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// ModuleBuilderTest - NUnit Test Cases for the ModuleBuilder class
// Zoltan Varga (vargaz@freemail.hu)
// (C) Ximian, Inc. http://www.ximian.com
using System;
using System.Threading;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Reflection.Emit;
using System.IO;
using System.Collections;
using System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using NUnit.Framework;
namespace MonoTests.System.Reflection.Emit
public class ModuleBuilderTest
static string tempDir = Path.Combine (Path.GetTempPath (), typeof (ModuleBuilderTest).FullName);
static int nameIndex = 0;
public void SetUp ()
Random AutoRand = new Random ();
string basePath = tempDir;
while (Directory.Exists (tempDir))
tempDir = Path.Combine (basePath, AutoRand.Next ().ToString ());
Directory.CreateDirectory (tempDir);
public void TearDown ()
try {
// This throws an exception under MS.NET, since the directory contains loaded
// assemblies.
Directory.Delete (tempDir, true);
} catch (Exception) {
private AssemblyName genAssemblyName ()
AssemblyName assemblyName = new AssemblyName();
assemblyName.Name = typeof (ModuleBuilderTest).FullName + (nameIndex ++);
return assemblyName;
private AssemblyBuilder genAssembly ()
return Thread.GetDomain ().DefineDynamicAssembly (genAssemblyName (),
public void TestIsTransient ()
AssemblyBuilder ab = genAssembly ();
ModuleBuilder mb1 = ab.DefineDynamicModule ("foo.dll");
Assert.IsTrue (mb1.IsTransient (), "#1");
ModuleBuilder mb2 = ab.DefineDynamicModule ("foo2.dll", "foo2.dll");
Assert.IsFalse (mb2.IsTransient (), "#2");
// Some of these tests overlap with the tests for Module
public void TestGlobalData ()
AssemblyBuilder ab = genAssembly ();
string resfile = Path.Combine (tempDir, "res");
using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter (resfile)) {
sw.WriteLine ("FOO");
ModuleBuilder mb = ab.DefineDynamicModule ("foo.dll", "foo.dll");
mb.DefineInitializedData ("DATA", new byte [100], FieldAttributes.Public);
mb.DefineInitializedData ("DATA2", new byte [100], FieldAttributes.Public);
mb.DefineInitializedData ("DATA3", new byte [99], FieldAttributes.Public);
mb.DefineUninitializedData ("DATA4", 101, FieldAttributes.Public);
mb.DefineInitializedData ("DATA_PRIVATE", new byte [100], 0);
mb.CreateGlobalFunctions ();
ab.Save ("foo.dll");
Assembly assembly = Assembly.LoadFrom (Path.Combine (tempDir, "foo.dll"));
Module module = assembly.GetLoadedModules () [0];
string [] expectedFieldNames = new string [] {
"DATA", "DATA2", "DATA3", "DATA4" };
ArrayList fieldNames = new ArrayList ();
foreach (FieldInfo fi in module.GetFields ()) {
fieldNames.Add (fi.Name);
AssertArrayEqualsSorted (expectedFieldNames, fieldNames.ToArray (typeof (string)));
Assert.IsNotNull (module.GetField ("DATA"), "#1");
Assert.IsNotNull (module.GetField ("DATA2"), "#2");
Assert.IsNotNull (module.GetField ("DATA3"), "#3");
Assert.IsNotNull (module.GetField ("DATA4"), "#4");
Assert.IsNull (module.GetField ("DATA_PRIVATE"), "#5");
Assert.IsNotNull (module.GetField ("DATA_PRIVATE", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static), "#6");
public void TestGlobalMethods ()
AssemblyBuilder builder = genAssembly ();
ModuleBuilder module = builder.DefineDynamicModule ("MessageModule");
MethodBuilder method = module.DefinePInvokeMethod ("printf", "libc.so",
MethodAttributes.PinvokeImpl | MethodAttributes.Static | MethodAttributes.Public,
CallingConventions.Standard, typeof (void), new Type [] { typeof (string) }, CallingConvention.Winapi,
method.SetImplementationFlags (MethodImplAttributes.PreserveSig |
method.GetMethodImplementationFlags ());
Assert.IsNull (module.GetMethod ("printf"), "#1");
module.CreateGlobalFunctions ();
Assert.IsNotNull (module.GetMethod ("printf"), "#2");
public void DefineType_Name_Null ()
AssemblyBuilder ab = genAssembly ();
ModuleBuilder mb = ab.DefineDynamicModule ("foo.dll", "foo.dll", false);
try {
mb.DefineType ((string) null);
Assert.Fail ("#1");
} catch (ArgumentNullException ex) {
Assert.AreEqual (typeof (ArgumentNullException), ex.GetType (), "#2");
Assert.IsNull (ex.InnerException, "#3");
Assert.IsNotNull (ex.Message, "#4");
Assert.AreEqual ("fullname", ex.ParamName, "#5");
public void DefineType_Name_Empty ()
AssemblyBuilder ab = genAssembly ();
