2015-04-07 09:35:12 +01:00
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
namespace System.Activities.Debugger
using System ;
using System.Collections.Generic ;
using System.Diagnostics ;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis ;
using System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore ;
using System.Globalization ;
using System.Reflection ;
using System.Reflection.Emit ;
using System.Runtime ;
using System.Security ;
using System.Security.Permissions ;
using System.Activities.Debugger.Symbol ;
// Manager for supporting debugging a state machine.
// The general usage is to call:
// - DefineState() for each state
// - Bake() once you've defined all the states you need to enter.
// - EnterState() / LeaveState() for each state.
// You can Define new states and bake them, such as if the script loads a new file.
// Baking is expensive, so it's best to define as many states in each batch.
// This class need not serialized.
public sealed class StateManager : IDisposable
static readonly Guid WorkflowLanguageGuid = new Guid ( "1F1149BB-9732-4EB8-9ED4-FA738768919C" ) ;
static readonly LocalsItemDescription [ ] debugInfoDescriptions = new LocalsItemDescription [ ] {
new LocalsItemDescription ( "debugInfo" , typeof ( DebugInfo ) )
} ;
static Type threadWorkerControllerType = typeof ( ThreadWorkerController ) ;
static MethodInfo islandWorkerMethodInfo = threadWorkerControllerType . GetMethod ( "IslandWorker" , BindingFlags . Static | BindingFlags . Public ) ;
const string Md5Identifier = "406ea660-64cf-4c82-b6f0-42d48172a799" ;
internal const string MethodWithPrimingPrefix = "_" ;
List < LogicalThread > threads ;
DynamicModuleManager dynamicModuleManager ;
// Don't expose this, because that would expose the setters. Changing the properties
// after baking types has undefined semantics and would be confusing to the user.
Properties properties ;
bool debugStartedAtRoot ;
// Simple default constructor.
internal StateManager ( )
: this ( new Properties ( ) , true , null )
// Constructor.
// Properties must be set at creation time.
internal StateManager ( Properties properties , bool debugStartedAtRoot , DynamicModuleManager dynamicModuleManager )
this . properties = properties ;
this . debugStartedAtRoot = debugStartedAtRoot ;
this . threads = new List < LogicalThread > ( ) ;
if ( dynamicModuleManager = = null )
dynamicModuleManager = new DynamicModuleManager ( this . properties . ModuleNamePrefix ) ;
this . dynamicModuleManager = dynamicModuleManager ;
internal Properties ManagerProperties
get { return this . properties ; }
internal bool IsPriming
get ;
set ;
// Whether debugging is started at the root workflow (contrast to attaching in the middle
// of a running workflow.
internal bool DebugStartedAtRoot
return this . debugStartedAtRoot ;
// Declare a new state associated with the given source location.
// States should have disjoint source locations.
// location is Source location associated with this state.
// This returns a state object, which can be passed to EnterState.
internal State DefineState ( SourceLocation location )
return DefineState ( location , string . Empty , null , 0 ) ;
internal State DefineState ( SourceLocation location , string name )
return DefineState ( location , name , null , 0 ) ;
internal State DefineState ( SourceLocation location , string name , LocalsItemDescription [ ] earlyLocals , int numberOfEarlyLocals )
return this . dynamicModuleManager . DefineState ( location , name , earlyLocals , numberOfEarlyLocals ) ;
internal State DefineStateWithDebugInfo ( SourceLocation location , string name )
return DefineState ( location , name , debugInfoDescriptions , debugInfoDescriptions . Length ) ;
// Bake all states using the default type namespace.
// States must be baked before calling EnterState().
internal void Bake ( )
Bake ( this . properties . TypeNamePrefix , null ) ;
// Bake all newly defined states. States must be baked before calling EnterState().
