2014-08-13 10:39:27 +01:00
/ *
Copyright ( C ) 2012 Jeroen Frijters
This software is provided ' as - is ' , without any express or implied
warranty . In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
arising from the use of this software .
Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose ,
including commercial applications , and to alter it and redistribute it
freely , subject to the following restrictions :
1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented ; you must not
claim that you wrote the original software . If you use this software
in a product , an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
appreciated but is not required .
2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such , and must not be
misrepresented as being the original software .
3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution .
Jeroen Frijters
jeroen @frijters . net
* /
using System ;
using System.Collections.Generic ;
using System.Linq ;
using System.Text ;
using IKVM.Reflection ;
using IKVM.Reflection.Emit ;
using Type = IKVM . Reflection . Type ;
using System.Diagnostics ;
namespace Ildasm
sealed partial class Disassembler : IComparer < ExceptionHandlingClause >
static readonly OpCode [ ] opcodes = GetOpCodes ( ) ;
static OpCode [ ] GetOpCodes ( )
OpCode [ ] opcodes = new OpCode [ 768 ] ;
foreach ( System . Reflection . FieldInfo field in typeof ( OpCodes ) . GetFields ( ) )
OpCode opc = ( OpCode ) field . GetValue ( null ) ;
opcodes [ opc . Value + 512 ] = opc ;
return opcodes ;
void WriteIL ( LineWriter lw , MethodBase mb , MethodBody body , Type [ ] genericTypeArguments , Type [ ] genericMethodArguments )
ParameterInfo [ ] parameters = mb . GetParameters ( ) ;
int level = lw . Column ;
byte [ ] code = body . GetILAsByteArray ( ) ;
lw . GoToColumn ( level ) ;
lw . WriteLine ( "// Code size {0} (0x{0:x})" , code . Length ) ;
lw . GoToColumn ( level ) ;
lw . WriteLine ( ".maxstack {0}" , body . MaxStackSize ) ;
IList < LocalVariableInfo > locals = body . LocalVariables ;
if ( locals . Count ! = 0 )
lw . GoToColumn ( level ) ;
lw . Write ( ".locals " ) ;
if ( body . InitLocals )
lw . Write ( "init " ) ;
lw . Write ( "(" ) ;
bool first = true ;
foreach ( var local in locals )
if ( ! first )
lw . WriteLine ( "," ) ;
lw . GoToColumn ( level + 9 ) ;
first = false ;
WriteSignatureType ( lw , local . LocalType , TypeLocation . Local ) ;
if ( local . IsPinned )
lw . Write ( " pinned" ) ;
WriteCustomModifiers ( lw , local . __GetCustomModifiers ( ) ) ;
lw . Write ( " V_{0}" , local . LocalIndex ) ;
lw . WriteLine ( ")" ) ;
var exceptions = new List < ExceptionHandlingClause > ( ) ;
var exceptions2 = new List < ExceptionHandlingClause > ( ) ;
SortExceptions ( body . ExceptionHandlingClauses , exceptions , exceptions2 ) ;
Stack < ExceptionHandlingClause > activeExceptions = new Stack < ExceptionHandlingClause > ( ) ;
ExceptionHandlingClause currentException = null ;
bool extraNewLine = false ;
int nextFlatException = 0 ;
int nextException = 0 ;
bool handler = false ;
int pos = 0 ;
while ( pos < code . Length )
if ( extraNewLine )
lw . WriteLine ( ) ;
extraNewLine = false ;
if ( currentException ! = null )
if ( currentException . HandlerOffset = = pos )
switch ( currentException . Flags )
case ExceptionHandlingClauseOptions . Clause :
lw . GoToColumn ( level - 2 ) ;
if ( currentException . TryOffset + currentException . TryLength = = pos )
lw . WriteLine ( "} // end .try" ) ;
