981 lines
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981 lines
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using NUnit.Framework;
using System;
using Mono.Documentation;
using System.Xml;
using System.Xml.XPath;
using System.Linq;
using Mono.Cecil;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Mono.Documentation.Updater.Frameworks;
using Mono.Documentation.Updater;
namespace mdoc.Test
public class OneAttribute : Attribute { }
public class TwoAttribute : Attribute { }
public class MyClass
public void Meth (int a, string d, int c) { }
public class MyClass2
public void Meth (int a, string b, int c) { }
public class MyComplicatedClass
public IAsyncResult BeginRead(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count, AsyncCallback cback, object state) => null;
namespace mdoc.Test2
using mdoc.Test;
[One, Two]
public class MyClass
[One, Two]
public void Meth (int a, string b, int c) { }
public class MyClass2
public void Meth (int d, string e, int f) { }
namespace mdoc.Test3
public class MyClass
public void Meth(int a, string b, int c) { }
public class MyClass2
public void Meth(int A, string B, int C) { }
namespace mdoc.Test
/// <summary>
/// Tests functions that update the EcmaXMl under various conditions from
/// corresponding classes.
/// </summary>
[TestFixture ()]
public class XmlUpdateTests
class ParamContext {
public XmlDocument doc;
public string beforeXML;
public MethodReference method;
public List<ParameterDefinition> parameters;
public MDocUpdater updater;
public FrameworkIndex fx;
#region Myclass Tests
[Test ()]
public void Parameters_Updating_Normal ()
var context = InitContext <MyClass>(startingEmptyXml, 0);
FrameworkTypeEntry typeEntry = context.fx.Frameworks[0].Types.First ();
bool fxAlternateTriggered = false;
context.updater.MakeParameters (context.doc.FirstChild as XmlElement, context.method, context.parameters, typeEntry, ref fxAlternateTriggered);
var afterXML = context.doc.OuterXml;
Assert.AreEqual (Normalize(normalSingleXml), afterXML);
[Test ()]
public void Parameters_Updating_Existing_MultiFramework ()
var context = InitContext <MyClass>(multiFrameworkXml, 0);
FrameworkTypeEntry typeEntry = context.fx.Frameworks[0].Types.First ();
bool fxAlternateTriggered = false;
context.updater.MakeParameters (context.doc.FirstChild as XmlElement, context.method, context.parameters, typeEntry, ref fxAlternateTriggered);
var afterXML = context.doc.OuterXml;
// the original state was cleared out on account that this was the first of the frameworks
Assert.AreEqual (Normalize(XmlConsts.NormalSingleXml), Normalize(afterXML));
#region MyClass2 tests
[Test ()]
public void Parameters2_Updating_Normal ()
var context = InitContext<MyClass2> (startingEmptyXml, 0);
FrameworkTypeEntry typeEntry = context.fx.Frameworks[0].Types.First ();
bool fxAlternateTriggered = false;
context.updater.MakeParameters (context.doc.FirstChild as XmlElement, context.method, context.parameters, typeEntry, ref fxAlternateTriggered);
var afterXML = context.doc.OuterXml;
Assert.AreEqual (Normalize (XmlConsts.NormalSingleXml2), afterXML);
[Test ()]
public void Parameters_Updating_Normal22 ()
var context = InitContext<MyClass2> (XmlConsts.NormalSingleXml2, 1);
FrameworkTypeEntry typeEntry = context.fx.Frameworks[1].Types.First ();
bool fxAlternateTriggered = false;
context.updater.MakeParameters (context.doc.FirstChild as XmlElement, context.method, context.parameters, typeEntry, ref fxAlternateTriggered);
var afterXML = context.doc.OuterXml;
Assert.AreEqual (Normalize (XmlConsts.MultiFrameworkXml2Second), afterXML);
[Test ()]
public void Parameters_Updating_Normal32 ()
var context = InitContext<MyClass2> (XmlConsts.MultiFrameworkXml2Second, 2);
FrameworkTypeEntry typeEntry = context.fx.Frameworks[2].Types.First ();
bool fxAlternateTriggered = false;
context.updater.MakeParameters (context.doc.FirstChild as XmlElement, context.method, context.parameters, typeEntry, ref fxAlternateTriggered);
