1263 lines
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1263 lines
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// AnalysisDecoder.cs
// Authors:
// Alexander Chebaturkin (chebaturkin@gmail.com)
// Copyright (C) 2011 Alexander Chebaturkin
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
// a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
// "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
// without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
// distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
// permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
// the following conditions:
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
// included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Mono.CodeContracts.Static.AST;
using Mono.CodeContracts.Static.AST.Visitors;
using Mono.CodeContracts.Static.ControlFlow;
using Mono.CodeContracts.Static.DataStructures;
using Mono.CodeContracts.Static.Lattices;
using Mono.CodeContracts.Static.Providers;
namespace Mono.CodeContracts.Static.Analysis.HeapAnalysis {
struct AnalysisDecoder : IILVisitor<APC, int, int, Domain, Domain> {
private readonly HeapAnalysis parent;
public AnalysisDecoder (HeapAnalysis parent)
this.parent = parent;
public IContractProvider ContractProvider
get { return this.parent.ContractProvider; }
public IMetaDataProvider MetaDataProvider
get { return this.parent.MetaDataProvider; }
#region Helper Methods
private void UnaryEffect (UnaryOperator op, int dest, int source, Domain data)
switch (op)
case UnaryOperator.Conv_i:
data.AssignValueAndNullnessAtConv_IU (dest, source, false);
case UnaryOperator.Conv_u:
data.AssignValueAndNullnessAtConv_IU (dest, source, true);
case UnaryOperator.Not:
data.AssignSpecialUnary (dest, data.Functions.UnaryNot, source, MetaDataProvider.System_Int32);
data.AssignPureUnary (dest, op, data.UnaryResultType (op, data.CurrentType (source)), source);
private Domain BinaryEffect (APC pc, BinaryOperator op, int dest, int op1, int op2, Domain data)
FlatDomain<TypeNode> resultType = data.BinaryResultType (op, data.CurrentType (op1), data.CurrentType (op2));
switch (op) {
case BinaryOperator.Ceq:
case BinaryOperator.Cobjeq:
SymValue srcValue = data.Value (op1);
if (data.IsZero (srcValue)) {
data.AssignSpecialUnary (dest, data.Functions.UnaryNot, op2, resultType);
SymValue val2 = data.Value (op2);
if (data.IsZero (val2)) {
data.AssignSpecialUnary (dest, data.Functions.UnaryNot, op1, resultType);
goto default;
case BinaryOperator.Cne_Un:
SymValue val1 = data.Value (op1);
if (data.IsZero (val1)) {
data.AssignSpecialUnary (dest, data.Functions.NeZero, op2, resultType);
SymValue val2 = data.Value (op2);
if (data.IsZero (val2)) {
data.AssignSpecialUnary (dest, data.Functions.NeZero, op1, resultType);
goto default;
data.AssignPureBinary (dest, op, resultType, op1, op2);
data.Havoc (2);
return data;
private void LoadArgEffect (Parameter argument, bool isOld, int dest, Domain data)
SymValue address = isOld ? data.OldValueAddress (argument) : data.Address (argument);
IMetaDataProvider metadataDecoder = MetaDataProvider;
data.CopyValue (data.Address (dest), address, metadataDecoder.ManagedPointer (metadataDecoder.ParameterType (argument)));
private void StoreLocalEffect (Local local, int source, Domain data)
data.CopyValue (data.Address (local), data.Address (source), MetaDataProvider.ManagedPointer (MetaDataProvider.LocalType (local)));
data.Havoc (source);
private void IsinstEffect (TypeNode type, int dest, Domain data)
data.AssignValue (dest, type);
private void LoadLocalEffect (Local local, int dest, Domain data)
data.CopyValue (data.Address (dest), data.Address (local), MetaDataProvider.ManagedPointer (MetaDataProvider.LocalType (local)));
private Domain AssumeEffect (APC pc, EdgeTag tag, int condition, Domain data)
data = data.Assume (condition, tag != EdgeTag.False);
if (!data.IsBottom)
data.Havoc (condition);
return data;
private Domain AssertEffect (APC pc, EdgeTag tag, int condition, Domain data)
data = data.Assume (condition, true);
if (!data.IsBottom)
data.Havoc (condition);
return data;
private static void LoadStackAddressEffect (APC pc, int offset, int dest, int source, Domain data)
data.CopyStackAddress (data.Address (dest), source);
private Domain CallEffect<TypeList, ArgList> (APC pc, Method method, bool virt, TypeList extraVarargs, int dest, ArgList args, Domain data, TypeNode constraint, bool constrainedCall)
where TypeList : IIndexable<TypeNode>
where ArgList : IIndexable<int>
TypeNode t = constraint;
if (!pc.InsideContract)
data.ResetModifiedAtCall ();
IImmutableMap<TypeNode, TypeNode> instantiationMap = ComputeTypeInstantiationMap (pc, method);
bool derefThis = false;
if (virt)
if (MetaDataProvider.IsStruct (constraint))
DevirtualizeImplementingMethod (constraint, ref method);
if (constrainedCall && MetaDataProvider.IsReferenceType (Specialize (instantiationMap, constraint)))
derefThis = true;
SymValue loc = data.Value (args[0]);
if (derefThis)
loc = data.Value (loc);
AbstractType aType = data.GetType (loc);
if (aType.IsNormal())
DevirtualizeImplementingMethod (aType.ConcreteType, ref method);
string name = MetaDataProvider.Name (method);
if (args.Count > 0)
if ((MetaDataProvider.Equal (t, MetaDataProvider.System_String) || MetaDataProvider.Equal (t, MetaDataProvider.System_Array))
&& (name == "get_Length" || name == "get_LongLength"))
data.AssignArrayLength (data.Address (dest), data.Value (args[0]));
return data;
if (MetaDataProvider.Equal (t, MetaDataProvider.System_Object) && name == "MemberwiseClone")
TypeNode t2 = data.GetType (data.Value (args[0])).ConcreteType;
SymValue obj = data.CreateObject (t2);
data.CopyStructValue (obj, data.Value (args[0]), t2);
data.CopyAddress (data.Address (dest), obj, t2);
return data;
if (args.Count > 1 && MetaDataProvider.IsReferenceType (t))
if (name.EndsWith ("op_Inequality"))
return Binary (pc, BinaryOperator.Cne_Un, dest, args[0], args[1], data);
if (name.EndsWith ("op_Equality"))
return Binary (pc, BinaryOperator.Cobjeq, dest, args[0], args[1], data);
if (MetaDataProvider.Equal (t, MetaDataProvider.System_IntPtr) && name.StartsWith ("op_Explicit"))
data.Copy (dest, args[0]);
return data;
// if (extraVarargs.Count == 0 && !this.MetaDataProvider.IsVoidMethod(method) && this.ContractProvider.)