ModuleBuilder mb = ab.DefineDynamicModule ("foo.dll", "foo.dll", false);
try {
mb.DefineType (string.Empty);
Assert.Fail ("#1");
} catch (ArgumentException ex) {
// Empty name is not legal
Assert.AreEqual (typeof (ArgumentException), ex.GetType (), "#2");
Assert.IsNull (ex.InnerException, "#3");
Assert.IsNotNull (ex.Message, "#4");
Assert.AreEqual ("fullname", ex.ParamName, "#5");
public void DefineType_Name_NullChar ()
AssemblyBuilder ab = genAssembly ();
ModuleBuilder mb = ab.DefineDynamicModule ("foo.dll", "foo.dll", false);
try {
mb.DefineType ("\0test");
Assert.Fail ("#1");
} catch (ArgumentException ex) {
// Illegal name
Assert.AreEqual (typeof (ArgumentException), ex.GetType (), "#2");
Assert.IsNull (ex.InnerException, "#3");
Assert.IsNotNull (ex.Message, "#4");
Assert.AreEqual ("fullname", ex.ParamName, "#5");
mb.DefineType ("te\0st");
public void DefineType_InterfaceNotAbstract ()
AssemblyBuilder ab = genAssembly ();
ModuleBuilder mb = ab.DefineDynamicModule ("foo.dll", "foo.dll", false);
try {
mb.DefineType ("ITest1", TypeAttributes.Interface);
Assert.Fail ("#A1");
} catch (InvalidOperationException ex) {
// Interface must be declared abstract
Assert.AreEqual (typeof (InvalidOperationException), ex.GetType (), "#A2");
Assert.IsNull (ex.InnerException, "#A3");
Assert.IsNotNull (ex.Message, "#A4");
try {
mb.DefineType ("ITest2", TypeAttributes.Interface, (Type) null);
Assert.Fail ("#B1");
} catch (InvalidOperationException ex) {
// Interface must be declared abstract
Assert.AreEqual (typeof (InvalidOperationException), ex.GetType (), "#B2");
Assert.IsNull (ex.InnerException, "#B3");
Assert.IsNotNull (ex.Message, "#B4");
// fail on MS .NET 1.1
TypeBuilder tb = mb.DefineType ("ITest2", TypeAttributes.Interface,
typeof (object));
Assert.AreEqual (typeof (object), tb.BaseType, "#C1");
tb = mb.DefineType ("ITest3", TypeAttributes.Interface,
typeof (IDisposable));
Assert.AreEqual (typeof (IDisposable), tb.BaseType, "#D1");
public void DefineType_Parent_Interface ()
TypeBuilder tb;
AssemblyBuilder ab = genAssembly ();
ModuleBuilder mb = ab.DefineDynamicModule ("foo.dll", "foo.dll", false);
tb = mb.DefineType ("Foo", TypeAttributes.Class,
typeof (ICollection));
Assert.AreEqual (typeof (ICollection), tb.BaseType, "#1");
tb = mb.DefineType ("Bar", TypeAttributes.Interface,
typeof (ICollection));
Assert.AreEqual (typeof (ICollection), tb.BaseType, "#2");
public void DefineType_TypeSize ()
AssemblyBuilder ab = genAssembly ();
ModuleBuilder mb = ab.DefineDynamicModule ("foo.dll", "foo.dll", false);
TypeBuilder tb = mb.DefineType ("Foo", TypeAttributes.Public | TypeAttributes.Sealed | TypeAttributes.SequentialLayout,
typeof (ValueType), 1);
Assert.AreEqual (1, tb.Size);
[ExpectedException (typeof (ArgumentException))]
public void DuplicateTypeName () {
AssemblyBuilder ab = genAssembly ();
ModuleBuilder module = ab.DefineDynamicModule ("foo.dll", "foo.dll", false);
var itb = module.DefineType ("TBase", TypeAttributes.Public);
itb.SetParent (typeof(ValueType));
var ptb = module.DefineType ("TBase", TypeAttributes.Public);
ptb.SetParent (typeof(Enum));
[Category ("MobileNotWorking")] // Missing Mono.CompilerServices.SymbolWriter assembly
public void DuplicateSymbolDocument ()
AssemblyBuilder ab = genAssembly ();
ModuleBuilder mb = ab.DefineDynamicModule ("foo.dll", "foo.dll", true);
// Check that it is possible to redefine a symbol document
ISymbolDocumentWriter doc1 =
mb.DefineDocument ("foo.il", SymDocumentType.Text,
SymLanguageType.ILAssembly, SymLanguageVendor.Microsoft);
ISymbolDocumentWriter doc2 =
mb.DefineDocument ("foo.il", SymDocumentType.Text,
SymLanguageType.ILAssembly, SymLanguageVendor.Microsoft);
[Test] // Test case for #80435.
public void GetArrayMethodToStringTest ()
AssemblyBuilder assembly = genAssembly ();
ModuleBuilder module = assembly.DefineDynamicModule ("m", "test.dll");
Type [] myArrayClass = new Type [1];
Type [] parameterTypes = { typeof (Array) };
MethodInfo myMethodInfo = module.GetArrayMethod (myArrayClass.GetType (), "Sort", CallingConventions.Standard, null, parameterTypes);
string str = myMethodInfo.ToString ();
Assert.IsNotNull (str);
// Don't compare string, since MS returns System.Reflection.Emit.SymbolMethod here
// (they do not provide an implementation of ToString).
