317 lines
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317 lines
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using System.Globalization;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace System.Threading
// Under netcore, there is only one thread object per thread
[StructLayout (LayoutKind.Sequential)]
partial class Thread
#pragma warning disable 169, 414, 649
#region Sync with metadata/object-internals.h and InternalThread in mcs/class/corlib/System.Threading/Thread.cs
int lock_thread_id;
// stores a thread handle
IntPtr handle;
IntPtr native_handle; // used only on Win32
IntPtr unused3;
/* accessed only from unmanaged code */
private IntPtr name;
private int name_len;
private ThreadState state;
private object abort_exc;
private int abort_state_handle;
/* thread_id is only accessed from unmanaged code */
internal Int64 thread_id;
private IntPtr debugger_thread; // FIXME switch to bool as soon as CI testing with corlib version bump works
private UIntPtr static_data; /* GC-tracked */
private IntPtr runtime_thread_info;
/* current System.Runtime.Remoting.Contexts.Context instance
keep as an object to avoid triggering its class constructor when not needed */
private object current_appcontext;
private object root_domain_thread;
internal byte[] _serialized_principal;
internal int _serialized_principal_version;
private IntPtr appdomain_refs;
private int interruption_requested;
private IntPtr longlived;
internal bool threadpool_thread;
private bool thread_interrupt_requested;
/* These are used from managed code */
internal int stack_size;
internal byte apartment_state;
internal volatile int critical_region_level;
internal int managed_id;
private int small_id;
private IntPtr manage_callback;
private IntPtr unused4;
private IntPtr flags;
private IntPtr thread_pinning_ref;
private IntPtr abort_protected_block_count;
private int priority;
private IntPtr owned_mutex;
private IntPtr suspended_event;
private int self_suspended;
private IntPtr thread_state;
private Thread self;
private object pending_exception;
private object start_obj;
/* This is used only to check that we are in sync between the representation
* of MonoInternalThread in native and InternalThread in managed
private IntPtr last;
#pragma warning restore 169, 414, 649
string _name;
Delegate m_start;
object m_start_arg;
CultureInfo culture, ui_culture;
internal ExecutionContext _executionContext;
internal SynchronizationContext _synchronizationContext;
Thread ()
InitInternal (this);
~Thread ()
FreeInternal ();
internal static ulong CurrentOSThreadId {
get {
throw new NotImplementedException ();
public bool IsAlive {
get {
var state = GetState (this);
return (state & (ThreadState.Unstarted | ThreadState.Stopped | ThreadState.Aborted)) == 0;
public bool IsBackground {
get {
var state = ValidateThreadState ();
return (state & ThreadState.Background) != 0;
set {
ValidateThreadState ();
if (value) {
SetState (this, ThreadState.Background);
} else {
ClrState (this, ThreadState.Background);
public bool IsThreadPoolThread {
get {
ValidateThreadState ();
return threadpool_thread;
public int ManagedThreadId => managed_id;
internal static int OptimalMaxSpinWaitsPerSpinIteration {
get {
// Default from coreclr (src/utilcode/yieldprocessornormalized.cpp)
return 7;
public ThreadPriority Priority {
get {
ValidateThreadState ();
return (ThreadPriority) priority;
set {
// TODO: arguments check
SetPriority (this, (int) value);
internal SynchronizationContext SynchronizationContext { get; set; }
public ThreadState ThreadState => GetState (this);
void Create (ThreadStart start) => SetStartHelper ((Delegate) start, 0); // 0 will setup Thread with default stackSize
void Create (ThreadStart start, int maxStackSize) => SetStartHelper ((Delegate) start, maxStackSize);
void Create (ParameterizedThreadStart start) => SetStartHelper ((Delegate) start, 0);
void Create (ParameterizedThreadStart start, int maxStackSize) => SetStartHelper ((Delegate) start, maxStackSize);
public ApartmentState GetApartmentState () => ApartmentState.Unknown;
public void DisableComObjectEagerCleanup ()
// no-op
public static int GetCurrentProcessorId ()
// TODO: Implement correctly
return Environment.CurrentManagedThreadId;
public void Interrupt ()
InterruptInternal (this);
public bool Join (int millisecondsTimeout)
if (millisecondsTimeout < Timeout.Infinite)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException (nameof (millisecondsTimeout), millisecondsTimeout, SR.ArgumentOutOfRange_NeedNonNegOrNegative1);
return JoinInternal (this, millisecondsTimeout);
public void ResetThreadPoolThread ()
void SetCultureOnUnstartedThreadNoCheck (CultureInfo value, bool uiCulture)
if (uiCulture)
ui_culture = value;
culture = value;
void SetStartHelper (Delegate start, int maxStackSize)
m_start = start;
stack_size = maxStackSize;
public static void SpinWait (int iterations)
if (iterations < 0)
while (iterations-- > 0)
SpinWait_nop ();
public static void Sleep (int millisecondsTimeout)
if (millisecondsTimeout < Timeout.Infinite)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException (nameof (millisecondsTimeout), millisecondsTimeout, SR.ArgumentOutOfRange_NeedNonNegOrNegative1);
SleepInternal (millisecondsTimeout);
public void Start ()
StartInternal (this);
public void Start (object parameter)
if (m_start is ThreadStart)
throw new InvalidOperationException (SR.InvalidOperation_ThreadWrongThreadStart);
m_start_arg = parameter;
StartInternal (this);
// Called from the runtime
internal void StartCallback ()
if (culture != null)
CurrentCulture = culture;
if (ui_culture != null)
CurrentUICulture = ui_culture;
if (m_start is ThreadStart del) {
m_start = null;
del ();
} else {
var pdel = (ParameterizedThreadStart) m_start;
var arg = m_start_arg;
m_start = null;
m_start_arg = null;
pdel (arg);
partial void ThreadNameChanged (string value)
// TODO: Should only raise the events
SetName (this, value);
public static bool Yield ()
return YieldInternal ();
public bool TrySetApartmentStateUnchecked (ApartmentState state) => state == ApartmentState.Unknown;
ThreadState ValidateThreadState ()
var state = GetState (this);
if ((state & ThreadState.Stopped) != 0)
throw new ThreadStateException ("Thread is dead; state can not be accessed.");
return state;
[MethodImplAttribute (MethodImplOptions.InternalCall)]
extern static void InitInternal (Thread thread);
extern static Thread InitializeCurrentThread ();
extern void FreeInternal ();
[MethodImplAttribute (MethodImplOptions.InternalCall)]
extern static ThreadState GetState (Thread thread);
[MethodImplAttribute (MethodImplOptions.InternalCall)]
extern static void SetState (Thread thread, ThreadState set);
[MethodImplAttribute (MethodImplOptions.InternalCall)]
extern static void ClrState (Thread thread, ThreadState clr);
extern static string GetName (Thread thread);
extern static void SetName (Thread thread, String name);
extern static bool YieldInternal ();
extern static void SleepInternal (int millisecondsTimeout);
[MethodImplAttribute (MethodImplOptions.InternalCall)]
extern static void SpinWait_nop ();
[MethodImplAttribute (MethodImplOptions.InternalCall)]
extern static Thread CreateInternal ();
[MethodImplAttribute (MethodImplOptions.InternalCall)]
extern static void StartInternal (Thread runtime_thread);
extern static bool JoinInternal (Thread thread, int millisecondsTimeout);
extern static void InterruptInternal (Thread thread);
extern static void SetPriority (Thread thread, int priority);