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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
using System;
using NUnit.Framework;
using Token = Lucene.Net.Analysis.Token;
using Lucene.Net.Analysis.Tokenattributes;
using FlagsAttribute = Lucene.Net.Analysis.Tokenattributes.FlagsAttribute;
namespace Lucene.Net.Util
public class TestAttributeSource : LuceneTestCase
public virtual void TestCaptureState()
// init a first instance
AttributeSource src = new AttributeSource();
ITermAttribute termAtt = src.AddAttribute<ITermAttribute>();
ITypeAttribute typeAtt = src.AddAttribute<ITypeAttribute>();
typeAtt.Type = "TestType";
int hashCode = src.GetHashCode();
AttributeSource.State state = src.CaptureState();
// modify the attributes
typeAtt.Type = "AnotherTestType";
Assert.IsTrue(hashCode != src.GetHashCode(), "Hash code should be different");
Assert.AreEqual("TestTerm", termAtt.Term);
Assert.AreEqual("TestType", typeAtt.Type);
Assert.AreEqual(hashCode, src.GetHashCode(), "Hash code should be equal after restore");
// restore into an exact configured copy
AttributeSource copy = new AttributeSource();
Assert.AreEqual(src.GetHashCode(), copy.GetHashCode(), "Both AttributeSources should have same hashCode after restore");
Assert.AreEqual(src, copy, "Both AttributeSources should be equal after restore");
// init a second instance (with attributes in different order and one additional attribute)
AttributeSource src2 = new AttributeSource();
typeAtt = src2.AddAttribute<ITypeAttribute>();
IFlagsAttribute flagsAtt = src2.AddAttribute<IFlagsAttribute>();
termAtt = src2.AddAttribute<ITermAttribute>();
flagsAtt.Flags = 12345;
Assert.AreEqual("TestTerm", termAtt.Term);
Assert.AreEqual("TestType", typeAtt.Type);
Assert.AreEqual(12345, flagsAtt.Flags, "FlagsAttribute should not be touched");
// init a third instance missing one Attribute
AttributeSource src3 = new AttributeSource();
termAtt = src3.AddAttribute<ITermAttribute>();
Assert.Throws<ArgumentException>(() => src3.RestoreState(state),
"The third instance is missing the TypeAttribute, so restoreState() should throw IllegalArgumentException");
public virtual void TestCloneAttributes()
AttributeSource src = new AttributeSource();
ITermAttribute termAtt = src.AddAttribute<ITermAttribute>();
ITypeAttribute typeAtt = src.AddAttribute<ITypeAttribute>();
typeAtt.Type = "TestType";
AttributeSource clone = src.CloneAttributes();
System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator<Type> it = clone.GetAttributeTypesIterator().GetEnumerator();
Assert.AreEqual(typeof(ITermAttribute), it.Current, "TermAttribute must be the first attribute");
Assert.AreEqual(typeof(ITypeAttribute), it.Current, "TypeAttribute must be the second attribute");
Assert.IsFalse(it.MoveNext(), "No more attributes");
ITermAttribute termAtt2 = clone.GetAttribute<ITermAttribute>();
ITypeAttribute typeAtt2 = clone.GetAttribute<ITypeAttribute>();
Assert.IsFalse(ReferenceEquals(termAtt2, termAtt), "TermAttribute of original and clone must be different instances");
Assert.IsFalse(ReferenceEquals(typeAtt2, typeAtt), "TypeAttribute of original and clone must be different instances");
Assert.AreEqual(termAtt2, termAtt, "TermAttribute of original and clone must be equal");
Assert.AreEqual(typeAtt2, typeAtt, "TypeAttribute of original and clone must be equal");
public virtual void TestToStringAndMultiAttributeImplementations()
AttributeSource src = new AttributeSource();
ITermAttribute termAtt = src.AddAttribute<ITermAttribute>();
ITypeAttribute typeAtt = src.AddAttribute<ITypeAttribute>();
typeAtt.Type = "TestType";
Assert.AreEqual("(" + termAtt.ToString() + "," + typeAtt.ToString() + ")", src.ToString(), "Attributes should appear in original order");
System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator<Attribute> it = src.GetAttributeImplsIterator().GetEnumerator();
Assert.IsTrue(it.MoveNext(), "Iterator should have 2 attributes left");
Assert.AreSame(termAtt, it.Current, "First AttributeImpl from iterator should be termAtt");
Assert.IsTrue(it.MoveNext(), "Iterator should have 1 attributes left");
Assert.AreSame(typeAtt, it.Current, "Second AttributeImpl from iterator should be typeAtt");
Assert.IsFalse(it.MoveNext(), "Iterator should have 0 attributes left");
src = new AttributeSource();
src.AddAttributeImpl(new Token());
// this should not add a new attribute as Token implements TermAttribute, too
termAtt = src.AddAttribute<ITermAttribute>();
Assert.IsTrue(termAtt is Token, "TermAttribute should be implemented by Token");
// get the Token attribute and check, that it is the only one
it = src.GetAttributeImplsIterator().GetEnumerator();
Token tok = (Token)it.Current;
Assert.IsFalse(it.MoveNext(), "There should be only one attribute implementation instance");
Assert.AreEqual("(" + tok.ToString() + ")", src.ToString(), "Token should only printed once");
public void TestDefaultAttributeFactory()
AttributeSource src = new AttributeSource();
Assert.IsTrue(src.AddAttribute<ITermAttribute>() is TermAttribute,
"TermAttribute is not implemented by TermAttributeImpl");
Assert.IsTrue(src.AddAttribute<IOffsetAttribute>() is OffsetAttribute,
"OffsetAttribute is not implemented by OffsetAttributeImpl");
Assert.IsTrue(src.AddAttribute<IFlagsAttribute>() is FlagsAttribute,
"FlagsAttribute is not implemented by FlagsAttributeImpl");
Assert.IsTrue(src.AddAttribute<IPayloadAttribute>() is PayloadAttribute,
"PayloadAttribute is not implemented by PayloadAttributeImpl");
Assert.IsTrue(src.AddAttribute<IPositionIncrementAttribute>() is PositionIncrementAttribute,
"PositionIncrementAttribute is not implemented by PositionIncrementAttributeImpl");
Assert.IsTrue(src.AddAttribute<ITypeAttribute>() is TypeAttribute,
"TypeAttribute is not implemented by TypeAttributeImpl");
public void TestInvalidArguments()
var src = new AttributeSource();
Assert.Throws<ArgumentException>(() => src.AddAttribute<Token>(), "Should throw ArgumentException");
src = new AttributeSource();
Assert.Throws<ArgumentException>(() => src.AddAttribute<Token>(), "Should throw ArgumentException");
// AttributeSource src = new AttributeSource();
// src.AddAttribute<System.Collections.IEnumerator>(); //Doesn't compile.
// Assert.Fail("Should throw IllegalArgumentException");
//catch (ArgumentException iae) { }