public void GetArrayMethodMultipleCallsTest ()
AssemblyBuilder ab = genAssembly ();
ModuleBuilder modb = ab.DefineDynamicModule ("foo.dll", "foo.dll");
TypeBuilder tb = modb.DefineType ("TestType");
var int2D = typeof (int[,]);
var mb = tb.DefineMethod ("TestMeth", MethodAttributes.Static | MethodAttributes.Public,
typeof(int), new Type[] { int2D });
var ilg = mb.GetILGenerator ();
// static int TestMeth(int[,] a)
// {
// int x;
// x = a.Get(0,0);
// return a.Get(0,1) + x;
// }
var x = ilg.DeclareLocal (typeof (int));
ilg.Emit (OpCodes.Ldarg_0);
ilg.Emit (OpCodes.Ldc_I4_0);
ilg.Emit (OpCodes.Ldc_I4_0);
var arrmi = modb.GetArrayMethod (int2D, "Get",
CallingConventions.Standard | CallingConventions.HasThis,
new Type[] { typeof(int), typeof(int) });
ilg.Emit (OpCodes.Call, arrmi);
ilg.Emit (OpCodes.Stloc, x);
var arrmi2 = modb.GetArrayMethod (int2D, "Get",
CallingConventions.Standard | CallingConventions.HasThis,
new Type[] { typeof(int), typeof(int) });
ilg.Emit (OpCodes.Ldarg_0);
ilg.Emit (OpCodes.Ldc_I4_0);
ilg.Emit (OpCodes.Ldc_I4_1);
ilg.Emit (OpCodes.Call, arrmi2);
ilg.Emit (OpCodes.Ldloc, x);
ilg.Emit (OpCodes.Add);
ilg.Emit (OpCodes.Ret);
Assert.AreNotSame (arrmi, arrmi2); // fresh MonoArrayMethods each time
var t = tb.CreateType ();
Assert.IsNotNull (t);
var a = new int[,] { { 5, 7 }, { 11, 19 } };
var mi = t.GetMethod ("TestMeth");
Assert.IsNotNull (t);
var o = mi.Invoke (null, new object[] { a });
Assert.AreEqual (12, (int)o);
private static void AssertArrayEqualsSorted (Array o1, Array o2)
Array s1 = (Array) o1.Clone ();
Array s2 = (Array) o2.Clone ();
Array.Sort (s1);
Array.Sort (s2);
Assert.AreEqual (s1.Length, s2.Length, "#1");
for (int i = 0; i < s1.Length; ++i)
Assert.AreEqual (s1.GetValue (i), s2.GetValue (i), "#2: " + i);
public void ResolveFieldTokenFieldBuilder ()
AssemblyBuilder ab = genAssembly ();
ModuleBuilder mb = ab.DefineDynamicModule ("foo.dll", "foo.dll");
TypeBuilder tb = mb.DefineType ("foo");
FieldBuilder fb = tb.DefineField ("foo", typeof (int), 0);
tb.CreateType ();
FieldInfo fi = mb.ResolveField (0x04000001);
Assert.IsNotNull (fi);
Assert.AreEqual ("foo", fi.Name);
public void ResolveGenericFieldBuilderOnGenericTypeBuilder ()
AssemblyBuilder ab = genAssembly ();
ModuleBuilder mb = ab.DefineDynamicModule ("foo.dll", "foo.dll");
TypeBuilder tb = mb.DefineType ("Foo`1");
var t = tb.DefineGenericParameters ("T") [0];
FieldBuilder fb = tb.DefineField ("foo", t, 0);
tb.CreateType ();
FieldInfo fi = mb.ResolveField (0x04000001);
Assert.IsNotNull (fi);
Assert.AreEqual ("foo", fi.Name);
[ExpectedException (typeof (ArgumentException))]
public void ResolveFieldTokenInvalidToken ()
AssemblyBuilder ab = genAssembly ();
ModuleBuilder mb = ab.DefineDynamicModule ("foo.dll", "foo.dll");
mb.ResolveField (0x4001234);
public void ResolveMethodTokenMethodBuilder ()
AssemblyBuilder ab = genAssembly ();
ModuleBuilder moduleb = ab.DefineDynamicModule ("foo.dll", "foo.dll");
TypeBuilder tb = moduleb.DefineType ("foo");
MethodBuilder mb = tb.DefineMethod("Frub", MethodAttributes.Static, null, new Type[] { typeof(IntPtr) });
int tok = mb.GetToken().Token;
ILGenerator ilgen = mb.GetILGenerator();
tb.CreateType ();
MethodBase mi = moduleb.ResolveMethod (tok);
Assert.IsNotNull (mi);
Assert.AreEqual ("Frub", mi.Name);
public void GetMethodTokenCrossMethodBuilders ()
AssemblyBuilder ab = genAssembly ();
ModuleBuilder moduleb = ab.DefineDynamicModule ("foo.dll", "foo.dll");
TypeBuilder tb = moduleb.DefineType ("foo");
MethodBuilder mb = tb.DefineMethod("Frub", MethodAttributes.Static, null, new Type[] { typeof(IntPtr) });
int tok = mb.GetToken().Token;
ILGenerator ilgen = mb.GetILGenerator();
tb.CreateType ();
var mi = (MethodInfo) moduleb.ResolveMember (tok);
Assert.IsNotNull (mi);
ModuleBuilder moduleb2 = ab.DefineDynamicModule ("foo2.dll", "foo2.dll");
var tok2 = moduleb2.GetMethodToken (mi).Token;
MethodBase mi2 = moduleb.ResolveMethod (tok2);
Assert.IsNotNull (mi2);
Assert.AreEqual ("Frub", mi.Name);
public void ResolveMemberField ()
var assembly = genAssembly ();
var module = assembly.DefineDynamicModule ("foo.dll", "foo.dll");
var type = module.DefineType ("Foo");
var method = type.DefineMethod ("Str", MethodAttributes.Static, typeof (string), Type.EmptyTypes);
var il = method.GetILGenerator ();
il.Emit (OpCodes.Ldsfld, typeof (string).GetField ("Empty"));
il.Emit (OpCodes.Ret);
type.CreateType ();
var string_empty = (FieldInfo) module.ResolveMember (0x0a000001);
Assert.IsNotNull (string_empty);
Assert.AreEqual ("Empty", string_empty.Name);
Assert.AreEqual (typeof (string), string_empty.DeclaringType);
public void ResolveMemberMethod ()
var assembly = genAssembly ();
var module = assembly.DefineDynamicModule ("foo.dll", "foo.dll");
var type = module.DefineType ("Foo");
var method = type.DefineMethod ("Str", MethodAttributes.Static, typeof (void), Type.EmptyTypes);
var il = method.GetILGenerator ();
il.Emit (OpCodes.Call, typeof (Console).GetMethod ("WriteLine", Type.EmptyTypes));
