publicconststringADP_CollectionIndexString="An {0} with {1} '{2}' is not contained by this {3}.";
publicconststringADP_CollectionInvalidType="The {0} only accepts non-null {1} type objects, not {2} objects.";
publicconststringADP_CollectionIsNotParent="The {0} is already contained by another {1}.";
publicconststringADP_CollectionNullValue="The {0} only accepts non-null {1} type objects.";
publicconststringADP_CollectionRemoveInvalidObject="Attempted to remove an {0} that is not contained by this {1}.";
publicconststringADP_CollectionUniqueValue="The {0}.{1} is required to be unique, '{2}' already exists in the collection.";
publicconststringADP_ConnectionStateMsg_Closed="The connection's current state is closed.";
publicconststringADP_ConnectionStateMsg_Connecting="The connection's current state is connecting.";
publicconststringADP_ConnectionStateMsg_Open="The connection's current state is open.";
publicconststringADP_ConnectionStateMsg_OpenExecuting="The connection's current state is executing.";
publicconststringADP_ConnectionStateMsg_OpenFetching="The connection's current state is fetching.";
publicconststringADP_ConnectionStateMsg="The connection's current state: {0}.";
publicconststringADP_ConnectionStringSyntax="Format of the initialization string does not conform to specification starting at index {0}.";
publicconststringADP_DataReaderClosed="Invalid attempt to call {0} when reader is closed.";
publicconststringADP_EmptyString="Expecting non-empty string for '{0}' parameter.";
publicconststringADP_InvalidEnumerationValue="The {0} enumeration value, {1}, is invalid.";
publicconststringADP_InvalidKey="Invalid keyword, contain one or more of 'no characters', 'control characters', 'leading or trailing whitespace' or 'leading semicolons'.";
publicconststringADP_InvalidValue="The value contains embedded nulls (\\\\u0000).";
publicconststringXml_SimpleTypeNotSupported="DataSet doesn't support 'union' or 'list' as simpleType.";
publicconststringXml_DuplicateConstraint="The constraint name {0} is already used in the schema.";
publicconststringXml_CannotConvert=" Cannot convert '{0}' to type '{1}'.";
publicconststringXml_MissingRefer="Missing '{0}' part in '{1}' constraint named '{2}'.";
publicconststringXml_MismatchKeyLength="Invalid Relation definition: different length keys.";
publicconststringXml_CircularComplexType="DataSet doesn't allow the circular reference in the ComplexType named '{0}'.";
publicconststringXml_CannotInstantiateAbstract="DataSet cannot instantiate an abstract ComplexType for the node {0}.";
publicconststringXml_MultipleTargetConverterError="An error occurred with the multiple target converter while writing an Xml Schema. See the inner exception for details.";
publicconststringXml_MultipleTargetConverterEmpty="An error occurred with the multiple target converter while writing an Xml Schema. A null or empty string was returned.";
publicconststringXml_MissingTable="Cannot load diffGram. Table '{0}' is missing in the destination dataset.";
publicconststringXml_MissingSQL="Cannot load diffGram. The 'sql' node is missing.";
publicconststringXml_ColumnConflict="Column name '{0}' is defined for different mapping types.";
publicconststringXml_InvalidPrefix="Prefix '{0}' is not valid, because it contains special characters.";
publicconststringXml_NestedCircular="Circular reference in self-nested table '{0}'.";
publicconststringXml_FoundEntity="DataSet cannot expand entities. Use XmlValidatingReader and set the EntityHandling property accordingly.";
publicconststringXml_PolymorphismNotSupported="Type '{0}' does not implement IXmlSerializable interface therefore can not proceed with serialization.";
publicconststringXml_CanNotDeserializeObjectType="Unable to proceed with deserialization. Data does not implement IXMLSerializable, therefore polymorphism is not supported.";
publicconststringXml_DataTableInferenceNotSupported="DataTable does not support schema inference from Xml.";
publicconststringXml_MultipleParentRows="Cannot proceed with serializing DataTable '{0}'. It contains a DataRow which has multiple parent rows on the same Foreign Key.";
publicconststringXml_IsDataSetAttributeMissingInSchema="IsDataSet attribute is missing in input Schema.";
publicconststringXml_TooManyIsDataSetAtributeInSchema="Cannot determine the DataSet Element. IsDataSet attribute exist more than once.";
publicconststringXml_DynamicWithoutXmlSerializable="DataSet will not serialize types that implement IDynamicMetaObjectProvider but do not also implement IXmlSerializable.";
publicconststringExpr_NYI="The feature not implemented. {0}.";
publicconststringExpr_MissingOperand="Syntax error: Missing operand after '{0}' operator.";
publicconststringExpr_TypeMismatch="Type mismatch in expression '{0}'.";
publicconststringExpr_ExpressionTooComplex="Expression is too complex.";
publicconststringExpr_InvalidString="The expression contains an invalid string constant: {0}.";
publicconststringExpr_UndefinedFunction="The expression contains undefined function call {0}().";
publicconststringExpr_Syntax="Syntax error in the expression.";
publicconststringExpr_FunctionArgumentCount="Invalid number of arguments: function {0}().";
publicconststringExpr_MissingRightParen="The expression is missing the closing parenthesis.";
publicconststringExpr_UnknownToken="Cannot interpret token '{0}' at position {1}.";
publicconststringExpr_UnknownToken1="Expected {0}, but actual token at the position {2} is {1}.";
publicconststringExpr_DatatypeConvertion="Cannot convert from {0} to {1}.";
publicconststringExpr_DatavalueConvertion="Cannot convert value '{0}' to Type: {1}.";
publicconststringExpr_InvalidName="Invalid column name [{0}].";
publicconststringExpr_InvalidDate="The expression contains invalid date constant '{0}'.";
publicconststringExpr_NonConstantArgument="Only constant expressions are allowed in the expression list for the IN operator.";
publicconststringExpr_InvalidPattern="Error in Like operator: the string pattern '{0}' is invalid.";
publicconststringExpr_InWithoutParentheses="Syntax error: The items following the IN keyword must be separated by commas and be enclosed in parentheses.";
publicconststringExpr_ArgumentType="Type mismatch in function argument: {0}(), argument {1}, expected {2}.";
publicconststringExpr_ArgumentTypeInteger="Type mismatch in function argument: {0}(), argument {1}, expected one of the Integer types.";
publicconststringExpr_TypeMismatchInBinop="Cannot perform '{0}' operation on {1} and {2}.";
publicconststringExpr_AmbiguousBinop="Operator '{0}' is ambiguous on operands of type '{1}' and '{2}'. Cannot mix signed and unsigned types. Please use explicit Convert() function.";
publicconststringExpr_InWithoutList="Syntax error: The IN keyword must be followed by a non-empty list of expressions separated by commas, and also must be enclosed in parentheses.";
publicconststringExpr_MissingOperandBefore="Syntax error: Missing operand before '{0}' operator.";
publicconststringExpr_TooManyRightParentheses="The expression has too many closing parentheses.";
publicconststringExpr_UnresolvedRelation="The table [{0}] involved in more than one relation. You must explicitly mention a relation name in the expression '{1}'.";
publicconststringExpr_AggregateArgument="Syntax error in aggregate argument: Expecting a single column argument with possible 'Child' qualifier.";
publicconststringExpr_AggregateUnbound="Unbound reference in the aggregate expression '{0}'.";
publicconststringExpr_EvalNoContext="Cannot evaluate non-constant expression without current row.";
publicconststringExpr_ExpressionUnbound="Unbound reference in the expression '{0}'.";
publicconststringExpr_ComputeNotAggregate="Cannot evaluate. Expression '{0}' is not an aggregate.";
publicconststringExpr_FilterConvertion="Filter expression '{0}' does not evaluate to a Boolean term.";
publicconststringExpr_InvalidType="Invalid type name '{0}'.";
publicconststringExpr_LookupArgument="Syntax error in Lookup expression: Expecting keyword 'Parent' followed by a single column argument with possible relation qualifier: Parent[(<relation_name>)].<column_name>.";
publicconststringExpr_InvokeArgument="Need a row or a table to Invoke DataFilter.";
publicconststringExpr_ArgumentOutofRange="{0}() argument is out of range.";
publicconststringExpr_IsSyntax="Syntax error: Invalid usage of 'Is' operator. Correct syntax: <expression> Is [Not] Null.";
publicconststringExpr_Overflow="Value is either too large or too small for Type '{0}'.";
publicconststringExpr_BindFailure="Cannot find the parent relation '{0}'.";
publicconststringExpr_InvalidHoursArgument="'hours' argument is out of range. Value must be between -14 and +14.";
publicconststringExpr_InvalidMinutesArgument="'minutes' argument is out of range. Value must be between -59 and +59.";
publicconststringExpr_InvalidTimeZoneRange="Provided range for time one exceeds total of 14 hours.";
publicconststringExpr_MismatchKindandTimeSpan="Kind property of provided DateTime argument, does not match 'hours' and 'minutes' arguments.";
publicconststringExpr_UnsupportedType="A DataColumn of type '{0}' does not support expression.";
publicconststringData_EnforceConstraints="Failed to enable constraints. One or more rows contain values violating non-null, unique, or foreign-key constraints.";
publicconststringData_CannotModifyCollection="Collection itself is not modifiable.";
publicconststringData_CaseInsensitiveNameConflict="The given name '{0}' matches at least two names in the collection object with different cases, but does not match either of them with the same case.";
publicconststringData_NamespaceNameConflict="The given name '{0}' matches at least two names in the collection object with different namespaces.";