lw . WriteLine ( "} // end handler" ) ;
lw . GoToColumn ( level - 2 ) ;
lw . Write ( "catch " ) ;
if ( currentException . CatchType . __IsMissing | | ! currentException . CatchType . IsGenericType )
WriteTypeDefOrRef ( lw , currentException . CatchType ) ;
WriteSignatureType ( lw , currentException . CatchType ) ;
lw . WriteLine ( " " ) ;
lw . GoToColumn ( level - 2 ) ;
lw . WriteLine ( "{" ) ;
handler = true ;
break ;
case ExceptionHandlingClauseOptions . Finally :
lw . GoToColumn ( level - 2 ) ;
lw . WriteLine ( "} // end .try" ) ;
lw . GoToColumn ( level - 2 ) ;
lw . WriteLine ( "finally" ) ;
lw . GoToColumn ( level - 2 ) ;
lw . WriteLine ( "{" ) ;
break ;
case ExceptionHandlingClauseOptions . Fault :
lw . GoToColumn ( level - 2 ) ;
lw . WriteLine ( "} // end .try" ) ;
lw . GoToColumn ( level - 2 ) ;
lw . WriteLine ( "fault" ) ;
lw . GoToColumn ( level - 2 ) ;
lw . WriteLine ( "{" ) ;
break ;
case ExceptionHandlingClauseOptions . Filter :
lw . GoToColumn ( level - 2 ) ;
lw . WriteLine ( "} // end filter" ) ;
lw . GoToColumn ( level - 2 ) ;
lw . WriteLine ( "{ // handler" ) ;
handler = true ;
break ;
default :
throw new IKVM . Reflection . BadImageFormatException ( ) ;
else if ( currentException . FilterOffset = = pos & & pos ! = 0 )
lw . GoToColumn ( level - 2 ) ;
if ( handler )
lw . WriteLine ( "} // end handler" ) ;
lw . WriteLine ( "} // end .try" ) ;
lw . GoToColumn ( level - 2 ) ;
lw . WriteLine ( "filter" ) ;
lw . GoToColumn ( level - 2 ) ;
lw . WriteLine ( "{" ) ;
while ( nextException < exceptions . Count
& & exceptions [ nextException ] . TryOffset = = pos )
activeExceptions . Push ( currentException ) ;
ExceptionHandlingClause prevException = currentException ;
currentException = exceptions [ nextException + + ] ;
if ( prevException ! = null & & currentException . TryOffset = = prevException . TryOffset & & currentException . TryLength = = prevException . TryLength )
// another handler for the same block
continue ;
handler = false ;
lw . GoToColumn ( level ) ;
lw . WriteLine ( ".try" ) ;
lw . GoToColumn ( level ) ;
lw . WriteLine ( "{" ) ;
level + = 2 ;
lw . GoToColumn ( level ) ;
int currPos = pos ;
lw . Write ( "IL_{0:x4}: " , pos ) ;
int level1 = lw . Column ;
short opcodeValue = code [ pos + + ] ;
if ( opcodeValue = = 0xFE )
opcodeValue = ( short ) ( 0xFE00 + code [ pos + + ] ) ;
OpCode opcode = opcodes [ opcodeValue + 512 ] ;
lw . Write ( "{0}" , opcode . Name ) ;
switch ( opcode . OperandType )
case OperandType . InlineNone :
break ;
case OperandType . InlineBrTarget :
lw . GoToColumn ( level1 + 11 ) ;
lw . Write ( "IL_{0:x4}" , ReadInt32 ( code , ref pos ) + pos ) ;
break ;
case OperandType . ShortInlineBrTarget :
lw . GoToColumn ( level1 + 11 ) ;
lw . Write ( "IL_{0:x4}" , ( sbyte ) code [ pos + + ] + pos ) ;
break ;
case OperandType . InlineMethod :
lw . GoToColumn ( level1 + 11 ) ;
int token = ReadInt32 ( code , ref pos ) ;
MethodBase methodOrConstructor = ResolveMethod ( token , genericTypeArguments , genericMethodArguments ) ;
if ( ( methodOrConstructor . CallingConvention & CallingConventions . Any ) = = CallingConventions . VarArgs )
CustomModifiers [ ] customModifiers ;
Type [ ] optionalParameterTypes = ResolveOptionalParameterTypes ( token , genericTypeArguments , genericMethodArguments , out customModifiers ) ;
WriteInlineMethod ( lw , methodOrConstructor , optionalParameterTypes , customModifiers ) ;
WriteInlineMethod ( lw , methodOrConstructor , Type . EmptyTypes , null ) ;
break ;