Property property;
if (MetaDataProvider.IsPropertySetter (method, out property))
if (args.Count <= 2)
Method getter;
if (MetaDataProvider.HasGetter (property, out getter))
SymValue obj;
SymValue srcAddr;
if (args.Count == 1)
obj = data.Globals;
srcAddr = data.Address (args[0]);
obj = data.Value (args[0]);
if (derefThis)
obj = data.Value (obj);
srcAddr = data.Address (args[1]);
if (MetaDataProvider.Equal (MetaDataProvider.DeclaringType (this.parent.CurrentMethod), MetaDataProvider.Unspecialized (MetaDataProvider.DeclaringType (method))))
data.HavocUp (obj, ref data.ModifiedAtCall, false);
if (MetaDataProvider.IsAutoPropertyMember (method))
foreach (Field f in this.parent.StackContextProvider.MethodContext.Modifies (method))
TypeNode fieldAddressType;
SymValue destAddr = data.FieldAddress (obj, f, out fieldAddressType);
data.CopyValue (destAddr, srcAddr, fieldAddressType);
data.HavocFields (obj, this.parent.StackContextProvider.MethodContext.Modifies (method), ref data.ModifiedAtCall);
TypeNode pseudoFieldAddressType;
SymValue destAddr1 = data.PseudoFieldAddress (obj, getter, out pseudoFieldAddressType, true);
data.CopyValue (destAddr1, srcAddr, pseudoFieldAddressType);
data.AssignValue (dest, MetaDataProvider.System_Void);
return data;
Method getter;
if (MetaDataProvider.HasGetter (property, out getter))
var args1 = new SymValue[GetNonOutArgs (method) - 1];
int num = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < args.Count - 1; i++)
bool isOut;
SymValue sv = KeyForPureFunctionArgument (method, i, args[i], data, instantiationMap, out isOut);
if (!isOut)
args1[num++] = sv;
SymValue thisSV = data.Value (args[0]);
if (derefThis)
thisSV = data.Value (thisSV);
TypeNode pseudoFieldAddressType;
SymValue pseudoField = data.PseudoFieldAddress (args1, getter, out pseudoFieldAddressType, false);
AssignAllOutParameters (data, pseudoField, method, args);
SymValue srcAddr = data.Address (args[args.Count - 1]);
data.CopyValue (pseudoField, srcAddr, pseudoFieldAddressType);
if (MetaDataProvider.Equal (MetaDataProvider.DeclaringType (this.parent.CurrentMethod), MetaDataProvider.Unspecialized (MetaDataProvider.DeclaringType (method))))
data.HavocUp (thisSV, ref data.ModifiedAtCall, false);
data.HavocFields (thisSV, this.parent.StackContextProvider.MethodContext.Modifies (method), ref data.ModifiedAtCall);
data.AssignValue (dest, MetaDataProvider.System_Void);
return data;
bool insideConstructor = MetaDataProvider.IsConstructor (method);
HavocParameters (pc, method, extraVarargs, args, data, constraint, insideConstructor, false, derefThis);
data.AssignReturnValue (dest, MetaDataProvider.ReturnType (method));
return data;
private static Domain DoWithBothDomains (Domain data, Func<Domain, Domain> action)
data = action (data);
if (data.OldDomain != null)
data.OldDomain = action (data.OldDomain);
return data;
private static Domain DoWithBothDomains (Domain data, Action<Domain> action)
action (data);
if (data.OldDomain != null)
action (data.OldDomain);
return data;
#region IILVisitor<APC,int,int,Domain,Domain> Members
public Domain Binary (APC pc, BinaryOperator op, int dest, int operand1, int operand2, Domain data)
AnalysisDecoder it = this;
return DoWithBothDomains (data, d => it.BinaryEffect (pc, op, dest, operand1, operand2, d));
public Domain Isinst (APC pc, TypeNode type, int dest, int obj, Domain data)
AnalysisDecoder it = this;
return DoWithBothDomains (data, d => it.IsinstEffect (type, dest, d));
public Domain LoadNull (APC pc, int dest, Domain polarity)
return DoWithBothDomains (polarity, d => d.AssignNull (dest));
public Domain LoadConst (APC pc, TypeNode type, object constant, int dest, Domain data)
return DoWithBothDomains (data, d => d.AssignConst (dest, type, constant));
public Domain Sizeof (APC pc, TypeNode type, int dest, Domain data)
AnalysisDecoder it = this;
return DoWithBothDomains (data, d => d.AssignValue (dest, it.MetaDataProvider.System_Int32));
public Domain Unary (APC pc, UnaryOperator op, bool unsigned, int dest, int source, Domain data)
AnalysisDecoder it = this;
return DoWithBothDomains (data, d => it.UnaryEffect (op, dest, source, d));
public Domain Entry (APC pc, Method method, Domain data)
IIndexable<Local> locals = MetaDataProvider.Locals (method);
for (int i = 0; i < locals.Count; i++)
MaterializeLocal (locals [i], method, data);
TypeNode declaringType = MetaDataProvider.DeclaringType (method);
IIndexable<Parameter> parameters = MetaDataProvider.Parameters (method);
for (int i = 0; i < parameters.Count; i++)
MaterializeParameter (parameters [i], declaringType, data, false);
if (!MetaDataProvider.IsStatic (method))
MaterializeParameter (MetaDataProvider.This (method), declaringType, data, true);
if (MetaDataProvider.IsConstructor (method)) {
Parameter p = MetaDataProvider.This (method);
SymValue ptr = data.Value (p);
