2015-04-07 09:35:12 +01:00
// <copyright>
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// </copyright>
namespace System.ServiceModel.Channels
using System ;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel ;
using System.Diagnostics ;
using System.IO ;
using System.Net.Http ;
using System.Net.WebSockets ;
using System.Runtime ;
using System.Runtime.Diagnostics ;
using System.Security.Principal ;
using System.ServiceModel.Diagnostics ;
using System.ServiceModel.Diagnostics.Application ;
using System.ServiceModel.Security ;
using System.Threading ;
using System.Threading.Tasks ;
abstract class WebSocketTransportDuplexSessionChannel : TransportDuplexSessionChannel
static AsyncCallback streamedWriteCallback = Fx . ThunkCallback ( StreamWriteCallback ) ;
WebSocket webSocket = null ;
WebSocketTransportSettings webSocketSettings ;
TransferMode transferMode ;
int maxBufferSize ;
WaitCallback waitCallback ;
object state ;
WebSocketStream webSocketStream ;
byte [ ] internalBuffer ;
ConnectionBufferPool bufferPool ;
int cleanupStatus = WebSocketHelper . OperationNotStarted ;
ITransportFactorySettings transportFactorySettings ;
WebSocketCloseDetails webSocketCloseDetails = new WebSocketCloseDetails ( ) ;
bool shouldDisposeWebSocketAfterClosed = true ;
Exception pendingWritingMessageException ;
public WebSocketTransportDuplexSessionChannel ( HttpChannelListener channelListener , EndpointAddress localAddress , Uri localVia , ConnectionBufferPool bufferPool )
: base ( channelListener , channelListener , localAddress , localVia , EndpointAddress . AnonymousAddress , channelListener . MessageVersion . Addressing . AnonymousUri )
Fx . Assert ( channelListener . WebSocketSettings ! = null , "channelListener.WebSocketTransportSettings should not be null." ) ;
this . webSocketSettings = channelListener . WebSocketSettings ;
this . transferMode = channelListener . TransferMode ;
this . maxBufferSize = channelListener . MaxBufferSize ;
this . bufferPool = bufferPool ;
this . transportFactorySettings = channelListener ;
public WebSocketTransportDuplexSessionChannel ( HttpChannelFactory < IDuplexSessionChannel > channelFactory , EndpointAddress remoteAddresss , Uri via , ConnectionBufferPool bufferPool )
: base ( channelFactory , channelFactory , EndpointAddress . AnonymousAddress , channelFactory . MessageVersion . Addressing . AnonymousUri , remoteAddresss , via )
Fx . Assert ( channelFactory . WebSocketSettings ! = null , "channelFactory.WebSocketTransportSettings should not be null." ) ;
this . webSocketSettings = channelFactory . WebSocketSettings ;
this . transferMode = channelFactory . TransferMode ;
this . maxBufferSize = channelFactory . MaxBufferSize ;
this . bufferPool = bufferPool ;
this . transportFactorySettings = channelFactory ;
protected WebSocket WebSocket
return this . webSocket ;
Fx . Assert ( value ! = null , "value should not be null." ) ;
Fx . Assert ( this . webSocket = = null , "webSocket should not be set before this set call." ) ;
this . webSocket = value ;
protected WebSocketTransportSettings WebSocketSettings
get { return this . webSocketSettings ; }
protected TransferMode TransferMode
get { return this . transferMode ; }
protected int MaxBufferSize
return this . maxBufferSize ;
protected ITransportFactorySettings TransportFactorySettings
return this . transportFactorySettings ;
protected byte [ ] InternalBuffer
return this . internalBuffer ;
// We allow setting the property to null as long as we don't overwrite an existing non-null 'internalBuffer'. Because otherwise
// we get NullRefs in other places. So if you change/remove the assert below, make sure we still assert for this case.
Fx . Assert ( this . internalBuffer = = null , "internalBuffer should not be set twice." ) ;
this . internalBuffer = value ;
protected bool ShouldDisposeWebSocketAfterClosed
this . shouldDisposeWebSocketAfterClosed = value ;
protected override void OnAbort ( )
if ( TD . WebSocketConnectionAbortedIsEnabled ( ) )
TD . WebSocketConnectionAborted (
this . EventTraceActivity ,
this . WebSocket ! = null ? this . WebSocket . GetHashCode ( ) : - 1 ) ;
this . Cleanup ( ) ;
public override T GetProperty < T > ( )
if ( typeof ( T ) = = typeof ( IWebSocketCloseDetails ) )
return this . webSocketCloseDetails as T ;
return base . GetProperty < T > ( ) ;
protected override void CompleteClose ( TimeSpan timeout )
if ( TD . WebSocketCloseSentIsEnabled ( ) )
TD . WebSocketCloseSent (
this . WebSocket . GetHashCode ( ) ,
this . webSocketCloseDetails . OutputCloseStatus . ToString ( ) ,
this . RemoteAddress ! = null ? this . RemoteAddress . ToString ( ) : string . Empty ) ;
Task closeTask = this . CloseAsync ( ) ;
closeTask . Wait ( timeout , WebSocketHelper . ThrowCorrectException , WebSocketHelper . CloseOperation ) ;
if ( TD . WebSocketConnectionClosedIsEnabled ( ) )
TD . WebSocketConnectionClosed ( this . WebSocket . GetHashCode ( ) ) ;
protected byte [ ] TakeBuffer ( )
Fx . Assert ( this . bufferPool ! = null , "'bufferPool' MUST NOT be NULL." ) ;
return this . bufferPool . Take ( ) ;
protected override void CloseOutputSessionCore ( TimeSpan timeout )
if ( TD . WebSocketCloseOutputSentIsEnabled ( ) )
TD . WebSocketCloseOutputSent (
this . WebSocket . GetHashCode ( ) ,
this . webSocketCloseDetails . OutputCloseStatus . ToString ( ) ,
this . RemoteAddress ! = null ? this . RemoteAddress . ToString ( ) : string . Empty ) ;
Task task = this . CloseOutputAsync ( CancellationToken . None ) ;
task . Wait ( timeout , WebSocketHelper . ThrowCorrectException , WebSocketHelper . CloseOperation ) ;
protected override void OnClose ( TimeSpan timeout )
base . OnClose ( timeout ) ;
this . Cleanup ( ) ;
protected override void ReturnConnectionIfNecessary ( bool abort , TimeSpan timeout )
protected override AsyncCompletionResult StartWritingBufferedMessage ( Message message , ArraySegment < byte > messageData , bool allowOutputBatching , TimeSpan timeout , Threading . WaitCallback callback , object state )
Fx . Assert ( callback ! = null , "callback should not be null." ) ;
TimeoutHelper helper = new TimeoutHelper ( timeout ) ;
WebSocketMessageType outgoingMessageType = GetWebSocketMessageType ( message ) ;
IOThreadCancellationTokenSource cancellationTokenSource = new IOThreadCancellationTokenSource ( helper . RemainingTime ( ) ) ;
if ( TD . WebSocketAsyncWriteStartIsEnabled ( ) )
TD . WebSocketAsyncWriteStart (
this . WebSocket . GetHashCode ( ) ,
messageData . Count ,
this . RemoteAddress ! = null ? this . RemoteAddress . ToString ( ) : string . Empty ) ;
Task task = this . WebSocket . SendAsync ( messageData , outgoingMessageType , true , cancellationTokenSource . Token ) ;
Fx . Assert ( this . pendingWritingMessageException = = null , "'pendingWritingMessageException' MUST be NULL at this point." ) ;
task . ContinueWith ( t = >
if ( TD . WebSocketAsyncWriteStopIsEnabled ( ) )
TD . WebSocketAsyncWriteStop ( this . webSocket . GetHashCode ( ) ) ;
cancellationTokenSource . Dispose ( ) ;
WebSocketHelper . ThrowExceptionOnTaskFailure ( t , timeout , WebSocketHelper . SendOperation ) ;
catch ( Exception error )
// Intentionally not following the usual pattern to rethrow fatal exceptions.
