2014-08-13 10:39:27 +01:00
// MonoMethod.cs: The class used to represent methods from the mono runtime.
// Authors:
// Paolo Molaro (lupus@ximian.com)
// Marek Safar (marek.safar@gmail.com)
// (C) 2001 Ximian, Inc. http://www.ximian.com
// Copyright (C) 2004-2005 Novell, Inc (http://www.novell.com)
// Copyright (C) 2012 Xamarin Inc (http://www.xamarin.com)
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
// a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
// "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
// without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
// distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
// permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
// the following conditions:
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
// included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
using System.Collections.Generic ;
using System.Globalization ;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices ;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices ;
using System.Runtime.Serialization ;
using System.Reflection.Emit ;
using System.Security ;
using System.Threading ;
using System.Text ;
using System.Diagnostics ;
namespace System.Reflection {
internal struct MonoMethodInfo
#pragma warning disable 649
private Type parent ;
private Type ret ;
internal MethodAttributes attrs ;
internal MethodImplAttributes iattrs ;
private CallingConventions callconv ;
#pragma warning restore 649
static extern void get_method_info ( IntPtr handle , out MonoMethodInfo info ) ;
static extern int get_method_attributes ( IntPtr handle ) ;
internal static MonoMethodInfo GetMethodInfo ( IntPtr handle )
MonoMethodInfo info ;
MonoMethodInfo . get_method_info ( handle , out info ) ;
return info ;
internal static Type GetDeclaringType ( IntPtr handle )
return GetMethodInfo ( handle ) . parent ;
internal static Type GetReturnType ( IntPtr handle )
return GetMethodInfo ( handle ) . ret ;
internal static MethodAttributes GetAttributes ( IntPtr handle )
return ( MethodAttributes ) get_method_attributes ( handle ) ;
internal static CallingConventions GetCallingConvention ( IntPtr handle )
return GetMethodInfo ( handle ) . callconv ;
internal static MethodImplAttributes GetMethodImplementationFlags ( IntPtr handle )
return GetMethodInfo ( handle ) . iattrs ;
static extern ParameterInfo [ ] get_parameter_info ( IntPtr handle , MemberInfo member ) ;
static internal ParameterInfo [ ] GetParametersInfo ( IntPtr handle , MemberInfo member )
return get_parameter_info ( handle , member ) ;
static extern MarshalAsAttribute get_retval_marshal ( IntPtr handle ) ;
static internal ParameterInfo GetReturnParameterInfo ( MonoMethod method )
return ParameterInfo . New ( GetReturnType ( method . mhandle ) , method , get_retval_marshal ( method . mhandle ) ) ;
} ;
/ *
* Note : most of this class needs to be duplicated for the contructor , since
* the . NET reflection class hierarchy is so broken .
* /
[StructLayout (LayoutKind.Sequential)]
internal class MonoMethod : MethodInfo , ISerializable
#pragma warning disable 649
internal IntPtr mhandle ;
string name ;
Type reftype ;
#pragma warning restore 649
internal MonoMethod ( ) {
internal MonoMethod ( RuntimeMethodHandle mhandle ) {
this . mhandle = mhandle . Value ;
internal static extern string get_name ( MethodBase method ) ;
internal static extern MonoMethod get_base_method ( MonoMethod method , bool definition ) ;
public override MethodInfo GetBaseDefinition ( )
return get_base_method ( this , true ) ;
internal override MethodInfo GetBaseMethod ( )
return get_base_method ( this , false ) ;
public override ParameterInfo ReturnParameter {
get {
return MonoMethodInfo . GetReturnParameterInfo ( this ) ;
public override Type ReturnType {
get {
return MonoMethodInfo . GetReturnType ( mhandle ) ;
public override ICustomAttributeProvider ReturnTypeCustomAttributes {
get {
return MonoMethodInfo . GetReturnParameterInfo ( this ) ;
public override MethodImplAttributes GetMethodImplementationFlags ( )
return MonoMethodInfo . GetMethodImplementationFlags ( mhandle ) ;
public override ParameterInfo [ ] GetParameters ( )
var src = MonoMethodInfo . GetParametersInfo ( mhandle , this ) ;
if ( src . Length = = 0 )
return src ;
// Have to clone because GetParametersInfo icall returns cached value
var dest = new ParameterInfo [ src . Length ] ;
Array . FastCopy ( src , 0 , dest , 0 , src . Length ) ;
return dest ;
internal override ParameterInfo [ ] GetParametersInternal ( )
return MonoMethodInfo . GetParametersInfo ( mhandle , this ) ;
internal override int GetParametersCount ( )
return MonoMethodInfo . GetParametersInfo ( mhandle , this ) . Length ;
/ *
* InternalInvoke ( ) receives the parameters correctly converted by the
* binder to match the types of the method signature .
