2014-08-13 10:39:27 +01:00
// SecurityElementTest.cs - NUnit Test Cases for System.Security.SecurityElement
// Authors:
// Lawrence Pit (loz@cable.a2000.nl)
// Sebastien Pouliot <sebastien@ximian.com>
// Portions (C) 2004 Motus Technologies Inc. (http://www.motus.com)
// Copyright (C) 2005 Novell, Inc (http://www.novell.com)
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
// a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
// "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
// without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
// distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
// permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
// the following conditions:
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
// included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
using System ;
using System.Collections ;
using System.Globalization ;
using System.Security ;
using NUnit.Framework ;
namespace MonoTests.System.Security {
public class SecurityElementTest {
SecurityElement elem ;
public void SetUp ( )
elem = CreateElement ( ) ;
private SecurityElement CreateElement ( )
SecurityElement elem = new SecurityElement ( "IPermission" ) ;
elem . AddAttribute ( "class" , "System" ) ;
elem . AddAttribute ( "version" , "1" ) ;
SecurityElement child = new SecurityElement ( "ConnectAccess" ) ;
elem . AddChild ( child ) ;
SecurityElement grandchild = new SecurityElement ( "ENDPOINT" , "some text" ) ;
grandchild . AddAttribute ( "transport" , "All" ) ;
grandchild . AddAttribute ( "host" , "localhost" ) ;
grandchild . AddAttribute ( "port" , "8080" ) ;
child . AddChild ( grandchild ) ;
SecurityElement grandchild2 = new SecurityElement ( "ENDPOINT" ) ;
grandchild2 . AddAttribute ( "transport" , "Tcp" ) ;
grandchild2 . AddAttribute ( "host" , "www.ximian.com" ) ;
grandchild2 . AddAttribute ( "port" , "All" ) ;
child . AddChild ( grandchild2 ) ;
return elem ;
public void Constructor1 ( )
SecurityElement se = new SecurityElement ( "tag" ) ;
Assert . IsNull ( se . Attributes , "#A1" ) ;
Assert . IsNull ( se . Children , "#A2" ) ;
Assert . AreEqual ( "tag" , se . Tag , "#A3" ) ;
Assert . IsNull ( se . Text , "#A4" ) ;
se = new SecurityElement ( string . Empty ) ;
Assert . IsNull ( se . Attributes , "#B1" ) ;
Assert . IsNull ( se . Children , "#B2" ) ;
Assert . AreEqual ( string . Empty , se . Tag , "#B3" ) ;
Assert . IsNull ( se . Text , "#B4" ) ;
public void Constructor1_Tag_Invalid ( )
try {
new SecurityElement ( "Na<me" ) ;
Assert . Fail ( "#A1" ) ;
} catch ( ArgumentException ex ) {
// Invalid element tag Nam<e
Assert . AreEqual ( typeof ( ArgumentException ) , ex . GetType ( ) , "#A2" ) ;
Assert . IsNull ( ex . InnerException , "#A3" ) ;
Assert . IsNotNull ( ex . Message , "#A4" ) ;
Assert . IsTrue ( ex . Message . IndexOf ( "Na<me" ) ! = - 1 , "#A5" ) ;
Assert . IsNull ( ex . ParamName , "#A6" ) ;
try {
new SecurityElement ( "Nam>e" ) ;
Assert . Fail ( "#B1" ) ;
} catch ( ArgumentException ex ) {
// Invalid element tag Nam>e