// typeName is the type name that the islands are contained in. This
// may show up on the callstack. If this is not unique, it will be appended with a unique
// identifier.
internal void Bake ( string typeName , Dictionary < string , byte [ ] > checksumCache )
this . dynamicModuleManager . Bake ( typeName , this . properties . TypeNamePrefix , checksumCache ) ;
internal int CreateLogicalThread ( string threadName )
int threadId = - 1 ;
// Reuse thread if exists
// Start from 1 since main thread never disposed earlier.
for ( int i = 1 ; i < this . threads . Count ; + + i )
if ( this . threads [ i ] = = null )
this . threads [ i ] = new LogicalThread ( i , threadName , this ) ;
threadId = i ;
break ;
// If can't reuse old thread.
if ( threadId < 0 )
threadId = this . threads . Count ;
this . threads . Add ( new LogicalThread ( threadId , threadName , this ) ) ;
return threadId ;
// Push the state onto the virtual callstack, with no locals.
// State is the state to push onto stack.
//internal void EnterState(int threadIndex, State state)
// this.EnterState(threadIndex, state, null);
// Enter a state and push it onto the 'virtual callstack'.
// If the user set a a breakpoint at the source location associated with
// this state, this call will hit that breakpoint.
// Call LeaveState when the interpretter is finished with this state.
// State is state to enter.
// "locals" is local variables (both early-bound and late-bound) associated with this state.
// Early-bound locals match by name with the set passed into DefineState.
// Late-bound will be displayed read-only to the user in the watch window.</param>
// EnterState can be called reentrantly. If code calls Enter(A); Enter(B); Enter(C);
// Then on the call to Enter(C), the virtual callstack will be A-->B-->C.
// Each call to Enter() will rebuild the virtual callstack.
internal void EnterState ( int threadIndex , State state , IDictionary < string , object > locals )
this . EnterState ( threadIndex , new VirtualStackFrame ( state , locals ) ) ;
// Enter a state and push it onto the 'virtual callstack'.
// Stackframe describing state to enter, along with the
// locals in that state.
internal void EnterState ( int threadIndex , VirtualStackFrame stackFrame )
Fx . Assert ( threadIndex < this . threads . Count , "Index out of range for thread" ) ;
Fx . Assert ( this . threads [ threadIndex ] ! = null , "LogicalThread is null" ) ;
this . threads [ threadIndex ] . EnterState ( stackFrame ) ;
// Pop the state most recently pushed by EnterState.
internal void LeaveState ( int threadIndex , State state )
Fx . Assert ( threadIndex < this . threads . Count , "Index out of range for thread" ) ;
Fx . Assert ( this . threads [ threadIndex ] ! = null , "LogicalThread is null" ) ;
this . threads [ threadIndex ] . LeaveState ( state ) ;
// Common helper to invoke an Stack frame.
// This handles marshaling the args.
// islandArguments - arbitrary argument passed ot the islands.
// [DebuggerHidden]
internal void InvokeWorker ( object islandArguments , VirtualStackFrame stackFrame )
State state = stackFrame . State ;
if ( ! state . DebuggingEnabled )
// We need to short circuit and call IslandWorker because that is what the generated code
// would have done, if we had generated it. This causes the thread to finish up.
ThreadWorkerController . IslandWorker ( ( ThreadWorkerController ) islandArguments ) ;
return ;
MethodInfo methodInfo = this . dynamicModuleManager . GetIsland ( state , this . IsPriming ) ;
IDictionary < string , object > allLocals = stackFrame . Locals ;
// Package up the raw arguments array.
const int numberOfBaseArguments = 2 ;
int numberOfEarlyLocals = state . NumberOfEarlyLocals ;
object [ ] arguments = new object [ numberOfBaseArguments + numberOfEarlyLocals ] ; // +1 for IslandArguments and +1 for IsPriming
arguments [ 0 ] = this . IsPriming ;
arguments [ 1 ] = islandArguments ;
if ( numberOfEarlyLocals > 0 )
int i = numberOfBaseArguments ;
foreach ( LocalsItemDescription localsItemDescription in state . EarlyLocals )
string name = localsItemDescription . Name ;
object value ;
if ( allLocals . TryGetValue ( name , out value ) )
// We could assert that val.GetType() is assignable to localsItemDescription.Type.
// MethodInfo invoke will check this anyways; but we could check
// it and give a better error.
