239 lines
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239 lines
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// MonoTests.System.Xml.XPathNavigatorEvaluateTests
// Authors:
// Kral Ferch <kral_ferch@hotmail.com>
// Martin Willemoes Hansen <mwh@sysrq.dk>
// (C) 2002 Kral Ferch
// (C) 2003 Martin Willemoes Hansen
using System;
using System.Xml;
using System.Xml.XPath;
using NUnit.Framework;
namespace MonoTests.System.Xml
public class XPathNavigatorEvaluateTests
XmlDocument document;
XPathNavigator navigator;
XmlDocument document2;
XPathNavigator navigator2;
XmlDocument document3;
XPathNavigator navigator3;
XPathExpression expression;
XPathNodeIterator iterator;
public void GetReady ()
document = new XmlDocument ();
document.LoadXml ("<foo><bar/><baz/><qux/><squonk/></foo>");
navigator = document.CreateNavigator ();
document2 = new XmlDocument ();
document2.LoadXml ("<foo><bar baz='1'/><bar baz='2'/><bar baz='3'/></foo>");
navigator2 = document2.CreateNavigator ();
document3 = new XmlDocument ();
document3.LoadXml ("<foo><bar/><baz/><qux/></foo>");
navigator3 = document3.CreateNavigator ();
// Testing Core Funcetion Library functions defined at: http://www.w3.org/TR/xpath#corelib
#if !NET_2_0
// .NET 2.0 is fixed for last() to return 1 for the
// initial context position. Someone thinks we should follow
// the fix, but in reality we should just discard this
// pointless test. The positional value under those conditions
// does not make any sense.
[Category ("NotDotNet")]
public void CoreFunctionNodeSetLast ()
expression = navigator.Compile("last()");
iterator = navigator.Select("/foo");
Assert.AreEqual ("1", navigator.Evaluate ("last()").ToString(), "#1");
Assert.AreEqual ("1", navigator.Evaluate (expression, null).ToString (), "#2");
Assert.AreEqual ("1", navigator.Evaluate (expression, iterator).ToString (), "#3");
iterator = navigator.Select("/foo/*");
Assert.AreEqual ("4", navigator.Evaluate (expression, iterator).ToString (), "#4");
Assert.AreEqual("3", navigator2.Evaluate ("string(//bar[last()]/@baz)"), "#5");
#if !NET_2_0
// .NET 2.0 is fixed for position() to return 1 for the
// initial context position. Someone thinks we should follow
// the fix, but in reality we should just discard this
// pointless test. The positional value under those conditions
// does not make any sense.
// [Category ("NotWorking")]
[Category ("NotDotNet")]
public void CoreFunctionNodeSetPosition ()
expression = navigator.Compile("position()");
iterator = navigator.Select("/foo");
Assert.AreEqual ("1", navigator.Evaluate ("position()").ToString (), "#1");
Assert.AreEqual ("1", navigator.Evaluate (expression, null).ToString (), "#2");
Assert.AreEqual ("0", navigator.Evaluate (expression, iterator).ToString (), "#3");
iterator = navigator.Select("/foo/*");
Assert.AreEqual ("0", navigator.Evaluate (expression, iterator).ToString (), "#4");
Assert.AreEqual ("1", navigator.Evaluate (expression, iterator).ToString (), "#5");
iterator.MoveNext ();
Assert.AreEqual ("2", navigator.Evaluate (expression, iterator).ToString (), "#6");
iterator.MoveNext ();
Assert.AreEqual ("3", navigator.Evaluate (expression, iterator).ToString (), "#7");
public void CoreFunctionNodeSetCount ()
Assert.AreEqual ("5", navigator.Evaluate ("count(//*)").ToString (), "#1");
Assert.AreEqual ("1", navigator.Evaluate ("count(//foo)").ToString (), "#2");
Assert.AreEqual ("1", navigator.Evaluate ("count(/foo)").ToString (), "#3");
Assert.AreEqual ("1", navigator.Evaluate ("count(/foo/bar)").ToString (), "#4");
Assert.AreEqual ("3", navigator2.Evaluate ("count(//bar)").ToString (), "#5");
public void saveTestCoreFunctionNodeSetID ()
document.LoadXml (
"<!DOCTYPE foo [" +
"<!ELEMENT foo (bar)>" +
"<!ELEMENT bar EMPTY>" +
"<!ATTLIST bar baz ID #REQUIRED>" +
"]>" +
"<foo><bar baz='1' qux='hello' /><bar baz='2' qux='world' /></foo>");
navigator = document.CreateNavigator();
Assert.AreEqual ("hello", navigator.Evaluate ("string(id('1')/@qux)").ToString (), "#1");
Assert.AreEqual ("world", navigator.Evaluate ("string(id('2')/@qux)").ToString (), "#2");
public void CoreFunctionLocalName ()
Assert.AreEqual ("", navigator.Evaluate ("local-name()").ToString (), "#1");
Assert.AreEqual ("", navigator.Evaluate ("local-name(/bogus)").ToString (), "#2");
Assert.AreEqual ("foo", navigator.Evaluate ("local-name(/foo)").ToString (), "#3");
Assert.AreEqual ("bar", navigator3.Evaluate ("local-name(/foo/*)").ToString (), "#4");
// TODO: umm. Unable to make this return a namespace-uri so far...