Assert . AreEqual ( typeof ( ArgumentException ) , ex . GetType ( ) , "#B2" ) ;
Assert . IsNull ( ex . InnerException , "#B3" ) ;
Assert . IsNotNull ( ex . Message , "#B4" ) ;
Assert . IsTrue ( ex . Message . IndexOf ( "Nam>e" ) ! = - 1 , "#B5" ) ;
Assert . IsNull ( ex . ParamName , "#B6" ) ;
public void Constructor1_Tag_Null ( )
try {
new SecurityElement ( null ) ;
Assert . Fail ( "#1" ) ;
} catch ( ArgumentNullException ex ) {
Assert . AreEqual ( typeof ( ArgumentNullException ) , ex . GetType ( ) , "#2" ) ;
Assert . IsNull ( ex . InnerException , "#3" ) ;
Assert . IsNotNull ( ex . Message , "#4" ) ;
Assert . IsNotNull ( ex . ParamName , "#5" ) ;
Assert . AreEqual ( "tag" , ex . ParamName , "#6" ) ;
public void Constructor2 ( )
SecurityElement se = new SecurityElement ( "tag" , "text" ) ;
Assert . IsNull ( se . Attributes , "EmptyAttributes" ) ;
Assert . IsNull ( se . Children , "EmptyChildren" ) ;
Assert . AreEqual ( "tag" , se . Tag , "Tag" ) ;
Assert . AreEqual ( "text" , se . Text , "Text" ) ;
public void Constructor2_Tag_Invalid ( )
try {
new SecurityElement ( "Na<me" , "text" ) ;
Assert . Fail ( "#A1" ) ;
} catch ( ArgumentException ex ) {
// Invalid element tag Nam<e
Assert . AreEqual ( typeof ( ArgumentException ) , ex . GetType ( ) , "#A2" ) ;
Assert . IsNull ( ex . InnerException , "#A3" ) ;
Assert . IsNotNull ( ex . Message , "#A4" ) ;
Assert . IsTrue ( ex . Message . IndexOf ( "Na<me" ) ! = - 1 , "#A5" ) ;
Assert . IsNull ( ex . ParamName , "#A6" ) ;
try {
new SecurityElement ( "Nam>e" , "text" ) ;
Assert . Fail ( "#B1" ) ;
} catch ( ArgumentException ex ) {
// Invalid element tag Nam>e
Assert . AreEqual ( typeof ( ArgumentException ) , ex . GetType ( ) , "#B2" ) ;
Assert . IsNull ( ex . InnerException , "#B3" ) ;
Assert . IsNotNull ( ex . Message , "#B4" ) ;
Assert . IsTrue ( ex . Message . IndexOf ( "Nam>e" ) ! = - 1 , "#B5" ) ;
Assert . IsNull ( ex . ParamName , "#B6" ) ;
public void Constructor2_Tag_Null ( )
try {
new SecurityElement ( null , "text" ) ;
Assert . Fail ( "#1" ) ;
} catch ( ArgumentNullException ex ) {
Assert . AreEqual ( typeof ( ArgumentNullException ) , ex . GetType ( ) , "#2" ) ;
Assert . IsNull ( ex . InnerException , "#3" ) ;
Assert . IsNotNull ( ex . Message , "#4" ) ;
Assert . IsNotNull ( ex . ParamName , "#5" ) ;
Assert . AreEqual ( "tag" , ex . ParamName , "#6" ) ;
public void Constructor2_Text_Null ( )
SecurityElement se = new SecurityElement ( "tag" , null ) ;
Assert . IsNull ( se . Attributes , "EmptyAttributes" ) ;
Assert . IsNull ( se . Children , "EmptyChildren" ) ;
Assert . AreEqual ( "tag" , se . Tag , "Tag" ) ;
Assert . IsNull ( se . Text , "Text" ) ;
public void AddAttribute_Name_Null ( )
try {
elem . AddAttribute ( null , "valid" ) ;
Assert . Fail ( "#1" ) ;
} catch ( ArgumentNullException ex ) {
Assert . AreEqual ( typeof ( ArgumentNullException ) , ex . GetType ( ) , "#2" ) ;
Assert . IsNull ( ex . InnerException , "#3" ) ;
Assert . IsNotNull ( ex . Message , "#4" ) ;
Assert . IsNotNull ( ex . ParamName , "#5" ) ;
Assert . AreEqual ( "name" , ex . ParamName , "#6" ) ;