// Local not supplied in the array! Use a default.
value = Activator . CreateInstance ( localsItemDescription . Type ) ;
arguments [ i ] = value ;
i + + ;
methodInfo . Invoke ( null , arguments ) ;
// Release any unmanaged resources.
// This may not necessarily unload islands or dynamic modules that were created until the calling appdomain has exited.
public void Dispose ( )
ExitThreads ( ) ;
internal void ExitThreads ( )
foreach ( LogicalThread logicalThread in this . threads )
if ( logicalThread ! = null )
logicalThread . Exit ( ) ;
this . threads . Clear ( ) ;
// Release any unmanaged resources.
// This may not necessarily unload islands or dynamic modules that were created until the calling appdomain has exited.
public void Exit ( int threadIndex )
Fx . Assert ( threadIndex > = 0 , "Invalid thread index" ) ;
Fx . Assert ( this . threads [ threadIndex ] ! = null , "Cannot dispose null LogicalThread" ) ;
LogicalThread thread = this . threads [ threadIndex ] ;
thread . Exit ( ) ;
// Null the entry on the List for future reuse.
this . threads [ threadIndex ] = null ;
// Property bag for Manager. These provide customization hooks.
// All properties have valid default values.
internal class Properties
public Properties ( ) :
this ( "Locals" , "Script" , "States" , "WorkflowDebuggerThread" , true )
public Properties ( string defaultLocalsName , string moduleNamePrefix , string typeNamePrefix , string auxiliaryThreadName , bool breakOnStartup )
this . DefaultLocalsName = defaultLocalsName ;
this . ModuleNamePrefix = moduleNamePrefix ;
this . TypeNamePrefix = typeNamePrefix ;
this . AuxiliaryThreadName = auxiliaryThreadName ;
this . BreakOnStartup = breakOnStartup ;
public string DefaultLocalsName
get ;
set ;
// The name of the dynamic module (not including extension) that the states are emitted to.
// This may show up on the callstack.
// This is a prefix because there may be multiple modules for the islands.
public string ModuleNamePrefix
get ;
set ;
// Typename that states are created in.
// This is a prefix because there may be multiple Types for the islands
// (such as if islands are created lazily).
public string TypeNamePrefix
get ;
set ;
// If UseAuxiliaryThread is true, sets the friendly name of that thread as visible
// in the debugger's window.
public string AuxiliaryThreadName
get ;
set ;
// If true, the VM issues a Debugger.Break() before entering the first state.
// This can be useful for an F11 experience on startup to stop at the first state.
// If this is false, then the interpreter will run until it hits a breakpoint or some
// other stopping event.
public bool BreakOnStartup
get ;
set ;
class LogicalThread
int threadId ;
Stack < VirtualStackFrame > callStack ;
ThreadWorkerController controller ;
public LogicalThread ( int threadId , string threadName , StateManager stateManager )
this . threadId = threadId ;
this . callStack = new Stack < VirtualStackFrame > ( ) ;
this . controller = new ThreadWorkerController ( ) ;
this . controller . Initialize ( threadName + "." + threadId . ToString ( CultureInfo . InvariantCulture ) , stateManager ) ;
// Unwind call stack cleanly.
void UnwindCallStack ( )
while ( this . callStack . Count > 0 )
{ // LeaveState will do the popping.
this . LeaveState ( this . callStack . Peek ( ) . State ) ;
public void Exit ( )
this . UnwindCallStack ( ) ;
this . controller . Exit ( ) ;
// Enter a state and push it onto the 'virtual callstack'.
// Stackframe describing state to enter, along with the
// locals in that state.
public void EnterState ( VirtualStackFrame stackFrame )
if ( stackFrame ! = null & & stackFrame . State ! = null )
this . callStack . Push ( stackFrame ) ;
this . controller . EnterState ( stackFrame ) ;
{ // signify "Uninstrumented call"
this . callStack . Push ( null ) ;
// Pop the state most recently pushed by EnterState.
