419 lines
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419 lines
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// Copyright (c) 2005-2006 Novell, Inc.
// Authors:
// Ritvik Mayank (mritvik@novell.com)
// Sebastien Pouliot <sebastien@ximian.com>
using System;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Drawing;
using NUnit.Framework;
namespace MonoTests.System.Windows.Forms
public class ButtonTest : TestHelper
public void Constructor ()
Button b = new Button ();
Assert.AreEqual (SystemColors.Control, b.BackColor, "A4");
Assert.AreEqual (FlatStyle.Standard, b.FlatStyle, "A6");
Assert.AreEqual (null, b.Image, "A7");
Assert.AreEqual (ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter, b.ImageAlign, "A8");
Assert.AreEqual (-1, b.ImageIndex, "A9");
Assert.AreEqual (null, b.ImageList, "A11");
Assert.AreEqual (ImeMode.Disable, b.ImeMode, "A12");
Assert.AreEqual (string.Empty, b.Text, "A13");
Assert.AreEqual (ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter, b.TextAlign, "A14");
#if NET_2_0
Assert.AreEqual (false, b.AutoEllipsis, "A1");
Assert.AreEqual (false, b.AutoSize, "A2");
Assert.AreEqual (string.Empty, b.ImageKey, "A10");
Assert.AreEqual (TextImageRelation.Overlay, b.TextImageRelation, "A15");
Assert.AreEqual (true, b.UseCompatibleTextRendering, "A16");
Assert.AreEqual (true, b.UseMnemonic, "A17");
Assert.AreEqual (true, b.UseVisualStyleBackColor, "A18");
#if NET_2_0
public void FlatButtonAppearanceTest ()
Button B1 = new Button ();
FlatButtonAppearance flatApp = B1.FlatAppearance;
Assert.AreEqual (Color.Empty, flatApp.BorderColor, "#A1");
Assert.AreEqual (1, flatApp.BorderSize, "#A2");
Assert.AreEqual (Color.Empty, flatApp.CheckedBackColor, "#A3");
Assert.AreEqual (Color.Empty, flatApp.MouseDownBackColor, "#A4");
Assert.AreEqual (Color.Empty, flatApp.MouseOverBackColor, "#A5");
flatApp.BorderColor = Color.Blue;
Assert.AreEqual (Color.Blue, flatApp.BorderColor, "#B1");
flatApp.BorderSize = 10;
Assert.AreEqual (10, flatApp.BorderSize, "#B2");
flatApp.CheckedBackColor = Color.Blue;
Assert.AreEqual (Color.Blue, flatApp.CheckedBackColor, "#B3");
flatApp.MouseDownBackColor = Color.Blue;
Assert.AreEqual (Color.Blue, flatApp.MouseDownBackColor, "#B4");
flatApp.MouseOverBackColor = Color.Blue;
Assert.AreEqual (Color.Blue, flatApp.MouseOverBackColor, "#B5");
public void FlatButtonAppearanceExceptionTest ()
Button B1 = new Button ();
FlatButtonAppearance flatApp = B1.FlatAppearance;
flatApp.BorderSize = -1;
[ExpectedException (typeof (NotSupportedException))]
public void FlatButtonAppearanceBorderColor ()
Button B1 = new Button ();
FlatButtonAppearance flatApp = B1.FlatAppearance;
flatApp.BorderColor = Color.Transparent;
public void BehaviorAutoSize ()
if (TestHelper.RunningOnUnix)
Assert.Ignore ("Depends on font measurements, corresponds to windows");
Form f = new Form ();
f.ShowInTaskbar = false;
f.Show ();
Image i = new Bitmap (20, 20);
String s = "My test string";
Button b = new Button ();
Size s_size = TextRenderer.MeasureText (s, new Button ().Font);
b.UseCompatibleTextRendering = false;
b.AutoSize = true;
b.AutoSizeMode = AutoSizeMode.GrowAndShrink;
b.Text = s;
