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// System.TimeSpan.cs
// Authors:
// Duco Fijma (duco@lorentz.xs4all.nl)
// Andreas Nahr (ClassDevelopment@A-SoftTech.com)
// Sebastien Pouliot <sebastien@ximian.com>
// Marek Safar (marek.safar@gmail.com)
// (C) 2001 Duco Fijma
// (C) 2004 Andreas Nahr
// Copyright (C) 2004 Novell (http://www.novell.com)
// Copyright (C) 2014 Xamarin Inc (http://www.xamarin.com)
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
// a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
// "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
// without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
// distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
// permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
// the following conditions:
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
// included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
using System.Globalization;
namespace System
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComVisible (true)]
public struct TimeSpan : IComparable, IComparable<TimeSpan>, IEquatable <TimeSpan>
#if NET_4_0
, IFormattable
static TimeSpan () {
if (MonoTouchAOTHelper.FalseFlag) {
var comparer = new System.Collections.Generic.GenericComparer <TimeSpan> ();
var eqcomparer = new System.Collections.Generic.GenericEqualityComparer <TimeSpan> ();
public static readonly TimeSpan MaxValue = new TimeSpan (long.MaxValue);
public static readonly TimeSpan MinValue = new TimeSpan (long.MinValue);
public static readonly TimeSpan Zero = new TimeSpan (0L);
public const long TicksPerDay = 864000000000L;
public const long TicksPerHour = 36000000000L;
public const long TicksPerMillisecond = 10000L;
public const long TicksPerMinute = 600000000L;
public const long TicksPerSecond = 10000000L;
private long _ticks;
public TimeSpan (long ticks)
_ticks = ticks;
public TimeSpan (int hours, int minutes, int seconds)
CalculateTicks (0, hours, minutes, seconds, 0, true, out _ticks);
public TimeSpan (int days, int hours, int minutes, int seconds)
CalculateTicks (days, hours, minutes, seconds, 0, true, out _ticks);
public TimeSpan (int days, int hours, int minutes, int seconds, int milliseconds)
CalculateTicks (days, hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds, true, out _ticks);
internal static bool CalculateTicks (int days, int hours, int minutes, int seconds, int milliseconds, bool throwExc, out long result)
// there's no overflow checks for hours, minutes, ...
// so big hours/minutes values can overflow at some point and change expected values
int hrssec = (hours * 3600); // break point at (Int32.MaxValue - 596523)
int minsec = (minutes * 60);
long t = ((long)(hrssec + minsec + seconds) * 1000L + (long)milliseconds);
t *= 10000;
result = 0;
bool overflow = false;
// days is problematic because it can overflow but that overflow can be
// "legal" (i.e. temporary) (e.g. if other parameters are negative) or
// illegal (e.g. sign change).
if (days > 0) {
long td = TicksPerDay * days;
if (t < 0) {
long ticks = t;
t += td;
// positive days -> total ticks should be lower
overflow = (ticks > t);
else {
t += td;
// positive + positive != negative result
overflow = (t < 0);
else if (days < 0) {
long td = TicksPerDay * days;
if (t <= 0) {
t += td;
// negative + negative != positive result
overflow = (t > 0);
else {
long ticks = t;
t += td;
// negative days -> total ticks should be lower
overflow = (t > ticks);
if (overflow) {
if (throwExc)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException (Locale.GetText ("The timespan is too big or too small."));
return false;
result = t;
return true;
public int Days {
get {
return (int) (_ticks / TicksPerDay);
public int Hours {
get {
return (int) (_ticks % TicksPerDay / TicksPerHour);
public int Milliseconds {
get {
return (int) (_ticks % TicksPerSecond / TicksPerMillisecond);
public int Minutes {
get {
return (int) (_ticks % TicksPerHour / TicksPerMinute);
public int Seconds {
get {
return (int) (_ticks % TicksPerMinute / TicksPerSecond);
public long Ticks {
get {
return _ticks;
public double TotalDays {
get {
return (double) _ticks / TicksPerDay;
public double TotalHours {
get {
return (double) _ticks / TicksPerHour;
public double TotalMilliseconds {
get {
return (double) _ticks / TicksPerMillisecond;
public double TotalMinutes {
get {
return (double) _ticks / TicksPerMinute;
public double TotalSeconds {
get {
return (double) _ticks / TicksPerSecond;
public TimeSpan Add (TimeSpan ts)
try {
checked {
return new TimeSpan (_ticks + ts.Ticks);
