2015-04-07 09:35:12 +01:00
// <copyright file="SqlInternalConnection.cs" company="Microsoft">
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// </copyright>
// <owner current="true" primary="true">[....]</owner>
// <owner current="true" primary="false">[....]</owner>
namespace System.Data.SqlClient
using System ;
using System.Collections.Generic ;
using System.Data ;
using System.Data.Common ;
using System.Data.ProviderBase ;
using System.Diagnostics ;
using System.Globalization ;
using System.Reflection ;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices ;
using System.Runtime.ConstrainedExecution ;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices ;
using System.Security ;
using System.Security.Permissions ;
using System.Text ;
using System.Threading ;
using SysTx = System . Transactions ;
abstract internal class SqlInternalConnection : DbConnectionInternal {
private readonly SqlConnectionString _connectionOptions ;
private bool _isEnlistedInTransaction ; // is the server-side connection enlisted? true while we're enlisted, reset only after we send a null...
private byte [ ] _promotedDTCToken ; // token returned by the server when we promote transaction
private byte [ ] _whereAbouts ; // cache the whereabouts (DTC Address) for exporting
2016-02-22 11:00:01 -05:00
private bool _isGlobalTransaction = false ; // Whether this is a Global Transaction (Non-MSDTC, Azure SQL DB Transaction)
private bool _isGlobalTransactionEnabledForServer = false ; // Whether Global Transactions are enabled for this Azure SQL DB Server
private static readonly Guid _globalTransactionTMID = new Guid ( "1c742caf-6680-40ea-9c26-6b6846079764" ) ; // ID of the Non-MSDTC, Azure SQL DB Transaction Manager
2015-04-07 09:35:12 +01:00
// if connection is not open: null
// if connection is open: currently active database
internal string CurrentDatabase { get ; set ; }
// if connection is not open yet, CurrentDataSource is null
// if connection is open:
// * for regular connections, it is set to Data Source value from connection string
// * for connections with FailoverPartner, it is set to the FailoverPartner value from connection string if the connection was opened to it.
internal string CurrentDataSource { get ; set ; }
// the delegated (or promoted) transaction we're responsible for.
internal SqlDelegatedTransaction DelegatedTransaction { get ; set ; }
internal enum TransactionRequest {
Begin ,
Promote ,
Commit ,
Rollback ,
IfRollback ,
} ;
internal SqlInternalConnection ( SqlConnectionString connectionOptions ) : base ( ) {
Debug . Assert ( null ! = connectionOptions , "null connectionOptions?" ) ;
_connectionOptions = connectionOptions ;
internal SqlConnection Connection {
get {
return ( SqlConnection ) Owner ;
internal SqlConnectionString ConnectionOptions {
get {
return _connectionOptions ;
abstract internal SqlInternalTransaction CurrentTransaction {
get ;
// SQLBU 415870
// Get the internal transaction that should be hooked to a new outer transaction
// during a BeginTransaction API call. In some cases (i.e. connection is going to
// be reset), CurrentTransaction should not be hooked up this way.
virtual internal SqlInternalTransaction AvailableInternalTransaction {
get {
return CurrentTransaction ;
abstract internal SqlInternalTransaction PendingTransaction {
get ;
override protected internal bool IsNonPoolableTransactionRoot {
get {
return IsTransactionRoot ; // default behavior is that root transactions are NOT poolable. Subclasses may override.