var afterXML = context.doc.OuterXml;
Assert.AreEqual (Normalize (XmlConsts.MultiFrameworkXml2), afterXML);
public void Parameters_Updating_BeginRead()
FrameworkIndex fx = new FrameworkIndex("", 3, null);
fx.Frameworks.Add(new FrameworkEntry(fx.Frameworks, fx.Frameworks) { Id = "One", Name = "One", Replace = "mdoc.Test2", With = "mdoc.Test" });
fx.Frameworks.Add(new FrameworkEntry(fx.Frameworks, fx.Frameworks) { Id = "Two", Name = "Two", Replace = "mdoc.Test2", With = "mdoc.Test" });
fx.Frameworks.Add(new FrameworkEntry(fx.Frameworks, fx.Frameworks) { Id = "Three", Name = "Three", Replace = "mdoc.Test2", With = "mdoc.Test" });
var context = InitComplexContext<MyComplicatedClass>(XmlConsts.XML_METHOD_TESTMETHOD_BEFORE, "mdoc.Test", "BeginRead", fx);
var theType = context.method.DeclaringType.Resolve();
foreach (var it in fx.Frameworks)
var t = it.ProcessType(theType);
foreach(var m in theType.Methods)
var typeEntry = context.fx.Frameworks[2].Types.First();
bool fxAlternateTriggered = true;
context.updater.MakeParameters(context.doc.FirstChild as XmlElement, context.method, context.parameters, typeEntry, ref fxAlternateTriggered);
var afterXML = context.doc.OuterXml;
// TODO: make representative post-method XML
Assert.AreEqual(Normalize(XmlConsts.XML_METHOD_TESTMETHOD_AFTER), afterXML);
[Test ()]
public void Parameters_Updating_Existing_MultiFramework22 ()
var context = InitContext<MyClass2> (XmlConsts.MultiFrameworkXml2, 0);
FrameworkTypeEntry typeEntry = context.fx.Frameworks[0].Types.First ();
bool fxAlternateTriggered = false;
context.updater.MakeParameters (context.doc.FirstChild as XmlElement, context.method, context.parameters, typeEntry, ref fxAlternateTriggered);
var afterXML = context.doc.OuterXml;
Assert.AreEqual (Normalize(XmlConsts.NormalSingleXml2), Normalize (afterXML));
[Test ()]
public void Parameters_Updating_Existing_MultiFramework222 ()
var context = InitContext<MyClass2> (XmlConsts.MultiFrameworkXml2, 2);
FrameworkTypeEntry typeEntry = context.fx.Frameworks[2].Types.First ();
bool fxAlternateTriggered = false;
context.updater.MakeParameters (context.doc.FirstChild as XmlElement, context.method, context.parameters, typeEntry, ref fxAlternateTriggered);
var afterXML = context.doc.OuterXml;
Assert.AreEqual (context.beforeXML, Normalize (afterXML));
[Test ()]
public void Parameters_Updating_Existing_Align2 ()
var context = InitContext<MyClass2> (XmlConsts.MultiFrameworkXml2, 1, forceAlignment: true);
FrameworkTypeEntry typeEntry = context.fx.Frameworks[1].Types.First ();
bool fxAlternateTriggered = false;
context.updater.MakeParameters (context.doc.FirstChild as XmlElement, context.method, context.parameters, typeEntry, ref fxAlternateTriggered);
var afterXML = context.doc.OuterXml;
Assert.IsFalse (fxAlternateTriggered);
Assert.AreEqual (Normalize (XmlConsts.MultiFrameworkAligned2), Normalize (afterXML));
#region Simple Parameter Change across multi FX
[Test ()]
public void Parameters_Updating_Existing_NameChange ()
var context = InitContext<MyClass2> (XmlConsts.NormalSingleXml2, 1, forceAlignment: false);
Func<int, FrameworkTypeEntry> typeEntry = i => context.fx.Frameworks[i].Types.First ();
bool fxAlternateTriggered = false;
context.updater.MakeParameters (context.doc.FirstChild as XmlElement, context.method, context.parameters, typeEntry(0), ref fxAlternateTriggered);
// this will be false, since it clears out the parameters list on the first run
Assert.IsFalse (fxAlternateTriggered, "first run");
fxAlternateTriggered = false;
context.updater.MakeParameters (context.doc.FirstChild as XmlElement, context.method, context.parameters, typeEntry (1), ref fxAlternateTriggered);
Assert.IsFalse (fxAlternateTriggered, "second run");
fxAlternateTriggered = false;
context.updater.MakeParameters (context.doc.FirstChild as XmlElement, context.method, context.parameters, typeEntry (2), ref fxAlternateTriggered);
