717 lines
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717 lines
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//===-- SourceManager.cpp ---------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
#include "lldb/Core/SourceManager.h"
#include "lldb/Core/Address.h" // for Address
#include "lldb/Core/AddressRange.h" // for AddressRange
#include "lldb/Core/Debugger.h"
#include "lldb/Core/FormatEntity.h" // for FormatEntity
#include "lldb/Core/Module.h"
#include "lldb/Core/ModuleList.h" // for ModuleList
#include "lldb/Host/FileSystem.h"
#include "lldb/Symbol/CompileUnit.h"
#include "lldb/Symbol/Function.h"
#include "lldb/Symbol/LineEntry.h" // for LineEntry
#include "lldb/Symbol/SymbolContext.h"
#include "lldb/Target/PathMappingList.h" // for PathMappingList
#include "lldb/Target/Target.h"
#include "lldb/Utility/ConstString.h" // for ConstString
#include "lldb/Utility/DataBuffer.h"
#include "lldb/Utility/DataBufferLLVM.h"
#include "lldb/Utility/RegularExpression.h"
#include "lldb/Utility/Stream.h"
#include "lldb/lldb-enumerations.h" // for StopShowColumn::eStopSho...
#include "llvm/ADT/Twine.h" // for Twine
#include <memory>
#include <utility> // for pair
#include <assert.h> // for assert
#include <stdio.h> // for size_t, NULL, snprintf
namespace lldb_private {
class ExecutionContext;
namespace lldb_private {
class ValueObject;
using namespace lldb;
using namespace lldb_private;
static inline bool is_newline_char(char ch) { return ch == '\n' || ch == '\r'; }
// SourceManager constructor
SourceManager::SourceManager(const TargetSP &target_sp)
: m_last_file_sp(), m_last_line(0), m_last_count(0), m_default_set(false),
m_debugger_wp(target_sp->GetDebugger().shared_from_this()) {}
SourceManager::SourceManager(const DebuggerSP &debugger_sp)
: m_last_file_sp(), m_last_line(0), m_last_count(0), m_default_set(false),
m_target_wp(), m_debugger_wp(debugger_sp) {}
// Destructor
SourceManager::~SourceManager() {}
SourceManager::FileSP SourceManager::GetFile(const FileSpec &file_spec) {
bool same_as_previous =
m_last_file_sp && m_last_file_sp->FileSpecMatches(file_spec);
DebuggerSP debugger_sp(m_debugger_wp.lock());
FileSP file_sp;
if (same_as_previous)
file_sp = m_last_file_sp;
else if (debugger_sp)
file_sp = debugger_sp->GetSourceFileCache().FindSourceFile(file_spec);
TargetSP target_sp(m_target_wp.lock());
// It the target source path map has been updated, get this file again so we
// can successfully remap the source file
if (target_sp && file_sp &&
file_sp->GetSourceMapModificationID() !=
// Update the file contents if needed if we found a file
if (file_sp)
// If file_sp is no good or it points to a non-existent file, reset it.
if (!file_sp || !file_sp->GetFileSpec().Exists()) {
if (target_sp)
file_sp = std::make_shared<File>(file_spec, target_sp.get());
file_sp = std::make_shared<File>(file_spec, debugger_sp);
if (debugger_sp)
return file_sp;
static bool should_show_stop_column_with_ansi(DebuggerSP debugger_sp) {
// We don't use ANSI stop column formatting if we can't lookup values from
// the debugger.
if (!debugger_sp)
return false;
// We don't use ANSI stop column formatting if the debugger doesn't think
// it should be using color.
if (!debugger_sp->GetUseColor())
return false;
// We only use ANSI stop column formatting if we're either supposed to show
// ANSI where available (which we know we have when we get to this point), or
// if we're only supposed to use ANSI.
const auto value = debugger_sp->GetStopShowColumn();
return ((value == eStopShowColumnAnsiOrCaret) ||
(value == eStopShowColumnAnsi));
static bool should_show_stop_column_with_caret(DebuggerSP debugger_sp) {
// We don't use text-based stop column formatting if we can't lookup values
// from the debugger.
if (!debugger_sp)
return false;
// If we're asked to show the first available of ANSI or caret, then
// we do show the caret when ANSI is not available.
const auto value = debugger_sp->GetStopShowColumn();
if ((value == eStopShowColumnAnsiOrCaret) && !debugger_sp->GetUseColor())
return true;
// The only other time we use caret is if we're explicitly asked to show
// caret.