override internal bool IsTransactionRoot {
get {
var delegatedTransaction = DelegatedTransaction ;
return ( ( null ! = delegatedTransaction ) & & ( delegatedTransaction . IsActive ) ) ;
internal bool HasLocalTransaction {
get {
SqlInternalTransaction currentTransaction = CurrentTransaction ;
bool result = ( null ! = currentTransaction & & currentTransaction . IsLocal ) ;
return result ;
internal bool HasLocalTransactionFromAPI {
get {
SqlInternalTransaction currentTransaction = CurrentTransaction ;
bool result = ( null ! = currentTransaction & & currentTransaction . HasParentTransaction ) ;
return result ;
internal bool IsEnlistedInTransaction {
get {
return _isEnlistedInTransaction ;
abstract internal bool IsLockedForBulkCopy {
get ;
abstract internal bool IsShiloh {
get ;
abstract internal bool IsYukonOrNewer {
get ;
abstract internal bool IsKatmaiOrNewer {
get ;
internal byte [ ] PromotedDTCToken {
get {
return _promotedDTCToken ;
set {
_promotedDTCToken = value ;
2016-02-22 11:00:01 -05:00
internal bool IsGlobalTransaction {
get {
return _isGlobalTransaction ;
set {
_isGlobalTransaction = value ;
internal bool IsGlobalTransactionsEnabledForServer {
get {
return _isGlobalTransactionEnabledForServer ;
set {
_isGlobalTransactionEnabledForServer = value ;
2015-04-07 09:35:12 +01:00
override public DbTransaction BeginTransaction ( IsolationLevel iso ) {
return BeginSqlTransaction ( iso , null , false ) ;
virtual internal SqlTransaction BeginSqlTransaction ( IsolationLevel iso , string transactionName , bool shouldReconnect ) {
SqlStatistics statistics = null ;
TdsParser bestEffortCleanupTarget = null ;
RuntimeHelpers . PrepareConstrainedRegions ( ) ;
try {
TdsParser . ReliabilitySection tdsReliabilitySection = new TdsParser . ReliabilitySection ( ) ;
RuntimeHelpers . PrepareConstrainedRegions ( ) ;
try {
tdsReliabilitySection . Start ( ) ;
#endif //DEBUG
bestEffortCleanupTarget = SqlInternalConnection . GetBestEffortCleanupTarget ( Connection ) ;
statistics = SqlStatistics . StartTimer ( Connection . Statistics ) ;
SqlConnection . ExecutePermission . Demand ( ) ; // MDAC 81476
ValidateConnectionForExecute ( null ) ;
if ( HasLocalTransactionFromAPI )
throw ADP . ParallelTransactionsNotSupported ( Connection ) ;
if ( iso = = IsolationLevel . Unspecified ) {
iso = IsolationLevel . ReadCommitted ; // Default to ReadCommitted if unspecified.
SqlTransaction transaction = new SqlTransaction ( this , Connection , iso , AvailableInternalTransaction ) ;
transaction . InternalTransaction . RestoreBrokenConnection = shouldReconnect ;
ExecuteTransaction ( TransactionRequest . Begin , transactionName , iso , transaction . InternalTransaction , false ) ;
transaction . InternalTransaction . RestoreBrokenConnection = false ;
return transaction ;
finally {
tdsReliabilitySection . Stop ( ) ;
#endif //DEBUG
catch ( System . OutOfMemoryException e ) {
Connection . Abort ( e ) ;
throw ;
catch ( System . StackOverflowException e ) {
Connection . Abort ( e ) ;
throw ;
catch ( System . Threading . ThreadAbortException e ) {
Connection . Abort ( e ) ;
SqlInternalConnection . BestEffortCleanup ( bestEffortCleanupTarget ) ;
throw ;
finally {
SqlStatistics . StopTimer ( statistics ) ;
override public void ChangeDatabase ( string database ) {
SqlConnection . ExecutePermission . Demand ( ) ; // MDAC 80961
if ( ADP . IsEmpty ( database ) ) {
throw ADP . EmptyDatabaseName ( ) ;
ValidateConnectionForExecute ( null ) ; //
ChangeDatabaseInternal ( database ) ; // do the real work...
abstract protected void ChangeDatabaseInternal ( string database ) ;
override protected void CleanupTransactionOnCompletion ( SysTx . Transaction transaction ) {
// Note: unlocked, potentially multi-threaded code, so pull delegate to local to
// ensure it doesn't change between test and call.