il.Emit (OpCodes.Ret);
type.CreateType ();
var writeline = (MethodInfo) module.ResolveMember (0x0a000001);
Assert.IsNotNull (writeline);
Assert.AreEqual ("WriteLine", writeline.Name);
Assert.AreEqual (typeof (Console), writeline.DeclaringType);
public void ResolveMethodDefWithGenericArguments ()
var assembly = genAssembly ();
var module = assembly.DefineDynamicModule ("foo.dll", "foo.dll");
var type = module.DefineType ("Foo`1");
var t = type.DefineGenericParameters ("T") [0];
var method = type.DefineMethod ("Method", MethodAttributes.Static, typeof (void), new Type [] { t });
method.GetILGenerator ().Emit (OpCodes.Ret);
type.DefineDefaultConstructor (MethodAttributes.Public);
type.CreateType ();
var resolved_method = (MethodInfo) module.ResolveMember (0x06000001, new [] { typeof (string) }, Type.EmptyTypes);
Assert.IsNotNull (resolved_method);
Assert.AreEqual ("Method", resolved_method.Name);
Assert.IsTrue (resolved_method.GetParameters () [0].ParameterType.IsGenericParameter);
public void ResolveFieldDefWithGenericArguments ()
var assembly = genAssembly ();
var module = assembly.DefineDynamicModule ("foo.dll", "foo.dll");
var type = module.DefineType ("Foo`1");
var t = type.DefineGenericParameters ("T") [0];
var field = type.DefineField ("field", t, FieldAttributes.Public);
type.CreateType ();
var resolved_field = (FieldInfo) module.ResolveMember (0x04000001, new [] { typeof (string) }, Type.EmptyTypes);
Assert.IsNotNull (resolved_field);
Assert.AreEqual ("field", resolved_field.Name);
Assert.IsTrue (resolved_field.FieldType.IsGenericParameter);
public void ResolveTypeDefWithGenericArguments ()
var assembly = genAssembly ();
var module = assembly.DefineDynamicModule ("foo.dll", "foo.dll");
var type = module.DefineType ("Foo`1");
var t = type.DefineGenericParameters ("T") [0];
type.CreateType ();
var foo = (Type) module.ResolveMember (0x02000002, new [] { typeof (string) }, Type.EmptyTypes);
Assert.IsNotNull (foo);
Assert.AreEqual ("Foo`1", foo.Name);
Assert.IsTrue (foo.IsGenericTypeDefinition);
// The token is not guaranteed to be 0x0a000001
[Category ("NotWorking")]
public void ResolveFieldMemberRefWithGenericArguments ()
var assembly = genAssembly ();
var module = assembly.DefineDynamicModule ("foo.dll", "foo.dll");
var type = module.DefineType ("Foo`1");
var t = type.DefineGenericParameters ("T") [0];
var field = type.DefineField ("field", t, FieldAttributes.Public);
var method = type.DefineMethod ("Method", MethodAttributes.Public, typeof (void), Type.EmptyTypes);
var il = method.GetILGenerator ();
il.Emit (OpCodes.Ldarg_0);
il.Emit (OpCodes.Ldfld, field); // this triggers the creation of a MemberRef on a generic TypeSpec
il.Emit (OpCodes.Pop);
il.Emit (OpCodes.Ret);
type.CreateType ();
var resolved_field = (FieldInfo) module.ResolveMember (0x0a000001, new [] { typeof (string) }, null);
Assert.IsNotNull (resolved_field);
Assert.AreEqual ("field", resolved_field.Name);
Assert.AreEqual (typeof (string), resolved_field.FieldType);
// The token is not guaranteed to be 0x0a000002
[Category ("NotWorking")]
public void ResolveMethodMemberRefWithGenericArguments ()
var assembly = genAssembly ();
var module = assembly.DefineDynamicModule ("foo.dll", "foo.dll");
var type = module.DefineType ("Foo`1");
var t = type.DefineGenericParameters ("T") [0];
var field = type.DefineField ("field", t, FieldAttributes.Public);
var method = type.DefineMethod ("Method", MethodAttributes.Public, typeof (void), new Type [] { t });
method.GetILGenerator ().Emit (OpCodes.Ret);
var ctor = type.DefineMethod ("Caller", MethodAttributes.Public, typeof (void), Type.EmptyTypes);
var il = ctor.GetILGenerator ();
il.Emit (OpCodes.Ldarg_0);
il.Emit (OpCodes.Ldarg_0);
il.Emit (OpCodes.Ldfld, field); // this triggers the creation of a MemberRef on a generic TypeSpec
il.Emit (OpCodes.Callvirt, method); // this too
il.Emit (OpCodes.Ret);
type.DefineDefaultConstructor (MethodAttributes.Public);
type.CreateType ();
var resolved_method = (MethodInfo) module.ResolveMember (0x0a000002, new [] { typeof (string) }, null);
Assert.IsNotNull (resolved_method);
Assert.AreEqual ("Method", resolved_method.Name);
Assert.AreEqual (typeof (string), resolved_method.GetParameters () [0].ParameterType);
// The token is not guaranteed to be 0x2b000001
public void ResolveMethodSpecWithGenericArguments ()
var assembly = genAssembly ();
var module = assembly.DefineDynamicModule ("foo.dll", "foo.dll");
var type = module.DefineType ("Foo`1");
var t = type.DefineGenericParameters ("T") [0];
var field = type.DefineField ("field", t, FieldAttributes.Public);
var method = type.DefineMethod ("Method", MethodAttributes.Public);
var s = method.DefineGenericParameters ("S") [0];
method.SetReturnType (typeof (void));
method.SetParameters (t, s);
method.GetILGenerator ().Emit (OpCodes.Ret);
var ctor = type.DefineMethod ("Caller", MethodAttributes.Public, typeof (void), Type.EmptyTypes);
var il = ctor.GetILGenerator ();
il.Emit (OpCodes.Ldarg_0);
il.Emit (OpCodes.Ldarg_0);