// Any rethrown exception would just be ----ed, because nobody awaits the
// Task returned from ContinueWith in this case.
FxTrace . Exception . TraceHandledException ( error , TraceEventType . Information ) ;
this . pendingWritingMessageException = error ;
callback . Invoke ( state ) ;
} , CancellationToken . None ) ;
return AsyncCompletionResult . Queued ;
protected override void FinishWritingMessage ( )
ThrowOnPendingException ( ref this . pendingWritingMessageException ) ;
base . FinishWritingMessage ( ) ;
protected override AsyncCompletionResult StartWritingStreamedMessage ( Message message , TimeSpan timeout , WaitCallback callback , object state )
TimeoutHelper helper = new TimeoutHelper ( timeout ) ;
WebSocketMessageType outgoingMessageType = GetWebSocketMessageType ( message ) ;
WebSocketStream webSocketStream = new WebSocketStream ( this . WebSocket , outgoingMessageType , helper . RemainingTime ( ) ) ;
this . waitCallback = callback ;
this . state = state ;
this . webSocketStream = webSocketStream ;
IAsyncResult result = this . MessageEncoder . BeginWriteMessage ( message , new TimeoutStream ( webSocketStream , ref helper ) , streamedWriteCallback , this ) ;
if ( ! result . CompletedSynchronously )
return AsyncCompletionResult . Queued ;
this . MessageEncoder . EndWriteMessage ( result ) ;
webSocketStream . WriteEndOfMessageAsync ( helper . RemainingTime ( ) , callback , state ) ;
return AsyncCompletionResult . Queued ;
protected override AsyncCompletionResult BeginCloseOutput ( TimeSpan timeout , Threading . WaitCallback callback , object state )
Fx . Assert ( callback ! = null , "callback should not be null." ) ;
IOThreadCancellationTokenSource cancellationTokenSource = new IOThreadCancellationTokenSource ( timeout ) ;
Task task = this . CloseOutputAsync ( cancellationTokenSource . Token ) ;
Fx . Assert ( this . pendingWritingMessageException = = null , "'pendingWritingMessageException' MUST be NULL at this point." ) ;
task . ContinueWith ( t = >
cancellationTokenSource . Dispose ( ) ;
WebSocketHelper . ThrowExceptionOnTaskFailure ( t , timeout , WebSocketHelper . CloseOperation ) ;
catch ( Exception error )
// Intentionally not following the usual pattern to rethrow fatal exceptions.
// Any rethrown exception would just be ----ed, because nobody awaits the
// Task returned from ContinueWith in this case.
FxTrace . Exception . TraceHandledException ( error , TraceEventType . Information ) ;
this . pendingWritingMessageException = error ;
callback . Invoke ( state ) ;
} ) ;
return AsyncCompletionResult . Queued ;
protected override void OnSendCore ( Message message , TimeSpan timeout )
Fx . Assert ( message ! = null , "message should not be null." ) ;
TimeoutHelper helper = new TimeoutHelper ( timeout ) ;
WebSocketMessageType outgoingMessageType = GetWebSocketMessageType ( message ) ;
if ( this . IsStreamedOutput )
WebSocketStream webSocketStream = new WebSocketStream ( this . WebSocket , outgoingMessageType , helper . RemainingTime ( ) ) ;
TimeoutStream timeoutStream = new TimeoutStream ( webSocketStream , ref helper ) ;
this . MessageEncoder . WriteMessage ( message , timeoutStream ) ;
webSocketStream . WriteEndOfMessage ( helper . RemainingTime ( ) ) ;
ArraySegment < byte > messageData = this . EncodeMessage ( message ) ;
bool success = false ;
if ( TD . WebSocketAsyncWriteStartIsEnabled ( ) )
TD . WebSocketAsyncWriteStart (
this . WebSocket . GetHashCode ( ) ,
messageData . Count ,
this . RemoteAddress ! = null ? this . RemoteAddress . ToString ( ) : string . Empty ) ;
Task task = this . WebSocket . SendAsync ( messageData , outgoingMessageType , true , CancellationToken . None ) ;
task . Wait ( helper . RemainingTime ( ) , WebSocketHelper . ThrowCorrectException , WebSocketHelper . SendOperation ) ;
if ( TD . WebSocketAsyncWriteStopIsEnabled ( ) )
TD . WebSocketAsyncWriteStop ( this . webSocket . GetHashCode ( ) ) ;
success = true ;
this . BufferManager . ReturnBuffer ( messageData . Array ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
if ( Fx . IsFatal ( ex ) | | success )
throw ;
FxTrace . Exception . TraceUnhandledException ( ex ) ;
protected override ArraySegment < byte > EncodeMessage ( Message message )
return MessageEncoder . WriteMessage ( message , int . MaxValue , this . BufferManager , 0 ) ;
protected void Cleanup ( )
if ( Interlocked . CompareExchange ( ref this . cleanupStatus , WebSocketHelper . OperationFinished , WebSocketHelper . OperationNotStarted ) = = WebSocketHelper . OperationNotStarted )
this . OnCleanup ( ) ;
protected virtual void OnCleanup ( )
Fx . Assert ( this . cleanupStatus = = WebSocketHelper . OperationFinished ,
"This method should only be called by this.Cleanup(). Make sure that you never call overriden OnCleanup()-methods directly in subclasses" ) ;
if ( this . shouldDisposeWebSocketAfterClosed & & this . webSocket ! = null )
this . webSocket . Dispose ( ) ;
if ( this . internalBuffer ! = null )
this . bufferPool . Return ( this . internalBuffer ) ;
this . internalBuffer = null ;
private static void ThrowOnPendingException ( ref Exception pendingException )
Exception exceptionToThrow = pendingException ;
if ( exceptionToThrow ! = null )
pendingException = null ;
throw FxTrace . Exception . AsError ( exceptionToThrow ) ;
[System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage(FxCop.Category.ReliabilityBasic, FxCop.Rule.WrapExceptionsRule, Justification = "The exceptions thrown here are already wrapped.")]
