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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Type Name="ItemChangedEventArgs" FullName="System.Windows.Forms.ItemChangedEventArgs">
<TypeSignature Language="C#" Value="public class ItemChangedEventArgs : EventArgs" />
<Interfaces />
<attribution license="cc4" from="Microsoft" modified="false" />
<para>An <see cref="E:System.Windows.Forms.CurrencyManager.ItemChanged" /> event occurs whenever the item in a list is changed. For example, this event will occur when the text of the list item is changed to a new value. This event is not raised when the item is moved to a new position within the list because of a new item being added.</para>
<para>For more information about handling events, see <format type="text/html"><a href="01E4F1BC-E55E-413F-98C7-6588493E5F67">[&lt;topic://cpconEventsOverview&gt;]</a></format>.</para>
<attribution license="cc4" from="Microsoft" modified="false" />
<para>Provides data for the <see cref="E:System.Windows.Forms.CurrencyManager.ItemChanged" /> event.</para>
<Member MemberName="Index">
<MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public int Index { get; }" />
<value>To be added.</value>
<remarks>To be added.</remarks>
<attribution license="cc4" from="Microsoft" modified="false" />
<para>Indicates the position of the item being changed within the list.</para>