Then when building ILCompiler.sln in Visual Studio, remember to select the appropriate configuration that you built. By default, `build.cmd` builds Debug x64 and so `Debug` and `x64` must be selected in the solution build configuration drop downs.
_Note: The size of NuGet packages is approximately 2.75 GB, so download might take a few moments based on the speed of your internet connection. The build artifacts require additional ~1 GB, thus make sure you have at least 4 GB of free space._
## Using RyuJIT ##
1. Open c:\corert\src\ILCompiler\ILCompiler.sln in VS
If you want to write your repro code using IL (instead of C#), you can search/replace `"repro\repro.csproj"` to `"repro\repro.ilproj"` in ILCompiler.sln which switches to repro.ilproj instead of repro.csproj. Just write your IL code in `` and build/debug as usual. All the instructions above still would work as expected. Just make sure don't check-in that change.