case OperandType . InlineField :
lw . GoToColumn ( level1 + 11 ) ;
WriteInlineField ( lw , ResolveField ( ReadInt32 ( code , ref pos ) , genericTypeArguments , genericMethodArguments ) ) ;
break ;
case OperandType . InlineI :
lw . GoToColumn ( level1 + 11 ) ;
WriteInlineI ( lw , ReadInt32 ( code , ref pos ) ) ;
break ;
case OperandType . InlineI8 :
lw . GoToColumn ( level1 + 11 ) ;
WriteInlineI8 ( lw , ReadInt64 ( code , ref pos ) ) ;
break ;
case OperandType . ShortInlineI :
lw . GoToColumn ( level1 + 11 ) ;
lw . Write ( "{0}" , ( sbyte ) code [ pos + + ] ) ;
break ;
case OperandType . InlineR :
lw . GoToColumn ( level1 + 11 ) ;
WriteInlineR ( lw , ReadDouble ( code , ref pos ) , false ) ;
break ;
case OperandType . ShortInlineR :
lw . GoToColumn ( level1 + 11 ) ;
WriteShortInlineR ( lw , ReadSingle ( code , ref pos ) , false ) ;
break ;
case OperandType . InlineType :
if ( opcode = = OpCodes . Constrained )
// "constrained." is too long to fit in the opcode column
lw . Write ( " " ) ;
lw . GoToColumn ( level1 + 11 ) ;
WriteInlineType ( lw , ReadInt32 ( code , ref pos ) , genericTypeArguments , genericMethodArguments ) ;
break ;
case OperandType . InlineTok :
int token = ReadInt32 ( code , ref pos ) ;
switch ( token > > 24 )
case 0x01 :
case 0x02 :
lw . GoToColumn ( level1 + 11 ) ;
WriteTypeDefOrRef ( lw , ResolveType ( token , genericTypeArguments , genericMethodArguments ) ) ;
break ;
case 0x1B :
Type type = ResolveType ( token , genericTypeArguments , genericMethodArguments ) ;
if ( type . IsGenericTypeDefinition )
// HACK because typeof(Foo<>).MakeGenericType(typeof(Foo<>).GetGenericArguments()) == typeof(Foo<>)
// we need to inflate the builder here
type = type . MakeGenericType ( type . GetGenericArguments ( ) ) ;
lw . GoToColumn ( level1 + 11 ) ;
WriteSignatureType ( lw , type ) ;
break ;
case 0x04 :
case 0x06 :
case 0x0A :
case 0x2B :
MemberInfo member = ResolveMember ( token , genericTypeArguments , genericMethodArguments ) ;
if ( member is FieldInfo )
lw . GoToColumn ( level1 + 11 ) ;
lw . Write ( "field " ) ;
WriteInlineField ( lw , ( FieldInfo ) member ) ;
var mb1 = ( MethodBase ) member ;
lw . GoToColumn ( level1 + 11 ) ;
if ( mb1 . __IsMissing | | ! mb1 . IsGenericMethod | | compat ! = CompatLevel . V20 )
lw . Write ( "method " ) ;
WriteInlineMethod ( lw , mb1 , Type . EmptyTypes , null ) ;
break ;
default :
throw new NotImplementedException ( "token type = " + ( token > > 24 ) ) ;
break ;
case OperandType . InlineVar :
lw . GoToColumn ( level1 + 11 ) ;
WriteInlineVar ( lw , mb , opcode , parameters , ReadInt16 ( code , ref pos ) ) ;
break ;
case OperandType . ShortInlineVar :
lw . GoToColumn ( level1 + 11 ) ;
WriteInlineVar ( lw , mb , opcode , parameters , code [ pos + + ] ) ;
break ;
case OperandType . InlineString :
lw . GoToColumn ( level1 + 11 ) ;
WriteInlineString ( lw , module . ResolveString ( ReadInt32 ( code , ref pos ) ) , level ) ;
break ;
case OperandType . InlineSwitch :
lw . GoToColumn ( level1 + 11 ) ;
lw . WriteLine ( "( " ) ;
int count = ReadInt32 ( code , ref pos ) ;
int offset = pos + 4 * count ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < count - 1 ; i + + )
lw . GoToColumn ( level + 22 ) ;
lw . WriteLine ( "IL_{0:x4}," , offset + ReadInt32 ( code , ref pos ) ) ;
lw . GoToColumn ( level + 22 ) ;
lw . Write ( "IL_{0:x4})" , offset + ReadInt32 ( code , ref pos ) ) ;
break ;
case OperandType . InlineSig :
lw . GoToColumn ( level1 + 11 ) ;