public void AddAttribute_Value_Null ( )
try {
elem . AddAttribute ( "valid" , null ) ;
Assert . Fail ( "#1" ) ;
} catch ( ArgumentNullException ex ) {
Assert . AreEqual ( typeof ( ArgumentNullException ) , ex . GetType ( ) , "#2" ) ;
Assert . IsNull ( ex . InnerException , "#3" ) ;
Assert . IsNotNull ( ex . Message , "#4" ) ;
Assert . IsNotNull ( ex . ParamName , "#5" ) ;
Assert . AreEqual ( "value" , ex . ParamName , "#6" ) ;
[ExpectedException (typeof (ArgumentException))]
public void AddAttribute_Name_Invalid ( )
elem . AddAttribute ( "<invalid>" , "valid" ) ;
[ExpectedException (typeof (ArgumentException))]
public void AddAttribute_Value_Invalid ( )
elem . AddAttribute ( "valid" , "invalid\"" ) ;
public void AddAttribute_InvalidValue2 ( )
elem . AddAttribute ( "valid" , "valid&" ) ;
// in xml world this is actually not considered valid
// but it is by MS.Net
[ExpectedException (typeof (ArgumentException))]
public void AddAttribute_InvalidValue3 ( )
elem . AddAttribute ( "valid" , "<invalid>" ) ;
[ExpectedException (typeof (ArgumentException))]
public void AddAttribute_Duplicate ( )
elem . AddAttribute ( "valid" , "first time" ) ;
elem . AddAttribute ( "valid" , "second time" ) ;
public void AddAttribute ( )
elem . AddAttribute ( "valid" , "valid\'" ) ;
public void AddChild_Null ( )
try {
elem . AddChild ( null ) ;
Assert . Fail ( "#1" ) ;
} catch ( ArgumentNullException ex ) {
Assert . AreEqual ( typeof ( ArgumentNullException ) , ex . GetType ( ) , "#2" ) ;
Assert . IsNull ( ex . InnerException , "#3" ) ;
Assert . IsNotNull ( ex . Message , "#4" ) ;
Assert . IsNotNull ( ex . ParamName , "#5" ) ;
Assert . AreEqual ( "child" , ex . ParamName , "#6" ) ;
public void AddChild ( )
int n = elem . Children . Count ;
// add itself
elem . AddChild ( elem ) ;
Assert . AreEqual ( ( n + 1 ) , elem . Children . Count , "Count" ) ;
[Category ("NotDotNet")] // MS bug: https://connect.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/feedback/ViewFeedback.aspx?FeedbackID=304549
public void Attributes_Name_Invalid ( )
Hashtable h = elem . Attributes ;
h . Add ( "<invalid>" , "valid" ) ;
try {
elem . Attributes = h ;
Assert . Fail ( "#1" ) ;
} catch ( ArgumentException ex ) {
// Invalid attribute name '<invalid>'
Assert . AreEqual ( typeof ( ArgumentException ) , ex . GetType ( ) , "#2" ) ;
Assert . IsNull ( ex . InnerException , "#3" ) ;
Assert . IsNotNull ( ex . Message , "#4" ) ;
Assert . IsTrue ( ex . Message . IndexOf ( "<invalid>" ) ! = - 1 , "#5" ) ;
Assert . IsNull ( ex . ParamName , "#6" ) ;
[Category ("NotWorking")] // MS bug: https://connect.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/feedback/ViewFeedback.aspx?FeedbackID=304549
public void Attributes_Name_Invalid_MS ( )
Hashtable h = elem . Attributes ;
h . Add ( "<invalid>" , "valid" ) ;
try {
elem . Attributes = h ;
Assert . Fail ( ) ;
} catch ( InvalidCastException ) {
public void Attributes_Value_Invalid ( )
Hashtable h = elem . Attributes ;
h . Add ( "valid" , "\"invalid\"" ) ;
try {