private Task CloseAsync ( )
return this . WebSocket . CloseAsync ( this . webSocketCloseDetails . OutputCloseStatus , this . webSocketCloseDetails . OutputCloseStatusDescription , CancellationToken . None ) ;
catch ( Exception e )
if ( Fx . IsFatal ( e ) )
throw ;
throw WebSocketHelper . ConvertAndTraceException ( e ) ;
[System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage(FxCop.Category.ReliabilityBasic, FxCop.Rule.WrapExceptionsRule, Justification = "The exceptions thrown here are already wrapped.")]
private Task CloseOutputAsync ( CancellationToken cancellationToken )
return this . WebSocket . CloseOutputAsync ( this . webSocketCloseDetails . OutputCloseStatus , this . webSocketCloseDetails . OutputCloseStatusDescription , cancellationToken ) ;
catch ( Exception e )
if ( Fx . IsFatal ( e ) )
throw ;
throw WebSocketHelper . ConvertAndTraceException ( e ) ;
static WebSocketMessageType GetWebSocketMessageType ( Message message )
WebSocketMessageType outgoingMessageType = WebSocketDefaults . DefaultWebSocketMessageType ;
WebSocketMessageProperty webSocketMessageProperty ;
if ( message . Properties . TryGetValue < WebSocketMessageProperty > ( WebSocketMessageProperty . Name , out webSocketMessageProperty ) )
outgoingMessageType = webSocketMessageProperty . MessageType ;
return outgoingMessageType ;
static void StreamWriteCallback ( IAsyncResult ar )
if ( ar . CompletedSynchronously )
return ;
WebSocketTransportDuplexSessionChannel thisPtr = ( WebSocketTransportDuplexSessionChannel ) ar . AsyncState ;
thisPtr . MessageEncoder . EndWriteMessage ( ar ) ;
// We are goverend here by the TimeoutStream, no need to pass a CancellationToken here.
thisPtr . webSocketStream . WriteEndOfMessage ( TimeSpan . MaxValue ) ;
thisPtr . waitCallback . Invoke ( thisPtr . state ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
if ( Fx . IsFatal ( ex ) )
throw ;
thisPtr . AddPendingException ( ex ) ;
protected class WebSocketMessageSource : IMessageSource
static readonly Action < object > onAsyncReceiveCancelled = Fx . ThunkCallback < object > ( OnAsyncReceiveCancelled ) ;
MessageEncoder encoder ;
BufferManager bufferManager ;
EndpointAddress localAddress ;
Message pendingMessage ;
Exception pendingException ;
WebSocketContext context ;
WebSocket webSocket ;
bool closureReceived = false ;
bool useStreaming ;
int receiveBufferSize ;
int maxBufferSize ;
long maxReceivedMessageSize ;
TaskCompletionSource < object > streamWaitTask ;
IDefaultCommunicationTimeouts defaultTimeouts ;
RemoteEndpointMessageProperty remoteEndpointMessageProperty ;
SecurityMessageProperty handshakeSecurityMessageProperty ;
WebSocketCloseDetails closeDetails ;
ReadOnlyDictionary < string , object > properties ;
TimeSpan asyncReceiveTimeout ;
TaskCompletionSource < object > receiveTask ;
IOThreadTimer receiveTimer ;
int asyncReceiveState ;
public WebSocketMessageSource ( WebSocketTransportDuplexSessionChannel webSocketTransportDuplexSessionChannel , WebSocket webSocket ,
bool useStreaming , IDefaultCommunicationTimeouts defaultTimeouts )
this . Initialize ( webSocketTransportDuplexSessionChannel , webSocket , useStreaming , defaultTimeouts ) ;
this . StartNextReceiveAsync ( ) ;
public WebSocketMessageSource ( WebSocketTransportDuplexSessionChannel webSocketTransportDuplexSessionChannel , WebSocketContext context ,
bool isStreamed , RemoteEndpointMessageProperty remoteEndpointMessageProperty , IDefaultCommunicationTimeouts defaultTimeouts , HttpRequestMessage requestMessage )
this . Initialize ( webSocketTransportDuplexSessionChannel , context . WebSocket , isStreamed , defaultTimeouts ) ;
IPrincipal user = requestMessage = = null ? null : requestMessage . GetUserPrincipal ( ) ;
this . context = new ServiceWebSocketContext ( context , user ) ;
this . remoteEndpointMessageProperty = remoteEndpointMessageProperty ;
this . properties = requestMessage = = null ? null : new ReadOnlyDictionary < string , object > ( requestMessage . Properties ) ;
this . StartNextReceiveAsync ( ) ;
void Initialize ( WebSocketTransportDuplexSessionChannel webSocketTransportDuplexSessionChannel , WebSocket webSocket , bool useStreaming , IDefaultCommunicationTimeouts defaultTimeouts )
this . webSocket = webSocket ;
this . encoder = webSocketTransportDuplexSessionChannel . MessageEncoder ;
this . bufferManager = webSocketTransportDuplexSessionChannel . BufferManager ;
this . localAddress = webSocketTransportDuplexSessionChannel . LocalAddress ;
this . maxBufferSize = webSocketTransportDuplexSessionChannel . MaxBufferSize ;
this . handshakeSecurityMessageProperty = webSocketTransportDuplexSessionChannel . RemoteSecurity ;
this . maxReceivedMessageSize = webSocketTransportDuplexSessionChannel . TransportFactorySettings . MaxReceivedMessageSize ;
this . receiveBufferSize = Math . Min ( WebSocketHelper . GetReceiveBufferSize ( this . maxReceivedMessageSize ) , this . maxBufferSize ) ;
this . useStreaming = useStreaming ;
this . defaultTimeouts = defaultTimeouts ;
this . closeDetails = webSocketTransportDuplexSessionChannel . webSocketCloseDetails ;
this . receiveTimer = new IOThreadTimer ( onAsyncReceiveCancelled , this , true ) ;
this . asyncReceiveState = AsyncReceiveState . Finished ;
internal RemoteEndpointMessageProperty RemoteEndpointMessageProperty
get { return this . remoteEndpointMessageProperty ; }
static void OnAsyncReceiveCancelled ( object target )
WebSocketMessageSource messageSource = ( WebSocketMessageSource ) target ;
messageSource . AsyncReceiveCancelled ( ) ;
void AsyncReceiveCancelled ( )
if ( Interlocked . CompareExchange ( ref this . asyncReceiveState , AsyncReceiveState . Cancelled , AsyncReceiveState . Started ) = = AsyncReceiveState . Started )
this . receiveTask . SetResult ( null ) ;
public AsyncReceiveResult BeginReceive ( TimeSpan timeout , WaitCallback callback , object state )
Fx . Assert ( callback ! = null , "callback should not be null." ) ;
if ( this . receiveTask . Task . IsCompleted )
return AsyncReceiveResult . Completed ;
this . asyncReceiveTimeout = timeout ;
this . receiveTimer . Set ( timeout ) ;
this . receiveTask . Task . ContinueWith ( t = >
callback . Invoke ( state ) ;
} ) ;
return AsyncReceiveResult . Pending ;
public Message EndReceive ( )
if ( this . asyncReceiveState = = AsyncReceiveState . Cancelled )
throw FxTrace . Exception . AsError ( WebSocketHelper . GetTimeoutException ( null , this . asyncReceiveTimeout , WebSocketHelper . ReceiveOperation ) ) ;
// IOThreadTimer.Cancel() will return false if we called IOThreadTimer.Set(Timespan.MaxValue) here, so we cannot reply on the return value of Cancel()
// call to see if Cancel() is fired or not. CSDMain 262179 filed for this.