SqlDelegatedTransaction delegatedTransaction = DelegatedTransaction ;
if ( null ! = delegatedTransaction ) {
delegatedTransaction . TransactionEnded ( transaction ) ;
override protected DbReferenceCollection CreateReferenceCollection ( ) {
return new SqlReferenceCollection ( ) ;
override protected void Deactivate ( ) {
if ( Bid . AdvancedOn ) {
Bid . Trace ( "<sc.SqlInternalConnection.Deactivate|ADV> %d# deactivating\n" , base . ObjectID ) ;
TdsParser bestEffortCleanupTarget = null ;
RuntimeHelpers . PrepareConstrainedRegions ( ) ;
try {
TdsParser . ReliabilitySection tdsReliabilitySection = new TdsParser . ReliabilitySection ( ) ;
RuntimeHelpers . PrepareConstrainedRegions ( ) ;
try {
tdsReliabilitySection . Start ( ) ;
#endif //DEBUG
bestEffortCleanupTarget = SqlInternalConnection . GetBestEffortCleanupTarget ( Connection ) ;
SqlReferenceCollection referenceCollection = ( SqlReferenceCollection ) ReferenceCollection ;
if ( null ! = referenceCollection ) {
referenceCollection . Deactivate ( ) ;
// Invoke subclass-specific deactivation logic
InternalDeactivate ( ) ;
finally {
tdsReliabilitySection . Stop ( ) ;
#endif //DEBUG
catch ( System . OutOfMemoryException ) {
DoomThisConnection ( ) ;
throw ;
catch ( System . StackOverflowException ) {
DoomThisConnection ( ) ;
throw ;
catch ( System . Threading . ThreadAbortException ) {
DoomThisConnection ( ) ;
SqlInternalConnection . BestEffortCleanup ( bestEffortCleanupTarget ) ;
throw ;
catch ( Exception e ) {
if ( ! ADP . IsCatchableExceptionType ( e ) ) {
throw ;
// if an exception occurred, the inner connection will be
// marked as unusable and destroyed upon returning to the
// pool
DoomThisConnection ( ) ;
ADP . TraceExceptionWithoutRethrow ( e ) ;
abstract internal void DisconnectTransaction ( SqlInternalTransaction internalTransaction ) ;
override public void Dispose ( ) {
_whereAbouts = null ;
base . Dispose ( ) ;
protected void Enlist ( SysTx . Transaction tx ) {
// This method should not be called while the connection has a
// reference to an active delegated transaction.
// Manual enlistment via SqlConnection.EnlistTransaction
// should catch this case and throw an exception.
// Automatic enlistment isn't possible because
// Sys.Tx keeps the connection alive until the transaction is completed.
Debug . Assert ( ! IsNonPoolableTransactionRoot , "cannot defect an active delegated transaction!" ) ; // potential race condition, but it's an assert
if ( null = = tx ) {
if ( IsEnlistedInTransaction )
EnlistNull ( ) ;
// When IsEnlistedInTransaction is false, it means we are in one of two states:
// 1. EnlistTransaction is null, so the connection is truly not enlisted in a transaction, or
// 2. Connection is enlisted in a SqlDelegatedTransaction.
// For #2, we have to consider whether or not the delegated transaction is active.
// If it is not active, we allow the enlistment in the NULL transaction.
// If it is active, technically this is an error.
// However, no exception is thrown as this was the precedent (and this case is silently ignored, no error, but no enlistment either).
// There are two mitigations for this:
// 1. SqlConnection.EnlistTransaction checks that the enlisted transaction has completed before allowing a different enlistment.
// 2. For debug builds, the assert at the beginning of this method checks for an enlistment in an active delegated transaction.
SysTx . Transaction enlistedTransaction = EnlistedTransaction ;
if ( enlistedTransaction ! = null & & enlistedTransaction . TransactionInformation . Status ! = SysTx . TransactionStatus . Active )
EnlistNull ( ) ;
// Only enlist if it's different...
else if ( ! tx . Equals ( EnlistedTransaction ) ) { // WebData 20000024 - Must use Equals, not !=
EnlistNonNull ( tx ) ;
private void EnlistNonNull ( SysTx . Transaction tx ) {
Debug . Assert ( null ! = tx , "null transaction?" ) ;
if ( Bid . AdvancedOn ) {
Bid . Trace ( "<sc.SqlInternalConnection.EnlistNonNull|ADV> %d#, transaction %d#.\n" , base . ObjectID , tx . GetHashCode ( ) ) ;
bool hasDelegatedTransaction = false ;
if ( IsYukonOrNewer ) {
if ( Bid . AdvancedOn ) {
Bid . Trace ( "<sc.SqlInternalConnection.EnlistNonNull|ADV> %d#, attempting to delegate\n" , base . ObjectID ) ;
// Promotable transactions are only supported on Yukon
// servers or newer.