elem . Attributes = h ;
Assert . Fail ( "#1" ) ;
} catch ( ArgumentException ex ) {
// Invalid attribute value '"invalid"'
Assert . AreEqual ( typeof ( ArgumentException ) , ex . GetType ( ) , "#2" ) ;
Assert . IsNull ( ex . InnerException , "#3" ) ;
Assert . IsNotNull ( ex . Message , "#4" ) ;
Assert . IsTrue ( ex . Message . IndexOf ( "\"invalid\"" ) ! = - 1 , "#5" ) ;
Assert . IsNull ( ex . ParamName , "#6" ) ;
public void Attributes ( )
Hashtable h = elem . Attributes ;
h = elem . Attributes ;
h . Add ( "foo" , "bar" ) ;
Assert . IsTrue ( elem . Attributes . Count ! = h . Count , "#1" ) ;
elem . Attributes = h ;
Assert . IsNotNull ( elem . Attribute ( "foo" ) , "#2" ) ;
public void Equal ( )
int iTest = 0 ;
SecurityElement elem2 = CreateElement ( ) ;
iTest + + ;
Assert . IsTrue ( elem . Equal ( elem2 ) , "#1" ) ;
iTest + + ;
SecurityElement child = ( SecurityElement ) elem2 . Children [ 0 ] ;
iTest + + ;
child = ( SecurityElement ) child . Children [ 1 ] ;
iTest + + ;
child . Text = "some text" ;
iTest + + ;
Assert . IsFalse ( elem . Equal ( elem2 ) , "#2" ) ;
public void Escape ( )
Assert . AreEqual ( "foo<>"'& bar" ,
SecurityElement . Escape ( "foo<>\"'& bar" ) , "#1" ) ;
Assert . IsNull ( SecurityElement . Escape ( null ) , "#2" ) ;
public void IsValidAttributeName ( )
Assert . IsFalse ( SecurityElement . IsValidAttributeName ( "x x" ) , "#1" ) ;
Assert . IsFalse ( SecurityElement . IsValidAttributeName ( "x<x" ) , "#2" ) ;
Assert . IsFalse ( SecurityElement . IsValidAttributeName ( "x>x" ) , "#3" ) ;
Assert . IsTrue ( SecurityElement . IsValidAttributeName ( "x\"x" ) , "#4" ) ;
Assert . IsTrue ( SecurityElement . IsValidAttributeName ( "x'x" ) , "#5" ) ;
Assert . IsTrue ( SecurityElement . IsValidAttributeName ( "x&x" ) , "#6" ) ;
Assert . IsFalse ( SecurityElement . IsValidAttributeName ( null ) , "#7" ) ;
Assert . IsTrue ( SecurityElement . IsValidAttributeName ( string . Empty ) , "#8" ) ;
public void IsValidAttributeValue ( )
Assert . IsTrue ( SecurityElement . IsValidAttributeValue ( "x x" ) , "#1" ) ;
Assert . IsFalse ( SecurityElement . IsValidAttributeValue ( "x<x" ) , "#2" ) ;
Assert . IsFalse ( SecurityElement . IsValidAttributeValue ( "x>x" ) , "#3" ) ;
Assert . IsFalse ( SecurityElement . IsValidAttributeValue ( "x\"x" ) , "#4" ) ;
Assert . IsTrue ( SecurityElement . IsValidAttributeValue ( "x'x" ) , "#5" ) ;
Assert . IsTrue ( SecurityElement . IsValidAttributeValue ( "x&x" ) , "#6" ) ;
Assert . IsFalse ( SecurityElement . IsValidAttributeValue ( null ) , "#7" ) ;
Assert . IsTrue ( SecurityElement . IsValidAttributeValue ( string . Empty ) , "#8" ) ;
public void IsValidTag ( )
Assert . IsFalse ( SecurityElement . IsValidTag ( "x x" ) , "#1" ) ;
Assert . IsFalse ( SecurityElement . IsValidTag ( "x<x" ) , "#2" ) ;
Assert . IsFalse ( SecurityElement . IsValidTag ( "x>x" ) , "#3" ) ;
Assert . IsTrue ( SecurityElement . IsValidTag ( "x\"x" ) , "#4" ) ;
Assert . IsTrue ( SecurityElement . IsValidTag ( "x'x" ) , "#5" ) ;
Assert . IsTrue ( SecurityElement . IsValidTag ( "x&x" ) , "#6" ) ;