f.Controls.Add (b);
// Text only
b.TextImageRelation = TextImageRelation.Overlay;
Assert.AreEqual (new Size (s_size.Width + 10, s_size.Height + 10), b.Size, "A1");
b.TextImageRelation = TextImageRelation.ImageAboveText;
Assert.AreEqual (new Size (s_size.Width + 10, s_size.Height + 10), b.Size, "A2");
b.TextImageRelation = TextImageRelation.ImageBeforeText;
Assert.AreEqual (new Size (s_size.Width + 10, s_size.Height + 10), b.Size, "A3");
b.TextImageRelation = TextImageRelation.TextAboveImage;
Assert.AreEqual (new Size (s_size.Width + 10, s_size.Height + 10), b.Size, "A4");
b.TextImageRelation = TextImageRelation.TextBeforeImage;
Assert.AreEqual (new Size (s_size.Width + 10, s_size.Height + 10), b.Size, "A5");
// Text and Image
b.Image = i;
b.TextImageRelation = TextImageRelation.Overlay;
Assert.AreEqual (new Size (s_size.Width + 10, i.Height + 6), b.Size, "A6");
b.TextImageRelation = TextImageRelation.ImageAboveText;
Assert.AreEqual (new Size (s_size.Width + 10, s_size.Height + i.Height + 10), b.Size, "A7");
b.TextImageRelation = TextImageRelation.ImageBeforeText;
Assert.AreEqual (new Size (s_size.Width + i.Width + 10, i.Height + 6), b.Size, "A8");
b.TextImageRelation = TextImageRelation.TextAboveImage;
Assert.AreEqual (new Size (s_size.Width + 10, s_size.Height + i.Height + 10), b.Size, "A9");
b.TextImageRelation = TextImageRelation.TextBeforeImage;
Assert.AreEqual (new Size (s_size.Width + i.Width + 10, i.Height + 6), b.Size, "A10");
// Image only
b.Text = string.Empty;
b.TextImageRelation = TextImageRelation.Overlay;
Assert.AreEqual (new Size (i.Height + 6, i.Height + 6), b.Size, "A11");
b.TextImageRelation = TextImageRelation.ImageAboveText;
Assert.AreEqual (new Size (i.Height + 6, i.Height + 6), b.Size, "A12");
b.TextImageRelation = TextImageRelation.ImageBeforeText;
Assert.AreEqual (new Size (i.Height + 6, i.Height + 6), b.Size, "A13");
b.TextImageRelation = TextImageRelation.TextAboveImage;
Assert.AreEqual (new Size (i.Height + 6, i.Height + 6), b.Size, "A14");
b.TextImageRelation = TextImageRelation.TextBeforeImage;
Assert.AreEqual (new Size (i.Height + 6, i.Height + 6), b.Size, "A15");
// Neither
b.Image = null;
b.TextImageRelation = TextImageRelation.Overlay;
Assert.AreEqual (new Size (6, 6), b.Size, "A16");
b.TextImageRelation = TextImageRelation.ImageAboveText;
Assert.AreEqual (new Size (6, 6), b.Size, "A17");
b.TextImageRelation = TextImageRelation.ImageBeforeText;
Assert.AreEqual (new Size (6, 6), b.Size, "A18");
b.TextImageRelation = TextImageRelation.TextAboveImage;
Assert.AreEqual (new Size (6, 6), b.Size, "A19");
b.TextImageRelation = TextImageRelation.TextBeforeImage;
Assert.AreEqual (new Size (6, 6), b.Size, "A20");
// Padding
b.Padding = new Padding (5, 10, 15, 20);
Assert.AreEqual (new Size (6 + b.Padding.Horizontal, 6 + b.Padding.Vertical), b.Size, "A21");
f.Dispose ();
public void BehaviorImageList ()
// Basically, this shows that whichever of [Image|ImageIndex|ImageKey]
// is set last resets the others to their default state
Button b = new Button ();
Bitmap i1 = new Bitmap (16, 16);
i1.SetPixel (0, 0, Color.Blue);
Bitmap i2 = new Bitmap (16, 16);
i2.SetPixel (0, 0, Color.Red);