foreach (Field field in MetaDataProvider.Fields (declaringType)) {
if (MetaDataProvider.IsStatic (field))
TypeNode fieldType = MetaDataProvider.FieldType (field);
if (MetaDataProvider.IsStruct (fieldType))
data.AssignConst (data.FieldAddress (ptr, field), fieldType, 0);
data.AssignNull (data.FieldAddress (ptr, field));
foreach (Property property in MetaDataProvider.Properties (declaringType)) {
Method getter;
if (!MetaDataProvider.IsStatic (property) && MetaDataProvider.HasGetter (property, out getter)
&& MetaDataProvider.IsCompilerGenerated (getter) && MetaDataProvider.Parameters (getter).Count == 0) {
TypeNode propertyType = MetaDataProvider.ReturnType (getter);
if (MetaDataProvider.IsStruct (propertyType))
data.AssignConst (data.PseudoFieldAddress (ptr, getter), propertyType, 0);
data.AssignNull (data.PseudoFieldAddress (ptr, getter));
return data;
public Domain Assume (APC pc, EdgeTag tag, int condition, Domain data)
AnalysisDecoder it = this;
return DoWithBothDomains (data, d => it.AssumeEffect (pc, tag, condition, data));
public Domain Assert (APC pc, EdgeTag tag, int condition, Domain data)
AnalysisDecoder it = this;
return DoWithBothDomains (data, d => it.AssertEffect (pc, tag, condition, data));
public Domain BeginOld (APC pc, APC matchingEnd, Domain data)
if (data.InsideOld++ == 0) {
Domain oldState = FindOldState (pc, data);
if (oldState == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException ("begin_old in weird calling context");
Domain domain = oldState.Clone ();
domain.BeginOldPC = pc;
data.OldDomain = domain;
return data;
public Domain EndOld (APC pc, APC matchingBegin, TypeNode type, int dest, int source, Domain data)
if (--data.InsideOld == 0)
data.OldDomain = null;
data.Copy (dest, source);
return data;
public Domain LoadStack (APC pc, int offset, int dest, int source, bool isOld, Domain data)
if (isOld) {
Domain oldState = FindOldState (pc, data);
oldState.CopyOldValue (pc, dest, source, data, false);
if (data.OldDomain != null)
oldState.CopyOldValue (pc, dest, source, data.OldDomain, false);
} else {
data.Copy (dest, source);
if (data.OldDomain != null)
data.OldDomain.Copy (dest, source);
return data;
public Domain LoadStackAddress (APC pc, int offset, int dest, int source, TypeNode type, bool isOld, Domain data)
if (isOld) {
TypeNode ptrType = MetaDataProvider.ManagedPointer (type);
Domain oldState = FindOldState (pc, data);
SymValue srcOldAddr = oldState.Address (source);
SymValue sv = data.CreateValue (type);
oldState.CopyOldValue (pc, sv, srcOldAddr, data, true);
data.CopyAddress (data.Address (dest), sv, ptrType);
if (data.OldDomain != null) {
TypeNode ptrPtrType = MetaDataProvider.ManagedPointer (ptrType);
oldState.CopyOldValueToDest (pc, data.OldDomain.Address (dest), srcOldAddr, ptrPtrType, data.OldDomain);
} else {
LoadStackAddressEffect (pc, offset, dest, source, data);
if (data.OldDomain != null)
LoadStackAddressEffect (pc, offset, dest, source, data.OldDomain);
return data;
public Domain LoadResult (APC pc, TypeNode type, int dest, int source, Domain data)
return DoWithBothDomains (data, d => d.Copy (dest, source));
public Domain Arglist (APC pc, int dest, Domain data)
throw new NotImplementedException ();
public Domain Branch (APC pc, APC target, bool leavesExceptionBlock, Domain data)
throw new InvalidOperationException ("Should not see branches, should see assumes. See APCDecoder");
public Domain BranchCond (APC pc, APC target, BranchOperator bop, int value1, int value2, Domain data)
throw new InvalidOperationException ("Should not see branches, should see assumes. See APCDecoder");
public Domain BranchTrue (APC pc, APC target, int cond, Domain data)
throw new InvalidOperationException ("Should not see branches, should see assumes. See APCDecoder");
public Domain BranchFalse (APC pc, APC target, int cond, Domain data)
throw new InvalidOperationException ("Should not see branches, should see assumes. See APCDecoder");
public Domain Break (APC pc, Domain data)
return data;
public Domain Call<TypeList, ArgList> (APC pc, Method method, bool virt, TypeList extraVarargs, int dest, ArgList args, Domain data)
where TypeList : IIndexable<TypeNode>
where ArgList : IIndexable<int>
TypeNode declaringType = MetaDataProvider.DeclaringType (method);
if (data.OldDomain == null)
return CallEffect (pc, method, virt, extraVarargs, dest, args, data, declaringType, false);
data.OldDomain = CallEffect (pc, method, virt, extraVarargs, dest, args, data.OldDomain, declaringType, false);
if (!MetaDataProvider.IsVoidMethod (method))
data.OldDomain.CopyOldValue (data.OldDomain.BeginOldPC, dest, dest, data, true);
return data;
public Domain Calli<TypeList, ArgList> (APC pc, TypeNode returnType, TypeList argTypes, bool instance, int dest, int functionPointer, ArgList args, Domain data)
where TypeList : IIndexable<TypeNode>
where ArgList : IIndexable<int>
if (data.OldDomain == null)