SqlDelegatedTransaction delegatedTransaction = new SqlDelegatedTransaction ( this , tx ) ;
try {
// NOTE: System.Transactions claims to resolve all
// potential race conditions between multiple delegate
// requests of the same transaction to different
// connections in their code, such that only one
// attempt to delegate will succeed.
// NOTE: PromotableSinglePhaseEnlist will eventually
// make a round trip to the server; doing this inside
// a lock is not the best choice. We presume that you
// aren't trying to enlist concurrently on two threads
// and leave it at that -- We don't claim any thread
// safety with regard to multiple concurrent requests
// to enlist the same connection in different
// transactions, which is good, because we don't have
// it anyway.
// PromotableSinglePhaseEnlist may not actually promote
// the transaction when it is already delegated (this is
// the way they resolve the race condition when two
// threads attempt to delegate the same Lightweight
// Transaction) In that case, we can safely ignore
// our delegated transaction, and proceed to enlist
// in the promoted one.
2016-02-22 11:00:01 -05:00
// NOTE: Global Transactions is an Azure SQL DB only
// feature where the Transaction Manager (TM) is not
// MS-DTC. Sys.Tx added APIs to support Non MS-DTC
// promoter types/TM in .NET 4.6.1. Following directions
// from .NETFX shiproom, to avoid a "hard-dependency"
// (compile time) on Sys.Tx, we use reflection to invoke
// the new APIs. Further, the _isGlobalTransaction flag
// indicates that this is an Azure SQL DB Transaction
// that could be promoted to a Global Transaction (it's
// always false for on-prem Sql Server). The Promote()
// call in SqlDelegatedTransaction makes sure that the
// right Sys.Tx.dll is loaded and that Global Transactions
// are actually allowed for this Azure SQL DB.
if ( _isGlobalTransaction ) {
if ( SysTxForGlobalTransactions . EnlistPromotableSinglePhase = = null ) {
// This could be a local Azure SQL DB transaction.
hasDelegatedTransaction = tx . EnlistPromotableSinglePhase ( delegatedTransaction ) ;
else {
hasDelegatedTransaction = ( bool ) SysTxForGlobalTransactions . EnlistPromotableSinglePhase . Invoke ( tx , new object [ ] { delegatedTransaction , _globalTransactionTMID } ) ;
else {
// This is an MS-DTC distributed transaction
hasDelegatedTransaction = tx . EnlistPromotableSinglePhase ( delegatedTransaction ) ;
if ( hasDelegatedTransaction ) {
2015-04-07 09:35:12 +01:00
this . DelegatedTransaction = delegatedTransaction ;
if ( Bid . AdvancedOn ) {
long transactionId = SqlInternalTransaction . NullTransactionId ;
int transactionObjectID = 0 ;
if ( null ! = CurrentTransaction ) {
transactionId = CurrentTransaction . TransactionId ;
transactionObjectID = CurrentTransaction . ObjectID ;
Bid . Trace ( "<sc.SqlInternalConnection.EnlistNonNull|ADV> %d#, delegated to transaction %d# with transactionId=0x%I64x\n" , base . ObjectID , transactionObjectID , transactionId ) ;
catch ( SqlException e ) {
// we do not want to eat the error if it is a fatal one
if ( e . Class > = TdsEnums . FATAL_ERROR_CLASS ) {
throw ;
// if the parser is null or its state is not openloggedin, the connection is no longer good.
SqlInternalConnectionTds tdsConnection = this as SqlInternalConnectionTds ;
if ( tdsConnection ! = null )
TdsParser parser = tdsConnection . Parser ;
if ( parser = = null | | parser . State ! = TdsParserState . OpenLoggedIn )
throw ;
ADP . TraceExceptionWithoutRethrow ( e ) ;
// In this case, SqlDelegatedTransaction.Initialize
// failed and we don't necessarily want to reject
// things -- there may have been a legitimate reason
// for the failure.
