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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Lucene.Net.Documents;
using Lucene.Net.Spatial.Prefix;
using Lucene.Net.Spatial.Prefix.Tree;
using Lucene.Net.Spatial.Queries;
using NUnit.Framework;
using Spatial4n.Core.Context;
using Spatial4n.Core.Distance;
using Spatial4n.Core.Shapes;
using Spatial4n.Core.Shapes.Impl;
using Spatial4n.Core.Util;
namespace Lucene.Net.Contrib.Spatial.Test.Prefix
public class TestRecursivePrefixTreeStrategy : StrategyTestCase
private int maxLength;
//Tests should call this first.
private void init(int maxLength)
this.maxLength = maxLength;
this.ctx = SpatialContext.GEO;
var grid = new GeohashPrefixTree(ctx, maxLength);
this.strategy = new RecursivePrefixTreeStrategy(grid, GetType().Name);
public void testFilterWithVariableScanLevel()
//execute queries for each prefix grid scan level
for (int i = 0; i <= maxLength; i++)
((RecursivePrefixTreeStrategy) strategy).SetPrefixGridScanLevel(i);
executeQueries(SpatialMatchConcern.FILTER, QTEST_Cities_Intersects_BBox);
public void testOneMeterPrecision()
GeohashPrefixTree grid = (GeohashPrefixTree) ((RecursivePrefixTreeStrategy) strategy).GetGrid();
//DWS: I know this to be true. 11 is needed for one meter
double degrees = DistanceUtils.Dist2Degrees(0.001, DistanceUtils.EARTH_MEAN_RADIUS_KM);
assertEquals(11, grid.GetLevelForDistance(degrees));
public void testPrecision()
Point iPt = ctx.MakePoint(2.8028712999999925, 48.3708044); //lon, lat
addDocument(newDoc("iPt", iPt));
Point qPt = ctx.MakePoint(2.4632387000000335, 48.6003516);
double KM2DEG = DistanceUtils.Dist2Degrees(1, DistanceUtils.EARTH_MEAN_RADIUS_KM);
double DEG2KM = 1/KM2DEG;
const double DIST = 35.75; //35.7499...
assertEquals(DIST, ctx.GetDistCalc().Distance(iPt, qPt)*DEG2KM, 0.001);
//distErrPct will affect the query shape precision. The indexed precision
// was set to nearly zilch via init(GeohashPrefixTree.getMaxLevelsPossible());
const double distErrPct = 0.025; //the suggested default, by the way
const double distMult = 1 + distErrPct;
assertTrue(35.74*distMult >= DIST);
checkHits(q(qPt, 35.74*KM2DEG, distErrPct), 1, null);
assertTrue(30*distMult < DIST);
checkHits(q(qPt, 30*KM2DEG, distErrPct), 0, null);
assertTrue(33*distMult < DIST);
checkHits(q(qPt, 33*KM2DEG, distErrPct), 0, null);
assertTrue(34*distMult < DIST);
checkHits(q(qPt, 34*KM2DEG, distErrPct), 0, null);
public void geohashRecursiveRandom()
var random = NewRandom();
//1. Iterate test with the cluster at some worldly point of interest
var clusterCenters = new Point[] {ctx.MakePoint(-180, 0), ctx.MakePoint(0, 90), ctx.MakePoint(0, -90)};
foreach (var clusterCenter in clusterCenters)
//2. Iterate on size of cluster (a really small one and a large one)
String hashCenter = GeohashUtils.EncodeLatLon(clusterCenter.GetY(), clusterCenter.GetX(), maxLength);
//calculate the number of degrees in the smallest grid box size (use for both lat & lon)
String smallBox = hashCenter.Substring(0, hashCenter.Length - 1); //chop off leaf precision
Rectangle clusterDims = GeohashUtils.DecodeBoundary(smallBox, ctx);
double smallRadius = Math.Max(clusterDims.GetMaxX() - clusterDims.GetMinX(),
clusterDims.GetMaxY() - clusterDims.GetMinY());
Assert.IsTrue(smallRadius < 1);
const double largeRadius = 20d; //good large size; don't use >=45 for this test code to work
double[] radiusDegs = {largeRadius, smallRadius};
foreach (double radiusDeg in radiusDegs)
//3. Index random points in this cluster box
var points = new List<Point>();
for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
//Note that this will not result in randomly distributed points in the
// circle, they will be concentrated towards the center a little. But
// it's good enough.
Point pt = ctx.GetDistCalc().PointOnBearing(clusterCenter,
random.NextDouble()*radiusDeg, random.Next()*360,
ctx, null);
pt = alignGeohash(pt);
addDocument(newDoc("" + i, pt));
//3. Use some query centers. Each is twice the cluster's radius away.
for (int ri = 0; ri < 4; ri++)
Point queryCenter = ctx.GetDistCalc().PointOnBearing(clusterCenter,
radiusDeg*2, random.Next(360), ctx, null);
queryCenter = alignGeohash(queryCenter);
//4.1 Query a small box getting nothing
checkHits(q(queryCenter, radiusDeg - smallRadius/2), 0, null);
//4.2 Query a large box enclosing the cluster, getting everything
checkHits(q(queryCenter, radiusDeg*3 + smallRadius/2), points.Count, null);
//4.3 Query a medium box getting some (calculate the correct solution and verify)
double queryDist = radiusDeg*2;
//Find matching points. Put into int[] of doc ids which is the same thing as the index into points list.
int[] ids = new int[points.Count];
int ids_sz = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < points.Count; i++)
Point point = points[i];
if (ctx.GetDistCalc().Distance(queryCenter, point) <= queryDist)
ids[ids_sz++] = i;
var ids_new = new int[ids_sz]; // will pad with 0's if larger
Array.Copy(ids, ids_new, ids_sz);
ids = ids_new;
//assert ids_sz > 0 (can't because randomness keeps us from being able to)
checkHits(q(queryCenter, queryDist), ids.Length, ids);
} //for radiusDeg
} //for clusterCenter
private SpatialArgs q(Point pt, double dist, double distErrPct = 0.0)
Shape shape = ctx.MakeCircle(pt, dist);
var args = new SpatialArgs(SpatialOperation.Intersects, shape);
args.DistErrPct = distErrPct;
return args;
private void checkHits(SpatialArgs args, int assertNumFound, int[] assertIds)
SearchResults got = executeQuery(strategy.MakeQuery(args), 100);
assertEquals("" + args, assertNumFound, got.numFound);
if (assertIds != null)
var gotIds = new HashSet<int>();
foreach (SearchResult result in got.results)
foreach (int assertId in assertIds)
Assert.True(gotIds.Contains(assertId), "has " + assertId);
/* NGeohash round-trip for given precision. */
private Point alignGeohash(Point p)
return GeohashUtils.Decode(GeohashUtils.EncodeLatLon(p.GetY(), p.GetX(), maxLength), ctx);