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using System;
using NUnit.Framework;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using SystemDrawingNamespace = System.Drawing;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary;
namespace MonoTests.System.Windows.Forms {
public class TreeNodeTest : TestHelper {
public void EmptyCtorTest ()
TreeNode tn = new TreeNode ();
Assert.AreEqual ("", tn.Text, "#1");
Assert.AreEqual (0, tn.Nodes.Count, "#2");
Assert.AreEqual (-1, tn.ImageIndex, "#3");
Assert.AreEqual (-1, tn.SelectedImageIndex, "#4");
// Set simple properties
tn.Text = null;
Assert.AreEqual ("", tn.Text, "#5");
tn.ImageIndex = 67;
Assert.AreEqual (67, tn.ImageIndex, "#6");
tn.SelectedImageIndex = 99;
Assert.AreEqual (99, tn.SelectedImageIndex, "#7");
public void CtorTest () {
TreeNode tn = new TreeNode ("label1");
Assert.AreEqual ("label1", tn.Text);
Assert.AreEqual (0, tn.Nodes.Count);
Assert.AreEqual (-1, tn.ImageIndex, "II");
Assert.AreEqual (-1, tn.SelectedImageIndex, "SI");
Assert.IsNull (tn.FirstNode);
Assert.IsNull (tn.LastNode);
Assert.AreEqual ("", new TreeNode (null).Text);
public void CtorTest2 ()
TreeNode tn = new TreeNode ("a1", new TreeNode[] { new TreeNode ("aa1"), new TreeNode ("aa2") } );
Assert.AreEqual ("a1", tn.Text);
Assert.AreEqual (-1, tn.ImageIndex, "II");
Assert.AreEqual (-1, tn.SelectedImageIndex, "SI");
Assert.AreEqual ("aa1", tn.Nodes [0].Text, "#1");
Assert.AreEqual ("aa2", tn.Nodes [1].Text, "#2");
Assert.AreSame (tn.FirstNode, tn.Nodes [0], "#3");
Assert.AreSame (tn.LastNode, tn.Nodes [1], "#4");
public void CtorTest3 ()
TreeNode tn = new TreeNode ("a", 5, 9);
Assert.AreEqual ("a", tn.Text);
Assert.IsNotNull (tn.Nodes);
Assert.AreEqual (5, tn.ImageIndex);
Assert.AreEqual (9, tn.SelectedImageIndex);
Assert.AreEqual ("", new TreeNode (null, 0, 0).Text);
[Test, ExpectedException (typeof (ArgumentNullException))]
public void CtorException1 ()
new TreeNode ("", 1, 1, null);
[Test, ExpectedException (typeof (ArgumentNullException))]
public void CtorException2 () {
new TreeNode ("tt", null);
public void Traverse ()
TreeNode tn_1 = new TreeNode ("1");
TreeNode tn_2 = new TreeNode ("2");
TreeNode tn_3 = new TreeNode ("3");
TreeNode tn = new TreeNode ("lev1");
tn.Nodes.Add (tn_1);
Assert.AreSame (tn, tn_1.Parent, "#1");
Assert.IsNull (tn_1.NextNode, "#2");
Assert.AreEqual (0, tn_1.Parent.Index, "#3");
tn.Nodes.Add (tn_2);
Assert.IsNull (tn_1.NextNode.NextNode, "#33");
tn.Nodes.Add (tn_3);
Assert.AreEqual (2, tn_3.Index, "#4");
Assert.AreEqual (3, tn.Nodes.Count, "#5");
Assert.AreSame (tn_2, tn_2.NextNode.PrevNode, "#6");
Assert.IsNull (tn_1.PrevNode, "#7");
public void ExpandCollapseLeafTest ()
// Leaf nodes should keep its expanded state
TreeNode tn_1 = new TreeNode ();
Assert.IsFalse (tn_1.IsExpanded, "#1");
tn_1.Expand ();
Assert.IsTrue (tn_1.IsExpanded, "#2");
public void FullPathException ()
try {
string s = new TreeNode ("").FullPath;
Assert.Fail ("#1");
// Prevent CS0219, will never write anything
// due to previous statement throwing an
// exception
Console.WriteLine (s);
#if NET_2_0
} catch (InvalidOperationException ex) {
Assert.AreEqual (typeof (InvalidOperationException), ex.GetType (), "#2");
Assert.IsNotNull (ex.Message, "#3");
Assert.IsNull (ex.InnerException, "#4");
} catch (Exception ex) {
Assert.AreEqual (typeof (Exception), ex.GetType (), "#2");