this . receiveTimer . Cancel ( ) ;
Fx . Assert ( this . asyncReceiveState = = AsyncReceiveState . Finished , "this.asyncReceiveState is not AsyncReceiveState.Finished: " + this . asyncReceiveState ) ;
Message message = this . GetPendingMessage ( ) ;
if ( message ! = null )
// If we get any exception thrown out before that, the channel will be aborted thus no need to maintain the receive loop here.
this . StartNextReceiveAsync ( ) ;
return message ;
public Message Receive ( TimeSpan timeout )
bool waitingResult = this . receiveTask . Task . Wait ( timeout ) ;
ThrowOnPendingException ( ref this . pendingException ) ;
if ( ! waitingResult )
throw FxTrace . Exception . AsError ( new TimeoutException (
SR . GetString ( SR . WaitForMessageTimedOut , timeout ) ,
ThreadNeutralSemaphore . CreateEnterTimedOutException ( timeout ) ) ) ;
Message message = this . GetPendingMessage ( ) ;
if ( message ! = null )
this . StartNextReceiveAsync ( ) ;
return message ;
public void UpdateOpenNotificationMessageProperties ( MessageProperties messageProperties )
this . AddMessageProperties ( messageProperties , WebSocketDefaults . DefaultWebSocketMessageType ) ;
[ System . Diagnostics . CodeAnalysis . SuppressMessage ( FxCop . Category . ReliabilityBasic , "Reliability103" ,
Justification = "The exceptions are wrapped already." ) ]
async Task ReadBufferedMessageAsync ( )
byte [ ] internalBuffer = null ;
internalBuffer = this . bufferManager . TakeBuffer ( this . receiveBufferSize ) ;
int receivedByteCount = 0 ;
bool endOfMessage = false ;
WebSocketReceiveResult result = null ;
if ( TD . WebSocketAsyncReadStartIsEnabled ( ) )
TD . WebSocketAsyncReadStart ( this . webSocket . GetHashCode ( ) ) ;
Task < WebSocketReceiveResult > receiveTask = this . webSocket . ReceiveAsync (
new ArraySegment < byte > ( internalBuffer , receivedByteCount , internalBuffer . Length - receivedByteCount ) ,
CancellationToken . None ) ;
2016-02-22 11:00:01 -05:00
await receiveTask . ConfigureAwait ( false ) ;
2015-04-07 09:35:12 +01:00
result = receiveTask . Result ;
this . CheckCloseStatus ( result ) ;
endOfMessage = result . EndOfMessage ;
receivedByteCount + = result . Count ;
if ( receivedByteCount > = internalBuffer . Length & & ! result . EndOfMessage )
if ( internalBuffer . Length > = this . maxBufferSize )
this . pendingException = FxTrace . Exception . AsError ( new QuotaExceededException ( SR . GetString ( SR . MaxReceivedMessageSizeExceeded , this . maxBufferSize ) ) ) ;
return ;
int newSize = ( int ) Math . Min ( ( ( double ) internalBuffer . Length ) * 2 , this . maxBufferSize ) ;
Fx . Assert ( newSize > 0 , "buffer size should be larger than zero." ) ;
byte [ ] newBuffer = this . bufferManager . TakeBuffer ( newSize ) ;
Buffer . BlockCopy ( internalBuffer , 0 , newBuffer , 0 , receivedByteCount ) ;
this . bufferManager . ReturnBuffer ( internalBuffer ) ;
internalBuffer = newBuffer ;
if ( TD . WebSocketAsyncReadStopIsEnabled ( ) )
TD . WebSocketAsyncReadStop (
this . webSocket . GetHashCode ( ) ,
receivedByteCount ,
TraceUtility . GetRemoteEndpointAddressPort ( this . RemoteEndpointMessageProperty ) ) ;
catch ( AggregateException ex )
WebSocketHelper . ThrowCorrectException ( ex , TimeSpan . MaxValue , WebSocketHelper . ReceiveOperation ) ;
while ( ! endOfMessage & & ! this . closureReceived ) ;
byte [ ] buffer = null ;
bool success = false ;
buffer = this . bufferManager . TakeBuffer ( receivedByteCount ) ;
Buffer . BlockCopy ( internalBuffer , 0 , buffer , 0 , receivedByteCount ) ;
Fx . Assert ( result ! = null , "Result should not be null" ) ;
this . pendingMessage = this . PrepareMessage ( result , buffer , receivedByteCount ) ;
success = true ;
if ( buffer ! = null & & ( ! success | | this . pendingMessage = = null ) )
this . bufferManager . ReturnBuffer ( buffer ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
if ( Fx . IsFatal ( ex ) )
throw ;
this . pendingException = WebSocketHelper . ConvertAndTraceException ( ex , TimeSpan . MaxValue , WebSocketHelper . ReceiveOperation ) ;
if ( internalBuffer ! = null )
this . bufferManager . ReturnBuffer ( internalBuffer ) ;
[ System . Diagnostics . CodeAnalysis . SuppressMessage ( FxCop . Category . ReliabilityBasic , "Reliability103" ,
Justification = "The exceptions are wrapped already." ) ]
[ System . Diagnostics . CodeAnalysis . SuppressMessage ( FxCop . Category . ReliabilityBasic , "Reliability104" ,
Justification = "The exceptions are traced already." ) ]
public AsyncReceiveResult BeginWaitForMessage ( TimeSpan timeout , Threading . WaitCallback callback , object state )
return this . BeginReceive ( timeout , callback , state ) ;
catch ( TimeoutException ex )
this . pendingException = FxTrace . Exception . AsError ( ex ) ;
return AsyncReceiveResult . Completed ;
public bool EndWaitForMessage ( )
Message message = this . EndReceive ( ) ;
this . pendingMessage = message ;
return true ;
catch ( TimeoutException ex )
if ( TD . ReceiveTimeoutIsEnabled ( ) )
TD . ReceiveTimeout ( ex . Message ) ;
DiagnosticUtility . TraceHandledException ( ex , TraceEventType . Information ) ;
return false ;
public bool WaitForMessage ( TimeSpan timeout )
Message message = this . Receive ( timeout ) ;
this . pendingMessage = message ;
return true ;
catch ( TimeoutException exception )
if ( TD . ReceiveTimeoutIsEnabled ( ) )
TD . ReceiveTimeout ( exception . Message ) ;
DiagnosticUtility . TraceHandledException ( exception , TraceEventType . Information ) ;
return false ;
internal void FinishUsingMessageStream ( Exception ex )
//// The pattern of the task here is:
//// 1) Only one thread can get the stream and consume the stream. A new task will be created at the moment it takes the stream
//// 2) Only one another thread can enter the lock and wait on the task
//// 3) The cleanup on the stream will return the stream to message source. And the cleanup call is limited to be called only once.