Bitmap i3 = new Bitmap (16, 16);
i3.SetPixel (0, 0, Color.Green);
Assert.AreEqual (null, b.Image, "D1");
Assert.AreEqual (-1, b.ImageIndex, "D2");
Assert.AreEqual (string.Empty, b.ImageKey, "D3");
ImageList il = new ImageList ();
il.Images.Add ("i2", i2);
il.Images.Add ("i3", i3);
b.ImageList = il;
b.ImageKey = "i3";
Assert.AreEqual (-1, b.ImageIndex, "D4");
Assert.AreEqual ("i3", b.ImageKey, "D5");
Assert.AreEqual (i3.GetPixel (0, 0), (b.Image as Bitmap).GetPixel (0, 0), "D6");
b.ImageIndex = 0;
Assert.AreEqual (0, b.ImageIndex, "D7");
Assert.AreEqual (string.Empty, b.ImageKey, "D8");
Assert.AreEqual (i2.GetPixel (0, 0), (b.Image as Bitmap).GetPixel (0, 0), "D9");
// Also, Image is not cached, changing the underlying ImageList image is reflected
il.Images[0] = i1;
Assert.AreEqual (i1.GetPixel (0, 0), (b.Image as Bitmap).GetPixel (0, 0), "D16");
// Note: setting Image resets ImageList to null
b.Image = i1;
Assert.AreEqual (-1, b.ImageIndex, "D10");
Assert.AreEqual (string.Empty, b.ImageKey, "D11");
Assert.AreEqual (i1.GetPixel (0, 0), (b.Image as Bitmap).GetPixel (0, 0), "D12");
Assert.AreEqual (null, b.ImageList, "D12-2");
b.Image = null;
Assert.AreEqual (null, b.Image, "D13");
Assert.AreEqual (-1, b.ImageIndex, "D14");
Assert.AreEqual (string.Empty, b.ImageKey, "D15");
public void ImageTest ()
Button B1 = new Button ();
B1.Visible = true;
B1.Image = Image.FromFile ("M.gif");
Assert.AreEqual (ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter, B1.ImageAlign, "#2");
public void ImageListTest ()
Button B1 = new Button ();
B1.Image = Image.FromFile ("M.gif");
Assert.AreEqual (null, B1.ImageList, "#3a");
B1 = new Button ();
ImageList ImageList1 = new ImageList ();
ImageList1.Images.Add(Image.FromFile ("M.gif"));
ImageList1.Images.Add(Image.FromFile ("M.gif"));
Assert.AreEqual (2, ImageList1.Images.Count, "#3b");
B1.ImageList = ImageList1;
Assert.AreEqual (-1, B1.ImageIndex, "#3c");
B1 = new Button ();
B1.ImageIndex = 1;
B1.ImageList = ImageList1;
Assert.AreEqual (1, B1.ImageIndex, "#3d");
Assert.AreEqual (2, B1.ImageList.Images.Count, "#3e");
Assert.AreEqual (16, B1.ImageList.ImageSize.Height, "#3f");
Assert.AreEqual (16, B1.ImageList.ImageSize.Width, "#3g");
public void IMeModeTest ()
Button B1 = new Button ();
Assert.AreEqual (ImeMode.Disable, B1.ImeMode, "#4a");
B1.ImeMode = ImeMode.Off;
Assert.AreEqual (ImeMode.Off, B1.ImeMode, "#4b");
B1 = new Button ();
Assert.AreEqual (ImeMode.Disable, ((Control)B1).ImeMode, "#4c");
((Control)B1).ImeMode = ImeMode.Off;
Assert.AreEqual (ImeMode.Off, ((Control)B1).ImeMode, "#4d");
Assert.AreEqual (ImeMode.Off, B1.ImeMode, "#4e");
public void TextAlignTest ()
Button B1 = new Button ();
Assert.AreEqual (ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter, B1.TextAlign, "#5");
public void DialogResultTest ()
Form f = new Form ();
f.ShowInTaskbar = false;
Button B1 = new Button ();
B1.Text = "DialogResult";
B1.DialogResult = DialogResult.No;
B1.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.BottomRight;
B1.Visible = true;
f.Controls.Add (B1);
Assert.AreEqual (DialogResult.No, B1.DialogResult, "#6");
// check cancel button behavior
f = new Form ();