Assert.IsFalse (fxAlternateTriggered, "third run");
var afterXML = context.doc.OuterXml;
Assert.AreEqual (Normalize (XmlConsts.MultiFrameworkAlignedOther), Normalize (afterXML));
#region Parameter Name Alpha Diff
public void Parameters3_Making_NameDiff()
var context = InitContext<mdoc.Test3.MyClass>(startingEmptyXml, 0, false, ns1: "mdoc.Test3", ns2: "mdoc.Test3");
var context2 = InitContext<mdoc.Test3.MyClass2>(startingEmptyXml, 1, false, ns1: "mdoc.Test3", ns2: "mdoc.Test3");
FrameworkTypeEntry typeEntry = context.fx.Frameworks[0].Types.First();
FrameworkTypeEntry typeEntry2 = context.fx.Frameworks[1].Types.First();
bool fxAlternateTriggered = false;
context.updater.MakeParameters(context.doc.FirstChild as XmlElement, context.method, context.parameters, typeEntry, ref fxAlternateTriggered);
context.updater.MakeParameters(context.doc.FirstChild as XmlElement, context2.method, context2.parameters, typeEntry2, ref fxAlternateTriggered);
var afterXML = context.doc.OuterXml;
Assert.IsTrue(afterXML.Contains("Parameter Name=\"a\""), "missing 'a'");
Assert.IsTrue(afterXML.Contains("Parameter Name=\"b\""), "missing 'b'");
Assert.IsTrue(afterXML.Contains("Parameter Name=\"c\""), "missing 'c'");
Assert.IsTrue(afterXML.Contains("Parameter Name=\"A\""), "missing 'A'");
Assert.IsTrue(afterXML.Contains("Parameter Name=\"B\""), "missing 'B'");
Assert.IsTrue(afterXML.Contains("Parameter Name=\"C\""), "missing 'C'");
public void Parameters3_Updating_NameDiff()
var context = InitContext<mdoc.Test3.MyClass>(startingEmptyXml, 0, false, ns1: "mdoc.Test3", ns2: "mdoc.Test3");
var context2 = InitContext<mdoc.Test3.MyClass2>(startingEmptyXml, 1, false, ns1: "mdoc.Test3", ns2: "mdoc.Test3");
var context3 = InitContext<mdoc.Test3.MyClass2>(startingEmptyXml, 2, false, ns1: "mdoc.Test3", ns2: "mdoc.Test3");
FrameworkTypeEntry typeEntry = context.fx.Frameworks[0].Types.First();
FrameworkTypeEntry typeEntry2 = context.fx.Frameworks[1].Types.First();
FrameworkTypeEntry typeEntry3 = context.fx.Frameworks[2].Types.First();
bool fxAlternateTriggered = false;
context.updater.MakeParameters(context.doc.FirstChild as XmlElement, context.method, context.parameters, typeEntry, ref fxAlternateTriggered);
context.updater.UpdateParameters(context.doc.FirstChild as XmlElement, "param", context.parameters.Select(p => p.Name).ToArray(), typeEntry);
context.updater.MakeParameters(context.doc.FirstChild as XmlElement, context2.method, context2.parameters, typeEntry2, ref fxAlternateTriggered);
context.updater.UpdateParameters(context.doc.FirstChild as XmlElement, "param", context2.parameters.Select(p => p.Name).ToArray(), typeEntry2);
context.updater.MakeParameters(context.doc.FirstChild as XmlElement, context3.method, context3.parameters, typeEntry3, ref fxAlternateTriggered);
context.updater.UpdateParameters(context.doc.FirstChild as XmlElement, "param", context3.parameters.Select(p => p.Name).ToArray(), typeEntry3);
var afterXML = context.doc.OuterXml;
Assert.IsTrue(afterXML.Contains("param name=\"a\""), "missing 'a'");
Assert.IsTrue(afterXML.Contains("param name=\"b\""), "missing 'b'");
Assert.IsTrue(afterXML.Contains("param name=\"c\""), "missing 'c'");
Assert.IsTrue(afterXML.Contains("param name=\"A\""), "missing 'A'");
Assert.IsTrue(afterXML.Contains("param name=\"B\""), "missing 'B'");
Assert.IsTrue(afterXML.Contains("param name=\"C\""), "missing 'C'");
[Test ()]
public void MemberSignature_Updating_Existing_Align ()
var context = InitContext <MyClass>(SigmultiFrameworkXml, 0, forceAlignment: true);
FrameworkTypeEntry typeEntry = context.fx.Frameworks[0].Types.First ();
var sig = new CSharpMemberFormatter ();
MDocUpdater.UpdateSignature (sig, context.method, context.doc.FirstChild as XmlElement, typeEntry, fxAlternateTriggered:false);
var afterXML = context.doc.OuterXml;
// first framework looks like it already looked, so no need to update
Assert.AreEqual (Normalize (SigmultiFrameworkXml), Normalize (afterXML));
[Test ()]