if ( ex ! = null & & this . pendingException = = null )
this . pendingException = ex ;
this . streamWaitTask . SetResult ( null ) ;
internal void CheckCloseStatus ( WebSocketReceiveResult result )
if ( result . MessageType = = WebSocketMessageType . Close )
if ( TD . WebSocketCloseStatusReceivedIsEnabled ( ) )
TD . WebSocketCloseStatusReceived (
this . webSocket . GetHashCode ( ) ,
result . CloseStatus . ToString ( ) ) ;
this . closureReceived = true ;
this . closeDetails . InputCloseStatus = result . CloseStatus ;
this . closeDetails . InputCloseStatusDescription = result . CloseStatusDescription ;
async void StartNextReceiveAsync ( )
Fx . Assert ( this . receiveTask = = null | | this . receiveTask . Task . IsCompleted , "this.receiveTask is not completed." ) ;
this . receiveTask = new TaskCompletionSource < object > ( ) ;
int currentState = Interlocked . CompareExchange ( ref this . asyncReceiveState , AsyncReceiveState . Started , AsyncReceiveState . Finished ) ;
Fx . Assert ( currentState = = AsyncReceiveState . Finished , "currentState is not AsyncReceiveState.Finished: " + currentState ) ;
if ( currentState ! = AsyncReceiveState . Finished )
throw FxTrace . Exception . AsError ( new InvalidOperationException ( ) ) ;
if ( this . useStreaming )
if ( this . streamWaitTask ! = null )
//// Wait until the previous stream message finished.
2016-02-22 11:00:01 -05:00
await this . streamWaitTask . Task . ConfigureAwait ( false ) ;
2015-04-07 09:35:12 +01:00
this . streamWaitTask = new TaskCompletionSource < object > ( ) ;
if ( this . pendingException = = null )
if ( ! this . useStreaming )
2016-02-22 11:00:01 -05:00
await this . ReadBufferedMessageAsync ( ) . ConfigureAwait ( false ) ;
2015-04-07 09:35:12 +01:00
byte [ ] buffer = this . bufferManager . TakeBuffer ( this . receiveBufferSize ) ;
bool success = false ;
if ( TD . WebSocketAsyncReadStartIsEnabled ( ) )
TD . WebSocketAsyncReadStart ( this . webSocket . GetHashCode ( ) ) ;
Task < WebSocketReceiveResult > receiveTask = this . webSocket . ReceiveAsync (
new ArraySegment < byte > ( buffer , 0 , this . receiveBufferSize ) ,
CancellationToken . None ) ;
2016-02-22 11:00:01 -05:00
await receiveTask . ConfigureAwait ( false ) ;
2015-04-07 09:35:12 +01:00
WebSocketReceiveResult result = receiveTask . Result ;
this . CheckCloseStatus ( result ) ;
this . pendingMessage = this . PrepareMessage ( result , buffer , result . Count ) ;
if ( TD . WebSocketAsyncReadStopIsEnabled ( ) )
TD . WebSocketAsyncReadStop (
this . webSocket . GetHashCode ( ) ,
result . Count ,
TraceUtility . GetRemoteEndpointAddressPort ( this . remoteEndpointMessageProperty ) ) ;
catch ( AggregateException ex )
WebSocketHelper . ThrowCorrectException ( ex , this . asyncReceiveTimeout , WebSocketHelper . ReceiveOperation ) ;
success = true ;
catch ( Exception ex )
if ( Fx . IsFatal ( ex ) )
throw ;
this . pendingException = WebSocketHelper . ConvertAndTraceException ( ex , this . asyncReceiveTimeout , WebSocketHelper . ReceiveOperation ) ;
if ( ! success )
this . bufferManager . ReturnBuffer ( buffer ) ;
if ( Interlocked . CompareExchange ( ref this . asyncReceiveState , AsyncReceiveState . Finished , AsyncReceiveState . Started ) = = AsyncReceiveState . Started )
this . receiveTask . SetResult ( null ) ;
void AddMessageProperties ( MessageProperties messageProperties , WebSocketMessageType incomingMessageType )
Fx . Assert ( messageProperties ! = null , "messageProperties should not be null." ) ;
WebSocketMessageProperty messageProperty = new WebSocketMessageProperty (
this . context ,
this . webSocket . SubProtocol ,
incomingMessageType ,
this . properties ) ;
messageProperties . Add ( WebSocketMessageProperty . Name , messageProperty ) ;
if ( this . remoteEndpointMessageProperty ! = null )
messageProperties . Add ( RemoteEndpointMessageProperty . Name , this . remoteEndpointMessageProperty ) ;
if ( this . handshakeSecurityMessageProperty ! = null )
messageProperties . Security = ( SecurityMessageProperty ) this . handshakeSecurityMessageProperty . CreateCopy ( ) ;
Message GetPendingMessage ( )
ThrowOnPendingException ( ref this . pendingException ) ;
if ( this . pendingMessage ! = null )
Message pendingMessage = this . pendingMessage ;
this . pendingMessage = null ;
return pendingMessage ;
return null ;
Message PrepareMessage ( WebSocketReceiveResult result , byte [ ] buffer , int count )
if ( result . MessageType ! = WebSocketMessageType . Close )
Message message ;
if ( this . useStreaming )
TimeoutHelper readTimeoutHelper = new TimeoutHelper ( this . defaultTimeouts . ReceiveTimeout ) ;
message = this . encoder . ReadMessage (
new MaxMessageSizeStream (
new TimeoutStream (
new WebSocketStream (
this ,
new ArraySegment < byte > ( buffer , 0 , count ) ,
this . webSocket ,
result . EndOfMessage ,
this . bufferManager ,
this . defaultTimeouts . CloseTimeout ) ,
ref readTimeoutHelper ) ,
this . maxReceivedMessageSize ) ,
this . maxBufferSize ) ;
ArraySegment < byte > bytes = new ArraySegment < byte > ( buffer , 0 , count ) ;
message = this . encoder . ReadMessage ( bytes , this . bufferManager ) ;
if ( message . Version . Addressing ! = AddressingVersion . None | | ! this . localAddress . IsAnonymous )
this . localAddress . ApplyTo ( message ) ;
if ( message . Version . Addressing = = AddressingVersion . None & & message . Headers . Action = = null )
if ( result . MessageType = = WebSocketMessageType . Binary )
message . Headers . Action = WebSocketTransportSettings . BinaryMessageReceivedAction ;
// WebSocketMesssageType should always be binary or text at this moment. The layer below us will help protect this.