public void CoreFunctionNamespaceURI ()
document.LoadXml ("<foo:bar xmlns:foo='#foo'><foo:baz><foo:qux /></foo:baz></foo:bar>");
navigator = document.CreateNavigator ();
Assert.AreEqual ("", navigator.Evaluate ("namespace-uri()").ToString (), "#1");
Assert.AreEqual ("", navigator.Evaluate ("namespace-uri(/bogus)").ToString (), "#2");
//Assert.AreEqual("foo", navigator.Evaluate ("namespace-uri(/bar)").ToString (), "#3");
Assert.AreEqual ("", navigator2.Evaluate ("namespace-uri(//bar)").ToString (), "#4");
public void saveTestCoreFunctionString ()
document.LoadXml ("<foo>hello<bar>world</bar><baz>how are you</baz></foo>");
navigator = document.CreateNavigator ();
Assert.AreEqual ("world", navigator.Evaluate ("string(/foo/*)").ToString (), "#1");
Assert.AreEqual ("NaN", navigator.Evaluate ("string(0 div 0)").ToString (), "#2");
try {
navigator.Evaluate ("string(+0)");
Assert.Fail ("Expected an XPathException to be thrown.");
} catch (XPathException) {}
Assert.AreEqual ("0", navigator.Evaluate ("string(-0)").ToString (), "#3");
Assert.AreEqual ("Infinity", navigator.Evaluate ("string(1 div 0)").ToString (), "#4");
Assert.AreEqual ("-Infinity", navigator.Evaluate ("string(-1 div 0)").ToString (), "#5");
Assert.AreEqual ("45", navigator.Evaluate ("string(45)").ToString (), "#6");
Assert.AreEqual ("-22", navigator.Evaluate ("string(-22)").ToString (), "#7");
Assert.AreEqual ("0.25", navigator.Evaluate ("string(.25)").ToString (), "#8");
Assert.AreEqual ("-0.25", navigator.Evaluate ("string(-.25)").ToString (), "#9");
Assert.AreEqual ("2", navigator.Evaluate ("string(2.0)").ToString (), "#10");
Assert.AreEqual ("2.01", navigator.Evaluate ("string(2.01)").ToString (), "#11");
Assert.AreEqual ("-3", navigator.Evaluate ("string(-3.0)").ToString (), "#12");
Assert.AreEqual ("3.45", navigator.Evaluate ("string(3.45)").ToString (), "#13");
// Wonder what this will look like under a different platform.
Assert.AreEqual("0.33333333333333331", navigator.Evaluate ("string(1 div 3)").ToString (), "#14");
public void CoreFunctionConcat ()
try {
navigator.Evaluate ("concat()");
Assert.Fail ("Expected an XPathException to be thrown.");
} catch (XPathException) {}
try {
navigator.Evaluate ("concat('foo')");
Assert.Fail ("Expected an XPathException to be thrown.");
} catch (XPathException) {}
Assert.AreEqual ("foobar", navigator.Evaluate ("concat('foo', 'bar')").ToString (), "#1");
Assert.AreEqual ("foobarbaz", navigator.Evaluate ("concat('foo', 'bar', 'baz')").ToString (), "#2");
Assert.AreEqual ("foobarbazqux", navigator.Evaluate ("concat('foo', 'bar', 'baz', 'qux')").ToString (), "#3");
Assert.AreEqual ("foobarbazquxquux", navigator.Evaluate ("concat('foo', 'bar', 'baz', 'qux', 'quux')").ToString (), "#4");
public void CoreFunctionStartsWith ()
try {
navigator.Evaluate ("starts-with()");
Assert.Fail ("Expected an XPathException to be thrown.");
} catch (XPathException) {}
try {
navigator.Evaluate ("starts-with('foo')");
Assert.Fail ("Expected an XPathException to be thrown.");
} catch (XPathException) {}
try {
navigator.Evaluate ("starts-with('foo', 'bar', 'baz')");
Assert.Fail ("Expected an XPathException to be thrown.");
} catch (XPathException) {}
Assert.IsTrue ((bool)navigator.Evaluate ("starts-with('foobar', 'foo')"));
Assert.IsTrue (!(bool)navigator.Evaluate ("starts-with('foobar', 'bar')"));
public void CoreFunctionContains ()
try {
navigator.Evaluate ("contains()");
Assert.Fail ("Expected an XPathException to be thrown.");
} catch (XPathException) {}
try {
navigator.Evaluate ("contains('foo')");
Assert.Fail ("Expected an XPathException to be thrown.");
} catch (XPathException) {}
try {
navigator.Evaluate ("contains('foobar', 'oob', 'baz')");
Assert.Fail ("Expected an XPathException to be thrown.");
} catch (XPathException) {}
Assert.IsTrue ((bool)navigator.Evaluate ("contains('foobar', 'oob')"));
Assert.IsTrue (!(bool)navigator.Evaluate ("contains('foobar', 'baz')"));