publicconststringInternalCompilerError="An unexpected exception occurred while binding a dynamic operation";
publicconststringBindPropertyFailedMethodGroup="The name '{0}' is bound to a method and cannot be used like a property";
publicconststringBindPropertyFailedEvent="The event '{0}' can only appear on the left hand side of +";
publicconststringBindInvokeFailedNonDelegate="Cannot invoke a non-delegate type";
publicconststringNullReferenceOnMemberException="Cannot perform runtime binding on a null reference";
publicconststringBindCallToConditionalMethod="Cannot dynamically invoke method '{0}' because it has a Conditional attribute";
publicconststringBindToVoidMethodButExpectResult="Cannot implicitly convert type 'void' to 'object'";
publicconststringBadBinaryOps="Operator '{0}' cannot be applied to operands of type '{1}' and '{2}'";
publicconststringBadIndexLHS="Cannot apply indexing with [] to an expression of type '{0}'";
publicconststringBadIndexCount="Wrong number of indices inside []; expected '{0}'";
publicconststringBadUnaryOp="Operator '{0}' cannot be applied to operand of type '{1}'";
publicconststringNoImplicitConv="Cannot implicitly convert type '{0}' to '{1}'";
publicconststringNoExplicitConv="Cannot convert type '{0}' to '{1}'";
publicconststringConstOutOfRange="Constant value '{0}' cannot be converted to a '{1}'";
publicconststringAmbigBinaryOps="Operator '{0}' is ambiguous on operands of type '{1}' and '{2}'";
publicconststringAmbigUnaryOp="Operator '{0}' is ambiguous on an operand of type '{1}'";
publicconststringValueCantBeNull="Cannot convert null to '{0}' because it is a non-nullable value type";
publicconststringWrongNestedThis="Cannot access a non-static member of outer type '{0}' via nested type '{1}'";
publicconststringNoSuchMember="'{0}' does not contain a definition for '{1}'";
publicconststringObjectRequired="An object reference is required for the non-static field, method, or property '{0}'";
publicconststringAmbigCall="The call is ambiguous between the following methods or properties: '{0}' and '{1}'";
publicconststringBadAccess="'{0}' is inaccessible due to its protection level";
publicconststringAssgLvalueExpected="The left-hand side of an assignment must be a variable, property or indexer";
publicconststringNoConstructors="The type '{0}' has no constructors defined";
publicconststringPropertyLacksGet="The property or indexer '{0}' cannot be used in this context because it lacks the get accessor";
publicconststringObjectProhibited="Member '{0}' cannot be accessed with an instance reference; qualify it with a type name instead";
publicconststringAssgReadonly="A readonly field cannot be assigned to (except in a constructor or a variable initializer)";
publicconststringAssgReadonlyStatic="A static readonly field cannot be assigned to (except in a static constructor or a variable initializer)";
publicconststringAssgReadonlyProp="Property or indexer '{0}' cannot be assigned to -- it is read only";
publicconststringUnsafeNeeded="Dynamic calls cannot be used in conjunction with pointers";
publicconststringBadBoolOp="In order to be applicable as a short circuit operator a user-defined logical operator ('{0}') must have the same return type as the type of its 2 parameters";
publicconststringMustHaveOpTF="The type ('{0}') must contain declarations of operator true and operator false";
publicconststringConstOutOfRangeChecked="Constant value '{0}' cannot be converted to a '{1}' (use 'unchecked' syntax to override)";
publicconststringAmbigMember="Ambiguity between '{0}' and '{1}'";
publicconststringNoImplicitConvCast="Cannot implicitly convert type '{0}' to '{1}'. An explicit conversion exists (are you missing a cast?)";
publicconststringInaccessibleGetter="The property or indexer '{0}' cannot be used in this context because the get accessor is inaccessible";
publicconststringInaccessibleSetter="The property or indexer '{0}' cannot be used in this context because the set accessor is inaccessible";
publicconststringBadArity="Using the generic {1} '{0}' requires '{2}' type arguments";
