ReferentialConstraints = "ReferentialConstraints";
internal const string RelationshipTypeName = "RelationshipTypeName";
internal const string ReturnType = "ReturnType";
internal const string ToEndMemberName = "ToEndMemberName";
internal const string CollectionKind = "CollectionKind";
// Name of the primitive types
internal const string Binary = "Binary";
internal const string Boolean = "Boolean";
internal const string Byte = "Byte";
internal const string DateTime = "DateTime";
internal const string Decimal = "Decimal";
internal const string Double = "Double";
internal const string Geometry = "Geometry";
internal const string GeometryPoint = "GeometryPoint";
internal const string GeometryLineString = "GeometryLineString";
internal const string GeometryPolygon = "GeometryPolygon";
internal const string GeometryMultiPoint = "GeometryMultiPoint";
internal const string GeometryMultiLineString = "GeometryMultiLineString";
internal const string GeometryMultiPolygon = "GeometryMultiPolygon";
internal const string GeometryCollection = "GeometryCollection";
internal const string Geography = "Geography";
internal const string GeographyPoint = "GeographyPoint";
internal const string GeographyLineString = "GeographyLineString";
internal const string GeographyPolygon = "GeographyPolygon";
internal const string GeographyMultiPoint = "GeographyMultiPoint";
internal const string GeographyMultiLineString = "GeographyMultiLineString";
internal const string GeographyMultiPolygon = "GeographyMultiPolygon";
internal const string GeographyCollection = "GeographyCollection";
internal const string Guid = "Guid";
internal const string Single = "Single";
internal const string SByte = "SByte";
internal const string Int16 = "Int16";
internal const string Int32 = "Int32";
internal const string Int64 = "Int64";
internal const string Money = "Money";
internal const string Null = "Null";
internal const string String = "String";
internal const string DateTimeOffset = "DateTimeOffset";
internal const string Time = "Time";
internal const string UInt16 = "UInt16";
internal const string UInt32 = "UInt32";
internal const string UInt64 = "UInt64";
internal const string Xml = "Xml";
// Name of the system defined attributes on edm type
internal const string Name = "Name";
internal const string Namespace = "Namespace";
internal const string Abstract = "Abstract";
internal const string BaseType = "BaseType";
internal const string Sealed = "Sealed";
internal const string ItemAttributes = "MetadataProperties";
internal const string Type = "Type";
// Name of SSDL specifc attributes for SQL Gen
internal const string Schema = "Schema";
internal const string Table = "Table";
// Name of the additional system defined attributes on item attribute
internal const string FacetType = "FacetType";
internal const string Value = "Value";
// Name of the additional system defined attributes on enum types
internal const string EnumMembers = "EnumMembers";
// Provider Manifest EdmFunction Attributes
internal const string BuiltInAttribute = "BuiltInAttribute";
internal const string StoreFunctionNamespace = "StoreFunctionNamespace";
internal const string ParameterTypeSemanticsAttribute = "ParameterTypeSemanticsAttribute";
internal const string ParameterTypeSemantics = "ParameterTypeSemantics";
internal const string NiladicFunctionAttribute = "NiladicFunctionAttribute";
internal const string IsComposableFunctionAttribute = "IsComposable";
internal const string CommandTextFunctionAttribyte = "CommandText";
internal const string StoreFunctionNameAttribute = "StoreFunctionNameAttribute";
/// <summary>
/// Used to denote application home directory in a Web/ASP.NET context
/// </summary>
internal const string WebHomeSymbol = "~";
// Name of Properties belonging to EDM's Documentation construct
internal const string Summary = "Summary";
internal const string LongDescription = "LongDescription";
internal static readonly Unbounded UnboundedValue = Unbounded.Instance;
internal class Unbounded
static readonly Unbounded _instance = new Unbounded();
private Unbounded() { }
static internal Unbounded Instance { get { return _instance; } }
public override string ToString() { return MaxMaxLength; }
internal static readonly Variable VariableValue = Variable.Instance;
internal class Variable
static readonly Variable _instance = new Variable();
private Variable() { }
static internal Variable Instance { get { return _instance; } }
public override string ToString() { return VariableSrid; }