catch (OverflowException) {
throw new OverflowException (Locale.GetText ("Resulting timespan is too big."));
public static int Compare (TimeSpan t1, TimeSpan t2)
if (t1._ticks < t2._ticks)
return -1;
if (t1._ticks > t2._ticks)
return 1;
return 0;
public int CompareTo (object value)
if (value == null)
return 1;
if (!(value is TimeSpan)) {
throw new ArgumentException (Locale.GetText ("Argument has to be a TimeSpan."), "value");
return Compare (this, (TimeSpan) value);
public int CompareTo (TimeSpan value)
return Compare (this, value);
public bool Equals (TimeSpan obj)
return obj._ticks == _ticks;
public TimeSpan Duration ()
try {
checked {
return new TimeSpan (Math.Abs (_ticks));
catch (OverflowException) {
throw new OverflowException (Locale.GetText (
"This TimeSpan value is MinValue so you cannot get the duration."));
public override bool Equals (object value)
if (!(value is TimeSpan))
return false;
return _ticks == ((TimeSpan) value)._ticks;
public static bool Equals (TimeSpan t1, TimeSpan t2)
return t1._ticks == t2._ticks;
public static TimeSpan FromDays (double value)
return From (value, TicksPerDay);
public static TimeSpan FromHours (double value)
return From (value, TicksPerHour);
public static TimeSpan FromMinutes (double value)
return From (value, TicksPerMinute);
public static TimeSpan FromSeconds (double value)
return From (value, TicksPerSecond);
public static TimeSpan FromMilliseconds (double value)
return From (value, TicksPerMillisecond);
private static TimeSpan From (double value, long tickMultiplicator)
if (Double.IsNaN (value))
throw new ArgumentException (Locale.GetText ("Value cannot be NaN."), "value");
if (Double.IsNegativeInfinity (value) || Double.IsPositiveInfinity (value) ||
(value < MinValue.Ticks) || (value > MaxValue.Ticks))
throw new OverflowException (Locale.GetText ("Outside range [MinValue,MaxValue]"));
try {
value = (value * (tickMultiplicator / TicksPerMillisecond));
checked {
long val = (long) Math.Round(value, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);
return new TimeSpan (val * TicksPerMillisecond);
catch (OverflowException) {
throw new OverflowException (Locale.GetText ("Resulting timespan is too big."));
public static TimeSpan FromTicks (long value)
return new TimeSpan (value);
public override int GetHashCode ()
return _ticks.GetHashCode ();
public TimeSpan Negate ()
if (_ticks == MinValue._ticks)
throw new OverflowException (Locale.GetText (
"This TimeSpan value is MinValue and cannot be negated."));
return new TimeSpan (-_ticks);
public static TimeSpan Parse (string s)
if (s == null) {
throw new ArgumentNullException ("s");
TimeSpan result;
Parser p = new Parser (s);
p.Execute (false, out result);
return result;
public static bool TryParse (string s, out TimeSpan result)
if (s == null) {
result = TimeSpan.Zero;
return false;
Parser p = new Parser (s);
return p.Execute (true, out result);
#if NET_4_0
public static TimeSpan Parse (string input, IFormatProvider formatProvider)
if (input == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException ("input");
TimeSpan result;
Parser p = new Parser (input, formatProvider);
p.Execute (false, out result);
return result;
public static bool TryParse (string input, IFormatProvider formatProvider, out TimeSpan result)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (input)) {
result = TimeSpan.Zero;
return false;
Parser p = new Parser (input, formatProvider);
return p.Execute (true, out result);
public static TimeSpan ParseExact (string input, string format, IFormatProvider formatProvider)
if (format == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException ("format");
return ParseExact (input, new string [] { format }, formatProvider, TimeSpanStyles.None);
public static TimeSpan ParseExact (string input, string format, IFormatProvider formatProvider, TimeSpanStyles styles)
if (format == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException ("format");
return ParseExact (input, new string [] { format }, formatProvider, styles);
public static TimeSpan ParseExact (string input, string [] formats, IFormatProvider formatProvider)
return ParseExact (input, formats, formatProvider, TimeSpanStyles.None);
public static TimeSpan ParseExact (string input, string [] formats, IFormatProvider formatProvider, TimeSpanStyles styles)
if (input == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException ("input");
if (formats == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException ("formats");
// All the errors found during the parsing process are reported as FormatException.