[SuppressMessage(FxCop.Category.Usage, FxCop.Rule.ReviewUnusedParameters, Justification = "Revisit for bug 36860")]
public void LeaveState ( State state )
if ( this . callStack . Count > 0 )
VirtualStackFrame stackFrame = this . callStack . Pop ( ) ;
Fx . Assert (
( state = = null & & stackFrame = = null ) | |
( stackFrame ! = null & & stackFrame . State = = state ) ,
"Unmatched LeaveState: " +
( ( state = = null ) ? "null" : state . Name ) +
" with top stack frame: " +
( ( stackFrame = = null | | stackFrame . State = = null ) ? "null" : stackFrame . State . Name ) ) ;
if ( stackFrame ! = null ) // Matches with an uninstrumented Activity.
this . controller . LeaveState ( ) ;
Fx . Assert ( "Unmatched LeaveState: " + ( ( state ! = null ) ? state . Name : "null" ) ) ;
internal class DynamicModuleManager
// List of all state that have been created with DefineState.
List < State > states ;
Dictionary < SourceLocation , State > stateMap = new Dictionary < SourceLocation , State > ( ) ;
// Index into states array of the last set of states baked.
// So Bake() will build islands for each state
// { states[x], where indexLastBaked <= x < states.Length; }
int indexLastBaked ;
// Mapping from State --> MethodInfo for that state.
// This gets populated as states get baked
[Fx.Tag.SecurityNote(Critical = "Used in generating the dynamic assembly.")]
Dictionary < State , MethodInfo > islands ;
[Fx.Tag.SecurityNote(Critical = "Used in generating the dynamic assembly.")]
Dictionary < State , MethodInfo > islandsWithPriming ;
[Fx.Tag.SecurityNote(Critical = "Used in generating the dynamic assembly.")]
ModuleBuilder dynamicModule ;
[Fx.Tag.SecurityNote(Critical = "Used in generating the dynamic assembly.")]
Dictionary < string , ISymbolDocumentWriter > sourceDocuments ;
[ Fx . Tag . SecurityNote ( Critical = "Accesses Critical members and calling Critical method InitDynamicModule." ,
Safe = "We are only creating empty dictionaries, not populating them. And we are validating the provided moduleNamePrefix in partial trust." ) ]
public DynamicModuleManager ( string moduleNamePrefix )
this . states = new List < State > ( ) ;
this . islands = new Dictionary < State , MethodInfo > ( ) ;
this . islandsWithPriming = new Dictionary < State , MethodInfo > ( ) ;
this . sourceDocuments = new Dictionary < string , ISymbolDocumentWriter > ( ) ;
if ( ! PartialTrustHelpers . AppDomainFullyTrusted )
moduleNamePrefix = State . ValidateIdentifierString ( moduleNamePrefix ) ;
InitDynamicModule ( moduleNamePrefix ) ;
public State DefineState ( SourceLocation location , string name , LocalsItemDescription [ ] earlyLocals , int numberOfEarlyLocals )
State state ;
lock ( this )
if ( ! this . stateMap . TryGetValue ( location , out state ) )
lock ( this )
state = new State ( location , name , earlyLocals , numberOfEarlyLocals ) ;
this . stateMap . Add ( location , state ) ;
this . states . Add ( state ) ;
return state ;
// Bake all newly defined states. States must be baked before calling EnterState().
// typeName is the type name that the islands are contained in. This
// may show up on the callstack. If this is not unique, it will be appended with a unique
// identifier.
[ Fx . Tag . SecurityNote ( Critical = "Accesses Critical members and invoking Critical methods." ,
Safe = "We validating the input strings - typeName and typeNamePrefix - and the checksum values in the checksumCache." ) ]
public void Bake ( string typeName , string typeNamePrefix , Dictionary < string , byte [ ] > checksumCache )
// In partial trust, validate the typeName and typeNamePrefix.
if ( ! PartialTrustHelpers . AppDomainFullyTrusted )
typeName = State . ValidateIdentifierString ( typeName ) ;
typeNamePrefix = State . ValidateIdentifierString ( typeNamePrefix ) ;
if ( checksumCache ! = null )
bool nullifyChecksumCache = false ;
foreach ( KeyValuePair < string , byte [ ] > kvpair in checksumCache )
// We use an MD5 hash for the checksum, so the byte array should be 16 elements long.
if ( ! SymbolHelper . ValidateChecksum ( kvpair . Value ) )
nullifyChecksumCache = true ;
Trace . WriteLine ( SR . DebugSymbolChecksumValueInvalid ) ;
break ;
// If we found an invalid checksum, just don't use the cache.
if ( nullifyChecksumCache )
checksumCache = null ;
lock ( this )
if ( this . indexLastBaked < this . states . Count ) // there are newly created states.