if ( ! hasDelegatedTransaction ) {
if ( Bid . AdvancedOn ) {
Bid . Trace ( "<sc.SqlInternalConnection.EnlistNonNull|ADV> %d#, delegation not possible, enlisting.\n" , base . ObjectID ) ;
byte [ ] cookie = null ;
2016-02-22 11:00:01 -05:00
if ( _isGlobalTransaction ) {
if ( SysTxForGlobalTransactions . GetPromotedToken = = null ) {
throw SQL . UnsupportedSysTxForGlobalTransactions ( ) ;
cookie = ( byte [ ] ) SysTxForGlobalTransactions . GetPromotedToken . Invoke ( tx , null ) ;
else {
if ( null = = _whereAbouts ) {
byte [ ] dtcAddress = GetDTCAddress ( ) ;
if ( null = = dtcAddress ) {
throw SQL . CannotGetDTCAddress ( ) ;
_whereAbouts = dtcAddress ;
2015-04-07 09:35:12 +01:00
2016-02-22 11:00:01 -05:00
cookie = GetTransactionCookie ( tx , _whereAbouts ) ;
2015-04-07 09:35:12 +01:00
// send cookie to server to finish enlistment
PropagateTransactionCookie ( cookie ) ;
_isEnlistedInTransaction = true ;
if ( Bid . AdvancedOn ) {
long transactionId = SqlInternalTransaction . NullTransactionId ;
int transactionObjectID = 0 ;
if ( null ! = CurrentTransaction ) {
transactionId = CurrentTransaction . TransactionId ;
transactionObjectID = CurrentTransaction . ObjectID ;
Bid . Trace ( "<sc.SqlInternalConnection.EnlistNonNull|ADV> %d#, enlisted with transaction %d# with transactionId=0x%I64x\n" , base . ObjectID , transactionObjectID , transactionId ) ;
EnlistedTransaction = tx ; // Tell the base class about our enlistment
// If we're on a Yukon or newer server, and we we delegate the
// transaction successfully, we will have done a begin transaction,
// which produces a transaction id that we should execute all requests
// on. The TdsParser or SmiEventSink will store this information as
// the current transaction.
// Likewise, propagating a transaction to a Yukon or newer server will
// produce a transaction id that The TdsParser or SmiEventSink will
// store as the current transaction.
// In either case, when we're working with a Yukon or newer server
// we better have a current transaction by now.
Debug . Assert ( ! IsYukonOrNewer | | null ! = CurrentTransaction , "delegated/enlisted transaction with null current transaction?" ) ;
internal void EnlistNull ( ) {
if ( Bid . AdvancedOn ) {
Bid . Trace ( "<sc.SqlInternalConnection.EnlistNull|ADV> %d#, unenlisting.\n" , base . ObjectID ) ;
// We were in a transaction, but now we are not - so send
// message to server with empty transaction - confirmed proper
// behavior from Sameet Agarwal
// The connection pooler maintains separate pools for enlisted
// transactions, and only when that transaction is committed or
// rolled back will those connections be taken from that
// separate pool and returned to the general pool of connections
// that are not affiliated with any transactions. When this
// occurs, we will have a new transaction of null and we are
// required to send an empty transaction payload to the server.
PropagateTransactionCookie ( null ) ;
_isEnlistedInTransaction = false ;
EnlistedTransaction = null ; // Tell the base class about our enlistment
if ( Bid . AdvancedOn ) {
Bid . Trace ( "<sc.SqlInternalConnection.EnlistNull|ADV> %d#, unenlisted.\n" , base . ObjectID ) ;
// The EnlistTransaction above will return an TransactionEnded event,
// which causes the TdsParser or SmiEventSink should to clear the
// current transaction.
// In either case, when we're working with a Yukon or newer server
// we better not have a current transaction at this point.
Debug . Assert ( ! IsYukonOrNewer | | null = = CurrentTransaction , "unenlisted transaction with non-null current transaction?" ) ; // verify it!
override public void EnlistTransaction ( SysTx . Transaction transaction ) {
SqlConnection . VerifyExecutePermission ( ) ;
ValidateConnectionForExecute ( null ) ;
// If a connection has a local transaction outstanding and you try
// to enlist in a DTC transaction, SQL Server will rollback the
// local transaction and then do the enlist (7.0 and 2000). So, if
// the user tries to do this, throw.
if ( HasLocalTransaction ) {
throw ADP . LocalTransactionPresent ( ) ;
if ( null ! = transaction & & transaction . Equals ( EnlistedTransaction ) ) {
// No-op if this is the current transaction
return ;
// If a connection is already enlisted in a DTC transaction and you
// try to enlist in another one, in 7.0 the existing DTC transaction
// would roll back and then the connection would enlist in the new
// one. In SQL 2000 & Yukon, when you enlist in a DTC transaction
// while the connection is already enlisted in a DTC transaction,
// the connection simply switches enlistments. Regardless, simply
// enlist in the user specified distributed transaction. This
// behavior matches OLEDB and ODBC.