return CalliEffect (pc, returnType, argTypes, instance, dest, functionPointer, args, data);
data.OldDomain = CalliEffect (pc, returnType, argTypes, instance, dest, functionPointer, args, data.OldDomain);
if (!MetaDataProvider.IsVoid (returnType))
data.OldDomain.CopyOldValue (data.OldDomain.BeginOldPC, dest, dest, data, true);
return data;
public Domain CheckFinite (APC pc, int dest, int source, Domain data)
data.Copy (dest, source);
if (data.OldDomain != null)
data.OldDomain.Copy (dest, source);
return data;
public Domain CopyBlock (APC pc, int destAddress, int srcAddress, int len, Domain data)
data.Havoc (destAddress);
data.Havoc (srcAddress);
data.Havoc (len);
return data;
public Domain EndFilter (APC pc, int decision, Domain data)
data.Havoc (decision);
return data;
public Domain EndFinally (APC pc, Domain data)
return data;
public Domain Jmp (APC pc, Method method, Domain data)
return data;
public Domain LoadArg (APC pc, Parameter argument, bool isOld, int dest, Domain data)
LoadArgEffect (argument, isOld, dest, data);
if (data.OldDomain != null)
LoadArgEffect (argument, isOld, dest, data.OldDomain);
return data;
public Domain LoadArgAddress (APC pc, Parameter argument, bool isOld, int dest, Domain data)
LoadArgAddressEffect (argument, isOld, dest, data);
if (data.OldDomain != null)
LoadArgAddressEffect (argument, isOld, dest, data.OldDomain);
return data;
public Domain LoadLocal (APC pc, Local local, int dest, Domain data)
LoadLocalEffect (local, dest, data);
if (data.OldDomain != null)
data.CopyValueToOldState (data.OldDomain.BeginOldPC, MetaDataProvider.LocalType (local), dest, dest, data.OldDomain);
return data;
public Domain LoadLocalAddress (APC pc, Local local, int dest, Domain data)
LoadLocalAddressEffect (local, dest, data);
if (data.OldDomain != null)
LoadLocalAddressEffect (local, dest, data.OldDomain);
return data;
public Domain Nop (APC pc, Domain data)
return data;
public Domain Pop (APC pc, int source, Domain data)
data.Havoc (source);
if (data.OldDomain != null)
data.OldDomain.Havoc (source);
return data;
public Domain Return (APC pc, int source, Domain data)
data.Havoc (source);
return data;
public Domain StoreArg (APC pc, Parameter argument, int source, Domain data)
data.CopyValue (data.Address (argument), data.Address (source), MetaDataProvider.ManagedPointer (MetaDataProvider.ParameterType (argument)));
data.Havoc (source);
return data;
public Domain StoreLocal (APC pc, Local local, int source, Domain data)
AnalysisDecoder it = this;
return DoWithBothDomains (data, d => it.StoreLocalEffect (local, source, d));
public Domain Switch (APC pc, TypeNode type, IEnumerable<Pair<object, APC>> cases, int value, Domain data)
throw new InvalidOperationException ("Should only see assumes");
public Domain Box (APC pc, TypeNode type, int dest, int source, Domain data)
AnalysisDecoder it = this;
return DoWithBothDomains (data, (d) => it.BoxEffect (type, dest, source, d));
public Domain ConstrainedCallvirt<TypeList, ArgList> (APC pc, Method method, TypeNode constraint, TypeList extraVarargs, int dest, ArgList args, Domain data)
where TypeList : IIndexable<TypeNode>
where ArgList : IIndexable<int>
if (data.OldDomain == null)
return CallEffect (pc, method, true, extraVarargs, dest, args, data, constraint, true);
data.OldDomain = CallEffect (pc, method, true, extraVarargs, dest, args, data.OldDomain, constraint, true);
if (!MetaDataProvider.IsVoidMethod (method))
data.OldDomain.CopyOldValue (data.OldDomain.BeginOldPC, dest, dest, data, true);
return data;
public Domain CastClass (APC pc, TypeNode type, int dest, int obj, Domain data)
AnalysisDecoder it = this;
return DoWithBothDomains (data, d => it.CastClassEffect (type, dest, obj, d));
public Domain CopyObj (APC pc, TypeNode type, int destPtr, int sourcePtr, Domain data)
data.CopyValue (data.Value (destPtr), data.Value (sourcePtr), MetaDataProvider.ManagedPointer (type));
data.Havoc (destPtr);
data.Havoc (sourcePtr);
return data;
public Domain Initobj (APC pc, TypeNode type, int ptr, Domain data)
SymValue obj = data.Value (ptr);
data.Havoc (obj);
foreach (Field field in MetaDataProvider.Fields (type)) {
SymValue dest = data.FieldAddress (obj, field);
data.AssignZeroEquivalent (dest, MetaDataProvider.FieldType (field));
data.Havoc (ptr);
return data;
public Domain LoadElement (APC pc, TypeNode type, int dest, int array, int index, Domain data)
if (data.OldDomain != null) {
LoadElementEffect (type, dest, array, index, data.OldDomain);
data.OldDomain.CopyOldValue (data.OldDomain.BeginOldPC, dest, dest, data, true);
} else
LoadElementEffect (type, dest, array, index, data);
return data;
public Domain LoadField (APC pc, Field field, int dest, int obj, Domain data)
if (data.OldDomain != null) {
LoadFieldEffect (field, dest, obj, data.OldDomain);
data.OldDomain.CopyOldValue (data.OldDomain.BeginOldPC, dest, dest, data, true);