TimeSpan result;
if (!TryParseExact (input, formats, formatProvider, styles, out result))
throw new FormatException ("Invalid format.");
return result;
public static bool TryParseExact (string input, string format, IFormatProvider formatProvider, out TimeSpan result)
return TryParseExact (input, new string [] { format }, formatProvider, TimeSpanStyles.None, out result);
public static bool TryParseExact (string input, string format, IFormatProvider formatProvider, TimeSpanStyles styles,
out TimeSpan result)
return TryParseExact (input, new string [] { format }, formatProvider, styles, out result);
public static bool TryParseExact (string input, string [] formats, IFormatProvider formatProvider, out TimeSpan result)
return TryParseExact (input, formats, formatProvider, TimeSpanStyles.None, out result);
public static bool TryParseExact (string input, string [] formats, IFormatProvider formatProvider, TimeSpanStyles styles,
out TimeSpan result)
result = TimeSpan.Zero;
if (input == null || formats == null || formats.Length == 0)
return false;
Parser p = new Parser (input, formatProvider);
p.Exact = true;
foreach (string format in formats) {
if (format == null || format.Length == 0)
return false; // wrong format, return immediately.
switch (format) {
case "g":
p.AllMembersRequired = false;
p.CultureSensitive = true;
p.UseColonAsDaySeparator = true;
case "G":
p.AllMembersRequired = true;
p.CultureSensitive = true;
p.UseColonAsDaySeparator = true;
case "c":
p.AllMembersRequired = false;
p.CultureSensitive = false;
p.UseColonAsDaySeparator = false;
// Single letter formats other than the defined ones are not accepted.
if (format.Length == 1)
return false;
// custom format
if (p.ExecuteWithFormat (format, styles, true, out result))
return true;
if (p.Execute (true, out result))
return true;
return false;
public TimeSpan Subtract (TimeSpan ts)
try {
checked {
return new TimeSpan (_ticks - ts.Ticks);
catch (OverflowException) {
throw new OverflowException (Locale.GetText ("Resulting timespan is too big."));
public override string ToString ()
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder (14);
if (_ticks < 0)
sb.Append ('-');
// We need to take absolute values of all components.
// Can't handle negative timespans by negating the TimeSpan
// as a whole. This would lead to an overflow for the
// degenerate case "TimeSpan.MinValue.ToString()".
if (Days != 0) {
sb.Append (Math.Abs (Days));
sb.Append ('.');
sb.Append (Math.Abs (Hours).ToString ("D2"));
sb.Append (':');
sb.Append (Math.Abs (Minutes).ToString ("D2"));
sb.Append (':');
sb.Append (Math.Abs (Seconds).ToString ("D2"));
int fractional = (int) Math.Abs (_ticks % TicksPerSecond);
if (fractional != 0) {
sb.Append ('.');
sb.Append (fractional.ToString ("D7"));
return sb.ToString ();
#if NET_4_0
public string ToString (string format)
return ToString (format, null);
public string ToString (string format, IFormatProvider formatProvider)
if (format == null || format.Length == 0 || format == "c" ||
format == "t" || format == "T") // Default version
return ToString ();
if (format != "g" && format != "G")
return ToStringCustom (format); // custom formats ignore culture/formatProvider
NumberFormatInfo number_info = null;
if (formatProvider != null)
number_info = formatProvider.GetFormat (typeof (NumberFormatInfo)) as NumberFormatInfo;
if (number_info == null)
number_info = Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture.NumberFormat;
string decimal_separator = number_info.NumberDecimalSeparator;
int days, hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds, fractional;
days = Math.Abs (Days);
hours = Math.Abs (Hours);
minutes = Math.Abs (Minutes);
seconds = Math.Abs (Seconds);
milliseconds = Math.Abs (Milliseconds);
fractional = (int) Math.Abs (_ticks % TicksPerSecond);
// Set Capacity depending on whether it's long or shot format
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder (format == "g" ? 16 : 32);
if (_ticks < 0)
sb.Append ('-');
switch (format) {
case "g": // short version
if (days != 0) {
sb.Append (days.ToString ());
sb.Append (':');
sb.Append (hours.ToString ());
sb.Append (':');
sb.Append (minutes.ToString ("D2"));
sb.Append (':');
sb.Append (seconds.ToString ("D2"));
if (milliseconds != 0) {
sb.Append (decimal_separator);
sb.Append (milliseconds.ToString ("D3"));
case "G": // long version
sb.Append (days.ToString ("D1"));
sb.Append (':');
sb.Append (hours.ToString ("D2"));
sb.Append (':');
sb.Append (minutes.ToString ("D2"));
sb.Append (':');
sb.Append (seconds.ToString ("D2"));
sb.Append (decimal_separator);
sb.Append (fractional.ToString ("D7"));
return sb.ToString ();
string ToStringCustom (string format)
// Single char formats are not accepted.