il.Emit (OpCodes.Ldfld, field); // this triggers the creation of a MemberRef on a generic TypeSpec
il.Emit (OpCodes.Ldarg_0);
il.Emit (OpCodes.Ldfld, field); // this triggers the creation of a MemberRef on a generic TypeSpec
il.Emit (OpCodes.Callvirt, method); // this triggers the creation of a MethodSpec
il.Emit (OpCodes.Ret);
type.DefineDefaultConstructor (MethodAttributes.Public);
type.CreateType ();
var resolved_method = (MethodInfo) module.ResolveMember (0x2b000001, new [] { typeof (string) }, new [] { typeof (int) });
Assert.IsNotNull (resolved_method);
Assert.AreEqual ("Method", resolved_method.Name);
Assert.AreEqual (typeof (string), resolved_method.GetParameters () [0].ParameterType);
Assert.AreEqual (typeof (int), resolved_method.GetParameters () [1].ParameterType);
public void GetTypes ()
AssemblyBuilder ab = genAssembly ();
ModuleBuilder mb = ab.DefineDynamicModule ("foo.dll", "foo.dll");
TypeBuilder tb1 = mb.DefineType("Foo", TypeAttributes.Public);
Type[] types = mb.GetTypes ();
Assert.AreEqual (1, types.Length);
Assert.AreEqual (tb1, types [0]);
// After the type is created, MS seems to return the created type
tb1.CreateType ();
types = mb.GetTypes ();
Assert.AreEqual (tb1.CreateType (), types [0]);
[Test] // GetTypeToken (Type)
[Category ("NotDotNet")] // http://support.microsoft.com/kb/950986
public void GetTypeToken2_Type_Array ()
Type type;
TypeToken typeToken;
Type resolved_type;
AssemblyName aname = genAssemblyName ();
AssemblyBuilder ab = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.DefineDynamicAssembly (
aname, AssemblyBuilderAccess.RunAndSave);
ModuleBuilder mb = ab.DefineDynamicModule ("MyModule");
type = typeof (object []);
typeToken = mb.GetTypeToken (type);
Assert.IsFalse (typeToken == TypeToken.Empty, "#A1");
resolved_type = mb.ResolveType (typeToken.Token);
Assert.AreEqual (type, resolved_type, "#A2");
type = typeof (object).MakeArrayType ();
typeToken = mb.GetTypeToken (type);
Assert.IsFalse (typeToken == TypeToken.Empty, "#B1");
resolved_type = mb.ResolveType (typeToken.Token);
Assert.AreEqual (type, resolved_type, "#B2");
[Test] // GetTypeToken (Type)
public void GetTypeToken2_Type_String ()
AssemblyName aname = genAssemblyName ();
AssemblyBuilder ab = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.DefineDynamicAssembly (
aname, AssemblyBuilderAccess.RunAndSave);
ModuleBuilder mb = ab.DefineDynamicModule ("MyModule");
Type type = typeof (string);
TypeToken typeToken = mb.GetTypeToken (type);
Assert.IsFalse (typeToken == TypeToken.Empty, "#1");
Type resolved_type = mb.ResolveType (typeToken.Token);
Assert.AreEqual (type, resolved_type, "#2");
[Test] // bug #471302
public void ModuleBuilder_ModuleVersionId ()
var name = new AssemblyName () { Name = "Foo" };
var assembly = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.DefineDynamicAssembly (
name, AssemblyBuilderAccess.Run);
var module = assembly.DefineDynamicModule ("Foo");
Assert.AreNotEqual (new Guid (), module.ModuleVersionId);
public void GetType_String_Null ()
AssemblyName an = genAssemblyName ();
AssemblyBuilder ab = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.DefineDynamicAssembly (an, AssemblyBuilderAccess.Run);
ModuleBuilder module = ab.DefineDynamicModule ("GetTypeNullCheck");
try {
module.GetType (null);
Assert.Fail ("Expected ArgumentNullException for GetType(string)");
catch (ArgumentNullException) {
try {
module.GetType (null, true); // ignoreCase
Assert.Fail ("Expected ArgumentNullException for GetType(string,bool)");
catch (ArgumentNullException) {
try {
module.GetType (null, true, true); // throwOnError, ignoreCase
Assert.Fail ("Expected ArgumentNullException for GetType(string,bool,bool)");
catch (ArgumentNullException) {
public void GetType_String_Empty ()
AssemblyName an = genAssemblyName ();
AssemblyBuilder ab = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.DefineDynamicAssembly (an, AssemblyBuilderAccess.Run);
ModuleBuilder module = ab.DefineDynamicModule ("GetTypeEmptyCheck");
try {
module.GetType (String.Empty);
Assert.Fail ("Expected ArgumentNullException for GetType(string)");
catch (ArgumentException) {
try {
module.GetType (String.Empty, true); // ignoreCase
Assert.Fail ("Expected ArgumentNullException for GetType(string,bool)");
catch (ArgumentException) {
try {
module.GetType (String.Empty, true, true); // throwOnError, ignoreCase
Assert.Fail ("Expected ArgumentNullException for GetType(string,bool,bool)");
catch (ArgumentException) {
public void GetType_Escaped_Chars ()
AssemblyName an = genAssemblyName ();
AssemblyBuilder ab = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.DefineDynamicAssembly (an, AssemblyBuilderAccess.Run);
ModuleBuilder module = ab.DefineDynamicModule ("mod");
var tb = module.DefineType ("NameSpace,+*&[]\\.Type,+*&[]\\",
TypeAttributes.Class | TypeAttributes.Public);
var nestedTb = tb.DefineNestedType ("Nested,+*&[]\\",
TypeAttributes.Class | TypeAttributes.NestedPublic);
var escapedOuterName =
+ "."