* /
internal extern Object InternalInvoke ( Object obj , Object [ ] parameters , out Exception exc ) ;
public override Object Invoke ( Object obj , BindingFlags invokeAttr , Binder binder , Object [ ] parameters , CultureInfo culture )
if ( binder = = null )
binder = Binder . DefaultBinder ;
/*Avoid allocating an array every time*/
ParameterInfo [ ] pinfo = GetParametersInternal ( ) ;
binder . ConvertValues ( parameters , pinfo , culture , ( invokeAttr & BindingFlags . ExactBinding ) ! = 0 ) ;
#if ! NET_2_1
if ( SecurityManager . SecurityEnabled ) {
// sadly Attributes doesn't tell us which kind of security action this is so
// we must do it the hard way - and it also means that we can skip calling
// Attribute (which is another an icall)
SecurityManager . ReflectedLinkDemandInvoke ( this ) ;
if ( ContainsGenericParameters )
throw new InvalidOperationException ( "Late bound operations cannot be performed on types or methods for which ContainsGenericParameters is true." ) ;
Exception exc ;
object o = null ;
try {
// The ex argument is used to distinguish exceptions thrown by the icall
// from the exceptions thrown by the called method (which need to be
// wrapped in TargetInvocationException).
o = InternalInvoke ( obj , parameters , out exc ) ;
} catch ( ThreadAbortException ) {
throw ;
#if NET_2_1
} catch ( MethodAccessException ) {
throw ;
} catch ( Exception e ) {
throw new TargetInvocationException ( e ) ;
if ( exc ! = null )
throw exc ;
return o ;
public override RuntimeMethodHandle MethodHandle {
get {
return new RuntimeMethodHandle ( mhandle ) ;
public override MethodAttributes Attributes {
get {
return MonoMethodInfo . GetAttributes ( mhandle ) ;
public override CallingConventions CallingConvention {
get {
return MonoMethodInfo . GetCallingConvention ( mhandle ) ;
public override Type ReflectedType {
get {
return reftype ;
public override Type DeclaringType {
get {
return MonoMethodInfo . GetDeclaringType ( mhandle ) ;
public override string Name {
get {
if ( name ! = null )
return name ;
return get_name ( this ) ;
public override bool IsDefined ( Type attributeType , bool inherit ) {
return MonoCustomAttrs . IsDefined ( this , attributeType , inherit ) ;
public override object [ ] GetCustomAttributes ( bool inherit ) {
return MonoCustomAttrs . GetCustomAttributes ( this , inherit ) ;
public override object [ ] GetCustomAttributes ( Type attributeType , bool inherit ) {
return MonoCustomAttrs . GetCustomAttributes ( this , attributeType , inherit ) ;
internal static extern DllImportAttribute GetDllImportAttribute ( IntPtr mhandle ) ;
internal object [ ] GetPseudoCustomAttributes ( )
int count = 0 ;
/* MS.NET doesn't report MethodImplAttribute */
MonoMethodInfo info = MonoMethodInfo . GetMethodInfo ( mhandle ) ;
if ( ( info . iattrs & MethodImplAttributes . PreserveSig ) ! = 0 )
count + + ;
if ( ( info . attrs & MethodAttributes . PinvokeImpl ) ! = 0 )
count + + ;
if ( count = = 0 )
return null ;
object [ ] attrs = new object [ count ] ;
count = 0 ;
if ( ( info . iattrs & MethodImplAttributes . PreserveSig ) ! = 0 )
attrs [ count + + ] = new PreserveSigAttribute ( ) ;
if ( ( info . attrs & MethodAttributes . PinvokeImpl ) ! = 0 ) {
DllImportAttribute attr = GetDllImportAttribute ( mhandle ) ;
if ( ( info . iattrs & MethodImplAttributes . PreserveSig ) ! = 0 )
attr . PreserveSig = true ;
attrs [ count + + ] = attr ;
return attrs ;
public override string ToString ( ) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder ( ) ;
Type retType = ReturnType ;
if ( Type . ShouldPrintFullName ( retType ) )
sb . Append ( retType . ToString ( ) ) ;
sb . Append ( retType . Name ) ;
sb . Append ( " " ) ;
sb . Append ( Name ) ;
if ( IsGenericMethod ) {
Type [ ] gen_params = GetGenericArguments ( ) ;