if (format.Length < 2)
throw new FormatException ("The format is not recognized.");
FormatParser parser = new FormatParser (format);
FormatElement element;
int value;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder (format.Length + 1);
while (true) {
if (parser.AtEnd)
element = parser.GetNextElement ();
switch (element.Type) {
case FormatElementType.Days:
value = Math.Abs (Days);
case FormatElementType.Hours:
value = Math.Abs (Hours);
case FormatElementType.Minutes:
value = Math.Abs (Minutes);
case FormatElementType.Seconds:
value = Math.Abs (Seconds);
case FormatElementType.Ticks:
case FormatElementType.TicksUppercase:
value = Math.Abs (Milliseconds);
if (value == 0) {
if (element.Type == FormatElementType.Ticks)
int threshold = (int)Math.Pow (10, element.IntValue);
while (value >= threshold)
value /= 10;
sb.Append (value.ToString ());
case FormatElementType.EscapedChar:
sb.Append (element.CharValue);
case FormatElementType.Literal:
sb.Append (element.StringValue);
throw new FormatException ("The format is not recognized.");
sb.Append (value.ToString ("D" + element.IntValue.ToString ()));
return sb.ToString ();
public static TimeSpan operator + (TimeSpan t1, TimeSpan t2)
return t1.Add (t2);
public static bool operator == (TimeSpan t1, TimeSpan t2)
return t1._ticks == t2._ticks;
public static bool operator > (TimeSpan t1, TimeSpan t2)
return t1._ticks > t2._ticks;
public static bool operator >= (TimeSpan t1, TimeSpan t2)
return t1._ticks >= t2._ticks;
public static bool operator != (TimeSpan t1, TimeSpan t2)
return t1._ticks != t2._ticks;
public static bool operator < (TimeSpan t1, TimeSpan t2)
return t1._ticks < t2._ticks;
public static bool operator <= (TimeSpan t1, TimeSpan t2)
return t1._ticks <= t2._ticks;
public static TimeSpan operator - (TimeSpan t1, TimeSpan t2)
return t1.Subtract (t2);
public static TimeSpan operator - (TimeSpan t)
return t.Negate ();
public static TimeSpan operator + (TimeSpan t)
return t;
enum ParseError {
// Class Parser implements parser for TimeSpan.Parse
private class Parser
private string _src;
private int _cur = 0;
private int _length;
ParseError parse_error;
#if NET_4_0
bool parsed_ticks;
NumberFormatInfo number_format;
int parsed_numbers_count;
bool parsed_days_separator;
public bool Exact; // no fallback, strict pattern.
public bool AllMembersRequired;
public bool CultureSensitive = true;
public bool UseColonAsDaySeparator = true;
public Parser (string src)
_src = src;
_length = _src.Length;
#if NET_4_0
number_format = GetNumberFormatInfo (null);
#if NET_4_0
// Reset state data, so we can execute another parse over the input.
void Reset ()
_cur = 0;
parse_error = ParseError.None;
parsed_ticks = parsed_days_separator = false;
parsed_numbers_count = 0;
public Parser (string src, IFormatProvider formatProvider) :
this (src)
number_format = GetNumberFormatInfo (formatProvider);
static NumberFormatInfo GetNumberFormatInfo (IFormatProvider formatProvider)
NumberFormatInfo format = null;
if (formatProvider != null)
format = formatProvider.GetFormat (typeof (NumberFormatInfo)) as NumberFormatInfo;
if (format == null)
format = Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture.NumberFormat;
return format;
public bool AtEnd {
get {
return _cur >= _length;
// All "Parse" functions throw a FormatException on syntax error.