WriteStandAloneMethodSig ( lw , module . __ResolveStandAloneMethodSig ( ReadInt32 ( code , ref pos ) , genericTypeArguments , genericMethodArguments ) , false , false ) ;
break ;
default :
throw new InvalidOperationException ( ) ;
lw . WriteLine ( ) ;
if ( opcode = = OpCodes . Leave | | opcode = = OpCodes . Leave_S )
if ( pos < code . Length )
lw . WriteLine ( ) ;
else if ( opcode ! = OpCodes . Switch & & opcode ! = OpCodes . Rethrow & & opcode ! = OpCodes . Endfilter & & opcode ! = OpCodes . Endfinally )
switch ( opcode . FlowControl )
case FlowControl . Branch :
case FlowControl . Cond_Branch :
case FlowControl . Throw :
case FlowControl . Return :
extraNewLine = true ;
break ;
if ( nextFlatException < exceptions2 . Count & & exceptions2 [ nextFlatException ] . HandlerOffset + exceptions2 [ nextFlatException ] . HandlerLength = = currPos )
if ( extraNewLine & & pos < code . Length )
extraNewLine = false ;
lw . WriteLine ( ) ;
lw . GoToColumn ( level ) ;
if ( exceptions2 [ nextFlatException ] . FilterOffset = = 0 )
lw . Write ( ".try IL_{0:x4} to IL_{1:x4} catch " , exceptions2 [ nextFlatException ] . TryOffset , exceptions2 [ nextFlatException ] . TryOffset + exceptions2 [ nextFlatException ] . TryLength ) ;
if ( exceptions2 [ nextFlatException ] . CatchType . __IsMissing | | ! exceptions2 [ nextFlatException ] . CatchType . IsGenericType )
WriteTypeDefOrRef ( lw , exceptions2 [ nextFlatException ] . CatchType ) ;
WriteSignatureType ( lw , exceptions2 [ nextFlatException ] . CatchType ) ;
lw . WriteLine ( " handler IL_{0:x4} to IL_{1:x4}" , exceptions2 [ nextFlatException ] . HandlerOffset , exceptions2 [ nextFlatException ] . HandlerOffset + exceptions2 [ nextFlatException ] . HandlerLength ) ;
lw . WriteLine ( ".try IL_{0:x4} to IL_{1:x4} filter IL_{2:x4} handler IL_{3:x4} to IL_{4:x4}" ,
exceptions2 [ nextFlatException ] . TryOffset , exceptions2 [ nextFlatException ] . TryOffset + exceptions2 [ nextFlatException ] . TryLength ,
exceptions2 [ nextFlatException ] . FilterOffset ,
exceptions2 [ nextFlatException ] . HandlerOffset , exceptions2 [ nextFlatException ] . HandlerOffset + exceptions2 [ nextFlatException ] . HandlerLength ) ;
nextFlatException + + ;
while ( currentException ! = null & & currentException . HandlerOffset + currentException . HandlerLength = = pos )
ExceptionHandlingClause prevException = currentException ;
currentException = activeExceptions . Pop ( ) ;
if ( currentException = = null | | currentException . TryOffset ! = prevException . TryOffset | | currentException . TryLength ! = prevException . TryLength )
if ( extraNewLine & & pos < code . Length )
extraNewLine = false ;
lw . WriteLine ( ) ;
level - = 2 ;
lw . GoToColumn ( level ) ;
lw . WriteLine ( "} // end handler" ) ;
handler = false ;
handler = true ;
void WriteInlineVar ( LineWriter lw , MethodBase mb , OpCode opcode , ParameterInfo [ ] parameters , int index )
if ( opcode = = OpCodes . Ldarg_S
| | opcode = = OpCodes . Starg_S
| | opcode = = OpCodes . Ldarga_S
| | opcode = = OpCodes . Ldarg
| | opcode = = OpCodes . Starg
| | opcode = = OpCodes . Ldarga )
ParameterInfo param = mb . IsStatic ? parameters [ index ] : index = = 0 ? null : parameters [ index - 1 ] ;
if ( param = = null )
// this
lw . Write ( "0" ) ;
else if ( param . Name = = null )
lw . Write ( "A_{0}" , index ) ;
lw . Write ( "{0}" , QuoteIdentifier ( param . Name ) ) ;
lw . Write ( "V_{0}" , index ) ;
static int FloatToInt32Bits ( float v )
return IKVM . Reflection . Reader . SingleConverter . SingleToInt32Bits ( v ) ;