public void MemberSignature_Updating_Existing_Align2 ()
var context = InitContext <MyClass>(SigmultiFrameworkXml, 2, forceAlignment: true);
FrameworkTypeEntry typeEntry = context.fx.Frameworks[2].Types.First ();
var sig = new CSharpMemberFormatter ();
MDocUpdater.UpdateSignature (sig, context.method, context.doc.FirstChild as XmlElement, typeEntry, fxAlternateTriggered: false);
var afterXML = context.doc.OuterXml;
Assert.AreEqual (Normalize (SigmultiFrameworkAligned), Normalize (afterXML));
[Test ()]
public void MemberSignature_Updating_Existing_NoChange ()
var context = InitContext <MyClass>(SigmultiFrameworkXml, 2, forceAlignment: false);
FrameworkTypeEntry typeEntry = context.fx.Frameworks[2].Types.First ();
var sig = new CSharpMemberFormatter ();
MDocUpdater.UpdateSignature (sig, context.method, context.doc.FirstChild as XmlElement, typeEntry, fxAlternateTriggered: false);
var afterXML = context.doc.OuterXml;
Assert.AreEqual (Normalize (SigmultiFrameworkXml), Normalize (afterXML));
[Test ()]
public void MemberSignature_Updating_Existing_NoChange_regular ()
var context = InitContext<MyClass> (SigRegular, 1, forceAlignment: false);
FrameworkTypeEntry typeEntry = context.fx.Frameworks[1].Types.First ();
var sig = new CSharpMemberFormatter ();
MDocUpdater.UpdateSignature (sig, context.method, context.doc.FirstChild as XmlElement, typeEntry, fxAlternateTriggered: false);
var afterXML = context.doc.OuterXml;
Assert.AreEqual (Normalize (SigRegular), Normalize (afterXML));
[Test ()]
public void MemberSignature_Updating_Existing_NameChanged_SingleFX()
// handles the case
var context = InitContext<MyClass> (SigRegular, 2, forceAlignment: false);
FrameworkTypeEntry typeEntry = context.fx.Frameworks[0].Types.First ();
context.fx.Frameworks.RemoveAt (2);
context.fx.Frameworks.RemoveAt (1);
var sig = new CSharpMemberFormatter ();
MDocUpdater.UpdateSignature (sig, context.method, context.doc.FirstChild as XmlElement, typeEntry, fxAlternateTriggered: true);
var afterXML = context.doc.OuterXml;
Assert.AreEqual (Normalize (SigRegularChanged), Normalize (afterXML));
[Test ()]
public void MemberSignature_Updating_Existing_NameChanged_MultiFX ()
// handles the case
var context = InitContext<MyClass> (SigRegular, 2, forceAlignment: false);
Func<int, FrameworkTypeEntry> typeEntry = i => context.fx.Frameworks[i].Types.First ();
var sig = new CSharpMemberFormatter ();
MDocUpdater.UpdateSignature (sig, context.method, context.doc.FirstChild as XmlElement, typeEntry(0), fxAlternateTriggered: true);
MDocUpdater.UpdateSignature (sig, context.method, context.doc.FirstChild as XmlElement, typeEntry(1), fxAlternateTriggered: false);
MDocUpdater.UpdateSignature (sig, context.method, context.doc.FirstChild as XmlElement, typeEntry(2), fxAlternateTriggered: false);
var afterXML = context.doc.OuterXml;
Assert.AreEqual (Normalize (SigRegularAllAligned), Normalize (afterXML));
[Test ()]
public void DocMemberEnumerator()
var context = InitContext <MyClass>(string.Format (typeFrameXml, multiFrameworkXml), 1, forceAlignment: true);
FrameworkTypeEntry typeEntry = context.fx.Frameworks[1].Types.First ();
var enumerator = new DocumentationEnumerator ();
var matches = enumerator.GetDocumentationMembers (context.doc, context.method.DeclaringType.Resolve (), typeEntry);
Assert.IsTrue (matches.Any (m => m.Member == context.method && m.Node != null), "didn't match the member");
[Test ()]
public void DocMemberEnumerator2 ()
var context = InitContext <MyClass>(string.Format (typeFrameXml, multiFrameworkXml), 2, forceAlignment: true);
FrameworkTypeEntry typeEntry = context.fx.Frameworks[2].Types.First ();
var enumerator = new DocumentationEnumerator ();
var matches = enumerator.GetDocumentationMembers (context.doc, context.method.DeclaringType.Resolve (), typeEntry);
Assert.IsTrue (matches.Any (m => m.Member == context.method && m.Node != null), "didn't match the member");
public void Attributes_TypeOrMethod()