} else
LoadFieldEffect (field, dest, obj, data);
return data;
public Domain LoadFieldAddress (APC pc, Field field, int dest, int obj, Domain data)
AnalysisDecoder it = this;
return DoWithBothDomains (data, domain => it.LoadFieldAddressEffect (pc, field, dest, obj, domain));
public Domain LoadLength (APC pc, int dest, int array, Domain data)
AnalysisDecoder it = this;
return DoWithBothDomains (data, domain => it.LoadLengthEffect (dest, array, domain));
public Domain LoadStaticField (APC pc, Field field, int dest, Domain data)
if (data.OldDomain != null) {
LoadStaticFieldEffect (field, dest, data.OldDomain);
data.OldDomain.CopyOldValue (data.OldDomain.BeginOldPC, dest, dest, data, true);
} else
LoadStaticFieldEffect (field, dest, data);
return data;
public Domain LoadStaticFieldAddress (APC pc, Field field, int dest, Domain data)
AnalysisDecoder it = this;
return DoWithBothDomains (data, domain => it.LoadStaticFieldAddressEffect (field, dest, domain));
public Domain LoadTypeToken (APC pc, TypeNode type, int dest, Domain data)
throw new NotImplementedException ();
public Domain LoadFieldToken (APC pc, Field type, int dest, Domain data)
throw new NotImplementedException ();
public Domain LoadMethodToken (APC pc, Method type, int dest, Domain data)
throw new NotImplementedException ();
public Domain NewArray<ArgList> (APC pc, TypeNode type, int dest, ArgList lengths, Domain data) where ArgList : IIndexable<int>
AnalysisDecoder it = this;
return DoWithBothDomains (data, d => it.NewArrayEffect<ArgList> (type, dest, lengths, d));
public Domain NewObj<ArgList> (APC pc, Method ctor, int dest, ArgList args, Domain data) where ArgList : IIndexable<int>
AnalysisDecoder it = this;
return DoWithBothDomains (data, d => it.NewObjEffect (pc, ctor, dest, args, d));
public Domain MkRefAny (APC pc, TypeNode type, int dest, int obj, Domain data)
throw new NotImplementedException ();
public Domain RefAnyType (APC pc, int dest, int source, Domain data)
throw new NotImplementedException ();
public Domain RefAnyVal (APC pc, TypeNode type, int dest, int source, Domain data)
throw new NotImplementedException ();
public Domain Rethrow (APC pc, Domain data)
return data.Bottom;
public Domain StoreElement (APC pc, TypeNode type, int array, int index, int value, Domain data)
AnalysisDecoder it = this;
return DoWithBothDomains (data, d => it.StoreElementEffect (type, array, index, value, d));
public Domain StoreField (APC pc, Field field, int obj, int value, Domain data)
data.CopyValue (data.FieldAddress (data.Value (obj), field), data.Address (value));
if (!MetaDataProvider.IsCompilerGenerated (field))
data.HavocPseudoFields (data.Value (obj));
data.Havoc (obj);
data.Havoc (value);
return data;
public Domain StoreStaticField (APC pc, Field field, int value, Domain data)
data.CopyValue (data.FieldAddress (data.Globals, field), data.Address (value));
data.Havoc (value);
return data;
public Domain Throw (APC pc, int exception, Domain data)
data.Havoc (exception);
return data;
public Domain Unbox (APC pc, TypeNode type, int dest, int obj, Domain data)
AnalysisDecoder it = this;
return DoWithBothDomains (data, d => d.AssignValue (dest, it.MetaDataProvider.ManagedPointer (type)));
public Domain UnboxAny (APC pc, TypeNode type, int dest, int obj, Domain data)
return DoWithBothDomains (data, d => d.AssignValue (dest, type));
private void MaterializeParameter (Parameter parameter, TypeNode declaringType, Domain data, bool aggressiveMaterialization)
TypeNode type = MetaDataProvider.ParameterType (parameter);
data.Assign (parameter, type);
MaterializeParameterInfo (data.Address (parameter), MetaDataProvider.ManagedPointer (type), 0, data, declaringType, aggressiveMaterialization);
data.CopyParameterIntoShadow (parameter);
private void MaterializeParameterInfo (SymValue sv, TypeNode t, int depth, Domain data, TypeNode fromType, bool aggressiveMaterialization)
data.MakeUnmodified (sv);
data.SetType (sv, t);
if (depth > 2 && !aggressiveMaterialization || depth > 5)
if (MetaDataProvider.IsManagedPointer (t)) {
TypeNode elemType = MetaDataProvider.ElementType (t);
if (!MetaDataProvider.HasValueRepresentation (elemType)) {
data.ManifestStructId (sv);
foreach (Field field in MetaDataProvider.Fields (elemType)) {
if (!MetaDataProvider.IsStatic (field) && MetaDataProvider.IsVisibleFrom (field, fromType)) {
TypeNode fieldAddressType;
MaterializeParameterInfo (data.FieldAddress (sv, field, out fieldAddressType), fieldAddressType, depth + 1, data, fromType, aggressiveMaterialization);
ManifestProperties (sv, depth + 1, data, fromType, aggressiveMaterialization, elemType);
} else
MaterializeParameterInfo (data.Value (sv), elemType, depth + 1, data, fromType, aggressiveMaterialization);
} else {
if (MetaDataProvider.IsClass (t)) {
foreach (Field field in MetaDataProvider.Fields (t)) {