string ToString ( float value , bool field )
if ( value = = 0 & & ! field )
return FloatToInt32Bits ( value ) < 0
? "-0.0"
: "0.0" ;
else if ( compat ! = CompatLevel . None )
byte [ ] buf = new byte [ 50 ] ;
_gcvt ( value , 8 , buf ) ;
string str = Encoding . ASCII . GetString ( buf , 0 , Array . IndexOf ( buf , ( byte ) 0 ) ) ;
float v2 ;
if ( Single . TryParse ( str , out v2 ) & & FloatToInt32Bits ( value ) = = FloatToInt32Bits ( v2 ) )
return str ;
if ( field )
return String . Format ( "0x{0:X}" , FloatToInt32Bits ( value ) ) ;
byte [ ] buf2 = BitConverter . GetBytes ( value ) ;
return String . Format ( "({0:X2} {1:X2} {2:X2} {3:X2})" , buf2 [ 0 ] , buf2 [ 1 ] , buf2 [ 2 ] , buf2 [ 3 ] ) ;
else if ( Single . IsInfinity ( value ) | | Single . IsNaN ( value ) )
if ( field )
return String . Format ( "0x{0:X}" , FloatToInt32Bits ( value ) ) ;
byte [ ] buf = BitConverter . GetBytes ( value ) ;
return String . Format ( "({0:X2} {1:X2} {2:X2} {3:X2})" , buf [ 0 ] , buf [ 1 ] , buf [ 2 ] , buf [ 3 ] ) ;
return String . Format ( "{0:R}" , value ) ;
void WriteShortInlineR ( LineWriter lw , float value , bool field )
lw . Write ( ToString ( value , field ) ) ;
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport("msvcrt.dll", CallingConvention = System.Runtime.InteropServices.CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
static extern IntPtr _gcvt ( double value , int digits , byte [ ] buffer ) ;
string ToString ( double value , bool field )
if ( value = = 0 & & ! field )
return BitConverter . DoubleToInt64Bits ( value ) < 0
? "-0.0"
: "0.0" ;
else if ( compat ! = CompatLevel . None )
byte [ ] buf = new byte [ 50 ] ;
_gcvt ( value , 17 , buf ) ;
string str = Encoding . ASCII . GetString ( buf , 0 , Array . IndexOf ( buf , ( byte ) 0 ) ) ;
double v2 ;
if ( Double . TryParse ( str , out v2 ) & & BitConverter . DoubleToInt64Bits ( value ) = = BitConverter . DoubleToInt64Bits ( v2 ) )
return str ;
if ( field )
return String . Format ( "0x{0:X}" , BitConverter . DoubleToInt64Bits ( value ) ) ;
byte [ ] buf2 = BitConverter . GetBytes ( value ) ;
return String . Format ( "({0:X2} {1:X2} {2:X2} {3:X2} {4:X2} {5:X2} {6:X2} {7:X2})" , buf2 [ 0 ] , buf2 [ 1 ] , buf2 [ 2 ] , buf2 [ 3 ] , buf2 [ 4 ] , buf2 [ 5 ] , buf2 [ 6 ] , buf2 [ 7 ] ) ;
else if ( Double . IsInfinity ( value ) | | Double . IsNaN ( value ) )
if ( field )
return String . Format ( "0x{0:X}" , BitConverter . DoubleToInt64Bits ( value ) ) ;
byte [ ] buf = BitConverter . GetBytes ( value ) ;
return String . Format ( "({0:X2} {1:X2} {2:X2} {3:X2} {4:X2} {5:X2} {6:X2} {7:X2})" , buf [ 0 ] , buf [ 1 ] , buf [ 2 ] , buf [ 3 ] , buf [ 4 ] , buf [ 5 ] , buf [ 6 ] , buf [ 7 ] ) ;
return String . Format ( "{0:R}" , value . ToString ( "R" ) ) ;
void WriteInlineR ( LineWriter lw , double value , bool field )
lw . Write ( ToString ( value , field ) ) ;
void WriteInlineString ( LineWriter lw , string str , int level )
int initial = 44 - lw . Column + level ;
int pos = 44 ;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder ( str . Length + 10 ) ;
int backslashes = 0 ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < str . Length ; i + + )
char c = str [ i ] ;
if ( i < str . Length - 2 & & ( ( pos = = 94 & & pos - initial ! = backslashes ) | | pos > 94 ) )
if ( pos - initial = = backslashes )
sb . Append ( '\\' , backslashes * 2 ) ;
backslashes = 0 ;
pos = initial + backslashes ;
sb . Append ( "\"\r\n" ) ;