Assert.IsNotNull (ex.Message, "#3");
Assert.IsNull (ex.InnerException, "#4");
public void FullPathTest ()
TreeNode tn_1 = new TreeNode ("A");
TreeNode tn_2 = new TreeNode ("B");
tn_2.Nodes.Add (tn_1);
TreeView tv = new TreeView ();
tv.Nodes.Add (tn_1);
tv.Nodes [0].Nodes.Add (tn_2);
Assert.AreEqual ("A", tn_1.FullPath, "#1");
Assert.AreEqual ("A", tv.Nodes[0].FullPath, "#2");
Assert.AreEqual (@"A\B", tn_2.FullPath, "#3");
tv.PathSeparator = "_separator_";
Assert.AreEqual ("A_separator_B", tn_2.FullPath, "#4");
public void CloneTest ()
TreeNode orig = new TreeNode ("text", 2, 3, new TreeNode [] { new TreeNode ("child", 22, 33) });
orig.Tag = FlatStyle.Flat;
orig.Checked = true;
orig.BackColor = SystemDrawingNamespace.Color.AliceBlue;
orig.ForeColor = SystemDrawingNamespace.Color.Beige;
TreeNode clone = (TreeNode)orig.Clone ();
Assert.AreEqual ("text", clone.Text, "#1");
Assert.AreEqual (2, clone.ImageIndex, "#2");
Assert.AreEqual (3, clone.SelectedImageIndex, "#3");
Assert.AreEqual (1, clone.Nodes.Count, "#4");
Assert.AreEqual (FlatStyle.Flat, clone.Tag, "#5");
Assert.IsTrue (clone.Checked, "#6");
Assert.AreEqual ("child", clone.Nodes [0].Text, "#10");
Assert.AreEqual (22, clone.Nodes [0].ImageIndex, "#11");
Assert.AreEqual (SystemDrawingNamespace.Color.AliceBlue, clone.BackColor, "#12");
Assert.AreEqual (SystemDrawingNamespace.Color.Beige, clone.ForeColor, "#13");
[Test] // bug 661753
public void TestTreeNodeClone ()
TreeNode orig = new TreeNode ();
orig.Nodes.Add ("Node1");
orig.Nodes.Add ("Node2");
orig.Nodes.Add ("Node3");
orig.Checked = true;
orig.ImageIndex = 4;
orig.Name = "MyName";
orig.SelectedImageIndex = 3;
orig.StateImageIndex = 8;
orig.Tag = new object ();
orig.Text = "MyText";
orig.ToolTipText = "MyToolTipText";
orig.ContextMenu = new ContextMenu ();
orig.ContextMenu.Name = "MyContextMenu";
orig.ContextMenu.MenuItems.Add (new MenuItem ("MenuItem1"));
orig.ContextMenu.MenuItems.Add (new MenuItem ("MenuItem2"));
orig.ContextMenuStrip = new ContextMenuStrip ();
orig.ContextMenuStrip.Name = "MyContextMenuStrip";
orig.ContextMenuStrip.Items.Add ("ToolStripText");
orig.ContextMenuStrip.Items.Add (new SystemDrawingNamespace.Bitmap (1, 1));
TreeNode clone = orig.Clone () as TreeNode;
Assert.AreEqual (orig.Nodes[0].Name, clone.Nodes[0].Name, "#01");
Assert.AreEqual (orig.Nodes[1].Name, clone.Nodes[1].Name, "#02");
Assert.AreEqual (orig.Nodes[2].Name, clone.Nodes[2].Name, "#03");
Assert.AreNotEqual (orig.Nodes[0], clone.Nodes[0], "#04");
Assert.AreNotEqual (orig.Nodes[1], clone.Nodes[1], "#05");
Assert.AreNotEqual (orig.Nodes[2], clone.Nodes[2], "#06");
Assert.AreEqual (orig.Checked, clone.Checked, "#07");
Assert.AreEqual (orig.ImageIndex, clone.ImageIndex, "#08");
Assert.AreEqual (orig.Name, clone.Name, "#09");
Assert.AreEqual (orig.SelectedImageIndex, clone.SelectedImageIndex, "#10");
Assert.AreEqual (orig.StateImageIndex, clone.StateImageIndex, "#11");
Assert.AreEqual (orig.Tag, clone.Tag, "#12");
Assert.AreEqual (orig.Text, clone.Text, "#13");
Assert.AreEqual (orig.ToolTipText, clone.ToolTipText, "#14");
Assert.AreEqual (orig.ContextMenu, clone.ContextMenu, "#15");
Assert.AreEqual (orig.ContextMenuStrip, clone.ContextMenuStrip, "#16");
[Test] // bug 661753
public void TestTreeNodeClone2 ()
// Cannot test ImageIndex and ImageKey properties at the same time,
// as one excludes the other. So this method is for Keys only.