var context = InitContext<MyClass>(string.Format(typeFrameXml, multiFrameworkXml), 2, forceAlignment: false);
var fx = context.fx.Frameworks[1];
FrameworkTypeEntry typeEntry = fx.Types.First();
string[] attributeList = new[] { "One" };
MDocUpdater.MakeAttributes(context.doc.FirstChild as XmlElement, attributeList, fx, typeEntry);
var attrNode = context.doc.FirstChild.SelectSingleNode("Attributes");
var attributes = attrNode.SelectNodes("Attribute").Cast<XmlElement>().ToArray();
Assert.IsTrue(attributes.Count() == 1);
Assert.AreEqual("One", attributes[0].FirstChild.InnerText);
Assert.AreEqual("Three", attributes[0].GetAttribute(Consts.FrameworkAlternate));
public void Attributes_TypeOrMethod_AttributeRemoved()
var context = InitContext<MyClass> (string.Format (typeFrameXml, multiFrameworkXml), 2, forceAlignment: false);
var fx = context.fx.Frameworks[1];
FrameworkTypeEntry typeEntry = fx.Types.First ();
string[] attributeList = new[] { "One" };
MDocUpdater.MakeAttributes (context.doc.FirstChild as XmlElement, attributeList, fx, typeEntry);
MDocUpdater.MakeAttributes(context.doc.FirstChild as XmlElement, new string[0], fx, typeEntry);
MDocUpdater.MakeAttributes(context.doc.FirstChild as XmlElement, new string[0], context.fx.Frameworks[2] , typeEntry);
var attrNode = context.doc.FirstChild.SelectSingleNode ("Attributes");
public void Attributes_TypeOrMethod_AllFX ()
var context = InitContext<MyClass> (string.Format (typeFrameXml, multiFrameworkXml), 2, forceAlignment: false);
foreach (var fx in context.fx.Frameworks)
//var fx = context.fx.Frameworks[1];
FrameworkTypeEntry typeEntry = fx.Types.First ();
string[] attributeList = new[] { "One" };
MDocUpdater.MakeAttributes (context.doc.FirstChild as XmlElement, attributeList, fx, typeEntry);
var attrNode = context.doc.FirstChild.SelectSingleNode ("Attributes");
var attributes = attrNode.SelectNodes ("Attribute").Cast<XmlElement> ().ToArray ();
Assert.IsTrue (attributes.Count () == 1);
Assert.AreEqual ("One", attributes[0].FirstChild.InnerText);
Assert.IsFalse (attributes[0].HasAttribute (Consts.FrameworkAlternate));
public void Attributes_TypeOrMethod_AllFX_OneMissing ()
var context = InitContext<MyClass> (string.Format (typeFrameXml, multiFrameworkXml), 2, forceAlignment: false);
foreach (var fx in context.fx.Frameworks)
//var fx = context.fx.Frameworks[1];
FrameworkTypeEntry typeEntry = fx.Types.First ();
string[] attributeList = new[] { "One" };
if (fx.IsFirstFramework)
attributeList = new string[0];
MDocUpdater.MakeAttributes (context.doc.FirstChild as XmlElement, attributeList, fx, typeEntry);
var attrNode = context.doc.FirstChild.SelectSingleNode ("Attributes");
var attributes = attrNode.SelectNodes ("Attribute").Cast<XmlElement> ().ToArray ();
Assert.IsTrue (attributes.Count () == 1);
Assert.AreEqual ("One", attributes[0].FirstChild.InnerText);
Assert.IsTrue (attributes[0].HasAttribute (Consts.FrameworkAlternate));
Assert.AreEqual ("Three;Two", attributes[0].GetAttribute (Consts.FrameworkAlternate));
public void Attributes_TypeOrMethod_AllFX_OneMissing_Last ()
var context = InitContext<MyClass> (string.Format (typeFrameXml, multiFrameworkXml), 2, forceAlignment: false);
foreach (var fx in context.fx.Frameworks)
//var fx = context.fx.Frameworks[1];
FrameworkTypeEntry typeEntry = fx.Types.First ();
string[] attributeList = new[] { "One" };
if (fx.IsLastFramework)
attributeList = new string[0];
MDocUpdater.MakeAttributes (context.doc.FirstChild as XmlElement, attributeList, fx, typeEntry);
var attrNode = context.doc.FirstChild.SelectSingleNode ("Attributes");
var attributes = attrNode.SelectNodes ("Attribute").Cast<XmlElement> ().ToArray ();
Assert.IsTrue (attributes.Count () == 1);
Assert.AreEqual ("One", attributes[0].FirstChild.InnerText);
Assert.IsTrue (attributes[0].HasAttribute (Consts.FrameworkAlternate));
Assert.AreEqual ("One;Three", attributes[0].GetAttribute (Consts.FrameworkAlternate));