+ "Type\\,\\+\\*\\&\\[\\]\\\\";
var escapedNestedName =
+ "+"
+ "Nested\\,\\+\\*\\&\\[\\]\\\\";
Assert.AreEqual (escapedOuterName, tb.FullName);
Assert.AreEqual (escapedNestedName, nestedTb.FullName);
Type outerCreatedTy = tb.CreateType ();
Type nestedCreatedTy = nestedTb.CreateType ();
Type outerTy = module.GetType (escapedOuterName);
Type nestedTy = module.GetType (escapedNestedName);
Assert.IsNotNull (outerTy, "A");
Assert.IsNotNull (nestedTy, "B");
Assert.AreEqual (escapedNestedName, nestedTy.FullName);
Assert.AreEqual (nestedCreatedTy, nestedTy);
public void GetMethodTokenNullParam ()
AssemblyName an = genAssemblyName ();
AssemblyBuilder ab = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.DefineDynamicAssembly (an, AssemblyBuilderAccess.Run);
ModuleBuilder module = ab.DefineDynamicModule ("mod");
var method = typeof (object).GetMethod ("GetType");
// ArgumentNullException should not occur.
module.GetMethodToken (method, null);
public void GetConstructorTokenNullParam ()
AssemblyName an = genAssemblyName ();
AssemblyBuilder ab = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.DefineDynamicAssembly (an, AssemblyBuilderAccess.Run);
ModuleBuilder module = ab.DefineDynamicModule ("mod");
var method = typeof (object).GetConstructor (Type.EmptyTypes);
// ArgumentNullException should not occur.
module.GetConstructorToken (method, null);
public void GetType ()
AssemblyBuilder ab = genAssembly ();
ModuleBuilder module = ab.DefineDynamicModule ("foo.dll", "foo.dll");
TypeBuilder tb = module.DefineType ("t1", TypeAttributes.Public);
Assert.AreEqual ("t1[]", module.GetType ("t1[]").FullName);
Assert.AreEqual ("t1*", module.GetType ("t1*").FullName);
Assert.AreEqual ("t1&", module.GetType ("t1&").FullName);
Assert.AreEqual ("t1[]&", module.GetType ("t1[]&").FullName);
public class MyAttribute : Attribute {
public String Contents;
public MyAttribute (String contents)
this.Contents = contents;
public void GetMethodsBeforeInstantiation ()
AssemblyBuilder assm = AssemblyBuilder.DefineDynamicAssembly (new AssemblyName ("Name"), AssemblyBuilderAccess.Run);
ModuleBuilder module = assm.DefineDynamicModule ("Module");
// Added to make sure fields and methods not mixed up by getters
FieldBuilder fieldBuilder = module.DefineInitializedData ("GlobalField", new byte[4], FieldAttributes.Public);
MethodBuilder method = module.DefinePInvokeMethod ("printf", "libc.so",
MethodAttributes.PinvokeImpl | MethodAttributes.Static | MethodAttributes.Public,
CallingConventions.Standard, typeof (void), new Type [] { typeof (string) }, CallingConvention.Winapi,
method.SetImplementationFlags (MethodImplAttributes.PreserveSig |
method.GetMethodImplementationFlags ());
module.CreateGlobalFunctions ();
// Make sure method is defined, but field is not
Assert.AreEqual (1, module.GetMethods (BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Instance).Length);
public void GetFieldsBeforeInstantiation ()
AssemblyBuilder assm = AssemblyBuilder.DefineDynamicAssembly (new AssemblyName ("Name"), AssemblyBuilderAccess.Run);
ModuleBuilder module = assm.DefineDynamicModule ("Module");
FieldBuilder fieldBuilder = module.DefineInitializedData ("GlobalField", new byte[4], FieldAttributes.Public);
module.CreateGlobalFunctions ();
var fieldG = module.GetField (fieldBuilder.Name);
Assert.IsNotNull (fieldG);
Assert.AreEqual (1, module.GetFields (BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Instance).Length);
public void GetCustomAttributesBeforeInstantiation ()
AssemblyBuilder assm = AssemblyBuilder.DefineDynamicAssembly (new AssemblyName ("Name"), AssemblyBuilderAccess.Run);
ModuleBuilder module = assm.DefineDynamicModule ("Module");
module.CreateGlobalFunctions ();
ConstructorInfo ctor = typeof(MyAttribute).GetConstructor (new Type [] {typeof(String)});
ctor.GetHashCode ();
CustomAttributeBuilder cab = new CustomAttributeBuilder (ctor, new object [] {"hi"});
module.SetCustomAttribute (cab);
Assert.AreEqual (1, module.GetCustomAttributes (false).Length);
Assert.AreEqual (typeof (MyAttribute), ((MyAttribute) module.GetCustomAttributes (false)[0]).GetType ());
Assert.AreEqual ("hi", ((MyAttribute) module.GetCustomAttributes (false)[0]).Contents);
public void GetCustomAttributesIgnoresArg ()
AssemblyBuilder assm = AssemblyBuilder.DefineDynamicAssembly (new AssemblyName ("Name"), AssemblyBuilderAccess.Run);
ModuleBuilder module = assm.DefineDynamicModule ("Module");