// Ensure typename is unique. Append a number if needed.
int suffix = 1 ;
while ( this . dynamicModule . GetType ( typeName ) ! = null )
typeName = typeNamePrefix + "_" + suffix . ToString ( CultureInfo . InvariantCulture ) ;
+ + suffix ;
TypeBuilder typeBuilder = this . dynamicModule . DefineType ( typeName , TypeAttributes . Public | TypeAttributes . Class ) ;
for ( int i = indexLastBaked ; i < this . states . Count ; i + + )
// Only create the island if debugging is enabled for the state.
if ( this . states [ i ] . DebuggingEnabled )
MethodBuilder methodBuilder = this . CreateIsland ( typeBuilder , this . states [ i ] , false , checksumCache ) ;
Fx . Assert ( methodBuilder ! = null , "CreateIsland call should have succeeded" ) ;
// Always generate method with priming, for the following scenario:
// 1. Start debugging a workflow inside VS, workflow debug session 1 starts (debugStartedAtRoot = true, instrumentation is done)
// 2. Workflow persisted, workflow debug session 1 ends
// 3. Workflow continued, workflow debug session 2 starts (debugStartedAtRoot = false, instrumentation is skipped because the static dynamicModuleManager is being reused and the instrumentation is done)
// 4. PrimeCallStack is called to rebuild the call stack
// 5. NullReferenceException will be thrown if MethodInfo with prime is not available
MethodBuilder methodBuilderWithPriming = this . CreateIsland ( typeBuilder , this . states [ i ] , true , checksumCache ) ;
Fx . Assert ( methodBuilderWithPriming ! = null , "CreateIsland call should have succeeded" ) ;
// Save information needed to call Type.GetMethod() later.
this . states [ i ] . CacheMethodInfo ( typeBuilder , methodBuilder . Name ) ;
// Actual baking.
typeBuilder . CreateType ( ) ;
// Calling Type.GetMethod() is slow (10,000 calls can take ~1 minute).
// So defer that to later.
this . indexLastBaked = this . states . Count ;
[Fx.Tag.SecurityNote(Critical = "Used in generating the dynamic module.")]
internal MethodBuilder CreateMethodBuilder ( TypeBuilder typeBuilder , Type typeIslandArguments , State state , bool withPriming )
// create the method
string methodName = ( state . Name ! = null ? state . Name : ( "Line_" + state . Location . StartLine ) ) ;
if ( withPriming )
methodName = MethodWithPrimingPrefix + methodName ;
// Parameters to the islands:
// 1. Args
// 2. IDict of late-bound locals.
// 3 ... N. list of early bound locals.
const int numberOfBaseArguments = 2 ;
IEnumerable < LocalsItemDescription > earlyLocals = state . EarlyLocals ;
int numberOfEarlyLocals = state . NumberOfEarlyLocals ;
Type [ ] parameterTypes = new Type [ numberOfBaseArguments + numberOfEarlyLocals ] ;
parameterTypes [ 0 ] = typeof ( bool ) ;
parameterTypes [ 1 ] = typeIslandArguments ;
if ( numberOfEarlyLocals > 0 )
int i = numberOfBaseArguments ;
foreach ( LocalsItemDescription localsItemDescription in earlyLocals )
parameterTypes [ i ] = localsItemDescription . Type ;
i + + ;
Type returnType = typeof ( void ) ;
MethodBuilder methodbuilder = typeBuilder . DefineMethod (
methodName ,
MethodAttributes . Static | MethodAttributes . Public ,
returnType , parameterTypes ) ;
// Need to define parameter here, otherwise EE cannot get the correct IDebugContainerField
// for debugInfo.