Assert . IsFalse ( SecurityElement . IsValidTag ( null ) , "#7" ) ;
Assert . IsTrue ( SecurityElement . IsValidTag ( string . Empty ) , "#8" ) ;
public void IsValidText ( )
Assert . IsTrue ( SecurityElement . IsValidText ( "x x" ) , "#1" ) ;
Assert . IsFalse ( SecurityElement . IsValidText ( "x<x" ) , "#2" ) ;
Assert . IsFalse ( SecurityElement . IsValidText ( "x>x" ) , "#3" ) ;
Assert . IsTrue ( SecurityElement . IsValidText ( "x\"x" ) , "#4" ) ;
Assert . IsTrue ( SecurityElement . IsValidText ( "x'x" ) , "#5" ) ;
Assert . IsTrue ( SecurityElement . IsValidText ( "x&x" ) , "#6" ) ;
Assert . IsFalse ( SecurityElement . IsValidText ( null ) , "#7" ) ;
Assert . IsTrue ( SecurityElement . IsValidText ( string . Empty ) , "#8" ) ;
public void SearchForChildByTag_Null ( )
try {
elem . SearchForChildByTag ( null ) ;
Assert . Fail ( "#1" ) ;
} catch ( ArgumentNullException ex ) {
Assert . AreEqual ( typeof ( ArgumentNullException ) , ex . GetType ( ) , "#2" ) ;
Assert . IsNull ( ex . InnerException , "#3" ) ;
Assert . IsNotNull ( ex . Message , "#4" ) ;
Assert . IsNotNull ( ex . ParamName , "#5" ) ;
Assert . AreEqual ( "tag" , ex . ParamName , "#6" ) ;
public void SearchForChildByTag ( )
SecurityElement child = elem . SearchForChildByTag ( "doesnotexist" ) ;
Assert . IsNull ( child , "#1" ) ;
child = elem . SearchForChildByTag ( "ENDPOINT" ) ;
Assert . IsNull ( child , "#2" ) ;
child = ( SecurityElement ) elem . Children [ 0 ] ;
child = child . SearchForChildByTag ( "ENDPOINT" ) ;
Assert . AreEqual ( "All" , child . Attribute ( "transport" ) , "#3" ) ;
public void SearchForTextOfTag_Tag_Null ( )
try {
elem . SearchForTextOfTag ( null ) ;
Assert . Fail ( "#1" ) ;
} catch ( ArgumentNullException ex ) {
Assert . AreEqual ( typeof ( ArgumentNullException ) , ex . GetType ( ) , "#2" ) ;
Assert . IsNull ( ex . InnerException , "#3" ) ;
Assert . IsNotNull ( ex . Message , "#4" ) ;
Assert . IsNotNull ( ex . ParamName , "#5" ) ;
Assert . AreEqual ( "tag" , ex . ParamName , "#6" ) ;
public void SearchForTextOfTag ( )
string s = elem . SearchForTextOfTag ( "ENDPOINT" ) ;
Assert . AreEqual ( "some text" , s ) ;
public void Tag ( )
SecurityElement se = new SecurityElement ( "Values" ) ;
Assert . AreEqual ( "Values" , se . Tag , "#A1" ) ;
Assert . AreEqual ( string . Format ( CultureInfo . InvariantCulture ,
"<Values/>{0}" , Environment . NewLine ) ,
se . ToString ( ) , "#A2" ) ;
se . Tag = "abc:Name" ;
Assert . AreEqual ( "abc:Name" , se . Tag , "#B1" ) ;
Assert . AreEqual ( string . Format ( CultureInfo . InvariantCulture ,
"<abc:Name/>{0}" , Environment . NewLine ) ,
se . ToString ( ) , "#B2" ) ;
se . Tag = "Name&Address" ;
Assert . AreEqual ( "Name&Address" , se . Tag , "#C1" ) ;
Assert . AreEqual ( string . Format ( CultureInfo . InvariantCulture ,
"<Name&Address/>{0}" , Environment . NewLine ) ,
se . ToString ( ) , "#C2" ) ;
se . Tag = string . Empty ;
Assert . AreEqual ( string . Empty , se . Tag , "#D1" ) ;
Assert . AreEqual ( string . Format ( CultureInfo . InvariantCulture ,