publicconststringData_InvalidOffsetLength="Offset and length were out of bounds for the array or count is greater than the number of elements from index to the end of the source collection.";
publicconststringData_ArgumentOutOfRange="'{0}' argument is out of range.";
publicconststringData_ArgumentNull="'{0}' argument cannot be null.";
publicconststringDataColumn_NotInTheTable="Column '{0}' does not belong to table {1}.";
publicconststringDataColumn_NotInAnyTable="Column must belong to a table.";
publicconststringDataColumn_SetFailed="Couldn't store <{0}> in {1} Column. Expected type is {2}.";
publicconststringDataColumn_CannotSetToNull="Cannot set Column '{0}' to be null. Please use DBNull instead.";
publicconststringDataColumn_LongerThanMaxLength="Cannot set column '{0}'. The value violates the MaxLength limit of this column.";
publicconststringDataColumn_HasToBeStringType="MaxLength applies to string data type only. You cannot set Column '{0}' property MaxLength to be non-negative number.";
publicconststringDataColumn_CannotSetMaxLength="Cannot set Column '{0}' property MaxLength to '{1}'. There is at least one string in the table longer than the new limit.";
publicconststringDataColumn_CannotSetMaxLength2="Cannot set Column '{0}' property MaxLength. The Column is SimpleContent.";
publicconststringDataColumn_CannotSimpleContentType="Cannot set Column '{0}' property DataType to {1}. The Column is SimpleContent.";
publicconststringDataColumn_CannotSimpleContent="Cannot set Column '{0}' property MappingType to SimpleContent. The Column DataType is {1}.";
publicconststringDataColumn_ExceedMaxLength="Column '{0}' exceeds the MaxLength limit.";
publicconststringDataColumn_NotAllowDBNull="Column '{0}' does not allow DBNull.Value.";
publicconststringDataColumn_CannotChangeNamespace="Cannot change the Column '{0}' property Namespace. The Column is SimpleContent.";
publicconststringDataColumn_AutoIncrementCannotSetIfHasData="Cannot change AutoIncrement of a DataColumn with type '{0}' once it has data.";
publicconststringDataColumn_NotInTheUnderlyingTable="Column '{0}' does not belong to underlying table '{1}'.";
publicconststringDataColumn_InvalidDataColumnMapping="DataColumn with type '{0}' is a complexType. Can not serialize value of a complex type as Attribute";
publicconststringDataColumn_CannotSetDateTimeModeForNonDateTimeColumns="The DateTimeMode can be set only on DataColumns of type DateTime.";
publicconststringDataColumn_DateTimeMode="Cannot change DateTimeMode from '{0}' to '{1}' once the table has data.";
publicconststringDataColumn_INullableUDTwithoutStaticNull="Type '{0}' does not contain static Null property or field.";
publicconststringDataColumn_UDTImplementsIChangeTrackingButnotIRevertible="Type '{0}' does not implement IRevertibleChangeTracking; therefore can not proceed with RejectChanges().";
publicconststringDataColumn_SetAddedAndModifiedCalledOnNonUnchanged="SetAdded and SetModified can only be called on DataRows with Unchanged DataRowState.";
publicconststringDataColumn_OrdinalExceedMaximun="Ordinal '{0}' exceeds the maximum number.";
publicconststringDataColumn_NullableTypesNotSupported="DataSet does not support System.Nullable<>.";
publicconststringDataConstraint_NoName="Cannot change the name of a constraint to empty string when it is in the ConstraintCollection.";
publicconststringDataConstraint_Violation="Cannot enforce constraints on constraint {0}.";
publicconststringDataConstraint_ViolationValue="Column '{0}' is constrained to be unique. Value '{1}' is already present.";
publicconststringDataConstraint_NotInTheTable="Constraint '{0}' does not belong to this DataTable.";
publicconststringDataConstraint_CascadeDelete="Cannot delete this row because constraints are enforced on relation {0}, and deleting this row will strand child rows.";
publicconststringDataConstraint_CascadeUpdate="Cannot make this change because constraints are enforced on relation {0}, and changing this value will strand child rows.";
publicconststringDataConstraint_ClearParentTable="Cannot clear table {0} because ForeignKeyConstraint {1} enforces constraints and there are child rows in {2}.";
publicconststringDataConstraint_ForeignKeyViolation="ForeignKeyConstraint {0} requires the child key values ({1}) to exist in the parent table.";
publicconststringDataConstraint_BadObjectPropertyAccess="Property not accessible because '{0}'.";
publicconststringDataConstraint_RemoveParentRow="Cannot remove this row because it has child rows, and constraints on relation {0} are enforced.";
publicconststringDataConstraint_AddPrimaryKeyConstraint="Cannot add primary key constraint since primary key is already set for the table.";
publicconststringDataConstraint_CantAddConstraintToMultipleNestedTable="Cannot add constraint to DataTable '{0}' which is a child table in two nested relations.";
publicconststringDataKey_TableMismatch="Cannot create a Key from Columns that belong to different tables.";
publicconststringDataKey_NoColumns="Cannot have 0 columns.";
publicconststringDataKey_TooManyColumns="Cannot have more than {0} columns.";
publicconststringDataKey_DuplicateColumns="Cannot create a Key when the same column is listed more than once: '{0}'";
publicconststringDataKey_RemovePrimaryKey="Cannot remove unique constraint since it's the primary key of a table.";
publicconststringDataKey_RemovePrimaryKey1="Cannot remove unique constraint since it's the primary key of table {0}.";
publicconststringDataRelation_ColumnsTypeMismatch="Parent Columns and Child Columns don't have type-matching columns.";
publicconststringDataRelation_KeyColumnsIdentical="ParentKey and ChildKey are identical.";
publicconststringDataRelation_KeyLengthMismatch="ParentColumns and ChildColumns should be the same length.";
publicconststringDataRelation_KeyZeroLength="ParentColumns and ChildColumns must not be zero length.";
publicconststringDataRelation_ForeignRow="The row doesn't belong to the same DataSet as this relation.";
publicconststringDataRelation_NoName="RelationName is required when it is part of a DataSet.";
publicconststringDataRelation_ForeignTable="GetChildRows requires a row whose Table is {0}, but the specified row's Table is {1}.";
publicconststringDataRelation_ForeignDataSet="This relation should connect two tables in this DataSet to be added to this DataSet.";
publicconststringDataRelation_GetParentRowTableMismatch="GetParentRow requires a row whose Table is {0}, but the specified row's Table is {1}.";
publicconststringDataRelation_SetParentRowTableMismatch="SetParentRow requires a child row whose Table is {0}, but the specified row's Table is {1}.";
publicconststringDataRelation_DataSetMismatch="Cannot have a relationship between tables in different DataSets.";
publicconststringDataRelation_TablesInDifferentSets="Cannot create a relation between tables in different DataSets.";
publicconststringDataRelation_AlreadyExists="A relation already exists for these child columns.";
publicconststringDataRelation_DoesNotExist="This relation doesn't belong to this relation collection.";
publicconststringDataRelation_AlreadyInOtherDataSet="This relation already belongs to another DataSet.";
publicconststringDataRelation_AlreadyInTheDataSet="This relation already belongs to this DataSet.";
publicconststringDataRelation_DuplicateName="A Relation named '{0}' already belongs to this DataSet.";
publicconststringDataRelation_NotInTheDataSet="Relation {0} does not belong to this DataSet.";
publicconststringDataRelation_TableNull="Cannot create a collection on a null table.";
publicconststringDataRelation_TableWasRemoved="The table this collection displays relations for has been removed from its DataSet.";
publicconststringDataRelation_ChildTableMismatch="Cannot add a relation to this table's ParentRelation collection where this table isn't the child table.";
publicconststringDataRelation_ParentTableMismatch="Cannot add a relation to this table's ChildRelation collection where this table isn't the parent table.";
publicconststringDataRelation_RelationNestedReadOnly="Cannot set the 'Nested' property to false for this relation.";
publicconststringDataRelation_TableCantBeNestedInTwoTables="The same table '{0}' cannot be the child table in two nested relations.";
publicconststringDataRelation_LoopInNestedRelations="The table ({0}) cannot be the child table to itself in nested relations.";
publicconststringDataRelation_CaseLocaleMismatch="Cannot add a DataRelation or Constraint that has different Locale or CaseSensitive settings between its parent and child tables.";
publicconststringDataRelation_ParentOrChildColumnsDoNotHaveDataSet="Cannot create a DataRelation if Parent or Child Columns are not in a DataSet.";
publicconststringDataRelation_InValidNestedRelation="Nested table '{0}' which inherits its namespace cannot have multiple parent tables in different namespaces.";
publicconststringDataRelation_InValidNamespaceInNestedRelation="Nested table '{0}' with empty namespace cannot have multiple parent tables in different namespaces.";
publicconststringDataRow_NotInTheDataSet="The row doesn't belong to the same DataSet as this relation.";
publicconststringDataRow_NotInTheTable="Cannot perform this operation on a row not in the table.";
publicconststringDataRow_ParentRowNotInTheDataSet="This relation and child row don't belong to same DataSet.";
publicconststringDataRow_EditInRowChanging="Cannot change a proposed value in the RowChanging event.";
publicconststringDataRow_EndEditInRowChanging="Cannot call EndEdit() inside an OnRowChanging event.";
publicconststringDataRow_BeginEditInRowChanging="Cannot call BeginEdit() inside the RowChanging event.";
publicconststringDataRow_CancelEditInRowChanging="Cannot call CancelEdit() inside an OnRowChanging event. Throw an exception to cancel this update.";