publicconststringTypeArgsNotAllowed="The {1} '{0}' cannot be used with type arguments";
publicconststringHasNoTypeVars="The non-generic {1} '{0}' cannot be used with type arguments";
publicconststringNewConstraintNotSatisfied="'{2}' must be a non-abstract type with a public parameterless constructor in order to use it as parameter '{1}' in the generic type or method '{0}'";
publicconststringGenericConstraintNotSatisfiedRefType="The type '{3}' cannot be used as type parameter '{2}' in the generic type or method '{0}'. There is no implicit reference conversion from '{3}' to '{1}'.";
publicconststringGenericConstraintNotSatisfiedNullableEnum="The type '{3}' cannot be used as type parameter '{2}' in the generic type or method '{0}'. The nullable type '{3}' does not satisfy the constraint of '{1}'.";
publicconststringGenericConstraintNotSatisfiedNullableInterface="The type '{3}' cannot be used as type parameter '{2}' in the generic type or method '{0}'. The nullable type '{3}' does not satisfy the constraint of '{1}'. Nullable types can not satisfy any interface constraints.";
publicconststringGenericConstraintNotSatisfiedValType="The type '{3}' cannot be used as type parameter '{2}' in the generic type or method '{0}'. There is no boxing conversion from '{3}' to '{1}'.";
publicconststringCantInferMethTypeArgs="The type arguments for method '{0}' cannot be inferred from the usage. Try specifying the type arguments explicitly.";
publicconststringRefConstraintNotSatisfied="The type '{2}' must be a reference type in order to use it as parameter '{1}' in the generic type or method '{0}'";
publicconststringValConstraintNotSatisfied="The type '{2}' must be a non-nullable value type in order to use it as parameter '{1}' in the generic type or method '{0}'";
publicconststringAmbigUDConv="Ambiguous user defined conversions '{0}' and '{1}' when converting from '{2}' to '{3}'";
publicconststringBindToBogus="'{0}' is not supported by the language";
publicconststringCantCallSpecialMethod="'{0}': cannot explicitly call operator or accessor";
publicconststringConvertToStaticClass="Cannot convert to static type '{0}'";
publicconststringIncrementLvalueExpected="The operand of an increment or decrement operator must be a variable, property or indexer";
publicconststringBadArgTypes="The best overloaded method match for '{0}' has some invalid arguments";
publicconststringBadProtectedAccess="Cannot access protected member '{0}' via a qualifier of type '{1}'; the qualifier must be of type '{2}' (or derived from it)";
publicconststringBindToBogusProp2="Property, indexer, or event '{0}' is not supported by the language; try directly calling accessor methods '{1}' or '{2}'";
publicconststringBindToBogusProp1="Property, indexer, or event '{0}' is not supported by the language; try directly calling accessor method '{1}'";
publicconststringBadDelArgCount="Delegate '{0}' does not take '{1}' arguments";
publicconststringBadDelArgTypes="Delegate '{0}' has some invalid arguments";
publicconststringReturnNotLValue="Cannot modify the return value of '{0}' because it is not a variable";
publicconststringAssgReadonly2="Members of readonly field '{0}' cannot be modified (except in a constructor or a variable initializer)";
publicconststringAssgReadonlyStatic2="Fields of static readonly field '{0}' cannot be assigned to (except in a static constructor or a variable initializer)";
publicconststringBadCtorArgCount="'{0}' does not contain a constructor that takes '{1}' arguments";
publicconststringNonInvocableMemberCalled="Non-invocable member '{0}' cannot be used like a method.";
publicconststringBadNamedArgument="The best overload for '{0}' does not have a parameter named '{1}'";
publicconststringBadNamedArgumentForDelegateInvoke="The delegate '{0}' does not have a parameter named '{1}'";
publicconststringDuplicateNamedArgument="Named argument '{0}' cannot be specified multiple times";
publicconststringNamedArgumentUsedInPositional="Named argument '{0}' specifies a parameter for which a positional argument has already been given";