// Their return value is semantic value of the item parsed.
// Range checking is spread over three different places:
// 1) When parsing "int" values, an exception is thrown immediately
// when the value parsed exceeds the maximum value for an int.
// 2) An explicit check is built in that checks for hours > 23 and
// for minutes and seconds > 59.
// 3) Throwing an exceptions for a final TimeSpan value > MaxValue
// or < MinValue is left to the TimeSpan constructor called.
// Parse zero or more whitespace chars.
private void ParseWhiteSpace ()
while (!AtEnd && Char.IsWhiteSpace (_src, _cur)) {
// Parse optional sign character.
private bool ParseSign ()
bool res = false;
if (!AtEnd && _src[_cur] == '-') {
res = true;
return res;
#if NET_4_0
// Used for custom formats parsing, where we may need to declare how
// many digits we expect, as well as the maximum allowed.
private int ParseIntExact (int digit_count, int max_digit_count)
long res = 0;
int count = 0;
// We can have more than one preceding zero here.
while (!AtEnd && Char.IsDigit (_src, _cur)) {
res = res * 10 + _src [_cur] - '0';
if (res > Int32.MaxValue) {
SetParseError (ParseError.Format);
// digit_count = 1 means we can use up to maximum count,
if (count == 0 || (digit_count > 1 && digit_count != count) ||
count > max_digit_count)
SetParseError (ParseError.Format);
return (int)res;
// Parse simple int value
private int ParseInt (bool optional)
if (optional && AtEnd)
return 0;
long res = 0;
int count = 0;
while (!AtEnd && Char.IsDigit (_src, _cur)) {
res = res * 10 + _src[_cur] - '0';
if (res > Int32.MaxValue) {
SetParseError (ParseError.Overflow);
if (!optional && (count == 0))
SetParseError (ParseError.Format);
#if NET_4_0
if (count > 0)
return (int)res;
#if NET_4_0
// This behaves pretty much like ParseOptDot, but we need to have it
// as a separated routine for both days and decimal separators.
private bool ParseOptDaysSeparator ()
if (AtEnd)
return false;
if (_src[_cur] == '.') {
parsed_days_separator = true;
return true;
return false;
// Just as ParseOptDot, but for decimal separator
private bool ParseOptDecimalSeparator ()
if (AtEnd)
return false;
// we may need to provide compatibility with old versions using '.'
// for culture insensitve and non exact formats.
if (!Exact || !CultureSensitive)
if (_src [_cur] == '.') {
return true;
string decimal_separator = number_format.NumberDecimalSeparator;
if (CultureSensitive && String.Compare (_src, _cur, decimal_separator, 0, decimal_separator.Length) == 0) {
_cur += decimal_separator.Length;
return true;
return false;
private bool ParseLiteral (string value)
if (!AtEnd && String.Compare (_src, _cur, value, 0, value.Length) == 0) {
_cur += value.Length;
return true;
return false;
private bool ParseChar (char c)
if (!AtEnd && _src [_cur] == c) {
return true;
return false;
// Parse optional dot
private bool ParseOptDot ()
if (AtEnd)
return false;
if (_src[_cur] == '.') {
return true;
return false;
private void ParseColon (bool optional)
if (!AtEnd) {
if (_src[_cur] == ':')
else if (!optional)
SetParseError (ParseError.Format);
// Parse [1..7] digits, representing fractional seconds (ticks)
// In 4.0 more than 7 digits will cause an OverflowException
private long ParseTicks ()
long mag = 1000000;
long res = 0;
bool digitseen = false;
while (mag > 0 && !AtEnd && Char.IsDigit (_src, _cur)) {
res = res + (_src[_cur] - '0') * mag;
mag = mag / 10;
digitseen = true;
if (!digitseen)
SetParseError (ParseError.Format);
#if NET_4_0
else if (!AtEnd && Char.IsDigit (_src, _cur))
SetParseError (ParseError.Overflow);
parsed_ticks = true;
return res;
#if NET_4_0
// Used by custom formats parsing
// digits_count = 0 for digits up to max_digits_count (optional), and other value to
// force a precise number of digits.