public void Attributes_TypeOrMethod_AllFX_RunExisting_Middle ()
var context = InitContext<MyClass> (string.Format (typeFrameXml, multiFrameworkXml), 2, forceAlignment: false);
// first, go through and add "One" and "Two" to all of them
foreach (var fx in context.fx.Frameworks)
FrameworkTypeEntry typeEntry = fx.Types.First ();
string[] attributeList = new[] { "One", "Two" };
MDocUpdater.MakeAttributes (context.doc.FirstChild as XmlElement, attributeList, fx, typeEntry);
// Now, to test the first deployment on an existing set
// in this case, the truth of the matter is that `Two` only exists in the middle
foreach (var fx in context.fx.Frameworks)
FrameworkTypeEntry typeEntry = fx.Types.First ();
string[] attributeList = new[] { "One" };
if (!fx.IsFirstFramework && !fx.IsLastFramework) {
attributeList = new[] { "One", "Two" };
MDocUpdater.MakeAttributes (context.doc.FirstChild as XmlElement, attributeList, fx, typeEntry);
var attrNode = context.doc.FirstChild.SelectSingleNode ("Attributes");
var attributes = attrNode.SelectNodes ("Attribute").Cast<XmlElement> ().ToArray ();
Assert.IsTrue (attributes.Count () == 2);
Assert.AreEqual ("One", attributes[0].FirstChild.InnerText);
Assert.IsFalse (attributes[0].HasAttribute (Consts.FrameworkAlternate));
Assert.AreEqual ("Two", attributes[1].FirstChild.InnerText);
Assert.IsTrue (attributes[1].HasAttribute (Consts.FrameworkAlternate));
Assert.AreEqual ("Three", attributes[1].GetAttribute (Consts.FrameworkAlternate));
public void Attributes_TypeOrMethod_AllFX_RunExisting_First ()
var context = InitContext<MyClass> (string.Format (typeFrameXml, multiFrameworkXml), 2, forceAlignment: false);
// first, go through and add "One" and "Two" to all of them
foreach (var fx in context.fx.Frameworks)
FrameworkTypeEntry typeEntry = fx.Types.First ();
string[] attributeList = new[] { "One", "Two" };
MDocUpdater.MakeAttributes (context.doc.FirstChild as XmlElement, attributeList, fx, typeEntry);
// Now, to test the first deployment on an existing set
// in this case, the truth of the matter is that `Two` only exists in the middle
foreach (var fx in context.fx.Frameworks)
FrameworkTypeEntry typeEntry = fx.Types.First ();
string[] attributeList = new[] { "One" };
if (fx.IsFirstFramework)
attributeList = new[] { "One", "Two" };
MDocUpdater.MakeAttributes (context.doc.FirstChild as XmlElement, attributeList, fx, typeEntry);
var attrNode = context.doc.FirstChild.SelectSingleNode ("Attributes");
var attributes = attrNode.SelectNodes ("Attribute").Cast<XmlElement> ().ToArray ();
Assert.IsTrue (attributes.Count () == 2);
Assert.AreEqual ("One", attributes[0].FirstChild.InnerText);
Assert.IsFalse (attributes[0].HasAttribute (Consts.FrameworkAlternate));
Assert.AreEqual ("Two", attributes[1].FirstChild.InnerText);
Assert.IsTrue (attributes[1].HasAttribute (Consts.FrameworkAlternate));
Assert.AreEqual ("One", attributes[1].GetAttribute (Consts.FrameworkAlternate));
public void Attributes_TypeOrMethod_AllFX_RunExisting_Last ()
var context = InitContext<MyClass> (string.Format (typeFrameXml, multiFrameworkXml), 2, forceAlignment: false);
// first, go through and add "One" and "Two" to all of them
foreach (var fx in context.fx.Frameworks)
FrameworkTypeEntry typeEntry = fx.Types.First ();
string[] attributeList = new[] { "One", "Two" };
MDocUpdater.MakeAttributes (context.doc.FirstChild as XmlElement, attributeList, fx, typeEntry);
foreach (var fx in context.fx.Frameworks)
FrameworkTypeEntry typeEntry = fx.Types.First ();
string[] attributeList = new[] { "Two" };
if (fx.IsLastFramework)
attributeList = new[] { "One", "Two" };
MDocUpdater.MakeAttributes (context.doc.FirstChild as XmlElement, attributeList, fx, typeEntry);
var attrNode = context.doc.FirstChild.SelectSingleNode ("Attributes");
var attributes = attrNode.SelectNodes ("Attribute").Cast<XmlElement> ().ToArray ();
Assert.IsTrue (attributes.Count () == 2);
Assert.AreEqual ("One", attributes[0].FirstChild.InnerText);