Fx . Assert ( result . MessageType = = WebSocketMessageType . Text , "result.MessageType must be WebSocketMessageType.Text." ) ;
message . Headers . Action = WebSocketTransportSettings . TextMessageReceivedAction ;
if ( message ! = null )
this . AddMessageProperties ( message . Properties , result . MessageType ) ;
return message ;
return null ;
static class AsyncReceiveState
internal const int Started = 0 ;
internal const int Finished = 1 ;
internal const int Cancelled = 2 ;
class WebSocketStream : Stream
WebSocket webSocket ;
WebSocketMessageSource messageSource ;
TimeSpan closeTimeout ;
ArraySegment < byte > initialReadBuffer ;
bool endOfMessageReached = false ;
bool isForRead ;
bool endofMessageReceived ;
WebSocketMessageType outgoingMessageType ;
BufferManager bufferManager ;
int messageSourceCleanState ;
int endOfMessageWritten ;
int readTimeout ;
int writeTimeout ;
public WebSocketStream (
WebSocketMessageSource messageSource ,
ArraySegment < byte > initialBuffer ,
WebSocket webSocket ,
bool endofMessageReceived ,
BufferManager bufferManager ,
TimeSpan closeTimeout )
: this ( webSocket , WebSocketDefaults . DefaultWebSocketMessageType , closeTimeout )
Fx . Assert ( messageSource ! = null , "messageSource should not be null." ) ;
this . messageSource = messageSource ;
this . initialReadBuffer = initialBuffer ;
this . isForRead = true ;
this . endofMessageReceived = endofMessageReceived ;
this . bufferManager = bufferManager ;
this . messageSourceCleanState = WebSocketHelper . OperationNotStarted ;
this . endOfMessageWritten = WebSocketHelper . OperationNotStarted ;
public WebSocketStream (
WebSocket webSocket ,
WebSocketMessageType outgoingMessageType ,
TimeSpan closeTimeout )
Fx . Assert ( webSocket ! = null , "webSocket should not be null." ) ;
this . webSocket = webSocket ;
this . isForRead = false ;
this . outgoingMessageType = outgoingMessageType ;
this . messageSourceCleanState = WebSocketHelper . OperationFinished ;
this . closeTimeout = closeTimeout ;
public override bool CanRead
get { return this . isForRead ; }
public override bool CanSeek
get { return false ; }
public override bool CanTimeout
return true ;
public override bool CanWrite
get { return ! this . isForRead ; }
public override long Length
get { throw FxTrace . Exception . AsError ( new NotSupportedException ( SR . GetString ( SR . SeekNotSupported ) ) ) ; }
public override long Position
throw FxTrace . Exception . AsError ( new NotSupportedException ( SR . GetString ( SR . SeekNotSupported ) ) ) ;
throw FxTrace . Exception . AsError ( new NotSupportedException ( SR . GetString ( SR . SeekNotSupported ) ) ) ;
public override int ReadTimeout
return this . readTimeout ;
Fx . Assert ( value > = 0 , "ReadTimeout should not be negative." ) ;
this . readTimeout = value ;
public override int WriteTimeout
return this . writeTimeout ;
Fx . Assert ( value > = 0 , "WriteTimeout should not be negative." ) ;
this . writeTimeout = value ;
public override void Close ( )
TimeoutHelper helper = new TimeoutHelper ( this . closeTimeout ) ;
base . Close ( ) ;
this . Cleanup ( helper . RemainingTime ( ) ) ;
public override void Flush ( )
public override IAsyncResult BeginRead ( byte [ ] buffer , int offset , int count , AsyncCallback callback , object state )
Fx . Assert ( this . messageSource ! = null , "messageSource should not be null in read case." ) ;
if ( this . ReadTimeout < = 0 )
throw FxTrace . Exception . AsError ( WebSocketHelper . GetTimeoutException ( null , TimeoutHelper . FromMilliseconds ( this . ReadTimeout ) , WebSocketHelper . ReceiveOperation ) ) ;
TimeoutHelper helper = new TimeoutHelper ( TimeoutHelper . FromMilliseconds ( this . ReadTimeout ) ) ;
if ( this . endOfMessageReached )
return new CompletedAsyncResult < int > ( 0 , callback , state ) ;
if ( this . initialReadBuffer . Count ! = 0 )
int bytesRead = this . GetBytesFromInitialReadBuffer ( buffer , offset , count ) ;
return new CompletedAsyncResult < int > ( bytesRead , callback , state ) ;
if ( this . endofMessageReceived )
this . endOfMessageReached = true ;
return new CompletedAsyncResult < int > ( 0 , callback , state ) ;
if ( TD . WebSocketAsyncReadStartIsEnabled ( ) )
TD . WebSocketAsyncReadStart ( this . webSocket . GetHashCode ( ) ) ;
IOThreadCancellationTokenSource cancellationTokenSource = new IOThreadCancellationTokenSource ( helper . RemainingTime ( ) ) ;
Task < int > task = this . webSocket . ReceiveAsync ( new ArraySegment < byte > ( buffer , offset , count ) , cancellationTokenSource . Token ) . ContinueWith ( t = >
cancellationTokenSource . Dispose ( ) ;
WebSocketHelper . ThrowExceptionOnTaskFailure ( t , TimeoutHelper . FromMilliseconds ( this . ReadTimeout ) , WebSocketHelper . ReceiveOperation ) ;
this . endOfMessageReached = t . Result . EndOfMessage ;
int receivedBytes = t . Result . Count ;
CheckResultAndEnsureNotCloseMessage ( this . messageSource , t . Result ) ;
if ( this . endOfMessageReached )
this . Cleanup ( helper . RemainingTime ( ) ) ;
if ( TD . WebSocketAsyncReadStopIsEnabled ( ) )
TD . WebSocketAsyncReadStop (
this . webSocket . GetHashCode ( ) ,
receivedBytes ,
this . messageSource ! = null ? TraceUtility . GetRemoteEndpointAddressPort ( this . messageSource . RemoteEndpointMessageProperty ) : string . Empty ) ;
return receivedBytes ;
} , TaskContinuationOptions . None ) ;
return task . AsAsyncResult < int > ( callback , state ) ;
public override int EndRead ( IAsyncResult asyncResult )
Task < int > task = ( Task < int > ) asyncResult ;
WebSocketHelper . ThrowExceptionOnTaskFailure ( ( Task ) task , TimeoutHelper . FromMilliseconds ( this . ReadTimeout ) , WebSocketHelper . ReceiveOperation ) ;