"</>{0}" , Environment . NewLine ) ,
se . ToString ( ) , "#D2" ) ;
public void Tag_Invalid ( )
SecurityElement se = new SecurityElement ( "Values" ) ;
try {
se . Tag = "Na<me" ;
Assert . Fail ( "#A1" ) ;
} catch ( ArgumentException ex ) {
// Invalid element tag Nam<e
Assert . AreEqual ( typeof ( ArgumentException ) , ex . GetType ( ) , "#A2" ) ;
Assert . IsNull ( ex . InnerException , "#A3" ) ;
Assert . IsNotNull ( ex . Message , "#A4" ) ;
Assert . IsTrue ( ex . Message . IndexOf ( "Na<me" ) ! = - 1 , "#A5" ) ;
Assert . IsNull ( ex . ParamName , "#A6" ) ;
try {
se . Tag = "Nam>e" ;
Assert . Fail ( "#B1" ) ;
} catch ( ArgumentException ex ) {
// Invalid element tag Nam>e
Assert . AreEqual ( typeof ( ArgumentException ) , ex . GetType ( ) , "#B2" ) ;
Assert . IsNull ( ex . InnerException , "#B3" ) ;
Assert . IsNotNull ( ex . Message , "#B4" ) ;
Assert . IsTrue ( ex . Message . IndexOf ( "Nam>e" ) ! = - 1 , "#B5" ) ;
Assert . IsNull ( ex . ParamName , "#B6" ) ;
public void Tag_Null ( )
try {
elem . Tag = null ;
Assert . Fail ( "#1" ) ;
} catch ( ArgumentNullException ex ) {
Assert . AreEqual ( typeof ( ArgumentNullException ) , ex . GetType ( ) , "#2" ) ;
Assert . IsNull ( ex . InnerException , "#3" ) ;
Assert . IsNotNull ( ex . Message , "#4" ) ;
Assert . IsNotNull ( ex . ParamName , "#5" ) ;
Assert . AreEqual ( "Tag" , ex . ParamName , "#6" ) ;
public void Text ( )
elem . Text = "Miguel&S<> bastien" ;
Assert . AreEqual ( "Miguel&S<> bastien" , elem . Text , "#1" ) ;
elem . Text = null ;
Assert . IsNull ( elem . Text , "#2" ) ;
elem . Text = "S<> bastien\"Miguel" ;
Assert . AreEqual ( "S<> bastien\"Miguel" , elem . Text , "#3" ) ;
elem . Text = string . Empty ;
Assert . AreEqual ( string . Empty , elem . Text , "#4" ) ;
elem . Text = "<sample&practice&unresolved;>" ;
Assert . AreEqual ( "<sample&practice&unresolved;>" , elem . Text , "#5" ) ;
public void Text_Invalid ( )
try {
elem . Text = "Mig<uelS<6C> bastien" ;
Assert . Fail ( "#A1" ) ;
} catch ( ArgumentException ex ) {
// Invalid element tag Mig<uelS<6C> bastien
Assert . AreEqual ( typeof ( ArgumentException ) , ex . GetType ( ) , "#A2" ) ;
Assert . IsNull ( ex . InnerException , "#A3" ) ;
Assert . IsNotNull ( ex . Message , "#A4" ) ;
Assert . IsTrue ( ex . Message . IndexOf ( "Mig<uelS<6C> bastien" ) ! = - 1 , "#A5" ) ;
Assert . IsNull ( ex . ParamName , "#A6" ) ;
try {
elem . Text = "Mig>uelS<6C> bastien" ;
Assert . Fail ( "#B1" ) ;
} catch ( ArgumentException ex ) {
// Invalid element tag Mig>uelS<6C> bastien
Assert . AreEqual ( typeof ( ArgumentException ) , ex . GetType ( ) , "#B2" ) ;
Assert . IsNull ( ex . InnerException , "#B3" ) ;
Assert . IsNotNull ( ex . Message , "#B4" ) ;
Assert . IsTrue ( ex . Message . IndexOf ( "Mig>uelS<6C> bastien" ) ! = - 1 , "#B5" ) ;
Assert . IsNull ( ex . ParamName , "#B6" ) ;
public void MultipleAttributes ( )
SecurityElement se = new SecurityElement ( "Multiple" ) ;
se . AddAttribute ( "Attribute1" , "One" ) ;
se . AddAttribute ( "Attribute2" , "Two" ) ;
2015-04-07 09:35:12 +01:00