sb . Append ( "[" ) ;
for ( int j = 0 ; j < gen_params . Length ; j + + ) {
if ( j > 0 )
sb . Append ( "," ) ;
sb . Append ( gen_params [ j ] . Name ) ;
sb . Append ( "]" ) ;
sb . Append ( "(" ) ;
var p = GetParametersInternal ( ) ;
ParameterInfo . FormatParameters ( sb , p ) ;
if ( ( CallingConvention & CallingConventions . VarArgs ) ! = 0 ) {
if ( p . Length > 0 )
sb . Append ( ", " ) ;
sb . Append ( "..." ) ;
sb . Append ( ")" ) ;
return sb . ToString ( ) ;
// ISerializable
public void GetObjectData ( SerializationInfo info , StreamingContext context )
Type [ ] genericArguments = IsGenericMethod & & ! IsGenericMethodDefinition
? GetGenericArguments ( ) : null ;
MemberInfoSerializationHolder . Serialize ( info , Name , ReflectedType , ToString ( ) , MemberTypes . Method , genericArguments ) ;
public override MethodInfo MakeGenericMethod ( Type [ ] methodInstantiation )
if ( methodInstantiation = = null )
throw new ArgumentNullException ( "methodInstantiation" ) ;
if ( ! IsGenericMethodDefinition )
throw new InvalidOperationException ( "not a generic method definition" ) ;
/*FIXME add GetGenericArgumentsLength() internal vcall to speed this up*/
if ( GetGenericArguments ( ) . Length ! = methodInstantiation . Length )
throw new ArgumentException ( "Incorrect length" ) ;
bool hasUserType = false ;
foreach ( Type type in methodInstantiation ) {
if ( type = = null )
throw new ArgumentNullException ( ) ;
if ( ! ( type is MonoType ) )
hasUserType = true ;
if ( hasUserType )
throw new NotSupportedException ( "User types are not supported under full aot" ) ;
return new MethodOnTypeBuilderInst ( this , methodInstantiation ) ;
MethodInfo ret = MakeGenericMethod_impl ( methodInstantiation ) ;
if ( ret = = null )
throw new ArgumentException ( String . Format ( "The method has {0} generic parameter(s) but {1} generic argument(s) were provided." , GetGenericArguments ( ) . Length , methodInstantiation . Length ) ) ;
return ret ;
extern MethodInfo MakeGenericMethod_impl ( Type [ ] types ) ;
public override extern Type [ ] GetGenericArguments ( ) ;
extern MethodInfo GetGenericMethodDefinition_impl ( ) ;
public override MethodInfo GetGenericMethodDefinition ( )
MethodInfo res = GetGenericMethodDefinition_impl ( ) ;
if ( res = = null )
throw new InvalidOperationException ( ) ;
return res ;
public override extern bool IsGenericMethodDefinition {
get ;
public override extern bool IsGenericMethod {
get ;
public override bool ContainsGenericParameters {
get {
if ( IsGenericMethod ) {
foreach ( Type arg in GetGenericArguments ( ) )
if ( arg . ContainsGenericParameters )
return true ;
return DeclaringType . ContainsGenericParameters ;
public override MethodBody GetMethodBody ( ) {
return GetMethodBody ( mhandle ) ;
public override IList < CustomAttributeData > GetCustomAttributesData ( ) {
return CustomAttributeData . GetCustomAttributes ( this ) ;
[StructLayout (LayoutKind.Sequential)]
internal class MonoCMethod : ConstructorInfo , ISerializable
#pragma warning disable 649
internal IntPtr mhandle ;
string name ;
Type reftype ;
#pragma warning restore 649
public override MethodImplAttributes GetMethodImplementationFlags ( )
return MonoMethodInfo . GetMethodImplementationFlags ( mhandle ) ;
public override ParameterInfo [ ] GetParameters ( )
return MonoMethodInfo . GetParametersInfo ( mhandle , this ) ;
internal override ParameterInfo [ ] GetParametersInternal ( )
return MonoMethodInfo . GetParametersInfo ( mhandle , this ) ;
internal override int GetParametersCount ( )
var pi = MonoMethodInfo . GetParametersInfo ( mhandle , this ) ;
return pi = = null ? 0 : pi . Length ;
/ *
* InternalInvoke ( ) receives the parameters correctly converted by the binder
* to match the types of the method signature .