sb . Append ( ' ' , level ) ;
sb . Append ( "+ \"" ) ;
if ( c = = '\\' )
backslashes + + ;
else if ( backslashes ! = 0 )
sb . Append ( '\\' , backslashes * 2 ) ;
backslashes = 0 ;
if ( c < 32 )
switch ( c )
case '\r' :
sb . Append ( "\\r" ) ;
break ;
case '\n' :
sb . Append ( "\\n" ) ;
break ;
case '\t' :
sb . Append ( "\\t" ) ;
break ;
default :
lw . Write ( "bytearray (" ) ;
WriteBytes ( lw , GetBytes ( str ) , false ) ;
return ;
else if ( c > 126 )
lw . Write ( "bytearray (" ) ;
WriteBytes ( lw , GetBytes ( str ) , false ) ;
return ;
switch ( c )
case '"' :
sb . Append ( "\\\"" ) ;
break ;
case '?' :
sb . Append ( "\\?" ) ;
break ;
case '\\' :
break ;
default :
sb . Append ( c ) ;
break ;
pos + + ;
sb . Append ( '\\' , backslashes * 2 ) ;
lw . Write ( "\"{0}\"" , sb ) ;
static byte [ ] GetBytes ( string str )
byte [ ] buf = new byte [ str . Length * 2 ] ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < str . Length ; i + + )
char ch = str [ i ] ;
buf [ i * 2 + 0 ] = ( byte ) ( ch > > 0 ) ;
buf [ i * 2 + 1 ] = ( byte ) ( ch > > 8 ) ;
return buf ;
void WriteInlineI ( LineWriter lw , int value )
if ( value > = 128 | | value < 128 )
lw . Write ( "0x{0:x}" , value ) ;
lw . Write ( "{0}" , value ) ;
void WriteInlineI8 ( LineWriter lw , long value )
if ( value > = 128 | | value < 128 )
lw . Write ( "0x{0:x}" , value ) ;
lw . Write ( "{0}" , value ) ;
static bool IsArrayOfGenericParameter ( Type type )
if ( type ! = null & & type . IsArray )
while ( type . IsArray )
type = type . GetElementType ( ) ;
return ! type . __IsMissing & & type . IsGenericParameter ;
return false ;
void WriteInlineMethod ( LineWriter lw , MethodBase mb , Type [ ] optionalParameterTypes , CustomModifiers [ ] customModifiers , MethodInfo methodimpl = null )
WriteCallingConvention ( lw , mb . CallingConvention ) ;
if ( mb is ConstructorInfo )
2016-08-03 10:59:49 +00:00
WriteSignatureType ( lw , ( ( ConstructorInfo ) mb ) . __ReturnParameter . ParameterType ) ;
WriteCustomModifiers ( lw , ( ( ConstructorInfo ) mb ) . __ReturnParameter . __GetCustomModifiers ( ) ) ;
lw . Write ( " " ) ;
2014-08-13 10:39:27 +01:00
WriteSignatureType ( lw , ( ( MethodInfo ) mb . __GetMethodOnTypeDefinition ( ) ) . ReturnType , IsArrayOfGenericParameter ( mb . DeclaringType ) ? TypeLocation . General : TypeLocation . MemberRefNoWrap ) ;
WriteCustomModifiers ( lw , ( ( MethodInfo ) mb ) . ReturnParameter . __GetCustomModifiers ( ) ) ;
lw . Write ( " " ) ;
bool generic ;
if ( mb . DeclaringType = = null )
generic = false ;
lw . Write ( "{0}" , QuoteIdentifier ( GetMethodName ( mb ) ) ) ;
if ( mb . DeclaringType . __IsMissing | | ! mb . DeclaringType . IsGenericType )
generic = false ;
WriteTypeDefOrRef ( lw , mb . DeclaringType ) ;
generic = true ;
WriteSignatureType ( lw , mb . DeclaringType , mb . IsGenericMethod ? TypeLocation . DeclaringType : TypeLocation . General ) ;
lw . Write ( "::{0}" , QuoteIdentifier ( GetMethodName ( mb ) ) ) ;
if ( mb . IsGenericMethod )
if ( methodimpl ! = null )
lw . Write ( "<[{0}]>" , mb . GetGenericArguments ( ) . Length ) ;
lw . Write ( "<" ) ;
string sep = "" ;
foreach ( var par in mb . GetGenericArguments ( ) )
lw . Write ( sep ) ;
sep = "," ;
WriteSignatureType ( lw , par , generic ? TypeLocation . MemberRefNoWrap : TypeLocation . MethodGenericParameter ) ;
lw . Write ( ">" ) ;
if ( mb . IsGenericMethodDefinition & & methodimpl ! = null )
mb = ( ( MethodInfo ) mb ) . MakeGenericMethod ( methodimpl . GetGenericArguments ( ) ) ;