2014-08-13 10:39:27 +01:00
string expected = String . Format ( "<Multiple Attribute1=\"One\"{0}Attribute2=\"Two\"/>{0}" , Environment . NewLine ) ;
Assert . AreEqual ( expected , se . ToString ( ) , "ToString()" ) ;
public void Copy ( )
SecurityElement se = SecurityElement . FromString ( "<tag attribute=\"value\"><child attr=\"1\">mono</child><child/></tag>" ) ;
SecurityElement copy = se . Copy ( ) ;
Assert . IsFalse ( Object . ReferenceEquals ( se , copy ) , "se!ReferenceEquals" ) ;
Assert . IsTrue ( Object . ReferenceEquals ( se . Children [ 0 ] , copy . Children [ 0 ] ) , "c1=ReferenceEquals" ) ;
Assert . IsTrue ( Object . ReferenceEquals ( se . Children [ 1 ] , copy . Children [ 1 ] ) , "c2=ReferenceEquals" ) ;
public void FromString_Null ( )
try {
SecurityElement . FromString ( null ) ;
Assert . Fail ( "#1" ) ;
} catch ( ArgumentNullException ex ) {
Assert . AreEqual ( typeof ( ArgumentNullException ) , ex . GetType ( ) , "#2" ) ;
Assert . IsNull ( ex . InnerException , "#3" ) ;
Assert . IsNotNull ( ex . Message , "#4" ) ;
Assert . IsNotNull ( ex . ParamName , "#5" ) ;
Assert . AreEqual ( "xml" , ex . ParamName , "#6" ) ;
[ExpectedException (typeof (XmlSyntaxException))]
public void FromString_Empty ( )
SecurityElement . FromString ( String . Empty ) ;
[ExpectedException (typeof (XmlSyntaxException))]
public void FromString_NonXml ( )
SecurityElement . FromString ( "mono" ) ;
public void FromString ( )
SecurityElement se = SecurityElement . FromString ( "<tag attribute=\"value\"><x:child attr=\"1\">mono</x:child><child/></tag>" ) ;
Assert . AreEqual ( "tag" , se . Tag , "#A1" ) ;
Assert . IsNull ( se . Text , "#A2" ) ;
Assert . AreEqual ( 1 , se . Attributes . Count , "#A3" ) ;
Assert . AreEqual ( "value" , se . Attribute ( "attribute" ) , "#A4" ) ;
Assert . AreEqual ( 2 , se . Children . Count , "#A5" ) ;
SecurityElement child = ( SecurityElement ) se . Children [ 0 ] ;
Assert . AreEqual ( "x:child" , child . Tag , "#B1" ) ;
Assert . AreEqual ( "mono" , child . Text , "#B2" ) ;
Assert . AreEqual ( 1 , child . Attributes . Count , "#B3" ) ;
Assert . AreEqual ( "1" , child . Attribute ( "attr" ) , "#B4" ) ;
child = ( SecurityElement ) se . Children [ 1 ] ;
Assert . AreEqual ( "child" , child . Tag , "#C1" ) ;
Assert . IsNull ( child . Text , "#C2" ) ;
Assert . IsNull ( child . Attributes , "#C3" ) ;
[Category ("NotDotNet")] // MS bug: https://connect.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/feedback/ViewFeedback.aspx?FeedbackID=304583
public void FromString_Quote_Delimiter ( )
const string xml = "<value name='Company'>Novell</value>" ;
SecurityElement se = SecurityElement . FromString ( xml ) ;
Assert . AreEqual ( "Company" , se . Attribute ( "name" ) , "#1" ) ;
Assert . AreEqual ( string . Format ( CultureInfo . InvariantCulture ,
"<value name=\"Company\">Novell</value>{0}" ,
Environment . NewLine ) , se . ToString ( ) , "#2" ) ;
[Category ("NotWorking")] // MS bug: https://connect.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/feedback/ViewFeedback.aspx?FeedbackID=304583