f.ShowInTaskbar = false;
B1 = new Button ();
f.CancelButton = B1;
f.Controls.Add (B1);
Assert.AreEqual (DialogResult.Cancel, B1.DialogResult, "#7");
f.Dispose ();
f = new Form ();
f.ShowInTaskbar = false;
B1 = new Button ();
B1.DialogResult = DialogResult.No;
f.CancelButton = B1;
f.Controls.Add (B1);
Assert.AreEqual (DialogResult.No, B1.DialogResult, "#8");
f.Dispose ();
f = new Form ();
f.ShowInTaskbar = false;
B1 = new Button ();
B1.DialogResult = DialogResult.No;
B1.DialogResult = DialogResult.None;
f.CancelButton = B1;
f.Controls.Add (B1);
Assert.AreEqual (DialogResult.Cancel, B1.DialogResult, "#9");
f.Dispose ();
// check accept button behavior
f = new Form ();
f.ShowInTaskbar = false;
B1 = new Button ();
f.AcceptButton = B1;
f.Controls.Add (B1);
Assert.AreEqual (DialogResult.None, B1.DialogResult, "#10");
f.Dispose ();
f = new Form ();
f.ShowInTaskbar = false;
B1 = new Button ();
B1.DialogResult = DialogResult.No;
f.AcceptButton = B1;
f.Controls.Add (B1);
Assert.AreEqual (DialogResult.No, B1.DialogResult, "#11");
f.Dispose ();
f = new Form ();
f.ShowInTaskbar = false;
B1 = new Button ();
B1.DialogResult = DialogResult.No;
B1.DialogResult = DialogResult.None;
f.AcceptButton = B1;
f.Controls.Add (B1);
Assert.AreEqual (DialogResult.None, B1.DialogResult, "#12");
f.Dispose ();
public void PerformClickTest ()
Form f = new Form ();
f.ShowInTaskbar = false;
Button B1 = new Button ();
B1.Text = "DialogResult";
B1.Visible = true;
f.Controls.Add (B1);
B1.PerformClick ();
Assert.AreEqual (DialogResult.None, B1.DialogResult, "#7");
f.Dispose ();
public void ToStringTest ()
Button B1 = new Button ();
Assert.AreEqual ("System.Windows.Forms.Button, Text: " , B1.ToString (), "#9");
public class ButtonInheritorTest : Button {
public void DefaultImeModeTest ()
Assert.AreEqual (ImeMode.Disable, DefaultImeMode, "1");
[ExpectedException (typeof (ArgumentNullException))]
public void Constructor_Null ()
new ButtonBaseAccessibleObject (null);
public void Constructor ()
ButtonBaseAccessibleObject bbao = new ButtonBaseAccessibleObject (this);
Assert.IsNotNull (bbao.Owner, "Owner");
Assert.IsTrue (Object.ReferenceEquals (this, bbao.Owner), "ReferenceEquals");
Assert.AreEqual ("Press", bbao.DefaultAction, "DefaultAction");
Assert.IsNull (bbao.Description, "Description");
Assert.IsNull (bbao.Help, "Help");
Assert.IsNull (bbao.Name, "Name");
Assert.AreEqual (AccessibleRole.PushButton, bbao.Role, "Role");
Assert.AreEqual (AccessibleStates.None, bbao.State, "State");
public void CreateAccessibilityInstanceTest ()
AccessibleObject ao = base.CreateAccessibilityInstance ();
Button.ButtonBaseAccessibleObject bbao = (ao as Button.ButtonBaseAccessibleObject);
Assert.IsNotNull (bbao, "ButtonBaseAccessibleObject");
Assert.IsNotNull (bbao.Owner, "Owner");
Assert.IsTrue (Object.ReferenceEquals (this, bbao.Owner), "ReferenceEquals");
Assert.AreEqual ("Press", bbao.DefaultAction, "DefaultAction");
Assert.IsNull (bbao.Description, "Description");
Assert.IsNull (bbao.Help, "Help");
Assert.IsNull (bbao.Name, "Name");
Assert.AreEqual (AccessibleRole.PushButton, bbao.Role, "Role");
Assert.AreEqual (AccessibleStates.None, bbao.State, "State");