private long ParseTicksExact (int digits_count, int max_digits_count)
long mag = 1000000;
long res = 0;
int count = 0;
while (mag > 0 && !AtEnd && Char.IsDigit (_src, _cur)) {
res = res + (_src [_cur] - '0') * mag;
mag = mag / 10;
if ((digits_count > 0 && count != digits_count) ||
count > max_digits_count)
SetParseError (ParseError.Format);
return res;
void SetParseError (ParseError error)
// We preserve the very first error.
if (parse_error != ParseError.None)
parse_error = error;
#if NET_4_0
bool CheckParseSuccess (bool tryParse)
bool CheckParseSuccess (int hours, int minutes, int seconds, bool tryParse)
// We always report the first error, but for 2.0 we need to give a higher
// precence to per-element overflow (as opposed to int32 overflow).
#if NET_4_0
if (parse_error == ParseError.Overflow) {
if (parse_error == ParseError.Overflow || hours > 23 || minutes > 59 || seconds > 59) {
if (tryParse)
return false;
throw new OverflowException (
Locale.GetText ("Invalid time data."));
if (parse_error == ParseError.Format) {
if (tryParse)
return false;
throw new FormatException (
Locale.GetText ("Invalid format for TimeSpan.Parse."));
return true;
#if NET_4_0
// We are using a different parse approach in 4.0, due to some changes in the behaviour
// of the parse routines.
// The input string is documented as:
// Parse [ws][-][dd.]hh:mm:ss[.ff][ws]
// There are some special cases as part of 4.0, however:
// 1. ':' *can* be used as days separator, instead of '.', making valid the format 'dd:hh:mm:ss'
// 2. A input in the format 'hh:mm:ss' will end up assigned as 'dd.hh:mm' if the first int has a value
// exceeding the valid range for hours: 0-23.
// 3. The decimal separator can be retrieved from the current culture, as well as keeping support
// for the '.' value as part of keeping compatibility.
// So we take the approach to parse, if possible, 4 integers, and depending on both how many were
// actually parsed and what separators were read, assign the values to days/hours/minutes/seconds.
public bool Execute (bool tryParse, out TimeSpan result)
bool sign;
int value1, value2, value3, value4;
int days, hours, minutes, seconds;
long ticks = 0;
result = TimeSpan.Zero;
value1 = value2 = value3 = value4 = 0;
days = hours = minutes = seconds = 0;
Reset ();
ParseWhiteSpace ();
sign = ParseSign ();
// Parse 4 integers, making only the first one non-optional.
value1 = ParseInt (false);
if (!ParseOptDaysSeparator ()) // Parse either day separator or colon
ParseColon (false);
int p = _cur;
value2 = ParseInt (true);
value3 = value4 = 0;
if (p < _cur) {
ParseColon (true);
value3 = ParseInt (true);
ParseColon (true);
value4 = ParseInt (true);
// We know the precise separator for ticks, so there's no need to guess.
if (ParseOptDecimalSeparator ())
ticks = ParseTicks ();
ParseWhiteSpace ();
if (!AtEnd)
SetParseError (ParseError.Format);
if (Exact)
// In Exact mode we cannot allow both ':' and '.' as day separator.
if (UseColonAsDaySeparator && parsed_days_separator ||
AllMembersRequired && (parsed_numbers_count < 4 || !parsed_ticks))
SetParseError (ParseError.Format);
switch (parsed_numbers_count) {
case 1:
days = value1;
case 2: // Two elements are valid only if they are *exactly* in the format: 'hh:mm'
if (parsed_days_separator)
SetParseError (ParseError.Format);
else {
hours = value1;
minutes = value2;
case 3: // Assign the first value to days if we parsed a day separator or the value
// is not in the valid range for hours.