return value == eStopShowColumnCaret;
size_t SourceManager::DisplaySourceLinesWithLineNumbersUsingLastFile(
uint32_t start_line, uint32_t count, uint32_t curr_line, uint32_t column,
const char *current_line_cstr, Stream *s,
const SymbolContextList *bp_locs) {
if (count == 0)
return 0;
size_t return_value = 0;
if (start_line == 0) {
if (m_last_line != 0 && m_last_line != UINT32_MAX)
start_line = m_last_line + m_last_count;
start_line = 1;
if (!m_default_set) {
FileSpec tmp_spec;
uint32_t tmp_line;
GetDefaultFileAndLine(tmp_spec, tmp_line);
m_last_line = start_line;
m_last_count = count;
if (m_last_file_sp.get()) {
const uint32_t end_line = start_line + count - 1;
for (uint32_t line = start_line; line <= end_line; ++line) {
if (!m_last_file_sp->LineIsValid(line)) {
m_last_line = UINT32_MAX;
char prefix[32] = "";
if (bp_locs) {
uint32_t bp_count = bp_locs->NumLineEntriesWithLine(line);
if (bp_count > 0)
::snprintf(prefix, sizeof(prefix), "[%u] ", bp_count);
::snprintf(prefix, sizeof(prefix), " ");
return_value +=
s->Printf("%s%2.2s %-4u\t", prefix,
line == curr_line ? current_line_cstr : "", line);
size_t this_line_size = m_last_file_sp->DisplaySourceLines(
line, line == curr_line ? column : 0, 0, 0, s);
if (column != 0 && line == curr_line &&
should_show_stop_column_with_caret(m_debugger_wp.lock())) {
// Display caret cursor.
std::string src_line;
m_last_file_sp->GetLine(line, src_line);
return_value += s->Printf(" \t");
// Insert a space for every non-tab character in the source line.
for (size_t i = 0; i + 1 < column && i < src_line.length(); ++i)
return_value += s->PutChar(src_line[i] == '\t' ? '\t' : ' ');
// Now add the caret.
return_value += s->Printf("^\n");
if (this_line_size == 0) {
m_last_line = UINT32_MAX;
} else
return_value += this_line_size;
return return_value;
size_t SourceManager::DisplaySourceLinesWithLineNumbers(
const FileSpec &file_spec, uint32_t line, uint32_t column,
uint32_t context_before, uint32_t context_after,
const char *current_line_cstr, Stream *s,
const SymbolContextList *bp_locs) {
FileSP file_sp(GetFile(file_spec));
uint32_t start_line;
uint32_t count = context_before + context_after + 1;
if (line > context_before)
start_line = line - context_before;
start_line = 1;
if (m_last_file_sp.get() != file_sp.get()) {
if (line == 0)
m_last_line = 0;
m_last_file_sp = file_sp;
return DisplaySourceLinesWithLineNumbersUsingLastFile(
start_line, count, line, column, current_line_cstr, s, bp_locs);
size_t SourceManager::DisplayMoreWithLineNumbers(
Stream *s, uint32_t count, bool reverse, const SymbolContextList *bp_locs) {
// If we get called before anybody has set a default file and line, then try
// to figure it out here.
const bool have_default_file_line = m_last_file_sp && m_last_line > 0;
if (!m_default_set) {
FileSpec tmp_spec;
uint32_t tmp_line;
GetDefaultFileAndLine(tmp_spec, tmp_line);
if (m_last_file_sp) {
if (m_last_line == UINT32_MAX)
return 0;
if (reverse && m_last_line == 1)
return 0;
if (count > 0)
m_last_count = count;
else if (m_last_count == 0)
m_last_count = 10;
if (m_last_line > 0) {
if (reverse) {
// If this is the first time we've done a reverse, then back up one more
// time so we end
// up showing the chunk before the last one we've shown:
if (m_last_line > m_last_count)
m_last_line -= m_last_count;
m_last_line = 1;
} else if (have_default_file_line)
m_last_line += m_last_count;
} else
m_last_line = 1;
const uint32_t column = 0;
return DisplaySourceLinesWithLineNumbersUsingLastFile(
m_last_line, m_last_count, UINT32_MAX, column, "", s, bp_locs);
return 0;
bool SourceManager::SetDefaultFileAndLine(const FileSpec &file_spec,
uint32_t line) {
FileSP old_file_sp = m_last_file_sp;
m_last_file_sp = GetFile(file_spec);
m_default_set = true;
if (m_last_file_sp) {
m_last_line = line;
return true;
} else {
m_last_file_sp = old_file_sp;
return false;
bool SourceManager::GetDefaultFileAndLine(FileSpec &file_spec, uint32_t &line) {
if (m_last_file_sp) {
file_spec = m_last_file_sp->GetFileSpec();
line = m_last_line;
return true;
} else if (!m_default_set) {
TargetSP target_sp(m_target_wp.lock());
if (target_sp) {
// If nobody has set the default file and line then try here. If there's
// no executable, then we
// will try again later when there is one. Otherwise, if we can't find it
// we won't look again,
// somebody will have to set it (for instance when we stop somewhere...)