publicconststringDataRow_DeleteInRowDeleting="Cannot call Delete inside an OnRowDeleting event. Throw an exception to cancel this delete.";
publicconststringDataRow_ValuesArrayLength="Input array is longer than the number of columns in this table.";
publicconststringDataRow_NoCurrentData="There is no Current data to access.";
publicconststringDataRow_NoOriginalData="There is no Original data to access.";
publicconststringDataRow_NoProposedData="There is no Proposed data to access.";
publicconststringDataRow_RemovedFromTheTable="This row has been removed from a table and does not have any data. BeginEdit() will allow creation of new data in this row.";
publicconststringDataRow_DeletedRowInaccessible="Deleted row information cannot be accessed through the row.";
publicconststringDataRow_InvalidVersion="Version must be Original, Current, or Proposed.";
publicconststringDataRow_OutOfRange="There is no row at position {0}.";
publicconststringDataRow_RowInsertOutOfRange="The row insert position {0} is invalid.";
publicconststringDataRow_RowInsertMissing="Values are missing in the rowOrder sequence for table '{0}'.";
publicconststringDataRow_RowOutOfRange="The given DataRow is not in the current DataRowCollection.";
publicconststringDataRow_AlreadyInOtherCollection="This row already belongs to another table.";
publicconststringDataRow_AlreadyInTheCollection="This row already belongs to this table.";
publicconststringDataRow_AlreadyDeleted="Cannot delete this row since it's already deleted.";
publicconststringDataRow_Empty="This row is empty.";
publicconststringDataRow_AlreadyRemoved="Cannot remove a row that's already been removed.";
publicconststringDataRow_MultipleParents="A child row has multiple parents.";
publicconststringDataRow_InvalidRowBitPattern="Unrecognized row state bit pattern.";
publicconststringDataSet_SetNameToEmpty="Cannot change the name of the DataSet to an empty string.";
publicconststringDataSet_SetDataSetNameConflicting="The name '{0}' is invalid. A DataSet cannot have the same name of the DataTable.";
publicconststringDataSet_UnsupportedSchema="The schema namespace is invalid. Please use this one instead: {0}.";
publicconststringDataSet_CannotChangeCaseLocale="Cannot change CaseSensitive or Locale property. This change would lead to at least one DataRelation or Constraint to have different Locale or CaseSensitive settings between its related tables.";
publicconststringDataSet_CannotChangeSchemaSerializationMode="SchemaSerializationMode property can be set only if it is overridden by derived DataSet.";
publicconststringDataTable_ForeignPrimaryKey="PrimaryKey columns do not belong to this table.";
publicconststringDataTable_CannotAddToSimpleContent="Cannot add a nested relation or an element column to a table containing a SimpleContent column.";
publicconststringDataTable_NoName="TableName is required when it is part of a DataSet.";
publicconststringDataTable_MultipleSimpleContentColumns="DataTable already has a simple content column.";
publicconststringDataTable_MissingPrimaryKey="Table doesn't have a primary key.";
publicconststringDataTable_InvalidSortString=" {0} isn't a valid Sort string entry.";
publicconststringDataTable_CanNotSerializeDataTableHierarchy="Cannot serialize the DataTable. A DataTable being used in one or more DataColumn expressions is not a descendant of current DataTable.";
publicconststringDataTable_CanNotRemoteDataTable="This DataTable can only be remoted as part of DataSet. One or more Expression Columns has reference to other DataTable(s).";
publicconststringDataTable_CanNotSetRemotingFormat="Cannot have different remoting format property value for DataSet and DataTable.";
publicconststringDataTable_CanNotSerializeDataTableWithEmptyName="Cannot serialize the DataTable. DataTable name is not set.";
publicconststringDataTable_DuplicateName="A DataTable named '{0}' already belongs to this DataSet.";
publicconststringDataTable_DuplicateName2="A DataTable named '{0}' with the same Namespace '{1}' already belongs to this DataSet.";
publicconststringDataTable_SelfnestedDatasetConflictingName="The table ({0}) cannot be the child table to itself in a nested relation: the DataSet name conflicts with the table name.";
publicconststringDataTable_DatasetConflictingName="The name '{0}' is invalid. A DataTable cannot have the same name of the DataSet.";
publicconststringDataTable_AlreadyInOtherDataSet="DataTable already belongs to another DataSet.";
publicconststringDataTable_AlreadyInTheDataSet="DataTable already belongs to this DataSet.";
publicconststringDataTable_NotInTheDataSet="Table {0} does not belong to this DataSet.";
publicconststringDataMerge_DataTypeMismatch="<target>.{0} and <source>.{0} have conflicting properties: DataType property mismatch.";
publicconststringDataMerge_PrimaryKeyMismatch="<target>.PrimaryKey and <source>.PrimaryKey have different Length.";
publicconststringDataMerge_PrimaryKeyColumnsMismatch="Mismatch columns in the PrimaryKey : <target>.{0} versus <source>.{1}.";
publicconststringDataMerge_ReltionKeyColumnsMismatch="Relation {0} cannot be merged, because keys have mismatch columns.";
publicconststringDataMerge_MissingColumnDefinition="Target table {0} missing definition for column {1}.";
publicconststringDataIndex_RecordStateRange="The RowStates parameter must be set to a valid combination of values from the DataViewRowState enumeration.";
publicconststringDataIndex_FindWithoutSortOrder="Find finds a row based on a Sort order, and no Sort order is specified.";
publicconststringDataIndex_KeyLength="Expecting {0} value(s) for the key being indexed, but received {1} value(s).";
publicconststringDataStorage_AggregateException="Invalid usage of aggregate function {0}() and Type: {1}.";
publicconststringDataStorage_ProblematicChars="The DataSet Xml persistency does not support the value '{0}' as Char value, please use Byte storage instead.";
publicconststringDataStorage_SetInvalidDataType="Type of value has a mismatch with column type";
publicconststringDataStorage_IComparableNotDefined=" Type '{0}' does not implement IComparable interface. Comparison cannot be done.";
publicconststringDataView_SetFailed="Cannot set {0}.";
publicconststringDataView_SetDataSetFailed="Cannot change DataSet on a DataViewManager that's already the default view for a DataSet.";
publicconststringDataView_SetRowStateFilter="RowStateFilter cannot show ModifiedOriginals and ModifiedCurrents at the same time.";
publicconststringDataView_SetTable="Cannot change Table property on a DefaultView or a DataView coming from a DataViewManager.";
publicconststringDataView_CanNotSetDataSet="Cannot change DataSet property once it is set.";
publicconststringDataView_CanNotUseDataViewManager="DataSet must be set prior to using DataViewManager.";
publicconststringDataView_CanNotSetTable="Cannot change Table property once it is set.";
publicconststringDataView_CanNotUse="DataTable must be set prior to using DataView.";
publicconststringDataView_CanNotBindTable="Cannot bind to DataTable with no name.";
publicconststringDataView_SetIListObject="Cannot set an object into this list.";
publicconststringDataView_AddNewNotAllowNull="Cannot call AddNew on a DataView where AllowNew is false.";
publicconststringDataView_NotOpen="DataView is not open.";
publicconststringDataView_CreateChildView="The relation is not parented to the table to which this DataView points.";
publicconststringDataView_CanNotDelete="Cannot delete on a DataSource where AllowDelete is false.";
publicconststringDataView_CanNotEdit="Cannot edit on a DataSource where AllowEdit is false.";
publicconststringDataView_GetElementIndex="Index {0} is either negative or above rows count.";
publicconststringDataView_AddExternalObject="Cannot add external objects to this list.";
publicconststringDataView_CanNotClear="Cannot clear this list.";
publicconststringDataView_InsertExternalObject="Cannot insert external objects to this list.";
publicconststringDataView_RemoveExternalObject="Cannot remove objects not in the list.";
publicconststringDataROWView_PropertyNotFound="{0} is neither a DataColumn nor a DataRelation for table {1}.";
publicconststringRange_Argument="Min ({0}) must be less than or equal to max ({1}) in a Range object.";
publicconststringRange_NullRange="This is a null range.";
publicconststringRecordManager_MinimumCapacity="MinimumCapacity must be non-negative.";
publicconststringSqlConvert_ConvertFailed=" Cannot convert object of type '{0}' to object of type '{1}'.";
publicconststringDataSet_DefaultNoNullAllowedException="Null not allowed.";
publicconststringDataSet_DefaultReadOnlyException="Column is marked read only.";
publicconststringDataSet_DefaultRowNotInTableException="Row not found in table.";
publicconststringDataSet_DefaultVersionNotFoundException="Version not found.";
publicconststringLoad_ReadOnlyDataModified="ReadOnly Data is Modified.";
publicconststringDataTableReader_InvalidDataTableReader="DataTableReader is invalid for current DataTable '{0}'.";
publicconststringDataTableReader_SchemaInvalidDataTableReader="Schema of current DataTable '{0}' in DataTableReader has changed, DataTableReader is invalid.";
publicconststringDataTableReader_CannotCreateDataReaderOnEmptyDataSet="DataTableReader Cannot be created. There is no DataTable in DataSet.";
publicconststringDataTableReader_DataTableReaderArgumentIsEmpty="Cannot create DataTableReader. Argument is Empty.";
publicconststringDataDom_TableNameChange="Cannot change the table name once the associated DataSet is mapped to a loaded XML document.";
publicconststringDataDom_TableNamespaceChange="Cannot change the table namespace once the associated DataSet is mapped to a loaded XML document.";