if (!MetaDataProvider.IsStatic (field) && MetaDataProvider.IsVisibleFrom (field, fromType)) {
TypeNode fieldAddressType;
MaterializeParameterInfo (data.FieldAddress (sv, field, out fieldAddressType), fieldAddressType, depth + 1, data, fromType, aggressiveMaterialization);
} else if (data.NeedsArrayLengthManifested (t))
data.ManifestArrayLength (sv);
private void ManifestProperties (SymValue sv, int depth, Domain data, TypeNode fromType, bool aggressiveMaterialization, TypeNode type)
foreach (Property property in MetaDataProvider.Properties (type)) {
Method getter;
if (MetaDataProvider.IsStatic (property) || !MetaDataProvider.HasGetter (property, out getter) || !MetaDataProvider.IsVisibleFrom (getter, fromType))
TypeNode pseudoFieldAddressType;
MaterializeParameterInfo (data.PseudoFieldAddress (sv, getter, out pseudoFieldAddressType, false), pseudoFieldAddressType, depth + 1, data, fromType, aggressiveMaterialization);
if (!MetaDataProvider.IsInterface (type))
foreach (TypeNode iface in MetaDataProvider.Interfaces (type)) {
if (MetaDataProvider.IsVisibleFrom (iface, fromType))
ManifestProperties (sv, depth, data, fromType, aggressiveMaterialization, iface);
private void MaterializeLocal (Local local, Method method, Domain data)
TypeNode t = MetaDataProvider.LocalType (local);
data.AssignZeroEquivalent (data.Address (local), t);
private void HavocParameters (APC pc, Method method, IIndexable<TypeNode> extraVarargs, IIndexable<int> args, Domain data, TypeNode declaringType, bool insideConstructor, bool thisArgMissing,
bool derefThis)
IIndexable<Parameter> parameters = MetaDataProvider.Parameters (method);
IIndexable<Parameter> unspecializedParameters = null;
if (MetaDataProvider.IsSpecialized (method))
unspecializedParameters = MetaDataProvider.Parameters (MetaDataProvider.Unspecialized (method));
int index2 = 0;
int num1 = 0;
for (int index1 = 0; index1 < args.Count; ++index1) {
bool materialize = false;
bool nonFirstThis = false;
int num2 = args [index1];
bool parameterHasGenericType = false;
bool havocReadonlyFields = false;
TypeNode ype;
if (index1 == 0 && !thisArgMissing && !MetaDataProvider.IsStatic (method)) {
num1 = 1;
ype = MetaDataProvider.ParameterType (MetaDataProvider.This (method));
if (MetaDataProvider.IsPrimitive (declaringType) || MetaDataProvider.Equal (declaringType, MetaDataProvider.System_Object)) {
if (MetaDataProvider.IsStruct (declaringType))
data.Value (data.Value (args [0]));
if (MetaDataProvider.IsConstructor (method)) {
if (insideConstructor && data.IsThis (this.parent.CurrentMethod, num2)) {
if (TypesEqualModuloInstantiation (declaringType, MetaDataProvider.DeclaringType (this.parent.CurrentMethod)))
havocReadonlyFields = true;
if (MetaDataProvider.IsStruct (declaringType))
materialize = true;
} else if (index2 < parameters.Count) {
if (data.IsThis (this.parent.CurrentMethod, num2))
nonFirstThis = true;
Parameter p = parameters [index2];
materialize = MetaDataProvider.IsOut (p);
ype = MetaDataProvider.ParameterType (p);
if (unspecializedParameters != null) {
TypeNode unspecType = MetaDataProvider.ParameterType (unspecializedParameters [index2]);
parameterHasGenericType = MetaDataProvider.IsFormalTypeParameter (unspecType) || MetaDataProvider.IsMethodFormalTypeParameter (unspecType);
} else if (!data.IsThis (this.parent.CurrentMethod, num2))
ype = extraVarargs [index1 - index2 - num1];
if (!pc.InsideContract) {
bool havocFields = AggressiveUpHavocMethod (method);
if (havocFields || materialize || MustHavocParameter (method, declaringType, ype, parameterHasGenericType, nonFirstThis)) {
SymValue loc = data.Value (num2);
if (derefThis && index1 == 0 && num1 == 1)
loc = data.Value (loc);
data.HavocObjectAtCall (loc, ref data.ModifiedAtCall, havocFields, havocReadonlyFields);
if (materialize)
data.MaterializeAccordingToType (loc, ype, 0);
data.Havoc (num2);
private bool MustHavocParameter (Method method, TypeNode declaringType, TypeNode pt, bool parameterHasGenericType, bool nonFirstThis)
if (parameterHasGenericType || MetaDataProvider.IsStruct (pt) || MetaDataProvider.Equal (declaringType, MetaDataProvider.System_Object) ||
IsImmutable (pt) || nonFirstThis || MetaDataProvider.Equal (pt, MetaDataProvider.System_Object))
return false;
return true;
private bool IsImmutable (TypeNode pt)
return MetaDataProvider.Equal (pt, MetaDataProvider.System_String);
private bool AggressiveUpHavocMethod (Method method)
if (MetaDataProvider.Name (MetaDataProvider.DeclaringType (method)) != "Monitor")
return false;
string name = MetaDataProvider.Name (method);
return (name == "Exit" || name == "Wait");
private bool TypesEqualModuloInstantiation (TypeNode a, TypeNode b)
a = MetaDataProvider.Unspecialized (a);
b = MetaDataProvider.Unspecialized (b);
return MetaDataProvider.Equal (a, b);
private SymValue KeyForPureFunctionArgument (Method method, int index, int arg, Domain data, IImmutableMap<TypeNode, TypeNode> specialization, out bool isOut)