TdsParser bestEffortCleanupTarget = null ;
RuntimeHelpers . PrepareConstrainedRegions ( ) ;
try {
TdsParser . ReliabilitySection tdsReliabilitySection = new TdsParser . ReliabilitySection ( ) ;
RuntimeHelpers . PrepareConstrainedRegions ( ) ;
try {
tdsReliabilitySection . Start ( ) ;
#endif //DEBUG
bestEffortCleanupTarget = SqlInternalConnection . GetBestEffortCleanupTarget ( Connection ) ;
Enlist ( transaction ) ;
finally {
tdsReliabilitySection . Stop ( ) ;
#endif //DEBUG
catch ( System . OutOfMemoryException e ) {
Connection . Abort ( e ) ;
throw ;
catch ( System . StackOverflowException e ) {
Connection . Abort ( e ) ;
throw ;
catch ( System . Threading . ThreadAbortException e ) {
Connection . Abort ( e ) ;
SqlInternalConnection . BestEffortCleanup ( bestEffortCleanupTarget ) ;
throw ;
abstract internal void ExecuteTransaction ( TransactionRequest transactionRequest , string name , IsolationLevel iso , SqlInternalTransaction internalTransaction , bool isDelegateControlRequest ) ;
internal SqlDataReader FindLiveReader ( SqlCommand command ) {
SqlDataReader reader = null ;
SqlReferenceCollection referenceCollection = ( SqlReferenceCollection ) ReferenceCollection ;
if ( null ! = referenceCollection ) {
reader = referenceCollection . FindLiveReader ( command ) ;
return reader ;
internal SqlCommand FindLiveCommand ( TdsParserStateObject stateObj ) {
SqlCommand command = null ;
SqlReferenceCollection referenceCollection = ( SqlReferenceCollection ) ReferenceCollection ;
if ( null ! = referenceCollection ) {
command = referenceCollection . FindLiveCommand ( stateObj ) ;
return command ;
static internal TdsParser GetBestEffortCleanupTarget ( SqlConnection connection ) {
if ( null ! = connection ) {
SqlInternalConnectionTds innerConnection = ( connection . InnerConnection as SqlInternalConnectionTds ) ;
if ( null ! = innerConnection ) {
return innerConnection . Parser ;
return null ;
[ReliabilityContract(Consistency.WillNotCorruptState, Cer.Success)]
static internal void BestEffortCleanup ( TdsParser target ) {
if ( null ! = target ) {
target . BestEffortCleanup ( ) ;
abstract protected byte [ ] GetDTCAddress ( ) ;
static private byte [ ] GetTransactionCookie ( SysTx . Transaction transaction , byte [ ] whereAbouts ) {
byte [ ] transactionCookie = null ;
if ( null ! = transaction ) {
transactionCookie = SysTx . TransactionInterop . GetExportCookie ( transaction , whereAbouts ) ;
return transactionCookie ;
virtual protected void InternalDeactivate ( ) {
// If wrapCloseInAction is defined, then the action it defines will be run with the connection close action passed in as a parameter
// The close action also supports being run asynchronously
internal void OnError ( SqlException exception , bool breakConnection , Action < Action > wrapCloseInAction = null ) {
if ( breakConnection ) {
DoomThisConnection ( ) ;
var connection = Connection ;
if ( null ! = connection ) {
connection . OnError ( exception , breakConnection , wrapCloseInAction ) ;
else if ( exception . Class > = TdsEnums . MIN_ERROR_CLASS ) {
// It is an error, and should be thrown. Class of TdsEnums.MIN_ERROR_CLASS
// or above is an error, below TdsEnums.MIN_ERROR_CLASS denotes an info message.
throw exception ;
abstract protected void PropagateTransactionCookie ( byte [ ] transactionCookie ) ;
abstract internal void ValidateConnectionForExecute ( SqlCommand command ) ;