return task . Result ;
[ System . Diagnostics . CodeAnalysis . SuppressMessage ( FxCop . Category . ReliabilityBasic , "Reliability104" ,
Justification = "The exceptions will be traced and thrown by the handling method." ) ]
public override int Read ( byte [ ] buffer , int offset , int count )
Fx . Assert ( this . messageSource ! = null , "messageSource should not be null in read case." ) ;
if ( this . ReadTimeout < = 0 )
throw FxTrace . Exception . AsError ( WebSocketHelper . GetTimeoutException ( null , TimeoutHelper . FromMilliseconds ( this . ReadTimeout ) , WebSocketHelper . ReceiveOperation ) ) ;
TimeoutHelper helper = new TimeoutHelper ( TimeoutHelper . FromMilliseconds ( this . ReadTimeout ) ) ;
if ( this . endOfMessageReached )
return 0 ;
if ( this . initialReadBuffer . Count ! = 0 )
return this . GetBytesFromInitialReadBuffer ( buffer , offset , count ) ;
int receivedBytes = 0 ;
if ( this . endofMessageReceived )
this . endOfMessageReached = true ;
if ( TD . WebSocketAsyncReadStartIsEnabled ( ) )
TD . WebSocketAsyncReadStart ( this . webSocket . GetHashCode ( ) ) ;
Task < WebSocketReceiveResult > task = this . webSocket . ReceiveAsync ( new ArraySegment < byte > ( buffer , offset , count ) , CancellationToken . None ) ;
task . Wait ( helper . RemainingTime ( ) , WebSocketHelper . ThrowCorrectException , WebSocketHelper . ReceiveOperation ) ;
if ( task . Result . EndOfMessage )
this . endofMessageReceived = true ;
this . endOfMessageReached = true ;
receivedBytes = task . Result . Count ;
CheckResultAndEnsureNotCloseMessage ( this . messageSource , task . Result ) ;
if ( TD . WebSocketAsyncReadStopIsEnabled ( ) )
TD . WebSocketAsyncReadStop (
this . webSocket . GetHashCode ( ) ,
receivedBytes ,
this . messageSource ! = null ? TraceUtility . GetRemoteEndpointAddressPort ( this . messageSource . RemoteEndpointMessageProperty ) : string . Empty ) ;
if ( this . endOfMessageReached )
this . Cleanup ( helper . RemainingTime ( ) ) ;
return receivedBytes ;
public override long Seek ( long offset , SeekOrigin origin )
throw FxTrace . Exception . AsError ( new NotSupportedException ( ) ) ;
public override void SetLength ( long value )
throw FxTrace . Exception . AsError ( new NotSupportedException ( ) ) ;
public override void Write ( byte [ ] buffer , int offset , int count )
if ( this . endOfMessageWritten = = WebSocketHelper . OperationFinished )
throw FxTrace . Exception . AsError ( new InvalidOperationException ( SR . GetString ( SR . WebSocketStreamWriteCalledAfterEOMSent ) ) ) ;
if ( this . WriteTimeout < = 0 )
throw FxTrace . Exception . AsError ( WebSocketHelper . GetTimeoutException ( null , TimeoutHelper . FromMilliseconds ( this . WriteTimeout ) , WebSocketHelper . SendOperation ) ) ;
if ( TD . WebSocketAsyncWriteStartIsEnabled ( ) )
TD . WebSocketAsyncWriteStart (
this . webSocket . GetHashCode ( ) ,
count ,
this . messageSource ! = null ? TraceUtility . GetRemoteEndpointAddressPort ( this . messageSource . RemoteEndpointMessageProperty ) : string . Empty ) ;
Task task = this . webSocket . SendAsync ( new ArraySegment < byte > ( buffer , offset , count ) , this . outgoingMessageType , false , CancellationToken . None ) ;
task . Wait ( TimeoutHelper . FromMilliseconds ( this . WriteTimeout ) , WebSocketHelper . ThrowCorrectException , WebSocketHelper . SendOperation ) ;
if ( TD . WebSocketAsyncWriteStopIsEnabled ( ) )
TD . WebSocketAsyncWriteStop ( this . webSocket . GetHashCode ( ) ) ;
public override IAsyncResult BeginWrite ( byte [ ] buffer , int offset , int count , AsyncCallback callback , object state )
if ( this . endOfMessageWritten = = WebSocketHelper . OperationFinished )
throw FxTrace . Exception . AsError ( new InvalidOperationException ( SR . GetString ( SR . WebSocketStreamWriteCalledAfterEOMSent ) ) ) ;
if ( this . WriteTimeout < = 0 )
throw FxTrace . Exception . AsError ( WebSocketHelper . GetTimeoutException ( null , TimeoutHelper . FromMilliseconds ( this . WriteTimeout ) , WebSocketHelper . SendOperation ) ) ;
if ( TD . WebSocketAsyncWriteStartIsEnabled ( ) )
TD . WebSocketAsyncWriteStart (
this . webSocket . GetHashCode ( ) ,
count ,
this . messageSource ! = null ? TraceUtility . GetRemoteEndpointAddressPort ( this . messageSource . RemoteEndpointMessageProperty ) : string . Empty ) ;
IOThreadCancellationTokenSource cancellationTokenSource = new IOThreadCancellationTokenSource ( this . WriteTimeout ) ;
Task task = this . webSocket . SendAsync ( new ArraySegment < byte > ( buffer , offset , count ) , this . outgoingMessageType , false , cancellationTokenSource . Token ) . ContinueWith ( t = >
if ( TD . WebSocketAsyncWriteStopIsEnabled ( ) )
TD . WebSocketAsyncWriteStop ( this . webSocket . GetHashCode ( ) ) ;
cancellationTokenSource . Dispose ( ) ;
WebSocketHelper . ThrowExceptionOnTaskFailure ( t , TimeoutHelper . FromMilliseconds ( this . WriteTimeout ) , WebSocketHelper . SendOperation ) ;
} ) ;
return task . AsAsyncResult ( callback , state ) ;
public override void EndWrite ( IAsyncResult asyncResult )
Task task = ( Task ) asyncResult ;
WebSocketHelper . ThrowExceptionOnTaskFailure ( task , TimeoutHelper . FromMilliseconds ( this . WriteTimeout ) , WebSocketHelper . SendOperation ) ;
public void WriteEndOfMessage ( TimeSpan timeout )
if ( TD . WebSocketAsyncWriteStartIsEnabled ( ) )
TD . WebSocketAsyncWriteStart (
this . webSocket . GetHashCode ( ) ,
0 ,
this . messageSource ! = null ? TraceUtility . GetRemoteEndpointAddressPort ( this . messageSource . RemoteEndpointMessageProperty ) : string . Empty ) ;