Module *executable_ptr = target_sp->GetExecutableModulePointer();
if (executable_ptr) {
SymbolContextList sc_list;
ConstString main_name("main");
bool symbols_okay = false; // Force it to be a debug symbol.
bool inlines_okay = true;
bool append = false;
size_t num_matches = executable_ptr->FindFunctions(
main_name, NULL, lldb::eFunctionNameTypeBase, inlines_okay,
symbols_okay, append, sc_list);
for (size_t idx = 0; idx < num_matches; idx++) {
SymbolContext sc;
sc_list.GetContextAtIndex(idx, sc);
if (sc.function) {
lldb_private::LineEntry line_entry;
if (sc.function->GetAddressRange()
.CalculateSymbolContextLineEntry(line_entry)) {
SetDefaultFileAndLine(line_entry.file, line_entry.line);
file_spec = m_last_file_sp->GetFileSpec();
line = m_last_line;
return true;
return false;
void SourceManager::FindLinesMatchingRegex(FileSpec &file_spec,
RegularExpression ®ex,
uint32_t start_line,
uint32_t end_line,
std::vector<uint32_t> &match_lines) {
FileSP file_sp = GetFile(file_spec);
if (!file_sp)
return file_sp->FindLinesMatchingRegex(regex, start_line, end_line,
SourceManager::File::File(const FileSpec &file_spec,
lldb::DebuggerSP debugger_sp)
: m_file_spec_orig(file_spec), m_file_spec(file_spec),
m_debugger_wp(debugger_sp) {
CommonInitializer(file_spec, nullptr);
SourceManager::File::File(const FileSpec &file_spec, Target *target)
: m_file_spec_orig(file_spec), m_file_spec(file_spec),
m_debugger_wp(target ? target->GetDebugger().shared_from_this()
: DebuggerSP()) {
CommonInitializer(file_spec, target);
void SourceManager::File::CommonInitializer(const FileSpec &file_spec,
Target *target) {
if (m_mod_time == llvm::sys::TimePoint<>()) {
if (target) {
m_source_map_mod_id = target->GetSourcePathMap().GetModificationID();
if (!file_spec.GetDirectory() && file_spec.GetFilename()) {
// If this is just a file name, lets see if we can find it in the
// target:
bool check_inlines = false;
SymbolContextList sc_list;
size_t num_matches =
file_spec.GetFilename().AsCString(), 0, check_inlines,
lldb::eSymbolContextModule | lldb::eSymbolContextCompUnit,
bool got_multiple = false;
if (num_matches != 0) {
if (num_matches > 1) {
SymbolContext sc;
FileSpec *test_cu_spec = NULL;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < num_matches; i++) {
sc_list.GetContextAtIndex(i, sc);
if (sc.comp_unit) {
if (test_cu_spec) {
if (test_cu_spec != static_cast<FileSpec *>(sc.comp_unit))
got_multiple = true;
} else
test_cu_spec = sc.comp_unit;
if (!got_multiple) {
SymbolContext sc;
sc_list.GetContextAtIndex(0, sc);
m_file_spec = sc.comp_unit;
m_mod_time = FileSystem::GetModificationTime(m_file_spec);
// Try remapping if m_file_spec does not correspond to an existing file.
if (!m_file_spec.Exists()) {
FileSpec new_file_spec;
// Check target specific source remappings first, then fall back to
// modules objects can have individual path remappings that were
// detected
// when the debug info for a module was found.