if (parsed_days_separator || value1 > 23) {
days = value1;
hours = value2;
minutes = value3;
} else {
hours = value1;
minutes = value2;
seconds = value3;
case 4: // We are either on 'dd.hh:mm:ss' or 'dd:hh:mm:ss'
if (!UseColonAsDaySeparator && !parsed_days_separator)
SetParseError (ParseError.Format);
else {
days = value1;
hours = value2;
minutes = value3;
seconds = value4;
if (hours > 23 || minutes > 59 || seconds > 59)
SetParseError (ParseError.Overflow);
if (!CheckParseSuccess (tryParse))
return false;
long t;
if (!TimeSpan.CalculateTicks (days, hours, minutes, seconds, 0, false, out t))
return false;
try {
t = checked ((sign) ? (-t - ticks) : (t + ticks));
} catch (OverflowException) {
if (tryParse)
return false;
result = new TimeSpan (t);
return true;
public bool Execute (bool tryParse, out TimeSpan result)
bool sign;
int days;
int hours = 0;
int minutes;
int seconds;
long ticks;
result = TimeSpan.Zero;
// documented as...
// Parse [ws][-][dd.]hh:mm:ss[.ff][ws]
// ... but not entirely true as an lonely
// integer will be parsed as a number of days
ParseWhiteSpace ();
sign = ParseSign ();
days = ParseInt (false);
if (ParseOptDot ()) {
hours = ParseInt (true);
else if (!AtEnd) {
hours = days;
days = 0;
int p = _cur;
minutes = ParseInt (true);
seconds = 0;
if (p < _cur) {
ParseColon (true);
seconds = ParseInt (true);
if ( ParseOptDot () ) {
ticks = ParseTicks ();
else {
ticks = 0;
ParseWhiteSpace ();
if (!AtEnd)
SetParseError (ParseError.Format);
if (!CheckParseSuccess (hours, minutes, seconds, tryParse))
return false;
long t;
if (!TimeSpan.CalculateTicks (days, hours, minutes, seconds, 0, false, out t))
return false;
try {
t = checked ((sign) ? (-t - ticks) : (t + ticks));
} catch (OverflowException) {
if (tryParse)
return false;
result = new TimeSpan (t);
return true;
#if NET_4_0
public bool ExecuteWithFormat (string format, TimeSpanStyles style, bool tryParse, out TimeSpan result)
int days, hours, minutes, seconds;
long ticks;
FormatElement format_element;
days = hours = minutes = seconds = -1;
ticks = -1;
result = TimeSpan.Zero;
Reset ();
FormatParser format_parser = new FormatParser (format);
for (;;) {
// We need to continue even if AtEnd == true, since we could have
// a optional second element.
if (parse_error != ParseError.None)
if (format_parser.AtEnd)
format_element = format_parser.GetNextElement ();
switch (format_element.Type) {
case FormatElementType.Days:
if (days != -1)
goto case FormatElementType.Error;
days = ParseIntExact (format_element.IntValue, 8);
case FormatElementType.Hours:
if (hours != -1)
goto case FormatElementType.Error;
hours = ParseIntExact (format_element.IntValue, 2);
case FormatElementType.Minutes:
if (minutes != -1)
goto case FormatElementType.Error;
minutes = ParseIntExact (format_element.IntValue, 2);
case FormatElementType.Seconds:
if (seconds != -1)
goto case FormatElementType.Error;
seconds = ParseIntExact (format_element.IntValue, 2);
case FormatElementType.Ticks:
if (ticks != -1)
goto case FormatElementType.Error;
ticks = ParseTicksExact (format_element.IntValue,
case FormatElementType.TicksUppercase:
// Similar to Milliseconds, but optional and the
// number of F defines the max length, not the required one.
