66 lines
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66 lines
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namespace System.Web.Mvc {
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
internal static class DescriptorUtil {
private static void AppendPartToUniqueIdBuilder(StringBuilder builder, object part) {
if (part == null) {
else {
string partString = Convert.ToString(part, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
builder.AppendFormat("[{0}]{1}", partString.Length, partString);
public static string CreateUniqueId(params object[] parts) {
return CreateUniqueId((IEnumerable<object>)parts);
public static string CreateUniqueId(IEnumerable<object> parts) {
// returns a unique string made up of the pieces passed in
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
foreach (object part in parts) {
// We can special-case certain part types
MemberInfo memberInfo = part as MemberInfo;
if (memberInfo != null) {
AppendPartToUniqueIdBuilder(builder, memberInfo.Module.ModuleVersionId);
AppendPartToUniqueIdBuilder(builder, memberInfo.MetadataToken);
IUniquelyIdentifiable uniquelyIdentifiable = part as IUniquelyIdentifiable;
if (uniquelyIdentifiable != null) {
AppendPartToUniqueIdBuilder(builder, uniquelyIdentifiable.UniqueId);
AppendPartToUniqueIdBuilder(builder, part);
return builder.ToString();
public static TDescriptor[] LazilyFetchOrCreateDescriptors<TReflection, TDescriptor>(ref TDescriptor[] cacheLocation, Func<TReflection[]> initializer, Func<TReflection, TDescriptor> converter) {
// did we already calculate this once?
TDescriptor[] existingCache = Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref cacheLocation, null, null);
if (existingCache != null) {
return existingCache;
TReflection[] memberInfos = initializer();
TDescriptor[] descriptors = memberInfos.Select(converter).Where(descriptor => descriptor != null).ToArray();
TDescriptor[] updatedCache = Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref cacheLocation, descriptors, null);
return updatedCache ?? descriptors;