publicconststringDataDom_ColumnNameChange="Cannot change the column name once the associated DataSet is mapped to a loaded XML document.";
publicconststringDataDom_ColumnNamespaceChange="Cannot change the column namespace once the associated DataSet is mapped to a loaded XML document.";
publicconststringDataDom_ColumnMappingChange="Cannot change the ColumnMapping property once the associated DataSet is mapped to a loaded XML document.";
publicconststringDataDom_TableColumnsChange="Cannot add or remove columns from the table once the DataSet is mapped to a loaded XML document.";
publicconststringDataDom_DataSetTablesChange="Cannot add or remove tables from the DataSet once the DataSet is mapped to a loaded XML document.";
publicconststringDataDom_DataSetNestedRelationsChange="Cannot add, remove, or change Nested relations from the DataSet once the DataSet is mapped to a loaded XML document.";
publicconststringDataDom_DataSetNull="The DataSet parameter is invalid. It cannot be null.";
publicconststringDataDom_DataSetNameChange="Cannot change the DataSet name once the DataSet is mapped to a loaded XML document.";
publicconststringDataDom_CloneNode="This type of node cannot be cloned: {0}.";
publicconststringDataDom_MultipleLoad="Cannot load XmlDataDocument if it already contains data. Please use a new XmlDataDocument.";
publicconststringDataDom_MultipleDataSet="DataSet can be associated with at most one XmlDataDocument. Cannot associate the DataSet with the current XmlDataDocument because the DataSet is already associated with another XmlDataDocument.";
publicconststringDataDom_NotSupport_GetElementById="GetElementById() is not supported on DataDocument.";
publicconststringDataDom_NotSupport_EntRef="Cannot create entity references on DataDocument.";
publicconststringDataDom_NotSupport_Clear="Clear function on DateSet and DataTable is not supported on XmlDataDocument.";
publicconststringADP_EmptyArray="Expecting non-empty array for '{0}' parameter.";
publicconststringSQL_WrongType="Expecting argument of type {1}, but received type {0}.";
publicconststringADP_InvalidConnectionOptionValue="Invalid value for key '{0}'.";
publicconststringADP_KeywordNotSupported="Keyword not supported: '{0}'.";
publicconststringADP_InternalProviderError="Internal .Net Framework Data Provider error {0}.";
publicconststringADP_NoQuoteChange="The QuotePrefix and QuoteSuffix properties cannot be changed once an Insert, Update, or Delete command has been generated.";
publicconststringADP_MissingSourceCommand="The DataAdapter.SelectCommand property needs to be initialized.";
publicconststringADP_MissingSourceCommandConnection="The DataAdapter.SelectCommand.Connection property needs to be initialized;";
publicconststringADP_ConnectionRequired_Insert="Update requires the InsertCommand to have a connection object. The Connection property of the InsertCommand has not been initialized.";
publicconststringADP_ConnectionRequired_Update="Update requires the UpdateCommand to have a connection object. The Connection property of the UpdateCommand has not been initialized.";
publicconststringADP_ConnectionRequired_Delete="Update requires the DeleteCommand to have a connection object. The Connection property of the DeleteCommand has not been initialized.";
publicconststringADP_ConnectionRequired_Batch="Update requires a connection object. The Connection property has not been initialized.";
publicconststringADP_ConnectionRequired_Clone="Update requires the command clone to have a connection object. The Connection property of the command clone has not been initialized.";
publicconststringADP_OpenConnectionRequired_Insert="Update requires the {0}Command to have an open connection object. {1}";
publicconststringADP_OpenConnectionRequired_Update="Update requires the {0}Command to have an open connection object. {1}";
publicconststringADP_OpenConnectionRequired_Delete="Update requires the {0}Command to have an open connection object. {1}";
publicconststringADP_OpenConnectionRequired_Clone="Update requires the updating command to have an open connection object. {1}";
publicconststringADP_MissingSelectCommand="The SelectCommand property has not been initialized before calling '{0}'.";
publicconststringADP_UnwantedStatementType="The StatementType {0} is not expected here.";
publicconststringADP_FillSchemaRequiresSourceTableName="FillSchema: expected a non-empty string for the SourceTable name.";
publicconststringADP_FillRequiresSourceTableName="Fill: expected a non-empty string for the SourceTable name.";
publicconststringADP_FillChapterAutoIncrement="Hierarchical chapter columns must map to an AutoIncrement DataColumn.";
publicconststringADP_MissingDataReaderFieldType="DataReader.GetFieldType({0}) returned null.";
publicconststringADP_OnlyOneTableForStartRecordOrMaxRecords="Only specify one item in the dataTables array when using non-zero values for startRecords or maxRecords.";
publicconststringADP_UpdateRequiresSourceTable="Update unable to find TableMapping['{0}'] or DataTable '{0}'.";
publicconststringADP_UpdateRequiresSourceTableName="Update: expected a non-empty SourceTable name.";
publicconststringADP_UpdateRequiresCommandClone="Update requires the command clone to be valid.";
publicconststringADP_UpdateRequiresCommandSelect="Auto SQL generation during Update requires a valid SelectCommand.";
publicconststringADP_UpdateRequiresCommandInsert="Update requires a valid InsertCommand when passed DataRow collection with new rows.";
publicconststringADP_UpdateRequiresCommandUpdate="Update requires a valid UpdateCommand when passed DataRow collection with modified rows.";
publicconststringADP_UpdateRequiresCommandDelete="Update requires a valid DeleteCommand when passed DataRow collection with deleted rows.";
publicconststringADP_UpdateMismatchRowTable="DataRow[{0}] is from a different DataTable than DataRow[0].";
publicconststringADP_RowUpdatedErrors="RowUpdatedEvent: Errors occurred; no additional is information available.";
publicconststringADP_RowUpdatingErrors="RowUpdatingEvent: Errors occurred; no additional is information available.";
publicconststringADP_ResultsNotAllowedDuringBatch="When batching, the command's UpdatedRowSource property value of UpdateRowSource.FirstReturnedRecord or UpdateRowSource.Both is invalid.";
publicconststringADP_UpdateConcurrencyViolation_Update="Concurrency violation: the UpdateCommand affected {0} of the expected {1} records.";
publicconststringADP_UpdateConcurrencyViolation_Delete="Concurrency violation: the DeleteCommand affected {0} of the expected {1} records.";
publicconststringADP_UpdateConcurrencyViolation_Batch="Concurrency violation: the batched command affected {0} of the expected {1} records.";
publicconststringADP_InvalidSourceBufferIndex="Invalid source buffer (size of {0}) offset: {1}";
publicconststringADP_InvalidDestinationBufferIndex="Invalid destination buffer (size of {0}) offset: {1}";
publicconststringADP_StreamClosed="Invalid attempt to {0} when stream is closed.";
publicconststringADP_InvalidSeekOrigin="Specified SeekOrigin value is invalid.";
publicconststringADP_DynamicSQLJoinUnsupported="Dynamic SQL generation is not supported against multiple base tables.";
publicconststringADP_DynamicSQLNoTableInfo="Dynamic SQL generation is not supported against a SelectCommand that does not return any base table information.";
publicconststringADP_DynamicSQLNoKeyInfoDelete="Dynamic SQL generation for the DeleteCommand is not supported against a SelectCommand that does not return any key column information.";
publicconststringADP_DynamicSQLNoKeyInfoUpdate="Dynamic SQL generation for the UpdateCommand is not supported against a SelectCommand that does not return any key column information.";
publicconststringADP_DynamicSQLNoKeyInfoRowVersionDelete="Dynamic SQL generation for the DeleteCommand is not supported against a SelectCommand that does not contain a row version column.";
publicconststringADP_DynamicSQLNoKeyInfoRowVersionUpdate="Dynamic SQL generation for the UpdateCommand is not supported against a SelectCommand that does not contain a row version column.";
publicconststringADP_DynamicSQLNestedQuote="Dynamic SQL generation not supported against table names '{0}' that contain the QuotePrefix or QuoteSuffix character '{1}'.";
publicconststringSQL_InvalidBufferSizeOrIndex="Buffer offset '{1}' plus the bytes available '{0}' is greater than the length of the passed in buffer.";
publicconststringSQL_InvalidDataLength="Data length '{0}' is less than 0.";
publicconststringSqlMisc_NoBufferMessage="There is no buffer. Read or write operation failed.";
publicconststringSqlMisc_BufferInsufficientMessage="The buffer is insufficient. Read or write operation failed.";
publicconststringSqlMisc_WriteNonZeroOffsetOnNullMessage="Cannot write to non-zero offset, because current value is Null.";
publicconststringSqlMisc_WriteOffsetLargerThanLenMessage="Cannot write from an offset that is larger than current length. It would leave uninitialized data in the buffer.";
publicconststringSqlMisc_NotFilledMessage="SQL Type has not been loaded with data.";
publicconststringSqlMisc_AlreadyFilledMessage="SQL Type has already been loaded with data.";
publicconststringSqlMisc_ClosedXmlReaderMessage="Invalid attempt to access a closed XmlReader.";
publicconststringSqlMisc_InvalidOpStreamClosed="Invalid attempt to call {0} when the stream is closed.";
publicconststringSqlMisc_InvalidOpStreamNonWritable="Invalid attempt to call {0} when the stream non-writable.";
publicconststringSqlMisc_InvalidOpStreamNonReadable="Invalid attempt to call {0} when the stream non-readable.";
publicconststringSqlMisc_InvalidOpStreamNonSeekable="Invalid attempt to call {0} when the stream is non-seekable.";