module.CreateGlobalFunctions ();
ConstructorInfo ctor = typeof(MyAttribute).GetConstructor (new Type [] {typeof(String)});
ctor.GetHashCode ();
CustomAttributeBuilder cab = new CustomAttributeBuilder (ctor, new object [] {"hi"});
module.SetCustomAttribute (cab);
var first = module.GetCustomAttributes (false);
var second = module.GetCustomAttributes (true);
Assert.AreEqual (first.Length, second.Length);
for (int i=0; i < first.Length; i++)
Assert.AreEqual (first [i].GetType (), second [i].GetType ());
Assert.AreEqual ("hi", ((MyAttribute) first [0]).Contents);
Assert.AreEqual ("hi", ((MyAttribute) second [0]).Contents);
public void GetCustomAttributesThrowsUnbakedAttributeType ()
AssemblyBuilder assm = AssemblyBuilder.DefineDynamicAssembly (new AssemblyName ("Name"), AssemblyBuilderAccess.Run);
ModuleBuilder module = assm.DefineDynamicModule ("Module");
TypeBuilder tb = module.DefineType ("foo");
module.CreateGlobalFunctions ();
ConstructorInfo ctor = typeof(MyAttribute).GetConstructor (new Type [] {typeof(String)});
ctor.GetHashCode ();
CustomAttributeBuilder cab = new CustomAttributeBuilder (ctor, new object [] {"hi"});
module.SetCustomAttribute (cab);
try {
module.GetCustomAttributes (tb, false);
catch (InvalidOperationException e) {
// Correct behavior
Assert.Fail ("Supposed to throw");
public void GetExternalTypeBuilderCAttr ()
AssemblyBuilder assm = AssemblyBuilder.DefineDynamicAssembly (new AssemblyName ("Name"), AssemblyBuilderAccess.Run);
ModuleBuilder module = assm.DefineDynamicModule ("Module");
ModuleBuilder module_two = assm.DefineDynamicModule ("ModuleTwo");
TypeBuilder tb = module_two.DefineType ("foo");
ConstructorInfo ctor = tb.DefineConstructor (MethodAttributes.Public, CallingConventions.Standard, Type.EmptyTypes);
CustomAttributeBuilder cab = new CustomAttributeBuilder (ctor, Array.Empty<object> ());
// Set the custom attribute to have a type builder from another module
module.SetCustomAttribute (cab);
module.CreateGlobalFunctions ();
try {
module.GetCustomAttributes (false);
catch (NotSupportedException e) {
// Correct behavior
Assert.Fail ("Supposed to throw");
public void GetFieldsNoGlobalType ()
AssemblyBuilder assm = AssemblyBuilder.DefineDynamicAssembly (new AssemblyName ("Name"), AssemblyBuilderAccess.Run);
ModuleBuilder module = assm.DefineDynamicModule ("Module");
FieldBuilder fieldBuilder = module.DefineInitializedData ("GlobalField", new byte[4], FieldAttributes.Public);
try {
module.GetFields (BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Instance);
catch (InvalidOperationException e) {
// Correct behavior
Assert.Fail ("Supposed to throw");
public void GetFieldNoGlobalType ()
AssemblyBuilder assm = AssemblyBuilder.DefineDynamicAssembly (new AssemblyName ("Name"), AssemblyBuilderAccess.Run);
ModuleBuilder module = assm.DefineDynamicModule ("Module");
FieldBuilder fieldBuilder = module.DefineInitializedData ("GlobalField", new byte[4], FieldAttributes.Public);
try {
module.GetField (fieldBuilder.Name);
catch (InvalidOperationException e) {
// Correct behavior
Assert.Fail ("Supposed to throw");
public void GetMethodsNoGlobalType ()
AssemblyBuilder assm = AssemblyBuilder.DefineDynamicAssembly (new AssemblyName ("Name"), AssemblyBuilderAccess.Run);
ModuleBuilder module = assm.DefineDynamicModule ("Module");
FieldBuilder fieldBuilder = module.DefineInitializedData ("GlobalField", new byte[4], FieldAttributes.Public);
MethodBuilder method = module.DefinePInvokeMethod ("printf", "libc.so",
MethodAttributes.PinvokeImpl | MethodAttributes.Static | MethodAttributes.Public,
CallingConventions.Standard, typeof (void), new Type [] { typeof (string) }, CallingConvention.Winapi,
method.SetImplementationFlags (MethodImplAttributes.PreserveSig |
method.GetMethodImplementationFlags ());
try {
module.GetMethods (BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Instance);
catch (InvalidOperationException e) {
// Correct behavior
Assert.Fail ("Supposed to throw");
public void GetMetadataToken ()
AssemblyBuilder assm = AssemblyBuilder.DefineDynamicAssembly (new AssemblyName ("Name"), AssemblyBuilderAccess.Run);
ModuleBuilder module = assm.DefineDynamicModule ("Module");
module.CreateGlobalFunctions ();
Assert.AreEqual (0, module.MetadataToken);
public void SaveMemberRefGtd () {
// Ensure that the a memberref token is emitted for a
// field or for a method of a gtd in the same dynamic assembly.