Assert.IsTrue (attributes[0].HasAttribute (Consts.FrameworkAlternate));
Assert.AreEqual ("Two", attributes[0].GetAttribute (Consts.FrameworkAlternate));
Assert.AreEqual ("Two", attributes[1].FirstChild.InnerText);
Assert.IsFalse (attributes[1].HasAttribute (Consts.FrameworkAlternate));
public void Attributes_TypeOrMethod_AllFX_OneMissing_Middle ()
var context = InitContext<MyClass> (string.Format (typeFrameXml, multiFrameworkXml), 2, forceAlignment: false);
foreach (var fx in context.fx.Frameworks)
//var fx = context.fx.Frameworks[1];
FrameworkTypeEntry typeEntry = fx.Types.First ();
string[] attributeList = new[] { "One" };
if (!fx.IsLastFramework && !fx.IsFirstFramework)
attributeList = new string[0];
MDocUpdater.MakeAttributes (context.doc.FirstChild as XmlElement, attributeList, fx, typeEntry);
var attrNode = context.doc.FirstChild.SelectSingleNode ("Attributes");
var attributes = attrNode.SelectNodes ("Attribute").Cast<XmlElement> ().ToArray ();
Assert.IsTrue (attributes.Count () == 1);
Assert.AreEqual ("One", attributes[0].FirstChild.InnerText);
Assert.IsTrue (attributes[0].HasAttribute (Consts.FrameworkAlternate));
Assert.AreEqual ("One;Two", attributes[0].GetAttribute (Consts.FrameworkAlternate));
public void Attributes_Assembly ()
var context = InitContext<MyClass> (string.Format (typeFrameXml, multiFrameworkXml), 2, forceAlignment: false);
foreach (var fx in context.fx.Frameworks)
FrameworkTypeEntry typeEntry = fx.Types.First ();
string[] attributeList = new[] { "One" };
if (!fx.IsLastFramework && !fx.IsFirstFramework)
attributeList = new string[0];
MDocUpdater.MakeAttributes (context.doc.FirstChild as XmlElement, attributeList, fx, typeEntry);
var attrNode = context.doc.FirstChild.SelectSingleNode ("Attributes");
var attributes = attrNode.SelectNodes ("Attribute").Cast<XmlElement> ().ToArray ();
Assert.IsTrue (attributes.Count () == 1);
Assert.AreEqual ("One", attributes[0].FirstChild.InnerText);
Assert.IsTrue (attributes[0].HasAttribute (Consts.FrameworkAlternate));
Assert.AreEqual ("One;Two", attributes[0].GetAttribute (Consts.FrameworkAlternate));
public void Attributes_Assembly_OtherAssembly ()
var context = InitContext<MyClass> (string.Format (typeFrameXml, multiFrameworkXml), 2, forceAlignment: false);
var fx = context.fx.Frameworks[1];
FrameworkTypeEntry typeEntry = fx.Types.First ();
string[] attributeList = new[] { "One" };
// this is the 'second' fx, and we've changed the expected assembly name,
// so the attribute, while it doesn't exist yet, shouldn't have an FX made since it doesn't exist in any other FX
MDocUpdater.MakeAttributes (context.doc.FirstChild as XmlElement, attributeList, fx, typeEntry);
var attrNode = context.doc.FirstChild.SelectSingleNode ("Attributes");
var attributes = attrNode.SelectNodes ("Attribute").Cast<XmlElement> ().ToArray ();
Assert.IsTrue (attributes.Count () == 1);
Assert.AreEqual ("One", attributes[0].FirstChild.InnerText);
Assert.IsTrue (attributes[0].HasAttribute (Consts.FrameworkAlternate));
string Normalize(string xml, bool clearFx = false) {
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument ();
doc.LoadXml (xml);
return doc.OuterXml;
string typeFrameXml = @"<Type><Members>{0}</Members></Type>";
#region MyClass XML
string startingEmptyXml = @"<Member MemberName=""Meth"">
<summary>To be added.</summary>
<remarks>To be added.</remarks>
string normalSingleXml = @"<Member MemberName=""Meth"">
<Parameter Name = ""a"" Type=""System.Int32"" />
<Parameter Name = ""d"" Type=""System.String"" />
<Parameter Name = ""c"" Type=""System.Int32"" />
<summary>To be added.</summary>
<remarks>To be added.</remarks>
string multiFrameworkXml = @"<Member MemberName=""Meth"">
<Parameter Name = ""a"" Type=""System.Int32"" Index=""0"" />
<Parameter Name = ""d"" Type=""System.String"" Index=""1"" FrameworkAlternate=""One;Three"" />
<Parameter Name = ""b"" Type=""System.String"" Index=""1"" FrameworkAlternate=""Two"" />