methodbuilder . DefineParameter ( 1 , ParameterAttributes . None , "isPriming" ) ;
methodbuilder . DefineParameter ( 2 , ParameterAttributes . None , "typeIslandArguments" ) ;
// Define the parameter names
// Note that we can hide implementation-specific arguments from VS by not defining parameter
// info for them. Eg., the StepInTarget argument doesn't appear to show up in VS at all.
if ( numberOfEarlyLocals > 0 )
int i = numberOfBaseArguments + 1 ;
foreach ( LocalsItemDescription localsItemDescription in earlyLocals )
methodbuilder . DefineParameter ( i , ParameterAttributes . None , localsItemDescription . Name ) ;
i + + ;
return methodbuilder ;
[Fx.Tag.InheritThrows(From = "GetILGenerator", FromDeclaringType = typeof(MethodBuilder))]
[Fx.Tag.SecurityNote(Critical = "Used in generating the dynamic module.")]
MethodBuilder CreateIsland ( TypeBuilder typeBuilder , State state , bool withPrimingTest , Dictionary < string , byte [ ] > checksumCache )
MethodBuilder methodbuilder = this . CreateMethodBuilder ( typeBuilder , threadWorkerControllerType , state , withPrimingTest ) ;
ILGenerator ilGenerator = methodbuilder . GetILGenerator ( ) ;
const int lineHidden = 0xFeeFee ; // #line hidden directive
// Island:
// void MethodName(Manager m)
// {
// .line
// nop
// call Worker(m)
// ret;
// }
SourceLocation stateLocation = state . Location ;
ISymbolDocumentWriter document = this . GetSourceDocument ( stateLocation . FileName , stateLocation . Checksum , checksumCache ) ;
Label islandWorkerLabel = ilGenerator . DefineLabel ( ) ;
// Hide all the opcodes before the real source line.
// This is needed for Island which is called during priming (Attach to Process):
// It should skip the line directive during priming, thus it won't break at user's
// breakpoints at the beginning during priming the callstack.
if ( withPrimingTest )
ilGenerator . MarkSequencePoint ( document , lineHidden , 1 , lineHidden , 100 ) ;
ilGenerator . Emit ( OpCodes . Ldarg_0 ) ;
ilGenerator . Emit ( OpCodes . Brtrue , islandWorkerLabel ) ;
// Emit sequence point before the IL instructions to map it to a source location.
ilGenerator . MarkSequencePoint ( document , stateLocation . StartLine , stateLocation . StartColumn , stateLocation . EndLine , stateLocation . EndColumn ) ;
ilGenerator . Emit ( OpCodes . Nop ) ;
ilGenerator . MarkLabel ( islandWorkerLabel ) ;
ilGenerator . Emit ( OpCodes . Ldarg_1 ) ;
ilGenerator . EmitCall ( OpCodes . Call , islandWorkerMethodInfo , null ) ;
ilGenerator . Emit ( OpCodes . Ret ) ;
return methodbuilder ;
[SuppressMessage(FxCop.Category.Security, FxCop.Rule.SecureAsserts, Justification = "The validations of the user input are done elsewhere.")]
[Fx.Tag.SecurityNote(Critical = "Because we Assert UnmanagedCode in order to be able to emit symbols.")]
void InitDynamicModule ( string asmName )
// See http://blogs.msdn.com/[....]/archive/2005/02/03/366429.aspx for a simple example
// of debuggable reflection-emit.
Fx . Assert ( dynamicModule = = null , "can only be initialized once" ) ;
// create a dynamic assembly and module
AssemblyName assemblyName = new AssemblyName ( ) ;
assemblyName . Name = asmName ;
AssemblyBuilder assemblyBuilder ;
// The temporary assembly needs to be Transparent.
ConstructorInfo transparentCtor =
typeof ( SecurityTransparentAttribute ) . GetConstructor (
Type . EmptyTypes ) ;
CustomAttributeBuilder transparent = new CustomAttributeBuilder (
transparentCtor ,
new Object [ ] { } ) ;
assemblyBuilder = AppDomain . CurrentDomain . DefineDynamicAssembly ( assemblyName , AssemblyBuilderAccess . Run , null , true , new CustomAttributeBuilder [ ] { transparent } ) ;
// Mark generated code as debuggable.