bool isByRef;
TypeNode type;
bool isPrimitive;
if (!ParameterHasValueRepresentation (method, index, specialization, out isPrimitive, out isOut, out isByRef, out type))
return data.StructId (isByRef ? data.Value (arg) : data.Address (arg));
SymValue sv = data.Value (arg);
if (isByRef)
sv = data.Value (sv);
return isPrimitive || IsImmutableType (type) ? sv : data.ObjectVersion (sv);
private bool ParameterHasValueRepresentation (Method method, int index, IImmutableMap<TypeNode, TypeNode> specialization, out bool isPrimitive, out bool isOut, out bool isByRef, out TypeNode type)
if (index == 0 && !MetaDataProvider.IsStatic (method)) {
isOut = false;
type = MetaDataProvider.DeclaringType (method);
isPrimitive = MetaDataProvider.IsPrimitive (type);
bool hasValueRepresentation = MetaDataProvider.HasValueRepresentation (type);
isByRef = (isPrimitive || !hasValueRepresentation);
return hasValueRepresentation;
int paramIndex = MetaDataProvider.IsStatic (method) ? index : (index - 1);
Parameter p = MetaDataProvider.Parameters (method) [paramIndex];
type = MetaDataProvider.ParameterType (p);
type = Specialize (specialization, type);
isOut = MetaDataProvider.IsOut (p);
if (isByRef = MetaDataProvider.IsManagedPointer (type))
type = MetaDataProvider.ElementType (type);
isPrimitive = MetaDataProvider.IsPrimitive (type);
return MetaDataProvider.HasValueRepresentation (type);
private bool IsImmutableType (TypeNode type)
//todo: implement
return false;
private int GetNonOutArgs (Method method)
int res = MetaDataProvider.IsStatic (method) ? 1 : 0;
IIndexable<Parameter> parameters = MetaDataProvider.Parameters (method);
for (int i = 0; i < parameters.Count; ++i) {
if (!MetaDataProvider.IsOut (parameters [i]))
return res;
private void AssignAllOutParameters<ArgList> (Domain data, SymValue fieldAddr, Method method, ArgList args)
where ArgList : IIndexable<int>
int index = 0;
if (!MetaDataProvider.IsStatic (method))
IIndexable<Parameter> parameters = MetaDataProvider.Parameters (method);
for (; index < parameters.Count; index++) {
Parameter p = parameters [index];
if (MetaDataProvider.IsOut (p)) {
TypeNode pType = MetaDataProvider.ParameterType (p);
SymValue srcAddr = data.PseudoFieldAddressOfOutParameter (index, fieldAddr, pType);
SymValue destAddr = data.Value (args [index]);
data.CopyValue (destAddr, srcAddr, pType);
private TypeNode Specialize (IImmutableMap<TypeNode, TypeNode> instantiationMap, TypeNode declaringType)
throw new NotImplementedException ();
private void DevirtualizeImplementingMethod (TypeNode declaringType, ref Method method)
throw new NotImplementedException ();
private IImmutableMap<TypeNode, TypeNode> ComputeTypeInstantiationMap (APC pc, Method method)
IImmutableMap<TypeNode, TypeNode> specialization = ImmutableMap<TypeNode, TypeNode>.Empty;
foreach (var edge in pc.SubroutineContext.AsEnumerable ()) {
Method calledMethod;
bool isVirtual;
bool isNewObj;
if (edge.From.IsMethodCallBlock (out calledMethod, out isNewObj, out isVirtual))
MetaDataProvider.IsSpecialized (calledMethod, ref specialization);
else if (edge.To.IsMethodCallBlock (out calledMethod, out isNewObj, out isVirtual))
MetaDataProvider.IsSpecialized (calledMethod, ref specialization);
return specialization;
private Domain CalliEffect<TypeList, ArgList> (APC pc, TypeNode returnType, TypeList argTypes, bool isInstance, int dest, int functionPointer, ArgList args, Domain data)
where TypeList : IIndexable<TypeNode>
where ArgList : IIndexable<int>
for (int i = 0; i < args.Count; i++) {
int num = args [i];
TypeNode type;
if (isInstance) {
if (i > 0)
type = argTypes [i - 1];
else {
SymValue sv = data.Value (num);
AbstractType aType = data.GetType (sv);
type = aType.IsNormal() ? aType.ConcreteType : MetaDataProvider.System_Object;
} else
type = argTypes [i];
if (!MetaDataProvider.IsStruct (type)) {
data.ResetModifiedAtCall ();
data.HavocObjectAtCall (data.Value (num), ref data.ModifiedAtCall, false, false);
data.Havoc (num);
data.AssignValue (dest, returnType);
return data;
private void LoadArgAddressEffect (Parameter p, bool isOld, int dest, Domain data)
SymValue srcAddr = isOld ? data.OldValueAddress (p) : data.Address (p);
data.CopyAddress (data.Address (dest), srcAddr, MetaDataProvider.ManagedPointer (MetaDataProvider.ParameterType (p)));
private void LoadLocalAddressEffect (Local local, int dest, Domain data)
data.CopyAddress (data.Address (dest), data.Address (local), MetaDataProvider.ManagedPointer (MetaDataProvider.LocalType (local)));
private void BoxEffect (TypeNode type, int dest, int source, Domain data)
if (MetaDataProvider.IsReferenceType (type))
data.Copy (dest, source);
else {
SymValue srcAddr = data.Address (source);
TypeNode systemObject = MetaDataProvider.System_Object;
SymValue specialUnary = data.GetSpecialUnary (data.Functions.BoxOperator, source, systemObject);