<Parameter Name = ""c"" Type=""System.Int32"" Index=""2"" />
<summary>To be added.</summary>
<remarks>To be added.</remarks>
string multiFrameworkAligned = @"<Member MemberName=""Meth"">
<Parameter Name = ""a"" Type=""System.Int32"" Index=""0"" />
<Parameter Name = ""d"" Type=""System.String"" Index=""1"" />
<Parameter Name = ""c"" Type=""System.Int32"" Index=""2"" />
<summary>To be added.</summary>
<remarks>To be added.</remarks>
string SigmultiFrameworkXml = @"<Member MemberName=""Meth"">
<MemberSignature Language=""C#"" Value=""public void Meth (int a, string d, int c);"" FrameworkAlternate=""One;Three"" />
<MemberSignature Language=""C#"" Value=""public void Meth (int a, string b, int c);"" FrameworkAlternate=""Two"" />
string SigmultiFrameworkAligned = @"<Member MemberName=""Meth"">
<MemberSignature Language=""C#"" Value=""public void Meth (int a, string d, int c);"" FrameworkAlternate=""One;Three;Two"" />
string SigRegular = @"<Member MemberName=""Meth"">
<MemberSignature Language=""C#"" Value=""public void Meth (int a, string d, int c);"" />
string SigRegularChanged = @"<Member MemberName=""Meth"">
<MemberSignature Language=""C#"" Value=""public void Meth (int a, string b, int c);"" />
string SigRegularAllAligned = @"<Member MemberName=""Meth"">
<MemberSignature Language=""C#"" Value=""public void Meth (int a, string b, int c);"" FrameworkAlternate=""One;Three;Two"" />
private ParamContext InitComplexContext<T>(string methodXml, string ns, string methodName, FrameworkIndex fx)
var doc = new XmlDocument();
var beforeXML = doc.OuterXml;
TypeDefinition type = GetDefinition<T>(ns);
var method = type.Methods.First(m => m.Name == methodName) as MethodReference;
var updater = new MDocUpdater();
return new ParamContext()
doc = doc,
beforeXML = beforeXML,
method = method,
parameters = method.Parameters.ToList(),
fx = fx,
updater = updater
private ParamContext InitContext <T>(string methodXml, int fxIndex, bool forceAlignment=false, string ns1="mdoc.Test", string ns2="mdoc.Test2")
Func<int, bool> indexCheck = fi => fi < 2;
if (typeof(T) == typeof(MyClass2))
indexCheck = fi => fi != 1;
bool useFirst = forceAlignment || indexCheck(fxIndex);
var doc = new XmlDocument ();
//doc.PreserveWhitespace = true;
doc.LoadXml (methodXml);
var beforeXML = doc.OuterXml;
XmlElement root = doc.SelectSingleNode ("//Docs") as XmlElement; // Docs
TypeDefinition type = GetDefinition<T> (ns1);
var method = type.Methods.First (m => m.Name == "Meth") as MethodReference;
var parameters = method.Parameters.ToList ();
TypeDefinition type2 = GetDefinition<T> (ns2);
var method2 = type2.Methods.First (m => m.Name == "Meth") as MethodReference;
var parameters2 = method2.Parameters.ToList ();
// updater
var updater = new MDocUpdater ();
var fx = new FrameworkIndex ("", 3, null);
fx.Frameworks.Add (new FrameworkEntry (fx.Frameworks, fx.Frameworks) { Id = "One", Name = "One", Replace=ns2, With=ns1 });
fx.Frameworks.Add (new FrameworkEntry (fx.Frameworks, fx.Frameworks) { Id = "Three", Name = "Three", Replace = ns2, With = ns1 });
fx.Frameworks.Add (new FrameworkEntry (fx.Frameworks, fx.Frameworks) { Id = "Two", Name = "Two", Replace = ns2, With = ns1 });
var i = 0;
foreach (var f in fx.Frameworks)
if (indexCheck(i) || forceAlignment)
var t = f.ProcessType (type);
t.ProcessMember (method);
var aset = new AssemblySet (new[] { "one.dll" });
f.AddAssemblySet (aset);
else {
var t = f.ProcessType (type2);
t.ProcessMember (method2);
updater.InitializeFrameworksCache (fx);
return new ParamContext ()
doc = doc,
beforeXML = beforeXML,
method = useFirst ? method : method2,
parameters = useFirst ? parameters : parameters2,
fx = fx,
updater = updater
TypeDefinition GetDefinition<T>(string ns)
Type t = typeof (T);
string path = t.Assembly.Location;
AssemblyDefinition assembly = AssemblyDefinition.ReadAssembly (path);
return assembly.MainModule.Types.First (type =>
type.Name == t.Name && type.Namespace == ns);