// then
if (target->GetSourcePathMap().FindFile(m_file_spec, new_file_spec) ||
target->GetImages().FindSourceFile(m_file_spec, new_file_spec)) {
m_file_spec = new_file_spec;
m_mod_time = FileSystem::GetModificationTime(m_file_spec);
if (m_mod_time != llvm::sys::TimePoint<>())
m_data_sp = DataBufferLLVM::CreateFromPath(m_file_spec.GetPath());
uint32_t SourceManager::File::GetLineOffset(uint32_t line) {
if (line == 0)
return UINT32_MAX;
if (line == 1)
return 0;
if (CalculateLineOffsets(line)) {
if (line < m_offsets.size())
return m_offsets[line - 1]; // yes we want "line - 1" in the index
return UINT32_MAX;
uint32_t SourceManager::File::GetNumLines() {
return m_offsets.size();
const char *SourceManager::File::PeekLineData(uint32_t line) {
if (!LineIsValid(line))
return NULL;
size_t line_offset = GetLineOffset(line);
if (line_offset < m_data_sp->GetByteSize())
return (const char *)m_data_sp->GetBytes() + line_offset;
return NULL;
uint32_t SourceManager::File::GetLineLength(uint32_t line,
bool include_newline_chars) {
if (!LineIsValid(line))
return false;
size_t start_offset = GetLineOffset(line);
size_t end_offset = GetLineOffset(line + 1);
if (end_offset == UINT32_MAX)
end_offset = m_data_sp->GetByteSize();
if (end_offset > start_offset) {
uint32_t length = end_offset - start_offset;
if (include_newline_chars == false) {
const char *line_start =
(const char *)m_data_sp->GetBytes() + start_offset;
while (length > 0) {
const char last_char = line_start[length - 1];
if ((last_char == '\r') || (last_char == '\n'))
return length;
return 0;
bool SourceManager::File::LineIsValid(uint32_t line) {
if (line == 0)
return false;
if (CalculateLineOffsets(line))
return line < m_offsets.size();
return false;
void SourceManager::File::UpdateIfNeeded() {
// TODO: use host API to sign up for file modifications to anything in our
// source cache and only update when we determine a file has been updated.
// For now we check each time we want to display info for the file.
auto curr_mod_time = FileSystem::GetModificationTime(m_file_spec);
if (curr_mod_time != llvm::sys::TimePoint<>() &&
m_mod_time != curr_mod_time) {
m_mod_time = curr_mod_time;
m_data_sp = DataBufferLLVM::CreateFromPath(m_file_spec.GetPath());
size_t SourceManager::File::DisplaySourceLines(uint32_t line, uint32_t column,
uint32_t context_before,
uint32_t context_after,
Stream *s) {
// Nothing to write if there's no stream.
if (!s)
return 0;
// Sanity check m_data_sp before proceeding.
if (!m_data_sp)
return 0;
const uint32_t start_line =
line <= context_before ? 1 : line - context_before;
const uint32_t start_line_offset = GetLineOffset(start_line);
if (start_line_offset != UINT32_MAX) {
const uint32_t end_line = line + context_after;
uint32_t end_line_offset = GetLineOffset(end_line + 1);
if (end_line_offset == UINT32_MAX)
end_line_offset = m_data_sp->GetByteSize();
assert(start_line_offset <= end_line_offset);
size_t bytes_written = 0;
if (start_line_offset < end_line_offset) {
size_t count = end_line_offset - start_line_offset;
const uint8_t *cstr = m_data_sp->GetBytes() + start_line_offset;
bool displayed_line = false;
if (column && (column < count)) {
auto debugger_sp = m_debugger_wp.lock();
if (should_show_stop_column_with_ansi(debugger_sp) && debugger_sp) {
// Check if we have any ANSI codes with which to mark this column.
// If not, no need to do this work.
auto ansi_prefix_entry = debugger_sp->GetStopShowColumnAnsiPrefix();
auto ansi_suffix_entry = debugger_sp->GetStopShowColumnAnsiSuffix();
// We only bother breaking up the line to format the marked column if
// there is any marking specified on both sides of the marked column.
// In ANSI-terminal-sequence land, there must be a post if there is a
// pre format, and vice versa.
if (ansi_prefix_entry && ansi_suffix_entry) {
// Mark the current column with the desired escape sequence for
// formatting the column (e.g. underline, inverse, etc.)