if ( Interlocked . CompareExchange ( ref this . endOfMessageWritten , WebSocketHelper . OperationFinished , WebSocketHelper . OperationNotStarted ) = = WebSocketHelper . OperationNotStarted )
Task task = this . webSocket . SendAsync ( new ArraySegment < byte > ( EmptyArray < byte > . Instance , 0 , 0 ) , this . outgoingMessageType , true , CancellationToken . None ) ;
task . Wait ( timeout , WebSocketHelper . ThrowCorrectException , WebSocketHelper . SendOperation ) ;
if ( TD . WebSocketAsyncWriteStopIsEnabled ( ) )
TD . WebSocketAsyncWriteStop ( this . webSocket . GetHashCode ( ) ) ;
public async void WriteEndOfMessageAsync ( TimeSpan timeout , WaitCallback callback , object state )
if ( TD . WebSocketAsyncWriteStartIsEnabled ( ) )
TD . WebSocketAsyncWriteStart (
this . webSocket . GetHashCode ( ) ,
0 ,
this . messageSource ! = null ? TraceUtility . GetRemoteEndpointAddressPort ( this . messageSource . RemoteEndpointMessageProperty ) : string . Empty ) ;
using ( IOThreadCancellationTokenSource cancellationTokenSource = new IOThreadCancellationTokenSource ( timeout ) )
Task task = this . webSocket . SendAsync ( new ArraySegment < byte > ( EmptyArray < byte > . Instance , 0 , 0 ) , this . outgoingMessageType , true , cancellationTokenSource . Token ) ;
// The callback here will only be TransportDuplexSessionChannel.OnWriteComplete. It's safe to call this callback without flowing
// security context here since there's no user code involved.
await task . SuppressContextFlow ( ) ;
if ( TD . WebSocketAsyncWriteStopIsEnabled ( ) )
TD . WebSocketAsyncWriteStop ( this . webSocket . GetHashCode ( ) ) ;
catch ( AggregateException ex )
WebSocketHelper . ThrowCorrectException ( ex , TimeoutHelper . FromMilliseconds ( this . WriteTimeout ) , WebSocketHelper . SendOperation ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
if ( Fx . IsFatal ( ex ) )
throw ;
WebSocketHelper . ThrowCorrectException ( ex ) ;
callback . Invoke ( state ) ;
static void CheckResultAndEnsureNotCloseMessage ( WebSocketMessageSource messageSource , WebSocketReceiveResult result )
messageSource . CheckCloseStatus ( result ) ;
if ( result . MessageType = = WebSocketMessageType . Close )
throw FxTrace . Exception . AsError ( new ProtocolException ( SR . GetString ( SR . WebSocketUnexpectedCloseMessageError ) ) ) ;
int GetBytesFromInitialReadBuffer ( byte [ ] buffer , int offset , int count )
int bytesToCopy = this . initialReadBuffer . Count > count ? count : this . initialReadBuffer . Count ;
Buffer . BlockCopy ( this . initialReadBuffer . Array , this . initialReadBuffer . Offset , buffer , offset , bytesToCopy ) ;
this . initialReadBuffer = new ArraySegment < byte > ( this . initialReadBuffer . Array , this . initialReadBuffer . Offset + bytesToCopy , this . initialReadBuffer . Count - bytesToCopy ) ;
return bytesToCopy ;
void Cleanup ( TimeSpan timeout )
if ( this . isForRead )
if ( Interlocked . CompareExchange ( ref this . messageSourceCleanState , WebSocketHelper . OperationFinished , WebSocketHelper . OperationNotStarted ) = = WebSocketHelper . OperationNotStarted )
Exception pendingException = null ;
if ( ! this . endofMessageReceived & & ( this . webSocket . State = = WebSocketState . Open | | this . webSocket . State = = WebSocketState . CloseSent ) )
// Drain the reading stream
TimeoutHelper helper = new TimeoutHelper ( timeout ) ;
Task < WebSocketReceiveResult > receiveTask = this . webSocket . ReceiveAsync ( new ArraySegment < byte > ( this . initialReadBuffer . Array ) , CancellationToken . None ) ;
receiveTask . Wait ( helper . RemainingTime ( ) , WebSocketHelper . ThrowCorrectException , WebSocketHelper . ReceiveOperation ) ;
this . endofMessageReceived = receiveTask . Result . EndOfMessage ;
while ( ! this . endofMessageReceived & & ( this . webSocket . State = = WebSocketState . Open | | this . webSocket . State = = WebSocketState . CloseSent ) ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
if ( Fx . IsFatal ( ex ) )
throw ;
// Not throwing out this exception during stream cleanup. The exception
// will be thrown out when we are trying to receive the next message using the same
// WebSocket object.
pendingException = WebSocketHelper . ConvertAndTraceException ( ex , timeout , WebSocketHelper . CloseOperation ) ;
this . bufferManager . ReturnBuffer ( this . initialReadBuffer . Array ) ;
Fx . Assert ( this . messageSource ! = null , "messageSource should not be null." ) ;
this . messageSource . FinishUsingMessageStream ( pendingException ) ;
if ( Interlocked . CompareExchange ( ref this . endOfMessageWritten , WebSocketHelper . OperationFinished , WebSocketHelper . OperationNotStarted ) = = WebSocketHelper . OperationNotStarted )
this . WriteEndOfMessage ( timeout ) ;
class WebSocketCloseDetails : IWebSocketCloseDetails
WebSocketCloseStatus outputCloseStatus = WebSocketCloseStatus . NormalClosure ;
string outputCloseStatusDescription ;
WebSocketCloseStatus ? inputCloseStatus ;
string inputCloseStatusDescription ;
public WebSocketCloseStatus ? InputCloseStatus
return this . inputCloseStatus ;
internal set
this . inputCloseStatus = value ;
public string InputCloseStatusDescription
return this . inputCloseStatusDescription ;
internal set
this . inputCloseStatusDescription = value ;
internal WebSocketCloseStatus OutputCloseStatus
return this . outputCloseStatus ;
internal string OutputCloseStatusDescription
return this . outputCloseStatusDescription ;
public void SetOutputCloseStatus ( WebSocketCloseStatus closeStatus , string closeStatusDescription )
this . outputCloseStatus = closeStatus ;
this . outputCloseStatusDescription = closeStatusDescription ;