* /
internal extern Object InternalInvoke ( Object obj , Object [ ] parameters , out Exception exc ) ;
public override object Invoke ( object obj , BindingFlags invokeAttr , Binder binder , object [ ] parameters , CultureInfo culture )
if ( obj = = null ) {
if ( ! IsStatic )
throw new TargetException ( "Instance constructor requires a target" ) ;
} else if ( ! DeclaringType . IsInstanceOfType ( obj ) ) {
throw new TargetException ( "Constructor does not match target type" ) ;
return DoInvoke ( obj , invokeAttr , binder , parameters , culture ) ;
object DoInvoke ( object obj , BindingFlags invokeAttr , Binder binder , object [ ] parameters , CultureInfo culture )
if ( binder = = null )
binder = Binder . DefaultBinder ;
ParameterInfo [ ] pinfo = MonoMethodInfo . GetParametersInfo ( mhandle , this ) ;
binder . ConvertValues ( parameters , pinfo , culture , ( invokeAttr & BindingFlags . ExactBinding ) ! = 0 ) ;
#if ! NET_2_1
if ( SecurityManager . SecurityEnabled ) {
// sadly Attributes doesn't tell us which kind of security action this is so
// we must do it the hard way - and it also means that we can skip calling
// Attribute (which is another an icall)
SecurityManager . ReflectedLinkDemandInvoke ( this ) ;
if ( obj = = null & & DeclaringType . ContainsGenericParameters )
throw new MemberAccessException ( "Cannot create an instance of " + DeclaringType + " because Type.ContainsGenericParameters is true." ) ;
if ( ( invokeAttr & BindingFlags . CreateInstance ) ! = 0 & & DeclaringType . IsAbstract ) {
throw new MemberAccessException ( String . Format ( "Cannot create an instance of {0} because it is an abstract class" , DeclaringType ) ) ;
return InternalInvoke ( obj , parameters ) ;
public object InternalInvoke ( object obj , object [ ] parameters )
Exception exc ;
object o = null ;
try {
o = InternalInvoke ( obj , parameters , out exc ) ;
#if NET_2_1
} catch ( MethodAccessException ) {
throw ;
} catch ( Exception e ) {
throw new TargetInvocationException ( e ) ;
if ( exc ! = null )
throw exc ;
return obj = = null ? o : null ;
public override Object Invoke ( BindingFlags invokeAttr , Binder binder , Object [ ] parameters , CultureInfo culture )
return DoInvoke ( null , invokeAttr , binder , parameters , culture ) ;
public override RuntimeMethodHandle MethodHandle {
get {
return new RuntimeMethodHandle ( mhandle ) ;
public override MethodAttributes Attributes {
get {
return MonoMethodInfo . GetAttributes ( mhandle ) ;
public override CallingConventions CallingConvention {
get {
return MonoMethodInfo . GetCallingConvention ( mhandle ) ;
2015-04-07 09:35:12 +01:00
public override bool ContainsGenericParameters {
get {
return DeclaringType . ContainsGenericParameters ;
2014-08-13 10:39:27 +01:00
public override Type ReflectedType {
get {
return reftype ;
public override Type DeclaringType {
get {
return MonoMethodInfo . GetDeclaringType ( mhandle ) ;
public override string Name {
get {
if ( name ! = null )
return name ;
return MonoMethod . get_name ( this ) ;
public override bool IsDefined ( Type attributeType , bool inherit ) {
return MonoCustomAttrs . IsDefined ( this , attributeType , inherit ) ;
public override object [ ] GetCustomAttributes ( bool inherit ) {
return MonoCustomAttrs . GetCustomAttributes ( this , inherit ) ;
public override object [ ] GetCustomAttributes ( Type attributeType , bool inherit ) {
return MonoCustomAttrs . GetCustomAttributes ( this , attributeType , inherit ) ;
public override MethodBody GetMethodBody ( ) {
return GetMethodBody ( mhandle ) ;
public override string ToString ( ) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder ( ) ;
sb . Append ( "Void " ) ;
sb . Append ( Name ) ;
sb . Append ( "(" ) ;
ParameterInfo [ ] p = GetParameters ( ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < p . Length ; + + i ) {
if ( i > 0 )
sb . Append ( ", " ) ;
sb . Append ( p [ i ] . ParameterType . Name ) ;
if ( CallingConvention = = CallingConventions . Any )
sb . Append ( ", ..." ) ;
sb . Append ( ")" ) ;
return sb . ToString ( ) ;
// ISerializable
public void GetObjectData ( SerializationInfo info , StreamingContext context )
MemberInfoSerializationHolder . Serialize ( info , Name , ReflectedType , ToString ( ) , MemberTypes . Constructor ) ;
public override IList < CustomAttributeData > GetCustomAttributesData ( ) {
return CustomAttributeData . GetCustomAttributes ( this ) ;