mb = mb . __GetMethodOnTypeDefinition ( ) ;
lw . Write ( "(" ) ;
TypeLocation loc = ( methodimpl ! = null & & mb . IsGenericMethod )
? TypeLocation . GenericMethodImpl
: IsArrayOfGenericParameter ( mb . DeclaringType ) ? TypeLocation . General : TypeLocation . MemberRefNoWrap ;
int level = lw . Column ;
if ( compat ! = CompatLevel . None & & loc = = TypeLocation . GenericMethodImpl )
// ildasm doesn't take the length of the arity ("<[1]>") into account
level - = 5 + ( int ) Math . Log10 ( mb . GetGenericArguments ( ) . Length ) ;
bool first = true ;
bool noLineWrapCompat = false ;
foreach ( var parameter in mb . GetParameters ( ) )
if ( ! first )
if ( noLineWrapCompat )
lw . Write ( "," ) ;
if ( loc = = TypeLocation . MemberRefNoWrap )
loc = TypeLocation . MemberRef ;
lw . WriteLine ( "," ) ;
lw . GoToColumn ( level ) ;
first = false ;
lw . ClearWrappedFlag ( ) ;
WriteSignatureType ( lw , parameter . ParameterType , loc ) ;
noLineWrapCompat | = lw . Wrapped ;
WriteCustomModifiers ( lw , parameter . __GetCustomModifiers ( ) ) ;
if ( optionalParameterTypes . Length ! = 0 )
if ( ! first )
lw . WriteLine ( "," ) ;
lw . GoToColumn ( level ) ;
first = false ;
lw . Write ( "..." ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < optionalParameterTypes . Length ; i + + )
if ( ! first )
lw . WriteLine ( "," ) ;
lw . GoToColumn ( level ) ;
first = false ;
WriteSignatureType ( lw , optionalParameterTypes [ i ] , TypeLocation . MemberRef ) ;
WriteCustomModifiers ( lw , customModifiers [ i ] ) ;
lw . Write ( ")" ) ;
void WriteInlineType ( LineWriter lw , int metadataToken , Type [ ] genericTypeArguments , Type [ ] genericMethodArguments )
CustomModifiers mods = new CustomModifiers ( ) ;
if ( metadataToken > > 24 = = 0x1B )
mods = module . __ResolveTypeSpecCustomModifiers ( metadataToken , genericTypeArguments , genericMethodArguments ) ;
if ( ! mods . IsEmpty )
lw . Write ( "class " ) ;
Type type = ResolveType ( metadataToken , genericTypeArguments , genericMethodArguments ) ;
if ( type . HasElementType )
WriteSignatureType ( lw , type ) ;
else if ( ! type . __IsMissing & & type . IsGenericType )
WriteSignatureType ( lw , type , TypeLocation . General ) ;
WriteTypeDefOrRef ( lw , type ) ;
if ( ! mods . IsEmpty )
WriteCustomModifiers ( lw , mods ) ;
void WriteInlineField ( LineWriter lw , FieldInfo field )
WriteSignatureType ( lw , field . __GetFieldOnTypeDefinition ( ) . FieldType , TypeLocation . MemberRefNoWrap ) ;
WriteCustomModifiers ( lw , field . __GetCustomModifiers ( ) ) ;
lw . Write ( " " ) ;
if ( field . DeclaringType = = null )
lw . Write ( "{0}" , QuoteIdentifier ( GetFieldName ( field ) ) ) ;
if ( field . DeclaringType . __IsMissing | | ! field . DeclaringType . IsGenericType )
WriteTypeDefOrRef ( lw , field . DeclaringType ) ;
WriteSignatureType ( lw , field . DeclaringType , TypeLocation . General ) ;
lw . Write ( "::{0}" , QuoteIdentifier ( GetFieldName ( field ) ) ) ;
Type [ ] ResolveOptionalParameterTypes ( int token , Type [ ] genericTypeArguments , Type [ ] genericMethodArguments , out CustomModifiers [ ] customModifiers )
return module . __ResolveOptionalParameterTypes ( token , genericTypeArguments , genericMethodArguments , out customModifiers ) ;
void SortExceptions ( IList < ExceptionHandlingClause > all , List < ExceptionHandlingClause > nested , List < ExceptionHandlingClause > flat )
var exceptions = new List < ExceptionHandlingClause > ( all ) ;
exceptions . Sort ( this ) ;