// First print the part before the column to mark.
bytes_written = s->Write(cstr, column - 1);
// Write the pre escape sequence.
const SymbolContext *sc = nullptr;
const ExecutionContext *exe_ctx = nullptr;
const Address addr = LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS;
ValueObject *valobj = nullptr;
const bool function_changed = false;
const bool initial_function = false;
FormatEntity::Format(*ansi_prefix_entry, *s, sc, exe_ctx, &addr,
valobj, function_changed, initial_function);
// Write the marked column.
bytes_written += s->Write(cstr + column - 1, 1);
// Write the post escape sequence.
FormatEntity::Format(*ansi_suffix_entry, *s, sc, exe_ctx, &addr,
valobj, function_changed, initial_function);
// And finish up with the rest of the line.
bytes_written += s->Write(cstr + column, count - column);
// Keep track of the fact that we just wrote the line.
displayed_line = true;
// If we didn't end up displaying the line with ANSI codes for whatever
// reason, display it now sans codes.
if (!displayed_line)
bytes_written = s->Write(cstr, count);
// Ensure we get an end of line character one way or another.
if (!is_newline_char(cstr[count - 1]))
bytes_written += s->EOL();
return bytes_written;
return 0;
void SourceManager::File::FindLinesMatchingRegex(
RegularExpression ®ex, uint32_t start_line, uint32_t end_line,
std::vector<uint32_t> &match_lines) {
if (!LineIsValid(start_line) ||
(end_line != UINT32_MAX && !LineIsValid(end_line)))
if (start_line > end_line)
for (uint32_t line_no = start_line; line_no < end_line; line_no++) {
std::string buffer;
if (!GetLine(line_no, buffer))
if (regex.Execute(buffer)) {
bool SourceManager::File::FileSpecMatches(const FileSpec &file_spec) {
return FileSpec::Equal(m_file_spec, file_spec, false);
bool lldb_private::operator==(const SourceManager::File &lhs,
const SourceManager::File &rhs) {
if (lhs.m_file_spec != rhs.m_file_spec)
return false;
return lhs.m_mod_time == rhs.m_mod_time;
bool SourceManager::File::CalculateLineOffsets(uint32_t line) {
line =
UINT32_MAX; // TODO: take this line out when we support partial indexing
if (line == UINT32_MAX) {
// Already done?
if (!m_offsets.empty() && m_offsets[0] == UINT32_MAX)
return true;
if (m_offsets.empty()) {
if (m_data_sp.get() == NULL)
return false;
const char *start = (char *)m_data_sp->GetBytes();
if (start) {
const char *end = start + m_data_sp->GetByteSize();
// Calculate all line offsets from scratch
// Push a 1 at index zero to indicate the file has been completely
// indexed.
const char *s;
for (s = start; s < end; ++s) {
char curr_ch = *s;
if (is_newline_char(curr_ch)) {
if (s + 1 < end) {
char next_ch = s[1];
if (is_newline_char(next_ch)) {
if (curr_ch != next_ch)
m_offsets.push_back(s + 1 - start);
if (!m_offsets.empty()) {
if (m_offsets.back() < size_t(end - start))
m_offsets.push_back(end - start);
return true;
} else {
// Some lines have been populated, start where we last left off
assert("Not implemented yet" && false);
} else {
// Calculate all line offsets up to "line"
assert("Not implemented yet" && false);
return false;
bool SourceManager::File::GetLine(uint32_t line_no, std::string &buffer) {
if (!LineIsValid(line_no))
return false;
size_t start_offset = GetLineOffset(line_no);
size_t end_offset = GetLineOffset(line_no + 1);
if (end_offset == UINT32_MAX) {
end_offset = m_data_sp->GetByteSize();
buffer.assign((char *)m_data_sp->GetBytes() + start_offset,
end_offset - start_offset);
return true;
void SourceManager::SourceFileCache::AddSourceFile(const FileSP &file_sp) {
FileSpec file_spec;
FileCache::iterator pos = m_file_cache.find(file_spec);
if (pos == m_file_cache.end())
m_file_cache[file_spec] = file_sp;
else {
if (file_sp != pos->second)
m_file_cache[file_spec] = file_sp;
SourceManager::FileSP SourceManager::SourceFileCache::FindSourceFile(
const FileSpec &file_spec) const {
FileSP file_sp;
FileCache::const_iterator pos = m_file_cache.find(file_spec);
if (pos != m_file_cache.end())
file_sp = pos->second;
return file_sp;