public void FromString_Quote_Delimiter_MS ( )
const string xml = "<value name='Company'>Novell</value>" ;
SecurityElement se = SecurityElement . FromString ( xml ) ;
Assert . AreEqual ( "'Company'" , se . Attribute ( "name" ) , "#1" ) ;
Assert . AreEqual ( string . Format ( CultureInfo . InvariantCulture ,
"<value name=\"'Company'\">Novell</value>{0}" ,
Environment . NewLine ) , se . ToString ( ) , "#2" ) ;
[Test] // bug #333699
public void FromString_EntityReferences ( )
const string xml = @ "
< values >
< value name = "" & quot ; name & quot ; & amp ; & lt ; address & gt ; "" > & lt ; & apos ; Suds & apos ; & amp ; & quot ; Soda & quot ; & gt ; ! < / value >
< / values > ";
SecurityElement se = SecurityElement . FromString ( xml ) ;
Assert . IsNotNull ( se , "#A1" ) ;
Assert . IsNull ( se . Attributes , "#A2" ) ;
Assert . IsNotNull ( se . Children , "#A3" ) ;
Assert . AreEqual ( 1 , se . Children . Count , "#A4" ) ;
Assert . AreEqual ( "values" , se . Tag , "#A5" ) ;
Assert . IsNull ( se . Text , "#A6" ) ;
SecurityElement child = se . Children [ 0 ] as SecurityElement ;
Assert . IsNotNull ( child , "#B1" ) ;
Assert . IsNotNull ( child . Attributes , "#B2" ) ;
Assert . AreEqual ( "\"name\"&<address>" , child . Attribute ( "name" ) , "#B3" ) ;
Assert . AreEqual ( "value" , child . Tag , "#B4" ) ;
Assert . AreEqual ( "<'Suds' & \"Soda\">!" , child . Text , "#B5" ) ;
Assert . IsNull ( child . Children , "#B6" ) ;
[Test] // bug #
[Category ("NotWorking")]
public void FromString_CharacterReferences ( )
const string xml = @ "
< value name = "" name & # 38 ; address "" > Suds & # x26 ; Soda & # 38 ; < / value > ";
SecurityElement se = SecurityElement . FromString ( xml ) ;
Assert . IsNotNull ( se , "#1" ) ;
Assert . IsNotNull ( se . Attributes , "#2" ) ;
Assert . AreEqual ( "name&address" , se . Attribute ( "name" ) , "#3" ) ;
Assert . AreEqual ( "value" , se . Tag , "#4" ) ;
Assert . AreEqual ( "Suds&Soda&" , se . Text , "#5" ) ;
Assert . IsNull ( se . Children , "#6" ) ;
[Test] // bug #333699 (ugh, mostly a dup)
public void TestToString ( )
SecurityElement values = new SecurityElement ( "values" ) ;
SecurityElement infoValue = new SecurityElement ( "value" ) ;
infoValue . AddAttribute ( "name" , "string" ) ;
infoValue . Text = SecurityElement . Escape ( "<'Suds' & \"Soda\">!" ) ;
values . AddChild ( infoValue ) ;
Assert . AreEqual ( "<value name=\"string\"><'Suds' & "Soda">!</value>" + Environment . NewLine , infoValue . ToString ( ) , "#1" ) ;
Assert . AreEqual ( "<'Suds' & \"Soda\">!" , infoValue . Text , "#2" ) ;
Assert . IsNull ( values . Text , "#3" ) ;
Assert . AreEqual ( String . Format ( "<values>{0}<value name=\"string\"><'Suds' & "Soda">!</value>{0}</values>{0}" , Environment . NewLine ) , values . ToString ( ) , "#4" ) ;
SecurityElement sec = SecurityElement . FromString ( values . ToString ( ) ) ;
Assert . AreEqual ( 1 , sec . Children . Count , "#5" ) ;
Assert . AreEqual ( "<'Suds' & \"Soda\">!" , ( ( SecurityElement ) sec . Children [ 0 ] ) . Text , "#6" ) ;