// See http://blogs.msdn.com/rmbyers/archive/2005/06/26/432922.aspx for explanation.
Type debuggableAttributeType = typeof ( DebuggableAttribute ) ;
ConstructorInfo constructorInfo = debuggableAttributeType . GetConstructor ( new Type [ ] { typeof ( DebuggableAttribute . DebuggingModes ) } ) ;
CustomAttributeBuilder builder = new CustomAttributeBuilder ( constructorInfo , new object [ ] {
DebuggableAttribute . DebuggingModes . DisableOptimizations |
DebuggableAttribute . DebuggingModes . Default
} ) ;
assemblyBuilder . SetCustomAttribute ( builder ) ;
// We need UnmanagedCode permissions because we are asking for Symbols to be emitted.
// We are protecting the dynamicModule so that only Critical code modifies it.
PermissionSet unmanagedCodePermissionSet = new PermissionSet ( PermissionState . None ) ;
unmanagedCodePermissionSet . AddPermission ( new SecurityPermission ( SecurityPermissionFlag . UnmanagedCode ) ) ;
unmanagedCodePermissionSet . Assert ( ) ;
dynamicModule = assemblyBuilder . DefineDynamicModule ( asmName , true ) ; // <-- pass 'true' to track debug info.
CodeAccessPermission . RevertAssert ( ) ;
[ Fx . Tag . SecurityNote ( Critical = "Used in generating the dynamic module." ,
Safe = "State validates its SecurityCritical members itself" ) ]
public MethodInfo GetIsland ( State state , bool isPriming )
MethodInfo island = null ;
if ( isPriming )
2016-02-22 11:00:01 -05:00
lock ( islandsWithPriming )
2015-04-07 09:35:12 +01:00
2016-02-22 11:00:01 -05:00
if ( ! islandsWithPriming . TryGetValue ( state , out island ) )
island = state . GetMethodInfo ( true ) ;
islandsWithPriming [ state ] = island ;
2015-04-07 09:35:12 +01:00
2016-02-22 11:00:01 -05:00
lock ( islands )
2015-04-07 09:35:12 +01:00
2016-02-22 11:00:01 -05:00
if ( ! islands . TryGetValue ( state , out island ) )
island = state . GetMethodInfo ( false ) ;
islands [ state ] = island ;
2015-04-07 09:35:12 +01:00
return island ;
2016-02-22 11:00:01 -05:00
// This method is only called from CreateIsland, which is only called from Bake.
// Bake does a "lock(this)" before calling CreateIsland, so access to the sourceDocuments
// dictionary is protected by that lock. If this changes, locking will need to be added
// to this method to protect the sourceDocuments dictionary.
2015-04-07 09:35:12 +01:00
[Fx.Tag.SecurityNote(Critical = "Used in generating the dynamic module.")]
2016-02-22 11:00:01 -05:00
private ISymbolDocumentWriter GetSourceDocument ( string fileName , byte [ ] checksum , Dictionary < string , byte [ ] > checksumCache )
2015-04-07 09:35:12 +01:00
ISymbolDocumentWriter documentWriter ;
string sourceDocKey = fileName + SymbolHelper . GetHexStringFromChecksum ( checksum ) ;
if ( ! this . sourceDocuments . TryGetValue ( sourceDocKey , out documentWriter ) )
documentWriter =
dynamicModule . DefineDocument (
fileName ,
StateManager . WorkflowLanguageGuid ,
SymLanguageVendor . Microsoft ,
SymDocumentType . Text ) ;
this . sourceDocuments . Add ( sourceDocKey , documentWriter ) ;
byte [ ] checksumBytes ;
if ( checksumCache = = null | | ! checksumCache . TryGetValue ( fileName . ToUpperInvariant ( ) , out checksumBytes ) )
checksumBytes = SymbolHelper . CalculateChecksum ( fileName ) ;
if ( checksumBytes ! = null )
documentWriter . SetCheckSum ( new Guid ( Md5Identifier ) , checksumBytes ) ;
return documentWriter ;