publicconststringADP_InvalidMaxRecords="The MaxRecords value of {0} is invalid; the value must be >= 0.";
publicconststringADP_CollectionIndexInt32="Invalid index {0} for this {1} with Count={2}.";
publicconststringADP_MissingTableMappingDestination="Missing TableMapping when TableMapping.DataSetTable='{0}'.";
publicconststringADP_InvalidStartRecord="The StartRecord value of {0} is invalid; the value must be >= 0.";
publicconststringDataDom_EnforceConstraintsShouldBeOff="Please set DataSet.EnforceConstraints == false before trying to edit XmlDataDocument using XML operations.";
publicconststringDataColumns_RemoveExpression="Cannot remove this column, because it is part of an expression: {0} = {1}.";
publicconststringDataRow_RowInsertTwice="The rowOrder value={0} has been found twice for table named '{1}'.";
publicconststringADP_DbProviderFactories_InvariantNameNotFound="The specified invariant name '{0}' wasn't found in the list of registered .NET Data Providers.";
publicconststringADP_DbProviderFactories_NoInstance="The requested .NET Data Provider's implementation does not have an Instance field of a System.Data.Common.DbProviderFactory derived type.";
publicconststringADP_DbProviderFactories_FactoryNotLoadable="The registered .NET Data Provider's DbProviderFactory implementation type '{0}' couldn't be loaded.";
publicconststringADP_DbProviderFactories_NoAssemblyQualifiedName="The missing .NET Data Provider's assembly qualified name is required.";
publicconststringADP_DbProviderFactories_NotAFactoryType="The type '{0}' doesn't inherit from DbProviderFactory.";
publicconststringADP_InvalidOffsetValue="Invalid parameter Offset value '{0}'. The value must be greater than or equal to 0.";
publicconststringADP_TransactionPresent="Connection currently has transaction enlisted. Finish current transaction and retry.";
publicconststringADP_LocalTransactionPresent="Cannot enlist in the transaction because a local transaction is in progress on the connection. Finish local transaction and retry.";
publicconststringADP_NoConnectionString="The ConnectionString property has not been initialized.";
publicconststringADP_OpenConnectionPropertySet="Not allowed to change the '{0}' property. {1}";
publicconststringADP_PendingAsyncOperation="Can not start another operation while there is an asynchronous operation pending.";
publicconststringADP_PooledOpenTimeout="Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to obtaining a connection from the pool. This may have occurred because all pooled connections were in use and max pool size was reached.";
publicconststringADP_NonPooledOpenTimeout="Timeout attempting to open the connection. The time period elapsed prior to attempting to open the connection has been exceeded. This may have occurred because of too many simultaneous non-pooled connection attempts.";
publicconststringADP_SingleValuedProperty="The only acceptable value for the property '{0}' is '{1}'.";
publicconststringADP_DoubleValuedProperty="The acceptable values for the property '{0}' are '{1}' or '{2}'.";
publicconststringADP_InvalidPrefixSuffix="Specified QuotePrefix and QuoteSuffix values do not match.";
publicconststringArg_ArrayPlusOffTooSmall="Destination array is not long enough to copy all the items in the collection. Check array index and length.";
publicconststringArg_RankMultiDimNotSupported="Only single dimensional arrays are supported for the requested action.";
publicconststringArg_RemoveArgNotFound="Cannot remove the specified item because it was not found in the specified Collection.";
publicconststringArgumentOutOfRange_NeedNonNegNum="Non-negative number required.";
publicconststringADP_MissingConnectionOptionValue="Use of key '{0}' requires the key '{1}' to be present.";
publicconststringADP_InvalidConnectionOptionValueLength="The value's length for key '{0}' exceeds it's limit of '{1}'.";
publicconststringSQL_SqlCommandCommandText="SqlCommand.DeriveParameters failed because the SqlCommand.CommandText property value is an invalid multipart name";
publicconststringSQL_BatchedUpdatesNotAvailableOnContextConnection="Batching updates is not supported on the context connection.";
publicconststringSQL_BulkCopyDestinationTableName="SqlBulkCopy.WriteToServer failed because the SqlBulkCopy.DestinationTableName is an invalid multipart name";
publicconststringSQL_TDSParserTableName="Processing of results from SQL Server failed because of an invalid multipart name";
publicconststringSQL_TypeName="SqlParameter.TypeName is an invalid multipart name";
publicconststringSQLMSF_FailoverPartnerNotSupported="Connecting to a mirrored SQL Server instance using the MultiSubnetFailover connection option is not supported.";
publicconststringSQL_NotSupportedEnumerationValue="The {0} enumeration value, {1}, is not supported by the .Net Framework SqlClient Data Provider.";
publicconststringADP_CommandTextRequired="{0}: CommandText property has not been initialized";
publicconststringADP_ConnectionRequired="{0}: Connection property has not been initialized.";
publicconststringADP_OpenConnectionRequired="{0} requires an open and available Connection. {1}";
publicconststringADP_TransactionConnectionMismatch="The transaction is either not associated with the current connection or has been completed.";
publicconststringADP_TransactionRequired="{0} requires the command to have a transaction when the connection assigned to the command is in a pending local transaction. The Transaction property of the command has not been initialized.";
publicconststringADP_OpenReaderExists="There is already an open DataReader associated with this Command which must be closed first.";
publicconststringADP_CalledTwice="The method '{0}' cannot be called more than once for the same execution.";
publicconststringADP_InvalidCommandTimeout="Invalid CommandTimeout value {0}; the value must be >= 0.";
publicconststringADP_UninitializedParameterSize="{1}[{0}]: the Size property has an invalid size of 0.";
publicconststringADP_PrepareParameterType="{0}.Prepare method requires all parameters to have an explicitly set type.";
publicconststringADP_PrepareParameterSize="{0}.Prepare method requires all variable length parameters to have an explicitly set non-zero Size.";
publicconststringADP_PrepareParameterScale="{0}.Prepare method requires parameters of type '{1}' have an explicitly set Precision and Scale.";
publicconststringADP_MismatchedAsyncResult="Mismatched end method call for asyncResult. Expected call to {0} but {1} was called instead.";
publicconststringADP_ClosedConnectionError="Invalid operation. The connection is closed.";
publicconststringADP_ConnectionIsDisabled="The connection has been disabled.";
publicconststringADP_EmptyDatabaseName="Database cannot be null, the empty string, or string of only whitespace.";
publicconststringADP_NonSequentialColumnAccess="Invalid attempt to read from column ordinal '{0}'. With CommandBehavior.SequentialAccess, you may only read from column ordinal '{1}' or greater.";
publicconststringADP_InvalidDataType="The parameter data type of {0} is invalid.";
publicconststringADP_UnknownDataType="No mapping exists from object type {0} to a known managed provider native type.";
publicconststringADP_DbTypeNotSupported="No mapping exists from DbType {0} to a known {1}.";
publicconststringADP_VersionDoesNotSupportDataType="The version of SQL Server in use does not support datatype '{0}'.";
publicconststringADP_ParameterValueOutOfRange="Parameter value '{0}' is out of range.";
publicconststringADP_BadParameterName="Specified parameter name '{0}' is not valid.";
publicconststringADP_InvalidSizeValue="Invalid parameter Size value '{0}'. The value must be greater than or equal to 0.";
publicconststringADP_NegativeParameter="Invalid value for argument '{0}'. The value must be greater than or equal to 0.";
publicconststringADP_InvalidMetaDataValue="Invalid value for this metadata.";
publicconststringADP_ParameterConversionFailed="Failed to convert parameter value from a {0} to a {1}.";
publicconststringADP_ParallelTransactionsNotSupported="{0} does not support parallel transactions.";
publicconststringADP_TransactionZombied="This {0} has completed; it is no longer usable.";
publicconststringADP_InvalidDataLength2="Specified length '{0}' is out of range.";
publicconststringADP_NonSeqByteAccess="Invalid {2} attempt at dataIndex '{0}'. With CommandBehavior.SequentialAccess, you may only read from dataIndex '{1}' or greater.";
publicconststringADP_InvalidMinMaxPoolSizeValues="Invalid min or max pool size values, min pool size cannot be greater than the max pool size.";
publicconststringSQL_InvalidPacketSizeValue="Invalid 'Packet Size'. The value must be an integer >= 512 and <= 32768.";
publicconststringSQL_NullEmptyTransactionName="Invalid transaction or invalid name for a point at which to save within the transaction.";
publicconststringSQL_UserInstanceFailoverNotCompatible="User Instance and Failover are not compatible options. Please choose only one of the two in the connection string.";
publicconststringSQL_EncryptionNotSupportedByClient="The instance of SQL Server you attempted to connect to requires encryption but this machine does not support it.";
publicconststringSQL_EncryptionNotSupportedByServer="The instance of SQL Server you attempted to connect to does not support encryption.";
publicconststringSQL_InvalidSQLServerVersionUnknown="Unsupported SQL Server version. The .Net Framework SqlClient Data Provider can only be used with SQL Server versions 7.0 and later.";
publicconststringSQL_ConnectionLockedForBcpEvent="The connection cannot be used because there is an ongoing operation that must be finished.";
publicconststringSQL_SNIPacketAllocationFailure="Memory allocation for internal connection failed.";