int first = 0 ;
for ( int i = 1 ; i < = exceptions . Count ; i + + )
if ( i < exceptions . Count
& & exceptions [ first ] . TryOffset = = exceptions [ i ] . TryOffset
& & exceptions [ first ] . TryLength = = exceptions [ i ] . TryLength
& & ( compat ! = CompatLevel . V20 | | exceptions [ i ] . FilterOffset = = 0 ) )
// part of a multiple handler block
if ( compat = = CompatLevel . V20 )
for ( int j = first ; j < i ; j + + )
if ( exceptions [ j ] . FilterOffset ! = 0
| | ( i < exceptions . Count
& & exceptions [ j ] . TryOffset = = exceptions [ i ] . TryOffset
& & exceptions [ j ] . TryLength = = exceptions [ i ] . TryLength
& & exceptions [ j ] . HandlerOffset + exceptions [ j ] . HandlerLength > exceptions [ i ] . FilterOffset ) )
flat . Add ( exceptions [ j ] ) ;
nested . Add ( exceptions [ j ] ) ;
for ( int j = first ; j < i ; j + + )
nested . Add ( exceptions [ j ] ) ;
int end = exceptions [ first ] . TryOffset + exceptions [ first ] . TryLength ;
for ( int j = i - 1 ; j > = first ; j - - )
Debug . Assert ( exceptions [ j ] . TryOffset = = exceptions [ first ] . TryOffset & & exceptions [ j ] . TryLength = = exceptions [ first ] . TryLength ) ;
if ( exceptions [ j ] . FilterOffset = = end )
end + = exceptions [ j ] . HandlerOffset - exceptions [ j ] . FilterOffset ;
if ( exceptions [ j ] . HandlerOffset ! = end )
throw new NotImplementedException ( ) ;
end + = exceptions [ j ] . HandlerLength ;
first = i ;
flat . Sort ( FlatExceptionComparer ) ;
static int FlatExceptionComparer ( ExceptionHandlingClause x , ExceptionHandlingClause y )
return ( x . HandlerOffset + x . HandlerLength ) . CompareTo ( y . HandlerOffset + y . HandlerLength ) ;
Type ResolveType ( int token , Type [ ] genericTypeArguments , Type [ ] genericMethodArguments )
return module . ResolveType ( token , genericTypeArguments , genericMethodArguments ) ;
FieldInfo ResolveField ( int token , Type [ ] genericTypeArguments , Type [ ] genericMethodArguments )
return module . ResolveField ( token , genericTypeArguments , genericMethodArguments ) ;
MethodBase ResolveMethod ( int token , Type [ ] genericTypeArguments , Type [ ] genericMethodArguments )
return module . ResolveMethod ( token , genericTypeArguments , genericMethodArguments ) ;
MemberInfo ResolveMember ( int token , Type [ ] genericTypeArguments , Type [ ] genericMethodArguments )
return module . ResolveMember ( token , genericTypeArguments , genericMethodArguments ) ;
short ReadInt16 ( byte [ ] code , ref int pos )
short s = BitConverter . ToInt16 ( code , pos ) ;
pos + = 2 ;
return s ;
int ReadInt32 ( byte [ ] code , ref int pos )
int i = BitConverter . ToInt32 ( code , pos ) ;
pos + = 4 ;
return i ;
long ReadInt64 ( byte [ ] code , ref int pos )
long l = BitConverter . ToInt64 ( code , pos ) ;
pos + = 8 ;
return l ;
float ReadSingle ( byte [ ] code , ref int pos )
float f = BitConverter . ToSingle ( code , pos ) ;
pos + = 4 ;
return f ;
double ReadDouble ( byte [ ] code , ref int pos )
double d = BitConverter . ToDouble ( code , pos ) ;
pos + = 8 ;
return d ;
int IComparer < ExceptionHandlingClause > . Compare ( ExceptionHandlingClause x , ExceptionHandlingClause y )
if ( x . TryOffset < y . TryOffset )
return - 1 ;
if ( x . TryOffset > y . TryOffset )
return 1 ;
if ( x . TryLength > y . TryLength )
return - 1 ;
if ( x . TryLength < y . TryLength )
return 1 ;
if ( x . HandlerOffset > y . HandlerOffset )
return - 1 ;
if ( x . HandlerOffset < y . HandlerOffset )
return 1 ;
return 0 ;