2015-04-07 09:35:12 +01:00
// <copyright file="SqlDataSourceEnumerator.cs" company="Microsoft">
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// </copyright>
// <owner current="true" primary="true">[....]</owner>
// <owner current="true" primary="false">[....]</owner>
namespace System.Data.Sql {
using System ;
using System.Data ;
using System.Data.Common ;
using System.Data.SqlClient ;
using System.Diagnostics ;
using System.Globalization ;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices ;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices ;
using System.Security ;
using System.Text ;
public sealed class SqlDataSourceEnumerator : DbDataSourceEnumerator {
private static readonly SqlDataSourceEnumerator SingletonInstance = new SqlDataSourceEnumerator ( ) ;
internal const string ServerName = "ServerName" ;
internal const string InstanceName = "InstanceName" ;
internal const string IsClustered = "IsClustered" ;
internal const string Version = "Version" ;
private const int timeoutSeconds = ADP . DefaultCommandTimeout ;
private long timeoutTime ; // variable used for timeout computations, holds the value of the hi-res performance counter at which this request should expire
private SqlDataSourceEnumerator ( ) : base ( ) {
public static SqlDataSourceEnumerator Instance {
get {
return SqlDataSourceEnumerator . SingletonInstance ;
override public DataTable GetDataSources ( ) {
2015-08-26 07:17:56 -04:00
#if MONO
throw new NotImplementedException ( ) ;
2015-04-07 09:35:12 +01:00
( new NamedPermissionSet ( "FullTrust" ) ) . Demand ( ) ; // SQLBUDT 244304
char [ ] buffer = null ;
StringBuilder strbldr = new StringBuilder ( ) ;
Int32 bufferSize = 1024 ;
Int32 readLength = 0 ;
buffer = new char [ bufferSize ] ;
bool more = true ;
bool failure = false ;
IntPtr handle = ADP . PtrZero ;
RuntimeHelpers . PrepareConstrainedRegions ( ) ;
try {
timeoutTime = TdsParserStaticMethods . GetTimeoutSeconds ( timeoutSeconds ) ;
RuntimeHelpers . PrepareConstrainedRegions ( ) ;
try { } finally {
handle = SNINativeMethodWrapper . SNIServerEnumOpen ( ) ;
if ( ADP . PtrZero ! = handle ) {
while ( more & & ! TdsParserStaticMethods . TimeoutHasExpired ( timeoutTime ) ) {
readLength = SNINativeMethodWrapper . SNIServerEnumRead ( handle , buffer , bufferSize , ref more ) ;
if ( readLength > bufferSize ) {
failure = true ;
more = false ;
else if ( 0 < readLength ) {
strbldr . Append ( buffer , 0 , readLength ) ;
finally {
if ( ADP . PtrZero ! = handle ) {
SNINativeMethodWrapper . SNIServerEnumClose ( handle ) ;
if ( failure ) {
Debug . Assert ( false , "GetDataSources:SNIServerEnumRead returned bad length" ) ;
Bid . Trace ( "<sc.SqlDataSourceEnumerator.GetDataSources|ERR> GetDataSources:SNIServerEnumRead returned bad length, requested %d, received %d" , bufferSize , readLength ) ;
throw ADP . ArgumentOutOfRange ( "readLength" ) ;
return ParseServerEnumString ( strbldr . ToString ( ) ) ;
2015-08-26 07:17:56 -04:00
2015-04-07 09:35:12 +01:00
private static string _Version = "Version:" ;
private static string _Cluster = "Clustered:" ;
private static int _clusterLength = _Cluster . Length ;
private static int _versionLength = _Version . Length ;
static private DataTable ParseServerEnumString ( string serverInstances ) {
DataTable dataTable = new DataTable ( "SqlDataSources" ) ;
dataTable . Locale = CultureInfo . InvariantCulture ;
dataTable . Columns . Add ( ServerName , typeof ( string ) ) ;
dataTable . Columns . Add ( InstanceName , typeof ( string ) ) ;
dataTable . Columns . Add ( IsClustered , typeof ( string ) ) ;
dataTable . Columns . Add ( Version , typeof ( string ) ) ;
DataRow dataRow = null ;
string serverName = null ;
string instanceName = null ;
string isClustered = null ;
string version = null ;
// Every row comes in the format "serverName\instanceName;Clustered:[Yes|No];Version:.."
// Every row is terminated by a null character.
// Process one row at a time
foreach ( string instance in serverInstances . Split ( '\0' ) ) {
string value = instance . Trim ( '\0' ) ; // MDAC 91934
if ( 0 = = value . Length ) {
continue ;
foreach ( string instance2 in value . Split ( ';' ) ) {
if ( serverName = = null ) {
foreach ( string instance3 in instance2 . Split ( '\\' ) ) {
if ( serverName = = null ) {
serverName = instance3 ;
continue ;
Debug . Assert ( instanceName = = null ) ;
instanceName = instance3 ;
continue ;
if ( isClustered = = null ) {
Debug . Assert ( String . Compare ( _Cluster , 0 , instance2 , 0 , _clusterLength , StringComparison . OrdinalIgnoreCase ) = = 0 ) ;
isClustered = instance2 . Substring ( _clusterLength ) ;
continue ;
Debug . Assert ( version = = null ) ;
Debug . Assert ( String . Compare ( _Version , 0 , instance2 , 0 , _versionLength , StringComparison . OrdinalIgnoreCase ) = = 0 ) ;
version = instance2 . Substring ( _versionLength ) ;
string query = "ServerName='" + serverName + "'" ;
if ( ! ADP . IsEmpty ( instanceName ) ) { // SQL BU DT 20006584: only append instanceName if present.
query + = " AND InstanceName='" + instanceName + "'" ;
// SNI returns dupes - do not add them. SQL BU DT 290323
if ( dataTable . Select ( query ) . Length = = 0 ) {
dataRow = dataTable . NewRow ( ) ;
dataRow [ 0 ] = serverName ;
dataRow [ 1 ] = instanceName ;
dataRow [ 2 ] = isClustered ;
dataRow [ 3 ] = version ;
dataTable . Rows . Add ( dataRow ) ;
serverName = null ;
instanceName = null ;
isClustered = null ;
version = null ;
foreach ( DataColumn column in dataTable . Columns ) {
column . ReadOnly = true ;
return dataTable ;