publicconststringSQL_SmallDateTimeOverflow="SqlDbType.SmallDateTime overflow. Value '{0}' is out of range. Must be between 1/1/1900 12:00:00 AM and 6/6/2079 11:59:59 PM.";
publicconststringSQL_TimeOverflow="SqlDbType.Time overflow. Value '{0}' is out of range. Must be between 00:00:00.0000000 and 23:59:59.9999999.";
publicconststringSQL_MoneyOverflow="SqlDbType.SmallMoney overflow. Value '{0}' is out of range. Must be between -214,748.3648 and 214,748.3647.";
publicconststringSQL_CultureIdError="The Collation specified by SQL Server is not supported.";
publicconststringSQL_OperationCancelled="Operation cancelled by user.";
publicconststringSQL_SevereError="A severe error occurred on the current command. The results, if any, should be discarded.";
publicconststringSQL_SSPIGenerateError="Failed to generate SSPI context.";
publicconststringSQL_KerberosTicketMissingError="Cannot access Kerberos ticket. Ensure Kerberos has been initialized with 'kinit'.";
publicconststringSQL_SqlServerBrowserNotAccessible="Cannot connect to SQL Server Browser. Ensure SQL Server Browser has been started.";
publicconststringSQL_Timeout="Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding.";
publicconststringSQL_Timeout_PreLogin_Begin="Connection Timeout Expired. The timeout period elapsed at the start of the pre-login phase. This could be because of insufficient time provided for connection timeout.";
publicconststringSQL_Timeout_PreLogin_InitializeConnection="Connection Timeout Expired. The timeout period elapsed while attempting to create and initialize a socket to the server. This could be either because the server was unreachable or unable to respond back in time.";
publicconststringSQL_Timeout_PreLogin_SendHandshake="Connection Timeout Expired. The timeout period elapsed while making a pre-login handshake request. This could be because the server was unable to respond back in time.";
publicconststringSQL_Timeout_PreLogin_ConsumeHandshake="Connection Timeout Expired. The timeout period elapsed while attempting to consume the pre-login handshake acknowledgement. This could be because the pre-login handshake failed or the server was unable to respond back in time.";
publicconststringSQL_Timeout_Login_Begin="Connection Timeout Expired. The timeout period elapsed at the start of the login phase. This could be because of insufficient time provided for connection timeout.";
publicconststringSQL_Timeout_Login_ProcessConnectionAuth="Connection Timeout Expired. The timeout period elapsed while attempting to authenticate the login. This could be because the server failed to authenticate the user or the server was unable to respond back in time.";
publicconststringSQL_Timeout_PostLogin="Connection Timeout Expired. The timeout period elapsed during the post-login phase. The connection could have timed out while waiting for server to complete the login process and respond; Or it could have timed out while attempting to create multiple active connections.";
publicconststringSQL_Timeout_FailoverInfo="This failure occurred while attempting to connect to the {0} server.";
publicconststringSQL_Timeout_RoutingDestinationInfo="This failure occurred while attempting to connect to the routing destination. The duration spent while attempting to connect to the original server was - [Pre-Login] initialization={0}; handshake={1}; [Login] initialization={2}; authentication={3}; [Post-Login] complete={4}; ";
publicconststringSQL_Duration_PreLogin_Begin="The duration spent while attempting to connect to this server was - [Pre-Login] initialization={0};";
publicconststringSQL_Duration_PreLoginHandshake="The duration spent while attempting to connect to this server was - [Pre-Login] initialization={0}; handshake={1}; ";
publicconststringSQL_Duration_Login_Begin="The duration spent while attempting to connect to this server was - [Pre-Login] initialization={0}; handshake={1}; [Login] initialization={2}; ";
publicconststringSQL_Duration_Login_ProcessConnectionAuth="The duration spent while attempting to connect to this server was - [Pre-Login] initialization={0}; handshake={1}; [Login] initialization={2}; authentication={3}; ";
publicconststringSQL_Duration_PostLogin="The duration spent while attempting to connect to this server was - [Pre-Login] initialization={0}; handshake={1}; [Login] initialization={2}; authentication={3}; [Post-Login] complete={4}; ";
publicconststringSQL_UserInstanceFailure="A user instance was requested in the connection string but the server specified does not support this option.";
publicconststringSQL_InvalidRead="Invalid attempt to read when no data is present.";
publicconststringSQL_NonBlobColumn="Invalid attempt to GetBytes on column '{0}'. The GetBytes function can only be used on columns of type Text, NText, or Image.";
publicconststringSQL_NonCharColumn="Invalid attempt to GetChars on column '{0}'. The GetChars function can only be used on columns of type Text, NText, Xml, VarChar or NVarChar.";
publicconststringSQL_StreamNotSupportOnColumnType="Invalid attempt to GetStream on column '{0}'. The GetStream function can only be used on columns of type Binary, Image, Udt or VarBinary.";
publicconststringSQL_TextReaderNotSupportOnColumnType="Invalid attempt to GetTextReader on column '{0}'. The GetTextReader function can only be used on columns of type Char, NChar, NText, NVarChar, Text or VarChar.";
publicconststringSQL_XmlReaderNotSupportOnColumnType="Invalid attempt to GetXmlReader on column '{0}'. The GetXmlReader function can only be used on columns of type Xml.";
publicconststringSqlDelegatedTransaction_PromotionFailed="Failure while attempting to promote transaction.";
publicconststringSQL_BulkLoadMappingInaccessible="The mapped collection is in use and cannot be accessed at this time;";
publicconststringSQL_BulkLoadMappingsNamesOrOrdinalsOnly="Mappings must be either all name or all ordinal based.";
publicconststringSQL_BulkLoadCannotConvertValue="The given value of type {0} from the data source cannot be converted to type {1} of the specified target column.";
publicconststringSQL_BulkLoadNonMatchingColumnMapping="The given ColumnMapping does not match up with any column in the source or destination.";
publicconststringSQL_BulkLoadNonMatchingColumnName="The given ColumnName '{0}' does not match up with any column in data source.";
publicconststringSQL_BulkLoadStringTooLong="String or binary data would be truncated.";
publicconststringSQL_BulkLoadInvalidTimeout="Timeout Value '{0}' is less than 0.";
publicconststringSQL_BulkLoadInvalidVariantValue="Value cannot be converted to SqlVariant.";
publicconststringSQL_BulkLoadNoCollation="Failed to obtain column collation information for the destination table. If the table is not in the current database the name must be qualified using the database name (e.g. [mydb]..[mytable](e.g. [mydb]..[mytable]); this also applies to temporary-tables (e.g. #mytable would be specified as tempdb..#mytable).";
publicconststringSQL_BulkLoadConflictingTransactionOption="Must not specify SqlBulkCopyOption.UseInternalTransaction and pass an external Transaction at the same time.";
publicconststringSQL_BulkLoadInvalidOperationInsideEvent="Function must not be called during event.";
publicconststringSQL_BulkLoadMissingDestinationTable="The DestinationTableName property must be set before calling this method.";
publicconststringSQL_BulkLoadNotAllowDBNull="Column '{0}' does not allow DBNull.Value.";
publicconststringSql_BulkLoadLcidMismatch="The locale id '{0}' of the source column '{1}' and the locale id '{2}' of the destination column '{3}' do not match.";
publicconststringSQL_BulkLoadPendingOperation="Attempt to invoke bulk copy on an object that has a pending operation.";
publicconststringSQL_CannotGetDTCAddress="Unable to get the address of the distributed transaction coordinator for the server, from the server. Is DTC enabled on the server?";
publicconststringSQL_ConnectionDoomed="The requested operation cannot be completed because the connection has been broken.";
publicconststringSQL_OpenResultCountExceeded="Open result count exceeded.";
publicconststringSQL_StreamWriteNotSupported="The Stream does not support writing.";
publicconststringSQL_StreamReadNotSupported="The Stream does not support reading.";
publicconststringSQL_StreamSeekNotSupported="The Stream does not support seeking.";
publicconststringSQL_UnsupportedSysTxVersion="The currently loaded System.Transactions.dll does not support Global Transactions.";
publicconststringSqlMisc_StreamErrorMessage="An error occurred while reading.";
publicconststringSqlMisc_TruncationMaxDataMessage="Data returned is larger than 2Gb in size. Use SequentialAccess command behavior in order to get all of the data.";
publicconststringSqlMisc_SubclassMustOverride="Subclass did not override a required method.";
publicconststringADP_OperationAbortedExceptionMessage="Operation aborted due to an exception (see InnerException for details).";
publicconststringADP_TransactionCompletedButNotDisposed="The transaction associated with the current connection has completed but has not been disposed. The transaction must be disposed before the connection can be used to execute SQL statements.";
publicconststringSqlParameter_UnsupportedTVPOutputParameter="ParameterDirection '{0}' specified for parameter '{1}' is not supported. Table-valued parameters only support ParameterDirection.Input.";
publicconststringSqlParameter_DBNullNotSupportedForTVP="DBNull value for parameter '{0}' is not supported. Table-valued parameters cannot be DBNull.";
publicconststringSqlParameter_UnexpectedTypeNameForNonStruct="TypeName specified for parameter '{0}'. TypeName must only be set for Structured parameters.";