TreeNode orig = new TreeNode ();
orig.ImageKey = "MyImageKey";
orig.SelectedImageKey = "MySelectedImageKey";
orig.StateImageKey = "MyStateImageKey";
TreeNode clone = orig.Clone () as TreeNode;
Assert.AreEqual (orig.ImageKey, clone.ImageKey, "#01");
Assert.AreEqual (orig.SelectedImageKey, clone.SelectedImageKey, "#02");
Assert.AreEqual (orig.StateImageKey, clone.StateImageKey, "#03");
public void SingleNodeIndexTest ()
TreeNode tn_1 = new TreeNode ("A");
Assert.AreEqual (0, tn_1.Index, "#1");
TreeView tv = new TreeView ();
tv.Nodes.Add (tn_1);
Assert.AreEqual (0, tn_1.Index, "#2");
public void EndEditTest ()
TreeNode node1 = new TreeNode ("A");
TreeNode node2 = new TreeNode ("B");
Form f = new Form ();
TreeView tv = new TreeView ();
tv.LabelEdit = true;
tv.Parent = f;
tv.Nodes.Add (node1);
tv.Nodes.Add (node2);
f.Show ();
// EndEdit called on a different node
node1.BeginEdit ();
Assert.AreEqual (true, node1.IsEditing, "#1");
node2.EndEdit (false);
Assert.AreEqual (false, node1.IsEditing, "#2");
node1.BeginEdit ();
Assert.AreEqual (true, node1.IsEditing, "#3");
node2.EndEdit (true);
Assert.AreEqual (false, node1.IsEditing, "#4");
f.Dispose ();
#if NET_2_0
public void PropertyName ()
TreeNode tn = new TreeNode ();
Assert.AreEqual (string.Empty, tn.Name, "A1");
tn.Name = "Monkey";
Assert.AreEqual ("Monkey", tn.Name, "A2");
tn.Name = null;
Assert.AreEqual (string.Empty, tn.Name, "A3");
public void PropertyLevel ()
TreeNode tn = new TreeNode ();
Assert.AreEqual (0, tn.Level, "A1");
TreeView tv = new TreeView ();
tv.Nodes.Add (tn);
Assert.AreEqual (0, tn.Level, "A2");
TreeNode tn1 = new TreeNode ();
tn.Nodes.Add (tn1);
Assert.AreEqual (1, tn1.Level, "A3");
TreeNode tn2 = new TreeNode ();
tn1.Nodes.Add (tn2);
Assert.AreEqual (2, tn2.Level, "A4");
public void PropertyToolTipText ()
TreeNode tn = new TreeNode ("test");
Assert.AreEqual (string.Empty, tn.ToolTipText, "A1");
tn.ToolTipText = "Woo";
Assert.AreEqual ("Woo", tn.ToolTipText, "A2");
#if NET_2_0
public void ImageKeyIndex ()
TreeNode tn = new TreeNode ("Test");
Assert.AreEqual (-1, tn.ImageIndex, "A1");
Assert.AreEqual (string.Empty, tn.ImageKey, "A2");
tn.ImageIndex = 2;
Assert.AreEqual (2, tn.ImageIndex, "A3");
Assert.AreEqual (string.Empty, tn.ImageKey, "A4");
tn.ImageKey = "b";
Assert.AreEqual (-1, tn.ImageIndex, "A5");
Assert.AreEqual ("b", tn.ImageKey, "A6");
tn.ImageIndex = 2;
Assert.AreEqual (2, tn.ImageIndex, "A7");
Assert.AreEqual (string.Empty, tn.ImageKey, "A8");
//public void MethodSerialize ()
// PublicTreeNode tn = new PublicTreeNode ("test");
// SerializationInfo si = new SerializationInfo (tn.GetType (), new BinaryFormatter ());
// StreamingContext sc = new StreamingContext ();
// tn.PublicSerialize (si, sc);
private class PublicTreeNode : TreeNode
public PublicTreeNode (string text) : base (text) {}
public void PublicSerialize (SerializationInfo si, StreamingContext context)
base.Serialize (si, context);