// Regression test for GitHub #6192
// class T {
// public string F () {
// int i = new C<int>().Foo (42).field1;
// return i.ToString();
// }
// public string F2 () {
// int i = new C<int>().Bar (42);
// return i.ToString ();
// }
// }
// class C<X> {
// public X field1;
// public C<X> Foo (X x) {
// this.field1 = x;
// return this;
// }
// public X Bar (X x) {
// return this.Foo (x).field1;
// }
AssemblyName an = genAssemblyName ();
AssemblyBuilder ab = Thread.GetDomain ().DefineDynamicAssembly (an, AssemblyBuilderAccess.RunAndSave, tempDir);
ModuleBuilder modulebuilder = ab.DefineDynamicModule (an.Name, an.Name + ".dll");
var tb = modulebuilder.DefineType ("T", TypeAttributes.Public);
var il_gen = tb.DefineMethod ("F", MethodAttributes.Public, typeof(string), null).GetILGenerator ();
var il_gen2 = tb.DefineMethod ("F2", MethodAttributes.Public, typeof(string), null).GetILGenerator ();
var cbuilder = modulebuilder.DefineType ("C", TypeAttributes.Public);
var genericParams = cbuilder.DefineGenericParameters ("X");
var field1builder = cbuilder.DefineField ("field1", genericParams[0], FieldAttributes.Public);
var cOfX = cbuilder.MakeGenericType(genericParams);
var fooBuilder = cbuilder.DefineMethod ("Foo",
new Type [] { genericParams[0] });
var cdefaultCtor = cbuilder.DefineDefaultConstructor (MethodAttributes.Public);
var fooIL = fooBuilder.GetILGenerator ();
fooIL.Emit (OpCodes.Ldarg_0);
fooIL.Emit (OpCodes.Ldarg_1);
// Emit (Stfld, field1builder) must generate a memberref token, not fielddef.
fooIL.Emit (OpCodes.Stfld, field1builder);
fooIL.Emit (OpCodes.Ldarg_0);
fooIL.Emit (OpCodes.Ret);
var barBuilder = cbuilder.DefineMethod ("Bar",
genericParams [0],
new Type [] { genericParams [0] });
var barIL = barBuilder.GetILGenerator ();
barIL.Emit (OpCodes.Ldarg_0);
barIL.Emit (OpCodes.Ldarg_1);
// Emit (Call, fooBuilder) must generate a memberref token, not a methoddef.
barIL.Emit (OpCodes.Call, fooBuilder);
barIL.Emit (OpCodes.Ldfld, field1builder);
barIL.Emit (OpCodes.Ret);
var cOfInt32 = cbuilder.MakeGenericType (new Type [] { typeof (int) });
var fooOfInt32 = TypeBuilder.GetMethod (cOfInt32, fooBuilder);
var cfield1OfInt32 = TypeBuilder.GetField (cOfInt32, field1builder);
var intToString = typeof(int).GetMethod ("ToString", Type.EmptyTypes);
var ilocal = il_gen.DeclareLocal (typeof(int));
il_gen.Emit (OpCodes.Newobj, TypeBuilder.GetConstructor (cOfInt32, cdefaultCtor));
il_gen.Emit (OpCodes.Ldc_I4, 42);
il_gen.Emit (OpCodes.Call, fooOfInt32);
il_gen.Emit (OpCodes.Ldfld, cfield1OfInt32);
il_gen.Emit (OpCodes.Stloc, ilocal);
il_gen.Emit (OpCodes.Ldloca, ilocal);
il_gen.Emit (OpCodes.Call, intToString);
il_gen.Emit (OpCodes.Ret);
var i2local = il_gen2.DeclareLocal (typeof (int));
var barOfInt32 = TypeBuilder.GetMethod (cOfInt32, barBuilder);
il_gen2.Emit (OpCodes.Newobj, TypeBuilder.GetConstructor (cOfInt32, cdefaultCtor));
il_gen2.Emit (OpCodes.Ldc_I4, 17);
il_gen2.Emit (OpCodes.Call, barOfInt32);
il_gen2.Emit (OpCodes.Stloc, i2local);
il_gen2.Emit (OpCodes.Ldloca, i2local);
il_gen2.Emit (OpCodes.Call, intToString);
il_gen2.Emit (OpCodes.Ret);
cbuilder.CreateType ();
tb.CreateType ();
ab.Save (an.Name + ".dll");
/* Yes the test really needs to roundtrip through SRE.Save().
* The regression is in the token fixup code on the saving codepath.
var assm = Assembly.LoadFrom (Path.Combine (tempDir, an.Name + ".dll"));
var baked = assm.GetType ("T");
var x = Activator.CreateInstance (baked);
var m = baked.GetMethod ("F");
var s = m.Invoke (x, null);
Assert.AreEqual ("42", s);
var m2 = baked.GetMethod ("F2");
var s2 = m2.Invoke (x, null);
Assert.AreEqual ("17", s2);