publicconststringNullSchemaTableDataTypeNotSupported="DateType column for field '{0}' in schema table is null. DataType must be non-null.";
publicconststringInvalidSchemaTableOrdinals="Invalid column ordinals in schema table. ColumnOrdinals, if present, must not have duplicates or gaps.";
publicconststringSQL_EnumeratedRecordMetaDataChanged="Metadata for field '{0}' of record '{1}' did not match the original record's metadata.";
publicconststringSQL_EnumeratedRecordFieldCountChanged="Number of fields in record '{0}' does not match the number in the original record.";
publicconststringGT_Disabled="Global Transactions are not enabled for this Azure SQL Database. Please contact Azure SQL Database support for assistance.";
publicconststringSQLNotify_AlreadyHasCommand="This SqlCommand object is already associated with another SqlDependency object.";
publicconststringSqlDependency_DatabaseBrokerDisabled="The SQL Server Service Broker for the current database is not enabled, and as a result query notifications are not supported. Please enable the Service Broker for this database if you wish to use notifications.";
publicconststringSqlDependency_DefaultOptionsButNoStart="When using SqlDependency without providing an options value, SqlDependency.Start() must be called prior to execution of a command added to the SqlDependency instance.";
publicconststringSqlDependency_NoMatchingServerStart="When using SqlDependency without providing an options value, SqlDependency.Start() must be called for each server that is being executed against.";
publicconststringSqlDependency_NoMatchingServerDatabaseStart="SqlDependency.Start has been called for the server the command is executing against more than once, but there is no matching server/user/database Start() call for current command.";
publicconststringSqlDependency_EventNoDuplicate="SqlDependency.OnChange does not support multiple event registrations for the same delegate.";
publicconststringSqlDependency_IdMismatch="No SqlDependency exists for the key.";
publicconststringSqlDependency_InvalidTimeout="Timeout specified is invalid. Timeout cannot be < 0.";
publicconststringSqlDependency_DuplicateStart="SqlDependency does not support calling Start() with different connection strings having the same server, user, and database in the same app domain.";
publicconststringSqlMetaData_InvalidSqlDbTypeForConstructorFormat="The dbType {0} is invalid for this constructor.";
publicconststringSqlMetaData_NameTooLong="The name is too long.";
publicconststringSqlMetaData_SpecifyBothSortOrderAndOrdinal="The sort order and ordinal must either both be specified, or neither should be specified (SortOrder.Unspecified and -1). The values given were: order = {0}, ordinal = {1}.";
publicconststringSqlProvider_InvalidDataColumnType="The type of column '{0}' is not supported. The type is '{1}'";
publicconststringSqlProvider_NotEnoughColumnsInStructuredType="There are not enough fields in the Structured type. Structured types must have at least one field.";
publicconststringSqlProvider_DuplicateSortOrdinal="The sort ordinal {0} was specified twice.";
publicconststringSqlProvider_MissingSortOrdinal="The sort ordinal {0} was not specified.";
publicconststringSqlProvider_SortOrdinalGreaterThanFieldCount="The sort ordinal {0} on field {1} exceeds the total number of fields.";
publicconststringIEnumerableOfSqlDataRecordHasNoRows="There are no records in the SqlDataRecord enumeration. To send a table-valued parameter with no rows, use a null reference for the value instead.";
publicconststringSNI_ERROR_1="I/O Error detected in read/write operation";
publicconststringSNI_ERROR_2="Connection was terminated";
publicconststringSNI_ERROR_3="Asynchronous operations not supported";
publicconststringSNI_ERROR_32="Packet size too large for SSL Encrypt/Decrypt operations";
publicconststringSNI_ERROR_33="SSRP error";
publicconststringSNI_ERROR_34="Could not connect to the Shared Memory pipe";
publicconststringSNI_ERROR_35="An internal exception was caught";
publicconststringSNI_ERROR_36="The Shared Memory dll used to connect to SQL Server 2000 was not found";
publicconststringSNI_ERROR_37="The SQL Server 2000 Shared Memory client dll appears to be invalid/corrupted";
publicconststringSNI_ERROR_38="Cannot open a Shared Memory connection to SQL Server 2000";
publicconststringSNI_ERROR_39="Shared memory connectivity to SQL Server 2000 is either disabled or not available on this machine";
publicconststringSNI_ERROR_40="Could not open a connection to SQL Server";
publicconststringSNI_ERROR_41="Cannot open a Shared Memory connection to a remote SQL server";
publicconststringSNI_ERROR_42="Could not establish dedicated administrator connection (DAC) on default port. Make sure that DAC is enabled";
publicconststringSNI_ERROR_43="An error occurred while obtaining the dedicated administrator connection (DAC) port. Make sure that SQL Browser is running, or check the error log for the port number";
publicconststringSNI_ERROR_44="Could not compose Service Principal Name (SPN) for Windows Integrated Authentication. Possible causes are server(s) incorrectly specified to connection API calls, Domain Name System (DNS) lookup failure or memory shortage";
publicconststringSNI_ERROR_47="Connecting with the MultiSubnetFailover connection option to a SQL Server instance configured with more than 64 IP addresses is not supported.";
publicconststringSNI_ERROR_48="Connecting to a named SQL Server instance using the MultiSubnetFailover connection option is not supported.";
publicconststringSNI_ERROR_49="Connecting to a SQL Server instance using the MultiSubnetFailover connection option is only supported when using the TCP protocol.";
publicconststringSNI_ERROR_51="An instance name was not specified while connecting to a Local Database Runtime. Specify an instance name in the format (localdb)\\instance_name.";
publicconststringSNI_ERROR_52="Unable to locate a Local Database Runtime installation. Verify that SQL Server Express is properly installed and that the Local Database Runtime feature is enabled.";
publicconststringSNI_ERROR_53="Invalid Local Database Runtime registry configuration found. Verify that SQL Server Express is properly installed.";
publicconststringSNI_ERROR_54="Unable to locate the registry entry for SQLUserInstance.dll file path. Verify that the Local Database Runtime feature of SQL Server Express is properly installed.";
publicconststringSNI_ERROR_55="Registry value contains an invalid SQLUserInstance.dll file path. Verify that the Local Database Runtime feature of SQL Server Express is properly installed.";
publicconststringSNI_ERROR_56="Unable to load the SQLUserInstance.dll from the location specified in the registry. Verify that the Local Database Runtime feature of SQL Server Express is properly installed.";
publicconststringSNI_ERROR_57="Invalid SQLUserInstance.dll found at the location specified in the registry. Verify that the Local Database Runtime feature of SQL Server Express is properly installed.";
publicconststringSnix_Connect="A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server. The server was not found or was not accessible. Verify that the instance name is correct and that SQL Server is configured to allow remote connections.";
publicconststringSnix_PreLoginBeforeSuccessfulWrite="The client was unable to establish a connection because of an error during connection initialization process before login. Possible causes include the following: the client tried to connect to an unsupported version of SQL Server; the server was too busy to accept new connections; or there was a resource limitation (insufficient memory or maximum allowed connections) on the server.";
publicconststringSnix_PreLogin="A connection was successfully established with the server, but then an error occurred during the pre-login handshake.";
publicconststringSnix_LoginSspi="A connection was successfully established with the server, but then an error occurred when obtaining the security/SSPI context information for integrated security login.";
publicconststringSnix_Login="A connection was successfully established with the server, but then an error occurred during the login process.";
publicconststringSnix_EnableMars="Connection open and login was successful, but then an error occurred while enabling MARS for this connection.";
publicconststringSnix_AutoEnlist="Connection open and login was successful, but then an error occurred while enlisting the connection into the current distributed transaction.";
publicconststringSnix_GetMarsSession="Failed to establish a MARS session in preparation to send the request to the server.";
publicconststringSnix_Execute="A transport-level error has occurred when sending the request to the server.";
publicconststringSnix_Read="A transport-level error has occurred when receiving results from the server.";
publicconststringSnix_Close="A transport-level error has occurred during connection clean-up.";
publicconststringSnix_SendRows="A transport-level error has occurred while sending information to the server.";
publicconststringSnix_ProcessSspi="A transport-level error has occurred during SSPI handshake.";
publicconststringLocalDB_MethodNotFound="Invalid SQLUserInstance.dll found at the location specified in the registry. Verify that the Local Database Runtime feature of SQL Server Express is properly installed.";
publicconststringLocalDB_UnobtainableMessage="Cannot obtain Local Database Runtime error message";
publicconststringSQLROR_RecursiveRoutingNotSupported="Two or more redirections have occurred. Only one redirection per login is allowed.";
publicconststringSQLROR_FailoverNotSupported="Connecting to a mirrored SQL Server instance using the ApplicationIntent ReadOnly connection option is not supported.";