if (ticks != -1)
goto case FormatElementType.Error;
ticks = ParseTicksExact (0, format_element.IntValue);
case FormatElementType.Literal:
if (!ParseLiteral (format_element.StringValue))
SetParseError (ParseError.Format);
case FormatElementType.EscapedChar:
if (!ParseChar (format_element.CharValue))
SetParseError (ParseError.Format);
case FormatElementType.Error:
SetParseError (ParseError.Format);
if (days == -1)
days = 0;
if (hours == -1)
hours = 0;
if (minutes == -1)
minutes = 0;
if (seconds == -1)
seconds = 0;
if (ticks == -1)
ticks = 0;
if (!AtEnd || !format_parser.AtEnd)
SetParseError (ParseError.Format);
if (hours > 23 || minutes > 59 || seconds > 59)
SetParseError (ParseError.Format);
if (!CheckParseSuccess (tryParse))
return false;
long t;
if (!TimeSpan.CalculateTicks (days, hours, minutes, seconds, 0, false, out t))
return false;
try {
t = checked ((style == TimeSpanStyles.AssumeNegative) ? (-t - ticks) : (t + ticks));
} catch (OverflowException) {
if (tryParse)
return false;
result = new TimeSpan (t);
return true;
#if NET_4_0
enum FormatElementType
Ticks, // 'f'
TicksUppercase, // 'F'
struct FormatElement
public FormatElement (FormatElementType type)
Type = type;
CharValue = (char)0;
IntValue = 0;
StringValue = null;
public FormatElementType Type;
public char CharValue; // Used by EscapedChar
public string StringValue; // Used by Literal
public int IntValue; // Used by numerical elements.
class FormatParser
int cur;
string format;
public FormatParser (string format)
this.format = format;
public bool AtEnd {
get {
return cur >= format.Length;
public FormatElement GetNextElement ()
FormatElement element = new FormatElement ();
if (AtEnd)
return new FormatElement (FormatElementType.End);
int count = 0;
switch (format [cur]) {
case 'd':
count = ParseChar ('d');
if (count > 8)
return new FormatElement (FormatElementType.Error);
element.Type = FormatElementType.Days;
element.IntValue = count;
case 'h':
count = ParseChar ('h');
if (count > 2)
return new FormatElement (FormatElementType.Error);
element.Type = FormatElementType.Hours;
element.IntValue = count;
case 'm':
count = ParseChar ('m');
if (count > 2)
return new FormatElement (FormatElementType.Error);
element.Type = FormatElementType.Minutes;
element.IntValue = count;
case 's':
count = ParseChar ('s');
if (count > 2)
return new FormatElement (FormatElementType.Error);
element.Type = FormatElementType.Seconds;
element.IntValue = count;
case 'f':
count = ParseChar ('f');
if (count > 7)
return new FormatElement (FormatElementType.Error);
element.Type = FormatElementType.Ticks;
element.IntValue = count;
case 'F':
count = ParseChar ('F');
if (count > 7)
return new FormatElement (FormatElementType.Error);
element.Type = FormatElementType.TicksUppercase;
element.IntValue = count;
case '%':
if (AtEnd)
return new FormatElement (FormatElementType.Error);
if (format [cur] == 'd')
goto case 'd';
else if (format [cur] == 'h')
goto case 'h';
else if (format [cur] == 'm')
goto case 'm';
else if (format [cur] == 's')
goto case 's';
else if (format [cur] == 'f')
goto case 'f';
else if (format [cur] == 'F')
goto case 'F';
return new FormatElement (FormatElementType.Error);
case '\'':
string literal = ParseLiteral ();
if (literal == null)
return new FormatElement (FormatElementType.Error);
element.Type = FormatElementType.Literal;
element.StringValue = literal;
case '\\':
char escaped_char = ParseEscapedChar ();
if ((int)escaped_char == 0)
return new FormatElement (FormatElementType.Error);
element.Type = FormatElementType.EscapedChar;
element.CharValue = escaped_char;
return new FormatElement (FormatElementType.Error);
return element;
int ParseChar (char c)
int count = 0;
while (!AtEnd && format [cur] == c) {
return count;
char ParseEscapedChar ()
if (AtEnd || format [cur] != '\\')
return (char)0;
if (AtEnd)
return (char)0;
return format [cur++];
string ParseLiteral ()
int start;
int count = 0;
if (AtEnd || format [cur] != '\'')
return null;
start = ++cur;
while (!AtEnd && format [cur] != '\'') {
if (!AtEnd && format [cur] == '\'') {
return format.Substring (start, count);
return null;