data.SetValue (specialUnary, srcAddr, MetaDataProvider.ManagedPointer (type), false);
data.AssignSpecialUnary (dest, specialUnary, systemObject);
private void CastClassEffect (TypeNode type, int dest, int obj, Domain data)
SymValue destAddr = data.Address (dest);
TypeNode mp = MetaDataProvider.ManagedPointer (type);
data.CopyValueAndCast (destAddr, data.Address (obj), mp);
private void LoadElementEffect (TypeNode type, int dest, int array, int index, Domain data)
TypeNode t = type;
if (!MetaDataProvider.IsStruct (type)) {
SymValue sv = data.Value (array);
AbstractType aType = data.GetType (sv);
if (aType.IsNormal() && MetaDataProvider.IsArray (aType.ConcreteType)) {
t = MetaDataProvider.ElementType (aType.ConcreteType);
if (t == null)
t = type;
TypeNode elementAddressType = MetaDataProvider.ManagedPointer (t);
data.CopyValue (data.Address (dest), data.ElementAddress (data.Value (array), data.Value (index), elementAddressType), elementAddressType);
data.Havoc (index);
private void LoadFieldEffect (Field field, int dest, int obj, Domain data)
SymValue ptr;
if (MetaDataProvider.IsStruct (MetaDataProvider.DeclaringType (field))) {
AbstractType abstractType = data.GetType (data.Address (obj));
ptr = abstractType.IsNormal()
&& MetaDataProvider.IsManagedPointer (abstractType.ConcreteType)
&& MetaDataProvider.IsStruct (MetaDataProvider.ElementType (abstractType.ConcreteType))
? data.Address (obj)
: data.Value (obj);
} else
ptr = data.Value (obj);
TypeNode fieldAddressType;
SymValue srcAddr = data.FieldAddress (ptr, field, out fieldAddressType);
data.CopyValue (data.Address (dest), srcAddr, fieldAddressType);
private void LoadFieldAddressEffect (APC pc, Field field, int dest, int obj, Domain data)
SymValue sv = data.Value (obj);
TypeNode fieldAddressType;
SymValue srcAddr = data.FieldAddress (sv, field, out fieldAddressType);
data.CopyAddress (data.Address (dest), srcAddr, fieldAddressType);
if (!pc.InsideContract && MetaDataProvider.Equal (MetaDataProvider.DeclaringType (this.parent.CurrentMethod), MetaDataProvider.Unspecialized (MetaDataProvider.DeclaringType (field))))
data.HavocPseudoFields (this.parent.StackContextProvider.MethodContext.AffectedGetters (field), sv);
private void LoadLengthEffect (int dest, int array, Domain data)
data.AssignArrayLength (data.Address (dest), data.Value (array));
private void LoadStaticFieldEffect (Field field, int dest, Domain data)
TypeNode fieldAddressType;
SymValue srcAddr = data.FieldAddress (data.Globals, field, out fieldAddressType);
data.CopyValue (data.Address (dest), srcAddr, fieldAddressType);
private void LoadStaticFieldAddressEffect (Field field, int dest, Domain data)
TypeNode fieldAddressType;
SymValue srcAddr = data.FieldAddress (data.Globals, field, out fieldAddressType);
data.CopyAddress (data.Address (dest), srcAddr, fieldAddressType);
private void NewArrayEffect<T> (TypeNode type, int dest, IIndexable<int> list, Domain data)
if (list.Count == 1) {
SymValue array = data.CreateArray (type, data.Value (list [0]));
data.CopyAddress (data.Address (dest), array, MetaDataProvider.ArrayType (type, 1));
} else
data.AssignValue (dest, type);
private void NewObjEffect<ArgList> (APC pc, Method ctor, int dest, ArgList args, Domain data)
where ArgList : IIndexable<int>
for (int i = 0; i < args.Count; ++i)
data.Havoc (args [i]);
TypeNode declaringType = MetaDataProvider.DeclaringType (ctor);
if (MetaDataProvider.IsStruct (declaringType)) {
SymValue srcAddr = data.CreateValue (declaringType);
data.MaterializeAccordingToType (srcAddr, MetaDataProvider.ManagedPointer (declaringType), 0);
HavocParameters (pc, ctor, Indexable<TypeNode>.Empty, args, data, declaringType, false, true, false);
data.CopyValue (data.Address (dest), srcAddr, MetaDataProvider.ManagedPointer (declaringType));
SymValue sv = data.CreateObject (declaringType);
HavocParameters (pc, ctor, Indexable<TypeNode>.Empty, args, data, declaringType, false, true, false);
data.CopyAddress (data.Address (dest), sv, declaringType);
private void StoreElementEffect (TypeNode type, int array, int index, int value, Domain data)
TypeNode elementAddressType = MetaDataProvider.ManagedPointer (type);
SymValue arrayValue = data.Value (array);
SymValue indexValue = data.Value (index);
data.HavocArrayAtIndex (arrayValue, indexValue);
data.CopyValue (data.ElementAddress (arrayValue, indexValue, elementAddressType), data.Address (value), elementAddressType);
data.Havoc (array);
data.Havoc (index);
data.Havoc (value);
public static Domain FindOldState (APC pc, Domain data)
for (Sequence<Edge<CFGBlock, EdgeTag>> list = pc.SubroutineContext; list != null; list = list.Tail) {
Edge<CFGBlock, EdgeTag> pair = list.Head;
if (pair.Tag == EdgeTag.Exit || pair.Tag.Is (EdgeTag.AfterMask))
return data.GetStateAt (new APC (pair.From.Subroutine.EntryAfterRequires, 0, list.Tail));
return null;