publicconststringSQLROR_UnexpectedRoutingInfo="Unexpected routing information received.";
publicconststringSQLROR_InvalidRoutingInfo="Invalid routing information received.";
publicconststringSQLROR_TimeoutAfterRoutingInfo="Server provided routing information, but timeout already expired.";
publicconststringSQLCR_InvalidConnectRetryCountValue="Invalid ConnectRetryCount value (should be 0-255).";
publicconststringSQLCR_InvalidConnectRetryIntervalValue="Invalid ConnectRetryInterval value (should be 1-60).";
publicconststringSQLCR_NextAttemptWillExceedQueryTimeout="Next reconnection attempt will exceed query timeout. Reconnection was terminated.";
publicconststringSQLCR_EncryptionChanged="The server did not preserve SSL encryption during a recovery attempt, connection recovery is not possible.";
publicconststringSQLCR_TDSVestionNotPreserved="The server did not preserve the exact client TDS version requested during a recovery attempt, connection recovery is not possible.";
publicconststringSQLCR_AllAttemptsFailed="The connection is broken and recovery is not possible. The client driver attempted to recover the connection one or more times and all attempts failed. Increase the value of ConnectRetryCount to increase the number of recovery attempts.";
publicconststringSQLCR_UnrecoverableServer="The connection is broken and recovery is not possible. The connection is marked by the server as unrecoverable. No attempt was made to restore the connection.";
publicconststringSQLCR_UnrecoverableClient="The connection is broken and recovery is not possible. The connection is marked by the client driver as unrecoverable. No attempt was made to restore the connection.";
publicconststringSQLCR_NoCRAckAtReconnection="The server did not acknowledge a recovery attempt, connection recovery is not possible.";
publicconststringSQL_UnsupportedKeyword="The keyword '{0}' is not supported on this platform.";
publicconststringSQL_UnsupportedFeature="The server is attempting to use a feature that is not supported on this platform.";
publicconststringSQL_UnsupportedToken="Received an unsupported token '{0}' while reading data from the server.";
publicconststringSQL_DbTypeNotSupportedOnThisPlatform="Type {0} is not supported on this platform.";
publicconststringSQL_NetworkLibraryNotSupported="The keyword 'Network Library' is not supported on this platform, prefix the 'Data Source' with the protocol desired instead ('tcp:' for a TCP connection, or 'np:' for a Named Pipe connection).";
publicconststringnet_nego_channel_binding_not_supported="No support for channel binding on operating systems other than Windows.";
publicconststringnet_gssapi_operation_failed_detailed="GSSAPI operation failed with error - {0} ({1}).";
publicconststringnet_gssapi_operation_failed="GSSAPI operation failed with status: {0} (Minor status: {1}).";
publicconststringnet_ntlm_not_possible_default_cred="NTLM authentication is not possible with default credentials on this platform.";
publicconststringnet_nego_not_supported_empty_target_with_defaultcreds="Target name should be non-empty if default credentials are passed.";
publicconststringnet_nego_server_not_supported="Server implementation is not supported.";
publicconststringnet_nego_protection_level_not_supported="Requested protection level is not supported with the GSSAPI implementation currently installed.";
publicconststringnet_auth_message_not_encrypted="Protocol error: A received message contains a valid signature but it was not encrypted as required by the effective Protection Level.";
publicconststringnet_securitypackagesupport="The requested security package is not supported.";
publicconststringnet_log_operation_failed_with_error="{0} failed with error {1}.";
publicconststringnet_MethodNotImplementedException="This method is not implemented by this class.";
publicconststringevent_OperationReturnedSomething="{0} returned {1}.";
publicconststringnet_invalid_enum="The specified value is not valid in the '{0}' enumeration.";
publicconststringSSPIInvalidHandleType="'{0}' is not a supported handle type.";
publicconststringLocalDBNotSupported="LocalDB is not supported on this platform.";
publicconststringPlatformNotSupported_DataSqlClient="System.Data.SqlClient is not supported on this platform.";
publicconststringSqlParameter_InvalidTableDerivedPrecisionForTvp="Precision '{0}' required to send all values in column '{1}' exceeds the maximum supported precision '{2}'. The values must all fit in a single precision.";
publicconststringSqlProvider_InvalidDataColumnMaxLength="The size of column '{0}' is not supported. The size is {1}.";
publicconststringMDF_InvalidXmlInvalidValue="The metadata XML is invalid. The {1} column of the {0} collection must contain a non-empty string.";
publicconststringMDF_CollectionNameISNotUnique="There are multiple collections named '{0}'.";
publicconststringMDF_InvalidXmlMissingColumn="The metadata XML is invalid. The {0} collection must contain a {1} column and it must be a string column.";
publicconststringMDF_InvalidXml="The metadata XML is invalid.";
publicconststringMDF_NoColumns="The schema table contains no columns.";
publicconststringMDF_QueryFailed="Unable to build the '{0}' collection because execution of the SQL query failed. See the inner exception for details.";
publicconststringMDF_TooManyRestrictions="More restrictions were provided than the requested schema ('{0}') supports.";
publicconststringMDF_DataTableDoesNotExist="The collection '{0}' is missing from the metadata XML.";
publicconststringMDF_UndefinedCollection="The requested collection ({0}) is not defined.";
publicconststringMDF_MissingRestrictionColumn="One or more of the required columns of the restrictions collection is missing.";
publicconststringMDF_MissingRestrictionRow="A restriction exists for which there is no matching row in the restrictions collection.";
publicconststringMDF_IncorrectNumberOfDataSourceInformationRows="The DataSourceInformation table must contain exactly one row.";
publicconststringMDF_MissingDataSourceInformationColumn="One of the required DataSourceInformation tables columns is missing.";
publicconststringMDF_AmbigousCollectionName="The collection name '{0}' matches at least two collections with the same name but with different case, but does not match any of them exactly.";
publicconststringMDF_UnableToBuildCollection="Unable to build schema collection '{0}';";
publicconststringADP_InvalidArgumentLength="The length of argument '{0}' exceeds its limit of '{1}'.";
publicconststringADP_MustBeReadOnly="{0} must be marked as read only.";
publicconststringADP_InvalidMixedUsageOfSecureAndClearCredential="Cannot use Credential with UserID, UID, Password, or PWD connection string keywords.";
publicconststringADP_InvalidMixedUsageOfSecureCredentialAndIntegratedSecurity="Cannot use Credential with Integrated Security connection string keyword.";
publicconststringSQL_ChangePasswordArgumentMissing="The '{0}' argument must not be null or empty.";
publicconststringSQL_ChangePasswordConflictsWithSSPI="ChangePassword can only be used with SQL authentication, not with integrated security.";
publicconststringSQL_ChangePasswordRequiresYukon="ChangePassword requires SQL Server 9.0 or later.";
publicconststringSQL_ChangePasswordUseOfUnallowedKey="The keyword '{0}' must not be specified in the connectionString argument to ChangePassword.";
publicconststringADP_CollectionIsParent="The {0} with is already contained by this {1}.";
publicconststringADP_InvalidDataDirectory="The DataDirectory substitute is not a string.";
publicconststringADP_QuotePrefixNotSet="{0} requires an open connection when the quote prefix has not been set.";
publicconststringMDF_InvalidRestrictionValue="'{2}' is not a valid value for the '{1}' restriction of the '{0}' schema collection.";
publicconststringMDF_UndefinedPopulationMechanism="The population mechanism '{0}' is not defined.";
publicconststringODBC_ODBCCommandText="OdbcCommandBuilder.DeriveParameters failed because the OdbcCommand.CommandText property value is an invalid multipart name";
publicconststringODBC_NotSupportedEnumerationValue="The {0} enumeration value, {1}, is not supported by the .Net Framework Odbc Data Provider.";
publicconststringADP_DatabaseNameTooLong="The argument is too long.";
publicconststringADP_DataReaderNoData="No data exists for the row/column.";
publicconststringADP_NumericToDecimalOverflow="The numerical value is too large to fit into a 96 bit decimal.";
publicconststringADP_DbRecordReadOnly="'{0}' cannot be called when the record is read only.";
publicconststringADP_OffsetOutOfRangeException="Offset must refer to a location within the value.";
publicconststringODBC_GetSchemaRestrictionRequired="The ODBC managed provider requires that the TABLE_NAME restriction be specified and non-null for the GetSchema indexes collection.";
publicconststringADP_OdbcNoTypesFromProvider="The ODBC provider did not return results from SQLGETTYPEINFO.";
publicconststringOdbcConnection_ConnectionStringTooLong="Connection string exceeds maximum allowed length of {0}.";
publicconststringOdbc_UnknownSQLType="Unknown SQL type - {0}.";
publicconststringOdbc_CantSetPropertyOnOpenConnection="Can't set property on an open connection.";
publicconststringOdbc_NoMappingForSqlTransactionLevel="No valid mapping for a SQL_TRANSACTION '{0}' to a System.Data.IsolationLevel enumeration value.";
publicconststringOdbc_CantEnableConnectionpooling="{0} - unable to enable connection pooling...";
publicconststringOdbc_CantAllocateEnvironmentHandle="{0} - unable to allocate an environment handle.";
publicconststringOdbc_FailedToGetDescriptorHandle="{0} - unable to get descriptor handle.";
publicconststringOdbc_NotInTransaction="Not in a transaction";